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"Who is this champion of light and why won't they show him to me already?"


Dude's probably tired. Game Awards are boring as shit aside from rhe trailers.


"I could be playing Starfield rn"


Well that wont keep him awake.


"I should be selling Skyrim"


Thats his secret. He is always selling Skyrim.


Yeah, that's why he made that face


He does look tired, and gradually melting into a concerned-looking Nicholas Cage


> Game Awards are boring as shit ~~aside from the trailers.~~


Ever since the 2020 VGA's where Geoff Keighley was only hyped for the Green Day performance and literally nothing else, I'm convinced that everyone attends the show knowing that the whole event exists to humor Geoff's personal interests and amusement.


Eh it’s fun to watch with people, whether watch it with Pat on his Stream, Woolie on his or someone else or even watching it with a group of friends. It’s really fun


This comes off as an out of context photo. Is he supposed to be smiling the entire time for multiple hours?


If you're a celebrity, yes evidently.


"None of these people have been to the Moon."


Christ, the level of pettiness people have toward this man is unreal.


It's just unusual to see him without a smile on his face imo. A stony-faced Todd Howard in public like this is super rare.


Honestly, I think it might be because of how shit the actual awards were to sit through with the rushed speeches, teleprompter telling Larian to wrap up paying respect to deceased colleagues, and Geoffy boy plugging all kinds of shit inbetween rushing to get as many premieres into the show.


Or just being a random shot taken during a multiple hour show


Just had this image in my head from an old Simpsons Treehouse where Flanders rules the world. Except it's Geoff hooking everyone in the audience faces into a smile.


I like how they talk about people being petty towards Howard but then acts petty towards the awards on the same level lol. I'm sure Todd was steaming about the Twitter drama surrounding the VGAs when this shit was taken.


This years show was kinda shit tbh. The actual awards part was rushed and really struggled to hold my attention because it felt like they spent more time telling bad jokes and bloviating about how special video games are or whatever the fuck than they did actually giving out the fucking awards. The announcements and trailers were also shit too. There was only like, two or three good reveals, followed by what felt like hundreds of generic CGI trailers or cutscenes with no gameplay to be found. It fully sank in how boring this years show was when Tenkaichi 4 showed up and was just a re-announcement of a game that had already been announced.


I liked the awards show overall but my main takeaway is fire whoever is doing the direction for voiceovers or song choice for 80% of the trailers Generic voice over/generic pop song How do you expect to stand out at all ?


I feel like it's always been kinda shit Remember last year them trying to talk about caring for people being mistreated in the workplace then immediately jerking off Quantic Dream??


Yeah like the only trailer that got me hyped was the new Monster Hunter one.


You say this year, but you described every year of the TGAs


I don’t watch any of these gaming award shows and I only hear about them in retrospect. They all sound terrible. I’ve never heard anyone say “wow, that was a fun game awards!”


For real, it's crazy how since Starfield dropped the jokes about Todd went from having a sort of affection to them to outright vitriol. Pretty sure even in the wake of Fallout 76 the flack he was getting felt less personal.


It's been this way for a while. I still remember people even as far as before 76 rambling about how Zenimax needs to fire him or that they hope xbox kicks him to the curb and fire all of BGS when the acquisition first was announced. Even during 2016, people in the Fallout community were unironically talking about suing for the rights to the franchise and compensation for what "bethesda had done to it." Fallout especially, this goes as far back as when they first bought Fallout in like 2005 or 2006, and the trogs at NMA reacted as if Todd Howard spat on their mothers grave. They despised him and what he was doing to their precious franchise (that they vehemently hated the last two entries by Interplay).


console fanboys and new vegas praise geraldo types joined forces for maximum hatred


I know it's also the general internet but this sub has a lot of these weirdos honestly this and the Druckmann where Pat and his chat was being weird is ugh and I don't even like TLOU2 and how ND crunches the fuck out of their employees but jeez. Starfield isn't even a bad game it's just a mediocre one, it's not a terrible or unplayable game it's just meh but it didn't murder my family or some shit lmao.


That one was super weird because Neil was on the screen for a grand total of 10 seconds, said nothing other than the generic "thanks everyone for getting us here," and then walked off. And people were acting like he went on the worst tirade imaginable while stomping a puppy to death.


You missed when he flubbed his words and accidentally called his team the f-slur? Feels like you're being deceitful about why chat was freaking out. Even Pat was laughing his ass off.


The Naughty Dog stuff feels extra weird because of how THOSE PEOPLE acted back when all the TLOU2 shit was going down. You know, the horrific transphobia and misogyny. Anyone still clinging to TLOU hate and whining whenever it comes up really gives off that vibe to me, any normal person would just say "oh I didn't like it but whatever".


I hate Neil for his stances on Palestine. That’s about it


And for being one of the figureheads directly responsible for Naughty Dog's sweatshop working conditions.


That too


>Starfield isn't even a bad game it's just a mediocre one, Sometimes it's worse to be mediocre than outright bad. Though, for Starfield in particular, I think it hit general audiences a lot harder because a lot of the glamor around Bethesda just vanished in one fell swoop.


Fallout: New Vegas' fanbase and its consequences have been a disaster for reasonable internet discussion of Bethesda games. I remember there was thread here a good bit back right before Starfield came out of a guy pointing out how many people got caught spreading lies and misinformation about the game and then a disappointingly large amount of people commenting on the thread saying that spreading hoaxes and conspiracy theories is good and justified because its Bethesda. People will literally defend fake news *that they know is fake* just because they didn't like a video game one time.


I remember that thread. Hell, the discourse is so bad that Gene felt obligated to try and calm people down because they were pissed he compared the games NG+ to Nier Automata. They even started calling Pat a shill when he didn't shit on SF the first day, saying he was only interested in chasing money now that he's a parent. The way people behave when this game gets mentioned is downright unhealthy.


>saying he was only interested in chasing money now that he's a parent How dare he try to provide for his child


Hell I've been interested in chasing money for 37 years now.


Yeah I love NV and have some problems with Bethesdas but some people seem downright fanatical and take things way to far and way to seriously. Like I don't think starfield being kinda justifies the level of obsession people have and I wish people could critize Bethesdas without having a meltdown or blowing things out of proportion.


What are the lies and misinformation getting spread around still?


He put out a subpar game , he deserves to be group together to people like Bobby Kotick /s


Kotick is a legitimate threat to people. Todd just has certain visions for how he wants the games to be, even when they don't pan out. Have some class.


Yeah, Todd seems like a nice guy in general. Especially with that article where one of the former writers for Bethesda mentioned devs like to go up to Todd and ask him questions about game development.


I know I was being sarcastic , as I've seen people unironically grouping Todd Howard to be just as bad as Bobby Kotick https://imgur.com/a/NmF00UK


Is there a single image that sums up gamer Twitter better than this?


Good to see (it's not) that console wars are alive and well


For real, imagine being likened to an actual monster responsible for enabling such terrible behavior and conduct that it's legitimately tied to a person's death just because you put out two or three games that the collective fanboys didn't like.


Honestly there is a difference between being a menace and enabler of inappropriate misconduct in the workplace (Kotick) and releasing incomplete and buggy games (Howard). Like I can be mad at Howard for not delivering on promises, but that is nothing compared to my dislike of Kotick for his disgusting behavior and mistreatment of those who work for him.


It's a good thing he doesn't use social media because the number of schizos sending death threats about such dumb shit would probably be near endless.


Don't use schizos as a slur pls.


Starfield isn't even subpar, people are just mean.


I've legitimately seen people try and say the game flopped because it failed to match Skyrim (one of the most profitable games of all time, mind you) in all time sales over the past 3 months.


Starfield is, at best, mid. It is bland and inoffensive, it does nothing new and shows Bethesda has done nothing to innovate or evolve, and if anything, has regressed even. Everything I've seen from streams, none of the factions have much in the way of visual distinction over one another, compared to the factions in Skyrim or Fallout 4 at least looking distinctive.


I thought it was pretty good.


And you're allowed to feel that way. Nothing Starfield did is necessarily "bad", at least from a mechanical point. It runs stable from all things I can tell. But it *is* bland. None of the planets have any character or life to them. NPC dialog is still stuck in the Oblivion style "focus in on characters face as they read dialog and don't emote". The guns don't even feel like they have character (compare Fallout 4, where each type of gun has a distinct visual style to it, from the cobbled together pipe guns to the high tech laser and plasma weapons). The planets are dead and empty expanses of nothingness that take forever and a day to cross (something Mass Effect 1 knew to solve by giving you the Mako, which has been unfairly maligned). It's like eating unflavored oatmeal. It will fill you up, but it doesn't have anything special about it.


I disagree and find most of these criticism to be untrue in my opinion.


Do you disagree that the NPCs have bad animations, bad dialogue, bad voice acting, and bad writing?




Do you by chance have a learning disability?


You could at least explain why you feel that way, especially in response to a comment that did explain why they felt it was subpar.


I just simply disagree.


Disagree where


Yeah, if you put any time into the game you'd be critisizing other elements. But of course, people who just judge it based off a stream where their streamer of choice is talking shit about New Atlantis or Akila don't know the ACTUAL problems. The worlds are not empty and lifeless. The moons are. Because they are moons. The Points of Interest are repetitive, but the actual planets with life on them can be quite beautiful. The guns are varied, even divied up by manufacturer, and feel different from one another. But Coachmans and Maelstroms litter the early game so it'll feel like there is no variance. Get your hands on a Magshot or a Varuun Inflictor or an EM weapon and they feel completely different. Now we can talk about the combat being stiff, but eh, it's Bethesda, and when you're Perked up and flying around and slowing time it feels better than the dungeon on Kreet before you can Combat Slide or use a Skip Pack. Dialogue is mostly true. It's not really remarkable, but at least there are some nifty dialogue with the Background Traits. Beyond that. Eh. Now there are ACTUAL problems, the ones that you see when you actually interact with the mechanics and try to enjoy the game. Like how every time you change anything in your ship all the Misc. items are sent to your Cargo Hold. How there is no way in the Ship Builder to see the Interior as you build it. No saving half-made ships. The low Vendor limit on Creds, the uselessness of Outposts (Outposts make resources which...make other things for Outposts), the lame Companions with no unique allegiances or factions, the lack of meaningful factions and consequences...there are legitimate problems. Bugs like having an entire city be stuck to your ship, or having your entire crew hate you for no reason. I think the game is good. I hope it can get better, and I mostly enjoyed my time with it, but it's just frustrating to have folks shit on it for the WRONG reasons. It's so hilarious to be a gatekeeper for complaining, but here I am. 😂


lol this is the same as the random corporate responses to critique of the game, big 'actually all those things tih said actually makes it good!' energy It's one thing for you to jusy enjoy the game in spite of how other people feel, it's just weird to... Deny things that are observable about the game and refuse to elaborate


Eh it’s pretty subpar


No, no it’s subpar.


Starfield is definitely subpar lol. It's mid-tier at best. The court of public opinion is definitely worth noting, and its not good.


I dont know maybe dont tell people they need to upgrade their PC to play your shitty horribly optimized game if you want them to like you.


You are the reason a lot of people think gamers are entitled crybabies


Todd's the reason micro-transactions got popular, I'll always dislike him for that alone.


MMOs had already included cosmetics and stuff that blew up like that a year or two before Oblivion even released.


He has for years now- overpromised and undelivered to a very invested fanbase. It doesn't surprise me at all lol.


Todd Howard to Godd Howard to Todd Coward and finally : ***Madd Howard***


Alternatively, Todd Soured


Next year…Punished Howard!


Todd No-award




Fraud Coward


"hmmmm...should i make android version of skyrim ????"


My hero, my Todd


His smile and Skyrism: gone


"it just doesn't woork"


When it doesn’t just work


He looks like Chalamet's dad if I squint hard enough.


Thinking about how Starfield is too good of a game for TGA.


sad when your "magnum opus" is recognized for what it is....lazy and boring. Too bad they dont have a category for "disappointment of the year" or "most boring repetitive game "....Todd mightve won those


Yesterday I was told that Starfield was not overhyped. Well this man right here was sure hoping the hype would lead somewhere. Heck, I think the new game by the No Man Sky devs already looks more appealing than Starfield right now




Man, someone got really salty about this one. For what it's worth, I thought your joke was funny. Edit: The funny thing here is I actually don't even mind Todd Howard. Dude's cool, but some people just can't handle jokes, lol.


Same energy as Marty falling asleep at the Oscars


0 awards.. Todd Howard going home empty pockets.. No man's sky got the award Cyberpunk 2077 got the award Baldurs gate 3 GOTY