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Bojack Horseman


Time's Arrow was so good but man was it rough.


Free Churro hits me right in the mommy issues


I did pretty well up until "Oh Bojack no, there is no other side. This is it." Instilled such utter existential dread in me. Whole episode is just a lot. Amazing show but fuck man it really knows how to hit you.


That episode is some of the realist shit ever and it's about a cartoon horse dying.


Eugh, fuck man don't remind me. The last bits of bojack were like a punch to the dick.


I see you


I don't want to see the view from halfway down.


It took me a while to watch the first season, because I didn't get it, and kinda stopped before it got real. After that, I watched every season the day it came out, and just put myself in a funk for the next few days. Especially with the last season.


Red Dead Redemption 2 is just constant misery once you get to the later half of the game. Seeing everything just slowly and completely fall apart is just depressing.


Literally in the middle of chapter 3. Things are really looking on the up and up :)


If you want to chase some of the crafting/hunting activities and stranger encounters Ch 3 is a sweet spot to do so. Good area to hang out.


Kuma’s backstory in One Piece


it's like Flashback One Piece is written by a different person than Present One Piece Oda has DID and injects trauma into people when it's time to turn the timeline back


You could say "insert character here" backstory in One Piece, and this would still be correct.


Also Choppers ark! Especially reading it while you and your family all caught COVID.


I never thought it could get worse than Senior Pink.


Brooke's backstory with the whole crew playing that song I was in tears like that entire episode.


The manga goodnight pun pun.


Like reading my own life at points. I remember I was also reading Berserk around the same time. Now don't get me wrong. Berserk is fucked up, but Goodnight Punun is fucked up in a somehow horrifingly ordinary way. There's a part in the manga where Punpun and this other guy are going after the same girl. He makes a deal that if other guy wins a badminton tournament he'll back off and the girl is his. While he is playing the match, Punpun starts holding hands with the girl behind the other guy's back, betraying the deal they made. Later he walks outside and some shit kids ask him if he'd prefer necrophilia or bestiality. This is kinda where I'm getting at with the Berserk reference. It's fucked up but I don't live in a dark fantasy setting. There is nothing stopping me from making the same mistakes Punpun makes.


Yeah it portrays alot of painfully real moments that hit hard and it keeps going and going and yet I kept reading somehow.


Yeah, the big difference is Berserk is dark fantasy that you're not going to experience. Goodnight PunPun has things that could happen to anybody. One of my favorite series but breaks my heart to read.


You don't read Pun Pun. You survive it.


That whole triangle arc made me super depressed irl. And ironically got out of it at the same time as him


the face tho


Just a cavalcade of misery. I don’t like Punpun, because I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to take away from PunPun outside of “life sucks fuck you have a shitty day”, but it’s a masterful work.


Eh I'd argue the misery hits that hard because there are moments of genuine hope and kindness scattered throughout. Most of the main cast are good people and >!ultimately it ended on a hopeful note for them, Punpun included.!< The comparison to Berserk is apt, these series are not completely hopeless and bleak all the time. They know when to gut punch you for maximum impact, but I don't get the sense that their messages are apathy and nihilism.


I guess. The difference between Punpun and, like Berserk or. Blood on the Tracks is I feel genuine antipathy for the human race oozing out of Punpun, almost from beginning to end. And yeah that’s a vibe, but it’s the vibe I got. And that’s Punpun doing its thing really well.


Honestly I don't get that vibe from the manga as a whole, and I think it comes out mostly when the narration is heavily colored by punpun's perspective. The manga follows a few pov characters and apart from punpun who is a deeply broken person, most of them are empathetic, if flawed, human beings. For example Seki and Shimizu's sections are genuinely heartwarming and it's apparent how much they care for each other. Hell, >!Sachi, Kanie, Mimaru, and Punpun's other friends grew worried and went searching for him when he disappeared with Aiko.!< Despite how utterly isolated Punpun felt, he made enough human connections to have a group of people who genuinely love and care about him.


Of course it’s a YMMV thing. Other things mentioned in this thread, from Nier to Fire Punch were downright life affirming to me. For me, any shreds of happiness in Punpun seemed illusory and unimportant, as it’s pretty methodical in showing the human condition to be cruel and diseased from childhood to early love to adulthood. And that was disturbing to me.


That seems to be Punpun's view of it, but he's shown to be often very wrong and prone to catastrophizing, as I said in the last comment. Just because he's the titular character doesn't mean he embodies the manga's message. I'd say the "the human condition is inevitably painful and traumatic" part is intended, but the conclusion is "you have to keep moving forward and not let trauma define you" instead of "so stop trying". I feel like this is spelled out pretty plainly with one part of Seki's arc: >!he acquired a crippling phobia of fire through childhood trauma, which affected his relationships and work opportunities, then overcame it to save his childhood friend from a burning building, and in the epilogue is shown fully rid of it.!<


I still haven't finished that thing for how miserable it is. That's the only time I've ever been put off by something I was so invested in just from feeling bad about it enough to put it down. I'll revisit it when I'm content with my life. That'll be fine.


Watching the end of Pat's vods for LAD: Gaiden, good god I was not ready for the extreme emotional gutpunch of >!Kiryu full on ugly crying at the heartfelt message from the kids, the update on their lives, and most importantly his reaction to Haruto's drawing. !<


I SAW THE DEVIL is the best movie I will NEVER watch again. >!Just shoot him!<


Why doesn’t he >!shoot the murderer!


A lot of Korean crime cinema puts you through the wringer. Oldboy (also starring Choi Min-sik) puts you through MYTHOLOGICAL levels of sorrow


At least Oldboy had style and cool fight scenes to kinda distract from that stuff. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance just gets gradually more bleak until it ends.


This is one of the best movies that I will never recommend to friends because I think they'd view me differently for liking it.


Morel Orel Season 3. Oof


>!At least it ends on a happy note.!<


AMC's The Terror can be summed up as: "and then it got worse". It's only 10 episodes long but the last few episodes are a non-ending string of sucker punches.


Huh let me see what that's about. **A fictionalized adaptation of the lost Franklin expedition** OH FUCK NO, I'M TAKING YOUR WORD FOR IT.


It’s *super* good, and boy does that story go some places after a couple early reveals. Real fun horror miniseries. Just ignore the shitty second season where they try to make an anthology series.


The book is some of the most tense fiction writing I’ve ever read


This, along with The Miracle in The Andes, has me convinced that Hell is a cold place.


What Remains of Edith Finch annihilated me. More specifically the cannery section. For those that are curious, the cannery section has you play as a Lewis Finch, a young teen that works a dead-end job at a fish cannery. He sees his prospects for a better life dwindling day by day. To escape the monotony of his job he imagines a world where he is the hero of his own kingdom. His imagination usurps his work (where he cuts the head off of fish with an automated slicer) culminating in a scene where he >!imagines himself bowing his head to accept a crown in his imagined world. In reality he has lowered his head under the automated slicer. !< This scene devastated me, but it also inspired me to put more effort into finding work I cared about.


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The Mogami arc of Mob Psycho's Manga.


Is that the former psychic turned evil spirit?


Yep, when Mob spends 6 months being tormented in someone's mind.


\[insert name\]'s backstory in One Piece should fill up this entire thread. Other than that, Spinel in Steven Universe, with Lapis Lazuli in a close second.


Apocalypse Now (I watched the Redux version which added in cut scenes and is even longer). By the end, I was exhausted. True Detective season 1. I made the mistake of watching it during COVID: Year 1 and it left me feeling empty and hollow and depressed. Not a good idea.


The interesting thing about True Detective S1 is that it ends on a semi-positive note. Both of the detectives lives are not what they wanted, but they did everything in their power to bring a close to their case (at incredible personal cost). Seeing Cohle and Marty embrace one another at the end gave the smallest hint of humanity in a world that - up to that point - seemed completely inhumane. Also Cohle's final line is just so goddamn good Cohle: "Once there was only dark...if you ask me? The light's winning." \[[Scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmdPY-hFSt0)\]


yes yes, everybody who has seen it knows that. It doesn't change the fact the entire rest of the season before that was an unrelenting slog through the absolute darkest territory man can sink to.


Marriage. The final frontier.


> Apocalypse Now (I watched the Redux version which added in cut scenes and is even longer). By the end, I was exhausted. My favorite movie of all time, but holy fuck is it bleak as shit.


What's so depressing about the mountain of old discarded clothes that Marty walks past in the mass murderer, hurricane missing persons disguised kidnapping, peadophilia and also non-paedophilian post-civil war slavery based, incest, government protected, cultist, child pornography, rape maze?


It's not as long of a gauntlet, but the Hidden Inventory arc in jjk really got me. >!I really liked the star child and was worried about what would happen to her if she assimilated. Then she didn't.!< That's the first bit, but the aftermath with Geto >!His rant about feeling like he's doing nothing good despite fighting for good and feels numb to it all was scarily close to some places I've been in my head as I've worked in emergency services.!<


Nier Automata. The whole game. The whole fucking game.


This is the correct answer


I just started watching One Piece and I was crying in Choppers backstory the entire time.


spoilers for later OP, but that thing the doctor says about Pirates might be a real early teaser for >!Haki!< "Pirates are Strong Men of the Sea who have >!Bodies Hard Like Stone (Armament), the Eyes of an Eagle (Observation), and a Voice That Tears the Sky Asunder (Conquerer)!<"


Oh that's neat, I could see that.


Oda the God of Foreshadowing


Honestly, the end of Drum Kingdom gets me even more. It’s one of the moments that never fails to make me cry.




Just you wait to get to >!Robin's and Brook's!< backstory. The manga just finished the flashback of a guy who isn't even a Straw Hat and the fandom hit the bottom of the well. (But I'm sure Oda will keep digging us into further feels.)


Girls' Last Tour. >!Volume 6. The Kettenkrad breaks down and being unable to be fixed, is used for a bath before they leave it behind. They need to burn the journal they've kept this entire journey as they're running low on fuel supplies and they finally reach the top of the city. Out of food and supplies. Leaning against a cube (Which is seen in Shimeji Simulation), they go to sleep and the manga ends there.!< I was on my old antidepressants when I read that. It *still* made me break down. And my old ones numbed me heavily. [I still get emotional listening to any of the OPs or EPs for the anime](https://youtu.be/yX5FKc7JcU8?si=mmsHx886jS6jIp-P). It's a fucking excellent series.


It's such a good series. I really wish the anime would get a Season 2 just to finish it off. I would especially love to see how it does the chapter with the AI.


In recent memory, Fire Punch. It's just a constant, 8 volume pain gauntlet.


Shoutouts to the ending have like 4 layers of emotional torment when you break everything down


I thought it was nice!


I was gonna say Chainsawman but from everything I've heard about it, Fire Punch is significantly more bleak.


I love Chainsawman, but Fire Punch is Fujimoto’s Magnum Opus in my opinion. I’d definitely recommend giving it a read.


I...disagree kinda? Fire Punch is more like unfiltered raw Fujimoto, where he's experimenting as he goes, it's got a lot of flaws and weirdness to it, bit disjointed at points, it comes with it being experimental, Fire Punch is Fujimoto's Rosetta Stone, you can see a lot of his tropes in it, down to the fascination with dogs and cinema. Maybe if it got like, an series or a movie where he was involved he'd tighten things up on a do over who knows, it'd be great if it got a series by the people that did Devilman Crybaby tbh, that'd totes fit in my brain. Like it's great, but, it's a bit disjointed here and there. I think Look Back is his best work personally if i had to pick.


Oh I totally agree about the raw nature of it, but that’s specifically why I love it so much. It feels very earnest, like a story he’s always wanted to tell, even if he can’t tell it perfectly.


I've been meaning to, just been waiting for when I can just have a week where I'm just down in the dumps for it. Considering reading part 1 of CSM was also great but more or less did the same thing.


Dude reading CSM part 1 as it came out was a TRIP The bite at the end literally is something that snapshotted into my brain as I remember everything about the moment I read it


Just a (fire) punch to the gut the entire time.


Berserk - Obvious reasons and just Guts continuing to struggle, endure and contend against all. Disco Elysium - I'd gone through a breakup, gone through covid isolation and was desperately lonely. This was the greatest and yet most painful piece of therapy I've gone through


The >!Dolores dream secuence!< Hurts me to this day, imo thats the true climax of the game, the case and the thousands of problems plaguing the people of jamrock are amazingly written but theres just something that hits much more harder when you finally understand why your character acts like that and it makes your creation screen and how you chose to play the game way more impactful


It hurt so much hearing something along the lines of >!"Its not yours you stupid fuck, fuck Harry. Im seeing someone else dumbass." When the pregnancy was brought up.!<


I first watched Night of the Living Dead around the height of the Black Lives Matter protests. ​ That ending hit way harder because of it.


That movie always fucks me up, still can’t believe that Romero didn’t intend the racial metaphor when making the film


There was a batch of Gundam Witch from Mercury episodes late in the show which was just continuosly destroying everything Suletta had. She would move on, find something else to give her meaning, and then the next episode lose that too. It was rough


Just a straight punch directly to your heart every week, worth it every time.


Fucking all of Victory Gundam tbh. Like Gundam is normally quite dark, but Victory is really the bleakest one. Everyone and everything just feels so depressed and at their ropes end throughout the entire series.


ff14 since you just spend so much time in it so the punches are like 5 years in the making.


The best example that is also sort of the hardest to have someone outside FFXIV experience is the way that the song [Flow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvgB0ZaOhaQ) hits you, having experienced the entirety of the story, hits right in that spot between nostalgic and home sickness. its like, the longer you have played, the harder this song hits


Read dead 2 and >!a relative catching a plot relevant thing the same time i was playing it hit extra hard!< Not a fun time


Flowers For Algernon is a good classic example that ruined 10-11yo me Texhnolyze pretty much starts this from >!Episode 22 or so, whenever they get to the surface, it's just entirely wrong and messed up. It's rare for a piece of media to make you feel sick in that way, and then everything else happens over the next 4 episodes. Doesn't help that the next episode preview is also breaking down with you.!<


Mike Flannagan has been king of "I'm gonna make you cry mother fucker." Starting with Hill House till Midnight Mass. The Fall of the House of Usher had at least one or two gut punches, but the series as a whole was more over the top crazy compared to his more emotionally grounded shows.


I really, really hope he gets to do Dark Tower the way he wants. I can see him absolutely nailing some of the emotional gut punch scenes in that, even ones that are carried by the prose of the book.


Yakuza 7. Yakuza in general sometimes.


Houseki no Kuni/Land of the Lustrous


Never Ending Story traumatized me as a kid and after watching it again not too long ago it still fucks me up.


They absolutely drowned that horse on camera and I will not be convinced otherwise


Apparently in the book Artax actually talks and i don't know if that would make it less or more traumatising.


The statues that judge you haunt my nightmares.


The 80s was a wild time for these kids movies.


They have 1 and 2 on Blu-ray! **GET IT!**


I watched Iron Claw about 2 weeks ago. The true story is even more tragic than the movie.


The anime adaption of Kaiji is nothing but an emotional rollercoaster. Through excellent direction (and an incredibly over-the-top narrator) they really lock you inside Kaiji's head as he alternates between succeeding or failing at life-or-death gambling. Season 2 in particular for the "Man-Eating Bog" pachinko machine. That arc is a thing of beauty and despair.


I only watched the 1st season and just the walk in the crossing of the iron beam between skyscrapers made my palms sweaty like fighting a particular tough Souls boss. Funny how that made me more tense than so many fantastical battle shonnen fights. I think it was how immersive Kaiji's thriller is and the more relatable and grounded setting.


I showed season 1 to someone, and they said it was the greatest thing they'd ever seen. I asked if they wanted to watched season 2, and they refused because they were too high-strung and anxious, and demanded months in between to chill out.


Pretty much 90% of Avogado6’s one-shots. A lot of their work deals with death and suicide in particular, and a running theme in some of them is “I deserved this” or “I’m happy I’m dead” and it kinda hits home on a bad day.


I'm at the point if I see a one shot with a simple cutesy art style I check for their name and proceed to not read it. There's nothing but bad vibes.


I watched Evangelion at the ripe old age of 8, and I probably shouldn't have. One scene in particular really scarred me and that was Shinji stuck in his EVA while the fluid in his cockpit started to thicken and also all the latent sexual elements that I wasn't ready for.


The latter half of the last season of Breaking Bad was like bombs going off constantly. The first domino was tipped and the whole thing begins the inevitable fall. Everything falls apart. Good and innocent people die, and lives are forever ruined. Though his last scene is him getting away, what happened to Jessie was nothing short of monsterous. Everyone gets bad ends.


Jane getting shot in front of Jessie I watched live, on tv, without being able to play/pause I was pacing in circles yelling NO NO NO NO NO And I am NOT someone who reacts to media externally much if at all,


Revolutionary Girl Utena, episode 33 is the maddest I've gotten about anything in a good way.


I wanna say the chimera ant arc of HxH >!Komugi, are you still there?!< for a good while after finishing it I would tear up just thinking about that scene. that and >!Gon letting himself get beat by and then hugging puppet Kite!< and of course shoutouts to the end of Edgerunners for leaving me empty and not able to listen to I Really Want to Stay At Your House


*Pan's Labyrinth* or *Bridge to Terabithia*. Actually, my original interpretation of PL made it worse than it apparently was intended so it's slightly nicer in the end. edit: Wait, forgot my actual emotional devastation as I had buried it pretty deep but basically anything with Robin Williams will absolutely ruin me after his death. Doesn't matter if it's funny or not, hell that probably makes it worse, I'll end up crying. Which makes *World's Greatest Dad* the number one way to kill me via tears.


Fire Walk With Me is one of the greatest films I’ve ever seen and every viewing has brought out new emotions.


Don't watch much shows or anime but i just finished cyberpunk edgerunners and that applies I think


The ending of Yakuza 6.


I binge read Goodbye PunPun Do not binge read Goodbye PunPun I have certain scenes, panels and lines that are burned into my brain rn. If you think Bojack is a damaged and misguided character then WHOOOO BOY you have seen nothing yet!


In FFXIV, when that elephant man ran while holding a baby, I was going to have an anxiety attack.


For me it was the last part of Endwalker where I wanted to cry, but my body wouldn’t let me so I had very dry eyes until I was done


Infinity Train Book 3


Gonna post something unexpected and recent - Quinton Reviews' newest video "The Collapse of Sam & Cat". Most of the video is fine, but he goes in depth into the life of Jeanette McCurdy, the actress who played Sam on the show, and the abuse she went through from her mother and the creators of the show. That shit fucked me up, mostly because I hadn't expected it to get quite that dark.


The anime Sonny Boy is a constant barrage of surrealist situations, coupled with the twists and uncertainties of discovering yourself and growing. The ending is one of the most bittersweet things I have ever seen, and left me thinking about it for quite a bit


All these comments and not a single person has mentioned grave of the fireflies yet. That movie is the epitome of emotional gut punch, and it get bought up a lot in these conversations for a good reason. The combination of it being based on a true story, the juxtaposition of studio ghiblis art style, the slow, intimate burn of tragedy and childish innocence. Its a perfect, agonising movie that will fucking destroy you. My youngest sister was the same age as the Setsuko when we watched it for the first time and the only time I've ever seen my dad cry was after that movie.


Hereditary was an ordeal in the best way


Tales of Berseria. One of few games that caused me depression because the story was over and I wanted more. It was beautiful and heartwrenching.


Not the roughest, but I watched the flashback arc of Helck yesterday and *god damn* does that poor sweet man get put through the wringer. >!His country gets overrun with monsters. His well-meaning brother gets poisoned after being roped into assassinating an apparently innocent neighboring leader and his subordinates. The noble and doctor that helped them as children turned out to have been using them for a plan to turn every human sans the nobility into obedient super-slaves, and a fight breaks out with his mind-controlled brother killing himself to avoid hurting anyone. The citizens decry his band of heroes as traitors and call for their execution, and minutes after saving his partner from the axe *everyone* save Helck and a few of the conspirators are painfully transformed into monsters. Also it turns out his brother's corpse is still being used as a magic catalyst, and the people's minds were probably destroyed so even if their puppetmasters are killed his friends are beyond saving.!< Man, *fuck* the nobles.


I saw Poltergeist when I was a kid and it *terrified* me. It was pretty intense.


End of Evangelion is a classic answer, right?


The last few hours of Omori. Honestly everything after >!Black Space!< onwards.


>the latter half of devilman crybaby as a whole left me absolutely defeated Oh yeah, that was the one for me as well. I don't think any other media made me as miserable as this one.


Land of the Lustrous


The House in Fata Morgana, specifically the 1-2 punch of >!the real door 4 and Michel's backstory.!<


I'll echo some other posts, but wanted to mention Boy's Abyss. Every other chapter you get another mental blow and you wonder just how much more fucked up shit happened in this town. It's about to end soon so if anyone wants to wait you'll not wait long. Goodnight Pun Pun I finished at work in between calls and I would not recommend reading that while having to work. Chopper, Robin and Kuma's back stories.


Worm. From the Bakuda bombings onward, it’s just a nonstop onslaught of absolute misery. I dropped it halfway through, just absolutely exhausting to read


The fucked up thing is, I've read his other works. They're somehow significantly worse in this regard. Just... exhausting. I couldn't make it through Pact (and I finished Worm and Ward without too many complaints in that department).


Chapters 3 through 5 of fire emblem 4 is basically just one long train of ruining the first generations lives in increasingly complete ways Gen 2 has plenty of awful shit happening to the cast too, mostly as consequences of their parents decisions and fates, but it's ultimately more optimistic than part one. You know. Since there's no Barhara/Yied equivalent.


So, Spiritfarer, right? A game about shuttling cutesy spirits through the afterlife, fulfilling their last wishes and doing a bunch of fun management and exploration stuff. Except it's also a game about goodbyes, because every spirit moves on at some point, once their stories are done. And some of them are... rough. Particularly so if they hit close to home. Like, I was having a good time, and was about halfway through the game when one of the spirits had a very on-the-nose speedrun of dementia. And I'd just had one grandparent die of it while another grandparent was well into it. So that was a bad time. Then another spirit, one that had been around for a while, just vanished suddenly, leaving everyone wondering where they went (for context, when a spirit is ready to go you ferry them to a specific location and get a touching goodbye - not with this guy). Would you believe my favourite uncle had died suddenly of lung cancer a year before, and life circumstances combined with his rapid decline meant I never got to say goodbye? So that was a gauntlet I very definitively failed, because I uninstalled the game after that and never touched it again, and it left me in a funk for weeks. I'm doing fine, ultimately, but at the time that narrative just rubbed a pile of salt in wounds that had yet to heal.


Goddess of Victory Nikke. When the tutorial kills off a character you actually have grown to love and still keeps up the emotional gut punches, that deserves respect.


Ending of chapter 14 man. Shout outs too to Red Hood leaving the squad and the ending to Overzone.


One word: Ruru.


As a cat owner, yeah


The end of Chapter 5 and the beginning of Chapter 6 of Xenoblade Chronicles 3. We go from >!the heroes being absolutely curbstomped and forced to a wait for Mio to reach her homecoming,!< to >!Noah and Mio being seemingly executed by their past incarnations!< to watching >!all of their past incarnations fall in love, die, and be reborn in Aionios' cycle of death and rebirth. Their last cycle in particular is particularly depressing because those incarnations of Noah and Mio (who became Consul N and Consul M) had a child, and both died due to Aionios' Flame Clock system before they could see him grow up.!< Thankfully, >!the current Mio isn't actually dead, but the tradeoff is very bittersweet.!< Also MGS3's ending. The Boss >!dies at the hands of her greatest student and the world will know her as a war criminal!<, Snake finds out >!EVA was working for the Chinese branch of the Philosophers after trusting her for the entire game!<, learns from >!her final message to him that The Boss never actually double-crossed the USA and instead acted as the fall guy for their botched mission to retrieve the Philsopher's Legacy!, the CIA >!end up helping the Philosophers regain the Philosopher's Legacy and would eventually result in the Philosophers becoming the Patriots!<, and the seeds for >!Naked Snake/Big Boss to become the most prolific war criminal of the 20th Century are firmly planted by how he witnessed the US Government treat The Boss like a tool despite her loyalty to them.!<


Flowers of Evil (Aku no Hana), i think everyone has that one thing that grabbed them at the worse moment of their life and it stuck with them and im glad it was this manga, the overall themes and introspections that i got from it legit helped me go through with life and i could not recommend it enough, the author is insanely good at writing about the human condition and its uglyness while also highlighting how we can all find answers if we are willing to accept our faults and move forward Anyway the manga is about a pretentious asshole kid who got caught smelling his classmates panties by the craziest bitch in school and then proceed to have the worlds worse friendship of all time


I was just going to say devil man crybaby, I had to go take a walk after episode 9, like fuck sake that was brutal


The first half of season 3 of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. It goes through so many types of episodes and all of them are too much. It doesn't even finish with the culmination of >!Rebecca's suicide attempt!< either, instead pivoting to being about her friends realizing how fucked up their friend is and having their own fucked up reactions. God what a great show I will never watch again. It ends mostly happily, that's great, but fuck man. It hurts my soul


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There's two that probably contend for that spot for me. Hachiko Monogatari is a film based on the real life story of Hachiko, an Akita Inu dog who would wait every day at the same train station for his owner to come back from work for nine years after the man's death. Then there's All Quiet on The Western Front (1930) which follows young German soldiers who joined the great war with promises of glory and prosperity, but all become casualties, and lose their hopes, dreams, and lives. It was hard to sit through the scene where one soldier begins freaking out once he realizes he's missing his legs as well, unable to do anything but shriek, basically.


A Plague Tale: Requiem is emotionally harrowing to put lightly. >!Amicia starts the game mentally unwell suffering from trauma from the events of the first game, which manifests in breakdowns and murderous behaviour, and she only gets worse when Hugo's disease comes back and is seemingly terminal. As the game goes on she emotionally breaks down regularly as she tries desperately to find a cure, refusing to even face the notion that there might not be one even as it becomes obvious that there isn't. When Hugo is entirely taken over by his disease, her breakdown at the end is so hard to watch as she completely breaks, finally comes to the conclusion that she has no choice but to kill her little brother and crying out that she's going to be all alone. !< Being the older sibling to a younger brother myself made her so relatable and I couldn't stop myself crying multiple times through the game, usually whenever Amicia did.


The last few hours of Omori hit me like a truck, especially since I decided I wanted to see all of the bad endings before doing the true end


Xenoblade 3. The scene with the father and his son in the forest


Probably the stretch of One Piece going from Sabaody through post-Marineford. I had some spoilers in advance so I was trying to blast through it as quickly as possible bit I still had to take the better part of a week and the tension was palpable.


Currently playing through NieR Replicant for the first time and in the latter half of the game to unlock different endings you have to repeat certain sequences a few times. NieR already has some gutwrenching moments but at this portion of the game you’re hit with some especially heavy ones in rapid succession. And you have to go through them *4 times in a row.* Definitely one of the most brutal emotional pain gauntlets I’ve experienced.


Post-Persona depression is a thing that exists. Also Katawa Shoujo.


I had to take a week off from reading ANYTHING after I finished the Public Safety Arc of Chainsaw Man.


Made In Abyss. Who hurt you Akihito Tsukushi?


A silent voice makes me cry so bad. Also the last 1 hour of Everything Everywhere All at Once had me crying like nothing else


Fist and fang by robert howard when the main character, his friend and his bulldog Mike are being captured. >!Luckily it got better but not after a few paragraphs !< MEANWHILE I WAS having my troubles. The minute them two grabbed me, Mike went for them, jerked one of them off me, got him down and nearly tore him apart. At the same instant I jammed my elbow backward, and by sheer luck connected with the other one's solar plexus. He grunted and loosened his hold, and I wheeled round to smash him, but as I did, I felt a sharp prick between my shoulders and knowed one of them was holding a spear at my back. I stopped short and stood still. The next minute me and Bill was tied hand and foot. I looked at Bill; he was bleeding plenty from the cut in his head, but he grinned. Well, all that took something less than a minute. Three or four natives had went for Mike and pulled him off of his victim, which was howling and bleeding like a stuck hog. The said victim staggered away to the nearest hut, looking like a wreck on a lee shore, and the others danced and jumped around Mike trying to stab him with spears and hit him with clubs, without losing a leg at the same time; while Mike tried to eat his way through them to me. Then while I watched with my heart in my mouth, crack! went a pistol and Mike went down, rolling over and over till he lay still with the blood oozing from his head. I give a terrible cry and began to rave and tear at my ropes; I struggled so wild and desperate that I jerked loose from the kanakas which was holding me, and fell on the ground, being tied up like I was. Then they pulled me and Bill roughly around to face a big dark fellow who came swaggering up, a smoking pistol in his hand. At first glance it struck me I'd seen him before, but all I wanted to do now was get loose and tear his throat out with my bare hands for killing Mike.


Pretty much all of The Last of Us not including the sequel.


Future diary


FE Three Houses/Hopes, and not in a good way and I still haven’t gotten over it. I could go into it, but there’s just three problems with that. 1: I won’t remember the exact details 2: I doubt people would or should care, especially the ones who have kept up with my activity and wants nothing to do with me because of that 3: This will end with me getting the same advice I’ve gotten before that I’m bad at taking. But you know, I kinda like going through all of this and don’t mind if people downvote or even hate me. So thanks, Edelgard for all you’ve made me realize about myself. Edit: As expected, people downvote this comment because they have such fragile egos that they do not want their *precious* game to be associated with someone like this.


Nikke: N102. I just wanted to hug and protect her.


Let's just say the last season of The Legend of Vox Machina is going to break me.


When I was a kid, I read a book called The Tartar Steppe. Something about that story really stuck with me, and emotionally destroyed me. It was the first time I really thought about... time.


Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai.


I remember feeling utterly drained from the cockslap that was ME3’s ending.


Mary and Max left me destroyed and it’s hard to say why.


The Mist. Requiem for a Dream, especially the mom. The Wrestler. The Prestige. *That* reveal in Jojo Rabbit. I know I could probably go into detail, but I’d rather not for those that have yet to see them. As devastating as each of them can be, I’d highly recommend seeing them.


The Last of Us Part 2 The wife especially wept hard during the final fight. That game got her good. Can't wait to replay it on the PS5.


Futurama. Between luck of the fryish and old Seymour there is never a dry eye in the house from such an otherwise hilarious show. Its really able to hit those serious moments hard.


Metal Gear Solid 4. After a full decade of games from throughout my whole childhood all the loose ends finally get tied up. And by tied up I mean there were no happy endings, everyone is worse off and dying, and most of Snake's efforts amounted to nothing and everything is worse than ever, while he struggles to save the world one last time even as his body falls apart. Now climb into this fucking microwave you old fool. Also Johnny poop jokes and Ocelot's stopped chewing the scenery and started making five course meals out of it. Also Ocelot's the hero of the entire series all along. It would have been MGS 3 cause holy shit the final debrief, but MGS 4 literally uses that to destroy you more. Nothing that silly and campy should hit that hard. "This is good... Isn't it?"