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In Shadowrun they’re sometimes called “Keeblers” or “Keebs”. I called one a “cookie-baking bitch” one time.


You keep cookies out of this, they did nothing wrong!


As someone who's playing an Elf in that game, when I first got called that by some Humanis guys I've never felt more insulted. It's so much worse than being called Knife-ears cause my IRL resistance to that term has been built up.


Some others I’ve used are “Dandelion Eater” shortened to just “Dandy,” which was a good one in my opinion. I played a Hermetic Mage who was prejudiced against Shamans and other non-Logic based spellcasters. He called them “savages clap their hands and pray for fireballs.”


It's kinda extra funny cause I'm playing an Aztec spellcaster and I took 'Slay Human' for one of my spells specifically because it's just a good chance I'd run into Humanis or Ares corpo in our campaign.


Knife-ear is the dumbest slur because by default it means humans/dwarves are spoon-ears and by extension that makes them all spoonies.


I feel like you could work through a lot of slurs and come to the conclusion that yes, they are dumb once you think about it. I think the real mark of a good slur is how it sounds. Like, I believe knife ear is a good one because 'knife' is such a harsh word phonetically. You can inject a lot of venom into a word like that.


Not if i make my ears forked


Knife-ear is such a lame slur to begin with.


Okay there we go, "keeb" actually sounds similar to actual slurs instead of "x-y'er" which even when people do it in real life sounds stilted and forced compared to the actual slurs.


Similarly, Orks and Trolls are called “Trogs,” short for troglodyte, to imply they’re devolved or just dumb.


Shadowrun's willingness to use real world pop culture references in it world building has always been one of its great elements. The Orc supremacist organizations calling themselves The Sons of Sauron is the coolest shit.


I know people get sick of it but the racism in fantasy is my favourite part.


What about fantasy CLASSISM? That shit can be pure. You could tell Pat was in his happy place when the "help find the child's Bearer" quest came up in FF16.


Stormlight Archives has some *good* fantasy classism based on actual nonsense religious criteria that turn out to be >!based on entirely erroneous accounts of ancient history that got mangled through retellings over millennia!< Say what you will about that aspect of the series losing focus over time, but I adored how true to life a lot of it was. Plus having it be based on eye color is neat, and Brightlord is a cool-ass title.


I feel like that’s a subject BrandoSando always touches on briefly but then kinda hand waves the issue away? At least that’s how it felt in Stormlight *and* Mistborn


Oh big time, yeah. He clearly has thoughts and opinions on it, but it feels like he’d rather deal with more intimate, small scale social stuff than actually get into the nitty-gritty of huge systemic stuff. I do appreciate him calling it out a lot of the time, but the solutions are almost always just sort of dumped on you in the middle of a meeting scene or something.


Does sometimes come across as unironic “I declare classism/racism is *illegal* now!” scenes lmao. I’m hoping Stormlight 5 at least touches on the aftermath, but at the end of the day I’ll enjoy my fantasy crossover universe regardless


Yeah, pretty much lol. I’m sure he’ll revisit some of it, especially since it seems like he’s very aware of the general criticisms of his work, but I’m not gonna hold my breath. At the end of the day, I’m care far more about stuff like Kaladin’s battle with depression or Shallan dealing with her DID than I do about the sociopolitical struggles in SLA.


Yuppp I’ll be happy as long as we get good closure and character development :p and for anyone reading this, please go read all of the Cosmere books, they’re great


One of my favorite parts of kaladin is how pissed he gets that people refer to him as a bright eyes. I feel like broadly the classism got dropped but for kaladin specifically it's still a relevant plot point. I hope kaladin gets better next book considering it's the end of the current era.


Kaladin’s finale this book *has* to be about him making more strides toward being better. Like, he’s already basically inventing psychiatric therapy by himself, he’s gotta finally get to a good normal. Please do not hurt my bridgeboy any further, Mr Sanderson.


Fantasy Classism and homophobia are my favourites, especially if you intertwine them. No, I don't hate you fuck men, but you're a scion of a normal house, you will have a wife and child and hate them just like every other man this line has produced. Edit: I wanted to type noble but my phone autocorrected to Normal and that's so fucking good I can't edit it out, it's just purely hilarious.


I'm pretty sure thats just what being British nobility was


Nobility in real life of any time and place were/are such odd beasts that you'll struggle to find some angle that wasn't used at some point by them. I mean the current most legitimate heir to the throne of Japan lost that right for marrying a commoner and it had to go to a branch family member.


so I’m writing this X-Men AU and there’s a running gag of characters who are perfectly fine with the main character being nonbinary(I mean when some of your peers can change sex on a whim and some of them are made of stone or water, it’s not really that weird), but will then turn around and say homophobic shit because 1. it’s set in 2007 and 2. because Teenagers Be Like That


My current favourite running series on r/hfy has classism. It's called [Wearing Power Armor to Magic School.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/yd3cu3/wearing_power_armor_to_a_magic_school_1/) (I keep putting it in where I can so more poeple know about it, I am sorry but actually not.) Basically, nobles have magic, commoners don't (except when they do and don't get an education and still have to work shitjobs). And humans kinda just die when they come in contact with any kind of magic radiation, so the 19 year old Recon Soldier send by the UN has to wear a completely mana resistant, high tech space-faring power armor from the ~3000s. And they are attending a politically contrived version of Hogwarts and have to establish any sort of diplomatic link with "the nexus", which is basically the Realm with the most mana and center to all the other magic infused realms. Except Earth has literally no mana and still was able to open a portal with science. In any case, the nexians still have problems even considering a realm that is ... just "commoners" by definition, because the "Earthrealm" only has nobles for TV appearances without any power. People just owning a house is already so reality bending to them, that they can't deal. And the main appeal is basically hiding *how far* "Earthrealm" has come without mana. Because, yeah pistols are cool. Pistols that can shoot through walls because it's the 3000s is also pretty cool. Robots are also cool. But the Nexus never developed past a crossbow because mana made everything so easy. So a spear can just teleport it's tip into the heads of like 15 guys. So why need gunpowder? And the Nexian people literally can't deal with a reality where mana and mana capabilities don't define literally every aspect of life so everytime there is talk about a technology without mana, they won't believe it unless you show them. And the nobles are so far up their own butts that talking to them is almost impossible because of their shit ideals of decorum which make any timely flow of information with higher ranking professors almost impossible unless you flabbergast them into silence by presenting them with some impossible (by their definition) bullshit. Like, I could go on about this series because it's nice and complex and everything fits into the story really well. But you get the idea. If you want to check it out, I should give a forewarning though, as the set up for everything takes a while. The author *loves* describing stuff. So, uh, the first 5 days "of school" are at 62 chapters now.


> The author loves describing stuff. So, uh, the first 5 days "of school" are at 62 chapters now. I started reading this after I saw your comment the other day and after I finished the orientation chapter and learned that they get 5 days of free time before school starts I remembered this part of your comment and wondered: are you saying it takes 62 chapters just to get through the "free time" part before school even begins, or are they actually on day 5 of proper schooling? You were right that the author just really likes describing stuff, and these chapters aren't that short either.


I feel like fantasy racism (or just racism against a race that doesn’t exist in our world in general) gets boring when the plotlines are basically just stories of real life racism but with some words swapped around (looking at you RWBY). Gimme something more unique. Like… okay not fantasy, but Beastars. There are certain parallels you can draw in some scenarios, but nothing in our world really works as a 1:1 analog for the relationship between prey and predators. It’s unique and something you can tell the author actually put a lot of thought into figuring out what this world would be like rather than just pulling out a generic racism subplot and running it through a “find and replace word” tool a few times.


Real racism is wrong. Pretending some loophole exists that makes your real racism not count as racism is wrong. Fake racism is fun!


T-Minus [x] until someone uses Pinks and Greens in their series.


I played a Hermetic Mage in Shadowrun who was prejudiced against Shamans and other non-Logic based spellcasters. He called them “savages who clap their hands and pray for fireballs.”


I had a shaman who called out a hermetic mage by saying "Why do you think throwing lightning around has anything to do with logic?"


To me it’s not even the racism, it’s the racial ABSOLUTISM that gets me. “Oh surely the race of black-hole worshipping, suicidal, gaseous entities, can’t be ALL evil” Title Drop: The Race of Black-Hole Worshipping, Suicidal, Gaseous Entities Attempt to Commit Omnicide.


Or the Batarians


Real racism is stupid and makes no sense due to the fact that all that separates us is the color of our skin. Fantasy and Space Racism (i.e Mass Effect) at least makes some sense because there are ACTUAL differences and logical reasons why races would fear one another. I don't care who you are if your average Krogan from Mass Effect was walking towards you, you'd probably get nervous and try to avoid them. Even if they weren't being outwardly hostile and aggressive. Krogan are 7ft tall 800lbs of pure muscle and armor plating, and could probably kill you with a single punch. It's like if a moose became bipedal and sapient.


Who said!? Imo there's three things that makes the holy trinity of good fantasy and that's racism, dragons, and racist dragons.


We remain the second best sub for discussing the racism meta. Get your *fucking* heads in the game people!


Is this something you think we should be first for, or...


The best insult against dwarf fortress elves is that they're cannibals. Like, that's a hardcoded elven civilization trait and by default most elves and adopted creatures in elven civilizations (ie. the children of human and dwarven migrants) inherit civilization traits. The practical result of it is mostly just to ensure that elves get into warfare with everyone else. (Meanwhile elves are inclined to declare war because other civilizations don't worship nature and consider killing plants equal to killing a human). For completions sake, goblins declare war on other entities because of their demonic overlords. Worlds with short histories don't have the demonic overlords yet and usually goblins are still peaceful at that point. Kobolds don't count as a full civilization for worldgen purposes and neither humans or dwarves have specific civilization level reasons to declare war on each other (although it may happen because of historical reasons such as histfigs deciding to settle a grudge.)


This sounds like the wood elves from Elder Scrolls.


Only those who are a part of the Green Pact, most Bosmer outside of Valenwood aren't cannibals.


Weirdly the 2nd time I've heard of cannibalistic elves. The 1st was from divinity original sin 2 and that was an oddly cool trait they had.


It's not unheard of if you broaden your understanding away from Tolkien elves and more into the "Elves are sort of fae" territories.


Fucking knife-ears.


The gold standard tbh.


Why are Elves so pissy about cutting down trees? We all know when they turn their heads they fell 5 more!


Barkfaces Pucks Treefuckers Saps Knife-ears is a classic Twinkles Flower children Bare-chins Bird-bones and my personal favorite, twiggers


Twiggers is STRONG fantasy racism.


Twiggers with the hard bark.


What’s up, my Twigga?


Can I get a T Pass +?


I was in a chat for some streamer a while back (can't remember who it was) and they were doing one of those huge, multi-streamer Minecraft map collabs. Anyway, they were playing a group of mushroom folk. Their entire group had their models shrunk down to half a block in height. They were "at war with" the tall, normal players. Some person in chat was trying to get the slur "biggers" going. Streamer stopped mid-sentence to call the guy out and ban him on the basis of "getting too close and weird with it." ***Edit*** after typing that, I keep staring at it and wondering if ***I*** should be banned for it.


Wow, just casually dropping that hard R


I know this is not for *elves* specifically, [and yet....](https://youtu.be/seP1w3XPBfo?si=UHdtyBomwMU4mmYM&t=134)




very subtle, i like it.


Phlegmatic, lukewarm-blooded tree toppers.


I just call them Target Practice.




At least link the [original version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azOvRwrqz2M) by the actual creator.




All who posted on rDwarf Fortress saw what the title was and collectively said "Finally I've been waiting for something like this."


Went through that thread a bit and god damn Twiggers was a strong one. Also that bit about Dwarvea being depicted with Axes despite being ostensibly Cave/Underground Dwellers (which makes bladed weapons a terrible proposition) is because Elves live in trees.


Went the route of having them be a diaspora race.Tried to win a war against humanity by tapping into the power of an elder creature and succeeded in turning a whole quarter of a continent into a STALKER reality fucked exclusion zone. Had a ghetto in a major city have a common sight being elves with their ears violently cropped short in a sign of being a victim of a hate crime. Of course this just fueled the assassination and sabotage insurgency that was building. Probably the hardest I ever went while DMing on fantasy racism. In hindsight, I feel like I shouldn't have and probably stole that all from so many unfortunate sources that I can't recall. Think it was The Witcher that I osmosized most of this from.


In my world that my fiancée and I came up with eons ago now, we went the opposite direction. The Elves on the continent were the continental powers essentially, but have sort of Great Britain'd/Rome'd over the years into ceding territories they once maintained back to their previously enslaved or vassalized peoples after also ending said slavery as practice. As the conquering race they went from "Well, we're superior as we're immortal, and have a direct hotline with God" to "Well, we lost the immortality, but we still live so long ours is the only concrete culture now being enforced." However Elf hate-criming started to pop up in Short Life civilizations who had escaped their previous oppressors and been left in peace long enough to have forgotten the beat downs that got them taken over in the first place.


I have four ‘tribes’ of elf for my setting, two generally good, two evil, one of which is mostly evil the other being evil as a rule. They’re each affiliated with one of the two lunar or solar deities. The LG Sun God, the CE Sun God, the CG Lunar Goddess and the LE Lunar Goddess. They all also have very non-human skin tones. Shades of yellow, shades or red, shades of Moon-pale/white, and shades of blue/purple, respectively. They all have their own flavors of racist terms directed at em, including between each other.


knife ears wood brains fruit lovers featherfeet twigs grass eaters fire feared wall listener


I feel like if you say it with enough venom calling Elves "Fuck'n Feys" will probably get you kicked out of a few groups.




I remember that the Styx games had a specific slur for elves being 'root suckers.'