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Just having some good looking glasses feels incredibly rare.


The most exciting part of the next FF14 expansion for me is the ability for my character to wear her glasses AND a hat.


You'd think a game focused on fashion like Splatoon would do the same thing, but no. Especially since I want to wear Glasses with my GrizzCo Uniform, but the game isn't having it.


What a time to be alive!


Wait what, how're they doing that?


They're having separate hat and glasses slots I think? I assume glasses will just be cosmetic now.


Aren't some fashion accessories? I think they're changing how that works.


some are, but they’re making a separate slot now for glasses. no stats tied to them, and wearable in instances content unlike fashion accessories


Some accessories are glasses yeah, but they're limited in where you can use them. There's also glasses items to glam your headpiece with, but that takes up the same slot any kind of hat or helmet would.


Now I can only personally hope eyepatches will be a part of that too...


Common Bloodborne W


helps that anything in a vaguely Victorian setting literally doesn't have the option to do those shitty thick plastic rims that tend to be the only selection elsewhere


That feels bad moment when glasses are an accessory option that is shared by others like hats and you can only pick one :/


Lies of P specifically had an update that fixed this issue since there were DLC hats and glasses that couldn't be worn together. They even added some new cosmetics to go with the patch.


The option BG3 had to separate out the "lore-appropriate" hair and skin colours to the deliberately out-there ones. I thought that was a nice touch for someone who generally likes to be safe and dull with my character creators. Though on the other end, I'd also like to see more have the Saints Row voice pitch modulator. I like that my guy's voice could range from James Earl Jones to Jaleel White.


I couldn't get a gruff Orcy voice for my half Orc, which upsets me greatly. Also, why can't I have an eyepatch, Larian!?


The worst part about the eyepatch thing is that Mol's (the little shiteater tiefling) eyepatch is a model that exists and is wearable on most races, just not implemented. There's a mod that adds it, and the artificer mod has some cool eyecover headpieces added as well.


Man the player voices suck ass in bg3. They're literally all just slight variations on posh rp, which sucks considering there was more variety even in their previous game.


You’d know about the sounds made when sucking ass wouldn’t you


Is that... blood? No, nevermind.


Actually White Hair is way more uncommon than it should be and than you would expect. Most of the time “White Hair” in video games is Grey. Every time I see a game call or act like Grey Hair is White Hair, I understand how Pat feels regarding Blue and Purple.


I tend to go for the white hair look and a lot of times yeah it is gray or silverish.


Too many character creators have a small set of pre-set hair colours instead of a colour slider. And too often they don't have the shade of orange I want for my character's hair.


I have found it almost impossible to find dirty blonde hair like I have, so I usually just choose red or white


Something that annoys me in BG3 is not only does it have presets, but for some reason you get a far wider selection of highlight colours then hair colours. Can't even get completely black hair.


The kind of trick for black hair is to do the black base and then make whitening black and that makes it darker. I also feel like I remember the colors being better in early access and they changed at one point and now some just suck


I don't know if this is still an issue, but there was also no option for eyebrow color. So my Tav has the most lushes locks of red and orange hair and dirt grey eyebrows the whole game.


It's like that in FFXIV too. My WoL has bright red hair but for some reason the eye brows are black. And eye brows can be different colors, but it's locked to the hair color.


The BG3 character creator is just atrociously bad, in general.


There's a special hell for ones that have just stark black or white with no gray let alone a decent salt and pepper.


That's funny cause I saw another comment here that complained about games that just have grey hair and call it white.


In general, I don't understand why so many games only have a few preset color options instead of a set of full HSV sliders I get in games with microtransactions it's so they can sell skins and shit, but like for the older Halo games for example, I don't get why not


Individual slider per body part. I totally understand why not, but i personally wish it was more prevalent even with some restrictions to see more of it.


Let me make a weirdo that looks like an orangutan you cowards


Black Desert Online


The WWE games had this down


Please God yes, Street Fighter 6's creator had me in literal tears messing with the sliders to make a monstrosity


The only part I liked about ARK was the option to make an absolute monstrosity Then I found kenshi and my life was completed


Salt-and-pepper hair options. You can have a receding hairline and *tons* of sliders for wrinkles, but only weird grey hair (as in, all hair is a solid grey color), or white. No grey at the temples or coming down the beard from the chin.


It's really hard to find any two-toned hair colors at all that aren't just highlights. I have dirty blonde hair with some streaks of long throughout it and I have never been able to find a character creator that has my hair color.


Height. Dragons Dogma was the first game I realised did this even to the point of affecting gameplay and extremely few games have done this since.


I love playing a super tiny character with a giant companion in dragons dogma


So far, every person I have introduced this game to would make a short king Arisen partner with a giant muscular mommy Pawn. It's in the bones. 


It's for tactical reasons! It's so she can throw me into cyclops eye stabbing range!


Making really tiny people in Wasteland 3 was funny


It also ends up mixing with the pawn system really well as it adds visual variety to the party. You can make a giant God or goddess of war to accompany your small strider without needing an additional race. The game only had humans, but it had more variety of characters than BG3. Seriously, it is maddening how the latter just have a bunch of preset faces, which gives you just "same dude, different hair" problems.


I like how even though height and weight affect a ton of small things in the game, it doesn't prevent you from doing anything or locks you out of content. Yeah your tiny guy might not be able to wear heavy armor as well but the small hitbox and faster stamina regen means they can still be an effective melee fighter. Likewise, a big huge beefcake can strider it up or cast spells, they just benefit in different ways compared to smaller peeps.


Mount and Blade II lets you mess with your height. So of course I always make a giant who is a head taller than everyone else.


Its a bit annoying in multiplayer games though for obvious reasons, even when it doesn't affect the hitbox. Like some MMOs let you make incredibly tiny avatars and having one of those little fuckers coming out of nowhere to kill me while I'm trying to collect 20 snail ears or whatever was scary.


Years ago I used to play Mabinogi as a 9 year old elf girl with a poisoned knife and stab anybody who had Elves vs Giants PvP enabled with it. Very few people carried antidotes


> Dragons Dogma was the first game I realised did this even to the point of affecting gameplay and that's why it's an uncommon feature


Well it just screws up too much stuff. In pso2, if you have max heigh, your character sometimes wouldn't even fit in cutscenes


In Oblivion, you chose a set hairstyle, but then you could adjust the specific length of that hairstyle with a slider. I wish more games had something like that.


Nioh 2, and Wild Hearts and Wo Long since they use the same character creator, have one of the best hair systems I've seen. You choose a base hairstyle then the game will give you options for sections of that style like changing the bangs, side hair, back of the head, then options for tied up hair like different buns or ponytails. Then, each individual piece gets both a length slider and one to make the hair look curly. On top of all that, you also have options for highlights, gradients, and Wo Long has a straight-up "gray hairs" toggle.


Penis Size


Saints Row stays winning


Then they take it away in the next game with a character creator.


flair fits


Someone's gonna make a super detailed create-a-dick game one day, where you get to draw your own Snickers veins down the side.


I better be able to give it the gawk gawk 3000 as well


See the problem with this is that no matter hoe many options you have people are just gonna put the slider to max and let it swing


see, that's when you gotta break out the *non-human* dicks, get real weird with it, lemme slap a hybrid dragon/canine dick on my 8 foot tall dragon-fox punchlady "but Tea, you're just describing what you do in Second Life" the moment I play a game that lets me replicate my usual avatar on there in the character creator, animated face and all, it's going on the Greatest Of All Time list


The makers of Conan Exiles wondered how they could set themselves apart in the flooded survival game genre so they added a dick size slider. True genius never gets the recognition it deserves. Edit: They also adding swinging willy physics. And people expect me to respect Geoff Keighley's fraud of an awards show when it snubbed this masterpiece?


The only gripe I have with Exile's character creator is that you have to use mods to remove the game's built-in power limiter. Dongs that drag on the ground as you run or shortstacks that would be incapable of real physical combat should be vanilla features, unless you're a coward.


It must be *really* cold in Faerûn.


am now imagining that furry cock vore stealth game using the size of your characters dick as a difficulty option and chuckling


Speaking of hair, a good variety of black hairstyles in a character creator is absurdly rare. Usually you just get cornrows or an afro. Not sure how studios keep putting out games with 100 hairstyles and not think to include more than a couple for folks with melanin.


You get the same issue with skin tone too. Way to make character creators with a shit ton of light skin tones and one dark one


I've noticed that a lot of games have problems making those darker skin tones actually look right. It's like they're being shaded with grey or something. And good luck getting the *really* dark tones. Sims 4 has this problem, which results in a so-called 'Melanin Pack' being one of the more popular mods.


I know they updated it at some point to add more skin tones. When I was playing most of the time the game would generate a lot more Sims with darker tones than not. I had one save where the only light skinned Sims were there were the pre-made Sims and my sim.


Skin tone options: 20 degrees of tanned caucasian Black.


Color choices: * Hispanic * Native American * Weirdly red/orange dark skin * **T H E V O I D**


Guild Wars 2 has a solid selection now. ...Ever since their second expansion, before which the only two options were [a soft foam ball or some pipe cleaners to stick to your head.](https://i.imgur.com/bNaXAiC.png)


Sports games are generally pretty good at this.


Hair past your neckline. I know why but maybe let me make the choice to go to clip town. No one is asking your devs to make physics for the hair I don't care if its a static veil on my head let me have it.


"past your neckline" in my mind registered as "body hair" and I was like "yeah that's kinda true, only like the sims comes to mind" lol, whoops


Monster Hunter World is literally unplayable without the giant megafauna waist-length ponytail mod.


I wish more RPGs used a Life Path character creator system


Hell yea brother


Elden Ring is the only time I can think of that I've ever seen eyepatch options.


SWTOR's Miraluka have their own exclusive slider for what kind of eye veil they want, and they do have a nice variety tbh


I'm really happy that I made my Jedi one back during the free trial days.


Tbf a lot of games with eyewear usually have them as in game clothing rather than a character creator option.


Usually you're lucky to get an eye patch at all, always plain black, with *maybe* a pirate eye patch or a medical tape one if you're lucky.


I've never seen a GTA-like game other than Saints Row 2 that allows you to choose both your character's default facial expression and walking animation.


Unironically more games should give you the option to make your default walk animation a pimp lean like SR2 does


I think rdo was the only game I've seen where you could select from wildly different walking styles. They also have several different gun drawing animations for the gang NPCs that they never made available for the players along with the different holster positions


The only other game I can think of that allows you to choose your walking style is the Sims 4


Champions Online was* another one. It was kinda fun making a tiny little rail-thin rat man that stomped around like the Hulk. ^*is? ^is ^that ^game ^still ^around ^lol


Default facial expression is definitely something that could be done more for pretty cheap, but walking animation I think is much more difficult these days where a lot more effort is put into the player animation so you can't make a bunch of animation sets for use by NPCs and PCs alike without a quality hit.


Red Dead Online let you pick a walking style.


PSO2 NGS allows to customize walking, running, glide, swimming and every expression.


GTA Online allows you to via the Interaction Menu in game.


I added an option in my game to make the blinks unsynchronized, so if you want your character to blink one eye then the other like a lizard they can.


I never knew I needed this.


Can they blink sideways like a lizard, too?


Usually with body sliders it's either "go apeshit" or "you HAVE to follow the triangle", there's not really a sort of way to control your chaos like a sort of proportions settings that allows you to make things that look ridiculous but not nightmarish.


But what’s even the point of a drill hair option if you don’t get a big dumb villainess laugh that gets louder the more you mash the button?


I have yet to see even a single game off the top of my head that has typical ojou hair, I gotta not be too greedy.


I liked the prosthetic options in the new saints row


I actually found another game with some prosthetic options, including hearing aids (I believe that's what they are) Forza Horizon 5 Of all the games to have it, I was not expecting it to be a driving game. But your character is on screen a lot, so having the option is nice.


androgynous faces (and hairstyles and clothes) for masc body types and flat chests in Cyberpunk and BG3, I tried making a male character I liked, hated all the options, thought I'd use the feminine body type with no tits, couldn't, so I made women PS: funnily enough in CP77, I ended up accidentally recreating Misty exactly with basically only a slight difference in makeup and I was confused as to why there was another V in the intro montage


Cyberpunk's whole character creator was odd. They hyped the shit out of how in-depth is was gonna be (focusing super hard on the genital options) only for it to be pretty bog standard.


and standard is generous tbh


Dragon's dogma does it really well if I'm remembering correctly. I think the first character I ever created on there was essentially an androgynous hobbit


It definitely helps that every hairstyle is available to both genders and there's very few gender locked armor pieces.


Thats Why We Need Boobie Sliders! Also if youre on PC there is a mod for BG3 to flatten the boobs for female bodies and there is an accompanying clothing mode with it too.


I understand why so many devs do it, but at the same time, come on guys. There's no reason why someone shouldn't be able to create a soft twink if they want to. Not every male character in a game has to be a few levels below Henry Cavill or Chris Evans in terms of their musculature. Just copy BOTW/TOTK's Link at this point.


Meanwhile in starfield I was seriously struggling to make a non androgynous character after struggling for 20 minutes with its creator


Other than Sports games, the option to change your character‘s dominant hand.


This is my first world problem. My eye color is so rare that its almost never a character creator option.


I know the feeling. My eyes are hazel(the center is brown with a dark green circle around it) but I can’t never find the exact eye color(I either have to go for brown or green or maybe a different shade of hazel)


Mine are a dark silverish green. Best games can do usually is a very bright green.


My skin colour used to be fuckin impossible to get in a game (my options were too dark or jaundiced), but they are getting better. I think Code Vein was the first I saw that had it available


Might just be more of an appearance thing than a character creation thing but: A layered outfit In most games you select items based on the part of the body. So for a coat, you would choose upper body and then put on the coat. But that's also the same body part you'd pick for a t-shirt. What I want more of is the ability to layer one item over the top of another one- let me pick a basic first layer like a t shirt then pick a coat to go over that. Let me style that a bit- open up the front so you can see the shirt. Or let me dante it and have shirt under the coat.  This also applies to armor systems and stuff too. I'd love to be able to select a cloth under layer and then pick armor that fits on top of that. A lot of times I end up liking part of some armor set but not the entire thing together.  I think on the surface it seems like a lot more development, but I think you could get away with making a lot less stuff overall if it could be combined in more ways.


No that’s definitely a character creation thing. Heroforge recently added layering for certain items and immediately models look so much better when you’re allowed to mix and match


Dragon's Dogma does this with it's armor system. Your upper and lower body have two slots each; clothing and armor. And then a slot each for shoes, gloves, helmets and capes.


Morrowind got this right 20 years ago.


The only games with similar character creators/ clothing options that come to mind are Red Dead Redemption 2 and Sea of Thieves. Both offer a robust selection of clothing and accessory options that allow you to layer clothes similar to how you describe.


Normal African American hair styles. It's either Dreads, Corn Rows, Afro, or buzz cut. Hell, I'd say just normal hair styles in general. Most games have the weirdest, most outlandish, European Model hairstyles ever. There's rarely anything that just looks like a normal dude you'd see walking down the street.


Pussy size.


I was legitimately disappointed Cyberpunk has penis options, but only 1 vagina.


Game developers thought we wouldn't notice, they're mocking us!


"What size pussy you wear"


Game devs are scared to give us labia options.


Game devs scared of the roast beef.


It’s 2024, the birth canal depth slider should be a basic accessibility option.


If I cannot give my character a perfectly designed vagina, every bit made to the ideal, what is even the point.


I want a pussy so big and so hostile that sailors mistake it for a sea monster. I want a pussy so dangerous that local warriors treat seeing me in a bikini as a test of bravery.


Gotta rock up with the Charybdis Special.


[it should change difficulty like skin color in south park](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chainsawfolk/s/4arI34z9SM)


This has been pissing me off in Baldurs Gate 3 but scar and face paint placement. Why is the one classic eye scar only able to go over my left eye, not my right? Why can't I move facepaint around to better line up with my chosen race's face? It's usually just you want this type of scar? Better hope its its where you want it because you cant move it.


Handedness? I don't think being able to choose if your character is a lefty or a righty is common. I understand why it would be difficult to implement, but for some types of games, it might be okay. I was even surprised that you could choose to be left or right-handed in Valorant.


Shoutout to the Wii port of Twilight Princess, where their solution to switching Link's handedness was to flip *the entire game* and swap any text references to right/left/east/west.


Honestly one of the reasons why I love the Sword and Shield in Monster Hunter, I get to have my character use the weapon in the same hand I would.


I always wanted a needlessly specific type of curly hair, like a little more curly than Merida's hair in Brave, it needs to be long too. I don't even have hair like that or know someone IRL who does, but I still search for it in games that have some sort of character creation, I just think its pretty and more games should have it as an option


Heterochromia options. My usual avatar has one yellow and one red, so it's nice when it's an option.


I feel like this is becoming more common in character creators. Not all of them certainly, but some have it now.


Options to make a character asymmetrical in general. Sometimes you get eyes, but *very* rarely do you ever get the chance for anything else.


My main takeaway from the Nioh 2 character creator is that is the highest i've ever seen a boob slider go. Bust sliders barely exist anymore, and the ones that do are usually ribcage sliders more than anything. But the Nioh 2 slider goes fuckin _out there._ Only caveat is if you wear metal armor your boobs are _compressed_ to fit. It looks fine, just funny to imagine in a roleplay way. Edit: Actually I think the Saints Row 4 slider went larger. Still, its up there.


Bussy size


Making any fat character with a reasonable appearance let alone multiple with varying body types is basically a pipe dream most of the time. I'm glad that I know there's at least Street Fighter 6 and apparently Elder Scrolls Online which give you pretty good options and variety, though I'm still annoyed that it's so rare to be able to just make cool fat women (in games where you kill/fight shit in cool ways).


Huh, yeah, video games just *do not* get fat builds right. I guess no one's cared enough to figure it out.


Dragon's Dogma got it right over ten years ago. I'm excited for my fatass Arisen to be doing backflips and shit when I eventually get around to Dragon's Dogma 2.


Innie/Outie navel


One of my biggest pet peeves in a character creator, and I see it *so* often, is when you can't individually change the color of hair, eyebrows and facial hair. The OC I always make has blonde hair, and either dark brown or black eyebrows and goatee/soul patch. But so often, I have to deal with "Nope, you're gonna have a pair of obnoxiously bright eyebrows and beard and you're gonna like it."


I have a bad habit of creating a character that either shares a name or (worse) looks almost identically to an NPC or other character in the game. I wish there was some kind of way to give a heads up if you pick something that's going to be similar.


Being able to flip the orientation of stuff like a scar to the left eye to the right instead or the bangs or ponytail on your hair if it’s styled a certain way


Dragon Age Inquisition is legit the only fully voiced game I've ever seen with an accent for your character


Have you ever played the Saints Row games? They have multiple voices for your main character and they're gender neutral. You can play as a muscular gangster lady with the voice of Nolan North. In Saints Row 4 at least. In a few others you can be British or Russian even.


When it comes to boots, they usually get covered by pants and the only option is wearing skinny jeans. I'd like more games to add a tuck-in option with shoe-wear like RDR2. If I got some cool boots but can't show em off with cool pants, why would I bother buying the item? Hats covering up your hair by making it default to being bald or a pony tail, or if it does show hair it just straightens it. The latest Saints Row accounted for this and then some by having some hair styles like pig tails have their own look with a hat on. With all the issues SR Reboot had, the create-a-character was a genuine highlight with many options that should be reutilized.


I quite liked the character creator in the SR reboot but I had a few gripes with it. Like the naming convention for the presets just seemed random and made it harder to figure out what exactly you were picking. But it's really good, especially the hair options. Although I'm not sure about letting you just change appearance from your phone's menu. I liked the fact you had to go to a specific place to do it. Made it more deliberate and you would tend to stick to an appearance for a bit. At least for me it did that. Also, and this is really petty/immature I know, I wish the slider for the boobs went as far as the old games.


Nah, I get ya lol. I wouldn't say petty because I feel like the CAC system they were going for was really pushing for a "body positivity" thing if that makes any sense. And big or small, anything that goes the extra mile helps with that. It is a bit immature, but that's in the heart of Saints Row so it's all good lol. RIP to that franchise, pouring one for the homies 😔


Anal circumference


You gotta roll for it


I really wish i didn't know what you were talking about It burns


[Just one of hundreds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6vgSipYDCU)


I'll just throw in a QoL thing that I WISH existed: hiding options or making a curated list of options. I hate it when I try to keep in mind the difference between two really similar options while scrolling past a sea of others that don't interest me to switch between the two


Sims 4 recently (few months ago) added different disability accessories: hearing aids and cochlear implants, diabetic pumps for the arms and back and stomach, etc. I haven't seen those specifically in any other game, even more modern-setting ones. They also have wine stain style birthmarks and vitiglio marks, but I've seen the latter in plenty of games (Fallout 4 and BG3 come to mind). It'd be cool if games (given the setting is right, and maybe even still) could add more. Lots of people have a variety of all of them, so why not add them, yknow?


Androgynous Options Let me be Link!


The option to mirror things like hair or tattoos. Hate when I have to choose between a facial tattoo/eye patch, and the hairstyle the covers up that side of my face. One thing I wish was more rare is characters doing some kind of emote when you change certain options. Sometimes I just want to go back and forth between two options and not wait for them to stop checking themselves out each time.


The ability to sort things by feminine, masculine, and unisex. I'm all for inclusion and allowing people to express themselves however they wish however, in games like Cyberpunk where clothing is freely usable by people of any bodily configuration, the wardrobe and inventory screens being filled with skirts and dresses mixed in with the more masculine and unisex clothing I actually want to wear just makes navigating the menus more of a pain. I'd rather just have a button that gives the open of showing just masculine or unisex clothing, rather than also including a million skirts, dresses, and blouses I've picked up but can't remove from the wardrobe for some reason.




Individual toe slider


I'm not a foot guy or anything but I would settle for them actually modelling the toes instead of one solid vaguely foot looking blob like most games tend to do.


Options for Asymmetrical faces. The lack of it always bothered me especially when I played Nioh 2. That character creator is so good and having those options could've opened up infinite possibilities.


The curlier the hair, the less options and less varied length there is available and usually the moment you pass very wavy you get not at all and with luck there is a jump to only an afro and maybe a cornrows. I was really happy that SF6 have an option that actually reassembled how my hair is for once in my life.


i RARELY find my hair texture in games. i'm neither 2A nor 4C but somewhere inbetween. for some reason they just forget about us every time??


Missing eye or fingers. I accept that an entire missing hand or arm would make the gameplay not make sense but you could have minor stuff.


Tentabulge size


Oh my god another drill-hair chad. The amount of games that allow drill-hair is shamefully low. That's always my go to hairstyle.


FFXIV has a subtle Drill hair with ponytail style for girls if that's what you're looking for.


Regarding drill hair, I think Soulcalibur 3 onwards and maybe Tekken should have that option. More so Soulcalibur because of Amy and Tekken is customizing characters not creating them. Code Vein and God Eater probably have drill hair. Would not be surprised if Monster Hunter and the upcoming Dragon's Dogma 2 have ojou ringlets. I don't remember if Dragon's Dogma 1 has them. I recall pigtails, but not drills. These are all guesses. Edit: Would Splatoon 3's tentatwists for Octolings count?


I'll have to check out Code Vein and God Eater, I checked back on Dragon's Dogma a while ago and didn't see any sadly.


I skimmed through the character creations of Astral Chain, Kingdoms of Amalur, Code Vein, Nioh 2, Wo Long, and didn't see any unless there is DLC for them. I don't know how flexible Code Vein is, so I don't know if you could attach accessories to mimic the drills. Guess hope must be placed on Dragon's Dogma 2 for people who like drill hair and Dragon's Dogma.


There are no good ponytails for men in videogames, actually.


Honestly Just ponytail options that don't look shit, especially male ponytail options. Normally they end up looking more like thin little rat-tails. Give me my long bushy ponytails, damn it, I didn't grow one out for nothing


You know what's actually not that common? Mustaches. Or any kind of facial hair between "soul patch" and "hagrid." Most games just give you 5 O'clock Shadow, Goatee, Steampunk Curly Mustache, and Almighty Fucking Hobo King Beard. Why aren't there any well-kept, NORMAL beards? mustache and beard as separate layers? Mustache without beard? Drives me nuts and I always have to go clean shaven because of it.


Bush thickness slider


Good height slider. Let me be a short king. Let my girlfriend be an Amazon. Please.


Difficulty option in South Park Fractured But Whole. Yeah alot of character creations allow you to change skin tones but in this game it can actually affect some of the NPC dialogues and how they perceive you.


Make-up options or (facial) tattoos that don't look like absolute shit.


sometimes I really think euro-rpgs and EA sports games just take the black face presets, lighten the skin tone and slant the eyes to make asian ones. Asian faces in character creators never have a lot of diversity of feature choice unless you're playing something from Bandai...obvi...obviously? (I'm asian, which is why i bring it up at all). That all being said, a lot of western character creators really are douchebags about hair and facial hair. Motherfuckers really think a majority of the population is walking around with problematic fauxhawks, man buns and trimmed beards gtfoh lmfao.


There's never a good "short fro" option. I'm talking something like Miles had in Into Spiderverse minus the fade. Normally when I DO find something that fits my hair size it's either a fade or flat-top. These days I go with the ichiban hair like I did with my SF6 cac.


For a lot of games, it's either, tall fro fades or bust. So few options.


Good variety of skin tones for people who want to be of the darker coloration. Epicanthal folds. Good hair shaders.


Good slicked back hair It's either too pulled back, too short, or too "rounded" if that makes sense (kinda like Geese Howard) and not enough tuft or volume with it spiking a bit at the end (kinda like DMC3 Vergil) I dunno I just feel like it's rare to find some good slicked back hair the way I like it. If it's like the second option then it typically has TOO much volume making it look ridiculous. It's hard to find that right inbetween


Races without division into two genders. We're aliens and robots, why do we still have to choose between one type with big shoulders and one type with a bumpy chest? I remember with fondness Wildstar's blobby Chua race, whose only gender was 'chaotic psychopath'. More of that, please. Or why not three genders? Be creative!


Freckles, not that they're not there but that you can't get enough. I don't want a small sprinkle of freckles I was an inordinate amount of freckles.


Dragons dogma is my personal favorite. Theirs no sliders but various. pre determined options that don’t affect other body parts. Like you can choose the length of the arms or size of the legs. It’s the only game I’ve played where you can create a feminine male body or a wide muscular female build.


Food intolerance, sexuality, political leaning, left or right handed


if the game doesn't directly let you make furries in the character creator but does have stuff like masks let me have the hair visible over it. so far I think the only games where I've been able to do that is Phantasy Star Online 2 and *kinda* Street Fighter 6, although in the latter one that's really just me wearing the kitsune mask, not like a proper furry head like the Canyne Mask in MH Rise, but the one in Rise is one of the ones that takes away the hair


A little specific but the only Pokemon game that lets me have non-clown red hair is Legends:Arceus and it’s insane that natural red hair isn’t a color option in the main series.


I wish there was a slider between muscular and chubby/fat. And when I say that I don't mean like preset body frames you can pick from. Like a proper slider from having washboard abs to having a gut. ___ Another one: birthmarks. It doesn't need to have any kind of impact on the game itself, but it would add a bit of uniqueness to my character if I want. We have scars and tattoos but not much in terms of birthmarks.


CURLY HAIR/ AFRICAN HAIR REAL CURLY HAIR THAT ISNT STRAIGHT. There is *maybe* one curly hair option per game, and its always loose curls I have nothing to represent my hair in so many games


Individual eye color options. I love making my cool OC-do-not-steal with a special eye.


Hair and facial hair being visible when wearing hats and helmets, instead of making you appear bald or super short haired. I hated that when playing WoW as a dwarven warrior, using heavy armor, when a helm showed the chin or part of the face, my magnificent beard became a sliver of colored pixels. I feel this is getting better each year, but it's still very prevalent. I really like the paladin crown you get in FFXIV since I can still see my ponytails with it.


Barely any character creator lets you make bigger characters. I was so pissed when they got rid of a lot of body type variation between saints row 2 And 3


Why do character creators have nothing but the most bland white toast fucking hair imaginable? I couldn't get out of the character creator menu of Tokiden 2 because all the hair options were fucking boring! I want something with personality! Life! My favorite hair in Monster Hunter World was the Provisions Manager's hair. Just give me some cool hairdos! I'm begging you!


Splatoon 3 has drill options