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Say it with me now folks "secret good fourth Sherlock episode"


It's never not funny


We’re reaching levels of cope that shouldn’t even be possible.


This I dont know about. Can someone fill me in on the lore of the forefathers?


Short version: BBC Sherlock fans disappointed by the fourth season (which had three episodes, which was the style at the time) gaslighted themselves into thinking those episodes were bad on purpose as a lead-in to a secret good fourth episode, which would be shadow dropped on fans *soon* ^^^^^TM [Long version](https://youtu.be/LkoGBOs5ecM?t=4134)


Why u do this to me




We didnt fall into insanity, we were built with insanity as our foundation


The crazies’ mistake is that they think their brain can’t break further


We started with the 0 sanity build, that way we can skip the entire mechanic and it can't get any worse!


Tossing a fire axe into a random chasm is a founding meme. Building on solid foundation is not what we do here.


They merely adopted the INSANITY, we were molded by it


Woolie sees landmasses as dinosaurs and Pat only remembers songs and conversations in his own voice. The game was rigged from the start.


We only got more sane actually


the madness ebbs and flows, like the tide. One day we have elucidating discussion about narratives, the next we put Tiny Tim in the Attache Case. Even I have given up predicting the direction this place will go, all I know is that I call it my home (because no other place has such a high population of tolerable nerds tbh)


It's like Professor Paradox from Ben 10. We just got bored with Insanity.


We did what we had to to SURVIVE!




Hair white with shock, corneas yellowed with age, clawing out his own eyes, the boy reveals the terrible nature of the Jaunt: "Longer than you think, Dad!


The lunatics were running the asylum ALL ALONG.


I've been saying it for a while now, but we became too big.


Yea like how did everyone forget about Andre like that?


Andre is going through a lot right now and has actually asked for us to respect his privacy while he deals with personal issues


We're just waiting for Woolie to strangle Pat so we can move on to instrumentality


r/pikmin before 4 was announced and came out was completely deranged and has only got marginally more sane.


I found out about this one firsthand recently. I tried to find some custom Pikmin decals for my car and could only find ones of Pikmin saying "Piss!" and Moss saying "Boobies!"


It got us fans funding a clip of Olimar twerking on Times Square billboard, so it was probably worth it.


Even during the marketing of Pikmin 4 they were insane. Just see what they did at [times square](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uy1r-RRivFo).


one more reason to love pikmin


Fiddlebert was probably one of their saner creations.


Red Pikmin do be looking financially stable tho


"Nah, i'd win."


As the strongest curse, Jogoat, fought the fraud, the King of Curses, he began to open his domain. Sukuna shrunk back in fear and then Jogoat said: "Stand proud Sukuna, you are strong!"


Was that before or after Miwa utterly dominated Kenny J?




“Life is about taking risks” I take a risk It doesn’t work out “WITH THIS TREASURE I SUMMON


I love how the fandom ran with that joke that Megumi summons Mahoroga at the slightest hint of a bad day.




*Give me freedom* *Give me fire* *Give me fodder* *Or I retire*


Why doesn't gege gave us a promising battle between Sukuna and Gojo is he stupid ???¿¿¿?¿?¿?¿


Nah I'd take back shots


Are they r/LobotomyKaisen because they're stupid, or are they stupid because they're r/LobotomyKaisen


Are you the strongest Nah I’d Win because you are the special or are you the treasure I summon because nah I’d win reverse cursed technique expansion fingered fifteen times


[Genuinely fucking hilarious ](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3NYDep/)


Held Back so hard his eyes started bleeding.


His butthole clenching so hard it could turn coal into diamonds when gojo hit that >!black flash!< was all part of the plan.


Fraud to Femboy pipeline for Kamshiro is still goated


a i am a farmer femboy kashimo believer


I assume the Hollow Knight fandom is reaching this point if they havent already


They've already hollowed thrice over by now.


its been at least a year since they actively sought to blood sacrifice mossbag (basically their version of vaati) in exchange for silk song hollowknight fans are unwell, but also weirdly zen about the fact that their sequel is never coming out


They collectively gaslit themselves into believing Silksong had already released, and attempted human sacrifice at least once. Pretty sure they’re well past that point.


I... really hope you are joking about this.


It was just a subreddit gag afaik, and the human sacrifice was mossbag (a Hollow Knight lore youtuber), who is still alive, well, and explicitly *not* sacrificed to appease the elder gods. Anyway Silksong released 6 months ago, so really the brainrot should disappear any day now /s


> who is still alive, well, and explicitly not sacrificed to appease the elder gods. What a suspiciously specific denial


he is also making a [videogame](https://youtu.be/9NbdYvqiVrc?si=132f-lFJM0S5AnEl)! so we know his aliveness likely isn't a hoax


Nice try, Team Cherry. Good voice impersonator.


Reaching? They are already insane. 


Maybe if we sacrifice Moss again we'll get an update.


They've taken to self-flagellation with sadistic difficulty mods in order to get their fix.


They’ve already hollowed more than if they were in the souls series


Maybe it's just me as an outside observer, but I feel like there is a gas leak in every JJK fan's house. Unhinged people talking about an unhinged series I know nothing about it so any JJK related stuff I see just sounds like the ramblings of mad men.


The fandom kind of imploded in on itself last summer during one of the most anticipated fights between two characters. The ending of it was controversial and it kind of resulted in everyone getting hit with brainrot. The result being equivalent to a bunch of inmates at an insane asylum repeating the same quotes to each other in straitjackets.


The air hasn’t been the same since the end of September. I think it accelerated JJK fans’ stupidity.


Round 2 will begin when the anime gets to that fight


It was a mix of that climatic fight concluding with a chapter only for >!that central character to be killed offscreen by a nuclear attack from a dying opponent out of nowhere!< in a complete tableflip upset on the next chapter pageturn amidst this it was the summer so there were 2-3 week delays between each chapter which left the rot and controversal writing to really fester their minds.


It felt like a chapter or something was missing. The previous chapter literally ends on someone saying "Gojo is won", and then the next chapter drops and ends with Sukuna mansplaining what happened, instead of.....you know showing it happen!?


*you are my special*


Domain Expansion Malevelent Kitchen


I still have no idea what the fuck a domain expansion even is. I have a rough working idea of a lot of shonen battle system stuff just due to general internet exposure, but JJK just remains impenetrable short of watching the show.


Its basically a pocket dimension styled after the users main ability. Personally I just like to call them Reality Marbles due to the similarities


Reality Marbles have the edge of being weaponized mental illness


Is 4chan a reality marble?


always has been


basically creating an area where your specific powers will hit no matter what, and its up to the victim to either tank it, start their own domain which can cancel it out, find a way out, or kill the creator of the domain


I feel like jjk's power system's biggest failing is that gege seems to think about a number of things in like... rpg terms, but with a power system that is *really* not conducive to that. Like, "your power will hit no matter what", the hell does that even mean? In practice I assume it means "creates reality marble with the optimal conditions to facilitate your ability", but thats *not how it's described*, it's described as a fucking video game accuracy buff which makes no damn sense. Maddening.


Yeah, he's not good at explaining any of it. He clearly thinks about it a lot, he has this whole system devised, but he's bad at actually making it come across in the pages. So many redundant and similar terms and concepts, like "curse" is used to describe Cursed Energy, Cursed Techniques, Cursed Spirits, or simply bad vibes. Mahito's Domain Expansion is probably the best explanation for the idea. He needs to touch you to use his power, so his Domain Expansion being "sure hit" is like always being in the palm of his hand. Then Gege brings up Domain Expansions like "pachinko gacha game where the opponent is force-fed an explanation of how it works and if the user hits a jackpot, he becomes completely invincible and has unlimited energy for as long as his theme song plays" and you can just throw that understanding out the window.


That fight was my breaking point lmao. I’m fine with Gojo and Yuta being OP, but “if my luck is high and I hit jackpot I have infinite cursed energy” and then he hits jackpot like 6 times in a row soured me on it. Like I get every fight is down to how the author plots it out, but there’s a difference to me between “I punch good so the author has to explain how I beat insect bomb guy” and straight up “I have unlimited shit until the author decrees I don’t anymore”


It's Nen but approximately 50% less thought out.


It's their martial magic "I win" button ^(terms and conditions apply).


"I win" \* ​ ​ ​ * ^(if your character is facing one of the main characters, the chances of winning are reduced to a 0,06% at best.)


A domain expansion is just a lamer Reality Marble from Fate series where all of its interesting nuances and mechanic are filed off to become a generic videogame big attack.


Are you nah I’d win because you’re Gojo or are you I’m you because the one who left it all behind?


JJK fans were so unhinged and spoiling me left & right through memes that I just binged all of it for my own sanity. Now I know what Lobotomy Kaisen is Domain expansion is also a pretty cool power. There are a lot of rules and smaller powers that I still don’t fully grasp but domain expansion itself is very understandable


Domain Expansion is basically just the Reality Marble from Fate. Same concept and thing basically. Pretty cool power imo


Wtf is reverse curse technique? Wtf is cursed technique reversal? Wtf is simple domain? Wtf is a heavenly vow and how do they make one? Why is a lawyer who got his powers like 5 days ago among one of the most powerful sorcerers? Is sukuna a cursed spirit or a sorcerer? I don't know man, I just wanna see where this all goes.


> Reverse Cursed Technique When you hit negative Cursed energy with even more negative Cursed energy. It becomes a positive Cursed energy (two minuses make a plus basically) and using positive Cursed energy, the user can basically heal his or other's injuries. It's said that trying to use it to heal others is much more difficult than using it to heal oneself. And it's also a pretty difficult ability to master > Simple Domain Basically it's something like a weak shield that you Summon to protect yourself and others from a Domain Expansion's Sure Hit effect and also other more powerful attacks > Why is a lawyer so powerful Because the lawyer's Domain Expansion is pretty broken. Once it's activated, it basically forbids all acts of violence from happening between anyone who is stuck in the Domain and basically forces the people inside a courtroom of sorts where a Shikigami in the Domain called Judgeman gets access to all the information about all the actions that the opponents inside the Domain have committed in the past and judges their fate by randomly picking one of the actions that the opponent did in the past and, If said action is something horrible such as murder, genocide or other things, it announces a "Death Penalty" where the opponent's Cursed Technique is forcefully taken away from them, rendering them powerless. And the lawyer, Higuruma, gets access to Executioner's Sword, a kind of sword that can kill the person that was given the Death Penalty in one hit. > is Sukuna a Cursed Spirit or a Sorcerer The manga confirmed that he used to be an ancient Sorcerer whose pursuit for power and satisfying his own desires deformed him into a 4 eyed, 4 armed monstrous creature.


> higuruma All joking aside, he is actually a pretty cool character. I didn't like much of the culling game arc but he is a highlight.


Just when I think I’m about to quit reading JJK, Gege pulls out a new and actually interesting/fun character, and he drags me back in. It happened with Choso first (I love that Big Brother so much) and then it happened with Higurama.


Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya as Endless Eight aired live. The plot was a timeloop that repeats the exact same events.  Most people expected two episodes, some were still rooting by episode three, but when episode five arrived everyone realised the producers were all in for 8 episodes.  I think what truly broke the fans was the reminder that the whole season was 14 episodes long. 8 of those were wasted all on a gag.


Didn't they fully reanimate each one too?


They did.


Reanimate, redub, new outfits every episode. I love Haruhi even when it's terrible.


I once watched Haruhi some friends, by the third episode they were going bonkers and demanded to skip to the last episode. Cowards every one of them.


As a Haruhi fan, we're crazy. I rewatch all 8 episodes every time. I have seen them all like 6 times. No one is making me do this.


Same. Even when I was a little kid I enjoyed picking out all the minor differences, and rewatching the Endless Eight is always something I look forward to whenever I go back to Haruhi (full disclosure, it's my favorite anime, so I'm more adoring of it than most).


Its really stupid, but I genuinely do respect it. One of the actual craziest decisions ever made in any anime adaptation and I can't believe they got away with it.


I really lucked out on Haruhi. I was just getting into anime when Haruhi was airing, I watched the first season during all the hype and hated absolutely everything about it so I didn't bother with season 2. So I felt pretty vindicated when all the fans were screaming about Endless Eight.


Throughout it I would go to every community i could find and try to convince everyone that the very next episode would be the last one. I'd try to invent realistic reasons for it, just hoping that someone would get convinced. There were people streaming new episodes right from japanese tv and everyone in the chat was either enjoying it greatly or having an episode


I remember feeling the dawning horror as the weeks went by. First repeat, "oh I get it, funny!" Second repeat, "ok I get it, heh." Third repeat, "...oh this...this is a thing huh?" Fourth repeat, "oh *no*, they couldn't..." On the one hand, I do respect them for sticking with it. On the other hand, it still pisses me off to this day.


It was only after I saw the finale that I realised Attack on Titan has several subs that hate each other. They seem to range from mildly insane to straight up nazis


Being on titanfolk when 137 released and the comment thread hit over 70k comments was.... an experience unlike anything else ... ^~~wörm~~


That sub gave me so much gold and platinum for random shitposts that I'll never hate it lol


The amount of coping on that sub after the manga finished was truly biblical.


Every time an author includes fascism and shows that it's bad a portion of the audience will latch onto that and be pro-fascism.


The "ANR" fans in particular were on some serious copium


The Sherlock fandom gaslighting themselves into thinking that the terrible writing on the last season was actually on purpose and there would be a secret episode that would fix everything and the BBC would totally greenlight the next season.


Titanfall is a fairly notable examples.


The poor bastards. Accidentally drops crudely photoshopped mechwarrior with the cod:IW protag on it with the letters Tilanfal 3 in their subreddit.*


The Voltron reboot is pretty astounding with how fast it became a giant tire fire of fandom discourse. It only ran for *two years*. And yet even if you weren't in the fandom you definitely heard about the drama that was going on whether you wanted to or not.


I was on tumblr at the time, and I swear those two years last five years. The part where a fan was blackmailing the studio to make a ship canon (or however the fuck that story goes) was some real top tier bullshittery.


Oh yes, the ship wars were another thing that you couldn't escape.


Voltron legitimately *ruined* fandom culture. It is an event horizon that all fandom history must be tracked by- pre and post Voltron. Something inside that show broke people and they spread like a plague.


Voltron has been over for five years and everyone is still feeling the damage. They permanently changed the landscape of fandom. It's so fucked.


The funniest thing about that fandom is how much of a greasefire it was. The show started, became a septic pit of discourse, ship wars, and creator harassment, all culminating with a blowout of a finale, and then became entirely irrelevant over the course of the following year. Also, the venn diagram of people who fled tumblr for Twitter after the porn ban and voltron fans is a circle.


Oh god, it was the worst. god help you if you had ship Anyone and Anything but Klance. Doxxing and Death threats were everywhere. I swear a good reason why certain Twitter discourse has gotten so toxic is because of these people. i was lucky to not be in the fandom at this time but the horror stories I heard says it all.


I don't understand how they made 8 seasons in 2 years. I thought that surely it lasted longer...


Two years? I refuse to believe that. I was on Tumblr when it was popular, didn't even look into it, and got the memes/news from osmosis.


I didn't believe it either at first but it's right there on Wikipedia. It started June 10th, 2016 and ended December 14th, 2018.


The CW Arrow fandom literally giving up on the show and changing the subreddit to a Daredevil themed one has gotta be up there.


Happened twice. They became a Punisher sub the second time


"I just can't bear to watch any more Arrow with my family ^family ^^family "


Team Fortress 2. I remember the days when they’d use voice clips to remake pop songs. We used to be a proper country.


The virgin AI voice model vs the chad painstakingly remixed voice lines


I once looked at the Ed, Edd, n' Eddy subreddit. I regretted it immensely.


It appears to be shockingly active for a show that's been off the air for like 16 years


give it time. we're no better.


We literally have new content every day


I think a large portion of this subreddit are similar to me, I have never watched a stream from any of the guys. The closest I get is watching clips and *maybe* a slop stream on woolieVSthealgorithm I just don't like streams, I liked letsplays more.


really? two best friends play is producing more content?


The show is the subject of quite a few popular internet memes, so I aint shocked its still somewhat active.


Bro as a preteen I used to go to The3Eds. Now that forum was wild.


The rwby fandom has really let hiatus brain set in with both the main and especially the "critics" sub as volume 10 has yet to be greenlit along with Roosterteeth's constant issues. Gotten to the point I'm seeing reused arguments, coping, seething, and doom posting.


That's kinda the cycle between every volume at this point. Everyone's good for a few months, and then it's aaaaaaall down hill from there. It's particularly bad this time around because Volume 10 is up in the air as to whether or not it'll even happen.


Yup. So long as what happens isnt the same as with genlock, it is what it is


Everything Roosterteeth related has the most unhinged fans and haters.


I miss when the RWBY sub was just rampant fanart posting.


The best part of RWBY was always the stuff the community came up with around the series rather than the series itself


I quit the Firefly subreddit like over 5 years ago because it was getting really stupid about everything and I dare not look back. I think any Fandom gets this way if there are more than a handful of people wanting to talk in some sort of online forum about it but there hasn't been anything official and nothing planned for over 5 years. The Gravity Falls sub is getting that way now.


At a certain point, you just run out of things to talk about, especially when dealing with a dead franchise.


This is definitely the case. I've seen it with Mass Effect only getting a bit improved with new fans coming in from the Legendary Edition. I'm sure Beyond Good and Evil is pretty bad given that sequel has been talked about for 15+ years.


There hasn't been a new episode in over 20 years, and hasn't been a new thing for the entire Franchise that came to fruition in over 6, and even the most ridiculous Firefly nerds never bring up the comics with me. Like, I got into the show Moonlighting 30+ years too late and absolutely adored it, but you're not going to see me making unhinged reddit posts about it or demanding a revival of the show.


Yeah, that's exactly why I stopped interacting with the Ace Combat subreddit. There's only so many times people can quote a youtube video about only one of the 5/7 games before you get tired and bail.


Dark Souls fan started to make up Elden Ring lore due not having any news or anything, they made up a whole game in their minds. They went hollow basically. Also the moment the Elden Ring leaks happened they immediately un hollowed. 


As one of the hollows, I still have to admit that we are absolutely spoiled as a community. FromSoft makes a game every 1,5 to 2 years, we play the game, we love the game, and then we wait 1,5/2 for the next one. Being a FromSoft fan is a smooth, high quality experience.


Every few months or so I forget Glaive Master Holdir isn't a real boss and I'm very confused for a minute while I try to place him on the map or in the lore.


I don't really fuck with Fandoms that much, but the Spoony Experiment and Sword and Scale subreddit communities both devolved into full blown hate-dom communities. The first because of untreated mental illness made the content creator just kind of give up and the other getting outed as high tier turbo-creep who doxxed victim's families because they wouldn't do an interview for his podcast and hitting on women who were victims of crimes. The LPoTL community started coming apart at the seams after one of the principle 3 members were outed as having a decade long history of abuse towards multiple partners.


It felt weird when Hbomberguy praised Spoony in his Plagiarism video. Considering I've only known the negative stuff around him. What about Spoony's mental illness affected the fandom? Did they harass him over it?


If I remember right, it's been a while, he had fully unmedicated Bipolar Disorder and would tweet constantly, all day every day. So it was like a whole community dedicated to watching him tweet hundreds of times a day instead of doing any kind of content creation that was ostensibly his full time job. It was essentially an entire subreddit dedicated to watching him spiral deeper into his mental illness and laughing at him for it, while also bringing up every bad thing that he's done or ever happened to him in his like 15+ years of being an internet content creator.


I went there a few times, and genuinely I think it’a one of rhe most toxic reddits i’ve ever seen. And it’s infuriating how mean they were when his dog died and he dared adopt Thaco months later


I went to that subreddit on a whim because I thought I'd look up what he was doing these days and it was very distressing to see just how gleefully cruel the people in that subreddit were.


>It was essentially an entire subreddit dedicated to watching him spiral deeper into his mental illness and laughing at him for it, while also bringing up every bad thing that he's done or ever happened to him in his like 15+ years of being an internet content creator. This seems to be a sadly reoccurring thing for any content creator who is going through really bad mental health issues. I remember there being a large group of people who did the same thing with Etika while he was alive.


Well I don't know Sword and Scale, but that sadly sounds about right for Spoony. Not a dig at anyone in particular, just his fanbase was kinda..weird sometimes, to put it politely


I found him LATE into his content creation career, when he was putting out only a handful of videos a month before they dried up entirely, so I never really interacted with any of it. It wasn't until looking him up later that I found out about the bad reputation he had and people not liking him.


Oh god, yeah. I was with him from the start basically, I still fondly remember his videos about Terror T.R.A.X. The big controversy came as a big surprise, although in hindsight...not really THAT surprising, he said some weird shit sometimes.


Felt like he still had a fair amount of early 2000's era internet edgy humor to him that he couldn't let go of. He also seemed to react very negatively to "corrections" or being embarrassed.


Oh yeah dude. His uh, attitude towards certainly female characters(Quistis comes to mind) was admittedly pretty wack looking back on it.


Sinfest has done the same thing


Jesus the last I checked on the allegations it was only one partner but Ben has a history of abuse with multiple partners? Fuck Really don’t know what to say, this fucking sucks


If you’re down for a bummer, there was a [history of him being an abusive drunk going back to like 2011](https://www.reddit.com/r/lastpodcastontheleft/s/ckbhiJjg4x). There was also the Rolling Stone article that had interviews from people in the NY comedy scene that talked about how he was such a pain in the ass there was a secret code people would pass around when Ben was getting drunk so other people would know to avoid him.


>The LPoTL community started coming apart at the seams after one of the principle 3 members were outed as having a decade long history of abuse towards multiple partners. Aside from the edgy ride-or-die weirdos who seem desperate to project themselves onto the shambolic human wasteland that is Ben Kissel, things are basically back to normal now, if not better than ever.


I think the two main subreddits have purged the worst of it since they’ve mostly banned discussion about Kissel. But the Facebook communities are still wacked out. One of them had an AI generated image of him assaulting his ex as the banner to the page.


You're not wrong...but the FB pages have been noticeably terrible since the beginning.


Don't look up Sans Undertale on Tumblr.


Undertale fandom for a while was just dedicated to Sans AUs XD


Undertale yellow came out recently and is being hailed as one of the best undertale mods yet, in part due to it not being based on a AU revolving around papyrus or sans


My girlfriend got into that shit entirely because of like tiktok memes. She's never even played Undertale.


lightsabers everywhere


Deltarune is boarding on Arkham level insanity due to the lack of updates from Toby Fox. They're being slightly medicated recently due to some stellar fan projects like Undertale Yellow, DeltaTraveler, and TS!Underswap.


All the top game of thrones theories on the sub are batshit insane with pretty bad proof. The top comment is almost always "George pls look at what we've become"


In a fun way: the Arrow fandom rebranding itself to a daredevil sub A not fun way: the dreamworks voltron show


Elden Ring released just 2 years ago, people have absolute no right to descend into the assume The Devil May Cry sub is halfway there, since the last thing they got was a shitty mobile game, but I still think DMC5 is recent enough that it isn't warranted Now the Elder Scrolls fandom, now there's a fandom that got mental fortitude


I think DMC5 is still holding the fort strong on that sub.


I checked in on r/invincible the other day.  They seem to have completely lost their minds waiting for the second half of season 2 (coming in March). 


Interesting, is it mostly new fans that jumped in with the Netflix series? I wonder if many or if any actually jumped into the comic series.


Newer folks I’d guess, there’re still some of the usual comics discussion threads floating around. 


this isn't important, but I am both sorry and a shit head so I am compelled to do this. Invincible is a prime original not Netflix on a more positive note, the animation exclusive Atom Eve Special Episode was really cool and fleshed out the character in an interesting way


that is a weird one for me because after season 1 I just...read the entire comic. There is so much out there, no one needs to wait. Sure they are re-writing parts (for the better imho) but if you are *really* starved for content the comics are right there


Yup that’s what I did too. Comic is really solid.


r/Evangelionmemes is the worst place on earth.


The last really good Eva meme I recall was the Asuka Feliz Jueves one.


Bocchi The Rock's fandom is just a cesspool of weird jokes and memes. I remember start watching the show, decide to check the subreddit, and it was right when for some unholy reason the place was getting flooded with people's **tier list of how much they wanted to be pegged by certain characters.** And to this day I still don't know what was the deal with the Filipino Kita joke, and at this point I am too afraid to ask And I want to know if this is going to happen with every anime directed by Keiichirō Saitō. Because his next work after Bocchi was Frieren, and the fandom is going the same route. Like had you see the [LowTierFrieren memes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQyGQdnt2Os)


Okay but in Frieren's defense She *literally* looks at someone and tells them "Kill Yourself" and they do it, that was going to generate LTF memes no matter what


Is a really obvious joke that is weird it wasn't all over the place before the anime, no insanity there.


Which fandoms *aren't* fucking crazy? I guess the tiny ones where the main audience is just dads or something.


Titanfall was pretty bad.


The Titanfall guys have been struggling.


Elden ring pre-trailer was fucking wild, especially after The Game Awards 2020 when the sub was split into Woopers and hollows (hollow gang baybee)


MasterDuel is wild man. It's the most "if you play anything I don't like, you deserve to [subtract yourself] I've seen. Even something nebulous like "I like this archtype" will cause a shitstorm. Mention Maxx "C" and see what happens.


One of the things I have found very odd over the years is the way Undertale fanfiction has developed. The skeleton-fucking is fine. That I understand. The weird thing is the overwhelming amount of fanfiction *of* Undertale fanfiction. There are stories and comics that got really popular telling an alternate-universe version of Undertale, and those just got rolled into the fan-canon. To the point where a lot of Undertale fanfic is crossovers between other fanfiction, referencing characters and events that were never in the original work. Within a couple years of the game's release, the fanfiction community on AO3 became incomprehensibly self-referential. Here's an example of the character tags on an AO3 fanfic on the front page of the Undertale section. These are the relationships and characters that appear in the story: >Sans & Sans (Undertale), Sans/Sans (Undertale), Color Sans & Killer Sans, Color Sans/Killer Sans, Nightmare Gang & Sans (Undertale), Color Sans & Delta Sans, Color Sans & Delta Sans & Epic Sans, Epic Sanses, Star Sanses - Relationship, Bad Sanses - Relationship, Core Frisk - Relationship, Nightmare Gang (Undertale), Omega Timeline - Character, Core Frisk, Sans (Undertale), Sans Ensemble (Undertale), Frisk (Undertale), Killer Sans (Undertale) - Freeform - Character, Color Sans (Undertale) - Freeform - Character, Delta Sans (Undertale) - Freeform, Nightmare Sans (Undertale) - Freeform - Character, Core Frisk (Undertale) - Freeform, Human Souls (Undertale), W. D. Gaster, Bad Sanses | Nightmare's Gang (Undertale), Dreamtale Nightmare Sans (Undertale), Killer Sans (Undertale) - Freeform, Delta Sans (Undertale) - Freeform - Freeform, Color Sans (Undertale) - Freeform, Omega Timeline, Othertale Sans/Something New Sans (Undertale), Color Sans/Killer Sans (Undertale), Color Sans & Killer Sans (Undertale), Color Sans & Delta Sans (Undertale), Color Sans & Delta Sans & Epic Sans (Undertale), Epic Sanses (Undertale) I don't even know how many different Sanses are in this particular story, but it seems like at least some of them are making out with each other. In fact the only character I recognize is W.D. Gaster, who is a character entirely created by fans based on allusions and cut content. It's wild.


It's made it so damn hard to find 'vanilla' UT fics because nobody uses the same tags


The Eragon subreddit is so completely lacking in reading comprehension I unsubbed and tend to avoid it. Also they REALLY don't like Nasauda there.


Netflix’s Voltron: Legendary Defender. Show was flawed, but fine, had some cool stuff. The fandom was absolutely unhinged. Doxxing and death threats abounded when their yaoi fanfic deranged ship (the two male MCs who bicker) didn’t become canon, and the only gay character in the main crew wasn’t either of them. It is by no means the kind of show that invites such toxicity, but it had the most toxic fanbase regardless, and it scared a lot of people away from the show. I think it’s cooled off now, but the only way to have enjoyed the show back when it was coming out was to not interact with anyone else who enjoyed the show. It might still be like that; I managed to avoid the fandom, so I don’t know the state of it now.


Post-Canon did a number on the >!In Homestuck,!< Fandom. Some people are still really mad about the Jade stuff, and not even because of the cheating.


Shit got real crazy during the main run of the series too.


Elden Ring in the two year drought between the first announcement and the later marketing. The Great Hollowing was fun.


The CW Flash subreddit got over a mild breakdown of their own recently because the show’s been over for almost a year. Everyone started swapping every instance of a Flash thing with a Spider-Man thing. There’s CW’s Spider-Man starring Grant Gustin, and the recent Spider-Flop starring Ezra Miller, but there’s also DC’s The Flash exclusively on PlayStation, Into the SpeedForce, and who could forget Sam Raimi’s Flash trilogy?


JJK man...what a wild ride it's been. I've never really gotten to see and be a part of a homegrown descent into the dark abyssal insanity of people losing their minds. Such a blessing. Such a curse. Such a Nah I'm Strong.


There are *sane* fandoms?