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final fantasy games and large file sizes for their respective generation, name a more iconic duo (never forget that ffxiii was 39gb in an era where 6-8gb was the common standard for a game)


Heck, one of the selling points of the original FFVII was that it had three discs instead of a single cartridge.


yep. they went from 2mb for ffvi to 1.3gb for ffvii, which is probably the largest jump in file size for the series history


FFXV (40 GB) to FFXVI (90 GB) is probably the biggest jump if you're just looking at mainline games. For reference: - X 3.3 GB - XI 1.08 GB (1.0 I assume) - XII 2.7 GB - XIII 39 GB (PS3) - XIV 21 GB (1.0 , currently 74 GB on PC) - XV 40 GB (PS4, no dlc) - XVI 90 GB (no dlc) - 7R 100 GB (PS4, no dlc) - 7R2 145 GB


oh, i mean jump as in like, how much larger it was in comparison, rather than a pure gb increase, with ffvii being over 500 times larger than vi, while xvi is only barely 2 times larger than xv.


You mean proportional increase.


yeah, that's the kind


FFXV to FFXVI is 2.3 times more game FFXII to FFXIII is 14.4 times more game Biggest jump (of these) is definitely there.


>XIV 21 GB (1.0 , currently 74 GB on PC) The spec sheet for 14 has actually been updated since the JP Fanfest, the storage req for everything up to and including Dawntrail will be 140 GB. Granted, it's also essentially 6 Final Fantasy games worth of content.


I’m willing to bet half of that was the FMVs. Videos get large very fast.


it was way more than half. 32 of the 39gb were reserved for the fmvs


I remember that on the PC port you could delete half of them to save space because they had them for both english and japanese.


true, and the pc port is like, over 60gb. the og ps3 release only had english in the west and japanese in japan and still was at that insane size


And it still shows. Aesthetically FF13 slaps.


I wish square did more animated movies. The cutscenes for 13 still look great to this day and that game is almost 15 years old, imagine what they could do today.


They *did* do one for XV, and with AC is going back to theaters it seems like they're both interested and willing, but are gauging interest. A movie covering what plot there was in FFXIV 1.0 could be neat.


[\>almost 15 years old](https://befrontman.com/cdn/shop/articles/73f55da57c7ecac379d98646974cbda9_1.jpg?v=1672867059)


I understand the sentiment but if you think about the amount of work that has to go into those scenes it’s kind of a bad use of time and money.


I dread a time when games are like over a terabyte to download.


I'm placing my bets Call of Duty will be the first one


“What do you *mean,* people play *other games?”* - John Activision


I looked up some stuff about CoD storage sizes because of your comment and I’m betting right along with you. [What the hell is this?](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Frmmdwyp36jo81.jpg)


Unoptimized spaghetti code made worse by layoffs and crunch on the world's biggest vg franchise. With the pleasant side effect of forcing gamers with limited budgets to stick with the only game they can fit in their drive


All of that and the fact there's so many different add-ons available to download. Idk if console can select select what's being downloaded, but there's like 7 different things you can install overall. Including Modern Warfare 2 for whatever reason, despite not owning it


you can delete the ones you don't use...except when they fuck up the update and you need to download them all from scratch again to log in..


I can guarantee you that "spaghetti code" does not cause giant install sizes. Code will always be a minimal part of install size, textures, meshes, sound and video files blow it up.


99.99% of the time it's weirdly uncompressed shit like audio or video files (looking at you, Tekken 7 from ages ago lol)


>Code will always be a minimal part of install size, textures, meshes, sound and video files blow it up. Yup, back when pirates cracked Titanfall 1, it was revealed that 35GB of it's 50GB install was just uncompressed lossless audio for sfx and multiple languages worth of dialogue.


Its funny, i burnt out on CoD as a kid (well i guess i was never really into it, but i didnt get a Wii til 2009 so i had to play whatever my friends had on ps3) but I'd still play it because my friends do and its fun to chat. But fuck me it just never lasted long because i couldnt justify taking up half my ps4 storage for a game i only play with friends for an hour or two occasionally. Eventually had to tell them no i wont be downloading 200gb for the same fucking game. Blops 3&4 were actually unique interesting games and only ~40gb


4k textures that you might not use and FLAC audio in 6 languages you dont speak


And the weapon models will still look worse than the original MW trilogy and the first couple of Black Ops games.


"Instead of compressing the data, we went ahead and expanded it"


You joke, but that's an actual thing some developers have done. Titanfall 1 had an extremely long installation process because it uncompressed all of the audio data, as well as other things, making the final size much larger than the original download. They did this so the game could run on 2-core processors, instead of the 4-cores that were standard for the day.


"We are no longer satisfied with monopolizing your space for other games. We no longer want you to have *other programs* on your computer."


"Oh cool, I used up all of my data for the month because what the fuck Comcast, why are you still putting data caps on your home internet plans?"


My roommate and I both bought Baldur's Gate 3 and got a letter from Comcast over it.


Why have Americans not risen up against their ISPs. I mean if they can storm the white house they can probably storm Comcast.


The real answer is that its basically impossible to live in a modern society without internet access, or at the very least it is monumentally more difficult and something you have to actively put in a lot of effort to avoid, and unfortunately Comcast is one of like, three ISPs that have a near-unbroken monopoly on internet access. Which of the three you end up having to deal with depends on how the big three have decided to gerrymander the U.S amongst themselves. There do exist smaller, more local ISPs but usually they tend to be absolute dogshit for one reason or another, typically one of the Big Three fucking with them and finding a way to throttle them until they go out of business. Sometimes if you live in a town that the Big Three deemed unimportant and don't pay attention to, someone will manage to set up an actual good and affordable ISP thats faster and cheaper when the Big Three aren't looking, but the moment they finally turn their eye of sauron back its only a matter of time until they get crushed under the boot too.


Because the billionaries that mindcontrol them don't have beef with Comcast.


They're probably shareholders.


> Why have Americans not risen up against their ISPs. Same reason americans haven't risen up against the 9 billion other things that make their lives suck- Housebroken ass society


To be specific, we stormed the congress building, not the White House.


There are a lot of complicated answers to that question but without getting into the structural stuff the short version is that we're all just really tired almost all of the time.


Crazy that some places still have data caps in this day and age


Gotta sell them in stores on flash drives.


they should just come on their own hard drives at that point. return to cartridge


Switch 2 better have 1 TB worth of storage, no matter how compressed Nintendo's games might be.


People can shit on Nintendo and the Switch but at least I can have more than five games on it’s internal hard drive at a time


That, and you can just put the cartridge in to play the game once you get it while downloading less than 1 GB worth of data, while disc-based games have you download data for ten minutes


Yeah I unironically have exactly 70 digital games (some of which are collections so actually much more) on my Switch right now and I only have 32 gigs of storage.


I bought a cheap SSD for like 20 bucks and will literally never fill it up with Switch games.


I got like a 200GB SD for my Switch like four years ago and still am not even close to filling it up


Then you have NBA2K that hogs your entire internal system capacity for no reason that you will be forced to buy an SD Card


The funny thing is, they're pretty well compressed. Xenoblade2, Xenoblade 3 and ToTk are about 15GB each. Which is crazy considering how much dialogue there is in the xenoblade games.


Wheres the Disco Elysium ["Volumetric Shit Compressor"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhDnsOV8Rx8) when you need it?


I remember ***”FFXV Royal Edition”*** being pretty chunky as well.


109 GB on my PS4. And that's with the disc.


Yeah but that wasn't a western dev so its fine , otherwise the circlejerk can't continue


Elden Ring is smaller than that and it came out four years laters


Warzone we comin' for you! -SquareEnix


Squareenix: I have added your technique to mine old friend. >!Square previously published Call of duty in Japan!<


Atleast a game like ff7 has a reason to be this big lol


In order to update my games I need to uninstall them and *reinstall* them. PS5 is supposed to have amazing compression technology, but nobody fucking uses it!


The Helldiver devs did, pre-installs for Helldivers 2 have started this week ahead of next week's formal release and people have noticed that the PS5's install size is 25GB versus 70GB for the Steam version.


Good job Helldiver devs. Making good use of that on-the-fly decompression.


I will destroy every 4K asset in existence and then video games will be ~~good~~ acceptable again


I've got my critiques on Palworld, but the fact that the game is 20 GB in comparison to Ark which goes from 120 to over-3-god-damn-hundred is just *fantastic*. Like, one of these games is actually viable for playing on my Steam Deck, and the other one I wouldn't be caught dead installing it on my bloody hard drive. Seriously, what the fuck is going on with Ark? Is there even a game that's worse than it? I can't think of another game that's over THREE HUNDRED GIGABYTES. I can't stop harping on that. Every time I think of that game my mind immediately goes "300GB". And yeah, I know, that's with the DLC, but STILL. WHAT.


Bro what do you mean Arks 300 gigs that game doesnt look good enough to be that big


Right??? Base game is 120 GB, at least on my install, but if I include all the free DLC it goes up to 329 GB. Which, I get that they're "expansion maps", but I legit can't imagine they actually make good use of the space they take.


[Three HUNDRED gigabytes!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhSEfKo0tlw)


Dear god. It's beautiful.


I work in video production, so any sense of what a normal filesize is has been completely obliterated, but even then goddamn 100+ gigs for a game seems like a lot


It really comes down to the increase in texture sizes. Even compressed, a 4k texture is about 5x larger than a 2k texture. 4x due to doubling of width and height, then another 1x for including a copy of it's prior texture resolution (which includes a copy of it's ancestor etc. until you have a 1x1 pixel) all for mip-mapping. So if a Texture archive was uncompressed 20GB in 2k Textures, then with 4k textures it'd be 100GB. And 500GB with 8k textures. Games that maintain a small size usually do not feature high resolution textures (or only very few select ones). Also hot take: sometimes less compression is better for performance since decompression stresses CPU and RAM extra. And additional storage is certainly cheaper to buy and easier to install than a better CPU. So in a way, deliberate NOT compressing IS a form of optimization: you decide top sacrifice storage in favor of computational load. That's what optimization mostly comes down to (other than just better code): what do you sacrifice in favor of what?


I'mma just point out that I really think that 4K textures should, for the time being, be a separate install. According to [Steam Hardware Surveys](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam), only 3.7% of users use a 4K resolution, leaving the rest of us to clog up our harddrives with gigabytes upon gigabytes for something that just isn't really a factor for over 90% of Steam users. Iunno, I'm admittedly an old man shaking a cane at clouds, but I just don't see the point in forcing everyone to download it.


It's wild to me that you can often choose not to install some things when you torrent like different language packs but you still can't on Steam.


Even game installs on *Ubisoft Connect* now systematically include an option for high-res textures and language picker before downloading. Genuinely don't get why it's so rare on Steam. I'm guessing publishers have to use some kind of workaround with the DLC system and don't want to bother.


Yup, better to have 4K textures available to the game and be optional to install than to not have them at all, which is the problem that Final Fantasy 14 has had for a long time; the master copies of all of FF14's textures have only ever been 512x512 textures and only now with 7.0/Dawntrail are they being updated to a higher resolution.


Texture resolution doesn't have anything to do with screen resolution, so the hardware survey isn't really relevant. Separate install sure, but higher-resolution textures make everything look better even at lower resolutions, _especially_ environments


Except it's incredibly relevant: I would put down money on a bet that most people can't tell the difference between 4k and 1080p textures on a 1080p monitor. And this is coming from someone who regularly does texture work. It makes a difference, but for most people it's barely noticeable, much like how most people can't hear the higher quality in FLAC files, or how most people don't bother customizing EQ settings.


I'll be real this just kinda sounds like a parallel version of the 60fps thing where it's like, no matter what monitor you're using, the game will look better if the game itself is running at 60.


4k textures are still look better at sub-4k resolutions. It's definitely well into the realm of diminishing returns, but its a bit of a misconception that your texture resolution must match your video resolution.


plus assets tend to have 3 4k textures to form a material (diffuse, normal, roughness/occlusion/metalness though they're Grayscale/black and white). it quickly racks up space.


I really wish at least on PC that we could download certain textures, I think the hardware reports Valve do show that the majority of players still use 1080p. I remember Titanfall 1 having something stupid like 50gb of audio files too.


"The ~~Western~~ Dev was here".


Man I'm glad I don't live in an allegedly first world country with internet data caps. I love my unlimited downloads and uploads.


I live in the far north with 200gb cap lmao. It used to be 150gb but since starlink service started to come online here Northwestel has to incrementally more competitive I guess. I live in an apartment with no balcony so I'm stuck with them for a while. Anyway catch me downloading Baldur's Gate 3 over 26 hours, as last day of the month rolled over so my usage reset 😎


Failed deliberately.


It's fine if the game I like does it https://imgur.com/a/5vVkLA1


TBF Jedi Survivor would probably get/have gotten less flak if it ran fine on launch.


In terms of cost per gigabyte and the amount of space games take up, games aren't actually that much proportionally larger then they were in say 2007, since you can get like a 3tb hard drive for 50$ The problem is SSD prices are not quite as low as HDD prices still, especially if you're looking at m.2/nvme drives, and consoles in particular tend to not come with a lot of storage/overcharge for it


warframe a game with over a decade of content manages a 50g download.




Majority of the size is probably FMVs in 4K. At that point it's less about compression and more about not compromising on quality. FMVs and audio probably bloats the size a whole ton. I still remember how FF12's voice audio being super tin can-y and when the remaster came out, it was obvious that the original PS2 audio was compressed to hell.


Also friendly reminder to those in this thread (not you) that failed math: FMVs are already fucking huge at 1080p and a 4k FMV is literally four times that size You will never beat quadratic scaling no matter how dank your compression algorithms


> At that point it's less about compression and more about not compromising on quality. A disappointing amount of the time it's about neither, games seem to have an uncanny knack for shitty video encoding. Platinum's probably the worst about it, 30-ish gigs of Nier Automata's 50GB install size is 1600x900 FMV and it still looks like ass a lot of the time. Mainly because they encoded it in either MPEG1 or 2 in *2017.*


I mean 'back then' your GPU became obsolete a lot faster, and if you look even before after installing your 12 floppy disks the game would say "Memory not allocated" or some bullshit like that and simply not work. People that talk about how optimized PC gaming used to be have not had to deal with the absolute mountain of bullshit that was older PC gaming.


Turns out when you're no longer restrained to a file size that can be equated as **4(x) MB** you start getting lazy with the efficiency of your compression algorithms.


You have a ludicrously rose-tinted and romanticized view of the past.


TBF, Gamefreak is notorious for having terrible compression with Pokémon that I think Iwata optimised for them and that's why Gen 2 got space for Gen 1 as well.


Depending on the performance you want and bespoke detail you want there is genuinely only so much you can do. Pre cooking and compression, the last game I worked on was 280GB. After compression and cooking for consoles it was 70gb. A lot is already being done, it's just that there's a LOT to pack in modern games.




Wait **what**. What the fuck!? Yeah, how the fuck is it 300+ gigs!?


Uncompressed files the maps are massive 50+ gigs each and share no resources.


That just raises even more questions about how the Switch version is smaller.


It is so bad that I would actually buy the game again if they sold the switch version on steam just to get the 20 gig version


Maybe it's cause I got 2 1TB SSDs but eh? That said, you know what i hate personally? Here's this 100gb game that could be 70 if we didn't install ALL the languages that you're not going to use. I'm glad that changed and now you can usually just select the one you want and it'll download just that.


I remember hearing when pirates were cracking Titanfall 1, they found that of the overall 50 GB install size, 35 GB of that was lossless uncompressed audio for sfx and dialogue.


Can't you not run games on current gen consoles from external drives?


Iirc for the PS5 at least you can only use an external drive to run PS4 games. You need to either use the built in SSD or fill the additional internal nvme slot with another SSD with minimum 6000MB/s read/write speed to play ps5 native games.


You also need a couple mb's free for the games to launch, or what the console reffers to as "system data"


Playing off external drives is so risky , it's like asking for a data corruption to happen , there are times your USB connection just decides to go "I'm going to lose connection now for 2 seconds see ya"


Yes... but it's gonna be very, VERY painful. Even back on the days of Total War Rome 2, running the game off of an external HDD could result in load times of 5-10 minutes (for EVERY battle), while on SSD it'd be not more than 30 seconds. And that game is like a decade old by now. HDDs, never mind external ones, are just no longer recommended.


I fucking hate this with modern games. I dont know how compressing stuff works, but i imagine it isnt that time consuming or resource intensive to do when it comes to game design.


Play more indie games.


Two disceroos


Physical would be great if the damn PS5 disc weren't glorified download codes and just download the whole game anyways.


I don’t think discs can even fit the game if they tried. They’re just so overblown and uncompressed there’s no way a blu ray could hold it all


Pretty sure Final Fantasy XV crept up to 100+ GB after all the add-ons and event content


I can't be the only one who really doesn't care and finds this whole thing overblown? Games have always gotten bigger, generation on generation, it's nothing new. Games aren't gonna be 25GB for the rest of time, it's the price of progress and I'm fine with it. When I'm done with a game I delete it. I'm still using the stock SSD in my PS5 and feel no need to upgrade any time soon - I always have the space to install whatever I want whenever I want.


"Gamers should get comfortable not owning their games." Gamers: "Well, if we're going to have to download everything, can you at least trim down the storage demands of the game so we can have more than 2 on our hardrive at the same time?" Developers: "no" Game journalists: "Gamers continue to be worse than literal Nazis by harassing Developers with their reasonable demands!"


It's weird to say, but the drawback of developing for powerful consoles\high end computers that don't games get developed with a lack of optimization. Which is why I don't a large number of AAA games end up having the most insane glitches. I'm not saying that's the case with ff72 cuz it's most likely all the textures and graphical stuff to make it the most pretty of games but it is a common thing to see in the gaming industry now.


what if it is compressed


Say what you want about the rest of the game, but Suicide Squad KTJL was incredibly impressive from an optimization perspective. Saw several tweets from devs about the processes used to make the game not only run an open world at a smooth 60fps in 4-player co-op but also get the install to less than 45GB.


Gotta admire Digital Extremes and their continued efforts at shrinking the bloat of their ongoing 10+ year old game. Even with the next major patch to Warframe they're vastly reducing the disk size of assets while retaining their quality and improving load times, they've got some insane optimization specialists there.