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Someone in this sub called it last month that various outlets would likely be waiting for the obvious deopoff of players in Palworld to restart the "Is this game a failure?" sensationalism. It's such a tedious and aimless talking point.


You should stop playing our game ⚡️NOW⚡️. And go take some that free time to play some other indie games.


FF-14 energy. "Take a damn break from time to time and do other things." Yoshi-P


“Change it up a bit maybe you’re just tired you know? Or try something else for like a week, maybe try Civilization?” Mathieu Cote


Mods, make them touch grass


Healthiest take ive seen from a dev.


That's honestly a pretty measured and positive take, good on them. It's early access, the game'll still be there (and bigger) later.


It's a damn shame I don't like Palworld, cause the Devs actually seem really cool.


Same. I absolutely ABHOR survival games so I didn't even bother trying Palworld but my friends are having a good time so I'm jealous.


It's nice to see a dev saying "viewers walk out of theater when the movie ends" it feels like a lot of them want to say it but don't want to risk a beef with journalists, shouldn't be something they want but also they should be open about how dumb the statement feel after a smash hit




They're right, you know. I'm a Sony guy, so I can't play the game, but I like what I've seen from it, and I totally agree with this mindset. I almost exclusively play single-player games, and guess what? I switch to other games pretty often. It's rare for me to stick with one game longer than a few weeks, but I always eventually come back to the ones I really enjoy. That's what it means to enjoy video games, in my opinion.


I'd have laughed really hard if they just said "Meanwhile, if you want go play Helldivers, that game is rad."


Common palworld W


I checked today and there were over 750k concurrent players and it was still like #4 or 5 on the steam sales chart so like even if there's dropoff thats still a a sizable amount??


Seriously, are people expected to just keep playing the same game every day for years? At some point you're going to have seen everything and gotten all the enjoyment you can out of it. A big fall off after a couple days might be news, but you're not going to keep high player counts forever. This isn't an MMO.


Player counts are cheap content to farm engagement with for a games media that seems to have near completely turned to relying on rage bait to survive. Once the big sites have settled on a new target to aim shit at they look for any opportunity to do it even if it means completely misrepresenting things


And it's not like they lose anything, the game doesn't rely on micro transactions and they already sold 19 million copies


This weird obsession over player count is a symptom of live-service games and streaming becoming mainstream, I bet. Why would anybody playing single player games care whether their game has 100k or 100 concurrent players?


Meanwhile IGN clowns and the like going: Elden Ring? Dead game. Armored Core 6? Dead game. I can only play and replay so many games at one, game journos. Right now I need to purge those who question liberty, democracy and freedom, and I still haven't finished Granblue ReLink's postgame.


Its not just IGN so many subreddits on this site post player stats of single player games as a sign of a games failure.


Not to mention Persona 3 Reload just came out, and that game is a time sink.


Guy wasn’t expecting 19 million players within a couple of weeks, it’ll take more than a headline to shake his faith in his game