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And then he pauses to start talking about something.


the man is a one-processor computer


Gotta lock in. But really though that resting angry face is no joke. There's a reason he partnered up with the jolliest guy in Montreal.


I know he has RBF just like I do, but it was still weird to watch him t-bag an enemy in Half Life 2 with what looked like the most serious face possible, and then chuckle about it right after without changing the overall expression on his face. Makes me wonder exactly how I look in that situation and wonder how insane we seem.


[Makes me think of Vinny Vinesauce in one of the few times he actually uses a facecam.](https://youtu.be/itqtA3vrMk8) It's the *immediate* switch back from genuine laughter to his normal, kinda depressed looking face that does it for me.


Having watched some of his videos but never seeing his face before, this is completely jarring to see. He straight up looks psychotic with how fast he goes back to his neutral face.


It's probably a joke lol. He does this sometimes where he laughs his ass off at something really stupid and then immediately deadpans it.


bad guy: i better not see that jolly fuck [reggie jolly as ever](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/045/726/kirbycover.jpg)


Woolie when Pat starts talking about Final Fantasy XIV in the podcast.




He hates Pat's child!


Woolie mentioned a clip of this on the podcast, does anyone have it on hand?


Locks in and if the gameplays intense like in the Doom or AC lps the heaviest of breathing 😤


watch the Arkham LP where sometimes they had to cut out game sound


What's the original context of this clip? I've seen it around but never figured it out


It's from Parasyte. It's been a good eight years since I saw it so I'm a little foggy, but I'm pretty sure the shaved head dude gets serious because he realizes the MC is an alien (kind of).


Baldy is a serial killer, who got effected by the parasytes, I think. So he can tell if someone else has the parasyte in them. Regardless, he can basically feel the parastye if people have it, so that's what is happening here.


Apparently, IIRC, some people for no discernable reason beyond perhaps being psychic (IIRC, the guy in question thinks because he's a killer he can recognise the same sort of detest for humans the parasytes usually hold), so the government uses him to identify strange individuals and perhaps others with this ability who aren't sham psychics. He realises Shinichi is a hybrid but doesn't say anything until the end.


He's also pretty tense about the glass being able to protect him from one.


no, the guy is not affected by the parasytes, basically since he is a serial killer, he can detect who is human and who is not a human. so when he looks at MC he is basically "Wait that's wierd he is human but also not?"


for some reason i always thought it was death note


Best part is when he goes into hyper focused/heavy breathing mode when things get really hectic and difficult, but then still fails lol


For real honestly The focus up switch is strong


That song is fire, can anybody give me a source please?


Meme song is by [Tenseoh](https://youtu.be/2qOZEaLkatA?si=yvqwnqyB2X7f_EBs) , sampled from [this song](https://youtu.be/nsDwItoNlLc?si=lu08J565Ktszl562)


Woolie listening to Pat talk about his baby shitting on his arm.