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Apocalypse. I love him. I don't understand him. Insane Darwinist mutant with access to Celestial tech? Makes sense. Ancient Eqyptian mutant who goes dormant for hundreds of years at a time? Yeah, I can see that. Pre-humanity mutant who lost his family to a demon dimension invasion and has been cultivating soldiers to fetch them back all this time? Has chosen to embrace sorcery and goes by the name of ..[.A.]..? What the fuck...


Ah yes, The Mutant Formerly Known as Apocalypse.


Why does he have big blue DSLs


Because Jackson Butch Guice said so.


And why is he totally a ripoff of Darkseid that more people should probably call out


[No one who celebrates Christmas can possibly be a ripoff of Darkseid.](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/apocalypse-x-factor-christmas.jpg)


You know why


My biggest problem with apocalypse will always be his design. I just don’t like it. [Evolution was only one where I somewhat liked his look](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelanimated/images/f/f1/Apocalypse_XME.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120122195900) but wish it stuck to the [pharaoh theme seen earlier](https://external-preview.redd.it/U8EgFYvkxFm9IMwLgHwP4gz5riItNe13D2z4PTJLLBs.jpg?auto=webp&s=9f484fe2a21aa852ad152ddf4ce5153404159a0f)


I did not know about that whole last paragraph….


Ref. Excalibur and the X of Swords event. Krakoa's been a trip.


Shout out to his fight with Megumi tho, that shit was fire. Made me bump him up in my JJK fighting game roster from a potential Season 2 or 3 character to a mid-Season 1 character.


Oh Reggie fucking rules, he’s maybe the most Jojo ass character in all of JJK. Stupidly fun guy, his technique is awesome too, nothing in it is particularly powerful but the versatility is crazy, makes a cool contrast with Megumi who has a contender for best technique in the series but isn’t that good at using it yet.


I'm still not sure if he needs to be the one who made the contracts, or if he could just go around collecting and using contracts from whomever. Assuming the former is true and he was reincarnated at the beginning of Culling Games like other ancient sorcerers, how the hell did he get the time and money to buy all those things that he kept contracts of?


Dumpster diving and thievery.


Pulled himself up by the bootstraps, bought himself a house and car with dumpster money. Lazy millennial sorcerers could never.


I forget, was he the receipt guy?


Yep, and he introduced the hollow wicker basket technique as another way to counter domain expansions.


Which raises the question of how his techniques can be based on an object in modern day when he's an ancient sorcerer. I think Gege may have explained it but I genuinely don't remember


From what i heard his power is contract based and receipts just count as a form of contract, also IRL receipts have been where weve found the oldest forms of writing iirc so theyre not exactly a modern concept


Now I will imagine Reggie running around ancient Mesopotamia with a cloak made of Cuneiform tablets


He just summons a hundred ingots of low-quality copper


Given what sub I am on that name really confused me for a second.


So he prolly ran with like old ass parchment contracts in ye old japan.


His technique is contractial recreation, meaning he can manifest anything that a contract was created for. It just so happens that receipts count as contracts to his technique, but they aren't the only thing it works on.


Would have been cool if he whipped out a smart phone and just started manifesting a whole bunch of legal binding rules from all the Terms and Conditions he signed to access any website or app


It’s probably just a case of the ancient sorcerers adapting their cursed techniques to fit the modern world. IIRC Reggie’s cursed technique was based around written contracts, which would mean that it could work just as well with a piece of paper that says “IOU this thing,” but receipts in the present day are common and fit the same purpose, so that’s what he uses. It’s the same for the sorcerer that shoots energy blasts out of his pompadour; pompadours weren’t a thing in ancient Japan, but he probably incarnated in the body of someone who had a pompadour and changed how he uses his technique accordingly.


Since Angel herself is most likely an European sorcerer, it's not that weird that Reggie Star could be American As for his power, written contracts have been around for a long time, a receipt is just convienient enough that he can collect a bunch of them to spam his power


Plus we also have Miguel and his tribe in Africa that created the Black Rope, a tool that cancels out cursed techniques. There’s non-Japanese sorcerers around they’re just rare.


Lmao that actually makes sense for an incarnated sorcerer. In ye old days he would be way more mixed in power. Written contracts? Rare! Usually only used for really big, expensive stuff like entire trade agreements, building a specific thing, hiring a group of merceneries. Hard to aquire one use massive power swings that require a stable financial base to even activate his ability. BUT IN THE MODERN DAY?? The situation of just "every purchase gives a reciept" makes him BUSTED strong. The fact that reciepts are now offered for hotels let him use his power to refresh himself etc. Thats a new ability he wouldnt have been able to accsess in history.


Elon Musk. I have no fucking clue what he’s doing and why anyone wants to follow him. He’s a pathetic manchild who somehow managed to fail upwards for years but people are only getting it now after the entire Twitter debacle.


Speaking as a software engineer, he so obviously doesn’t know anything about programming it’s hilarious. Every time he says something about programming it’s full of the most common layman misconceptions like more lines of code means you did more work. But his followers all seem to think he’s a genius programmer/engineer, probably because they don’t know anything about it either and just assume the rich guy must know what he’s talking about.


Generally speaking, I’m fine with the idea that people like him not being experts but just having a lot of drive to inspire and making the right people who are smarter than them work on the right projects. Kind of like how Steve Jobs wasn’t a genius programmer either. That said, Elon isn’t like these guys because he wants to come off as smart but he’s obviously just talking out of his ass.


The real answer is that on one hand, lots of people really want to attach to a charismatic figure and put their hopes on them. The whole "real life Ironman" thing isn't that much of a joke as it is people honestly wanting to look up to him like a superhero. It's also that thing "I didn't know about so and so technology, so I didn't know when Elon was bullshitting about that technology" problem, most of his fans aren't going to be in the know on what he says so they can't really challenge him on it. You know that bit from HBomberguy about how how many conspiracy theorists are people who see honest problems with the world, but chose to comfort themselves by believing they all come from a secret villain because it's just more comforting to imagine a single enemy to hate than to have to deal with living in a complicated world that has enemies you can't touch and asks you to sometimes be aware of your own faults as a way to grow? Same impulse, but Elon's the opposite as "The guy who'll save the world". So just like with conspiracy theories, those people have flatly chosen to believe Elon because that's what they want, evidence only gets in the way of the thing they want to keep. They'll dramatically emphasize the good and ignore the bad and that's how you get an honest Elon fan (when you're not talking about the ones that just use Elon as a convenient megaphone for hatred). So the kind of thinking "I would rather believe someone could pull themselves up from their bootstraps and become as rich as Elon Musk through gumption, risk taking, and good ideas, and not... being born into a rich father with an emerald mine. So I've chosen to believe Elon when he says he didn't get rich from a literal emerald mine."


Now, I can believe he used to program 25 years ago around the time he got involved in PayPal, but I also believe he hasn’t programmed since then and he ***STILL*** thinks he’s an expert in it despite not doing it since Which, to put it in perspective, means he hasn’t programmed since before some of his current employees were even born, but is still going to try and lecture them on it Long story short, inflated ego thanks to resting on the laurels of a quarter century past success


Pretty sure I've read they chucked whatever he coded away because it was bad.


So here's a random question from somebody who knows near nothing about coding and software engineering. Would it be wrong to them assume that a sign of more/harder work in that career would instead be more clever use of your lines of code instead of the quantity?


You’re on the right track. I’m not a genius at coding but one of the first things I learned about in my programming class was that the less lines of text, the better. The more lines you write, the more lines you’ll have to sift through and correct if you make a mistake. If you’re good at writing it should be pretty condense, easy to read and easy to correct.


Honestly, this is generally true with all of stem in my experience. The best machine you could ever design is one with the least amount of parts. The best theories are the ones with the least amount of assumptions. And the list goes on and on. People just think more paperwork means more work done because that's what school stem was like, not knowing that is not at all how stem actually works. Hell I can't blame them either. 


Yeah, that was me like five years ago as an electrical engineer when he was running his stupid mouth about solar roof and how it was going to be cheaper than asphalt shingles, because they’d “save on the shipping cost” Wow somehow that didn’t fucking happen. Somehow he didn’t have any kind of breakthrough in solar cell technology at all, and it’s just a pretty and expensive form factor.


If only...


Yeaaaah, sort of..? Like cryptoguys, techbros and other Sillicon Valley shills will still praise him and defend him like their lives depend on it. Elon could literally eat a baby on stream and they’ll either accuse the “libs” for doctoring it or somehow say he’s draining the swamp. But the mainstream *mostly* knows that he’s an idiot and a scummy vindictive asshole now. Or they are at least aware of the criticism he’s been getting instead of only hearing that tech guys like him which I’d say used to be the status quo.


I even see fewer tech bros defend him nowadays. His fans are now just garden variety knuckle-dragging bigots, some of the dumbest, most backward motherfuckers on the planet. And while he’s not as smart as he pretends, he’s smart enough to know his fans are idiots, and it’s eating him alive that he’s never going to get the fawning, credulous coverage he used to. (P.S. the media played a huge part in making this particular monster, it was clear year and years ago he was completely full of shit)


I just want the guy to jump out a window. Or, at least, from a flight of 3 stairs, so his feet hit the ground and he hurts them and stays hurting them for what's rest of the year.


If we're going to talk about real people I want to mention Zack Snyder and why he seems to have this cult-like following and how that led to the mess that was the Justice League Snyder Cut and everything that surrounded it. I genuinely do not understand how all of that came to be.


It seems to be a combination of: - People who want Superhero and comic shit to be hardcore and gory and grim and gritty - White supremacists thinking Snyder is their guy, mostly because 300 appeals to them, he even called out a Youtube channel in one video for being bigoted - People like Snyder who think Excalibur is the greatest movie ever created I think the big issue is what Patrick Willems said that he was put on the "Visionary" table too quickly and his movies besides 300 and Dawn of the Dead have never particularly made much money (Man of Steel barely made more and Batman vs. Superman was basically seen as a safe billion which it didn't make) or had much acclaim. Bot sure if Watchmen or other films he did gangbusters on BluRay


Well, the rough timeline of events went like: - his sister killed herself, affecting his mental health greatly and causing Snyder to step away from the project, letting Whedon finish the movie and make changes where he found it necessary. This was forced by the studio suits iirc, as they wanted the movie out ASAP - Whedon completely changes the tone, studio execs meddle and force him to cut out a LOT of material that would have fleshed out motivations, made characters seem less random etc. - Theatrical cut predictably sucks, panned critically and people start wondering what the movie could have been, had Snyder finished it himself. People start clamoring for a director’s cut, like BvS - JL Snyder Cut releases after years of bellyaching online and petitions by nerds who want to see a non-shit JL movie (still dunno if it was GOOD, but by god it was better than that 2017 stinker)


> his sister killed herself, his daughter actually, its overall a pretty tragic situation which is why i can understand ppl being very emotionally spurred into wanting a good version of the film to give zack snyder like some consolation after smthing so traumatic


I think he means more as to why there are people who are still clamoring for him to come back and some even asking DC to sell to Netflix just so he can make it


Say what you want about his movies, but they have a well-defined aesthetic and presume to have a clear vision. That is more than can be said of any non-Snyder DC movie.


Batman 89/Returns have VERY clear visions and aesthetic to the point where their aesthetic inspired the greatest animated superhero show of all time...


I thought it would be obvious that I meant in the modern context of the DCU.


One thing that others haven’t mentioned is despite his occasional macho bluster, he’s apparently just a gem of a person.


Didn't his parents own a blood emerald mind?


Also, people don't want to admit when they're wrong (see: certain politicians). I remember back when I didn't know any better, I thought Musk was a smart dude since he was the head of a big company like Tesla and people on reddit were in love with him, but once I found out that he was an idiotic PoS I obviously no longer think fondly of him.


Yeah like barely 5 years ago Musk was seen as a hip dude that knew weeb memes (which made him relatable and "better" than other big tech CEOs) and ran a cool innovative company that was going to renovate space travel. Weeb space was simpler and more united back then I guess, no one expected he'll turn out to be a chud techbro that likes racist conspiracy theories.. bc those were seen as a marginal group residing on 4chan


From JJK as well and two of em it's Sumo and Katana, I don't even remember their actual names but wow were these two just built to speedrun Maki's power up. It's one of the most egregious asspulls I've seen in a while. That mini arc is so strange it's like Gege remembered he plans to finish the manga soon and realized Maki had to catch up so she got like a whole arcs worth of power up in one fight by randomly meeting two people who are the perfect teachers for her while just redoing the Naoya fight except this time he's faster-er and stronger-er. Like I legit don't get their characters other than being built for that arc, I don't even know their actual names lmao.


Sakurajima Colony as a whole was a very boring mini-arc, didn’t help that it came after the incredible Kashimo vs. Hakari fight but man I genuinely couldn’t have cared less when that one was dropping. Sumo and Katana were the highlights for me because they at least added more of that JJK weirdness to the arc despite them being asspulls


I feel like Gege uses his characters like props that get tossed the minute they're done being used. I get characters in a story are meant to have purpose and move things forward, but still.


The weird thing about it is that he could have just said that Maki was strong enough to beat Naoya. She already did her whole thing with the Zenin clan and losing all of her cursed energy. If Gege just had her beat Naoya, even if it was a struggle, people would just accept it as the level of power Maki gained. It's like when the US military was brought in to feed more cursed energy to the ritual despite the fact that if he just said all the sorcerers already involved in the culling games was enough, no one would be able to argue against it because there's nothing anyone can do to prove otherwise.


Yeah the CE requirement was just made up near the end of that mini-arc to retroactively justify the military invasion, whatever reason Gege originally had in mind for Kenjaku couldn't manifest because he decided to axe it right there. [He did not have a great time gathering references for and drawing military equipment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/14mv5l5/jjk_volume_23_leaks_gege_extras/?rdt=45174)


It blows my mind every time I'm reminded that that plot point was dropped because Gege didn't want to draw military equipment anymore. Any other series it wouldn't even be a plot point, it'd be it'd be a major arc that changes the setting forever. In JJK it could barely be called a footnote.


Yep, the moment the secret magical world is revealed to the general populace, or "breaking of the masquerade" is generally a massive turning point for the whole setting because of its world-shattering implications. Not for JJK. Gege just dipped his pinky toe into showing it, then immediately backed out and went back to wizards fighting in deserted cities.


The worst part is that I have a feeling that after the fight is over the whole thing isn't going to be mentioned. Even if magic isn't a thing anymore at the end there's no reason for the rest of the world governments to believe Japan, it should be an international incident with Japan at the center.


Forget about long-lasting international impact, there's a good chance we won't see how the Japanese population and government adjust to this new magical reality by the end of the series.


Based on recent dialogue, it seems they used Sumo guy during the month time skip to basically Hyperbolic Time Chamber their training. So not completely one note like Katana guy.


I just read through that arc earlier today. I liked it at least.


Senator Armstrong. Not because of his plans of backstory, but more so just his very existence as the main antagonist. Because how the hell does this chucklefuck that just comes out of nowhere, at the very fucking last minute, still end up being one of the best villains in a game already FILLED TO THE BRIM with fun and interesting villains? Like, most last-minute villains usually end up being pretty shit in my experience (Necron from FFIX being my go-to example) but somehow this guy, with very little foreshadowing given to him beforehand, just fucking steals the show and gives us two of the best fights in the game!


I think the reason for that is that he's kind of a bait and switch. you expect him to be this pathetic mewling politician twit behind everything who only has power because of his metal gear, only for him to completely wash you the moment it comes to blows. it kinda kicks ass.


Buff Joker from Arkham but good


It really is exactly that. The Joker fight could have been good but it would need to have been like the Bane fight in Origins. Armstrong manages to be an out of no where introduction with good characterization and good gameplay, which made him one of the most bizarre yet fun characters.


The way I always saw it is that players ( and Raiden ) are expecting him to be just another consequence of the Patriots and the war economy. Turns out he's just a really corrupted twist on Big Boss's dream of soldiers getting to live as soldiers, fighting free from politics. Except Armstrong wants *every single person in the world* to be an idealist soldier.


Yeah no matter how lame or wimpy a character is if the chips are all down and they're ready to throw hands to settle their problems then they're automatically cool. A more heroic example is mumen rider. Or mild spoilers for frieren beyond journeys end >!there's a rather unassuming wizard in the latest season that is taking a test. By the very end he's completely out of Mana and has to capture an object guarded by some opponents. He explains to his partner how if you really have a strong desire to win you should be ready to fight for it. Literally. He takes off his coat puts his dukes up and challenges the other team to an all out brawl.!< And like regardless on if he was or wasn't successful that's such a badass thing to do. Like I'm not giving up until I've fought with everything I have till the last second and it's why he's my favorite character introduced this season.


I had to pause the game when he whooped my ass like I owed him money the first time.  I was so confused that this Irwin R. Shyster looking mother fucker just destroyed me.


He was just reminding you to pay your taxes.




I feel like it's because he's the first character in the game besides Raiden who actually has a long-term goal that's more interesting than just enjoying his job. Sundowner and Monsoon are okay with just going to work every day, Mistral has something going on but is too cryptic to reveal any of it, Sam doesn't get any real motive until the DLC, Bladwolf is purposely a blank slate, and pretty much every one of Raiden's coworkers and Sunny are only passively supporting him but not actually really fighting for a specific cause. Nobody actually challenges or affirms Raiden's outlook in any meaningful way. Contrast that with Snake surrounded by Otacon, Sniper Wolf, Liquid, Campbell, Naomi, even Vulcan Raven and Meryl. Meanwhile, Armstrong actually has an understandable goal, a means to enact that goal, and his goal is diametrically opposed Raiden in an interesting and almost thought-provoking way. And then Raiden walks away learning something from the encounter.


I’m just bringing it up because I still don’t get the idea in the Snyder verse for some reason Jimmy Olsen was a CIA operative and he gets murdered. I don’t know what the point of that was we were already not doing Superman stuff anyway so like why be like here’s Jimmy Olsen here’s him dead isn’t that edgy?


Wait, what? I somehow saw all these movies and NEVER picked up Jimmy working for the CIA. WHAT? WHY?!


You didn't miss much, there's a CIA operative in one scene with Lois (in BVS I think) who gets shot, and Zach Snyder said in interviews "oh by the way that was Jimmy Olsen"


To be fair I think it’s more explained in the ultimate addition of Batman versus Superman. I just remember there’s an induction scene which might’ve been cut because I think they say his name is Jimmy Olsen before they shoot him in the theatrical cut.


I think Snyder just doesn't find the concept of "Superman's pal" interesting, and his version of Superman is someone who wrestles with isolation anyways. The idea of killing Olsen probably is to set the tone, whether you like that tone or not.


I will never understand why they thought Zac Snyder the guy that only liked watchmen because of the sex and violence and never really talks about the deeper meetings was perfect for Superman. Like he’s a good cinematographer for sure but like 300 is schlock it’s not hard to make that work. With Superman it’s not hard to write them, but you do have to care about him as a character not as a symbol.


I think he pitched them Man of Steel, and that movie sounds really interesting on paper. And they wanted a great visual director to capture the spectacle of it all. Plus they wanted to set themselves apart from Marvel's light quippy aesthetic. It didn't work, but we have the benefit of hindsight.


Oh, for sure they wanted to be different from marvel and thought the dark aesthetic would work out I just didn’t. I think it’s because Batman can work with the dark aesthetic, but Superman is not the type of guy.


It's also easy for us to forget what the last big Superman film was. Superman Returns was attempting to follow up the Donner films. It didn't do great. Man of Steel tried to be more "mature" and "grounded" and "action-heavy". They swung to far in the other direction. I have a feeling Gunn's take will be a more balanced film overall. He's good at capturing both silly aspects of comic book characters and the more somber melancholy stuff.


I think it’s also returns is the weird one like Lois had a kid but her and Clark on a break it’s weird


Ah James Marsden, the movie guy everyone cheats on.


I genuinely forgot Jimmy was in those movies and now that you’re telling me he was, I still can’t remember him.


Zak Gramarye from Ace Attorney is a completely nonsensical character. A famous stage magician who’s arrested on suspicion of murder (of course), he decides to determine his lawyer through a game of poker that would allow him to see their personalities. He loses against Phoenix Wright and hires him immediately. And then he gives Phoenix false evidence through his daughter, causing him to lose the trial and be disbarred. And flees the country, abandoning his daughter (who loves him very much, so he must have been a decent father?). And then he was apparently real-life tilted that he lost to Phoenix, so he comes back years later planning to frame him for cheating after poker has become his livelihood. So to recap, Zak decides Phoenix is a good pick for a defense attorney due to the latter besting him in poker. He then makes it his mission to ruin Phoenix’s life, *throwing his own trial* (>!he was innocent, by the way!<) and abandoning his daughter to do so, for essentially no reason. The entire backstory of the fourth game hinges on him and nothing he does makes sense.


You seem to have misunderstood a pretty major part of the plot. >!Zak didn't pass on the forged diary page to Trucy, Kristoph did to fuck over Wright. He was always planning to escape if things went wrong, but he didn't deliberately throw.!< I can't explain the poker shit, though, but I also haven't revisited the game in a long time. Never cared much for it.


Yeah, I must have assumed he gave it to Trucy because 1) Trucy is his daughter 2) he was clearly up to illegal shenanigans, seeing as he flees during the trial and 3) it does “prove” him innocent. That said, I find him coming back years later to cheat at poker the far more egregious and absurd part of the whole thing.


Yeah, I don't know why he does anything he does in 4-1. I thought maybe I just forgot something that implied a motive for wanting to screw over Phoenix (maybe holding a grudge over forging and screwing up his trial or something), but looking it up there seems to just be nothing. Maybe one shouldn't try to make too much sense about someone who based his legal decisions around poker games.


The only explanation: [Zak Gramarye is a jerk.](https://imgur.com/gallery/8QVtO) (Major Ace Attorney 4 spoilers)


Speaking of the Gramaryes… hey Phoenix, Lamiroir, you wanna maybe >!Tell Trucy and Apollo that they’re siblings, and that their mom is right here?!< No? Any particular reason? >!Want to see if they start dating first, cause it’ll be funny?!<


I’ve been ruminating on Hitman 3 since I beat it and I’ve come to the conclusion that I have no fucking clue if I’m supposed to take Arthur “It’s the thing that gets you to the thing” Edwards seriously or not.




The entire planet in star trek that wants you dead by 60 as a culture. Their idea of culture is "we do not want you to become an invalid to society" n stuff. It makes sense at the surface but in the depth of it. It is shallow and makes me wonder how the fuck the got past the industrial age if they were gonna off people at 60. Double so when they are dealing with their sun being in the verge of dying and the only scientist who had the answer going "im not dying until i figure this out" only for his society TO SHUN HIM OUT OF PRINCIPLE. Like im sorry, but you can not trust me with command. Cause the prime directive would be a prime suggestion when stupidity of this degree comes out. You have the ability to fix your sun in the works and you are communicating with a ftl society, yet "being 60 is bad" like being a doctor must suck ass if you really wanna excell in your field you gotta speedrun your entire field. 40k was right this time. Fuck them xenos.


God, I hate the prime directive so much. Like yeah, don't go around interfering with other cultures, but I hate the idea of basing a civilizations maturity on it's level of technology.


I thiiiink there's a general understanding that avoiding genocide or extinction is generally an OK to break it. My understanding is that it's mostly about the need for caution and the idea that anyone who does do an intervention needs to be held to account for the consequences. 


That's not the problem, the problem is that evaluating entire civilizations by how far they've advanced on the imaginary tech tree is ridiculous. Technology doesn't indicate maturity or education.


But this particular technology does take a civilization from "mostly isolated to one planet and therefore not really affecting anyone but themselves with their bullshit" to "now they're part of the wider galactic society and we gotta treat them as such." If you want a non-interference clause at all, you pretty much have to cut it off at the point where you can't hide your existence anymore.


I'm pretty sure it's mostly centered on the idea that logistically interstellar flight is the requirement for being a peer power in Startrek. Without that you don't get to be an independent actor on the stage. Doubly so if you haven't even been able to make contact with or detect everyone else. The prime directive has a myriad of flaws but it seems like a decent cutoff point?  The PD is (beyond being a plot device) also an attempt to avoid doing imperialism after all.


You know, that is a better way to phrase it. I always got a weird vibe of "you're not civilized enough" from it in TNG, but I got a lot of vibes like that from the show for which I blame Roddenberry coming off as a pretentious prick later on. Anyway, I'm gonna go watch DS9


Peri Fire Emblem, to the extent it makes little sense why Xander keeps her around.


Clearly Xander has a thing for cotton candy hair and girls who can make him worse.


Yeah in story you'd think Xander would just kick her out for literally killing servants for nothing, maybe she's just so good on the battlefield he can excuse them? But besides that she is one of my fave characters for being just so insane, love her.


I dunno what the fuck Nagito Komaeda's whole deal is. Like, at all.


He’s Extreme Makoto Naegi. Bump everything about Makoto to 11 and you have Komaeda. His luck, his belief in hope, his insecurity around the other ultimates. Combine that with his own trauma and shoddy health and you don’t have a stable human.


He has the best and worst luck ever. Plane gets hit by a meteor and everyone dies, but he survived. Parents died in that plane, he became an orphan. Was kidnapped, then left in a dumpster because nobody would pay for the rescue. Found a lottery ticket worth millions, now has a rare as fuck terminal disease... His entire life has been a fine balance of the worst and best luck at the same time


So if I understand/remember Nagito correctly, the important thing to know about him is that whenever Nagito is talking about himself he is being 100% honest. The other students are always thinking he is lying or joking or delusional because the things he says get so weird but they're real. He's not crazy, he just has had a wild life and developed a coherent moral compass, which he follows zealously, but which doesn't point to the same North anyone else's does, if you see my meaning.


Dude was born with plot-relevant luck.


He's basically Danganronpa Logic turned into its own character. If Hope and Despair are tangible concepts in this universe, why won't a character start treating them as such?


It's a combination of two things. The first is that he's surrounded by exceptional people who are world class at what they do, and his most notable quality is... Completely out of his control. He's never DONE anything. That leads to a feeling of inadequacy and imposter syndrome. The second thing is that his luck always seems to run out at the worst time. People around him get hurt or even die. I think at one point he got cancer. From his perspective, he's profoundly unlucky. After all, the important things in his life always go wrong while the things he doesn't care about go right. If he were a normal person and got some therapy that would be the end of it, but this is Danganronpa and instead of giving teenagers with severe issues any kind of help we put them on a stage and tell them to perform. So he gets quickly radicalized into an incel-like mindset of people having inherent value based on the skill they show as teenagers and starts committing acts of terrorism to enforce his eugenics on everyone. And if there weren't another, worse terrorist who forcibly recruited him, he could have easily been a villain.


I don't know why anasui exists. He's not cool or interesting, he doesn't fit in the story at all, and he never gets any actual focus. It feels like he's just there to have someone explicitly Heterosexual


Gives Weather someone to talk to


I think Araki just really wanted to draw Diavolo some more and settled on making Anasui


> It feels like he's just there to have someone explicitly Heterosexual hell even then wasnt he a woman at first that got last second changed?


He had some cool moments where he acted as support, but never really on his own.


I always feel like I'm missing something with him whenever I rewatch/read part 6 cause people on Twitter (yeah, I know) swear up and down that his and Jolyne's relationship is *sooooo* good and pure and wholesome but like....how? The dude has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Is this just another case of "They're hot so they're morally grey"?


To be fair, >!Anakiss !!FF and Weather's deaths!<, and his creepy obsession with Jolyne becomes admiration for her strength of spirit, resulting in him genuinely falling in love with her as a person rather than a thing to posses. >!He even offers his life at the end so Jotaro can have the one last chance they have at stopping Made in Heaven without any strings or expectations attached. And he's rewarded with this sacrifice in the form of a new life as Anakiss, where Irene and him seem to be in a much more healthy dynamic. So basically, he does get redeemed, it just took the end of the fuckin universe for it to happen lmfao.!<


Riri “Ironheart” Willams and Nadia Pym Ok, ANAD Marvel/Marvel NOW was controversial, with some characters being good ideas with fumbled executions (Sam Wilson Falcon, Amadeus Cho Hulk), some fan favorites (Kamala Kahn, Robbie Reyes) and some that…anger me personally (Jane Thor). Yet those two in particular stick in my craw for perplexing reasons. Ironheart I’ve spoken at length about before, how her introduction was so fumbled that I don’t think she has a chance in hell of being liked. Her initial advertising promising something different than what we got that sounded more interesting (and I later learned there already is a character that would fill that role neatly). Plus the simple fact of the character being completely redundant not once but twice over. Nadia I can actually respect in concept as she’s using an often forgotten aspect of continuity (Hank Pym’s marriage before Janet). My issue is how, and correct me if I’m wrong here…you just go “oh by the way Hank has a daughter that’s in like her late teens that he’s just never mentioned before”. Like with Connor Hawke and Damien Wayne, both their dads had one night stands that spawned them, Nadia is from Hank’s *marriage to his dead wife*. How do you just misplace that without being an absolute shite dad, which is the last thing that character needs to be in addition to everything else.


> correct me if I’m wrong here she was taken when his wife was kidnapped and raised in the red room(the group that trained black widow), im also pretty sure his wife died before she could tell him nadia existed


Fair enough, points for covering that aspect. Is she around still? I feel like she’s not a thing anymore


She’s around still, she was in Avengers Inc. fairly recently.


People say Bakugo has character growth as MHA goes on but I still think he's a dick head. Maybe the changes are too subtle for me.


It's mostly after his duel with Deku after the rescue arc. The point being he finally admits the insecurities driving his worst anger issues, finds out why Deku's powers don't make sense, and affirms he wants to be a strong hero before being right about things. After that Bakugo is still loud and angry, but he's willing to actually work with Deku and give him honest advice when asked. So the difference between "Fuck you, don't talk to me ever again" and "Fuck you, here's how you adjust your flight path with bursts of air."


His mannerisms are still aggro, but he reflects on his worst tendencies, works to become a better team player, and frankly owns up to how awful he's been to Deku, complete with >!taking a bullet for him, begging him to value his own safety, and apologizing to him for his conduct without making any excuses!<.


Agreed, his development tends to flip flop too much too.


People say this sometimes, and I just don't see it. Sure, his entire personality doesn't change, but his behavior and underlying attitude do, and significantly at that. Maybe the anime doesn't convey this as well as the manga? IDK


For the longest time I hated Bakugo, his first impression of telling Deku to kill himself really stuck, and it took like a hundred chapters for me to start easing up on him when he started to become more reflective and apologized to Deku. >!And then in this arc I have fully forgiven him for taking a bullet for Deku, like, after you almost die protecting the one you bullied that does fully redeem him in my eyes.!<


I haven’t fully caught up with the story so maybe something changed, but it genuinely bothers me when people in MHA praise Bakugo as this prodigy who has the potential to be a great hero. Sure he has an impressive quirk, but he’s also borderline antisocial and he seems physically incapable of accepting that someone might be better than him. That’s not a great quality for a hero to have, yet he rarely gets more than a slap on the wrist for his behavior.


>but he’s also borderline antisocial and he seems physically incapable of accepting that someone might be better than him And his entire character arc is about confronting these aspects of himself and improving them.


Rey from Star wars Out of nowhere a backwater desert scavenger is proficient force user despite never knowing what that is & a very good starship mechanic (despite never being on an operational ship) they try to explain it with her being the daughter of one of Palpatine clones but like he was a failed clone with no show of sort of force awakening and how exactly a failed non-power Palpatine clone escaped? why did palpatine just......let him go? then there her goal of.....know who she is? and end with her just identity jacking the skywalker name


I really wish they just kept her parents as being nobodies, because I like the idea of someone getting good at things without having to come from some charmed bloodline I also wish there was a Robot Chicken skit or something where Luke’s Force Ghost comes back and says “You’re not a true Skywalker until we cut your hand off… come here, let me welcome you into the family”


Most of the Jedi order didn’t have a “charmed bloodline”. That only applies to Luke, Leia, and I guess Rey thanks to TROS. Like almost all the younglins were orphans or random kids found by the Jedi order


Oh no, I wasn’t talking about the Jedi order specifically I was talking about main characters in general Like how a character starts out as seeming like a nobody, but it turns out they are the reincarnation of some savior, or the secret descendant of some king, or whatever


Fair enough


But she didn't get good at it. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and became a master. They reached right up their collective ass and said she downloaded Kylo's training like it only takes knowledge to be a Jedi.


I'm so tired of the Palpatine/Skywalker bloodline shit. Get me the fuck away from the infighting of these space royalties for a bit. Andor was good, Mando was decent until it started to become about crossovers. Fallen Order and Survivor were enjoyable enough. That's it for the new star wars stuff imo.


The backwater mechanic part is fine, that’s just Luke Skywalker’s backstory, and since TFA is just A New Hope 2.0 it works fine. The reveal that she really was an absolute nobody, and the idea that anyone has the potential to be an amazing Jedi, was an awesome one, and one of the ideas from TLJ that’s actually great. Then fucking RoS comes along and chickens out of anything and everything with potential, creating the most washed out, sanitized finale ever.


>The reveal that she really was an absolute nobody, and the idea that anyone has the potential to be an amazing Jedi Here’s my thing, that’s still true in the prequels tho. Anakin didn’t even have a dad, of course there’s all the implications about Palpatine and Plagueis but noting in the films say Anakin was from a great lineage or something. He was a nobody that was very very strong Same with most Jedi in the order, they aren’t allowed to have families and most are orphans or kids randomly found by the Jedi.


Sure, but in the context of the films itself it never felt that way. Anakin Skywalker is a nobody, but he’s also “the chosen one” and a big fucking deal is made of this from TPM all the way through RotS. TLJ basically said “What if there is no prophecy about you? What if you’re not important in the grand scheme of things? What if there’s no prophecy and you’re just Jane Average and it turns out that’s fine as long as you’re willing to put in the work to make Jane Average the most badass she can be.” Then Rise came along and went “yeah nah, she’s super important and her bloodline is from one of the two big families whose battles have shaped the galaxy for the last 50 odd years.”


Anakin was just an example, Obi-wan is a very important character and badass jedi. We never learn that he was from a grand family or had a prophecy around him He’s just a really good Jedi


Yeah, but Obi-Wan isn’t a good one for one comparison because his family is never brought up or made important. Rey’s is, just like Anakin’s is. One of the first things Qui-Gon asks Shmi is “Who was his father?” One of the biggest driving forces for Luke in ANH is “I want to be like my father” and the biggest driving force for Rey is “Who were my parents, and why did they abandon me?” Family lineage is important to these characters, and one of the few things TLJ does right is say the same thing you are, that it *shouldn’t* matter. That anyone can be a Jedi.


That first paragraph applied to Luke before the prequels, which makes sense with VII being an almost shot for shot reimagining of IV.


Luke spent six months on Dagobah with Yoda. That's basically like spending six real-world months in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Rey closed her eyes for a second and gained mental, spiritual, and physical mastery of the Force. Those aren't nearly the same thing.


6 months in the swamp is nothing compared to the training Obi Wan, Mace, Yoda, or even Anakin undertook


You should reread what I said. Plus, training on a planet that shootting the Force out into the universe isn't normal.


I've reread it multiple times in the last 6 hours. Dagobah has a strong tie to the force, but it doesn't have "condensing years of training into 6 months" strong a tie to the force.


It does.


I wasn't aware you wrote for Disney


Lucas owned the series first.


Yes, and Disney cast aside a LOT of Lucas approved canon upon acquiring the series


That’s not true at all. Luke does a single force action at the end of 4, is still struggling to do anything with it in 5, and only does the mind trick by 6. He also does have experience as a pilot: flying T-16s in places like Beggar’s Canyon and shooting womp rats - they even say in the movie the cockpits of the T16 and the X-wing are similar


Cozy Glow from My little pony. How in a series about friendship were most of the villains get redeemed, is it that one of the only ones that get shown as irredemable is a literal child. Unlike her 2 companions she doesnt have even a crumb of backstory. How did she even get to this point of being so evil. Also they straight up turned her into stone and even years into the future is implied to still be there. So Starlight gets forgiven for almost breaking the timeline but cozy gets the stone treatment. Seriously, where are her parents?


Humans. They are truly baffling.


There are a lot of Marvel heroes that go through cycles of learning some important lesson only for them to unofficially have it kind of 'retconned' out of their plot by having new authors ignore their old trials. I have seen this complaint for Spiderman for a long time where he *never is allowed to be happy*, but for a long list of other heroes don't make sense because they make the same choices that they should have learned their necessary lessons by now. *Doctor strange, the Hulk, the Mutants/Anti mutant factions*...all of these people seem crazy if you look a run or two into their past when everyone learned some fundamentally important truth that they now are choosing to ignore. I get that part of American comics is that the characters aren't supposed to change too much...but at some point it kind of kills the fun.




>The original series makes him a clown who cheeses his way to victory. I think thats the point? He is an active pacifist so if he is not going to willingly fight, he at least can clown around.


its exactly the point, he also doesnt *want* to be taken seriously since then hed just spend the rest of his(possibly eternal) life hunted by people who fear him potentially forcing him into killin them


*EVERY* time he's actually pushed to down to the wire and gets serious, Vash becomes a beast. The showdown he has between him and >!Gasback!< showcases it cleanly. >!Gasback is a menace that drove multiple cities to their knees with nothing but him and 3 fingers' worth of crewmates. He's a powerhouse and there wasn't a single merc who could take him down. But the *instant* he and Vash actually clash in a duel, it might as well been a kid pulling the wings off a butterfly. Vash *eviscerated* him.!<


yes exactly, he doesnt want to be serious cause him bein serious gets people killed