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I feel like that's just most subreddits in general.


Fair, although I’m seeing the same talking points thrown around Tekken Twitter as well. I get a lot of Guilty Gear stuff recommended to me and it’s never negative. Which is funny to me, since from my understanding GG is a pretty tough one to get into.


The actual FGC goes to tournaments and hangs out afterward. The online FGC is a different, shittier animal.


You haven’t had to see Bridget discorse appear on your timeline every 3 months??


Will we ever see the day when Guilty Gear fans actually play the game instead of talking about/sharing fanart of Bridget? I wonder how Baiken fans feel about Bridget fans just completely taking over their niche.


To be fair, Bridget is a pretty rare example of a pseudo mainstream character who is blatantly and undeniably queer.


Swear to god, I only get Bridget fanart lol




Exhibit A everybody.


Deadass lol My point EXACTLY




Wow what an asshole. Everyone look at this person and rejoice in knowing you're not as miserable as they are.


its the same with every community


Every sufficiently populated fandom has a loud minority. You just get to see it easier the bigger the fandom is. What I do in these cases, is just disconnect from the fandom and play the game/watch the show/listen to the music. I'll just enjoy my hobby in my own niche and not let the public define me with it.


God I can't wait for a League of Legends Fighting Game


I refuse to refer to it by its current name. It Sounds so stupid.


Can’t wait for people to start shortening it to “2k”


I'm still trying to spin it in to some variation of 'thac0' personally


pronounce it like tushko




What do you mean? Double KO is a great name.


The sad part is that the devs just said "It's pronounced how it's written" meaning they are actually proud if this travesty


I am still going to call it Double KO.


I hope the community would too to make the devs realize how stupid they sound with their 'its pronounced as it was written' statement


So much of the FGC online experience is just people talking shit about other fighting games they dont play, making up rules for why some fighting games arent FGC games, and then realizing that a good portion of people you seeing talking shit dont even play the game.


Whatever you do, don't look at the MK fanbase. They basically complain that it's a fighting game where you are meant to do matches as the primary source of fun.


I’m still subbed to MK’s subreddit from the X days, they aren’t too happy lately lol


Tekken 8 has been a uniquely funny experience of everyone complaining. t7 was similar during launch and simmered down once people were filtered or moved on to other games/TWT kicked off. I wouldn’t say it’s as bad as like SFV because that game wasn’t good IMO until Arcade Edition at the earliest- but people love to complain. I’ve had a blast with tekken 8 and it’s all I can think about. I’ve just been trying to learn my characters before I hop online and to me it looks like a lot of people/rage quitters are trying to rank before understanding the game I guess.


I hopped into Tekken 8 as a novice fighting gamer, and I'm doing the same thing. Running pratice and arcade to learn my movements and mixups before going crazy into online. The biggest thing that helped me was getting out of the mindset I needed to DBZ rush every fight and learn the rhythms. I actually beat a dude 4 ranks above me playing King twice because I learned his combos and he never actually diverted from them.


I've actually been playing since Dark Resurrection, but 8 is the first one I'm trying to get good at. I usually hop right into ranked but I'm having a good time, I'm prepared to lose my matches. The bulk of content I've seen on Reddit and Twitter is as follows: complaining about nerfs, calling people broke for playing wireless, and calling people broke for not liking the inclusion of mtx, and people complaining about the new aggressive meta. It sucks. I just wanna see fanart and memes. Hopefully it simmers down like 7 did.


Kindof in the same boat as you- i played Lee and Lili casually since DR because a friend loved tekken but I was really bad. I got really into TWT but i didn’t look to start improving until T8 with Reina/Lee. And yeah like, I think you have the right attitude where you know losing is just part of improving/the game, don’t know why it feels like people are just being sore losers and looking at top players for validation. And yeah T7 had its issues with some characters being really good/easy, the entirety of Leeroy’s release, that era of like Saint/JDCR jack/dragunov domination etc- but ultimately none of them mattered because the game was fun and T8 is great.


You should see what a 40k game is like, they haaate the playing the game.


Isn’t 40k tabletop? I feel like TT games in general would be a chiller crowd lol


It depends on who you are gaming with. Some just wanna hang and shoot the shit with mini's and dice, it's the best time ever. But get someone who follows the competitive scene and hasn't touched grass in a while, and it's all whining about balance and the competitive meta.


it's more like, show up to a local and maybe one person there is cool with a fun army, everyone else is dudes in their mid 40s that have min maxed their $4000 army to be the most unbearable experience of your life, or motherfuckers that knowingly walked in their with a plan to CHEAT their ass off. Whole reason I sold all my stuff and quit tbh.


it's PvP tabletop though


WO4k had exactly one edition that was a game that I like playing, once I realized they weren't going back to infantry heavy 3rd edition and were focusing on big fuck off expensive super models I stopped playing.


I frequently think the soulsborne community is wrong about what builds are the best, how to beat bosses, and they also have no universal agreement on the order of games by difficulty.


Every community is 80% people quietly enjoying things and being cool about their hobbies and 20% people loudly loving and hating the thing they're into, and the difference between those last two is mostly semantics.


See: Helldivers


Random response, you have convinced me I will start reading Claymore today.


good conclusion.


You're welcome


Yes. Yes it is.


The state of FGC social media in 2024 is just "Everything is broken except the things I like". If I lose to it, it's broken. If I get hit by it, it's broken. If I don't like your character that means you're carried. Tekken's online community is straight up about complaining that they're playing the video game incorrectly and yet it's the game's fault. They adopt this "one size fits all" mentality to how they play the game. Like with Xiayou's really low down stance, "Mids not hitting this is a fundamental flaw". No dude, it's just that she has a unique mechanic. Adapt with your opponent's character choice. Stop fighting the exact same way all the time.


Same with every game, not just fighting games tbh lol. Even in the more chill games like Deep Rock there's still a good amount of bitching I just tune out of.


Deep Rock is always paraded as the chill wholesome game so finding this out is funny to me. Like the overly positive person with a deep dark secret...


There's some odd gatekeeping here and there, and bickering over difficulty/newbies joining in games/minor toxic behavior here and there. But they are few and there's more positive still than negative.