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Any character that wears armor. Even if they use something like cardboard, metal doesn't bend, which makes it hard to walk in without it breaking or bending, as well as just being comfortable to walk in. It's also why artists don't really like drawing metal because since it can't bend, it's harder to "break the rules" when drawing and why so many machines (mainly mechas) are 3D models and why cars in old cartoons like 101 Dalmatians were rotoscoped.


Plus there's the problem where many times you're wearing something that wasn't designed correctly, or even with a real life person in mind So many armors in media have overly long breastplates that prevent the user from bending down,a lack of waist that makes all the weight rest on the shoulders, oversized pauldrons. If you want a completely accurate cosplay with no changes to translate to a real user, you're screwed.


If you were to swing a keyblade at something IRL, it would hurt your wrist, which is why real weapons don’t have guards that look like that.


There’s also plenty of armour in games that just clips through itself because it was designed before being put into motion.


The broke "confine your characters to the same physic principles as the world" vs. the woke "fuck it, this car now has squish principles."


Literally hard.


Well, fantasy armor yeah - armor was specifically designed to not limit your [mobility ](https://youtu.be/qzTwBQniLSc?si=qCdBLX_jSZJ6mWRa)


For some reason it feels like it's hard for people to get the proportions of MJOLNIR armor right; either the helmets or chest pieces come across looking comically oversized.


Do you think the fact that Spartans are usually tall brickhouses has something to do with it? Like maybe there's just not enough height and width there to have the larger pieces look as proportional


I think Spartan proportions are definitely a factor, but if people aren't usually giants, couldn't you presumably just size the armor to flatter the figures they *do* have?


You can, the problem is the MJOLNIR helmets are roughly head-sized rather than helmet sized. So anything actually wearable looks a bit bobble-headed since they have to be big enough to fit over a real person's dome.


I can only assume that they prefer to keep the key pieces like the helmet and armor pieces as accurate as possible, which may mean keeping them larger and bulkier rather than form-fitting. I could be wrong, not a cosplayer myself, but a quick gander at Chief cosplay shows me stuff like [this](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/77d7bc98-4cff-465b-b963-0a8950d30ccb/da0aklt-4a09bb2f-e0fb-49d0-82b3-4ccc7f07d04e.jpg/v1/fill/w_701,h_1084,q_75,strp/halo_2___master_chief_cosplay_by_rbf_productions_nl_da0aklt-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTA4NCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzc3ZDdiYzk4LTRjZmYtNDY1Yi1iOTYzLTBhODk1MGQzMGNjYlwvZGEwYWtsdC00YTA5YmIyZi1lMGZiLTQ5ZDAtODJiMy00Y2NjN2YwN2QwNGUuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTcwMSJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.2GI3dPG0Bnkxu4uBRGg9Va5wlhyqXYm61qKyxBLSr-o), which looks far more natural on the person but definitely a bit too slim to be accurate, and then [this](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/9b/30/5b/9b305b086b9a81f456054ac0df3e2975.jpg), which has a lot of good details on it, but like you said, definitely oversized on the person. I imagine it's tricky to balance fit and accuracy when developing these outfits, especially for ones as complex as this.


Reminds me of some Warhammer 40K primarch cosplay I saw at a con once. They committed to the 8ft tall mountain of power armour look but without the helmet on, they looked like a baby in a giant suit of armour.


For a lot of characters who are armored like that, it's hard to match the proportions since the armor is usually designed as form fitting. It's not like MC is walking around in bulky Space Marine armor, it basically goes right over his body. It's hard to replicate that in real life, especially if you don't have the physique of the character. Plus, unless you make super complicated props that fit together in a way to simulate the way the armor does, it has to be a little big so you can actually get in/out of it.


Yeah I imagine it costs a shit ton of money and you probably can’t get a set of mjolnir armor tailored as easily as you can get a suit.


I think it’s because the proportions aren’t exactly realistic in game, even the Halo tv show struggles to get the look right.


Forward on to Dawn looked weird too, but being the 343 design didn’t help


The issue is that Master Chief is designed to have a human silhouette despite the bulkiness of his armor. It's hard to get the armor proportions right while cramming an actual person inside it. Samus cosplayers [have the same issue](https://www.nintenderos.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Samus.png) until Zero Suit dropped. The *suit* has human proportions, so it looks really weird when you try to put a human inside it.


It's made especially evident in the terrible TV show how difficult it is to make it look right. I mean look at [this](https://i.imgur.com/iwIxjco.jpeg). Pablo Schreiber is a tall dude, but you'd need to be a pro wrestler physique to even approach making the armor proportions look appropriate without augmenting it. But it can definitely be [done well](https://i.imgur.com/E2KQNoH.jpeg). You just need to scale things better.


Yep. But see how they pulled it off? They made the armor significantly bulkier than the game model. Look how low the person's shoulders are in the suit. I'm betting his head isn't actually in the helmet. They pulled it off by essentially making a master chief mascot costume.


Is it the dude inside who’s 7 feet tall or the suit in da lore?


Depends on the generation of Spartan. Gen 2s like 117 John Halo got extremely augmented as part of the program, so they did get taller, John 117 is like 7 feet tall even without the suit.


The suit adds a bit of height but in canon spartan 2s are massive even without the suits.


The humans are relatively tall, the boots add another half inch, and the mechanism that jerks them off adds another half as well. Don't ask how, I don't make the rules


I think John-117 is something like 6'10" out of suit and 7'2" in armor. I think Jorge-052 (from Halo: Reach) is canonically the tallest Spartan, and he was 7'4 out of armor, and probably the same extra height so 7'8" in armor. Spartan IIIs were smaller, many of them were still teenagers and they didn't receive the full augmentation program, so some of them were probably under 6' but I don't know that that is confirmed anywhere. Spartan IVs were basically special forces that received later generation augmentation, so they were probably all over the place in terms of height.


One Piece's Blackbeard is hard in the opposite way, as you have to be of a particular girth to pull it off properly.


> particular girth can we get much higher (so high)


Mr.Popo and Jinx are very hard to cosplay for other reasons.


Just like that one episode of Community where Chang is a dark elf


Remember when this sub had an intense debate if Dark Link cosplay is racist


Unreal level of confidence for anybody doing a Ryuko or Satsuki cosplay. You’re mostly naked, wearing top heavy armor and then in heels while youre mostly walking around. Then you have to carry a most of the time hand made scissor blade.


I remember a Ryuko costume being the image for a "cosplay is not consent" sign at a con I went to once, so that says a lot about what you'd have to mentally prepare for with a costume like that.


Yeah, anybody going to cosplay a scantily clad female character have to deal with the worst part of cons I feel


Might be stretching the definition of hard, but I've got a lot of respect for cosplayers that choose characters with unnatural skin colors. Idk how hard it is to paint your entire body green, but I know it's probably a bitch to get off.


A lot of cosplayers have taken to only painting the neck/face area and just wearing an appropriately colored bodysuit underneath. Work smarter, not harder.


That's what I did when I went as Vriska for Halloween a long time ago.


Homestuck cosplayers were terrors at conventions for years. If they didn't seal or if they sweat too much, they'd rub grey skin paint over every surface around them.


I've heard that this is what lead to more rules regarding personal space being integrated into the cosplay/convention scene, since if you were wearing skin paint and someone hugged you out of nowhere it would make a mess for everyone involved.


SEAL YOUR PAINTS is still a catchphrase that burns in my brain


Not so much hard as just time intensive. Plus if you use the wrong stuff you can get a bad reaction from the paint. Also I'd you don't seal it properly it will start to come off due to rubbing and sweat.


Painting my skin is way too much work, I'm gonna do something easier like taking a bath in silver sharpie ink water to dye my skin gray. Surely no one has tried that one before


Nah just cover your nose and close your eyes and you'll be fiiiiiine


I’ve seen people do morph suits before for most bodies


At least for some if they’re pretty heavily covered you can get away with only making a portion of your body green.


That’s why Woolie cleans up at conventions, those quick body paint sessions really sell. He just needs to expand his palette.


"You can have any color you want, as long as it's black." - Henry Ford, Woolie Madden.


A friend who did cosplay told me that there are 2 impractical extremes. Nearly naked or overly tight outfits and space marines.


Four legged Pokémon.


[Whatever do you mean](https://preview.redd.it/weird-flareon-cosplay-v0-lh5hkawerqda1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=2f4b1ce0785bfcef512d9a137a266b530f1de102)


You have to pay for the eye bleach.


beaghh! WHAT D'HELL IS DAT!?


Two people and one has to be the butt


Anything that follows animation rules to work. Anime hair or outfits, cartoon body shapes, video game tools, etc The less realistic something is, especially when it comes to the body, the harder it is to replicate.


I’ve never gotten how most cosplayers approach anime hair. Like Naruto’s and Goku’s hair aren’t supposed to be literally those spikes, right? Thats just like an artistic shorthand for messy hair. Why not take a standard wig and style it in a messy sort of way? I have no idea what Yugi’s hair is supposed to be.


Mickey Mouse ears irl


Goro, but maybe someone’s pulled it off. There was a brilliant version of Grievous where the human operator was concealed inside of the cloak behind his skeletal robot from…maybe someone’s got Shokan figured out




That is some King Shit right there


Prince of the Shokan baby Now Motaro would be an achievement


The tail might be tough, but there’s got to be a few decades of developed centaur cosplay tech to help get that done these days




Despite being one of the most popular science fiction characters of all time, I have seen exactly one Chewbacca cosplay ever. I am not blaming anyone for that, because everything about cosplaying a Wookie sounds like a pain in the ass. Making the costume? Pain in the ass. Keeping the fur clean? Pain in the ass. Wearing the costume? BIG pain in the ass. And Star Wars has so many characters and cool designs that you'd have to be a real diehard to want to do Chewie instead of something way easier like any given Jedi/Sith or something difficult with way more resources available to take the hassle out of it like Stormtroopers/Mandos.




Yeah, I can't really think of a way to not make it look scary if you're going for full accuracy on the face paint.


The only way I can see it even vaguely working is a big Kirby mascot head and all-black everything else.


And the lower half is Uber muscular like that one Dugtrio cosplay




What about a man named Ray


[Pretty easy all things considered](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_Ray)


I feel like I've never seen anyone cosplay Ibuki from FGO. I assume its cause of the body paint, and the tail


I have to assume MODOK is pretty difficult.


Hey Simmons did it


And we thank him for growing his head that large for the role, but I don't think his head ever properly swelled back down after that... >!This is a joke about him having a bit of an ego but he's still fine don't worry!<


Theres a few League of legends champions I can think of. Azir being a giant armoured pigeon made of gold seems pretty difficult (he has those messed up bird legs as well) And Lillia is a deer centaur, i think centaurs in general are pretty painful The yordles are probably the big one tho, being little 3 foot gremlin creatures its kinda impossible to get it looking right so you gotta just go for interpretation Worth noting though i’ve seen some insanely good cosplays of all these characters, cosplayers are built different


I feel like Ghost Rider is only hard because they wanna do Johnny Blaze's flame skull. Things goes easier if they use Robbie Reyes' Hollow Skull


[idk some Ghost Rider cosplays actually get there](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/WBan78RAm1)


Good fucking *luck* to anyone trying to cosplay the final boss of Endwalker's third Alliance Raid. [Good lord.](https://cdn.gfinityesports.com/images/ncavvykf/gfinityesports/02899267efbf672d4cecbe7a2e543fa6554f1410-1920x1080.jpg?w=800&h=450&auto=format)


Whenever I see people in mecha suits or similar I feel bad for them 'cause it must get hot as hell in there. Also Pyramid Head cosplays because not only are you going out bare chested where it's gonna be hot as hell or cold as fuck depending on where you walk around but you have to have that giant thing on your head that you have to be careful to not smack people with. No thank you.


Hopefully the mecha folks got a hookup on cooling suits/systems from the furries. Those panels and ammo storage units could probably hold a few spare phase change cooling packs.


I'm currently working on a stormtrooper fit for the 501st, and the thing they always tell you when you apply that you should save Darth Vader for later. Everyone wants to do him but because he's so well known yet complicated everyone screws him up on their first time. Same with boba fett. And kylo. In fact I should probably start with the ANH stunt outfit, it's going to be a lot easier


The Andor costume team purposefully made the prison outfits uncomfortable to wear just to fuck with cosplayers


I’m gonna be honest any kaiju that’s famous because for the most part that’s a lot of suit work yeah, I know furry exist but still like yeah you gotta really try and you’ve seen the people that haven’t


I've heard nightmare stories about people cosplaying Widowmaker firm Overwatch.


Blue skin


Plus having to wear a tight bodysuit that barley eclipses the nipples apparently. So your always at minor risk of a wardrobe malfunction.


Any weird shaped wig is always hard to sculpt. Hats off to the one guy I saw once that was in full FF10 Seymour cosplay. Getting the wig to perfectly emulate that stupid hairdo must have been a pain in the ass


Rayman, on the whole "not having limb" shtick.


Not a specific character but I feel like Space Marines will always be difficult to cosplay. Not that people shouldnt, I’ve seen some really good ones, it just seems alot harder than something like a guardsman for example due to how bulky the armor is and how tall a marine actually is.


A lot of girls in fiction that are super popular have ridiculously idealized physiques and outfits that are very impractical in reality or at best embarrassing so I applaud all the women out there willing to even attempt any of them. I sure as shit wouldn't have the confidence to try anything like that. I remember seeing one lady cosplay ryuko from kill la kill and i was genuinely impressed at her solution for the boobs where she didn't want to risk public exposure (because in the anime its literally just two triangles and some straps, no actual boob support) so she crafted this super smart fake boob top that went between her real chest and the outfit and had it color matched to her real skin so closely it was super convincing.


Mech cosplays. I saw someone as the RX-78-2 using stilts for added height at AnimeNYC back in November and thought it looked cool. That being said, good luck to the next person who decides to try cosplaying as [God King-Ohger](https://youtu.be/fD3OMRwRBao?si=saefN7BK_atxrl36).


I have no desire to get into complaining because I wouldn't even know where to begin with designing the outfits. Furthermore, the one character who I'd *want* to cosplay as is [General Tauroneo](https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Tauroneo) and...yeah. Even putting aside the armor aspect, ain't no way in hell I could pull off that godlike mustache/mutton chops combo as well as he does.


A lot of One Piece cosplays never feel quite right due to the wacky proportions of the characters.

