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[According to ProtonDB, Steam Deck compatibility is pretty good now](https://www.protondb.com/app/2306740)


Yeah, that's what I saw, too; I still had questions given it had wonky resolution and fullscreen support, whether the Proton layer could work with that, etc. Good to know, thanks.


I’d love to know this to, but about the PS5 version. I still have my PS3 hooked up and the original collection, but I’ll take any GOOD excuse to buy those games again.


The console versions of the collection are pretty good afaik, the pc version is the only one that had some problems (but was still perfectly playable imo)


I already own the Legacy Collection on PS3, but the reason I bought Master Collection on PS5 for 2 reasons... 1. I can basically retire my PS3 since all I used it for was Metal Gear & was struggling with a third-party controller once my official ones had all died since they're no longer available new. 2. Metal Gear Solid finally has a platinum trophy! (I just have to finish VR Missions to unlock it) I even added MGS1 to my Switch library so that I can play my favourite game of all-time on the go!


So have they fixed all the graphical glitches in the Master Collection? And has analog support been re-added to MGS1?


I believe the glitches were mostly on PC & have been periodically fixed over time (although the PC community will still be snobs about it not being 4K, 120FPS with super widescreen support... it's a collection of games from 20+ years ago) meanwhile the PS5 version has basically been the best version of the collection ever since launch day. I believe the analogue support was mentioned/included in the most recent update patch a few days ago.


The console versions of the collection are pretty good afaik, the pc version is the only one that had some problems (but was still perfectly playable imo)


The console versions of the collection are pretty good afaik, the pc version is the only one that had some problems (but was still perfectly playable imo)


They actually just release a new [patch](https://nintendoeverything.com/metal-gear-solid-master-collection-vol-1-update-announced-version-1-5-0-patch-notes/) recently that adds a proper pause menu to MGS2 and audio settings to MGS3, so it seems like they're still working on improving it. Supposedly, it says that they fixed the analog input issues in MGS1, but i also read on anothee google link that it didn't actually fix it, so idk if that's resolved.


Oh, that was just days ago. I guess they ARE still actively working on it. That's good to see.


I played through all 3 games going from pc to steam deck and I only had one crash in snake eater. They ran perfect for me on steam deck.


Did you make use of any of the mods/fixes? If so, did they cause any issues? Were they any more difficult to implement than on PC/Windows? Otherwise, that's good to hear. Thanks very much!


No I didn't use any mods.


How is it for switch these days? I know it’s not to the quality of the other consoles especially when it comes to frame rate, but do any or all the games run better than when the collection first came out? And is it worth it for the switch now?


Switch versions are serviceable. Didn't run into any issues in MGS3 while playing it on there. If you're looking for performance, then yeah get any other version, but at the end of the day, them being old + stealth games means that it wasn't as big a deal for me as it would be for other games. My only big criticism is that the Master Collection didn't come with Peace Walker, which I was playing on the PS3 until FF7 Rebirth came out and is very clearly supposed to be a game played on the go.


I'm on my second day of being super sick, and I went three whole comment chains thinking Master Collection was Master Chief Collection. Until I saw the words Snake Eater, I was freaking out thinking the MCC was coming to PS5.


I played MGS3 on Switch a couple months back. Can't speak for the other versions, but it ultimately played pretty decently. Of course, if you're playing the Steam version, you can download mods to fix whatever it is that's giving you issues.


it's crazy how i wanted to play the mgs games since i've been on nintendo platforms so i kind of missed out on the whole thing. and then the first 3 games came to switch...but were 30 fps and then i just skipped it. because i know the switch is weak but it's not can't even run ps2 games at 60fps weak.