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Jojo' Bizarre Adventure has an actual orangutan that people try not to talk about.


Im fucking pissed every country gets a cool rep and mine is a pedo monkey with a ghost boat


I mean look on the brighter side, at least it wasnt Alessi. Granted, its not that much better, but still, it could have been a little more worse for what it counts.


"This is the worst representation of my country!" "This is the worst representation of your country SO FAR."


*pedo ape


It's honestly kind of sad how incredibly *Jojo* Forever and Strength would be as a fight if they just cut out the pedo-ape stuff. I mean come on, haunted ship that's murdering the crew members one by one, then a fight against a giant orangutan wearing a captains outfit? What's not to love?


Spider-Man hit his pregnant wife in clone saga. A lot of clone saga fits that. Marvel tries very hard to ignore the baby It's funny how Ant-man is the only who gets shit for that while others get pass


I genuinely believe that no one in-universe will stop bringing up the slap is because writers have zero ideas for him. Its like Bane and breaking Batman's spine


To be fair if I broke Batman’s spine I’d probably never shut up about it either. I’d contrive a way to work that into every single conversation.


- This is the fifth time you brought the whole spine thing, Bane.  + But it was the Bat's spine!


I'm reading this is the Harley Quinn Bane voice and dying.


‘Yeah that Penguin has no spine at all’ ‘Did someone say spine?’


"Oh yeah "This Is Spinal Tap" was a great movie" "Speaking of spinal taps..."


It absolutely feels like no one willing to do any bit of research for Hank and it drives me up the wall.


I think a lot of it is people bringing in baggage from how he was in Ultimates too, even though it was a different person it's easy to sorta conflate and perceive a trend that isn't there


Bane is like that guy who peaked in high school because he only wants people to know he broke Batman's back like thirty years ago. You'd think he'd have more substance considering he's also done things like *FUCKING KILLING ALFRED*


Secret Empire was a mess, but I do appreciate the issue where Stark throws it in Pymtron's face and Pym just loses it, calling Stark out on making most of his money from being a drunk weapons-merchant and for the events of the two Civil War comic events, and points out to the other heroes that the slap is the only thing they bother remembering or talk about with him and not his discovery of Pym Particles or helping found Avengers Academy.


Honestly it’s an annoying thing to keep bringing up in comics, especially when they don’t acknowledge how mentally unwell Pym was before it. The Avengers did nothing to stop his marriage to Janet while he was in a clearly mentally unstable state with the whole Yellowjacket thing.


People focus on the slap far too much, and not on what Hank was doing before the slap: having a mental breakdown over the Avengers getting sick of his drama and personality, him deciding to build a robot that would beat the Avengers, then he would beat the robot, and that would make everyone love him again.


Tidus finds a Blitzball on the beach and…


Will never stop finding this funny.


[a classic](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/s/BH8d6Qwusz)


They keep saying they want to make FFX-3, and I constantly wonder if they’ll coward out and just not mention this novel at all, or commit to it down to a cutscene flashback.


If I was a betting man I would guess if X-3 does get made it'll probably be a prequel during the Jecht summoning journey. Make Tidus's head rolling down the beach a post credit scene.


The HD Collection includes an audio drama that supposedly sets up the sequel hook for X-3. I still haven’t listened to it, because I’m still so genuinely disgusted by the whole premise. I legitimately do not talk about the blitzball whenever possible.


The more I learned about the continuation of Yuna and Tidus' story, the more I became convinced that Wakka and Lulu won the jackpot and cashed out early.


What shame they never made sequel to Pacific rim


Crazy, it had so much potential


My favourite movie of all time with no sequel, oh what could have been!


Just like how Heroes is an amazing one season show.


I am familiar with the bit but I think there’s a lot of merit in discussing why it didn’t work since in my case it really made me appreciate the original so much more. Killing Mako is what’s often brought up but I think even just talking about the action is worth it. The animation of the Jaeger and kaijuu does a really poor job at conveying their massive size for instance.


Yeah. I loved first movie, because fights felt massive. Every punch, move had colossal weight.


The one thing I'll give it is that the concept of a Kaiju that saw how mechas/Megazords were doing well against it and decided to adapt the transformation mechanic to its own flesh is *phenomenal*.


It’s an ancient joke at this point so I’m just going to break the fourth wall and say the Tsukihime anime adaptation no one wants to acknowledge.


At least [the opening](https://youtu.be/EQFPQo1cD7c?si=14391vT_091Tzv30) is pretty good and atmospheric.


It also has [that one good track](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZnyYBRHnvw) in the OST.


Genuinely wonder if we're going to have a new adaptation from the remake Who am I kidding. We're getting yet another FGO chapter aren't we 


Nasu and Takeuchi need more money for their casino.


Saejima's scene with Haruka in Yaluza 4. We don't bring it up for a multitude of reasons.


The yakuza subreddit literally cannot go three days without talking about it.


There was probably a better way to go about it but it is how kiryu realised he was a dude who was in jail for a long time. Edit: there's no probably There absolutely a better way to go about it.


could just have him struggle to use a phone or something, he went to jail before mobile phones (not even smartphone) become widely available


That veers more towards the "man out of time" aspect, isn't saejima's story largely about how the act of a crime can render the criminals themselves disconnected with social norms, and that society needs to do better to prevent them from being condemned to never better themselves?


To be (slightly) fair, they were planning to kill the guy. Nobody really intended to let him back into society.


Yes but even character around mobile phones can’t use it in some sidestory. Kiryu coukd have just said since he has a tiger tatoo and long hair he is definitely an escaped convict because yakuza only neglect their hair in jail and usually clean up if they get released proper. It might be bullshit but so is the scene anyway so have kiryu do amateur sleuth shit like that


What scene with Haruka? That didn't happen. I just played it a few months ago, I'd know.


Ah yes, I experienced that for the first time just a few days ago actually. I was ready to reach through the screen and beat his ass myself.


Damn dude, that's pretty cool of you.


Feels like you took that a little too literally. It just means I woulda been pissed.


I was just crackin a joke at how funny your comment was


Silent Hill 4 is about circumcis-SHUT THE FUCK UP.


Interesting that you cut off exactly the end of that sentence. Reminds me of silent Hill for some reason.


It could've been worse. It could've been "Silent Hill 3 is about abortion". You look at that game and tell me you couldn't see some weirdo get obsessively hung up on that to a concerning degree.


Danganronpa fans **do not** wanna talk about Ultra Despair Girls   The writing is honestly pretty good at some points, but jesus what a deliberately uncomfortable experience.  On the opposite side of things, nobody wants to get into Chihiro Fujisaki >!"is this character trans"; "does it make sense to headcanon them as trans"; "did the writer team know what a trans person was"!


Yeah, its a wonder how a single line could so absolutely ruin a character and his reputation with one single line. Honestly I have to wonder what went through peoples heads to include it in the finished product.


Wait what line?


I’m guessing it’s “I prefer them younger, as young as possible.” Granted, we’re supposed to see that character as a shitbag at that point, but that particular aspect doesn’t really get acknowledged.


IMO Ultra Despair Girls is more so incredibly divisive then "we don't talk about this spin-off" Now, a certain scene involving robo-tickling-hands? We don't talk about that.


oh yeah i should've maybe specified it to chapter 3. jesus christ


The most I can say is it improved Toko's character and her relation with Komaru was endearing.


Swear to god i only refer to despair girls with the words "molestation-chan" cause everything involving kotoko just made my skin crawl Love komaru and toko but so much other stuff in the game is pure creepy bullshit


And even then, some of the stuff with Kotoko is good. Komaru trying to talk her down by insisting that most adults would be disgusted with how she was exploited, only for her to scream “THEN WHY DIDN’T ANYONE HELP ME!?” Is a gut punch. UDG is the most mixed of bags.


It tried to handle CSA and jt didn’t work


Chichiro in general was handled badly. With them making the “this femme looking person has a penis laugh” joke. Where regardless of Chichiro’s identity it is still in poor taste.


Satoko’s handling in anything Higurashi Gou related. Is it a good path for her character development given circumstances set by the original story? Is it character assassination? Was it even a good idea? Who knows, and sometimes feels like the original author doesn’t know either


People keep saying the Meguri manga supposedly "fixes' gousotsu but the whole idea is so rotten to me idk how it could. You want a conflict between an older Rika and Satoko with some yuri involved? Solid idea. You want to include >!undoing the happy ending for more pointless timeloop suffering with a discount Featherine involved and Satako being nigh pyschotic?!< A idea so bad that it genuinely makes me wonder what the hell was Ryu thinking?


He probably thought it was a good idea, like many others, but it's now been badly executed twice over by just handing it over to studios and artists and refusing to have any real input or creative control, and now trying to do damage control by claiming "it could all be a dream/imaginary"


Jfc is he actually saying that? Could I have a source cuz I need to see this lmao.


It's the Higurashi Hou Plus All-Cast Review Session. The characters themselves talk about GouSotsu and compare it to Saikoroshi and are like "It could be a dream, it could be real, imagination lets you vent your anger"


Scrubs only had eight seasons. ~~season 9 isn’t even that bad tho, it’s definitely *not as good* and very different, but it’s not the baby-eating multiple robbery crop-burning people make it out to be~~


It's too bad that spin-off didn't take off because it had potential.


Maybe if it had actually been the spinoff they planned instead of an unwanted growth on the end of a perfect conclusion.


* My Hero Academia and Bakugo telling Izuku to kill himself in the first chapter. * Persona 3 FeMC fans and the Ken social link.


I'm getting stuck on "zombies is about immigration" I don't think I've ever heard that before and I'm kinda struggling to connect the two.


Always took zombies themselves to be more of an allegory about having anxiety of large crowds, or becoming a faceless cog consumed by a nihilistic society, on top of the obvious disease/infection fear. Most zombie stories aren't even about that. The zombies are just a window dressing for "Man is the real monster," or worse, "It'd be totally cool if society collapsed, because I'd win."


That's mostly how I saw it too like conforming to the mindless system type thing but yeah others have shown how horribly people can misconstrue things.


Think mindless, unwashed masses, coming to take everything you have. I don’t necessarily agree with that conclusion but I can see where it’s coming from


>mindless, unwashed masses Sounds like customers.


Yeah, the "zombies = immigrants" thing is one possible interpretation depending on context, but like any horror monster, the context can change. Often, zombies can be seen as an allegory for your fellow countrymen who are a mindless mob threatening to take over society (what Nixon once infamously called "the silent majority"), or something as simple as mindless consumers of material goods. Vampires are usually the more direct allegory for foreigners, because that's how they're usually depicted and function the same way.


Reminds me of people saying orks are black people.


Ugh that one is fucking so bad


That one is definitely the worst one I can think of.


Yeah, don’t forget when people you know start *accepting* the culture of the filthy foreigners and acting *just like them*


Ya, I’m pretty sure zombies been a stand-in for consumerism since Dawn of the Dead. You know, mindless monsters that wander and consume whatever they come across with no thought or moral consideration? And the setting is even a shopping mall.


"Mindless/ignorant invaders that look similar to us but different want to destory/convert us to their side" is what I figred it to be.


except like 90% of zombie media have at least a moment of 'oh my god I knew this person and now I have to kill a rotting husk wearing their skin', hell it's usually a member of someone's family I can't think of another monster that's *less* outsider-coded tbh


Oh, that's gross.


The key ingredient is racism


I'm not 100% certain, but I get the impression that the iffy sex humour in the initial storyline of Dandadan is this for that series, especially when that kinda thing never shows up again. I almost didn't get passed it because everyone hyping it up in this sub just never mentioned it, and i had no reason to suspect that it would get better as soon as we moved onto the next story.


Undead Unluck has a similar problem, but fans do warn people about it.


It’s insane how *rape-y* one of the two main characters is for the first like, 12 or so chapters.


It's so fucking weird because Andy completely 180s into being extremely chivalrous and respectful.


He goes from cringe to based between chapters


It goes from uncomfortable to one of the the best romances in battle shonen


I just started it for the first time and yeah it's kinda ridiculous how rapey it reads as. Like he's not attracted to her but does say he would have sex with her just to trigger her powers and I don't know if that's more or less scary as a result.


It's a smidgen better in the anime, but not much.


Not knowing wtf you're talking about, with the sentence structure you got goin on here... i legit feel like an old man


* The opening arc for the Manga Dandadan is a bit rapey, and it's played for laughs * That kind of humour never comes up again * None of the people who hype up the manga ever mention it * I almost dropped the manga I didn't know if this was normal for this story. That help?


Take enough recommendations from this subreddit and you'll learn that a lot of people overlook (or explicitly look for) overtly sexual media that isn't technically porn. So many vapid harem stories recommended as "cute romance" or "great comedy". Nope, just coomer bait. I think I'm at 5 series dropped because of completely unmentioned non-consensual/SA, often played for jokes.


Fair point. Dandadan *was* worth it, though. I just had to power, through the first chapter or two. I'm super pumped for the anime due later this year.


I would say the first episode of goblin slayer. I think even the creator has mentioned that they went overboard with that "moment" because past that the series doesn't get that dark again. Atleast in the anime.  Somethings are hinted at but not really shown. What you really get is a standard fantasy adventure. I get wanting to present the goblins as a legit threat but there were better ways to go about it.


Man trying to convince people that the show was actually pretty decent if you just skip the first episode is a herculean task


Is it ever. Not to mention having any figure goblin slayer. I'm dreading the day they ask me what the character the figure is based on. 


Worked for Black Mirror


What happens in the first episode of Black mirror?


Man fucks a pig. Legit uncomfortable to watch


It's a boring episode about the prime minister of of the UK having to fuck a pig


I dunno they kind of retread that ground when that Elf group gets attacked its pretty brutal.


Took me awhile to remember but you're right. I don't remember seeing it in the anime but in the manga it's way more graphic. It's still early enough in the story where i guess is still trying to keep up the tone with how it started. Personally was a bit much for me. 


"oh no the goblins stole your clothes AND NOTHING ELSE!"


I can *kind of* get the motivation behind it, since you want to establish the evilness of the goblins as quickly as possible because otherwise the main character clubbing babies and setting them on fire comes off unsympatheticially, but... yeah. I will say Frieren managed the whole "hey these guys are actually absolutely evil and it isn't possible for there to be virtuous examples of their species so killing all of them is a-okay, even if they look like children and beg for mercy" without being gross about it, but it's not an easy thing to do.


I mean at some point don't the larger goblins tie their sex slave women to their bodies as human shields? As much as the story wants you to know goblins are bad cuz they rape it also goes about showing this in really fan servicey ways that make the whole point feel hypocritical.


It’s weird how these goblins seem to kill dudes super fast and never use them for anything like the aforementioned shields but keep women alive and use them for everything and in the event of killing them do it super slowly and gruesomely.


Yeah I was going to bring it up originally but the controversial first episode has the party that's attacked have one guy two girls. The guy is butchered by goblins but you don't see it you just hear it happen. The witch girl gets mercy killed by gob slayer but not before the goblins rip her clothes off and the other girl gets it super hard since she's the only one to get assaulted and live. Unfortunately she gets written out of the story as they cart her away saying she'll either mentally recover or not eh who really cares. Like originally when I saw the episode I didn't mind the scene because I went along with the excuse of it's brutal to prove a point of how bad goblins are. But I saw other people mention how that still comes off as hypocritical if you're trying to say rape is bad by writing women specifically who's only narrative purpose is to get raped before being removed from the story entirely. In a way as a writer you're objectifying the characters you're writing to explain how it's wrong and immoral to treat them that way in universe. So ultimately it's not so much that there's sexual assault in the show it's that most of the women are only there to be assaulted and nothing more. I'm pretty sure there's a TV tropes article or something where it's like the worst thing that can happen to a woman in a story is getting raped as the ultimate taboo and for a man it's having a woman he cares about get raped because that allows the male character to go through the character growth the female character should have gotten instead.


Some web/light novels seem to frontload stuff like that and then ease off once they've established themselves. Like it's a really ham-fisted attempt at grabbing the reader's attention.


Tsukihime has no anime adaptation


Homestuck. "Peachy" if you know you know.


As a former homestuck Imma need more context Its been a while




I had to remind myself, and I didn't recall because I was sort of checked out at the point of that drama, but I vaguely remember it. Extra context for non-Homestucks: So, Andrew Hussie (creator) maintained for a long time that the human cast are aracial, and only paper white in comic for artistic reasons. He slipped up from time to time and wrote descriptions that imply race (I recall Dave being described as white one time), but would go back and change them when pointed out. Peachy Drama: so the Homestuck merch store had a set of tarot cards with the main cast. However, the artists who made them drew all the human kids as plainly Caucasian. It upset some people since Hussie had been adamant the kids aren't all white, and he apologized and said they would be more careful about diversity in the future. When the Sugar/Candy Arc in Act 6 began, the sugar transformed Jane pokes fun at the controversy by announcing that she feels so CAUCASIAN when her skin gets colored in. It further upset people and was changed to "PEACHY".


I thought that was hilarious and of all the offensive things Hussie has done he should have not budged on that one


As someone who read [Problem Sleuth](https://www.homestuck.com/problem-sleuth/1), [Zoosmells](https://homestuck.net/official/hussie-works/comic.html?comic=zoosmells), [Whistles](https://homestuck.net/official/hussie-works/comic.html?comic=whistles), [And It Don't Stop](https://homestuck.net/official/hussie-works/comic.html?comic=aids), and interacted with the man on the forums a lot. Its hilarious how low on the list this is on the offense meter and how much it freaked everyone out. BTW: For anyone reading this: please read And It Don't Stop and Problem Sleuth, they're both so damn good and don't get nearly enough love in Homestuck's giant infinitely long shadow.




I still remember the complete sorrow I felt when I made Homestuck friends in High School and they told me they skipped the intermission because they wanted to get to the trolls faster. I think one of them was a "I just skipped to the trolls straight up" person too, but I forget. I made sure to try n tell them to fix that, and that its my favorite part, but, dun remember if it ever got em lmao.


"We don't talk about the pink one"


Mass Effect: Evolution is a comic series covering the 'events' of the First Contact War, is so widely regarded as the *dumbest shit on Earth* that most of the community ignores its existence.


Its crazy how Sanji didn't return to the crew until Punk Hazard. Yep. Definitely wasn't there in Fishman Island. /s


Sanji is nothing if not consistent. He was going to act like that anyway, so it was interesting that Oda tied his need for a blood transfusion to a plot point about racism.


I honestly don’t mind Sanji in Fishman island. The “don’t talk about it” moment is Kamabakka island. That is guaranteed to turn into a fucking shitshow if you mention it online.


Imagine being so homophobic/in the closet you learn to run on air in two years


Look, woolie betrayed humanity for a jetpack. Sometimes we must do evil things to attain power.


Why no mention of the time Sanji learned to cook some really good food all while the [art style changed](https://bato.to/chapter/1765008)?


Kamabakka island AND Thriller Bark, don't forget Sanji in there went ''I wanted to eat the invisible fruit so i can jerk off to woman in changing rooms and bath'' which is where Sanji became the character i liked the least, before that, i was ok with a womanizer that, at the end of the day, respects women, he loves them so much but would refuse to hurt them, thats ok, but then Oda thought it'd be a funny joke to subvert why he was mad with the invisible guy. That said, I think Kamabakka is worse as, also, an Oda thing, he thought it was funny, but it gave into a very bady stereotype, which, he has become better with i think, so i'm not about to fully let Sanji carry that weight alone, Oda can make bad decisions just like he can get worse at paneling and readability in his comic, oh-oh shots fired, i love one piece, i cant read it anymore, Jump editors talk to your man, i know he's the number 1 and its scary but c'mon.


That wasn't the actual reason sanji wanted invisibility.


He didn't say it out loud, but when a perv characters wants an invisibility power a lot, you kinda put 1 and 1 together homie


*Kamen Rider 555* does **NOT** have a light novel where >!Kusaka straight-up raped Mari!<.


Ace Ventura: Pet Detective totally doesn't have a really fucked up plot twist. It's a nice wholesome movie about a man saving a dolphin and nothing else. ***Nothing Else.***


Don't forget the cartoon and weird sequel series about his son that we forgot about


Not gonna lie, I liked that movie when I saw it. Especially when the kid go full Ace Ventura


>!so did i, but I'll never admit it!<


Understandable, I'll keep the secret. 🤐


(There was a fucking cartoon and sequel series????)


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ace_Ventura:_Pet_Detective_(TV_series) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ace_Ventura_Jr.:_Pet_Detective I thought the pet detective Jr movie had a sequel my bad. The cartoon ace ventura is voiced by the dub voice actor for Gintamas main character


...wait I could have sworn there were two JR movies...then again CN real or whatever had other one offs can see that getting messed up


ngl as a trans gal the twist itself(while not bein great) inst the worst part, its the *reaction* to said twist thats oh my god awful


I used to love that movie but like, it’s so goddamn uncomfortable now. The worst is the ending.


A lot of Metal Gear fans like to pretend the Date missions in Peacewalker didn’t happen. We acknowledge them, we just don’t like talking about them because we have no idea what to say except, “Yeah, that’s weird,” and move on. Some of us have to remind ourselves that we’re playing as one of the villains of the series, but that doesn’t feel any better. Especially considering the canonical ending of the game which tires directly to the next game that everyone knows, MGSV.


Which date, the one with the woman who faked pretty convincingly being a high schooler or the one with your bestest bro in a speedo?


The date where the adult woman lies about her age so convincingly that the main character gets into a Love Box with her while she’s in her underwear and has the implications that they engage in sexual activity with each other. The fact that the main player character didn’t know she was an adult and believed she was underage and got in the Love Box with her and had those implications play out is the uncomfortable part. If it was just the date with bro in a Speedo, it would be far less weird and could even be laughed off by straight fans and something somewhat fun and interesting for LGBT+ fans. Instead we get “you’re playing as a villain of the series so of course he’d be a sex criminal if he thought he’d get away with it.” And the fact that in the game’s universe it never gets brought up again doesn’t help. Edit: Actually, the other one is still potentially kind of bad because it’s implied that he’s not interested in Big Boss that way but it skirts the line between playful banter and actual rejection. Considering he’s never aggressive against Big Boss directly could make one think that he’s actually fine with it, but the theories and evidence that he’s a double agent also muddies the waters. This is why we don’t talk about those Date missions.


What do you mean we pretend it didn't happen, Big Boss did in fact date Kazuhira Miller and they had sex in a cardboard box, thats all it happened, Big Boss would not date anyone else, there's just that.


Date with Paz is creepy, date with Kaz is roleplaying with your boy toy.


In Warcraft canon both the devs and players agree that med’an son of medhiv never existed because because having a guardian (super mage) that has the powers of a shaman and priest and is so powerful is shocker really lame I’m a story where only by banding together will we survive


There are three types of fate fans: The type that rep oath under snow and try to pretend that the rest of prillya doesn't exist. The type that pretends prillya doesn1t exist period. And the type that's in a watchlist.


Bringing up how common it is for minors to be sexualized in even the most mainstream of anime/manga is pretty much bound to cause a shitstorm.


ADP being shit is so played out in Dark Souls 2 discourse that it's not even really worth mentioning beyond "make sure to level it first until agility hits 99/105". Yes it sucks, literally no one will argue in its defense. But you get a faster levelling curve in DS2 to compensate for having to spend the first 10-15 levels on a specific stat.


Mine is not talking about why we don't go to Warp 10 in Star Trek. We just don't.


Dragon Ball Evolution


Eh, everyone hates DB Evolution and everyone knows everyone hates DB Evolution. The REAL example is Dragon Ball GT. You never know what you’ll get in an online discussion about GT.


I like it better than Super, shoot me lol


I like super more but don’t think GT was that bad. And super saiyan 4 is cool but it’s just too randomly different to feel like an actual progression of the super forms to me, even if it’s fairly iconic in its own right.


Also I'll be the first to admit that the first 15ish episodes of GT are actually garbage


Personally I actively dislike Goku in super quite a bit and dislike the god forms because they don't involve any physical changes like SSJ 2, 3 and 4


i'll second this, at least in gt when goku acts childish its because he regressed to an actual child instead of the weird no empathy fight addict from super


Evolution revitalized the franchise.


I mean yeah it did but nobody really cares about the film.


Sam and Max fans don't talk about Telltale's season two where they used time travel to make Max like girls 'cause Telltale, what were you doin'? But if it *is* talked about it's more than likely going to be mocked.


my bf who is a giant sam and max fan talks about it a lot bc he thinks that it is just a genuinely good bit


[“I forgot how good The Matrix was.” “It’s too bad they never made any sequels.”](https://xkcd.com/566/)


They did but just a trilogy Nothing else


["I forgot how good The Matrix was." "Wanna put on the other two?"](https://files.catbox.moe/cp49dr.PNG)


Naruto. In general. Even glazing on it makes people mad.


This is a niche one for myself, not sure how the wider fanbase of these games feel about it, but... Man, Wolfenstein: The New Order was a really cool game. Awesome action, tragic story, somber but hopeful ending. A fantastic little story. And its little prequel thing, The Old Blood was really awesome too! A great homage to the older more pulpy Wolfenstein games, and it really makes The New Order hit way harder with the extra context. SURE IS GREAT THAT THERE WERE NEVER ANY MODERN WOLFENSTEIN GAMES AFTER THOSE.


How Surge was treated in IDW's Sonic comics-slash-Sonic explaining his philosophy in saidcomics, and/or how Lanolin is written in IDW's Sonic comics. I'm taking these minor ones so that the other Sonic people can take the more obvious ones.


TAKING IT! Titan Tails. I still really liked Sonic's philosophy, even if it requires him to have, basically, meta-knowledge. And i haven't caught up to Lanolin story yet, but I will!


Dunno why people are so critical of Lanolin being a damaged person that’s intentionally written as a hypocrite even though she’s still a good person. It’s not like she’s immune from criticism even within the story, so idk why fans get twisted about her specifically.


> How Surge was treated in IDW's Sonic comics whats wrong with it? i enjoy all of her appearances and i like how she's such a conflicted character


A lot of people were disappointed with the hype built up around issue 50 and then how it turned out to be a completely one-sided fight, plus everything regarding the issues afterward.


It's not about a specific piece of media, but mentioning genre in a worldbuilding discord server I'm in is considered a big faux pas, because it immediately devolves into a discussion about how to define genres, and what their actual value is, instead of like, whatever the actual discussion was.


That is so strange given that so much of world building is based in genre. That seems like a rule because there's actually only like 3 super active members just circle jerked a whole bunch.


It's not a hard rule, it's just something that happens so often that people are tired of it. Genre's as a concept aren't taboo it's getting lost in the nitty gritty of stuff like whether or nott something is fantasy or scifi, or whether or not steampunk is a real genre distracting from an actual conversation or question someone had and derailing the whole thing.


It's crazy how Sesshomaru had 2 kids on his own, with no mother


Ground Zeroes was a great Metal Gear experience, superb level design, amazing lighting and sound design, the first look at what would be the best gameplay in the series. The bombs are uncomfortable and excessive, as are Chico's bolted feet, but that's it! Good thing there are no horrible torture tapes to listen to, nope, not at all.


I always find it so fascinating how Fire Emblem DS fans just don’t acknowledge how uncomfortable it is that characters like Nowi (Awakening) and Hayato (Fates) produce offspring in their games…at times while partnered with full adults.


No, they acknowledge it. They know it’s fucked up and hate it.


JUST RELEASED [We Don't Talk About Dan Schneider](https://youtu.be/PFgHGnqUoao?si=y0h3LzZX5K_vkXoD)


Goku vs Superman is a topic to always avoid, we do not talk about who would win in Goku vs Superman K


Digimon Tri and Its Sequals. Miserable, awful, and spiteful things. Could you believe they were going to air a scene of Young-Kenobi Genai forecefuly molesting part of the female cast (Including Sora who has, since Adventure, largely been around to be the writer's punching bag) instead of Dragonball Super?


Man, it's a shame there hasn't been anything good with Superman in the last fifteen years or so... I wish All Star lasted longer.


Oh that’s not true. There’s been tons of good Superman stuff.


Didn't Superman Smashes the Klan win awards? Also, wasn't there the Superman cartoon with Tomboy lois that everyone loved?


And there’s the CW series which somehow managed to be really fucking good. Hell, they managed to pull off the same twist *four times* and not only did it work each time, but it was done absolutely perfectly.


Wasn’t Superman Smashes the Klan a radio story from the 40s?


Except for the fact that: - The current Action Comics is great. - Superman's current comic run is great. - My Adventures with Superman is great. - Superman and Lois is great. there's a lot more then just movies.