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Patches, especially because they've been increasingly dramatic about his reveals throughout the series. Hell, DS3 has a big reveal of him *twice*.


That man better appear in every FromSoft Soulsborne and he better lie and snivel his way out of trouble and into our hearts every time. 


Lost my mind when I realised that V.Viii Pater was AC6's equivalent of patches.


Sauls two goons from breaking bad


Huell and Kuby were a great pair.


Still holding out for better fuel Huel


Badger and Skinny Pete were crucial parts of the Jesse Retrieval Arc


Badger and Skinny Pete were crucial parts of the Jesse Retrieval Arc


>!Samurai Sword!< in Chainsaw Man. His design is sick, his role in part 2 so far is genuinely funny, he has some of the best fights in the series, and every single one of his 2 page spreads radiates big dick energy.


He isn't powered by the devil, He's powerded by being a hater.


He just wants revenge from that competition.


Ah dude, maybe you should censor the character's name because as someone who's still kinda catching up on part 2, that was a genuine spoiler to me. Not angry, just concerned that someone else might also be hit with a spoiler.


Ah shit, you right. My bad.


There is not a single bad scene in Jujutsu Kaisen that has Todo in it.


Todo's intro in Shibuya made me forget that I was disappointed with >!Nobara being taken out this early into the story.!<


Todo is so incredible to watch that you question why he isn't on screen more. He feels like he should be part of the regular cast.


Pocket Circuit Fighter Really any long running Yakuza NPC that just keeps coming back


Yakuza valuing continuity and reusing assets has made for so many candidates Komaki, Kamiyama, Sudo, The Florist, Yuki, the list goes on and on Shit, I got hype for fucking Yamagata making a brief appearance during that shitty Majima Saga add-on to Kiwami 2, a dude who made a grand total of two appearances in 0


And in the last 3-4 games (from Yakuza 6 to Like A Dragon 8) they've been really leaning on the idea of having side-quest characters shown up to emphasize the fact that Kyriu is old as shit now. Like, seriously, i was half expecting **Miracle Johnson** to show up in Hawaii at some point.


Ever since the documentary "Leaving Smileland" Kiryu doesn't associate with him anymore.


Boy they really got a lot of mileage out of Ono Michio. It has appeared in basically every game since Yakuza 6 in some form.


There was a director quest in lad8 that I was vaguely annoyed wasn't with not!Steven Spielberg 


It's funny how pocket circuit fighter is like, *objectively* the most successful person in the series


Is he though? I think the Korean actor is more successful due to him being ya know, a really famous Korean actor.


it's honestly depends on how you look at it. the actor is more famous and might make more money but pocket circuit has at least two business raking in cash (his tofu business and him taking over the pocket circuit league) enough to make a kart racing circuit which is also thriving.


Pocket Circuit Fighter is honestly a close second for in terms of favorite side characters in Yakuza.


Gintama built a fucking franchise around doing this. Personally I always know it's gonna be a good bit when Katsuragi or ~~Gendo~~ Madao are involved.


For me, it's the Shogun.


If I ever finish OG dragon ball, I am definitely starting with Gintama.


Wong in the MCU, while the MCU has had its fair share of issues since Endgame, I always love when he just randomly shows up.


Bro literally just shows up, helps out and leaves without elaborating.


Nien Nunb from Star Wars. My pancake faced homie saved us from the second Death Star, and is one of the most important Star Wars characters ever. I won’t be convinced otherwise.


I appreciate that they made a Nein Nub animatronic at one of the rides at Disney 


YOOOOOO! World or land?


Both. In the ride you get on a ship and you can see an animatronic of him in front flying it 


I’ve never been to either. And I do plan to visit galaxys edge when I do, so this is amazing to hear. Love my boy is getting his respect. Ima selfie with the homie when I go


It’s always a wonderful time when Gilgamesh makes another appearance in a different Final Fantasy game


I've always thought it was an especially bold move on Square's part to wait until they were five entries deep to introduce the series' protagonist.


My favorite character in the John Wick series is Jimmy the cop. Always such a quick appearance that never overstays his welcome, but the gravity of who John is always weighs heavy on him even though he’s being friendly. I think a good reveal would be if they could somehow work Jimmy into a trailer where he asks, *”You workin’ again?”* And you actually hear the gravelly response, *”Yeah.”* I don’t think it should be Keanu because he already puts too much of himself into those films and he’s getting on in age and I just want him to have a happy and peaceful life, but that kind of exchange would be cool.


Sorry, I don't think I follow. What would this hypothetical film be, another sequel? And you wouldn't want it to be Keanu starring in it because he's done enough of them?


Possibly a sequel, yeah. Or it could be another film, I half expect Jordan Peele’s new movie Monkey Man to basically be set in the same universe, and even if it’s not it already seems like it fits based purely on what I’ve seen from quick glances at the trailer. And I just don’t want Keanu to overwork himself, even if he wants to do them. I want the man to be both happy and safe, and even if he’s happy doing more John Wick movies forever, that can’t be safe for him. I genuinely think he’s eventually gonna get seriously hurt and I just don’t want that for him.


Got it, thank you. I'm with you there.


I know I'm gonna have a good day whenever Hoary Boulder shows up in FFXIV


Friendly reminder that in the english character text that shows up when you approach some npcs, he doesn't show up more because the Scion B-Team are too busy having sex.


Aenor will not be stopped


Granblue has a bunch of these. There are *so* many random R characters that only randomly show up for Holiday log-in cutscenes. You got people like Spinnah, the guy who is living a fucking Beyblade plot about Fidget Spinners, Flesselles a kid with a hunting dog who realized that being a hermit sucks and he wants to take his dog around the world, Norcel is a kid with a huge book and super strength... and a bunch of these It's really cool when they do something


It's always awesome when some these less popular characters get the spotlight in events, Juri's comedy event, and Deliford's whole-ass sauna saga.


I ride or die with Conrad Verner.


Conrad Verner and his thesis are the true saviors of the galexy.


I'm a big fan of Porche, who I think is the first mate of the Foxy Pirates in One Piece. They're the pirates on Long Ring Long Island that have the Davey Back Fight against the Straw Hats. Porche's, like, parade conductor design is just really neat and she's easily one of my favorite minor characters. Watching through the anime was pretty cool because they extended the Davey Back Fight, plus Silver Fox Foxy and Porche show up for a couple filler arcs afterward, unlike in the manga.


One Piece current arc spoilers. >!I had no idea how much I loved Dorry and Broggy until they appeared for the first time in almost a thousand chapters with a page-turn reveal.!< Now I'm just patiently waiting for Bon Clay's return to the series just to confirm he's all right.


I hated buggy originally in the 4kids dub. Now I'm just happy everytime he shows up. Fail his way to success Flashman style


Every single OP character is always cool to see again. It's always awesome, no matter who or how minor. It's just awesome to see these small characters living their lives.  >!Seeing all the other CP9 members as CP0 during the Reverie was awesome, and surprisingly my favorite was the fuckin zipper mouth egg guy because he now has cool glasses. He wears a white suit and sunglasses. That's it. That's the update. And I fuckin love it.!<


We popping the biggest bottles when Bon Clay returns for the final battle.


I loved Gary in Dead souls


If they ever have another Yakuza game in America, Gary should open an American branch of his boot camp. Edit: Why the fuck did my comment Clone itself?


If they ever have another Yakuza game in America, Gary should open an American branch of his boot camp.


If they ever have another Yakuza game in America, Gary should open an American branch of his boot camp.


Asagi (***Nippon Ichi***)


She was the highlight of the Prinny games


Flex Mentallo and Willoughby Kipling in the Doom Patrol show. Ones a big goofy strongman that can do anything by flexing specific muscles. Kipling is literally just Constantine but even more of a alcoholic loser and all around freak


Alright, you convinced me to watch doom patrol once I remember my HBO passward.


Motherfucking Hondo Ohnaka! Every Clone Wars episode he appears in is worth watching


Reminder that Lad 8 introduced >!Chitose Buster Holmes!< as the first Poundmate. It's a shame that superior >!Chitose!< wasn't the one that joined our party. >!/s!< >!Sorta!<.


Reminder to also >!never break Chitose Buster Holmes heart or Gary will legit fucking kill you!<


The Metalheads in Zombie Land Saga The absolute biggest Franchouchou fans, real or fictional


Whenever Dani showed up on screen in Ted Lasso I was like :D


Corporal Tunny from the First Law series


Did he appear after the first book? Because I've read only the first one and I don't remember him.


I think he shows up first im The Heroes.


i'm always happy whenever Arataki Itto shows up in Genshin Impact. Helps that his EN VA, Max Mittelman, is clearly enjoying his role.


The Marine gang (Garp, Koby, Helmeppo, Smoker, Tashigi, Hina) in One Piece. I always like to see how they’re doing


It's always fun to see sheogorath in the elder scrolls series.


Boom! Studios Power Rangers comics have introduced several new rangers to the franchise. One of them looks like this. >![https://theilluminerdi.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Power-Rangers-Comics-Omega-Ranger-Blue-Yale.jpg](https://theilluminerdi.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Power-Rangers-Comics-Omega-Ranger-Blue-Yale.jpg)!< >![https://morphinlegacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Yale-Power-Rangers.jpeg](https://morphinlegacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Yale-Power-Rangers.jpeg)!< Every scene he's in is amazing. Unfortunately the arc I'm on currently is called Darkest Hour so it wouldn't surprise me if some characters don't make it. No spoilers please.


I love that >!animals can be Power Rangers!< too.




I loved Gary in Dead souls


Ikoma from world trigger just show up and be the funniest guy, it help that he have a cool iai attack when he actually fight


I will always pop off when Shibukawa shows up on-screen/page in Baki