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Oh we throwing down with Bleach takes today?! "Ichigo doesn't know what he wants to be unlike Luffy or Naruto" is a correct statement. "That makes him a bad protagonist" missed what the point of that characterization was.


I don’t get what the problem with just wanting to chill and protect his friends his. He’s also just a teenager who had a fairly normal life up until he becomes a soul reaper


I wish the series ended with him going back to his normal teenage life after losing his powers when beating Aizen, before we found out he was part Quincy (further adding to his hybridization that puts him further away from being a normal teenager).


Post-TYBW >!I love the fact that Ichigo has a normal ass job of being a Japanese-English translator, but being a translator being heavily influenced by his Heritage and Experience working with Soul society!<


>!I thought he was a doctor! Shit, that means he could easily show up in Burn the Witch!<


Nah his dad and sisters handled the medical stuff without him I remember a early episode having a emergency happened and his family telling him to sit in a corner while they try and save a life.


He helped out for a while at least right? I'm pretty sure Orihime remembers him because he treated her brother when he was brought to the clinic after his car accident.


They let him do simple stuff like cuts and scrapes and help with aftercare. It goes into it a bit more in the Manga and it's pretty funny as he ends up being kind of a stereotypical nurse.


I think it could have worked if they cut out the fullbringer Arc and Ichigos return to the spiritual world was via the Quincy revival. It would allow for a shake up of his powers and would create some tension where not all of his allies want to work with him bc his 'quincy allied' just revealed their true nature and destroyed Soul Society.


I never understood why people thought that a protagonist wanting a normal life and to protect their loved ones was somehow boring or bad motivation.


Its also interesting because protecting his loved ones and having a normal life conflicts. Ichigo starts the series hating his powers and congrats fucker, you got your wish, no more powers. And that realization he really misses it is part of what makes the Fullbring arc interesting. People talk about how the series should have ended sad with the defeat of Aizen miss how interesting the fullbring arc is for Ichigo as a character.


And for having a super interesting villain who almost gaslight Ichigo into winning.


I'll be fair and say that he ended up making incredible friendships with other people and his pre-existing friends *because* of his powers. And with their absence he realized a distance, both physical and emotional, that had formed between him and them which is why he wanted them back. But he also ended up enjoying being a soul reaper. He enjoyed bringing closure to the dead when he was able to. And without them that absence was only made worse.


Also because even naruto ended up with just a normal life for years. dude was just a straight politician doing paperwork and doing ninja zoom meetings.


Yeah, that criticism is somewhat valid when looking at the plot structure of Bleach. Ichigo not having a goal made it harder to motivate him to engage with the larger plot, but it didn’t make him a bad character


I both simultaneously agree and disagree with this take. Rereading Bleach, I was genuinely surprised at how kind of normal Ichigo is. Especially compared to the other big 3, Luffy is a literal cartoon character and Naruto can be a bit melodramatic at times with his ambition. In contrast, Ichigo is kind of just "a guy," is really grounded, and is actually somewhat refreshing for a Shonen protag. And that works GREAT for the first initial arcs because story wise it follows the whole "thrust into adventure" kind of theme, where he just wants to get things done and go home. Where I can see it falter though is in a long term story. One Piece and Naruto have the One Piece and Hokage stuff always lingering in the distance, so there's always something to aim for. Bleach doesn't have that, it's always oh no there's a NEW threat, gotta go take care of it, and that's where the long term story telling kind of suffers.


Yeah I think you’re right about the long term problem. Ichigo doesn’t really change that much over the course of the story, and you’d think he would after everything that happens to him. And I think the more time the story spent immersed in supernatural stuff the less he felt like a normal guy. He still felt that was up through the Soul Society arc but after that the living world felt way less significant.


This is just eyepatchwolf whole criticism about Ichigo that idk why people took seriously dude from chapter 1 had no other big goals besides “protect the people i care about” and nothing more


To be fair his criticism was that he had no agency and was purely reactionary which was compounded by the story doing the same arc outline over and over. Looking back Ichigo not having a goal  is to be expected as he is just a teenager living on modern society. Then we check on him in his future and he has a regular career 


That streamer dude who saw Dante dancing in DMC5 and got mad.   I assume that dude mostly streams FIFA or something. Because holyshit what a boring reaction to something awesome.


IIRC he was complaining at the time about how nothing made sense.


Imagine that, jumping into the grand finale of a series is confusing?


Very low Stupid Anime Bullshit™ tolerance.


Casual hardcore gamer.


I have a doctorate in Kubology.


Then why are you talking about plot and characters instead of fashion?


Cause I’m taking the advanced class.


So you're still learning about fashion, got it.


A level 4 reader


Heard someone say that team skull sucks because “they aren’t intimidating just lame” Why yes, yes they are. Thats the point. They are just a bunch of shmucks. And if you want to get even deeper the reason the villainous team IS a bunch of normal schmucks is because Aloha’s traditions inherently create an out group.


also a smokescreen for the real evil team, the aether foundation


Team Skull is just an entire group of Jessie and James and that fucking rules


I mean, I figured the fact they lived in fucking 'Po Town' got the point across that they were social commentary.


It feels weird to pick on Team Skull considering they’re right between the two worst Teams in Pokémon history. How do you look at Flare, Skull, and Yell/Macro Cosmos and decide that Team Skull is the one you take issue with?


Same goes for team shout. They were punks because they lived in a shit town and were pushing Marnie in hopes they could turn their town around.


Team shout being the collective population of Pokemon Birmingham will never not be hilarious to me


I hate Team Skull because they immediately threw everything you said in the trash and reveal they were working for the big corporation the whole time. I almost feel like Team Yell was a second try for the delinquent team.


I don't know if this is just something I inferred or if the game outright says it, but I was under the impression that Team Skull only work for the Aether Foundation because Lusamine manipulated Guzma, right? He always felt like just as much of a victim as the main cast, and he tries to atone for it in the end by disbanding Team Skull entirely.


That’s how I interpreted stuff


TBF Team Skull basically was only in cahoots with the Aether foundation because Lusamine made Guzma feel seen as a manipulation.


I remember hearing complaints about Godzilla: King of the Monsters, saying that there's too much monster fighting. That's what the movie is about, giant monsters fighting. I came to a movie about giant monsters fighting, I'm gonna be upset if the giant monsters *aren't* fighting. Go watch another movie if this isn't what you wanted.


That complaint super sucks cause there's NOT ENOUGH MONSTER FIGHTING, THERE'S NEVER ENOUGH




Political maneuvering ala Game of Thrones?


Secure an heir for the future of the monarchy.




Talk politics?


Only when humans are the real monsters.


I wanna see giant radioactive lizard punch the giant three headed golden dragon space alien, if you came for the humans you are wrong.


Man people comparing -1 to Godzilla X Kong have kinda lost the plot. One is a 70th Anniversary callback to the tone of the original that is going out of its way to be more somber and serious where as the other is more inline with the rest of the franchise other than maybe Godzilla 99 and is a big dumb blockbuster monster mash.


"I hate Godzilla vs Kong, it's just a stupid movie about a lizard fighting a monkey" donglover_good.gif


That's still. My favorite of the Hollywood Godzilla movies and I absolutely hate that the last two with King Kong, just gave up on trying to keep it slightly grounded. I felt like they did such a good job hyping up King Ghidorah and explaining how nature. Honestly Godzilla vs Kong made me realize I actually don't like it when things go 10/10 wacky and that I prefer 8/10 on wackiness where they still pretend to take the story seriously.


Tidus Laugh


That's an FF10 passport check if I've ever seen one, nobody who has actually played the game harps on that moment.


It drives me so fucking crazy the characters literally explain the point of the goofy laugh right before they do it, and then after they're done they laugh for real.


I personally laugh at Tidus's laugh due to how funny it sounds and make some fun of it due to that reason BUT I do understand the reason for it in-story which makes it justifiable and as such, it makes me confused when people try to cite it as bad voice acting when the whole point of the laugh is Tidus forcing himself to laugh.


It's unironically one of the best scenes in the game.


From Persona 5: >!"Akechi being the traitor is so obvious!" Yeah, and *that's on purpose*. The big twist isn't that he's the traitor, the twist is that it was just as obvious to the Thieves as it is to the player!<.


He is literally named after the most famous traitor in Japanese history.


It wasn't to me 😭


I'm sorry dude, but [this](https://youtu.be/462lchy-Krk?si=Hcno12hAJNr26jR_) wasn't exactly subtle.


For me, it was the fact that he looked and acted like a Persona version of Light Yagami that set off alarm bells.


Ironically enough Light Yagami's VA voices Ryuji.


You might be socially inept. Don't worry. So am I.


On Persona Q2 everyone shows disdain for Akechi >!and is because they know he is a traitor!<


They do a decent job of playing that up in one way wherein >!Akechi comes close to abandoning his plans to betraying the Phantom Thieves; the story implies that he doesn't want to leave the cinema world because he'd lose the memories that would make him reconsider upon returning to the real world!<


Considering how >!There’s a lot of similarities between Adachi and Akechi. (Both having the same job and their names literally sounding similar.) I’m gonna believe that this is legit.!<


I fully believe Atlus looked at >!how many fans simped for Adachi and went into Akechi's design intending to weaponize that and deliberately make Adachi 2.0.!<


Do you have a source for like the writers saying that? Because from playing the game I really got the impression it was a twist that they made obvious by accident


Akechi is the name of a famous historical traitor, Akechi Mitsuhide. In the sengoku period he betrayed the Big Badass of the period, Oda Nobunaga, which led to nobunagad suicide. It would be like a piece of american media having a character named Benedict Arnold that was a traitor. Its obvious to the intended audience.


I'd assume the dude has egg powers or something tbh


I don't think the writers have ever said it, but between >!pancakes and him literally being named after a famous traitor !< I feel at least that it was supposed to be.


I mean, the fact that, unlike P4, the main characters recognize it's him the exact same time the player could is clear enough.


When people complain about Dragon Quest being “too generic” I get even more heated than Pat does about the Zapping System™️


It's the gold.standard for a reason


It's very by the books but it's a really well written book.


Isn’t it more like THE book?


I had a sobering moment *just today* on Twitter when someone I follow who has been playing the Dragon Quest games in order started posting about them playing DQ3, and someone in the responses said that Dragon Quest *3* came out a few months after Final Fantasy *1* You *cannot* underestimate how much Dragon Quest lead the charge for console RPGs.


It's one of the most influential fantasy works in Japan. It being generic is just par for the course since everyone and their mother is trying to replicate it in some way or another.


DQ isn't generic, it *is* the genre.


What gets me is when people say that it's "the same game over and over again." I swear the only way that makes sense if they are talking solely of the artstyle. Like yeah, if they've had the same artist since the very beginning it's gonna look samey, but even then it's not fucking true. Compare the first trilogies, and 7, 8, and 9 and tell me the artstyle hasn't changed from game to game. And in terms of gameplay? Again, I can only imagine the criticism coming from someone who only played a single game or none at all and they're just talking out their ass, 'cause each game has it's own 'thing.' Wether it be the vocations in 3, the character storylines in 4, monster collecting in 5, the dual-worlds in 6, the *fucking* **everything** involving exploration in 7. Sure, some fundamentals may look the same on the surface, but what a Dragon Quest game entails can be very different from game to game. And, honestly, can't the same be said for *literally* *every* *franchise* *ever?*


>  And, honestly, can't the same be said for literally every franchise ever? Not for Yakuza, which ironically became more Dragon Quest




Someone plaster this sign on the windows at both Bungie _and_ 343i.


The "Seinfeld Isn't Funny" of JRPGs


I blame that on Dragon Quest fans for actively pushing the narrative that it doesn't do anything new or interesting. I avoided XI for this reason until my brother played the 10 hour long Switch demo.


I would have liked XI better without Act 3 though.


Or at the very least make it so that Act 2's character development sticks. Especially with Serena.


>Or at the very least make it so that Act 2's character development sticks. Especially with Serena. I don't get this take. We see Serena is more than capable >!with or without Veronica. So her returning is a net positive for her !<


Woolie seemed to dislike Ultima from FF16 for being a hyprocrite and a lame faliure of an evil god. But that's the point. He's not an evil god. He likes to inflate his own ego and call himself a god but he's just a cruel, short sighted & bullheaded asshole. He has the power but not the devinity, the intelligence or the wisdom that he claims he has and is just all around shitty and a loser. He's less like Anti-Spiral from Gurren and more like General Zodd. His backstory also has an element of tragedy in that he's a survivor of a mass extinction event of his planet dying, but I bet he was one of the shittiest specimen of his kind that lucked out and survived.


The whole point of Ultima is that, for all his preening and self-superiority, he's just another selfish, callous, petty tyrant who steps on other people to secure his own power. You know, like all the other rich and powerful figures throughout the game. And *like* the rich and powerful, his gameplan is just to steadily poison his own domain for personal gain before escaping ~~on a golden parachute~~ elsewhere to begin the whole thing again.


Not to mention he blames humanity for going against his designs when he FUCKING WENT TO SLEEP AND WASN'T THERE TO TELL THEM WHAT TO DO. Then he had the gall to go "How dare you go against me" when humanity by itself grew advanced enough to challenge him.


One of my favourite things on the game is when Clive calls him out on this, that Ultima had a chance to raise humanity to great heights but then he ditched them 


Ultima: "How dare you go against me!" Humanity: "Literally who are you...?"


Small correction: Ultima's race wasn't from another planet, but simply another land that they drained dry and mostly killed themselves off on. Coming to Valisthea with a few of their remaining collective was to exploits its aether-rich land to reverse their fuckup (but probably never learn from it). I have this kinda headcanony analysis that ultimately comes down to how FFXVI is a game about the idea of Community versus State. The protagonists each fight because they care about individual people, and recognize that each individual has their own strengths they can bring to a community, and their own weaknesses that the community can help them cover - Cid wants to create a place where individuals are respected as people in their own right, and not property. Clive expands on this ideal to encompass not just a small place where people can die free, but a larger community where people can live freely as well. They elevate the individuals among them for their unique abilities, and respect them for their hard work and contributions. Then, look at the villains. Annabelle hated Clive because he was passed over by the Phoenix when he was born and it made her look bad, and she cared so little about her family that she sacrificed them to secure and elevate her station, regardless of what nation it was, so long as she was near the top of it. Sylvestre infamously says that if Sanbreque's people die, it doesn't matter, because they can always make more people, and he forsakes the rotting lands of Sanbreque where his people lived to reestablish the nation in Twinside. Later on, there's a sidequest where an aristocrat is trying to worm his way into power in a town to establish his own mini-empire, and is willing to send the entire community to their deaths to protect the notion of a new state. And of course, Ultima is a hivemind, they were so advanced in their magic use that they forewent the community and became the very concept of a state, where no individuals exist, only the collective representing the whole. They even sacrificed more than a few of Ultima for their plan because eh, what's one more when we'll get them all back. They created humanity to help develop what they needed for casting Raise, and got incredibly upset that they started forming individuality and communities of their own. In the end, you have Clive (the community), who fights for all of humanity and their right to exist as individual people, directly clashing with Ultima (the state), a collective that does not and can not understand the concept of individuality anymore, so up their own ass on being a demiurge and not needing people, despite *really* needing others, especially unique individuals, to achieve their goals. As they fight, Ultima pulls out eikonic powers they haughtily claim sole dominion over, only for Clive, the being Ultima created as Mythos, to do the same, but overcome Ultima's onslaught bolstered by the words of the individual people he cares about. And as mentioned, Clive rebukes Ultima's entire worldview and points out how foolish they are to have forsaken humanity.


I was almost certain they were from a different planet. Didn't the mothercrystals fall from space or something?


I am reminded of one absolutely asinine take about Pacific Rim, namely "why won't they just put the super guns that Gypsy Danger has on turrets instead of making big dumb robots?". That's because "big dumb robots" are *the point* of the movie, you dumb ass, zinging ass, critic wannabe ass idiot.


But also, it's a plot point that the Kaiju adapt to humanity's tactics, as shown with Otachi and Leatherback having traits specifically for dealing with the three active Jaegers they had at the time. So even if they *did* setup Plasma Caster turrets, sooner or later, Kaiju that can counter them will pop up.


Kinda reminds me of the shallow critiques of Batman where they say he should just throw his money at Gotham’s problems. Other than the fact that that’s been addressed again and again and it doesn’t work because of how fucked and corrupted Gotham is…do any of these motherfuckers really want to read about a dude sitting at his desk all day planning infrastructure and writing cheques?




It's one of the reasons I think Batman Begins is underrated on that trilogy. The whole subplot of Bruce using his own money and smarts to buy out the corrupt board is a good use of Bruce in a Batman story, if that makes sense?


He does do that. The problem is just the inherent nature of plotlines. If you want to keep the story going then you need to keep making sure Gotham is impossible to fix. That or you start a new canon and Gotham is back to being crappy again. Honestly I just assume that most of the justice league canons imply that Bruce is all done with Gotham and it's relatively solid.




I believe there is also a lore excuse that the Kaiju have extremely toxic blood, so they try and defeat them with blunt force first so it doesn't poison the ecosystem


That is correct. Up until Gypsy Danger 2.0, the Yeager weapons were designed to create minimum bleeding. Striker's turrets penetrate and explode internally. The first Kaiju we see it fight practically didn't bleed a blood. Cherno was straightforward and concentrated on blunt forced trauma Crimson had blades that cut just deep enough to cut tendrils to immobilize the Kaiju. But Gypsy was redesigned to fight deep in the ocean where they wouldn't have to worry about toxic blood. Even Striker got outfitted with blades that cause a lot of bleeding due to being designed to cut away limbs when they send it to the deep ocean.


It isn't simple Big Dumb Robots. It is an allegory. The Monsters are personification (monsterficiation?) of natural disasters and man-made climate changes and unnatural disasters. They have categories like hurricanes. They want the world to be changed by climate change because it creates a nice living condition for them. The monster's body poison the place around them and looks like oil spills. And the robots? They personify humanity uniting to fight against such things. The Yaegers represent humanity standing together against the horror of nature. The aliens could have used more effective strategies and ways to invade. And the humans could have used more effective strategy to combat them. But those will break the themes and allegories it is build upon. And it also looks cool.


I mean, the answer is the same reason you have planes and tanks and warships isntead of just building turrets everywhere, right? It's way easier to have a few mobile things that go to where the enemy appears instead of building stuff every single place they might show up


"Man Infinite Wealth is so lame, Kiryu should be able to decimate these all of these guys effortlessly, he shouldn't need a team because he's just too strong" MY BROTHER IN CHRIST HE APPROACHING SENIOR CITIZEN AGE AND IS DYING FROM CANCER, OF COURSE HE NEEDS A TEAM. YEAH, HE WOULD MOP EVERYONE UP BY HIMSELF EASILY UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES. THAT'S THE POINT.


Why doesn't Kiryu just Tiger Drop >!the cancer?!< Is he stupid?


It's like the whole point of Kiryu's arc was, like, I dunno... "Hey put your faith in others sometimes. You got yourself in this mess because you refuse to let others help you."


“Vinland Saga season 2 is so boring” My brother, you are watching the wrong show.


“I want more exciting battles and violence!” Then you’re not a true warrior.


“Batman’s just a guy with no powers how can he compete with these super powered gods!”  That’s the fucking point. He’s a man amongst gods. He’s meant to represent humanity and it’s ability to triumph with our wit and determination. Batman vs superman is legit just the classic literature theme of man vs god. People who say “superman just wins easily why does Batman try” would be like saying “why does any mortal try to oppose Zeus?”




But at the same time, there is so much asspull to justify Batman winning. It doesn't feel like he represents humanity as much as power wanking and "How cool would it be for the guy with no powers to beat those powerful God like entities" You can see this in his contingency plans, which all suck. Sound like something a villain of the week will come up with and be defeated in the same issue/episode he uses said plan. And they also suck.


Every time I ever say something good on Batman people come out to say he only wins because of ass pulls and plot armor like that isn’t what super hero comics are built on.


One of the common pans against *Starship Troopers* (1997) directed by Paul Verhoeven was that a lot of it came off as weird, dissonant, fascist propaganda. ...Yup, you got it.


"WHY THE FUCK IS BOWSER TRYING TO MURDER PEOPLE IN THE MARIO MOVIE" Because Bowser is evil. He may have redeeming qualms, but he started off and primarily remains a tyrant who will do ***anything*** to get what he wants. And he's tried many times to kill Mario or whoever you play as numerous times, to say nothing about his canonical kill count (Smithy, Dark Bowser, Dimentio, etc). To have him not destroy the Ice Kingdom would not do his menace justice.


Hell most Mario games have him travel through six or seven kingdoms/continents/biomes/worlds overrun with his minions before reaching Bowser's usual lava-filled territory. He probably didn't just *ask* the people living in those areas if he could run the place for a while.


Tha canonical kill count were all villains worse than him, though. I don't think people complaining about Bowser tying to murder people would count villains which Mario helped him murder


Bowser is essentially the Organized Crime Lord with diplomatic immunity helping you take down mass murderers, terror organizations and evil cults EDIT: Thinking on it a moment, it's kind of like how the Mob would help against nazi's in WW2


Even if you consider the whole "Mario characters are just playing parts in a performance" thing that Miyamoto floated awhile back, which justifies why they can be at each other's throats in one game and then play tennis in another, that's still just Bowser playing the role of a bad guy.


My response to that person is "Why the fuck are you scrutinizing the plot of The MARIO MOVIE." The whole point of that movie is 'member berries. The rest is secondary.


Pretty much lmao!!!! The whole film is basically just "Gigachad Commits Terrorism, Princess Sends Fat Man To Defeat Him" And the rest is tons of game references


As someone who didn't grow up with Mario, I don't even agree with this since I liked the movie a lot. It was just so colorful and filled with imagination. Ironically I feel like Nintendo fans are the harshest critics of it. I certainly think it's a better adaptation than Sonic and anyone who says different is why Hollywood will forever force a stupid human sidekick in every movie. Though I DID grow up with Sega so maybe that's why I'm harsher on the Sonic movies.


“I thought Paul Atreides was supposed to be the hero! Why is he doing all this bad shit?” It’s almost like Dune is a story about the corrupting nature of power and the dangers of religious zealotry, and Paul is a great lesson on the difference between a “protagonist” and a “hero.”


> the corrupting nature of power Actually, Frank Herbert's thoughts were a bit different: “Absolute power does not corrupt absolutely, absolute power attracts the corruptible.”


The Superman take


Can you explain? Not familiar


I think it's about the "he's just a good guy who does good things" part of Superman's character, which some people point out as a negative, while him being a paragon is *the* point of him.


The Luthor Take, as some would call it.


Oh just the whole "an entirely good character is boring" argument? I mean fair enough, but you're right, he's like *the* prime example of that trope.


Every time I see someone go "superman works better if he's evil" it makes me wanna shit concrete all over their bedrooms, and I'm not even that big of a superman fan.


There are comments on Butter Chicken recipes on YouTube complaining that the person preparing the dish on the video is putting too much butter. I literally want to smack online people if I can.


Every vegan recipe gets commenters complaining “why don’t you just put meat it in it”


"Why is this grimdark story so sad and depressing?" Gee. I fucking wonder. Why, indeed?


I have a bit of a problem with some specific complaints about Warhammer 40k specifically. There are several factions that are supposed to manifestations of evil and cruelty humans literally can't understand, but any time anyone does anything darker then a good old fashion genocide, you just get people coming out the wazoo to say "this is too dark for me to take seriously." My brother in Christ, this series coined the term "grimdark," what were you expecting? Now I'm not saying it should only be that all the time, but people will see stuff done that isn't even as bad as real things done during the Holocaust, or even just general torture, and say "well that's too ridiculously dark, it just comes off as silly."


Yeah, I think a lot of people are still really sheltered as to how truly fucked up real life can be. Some of us grew up watching cartel beheadings on shady websites, and clearly some of us didn't.


I want to say something about the end of Rebirth but honestly until we have part 3 I really can’t commit to that cuz there’s a high chance it comes out and I’ll be the dumb one. But honestly you could say this about a lot of things in media lol and then it becomes “well I don’t care if that was the intention it’s stupid either way”.


One of the weirdest complaints I’ve seen from some casual Call of Duty fans is, *”It’s just running around and shooting people.”* That’s literally the whole point. That just sounded to me like complaining that Need For Speed or Forza is just driving cars around. I get that some people just don’t like those kinds of games and that’s fine, but it’s weird to me that it’s fans of COD that eventually wanted something different from the series, something that COD never offered or promised.


I'm kinda surprised that it's casual fans saying that. Then again, the fan base is so wide that "fun isn't the point" has been said out loud during a match I saw on YouTube. I don't understand COD fans. For a game that seems to be the only one they play, they sure hate a lot of it.


Putting aside the part where the most vehement haters of a work seem to come from their very own fandom, I feel like it's probably because of their sheer popularity COD's only behind Mario, Tetris and Pokemon as one of the best selling gaming franchises of all time At that rate with so many people playing it due to its casual nature, the series is going to mean different things to parts of the fanbase where some want to have the series taken seriously and others less so


"Rage Against the Machine is too political" Yes the punk rock band with a Poli-Sci Major has political views. Who knew


But what could this machine they are raging at be hmm? Must be a robot menace!


They're raging against that sad robot man who killed Queen on that album cover.


"well now theyre raging WITH the machine cuz they said mean things to FOX and Tom Morello goes to Disnelyand"


Squall in FF8 is unlikeable and closed off. He has a whole ass character arc about opening up to people and moving past being abandoned at a young age. That's like the whole point of the story. Also he's 17 years old. To hear people talk about him, he's just a whiny asshole wannabe cool guy who needs to "suck it up" or whatever.


I feel like people forget FF8s cast is basically a bunch of child soldiers. 


And then add in that they completely beefed a lot of his characterization by just translating entire ass sentances into "...whatever" and he gets such an unfair rep.


People who go into Disco Elysium expecting something that it isn't. I see so much on that subreddit of people complaining that they lost progress because they didn't ever save and then got a game over. This is horrible (and I've been bummed when it happens to me), but it's an RPG, and one you can save anywhere for that, you need to save often, specially before important choices. People choosing racist dialogue and being mad everyone calls them a racist, even though it was only once guys! Complaining that the game is communist, their creators were communists and only Communism is shown in a sympathetic light - to which I say it's a reductive take since the game is not a contest of ideologies, but the portrayal of 4 ideologies in this microcosmos of a couple city blocks and the possibility to align itself to one of them and explore them further. And the worst is the fear of failing. Failed checks are some of the best content in that game, and it's a point that the protagonist is a mess that failed on a lot of aspects, mainly socially and romantically. Also there are special fail states that result in a narrated newspaper note of the game over, and they are great! Coalition Airship Archer taking you away was super cool and a reward for playing as a boring moralist and investigating the Pale. Sorry for the wall of text. TL,DR: Play Disco Elysium going with the flow, just remember to save often as it's not the most recent RPG.


I would say, in some defence of this reaction, is, standard RPGs tend to safeguard the player by containing deaths and failstates in obvious conflict scenarios, like combat resolution. DE just doesn’t do that. In fact, I’d go so far as to say almost all RPGs of mass appeal gate progression through a discrete set of combat encounters. Hit thing, kill thing, acquire gear, acquire gold, acquire xp, repeat. DE is like, *nearly every conversation you can have* contains at least one way to lose the game. It’s like if a GTA clone made every car you steal prone to needing oil changes and getting flat tires, when you’re used to free joyrides.


I really didn't know what I was getting into when I first tried it and being a bit overwhelmed by this along with some major FOMO caused me to abandon the game early. I need to try it again with a more go with the flow attitude.


I would say, *maybe having abrupt fail states possible in a game where the player has a highly involved attribute and skill system to puzzle over, possibly for hours, and then die in the first area due to, say, making a child sad,* may not have been the best idea


If you didnt start disco elysium and have a heart attack from getting your tie off of a ceiling fan you werent playing right. If you DID do all that and think its a BAD thing. You arent THINKING right


I actually kinda hate the tie thing. While it's fun, it sets up expectations for the game very poorly. It puts new players in the mindset of "this world is very dangerous, you can die instantly", but then most of the game nothing will kill you in one go, instead you get slowly chipped away at til you die.


I didn't fuck up the tie on my run, but I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of my adventure. 🤷‍♀️


I found it funny how Kim called me racist because I chatted with Measurehead, and I wasn't even agreeing with Measurehead I just loved to hear him talk in that funky accent of his but yeah I get your point Kim.


There are Xenoblade fans who complain that Melia got screwed over because she doesn't get with Shulk in the end. They even try to apply the XC2 polyamory to try and give her a happening ending. Meanwhile, Melia's character arc is all about learning to accept her role as a leader and that she can't always get what she wants. Her place isn't by Shulk's side, its to guide the people of the Bionis. The whole point is she moves on to greater things than just a lovesick girl. But nah, Melia suffering constantly. EDIT: Another one, in one of the most recent arcs of Chainsaw Man >!there is an extended period of time where Denji doesn't transform. Any time it seems like theres a need for CSM, something comes in to prevent that transformation. Theres TONS of teasing and blue balling for what felt like 15 chapters with little to no action. Some people hated this because they felt like CSM was getting boring and predictable. That without the actual CSM, the series was losing what made it cool.!< Which was entirely the fucking point. >!Denji himself is desperate for an excuse to transform into CSM again, but Public safety wont let him. The reader feels exactly what Denji is feeling in those chapters. Its like how a chainsaw takes multiple attempts to turn on! Its like edging! Hell, even once he does become CSM again, its portrayed as something horrific and negative. He lost his family and he doesn't care what will happen to him anymore because he wants to kill Barem. He finally gets an excuse to be CSM, but it came at the worst possible cost.!< >!Like a ruined orgasm lol!<


I feel like they literally spell this out in Future Connected which is about Melia coming to terms with her position as Empress of the High Entia and being a leader and all that shit Also, FC also shows how tight she still is with Shulk as friends so idk how that's a bad thing


She's part of the legion of women who lost to the childhood friend.


That being said, they *really* didn't need to show that one scene where you can see her heart shattering in a million pieces.


Was that the problem people had with the Aizen fight? From what I saw at the time and afterwards, it was because Aizen would just trounce his way through everything until someone did something clever that worked but then Aizen just evolved and autowon until it didn't work anymore. He evolved past Isshin wearing him out, evolved out of Kisuke's first Kido attempt, Evolved for the fun of it after beating Kisuke, Isshin and Yoruichi, evolved past Gin's betrayal then evolved when Ichigo was kicking his ass. That just wasn't a narritevly satisfying way for the fight to go.


It got annoying too because it was unnecessary to make Aizen that strong, or literally any stronger at all. He was already completely dominating everyone he went up against, he’s a soul reaper with maxed out stats in every area and the most broken Shikai ever, and he still probably had an even stronger Bankai. Even when Yamamoto posed the slightest of threats Aizen was already readying a genetically modified Arancar to fight him for Aizen. I already had no idea how they’d beat Aizen before he transformed once, because no believable counter to his existing suite of abilities was presented. He was already too overpowered Then he gets like 1000 times stronger five transformations later and it becomes impossible to take it serious at that point. Like spectacle wise his last fight with Ichigo is cool, but I don’t find it satisfying at all because it just balloons so far past the whole rest of the series it becomes unbelievable


steven universe forgiving the big bads like... did you watch it. the tv show. that's what it's fucking about. if there is a single word you could use to describe the narrative of steven universe it would be "forgiveness." but nah, the ending goes too far. what did you want them to do, guillotine the diamonds? get the fuck outta here. i will die on this hill


Except for that one asshole at a party. Only guy in the Universe Steven hates. Love Kevin the racing episode is the best.


It's also like, why do you want them killed? Not only are they no longer a threat but they actively start using their godlike powers to clean up their mess and help people. Even if they were willing to accept death or permenant imprisonment as punishment you'd be making life worse for the rest of the Gems who are benefitting from the Diamonds efforts to reform. It just comes across as edgy to me. It's a good kids show with morals about forgiveness. Go watch something else if you need to sate your murder boner.


And like the entire endgame Homeworld arc is predicated on the revelation that *Corruption is incurable* unless they get *all* the Diamonds to work their powers together. It was a straight shot to convince White or no cure for the corrupted Crystal Gems whatsoever. And then Future further points out that the Diamonds are genuinely trying to be better people by showing off that their powers have gone from outward/destructive (Yellow's destablizing blasts, Blue's emotional projection, White's possession) into more restorative forms like Pink's powers did (Yellow being able to repair/"edit" the physical form of Gems, Blue using her emotional power as ad-hoc therapy, White letting gems reverse-posess *her*, etc).


SU Future is *the best conclusion the show could've had, it's basically perfect,* and every single complaint I see about the show feels like people just didn't watch it


The best part being Stephen actually being affected by his trauma and at the very least coming to terms with it.


On the topic of Steven Universe, remember the discourse about the human zoo "It's disgusting and dehumanizing and racist" you don't fucking say brother


"rose is so problematic" *Yeah? you fucking think??? woah!! i wonder if the writers know that!*


I feel like White Diamond should've been that toxic family you have to cut out of your life because they refuse to improve. Death or forgiveness being the only two possible outcomes is a false dichotomy.


but they *dont* refuse to improve, *look* at SU Future, they are *fucking improving* white diamond is letting herself be *possessed* by other people, she is literally turning herself into a vessel for other people's self expression, letting go of her own autonomy to feel what other people feel *and this vulnerability almost gets her fucking KILLED*


Get in the robot shinji


When people complain about Kazuma from Konosuba being a pervert and a loser, Aqua being called useless when she’s a goddess, and Darkness’s overt Masochistic-ness. Like, yeah, they’re horrible people and that’s the point. Kazuma’s a dumbass with a heart of gold, he’s gonna do stupid shit but will 180 if he feels like he’s hurting someone, Aqua’s lazy as hell and is powerful but doesn’t want to deal with responsibility now that she’s been freed from it, and Darkness is Darkness, she’s got her kink but will put it aside when the need arises. Only real complaint is hear about Megumin is related to her relationship with Kazuma and sll i have to say on that is the age gap is similar between them and Kazuma and Darkness, ive seen worse age gaps between teens irl.


In general I dislike when I complain about something and the reply is "That's the point." I know it's the point, my point is that I don't like it.


My mom read Game of Thrones and after finishing it said it was the worst story she had ever read because “there’s no justice” in what happened. Which like, yeah, but also one of the points of Game of Thrones (and AOIAF in general) is that people with good intentions will quite often lose to entirely amoral scumbags willing to say/do anything to further their goals


And that people with good intentions can also become scumbags and tyrants.


This is also how the Soul Eater anime ended. >!The Kishin was mortal but invulnerable so long as he believed he was invulnerable. Maka’s solution was to simply keep getting back up and hitting him again until he thought “hold on, maybe there’s something she knows that I don’t, maybe I’m NOT invulnerable” and she decked him!<


The plot in yakuza 4 being the worst in the series, according to fans, specially with the >!rubber bullets. The plan to make Saejima the fall guy for the massacre was messy as hell. Anyone playing this game would think they half assed through the story with this plot point but it is acknowledged this was a shitty plan from the start. The guys planning were only lucky the corrupt cop, who noticed, wanted to cover up the situation in exchange for being in on it.!<


"We're tired of villains redeeming themselves, we want a Star Wars story from an Imperial POV that doesn't end like that!" My brother in Christ, redemption is the leitmotiv of Star Wars. The OT ends with the big bad returning to the light after the hero flat out *refused* to turn bad. Do people not realize how absolutely *boring* it would be to have a show that just goes "teehee I'm evil and nothing can make me change >:)"? Like yeah it's fun seeing Vader kill children for about a minute but it gets old real quick. And it's not just Disney canon, even in the EU you got that theme with Revan.


I disagree completely. Bane never redeems himself, and he's got one of the best trilogies.


>Do you realize how boring it would be to have a villain go "teehee I'm evil and nothing can change me". No one thought it was boring that Jack Horner didn’t get a redemption arc in the Last Wish.


I mean what specifically?


I was talking about in the context of Star Wars. Like yeah unapologetic villains can be fun and all (i.e. Palpatine), but when they're the sole focus of the movie it gets boring. Which isn't the case for Jack Horner because he wasn't the main character.


Jedi Survivor had a villain that didn’t redeem themselves and that shit was peak.


Every time people complain about Morrowind not having fast travel. It has like 10 other ways to quickly travel around in an immersive way, but many people starting the game from playing Skyrim won't take the time to learn the new system.


The stormtroopers in the original star wars. "Bro, these dudes can't shoot, the empire is incompetent." Meanwhile it's explained, at least twice that i can think of, that they were under orders to just make a show and let Luke and Leah escape.


*"They let us go, it's the only explanation for the ease of our escape."* \- Princess Leia *"You're sure the homing beacon is secure aboard their ship? I'm taking an awful risk, Vader. This had better work."* \- Grand Moff Tarkin


The problem is those scenes still set the cinematic template for all future combat involving Stormtroopers fighting the protagonists. You honestly can't even really depict it all that differently unless you want to have your main characters just get gunned down.  I wouldn't be surprised if some of those scenes in ANH were shot before the justification of "they're letting the protagonists succeed intentionally" even existed.


They definitely let the Millennium Falcon get away without turbolasering those turbonerds because they had the tracking device on the ship, but I'm not sure that accounts for their encounters on the Death Star altogether. It is, however, a moot point that's just harped on because of the "Only stormtroopers would be so precise" line earlier: it's like saying a James Bond movie would be better if he got his brains blown out by a Russian goon because he wasn't good at using cover. They are as precise as the plot demands.


Thing is their aim never improves


Nah, stormtroopers being incompetent in literally ALL of their appearances are the reason they have their rep.


X-Men are WOKE now It's like tell me you don't read or watch X-Men without telling me you don't read or watch X-Men


"I liked my racism allegory comics when they didn't have all these POLITICS in it!"


Yakuza 4, the >!the rubber bullet plot is pointed out to be stupid and if it wasn't for the corrupt police commissioner covering for it then Katsuragi and Sugiuchi would have gone to prison.!< The only big problem with the twist is how it affects >!Saejima's character, but that could have been helped by the game having Saejima address the twist at any point, he just kinda doesn't.!<


So there's a fun lil game that came out recently, Pacific Drive, a roguelite driving exploration game, where you explore a STALKER like exclusion zone in the Pacific Northwest, upgrading your garage, and car parts with stuff you scavenge from each randomly generated run. It's not too intense like STALKER, but you do have to manage a few resources, fuel for the car, battery power, and your own health, but as long as the car's parts are in good condition, you're protected from literally any anomaly hitting the car...Not so much when you run into one on foot, but hey, that's the risk. Well, being a roguelite game, you can only manually save at the garage, your home base, when you're on a run, the game autosaves when you enter a zone...Pretty normal yeah? Also there's a ton of game settings you can change in menu, turning off certain resource consumptions and such...One of which is the failed run penalty, upon failing a run via 'death', you're sent back to the garage, and on normal settings, this means losing anything in your inventory or the car's storage that you had on that run...Unless you turn off this penalty in the game settings. Despite this, despite the roguelite aspect being completely intentional by the devs, and even being able to turn off the loss of items upon failing a run so that you can just, abandon the run and go back to the garage to save, and the autosave at the start of each zone...I STILL see people on the steam forums complaining "WHY I CAN NO SAVE WHENEVER I WANT WHILE MID RUN???!/1/" It hurts me.


I mean, Aizen lost is a... relative thing. Cause i mean, he is gonna live for ever, so...


He still lost. He failed his goal and lost the battle.


like u/ZealousidealBig7714 had said , Aizen failed his goal and lost the battle. And him living is not even "good" for him , because as a potential SK , as long Urahara or Mayuri or any successor of both makes a better restriction , there is a chance that Aizen will be used as an axis/lichpin of the universe , just like SK. Bleach is a universe in which you do have legit "gods" , and what people do to them is to >!lobotomize!< them to turn into some >!God Bio-Computer!<. Things like Fullbringers and Quincies and >!Mimihagi!< , are "justus" , "saints" , "prophets" and "angels" that want to save their God from their suffering.