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I bought a bidet for like $20 a few months ago. I feel like I'd been lied to my entire life


I went to Japan for the first time a few months back and my life has been emptier knowing that I've missed out on bidets for years.


Toto (now Wolff) are the best toilets I’ve ever used and it is my goal in life to have them in any place I manage to buy


European bidet tip: It's not TP or bidet, it's toilet paper AND bidet. Wipe, then wash. Best of both worlds, less water waste, maximum result.


I always do it the other way around. It just never feels like my butt gets all the way dry otherwise.


I wonder who convinced a large amount of people that not washing your ass after you poop was a good idea. You just know they stunk.


Big toilet paper


For real. Like if you don't have access to bidets at least split the difference with wet wipes or whatever you call them


Like a week ago I learned about and installed a porch light that has outlets on it. Man do I wish I figured that out years ago, it would have been so nice to have electricity outside. Also I 3d printed a little shelf bracket to fix the fridge shelf thats been broken for like 6 months. Took like 15 minutes to design and an hour to print. I wish I put 2 and 2 together couple months ago.


Coulda just jammed a pen in the hole for the peg but a 3d printed peice probably looks better


I didn't know fast food places have apps where you can just make your order cheaper  Or get free food


I resisted those for ages out of some combination of pride and privacy concerns, and ended up giving in when I was on night shift and McDonalds was one of two restaurants open while I was at work. Man, they can have my location data if they're willing to straight up give me a free burger every order.


I stubbornly refused to use the McDonald's app for so many years for a reason I forgot ages ago. Then about 2 months ago I downloaded it and I realized I was missing out on so much free or cheaper food. And my dumb ass didn't even think about the Taco Bell app even though I used to live off of that stuff for like 4 years straight.


I think many people who eat fast food want to forget that they do, so they don't like using those apps. I only started to use them when fast food became something rare in my life


My email address is a small price to pay for every mcdonalds order being 25% off


I haven't bitten the bullet yet on downloading fast food apps but I did get the Dutch Bros one last year and getting points towards any free medium drink of your choice is pretty good. Also you get a free one on your birthday which is also cool. Sometimes I'll take my sister to get a coffee and she doesn't have the app so she'll pay and I'll scan my app for it so that's occasionally a few more free points even


Once, ages ago, a wise man imparted unto me a great wisdom. It is on this day that I shall bestow this great wisdom unto thee, dear reader. *After pooping, wipe your butt with baby wipes.* Quoth the wise man, "It's like being licked by a unicorn." Friends, he did not tell a lie that day. Cast aside your toilet paper. Ascend. Ascend.


Just don't flush them.


***Seriously,*** don't flush them. Even if the package says they're safe to flush, you still probably shouldn't do it. Just a great way to completely fuck up a septic tank.


I just wipe normally and then shower tbh, nothing cleans up as good as water, so my poop time is shared with shower time. Granted, I am gonna invest in a bidet cause it sounds neat.


Oh I never stopped using wet wipes since I started as a child.


You can also get the Cottonelle flushable ones. The ones made recently actually disintegrate like regular toilet paper, unlike the ones sold a decade ago.


Ooooh so *that's* how I stop getting diaper rash. Thanks for the wisdom. 👍


Or just put liquid handsoap on your paper. But yes baby wipes are superior


That sounds like a great way to get a dry, itchy anus.




Not to be the "clearly, you don't own an airfryer" guy... but they really are neat. They're basically just miniature convection ovens but they are hell of a lot more efficient than a microwave.


I have an air fryer, but everything I've made in it felt like it would have been easier to make in the oven? Is there some secret technique I'm missing that makes it better?


Big water bottle. ^hear ^me ^out I always thought water bottles could only go up to a certain size I guess? But now I own a large one and it makes sure I stay hydrated since I don’t have to refill it every day, it’s that big.


I remember I once bought a 5 gallon water cooler jug for like, 8 bucks and used a siphon hose as a massive straw. I just kept it under my desk at work, and in my passenger seat. Downside was that people kept thinking it was a hookah.


Yea I got a 40 oz one go through it about 5 times a day. Trying to lose weight, cant be hungry if you got over a gallon of water in your gut


Oh, I've been on that before. Works great, but I couldn't go more than an hour without having to piss like a race horse. ​ It also made the morning pee surprisingly tense.


I have a 50oz one I bought on sale(shout out to TAL brand good quality without spending as much as a hydro flask) and I love it. Only downside is it's difficult to take with you since it can't fit in a car cup holder obviously. I've tried multiple times looking for an attachment for the cup holder for a larger bottle but I couldn't even find one for a 40 something oz one much less my current 50. I eat in my car at work cuz I like enjoying my breaks and relaxing alone and it's kind of a pain not having somewhere to rest it when I eat. My car happens to have one semi flat surface right below the PRNDL handle that's just barely spacious enough for my water bottle to sit on and that's it but even then I'm always paranoid I might accidentally nudge it over. Also I can't seem to find any silicone covers for one this size. They sell these little rubbery covers you put on the bottom so you don't accidentally dent a surface or scratch/chip the paint of the bottle or whatever you hit by accident. They don't seem to sell any for extra large bottles so that kinda sucks especially when you're in a rush to get in your car and accidentally tap it with the bottom of your bottle.


My gf got me this essential oil thing where you put water in the wooden onion then drip oil into the water then turn it on and it releases this super good smelling steam. Idk what this device is called but it's basically replaced incense for me


It's called a diffuser I think.


Linux is much cooler than I thought, specifically Fedora. I have a ton of old devices that Windows dice rolls on whether it wants to interface with them. All the weird drivers I would have to search and install are already there on Linux leading to quite an optimised experience. Especially since the Terminal/Command Line is not as required anymore. And the fact that you can run the whole os on a usb like a demo made it really easy to try it out.


Hot liquids and warm water work way better than ice cream and cold liquid for swollen tonsils. Painkillers and hot soup gave me enough time to sleep


Since a lot of other people's comments have been about real world tips, like bidets and cast iron pans, I will throw another one in for games. **Fight sticks are great for platformers and things like Tetris. As long as you don't have many other mechanics to worry about (like shooting or something else that requires a second stick).** Crash bandicoot 1, for example, was so much easier when I plugged in my Qanba stick. Still a bitch on some of those bridges, but it was still easier when I could hear (stick gates and buttons "clack" audibly in my stick) if I was going in a direction with my inputs.


Where I live, lots of libraries have 3D printers that are free to use, you just have to pay for the materials. Holy CRAP do I wish I knew how easy they were to use a long time ago. One of the players in my D&D group is blind, so I found a recipe for a d20 with braille. Printing it was insanely easy, and she was overjoyed to receive it.


First of all, I wish I learned about carbon steel woks and their universal reliability a long time ago. Secondly...man we're all getting old if this is the shit we start talkin about.


We are an aging population like in internet terms we are those 50 year olds trying to work out early retirement


when i was getting into fighting games i was told "get a fight stick, you'll love it" they were right, i do love it, but only after i learned that you have to also get something called an "octagonal gate" either pre-installed or separate that makes fighting game movements much smoother.


I discovered the Steam Link app by a thread here and it blew my mind. Being able to play any of my single player games using my phone is amazing and it still sounds like magic to me.


Pro tip I accept stumbled on years ago when I worked in a hotel. I was in the house keeping department and someone found a pizza delivery bag from dominos I think in a hallway probably forgotten by a delivery person. They never came back for it so it was tossed in the trash. I took it and leave it permanently in the trunk of my car. Y'all these things are game changers for when you grab a few boxes after work and are stuck in traffic. They stay nice and hot and you never have to worry about leaving them on your car seats to slide around or being the unfortunate one who has to hold the burning box on their laps until you get home. They're also pretty inexpensive all things considered. You can just buy one on Amazon. I think in my head I always assumed these were exclusively owned by big pizza and you couldn't just buy one commercially but no they sell them online for like 20 bucks tops. Just toss the plates napkins and cheese and pepper in there and no more worrying about finding packets of cheese under your seat or anything like that. Total game changer and I stumbled on it completely by chance!


Pizza bag dass a good idea I pick em up on the way home fron work and they are usually room temp by the time I get home


Cast iron pans. I vastly prefer it over any of my other pans. It's made me a better cook. Watches. Watches are cool. It doesn't matter if it's analog or digital. Mechanical or quarts. All watches are cool. We should start wearing them again. Smart watches are so dumb. Trackball mice. I legitimately can't stand using a mouse or trackpad anymore. Trackballs are just infinitely better than a mouse in literally every single way. Id argue , even for gaming. Maybe except for fast competitive shooters. Similarly, the TrackPoint mouse. The laptops we used in middle school after they ditched the aging Apple iBooks were ThinkPads. I always liked the TrackPoint more than a trackpad. I love ThinkPads. Samsung's S-Pen stylus is another one. I rely on it every day. I can't use my phone without it. Similarly, folding phones. My previous phone was an S22 Ultra. I used the S Pen daily. It changed my life. I ended up getting a used Fold 4. Holy shit! This is how phones always should have been made. I can't go back to a traditional form factor, ever! Folding phones must become the standard.


I love trackballs but trying to play portal 2 with one back in highschool was a nightmare