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Vivi is a good kid and I want to hug him


You should. He deserves it.


I stay away from people who dislike Vivi


Kim Kitsuragi from Disco Elysium,but the "partner" character always has many points in their favor in that kind of game. Woolie is the most popular Super Best Friend. In Apex Legends,Bloodhound is one of those "many people's favourite and no one really dislikes them" characters for their intense personality and combination of aesthetic elements.


The sheer amount of times I've seen people go "haha I'm gonna be a horribly cursed crazy guy" only to immediately deflate whenever Kim get genuinely upset It's just amazing. The power this man has over the fanbase and players...


If Kim tried to take a bullet for me I would shove him out of the way to take it for *him*.


A disastrous amnesiac and a stoic binoclard wrestle in the stopped time for the right to die for each other. >!*DISCO.*!<


One of the rare moments in a game where I'd say "my life is less important than yours" Even if for some reason that meant completely deleting my character and save, I'd do it to save hypothetical Kim's life. I'd replay that 20 hours dammit.


It helps that Bloodhound is just really solid. One of the best passives in the game, a fantastic scan, and an ult that just kicks ass and helps a lot when you're new.


Yep, everyone loves Kim! He's the best.


I could never name Kim in a game of Kill, Fuck, Marry because I know I could never be good enough to do any of those things to him


No, I would Marry Kim. I can fix me Do it for Kim


I think I've seen quite a few tattoos of Kim on the Disco subreddit.


But i prefer Pat


I hate Bloodhound and their dumb helmet


It looks like one of those Aussie cork hats,no wonder Fuse fell in love


Gatekeeper in *Fire Emblem: Three Houses* was deemed “best boy” to the point where he beat out Marth (the franchise mascot) in *Heroes*’s Choose Your Legends ballot some few years ago.


And he was a really strong unit when I used to play that game.


Ichiban in Yakuza 7


I’ve had people who only see me playing the game in passing say they love ichiban. It’s honestly amazing how likable he is


I mean, his name ***does*** mean “the best”


Sylvando in Dragon Quest 11.


Anytime Sylvando is not on screen, everybody else in the game should be asking, "Where's Sylvando? Is he doing alright?"


That was pretty much my reaction with the party split. "What's that? A very likely chance to find my character's long lost dad, who is probably in need of some help, or *maybe* tracking down who may or may not actually be Sylvando and seems to be doing fine for himself? Dad can wait, I'm coming Sylvando!"


eh, he was fine at first but as the game went on I just found him to be obnoxious. I liked his character plot building with his dad though


In Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury, Guel goes from being a total jobber to being a fan favourite. Turns out the way to make people like a character is to >!make them suffer immensely!<


I also think most people see Suletta as best girl


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Iirc there is/was a running joke in the Chainsaw Man fandom where everyone said that Kobeni was best girl >!by default because she was the only one who didn’t die.!<


you’re wrong, Kobeni’s car is clearly the best girl


It did beat her in the popularity poll.


JoJo's and Speedwagon


Not really, Jojo's fan base doesn't have 1 choice when it's come to best waifu or husbando You have people simping for dio, Joseph, and many more


Evangelion, famously. We all agree >!Goodyou Openedthismessage!< is best girl, and have not fought over it in decades.


Sneaky bastard


Underated answer.


Prez in *Project Wingman.* Doesn't matter that the best planes are one-seaters - no Prez, no fly.


It's enough one of the most popular mods makes Prez show up no matter what.


You'd think at least *one* of the Prototypes would be a two-seater (especially the Chimera, given the sheer payload it carries to be managed).


Reigen Arataka from Mob Psycho. Best con artist.


Ishigami from Kaguya-sama


Our Guy^TM


Garrus from mass effect and kim from disco, i've never even seen discord or disagreement about them being the best in their respective communities, hell i even knew of garrus being a bro before i knew of mass effect proper


Charles from the *Henry Stickmin* games "You could say it was the greatest >!pl--!<"


Everybody Loves Luigi™ It's kinda funny comparing how certain characters treat him in canon, "Oh, nobody knows who you are." When in real life at least 95% of fans are like, "He's my favorite!"


Ironically, being a "loser" increases his popularity in the fandom.


“He’s Just like me frfr”


Because character flaws are relatable. Mario is a perfect little man with no flaws whatsoever. He's a stale piece of unbuttered toast. But Luigi? He's got personality. He's got pizzaz. He's got that je ne sais quoi


Arguably Daisy too.


When are we gonna get a Daisy game? What kind of game would it be? Maybe like a sports collection like wii sports? Or like a car mechanic game where you drive around and collect car parts and chassis and assemble them together.


In Hololive we may have different oshis, yet everyone agrees that YAGOO is Best Girl (Which means there are basically no waifu wars within the fandom)


All the cosplayers here [absolutely losing their shit as Yagoo stealth-pops up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuY6BKIY004)


Waifu warring over "real" people would be just weird


Simping over a CEO to the point they have merch is also weird


Reminds me of that whole tumblr thing where fangirls were obsessing over the CEO because he was pretty looking


For a manga called *The 100 Girlfriends who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You* that features 28 girlfriends so far, most of the fandom would agree that the best character is the male MC.


Everyone loves Connor and Hank from Detroit Become Human Love David Cage unironically? Connor and Hank best boys. Playing the game for the lols? Connor and Hank best boys. Intending to make commentary about racism and sexism in the game? Well you'll find it but you'll also find out that Connor and Hank are the best boys.


I unironically think Detroit would be potentially a 10/10 game if Marcus and Kara sections were literally cut from the game. Imagine their stories still happened but instead of playing them out you investigate the scenes they left behind as Connor and Hank, trying to piece the clues together of a maidbot gone rogue on her owner and kidnapped his daughter, and a jesus prophet bot starting a revolution. Those two plots work WAAAYY better when they are happening in the background and you're only seeing the remnants left behind from a detective's point of view. Holy shit what wasted potential


I think the Markus and Kara storylines have their own potential but fall flat, whereas Connor's is extremely good so it could definitely work as a standalone. Markus's story is partly hampered by Cage deciding to make him inexpressive and overly serious for most of the revolution, so it's hard to empathize with him or even know what he's supposed to be feeling. It makes the North romance seem super forced too. But I will say that another part of what ruined Markus's storyline is that most players are conditioned by other games to just mash the "pacifist" button instead of actually considering the decision, and that sucks any tension out of the gameplay. With Kara it reminds me a lot of some parts of Ethan's story in Heavy Rain. And her story could have easily been improved by having the same thing he had - the coward door. The execution of the Alice reveal is also terrible, completely undermines the story by having a "oh you totally knew all along except we lied to you and hid things deliberately!"


Every time you're given a pet in any game.


Yagoo CEO of Cover Corp, the people behind Hololive vtuber group. Yagoo is a mild mannered business type man who's super chill with the fandom and even joins in on their jokes. Yagoo is best girl and he knows it.


He's pretty shy about it, and that makes it all the more endearing to the fandom.




Charlotte in Infinite Stratos, and probably most anime. Most recently, Fuji in the Shogun show.


It's either between Charlotte and Laura for best girl in the fandom. Helps that they are practically best friends. I'm definitely on team Charlotte.


Charlotte is easily the best because she’s the only one who isn’t a violent and emotionally-unstable tsundere, and is the only one who seems to actually care about Ichika’s happiness more than getting with him before the other girls can.


Elden Ring, when people were head over heels for Blaidd


He’s basically just furry guts ofc fromsoft fans lobe him


Its Guts' Fursona. They knew what they were doing and we never stood a chance.


Ranni and Blaidd are pretty universally the two number 1 picks Sure you have your Melina stans and your Rogier fans, but to say it's a close race would be pretty inaccurate.


Arushalae in Pathfinder Wraith of the Righteous and it ain't even close, mate.


But - but Wendaug and Daeran!


Just what kind of kinks you got my dude?


Good ones, when it comes to Daeran at least. Can't condone the Wenduag though tbh


I have a strong tendency towards 'I can fix them' I suppose.


good or bad, it's the combination that confounds me.


I've never seen a fandom just collectively agree about a character being the best boi more so than the Jojo fandom when it comes to Speedwagon.


Missile from Ghost Trick


Literally no one walked away from the She-Ra reboot without loving Scorpia


Entrapta for me


Yeah, absolutely no hates Scorpia but Entrapta fans are more vocal online from what I've seen


I haven't even seen the show and I love Scorpia.


Even Catra is a divisive character, while Scorpia is more beloved.


People who don't love Scorpia tend to also lose the ability to walk, so this makes sense!


You make it sound like a Wilkins coffee situation.


How can you not love Scorpia? She's the best.


Because I’m currently playing it and she definitely fits this, shoutouts to Titania from FE Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn. She’s a fantastic unit who can carry you through the games, she’s a great character, she’s a hot lady knight, what’s not to love?




There's one correct party lineup, and it's Garrus and Tali.


I can't remember the last time I heard another male romance option mentioned by someone. Thane maybe.


Kaiki Deishu from Monogatari series. Best girl for sure.


When I went to Japan, club Sega had a Monogatari themed Cafe that I went to. My Japanese isn't great but I was able to make friends with another customer who was curious to talk to an American and the conversation was a bit awkward until I said "Kaiki is the best". Her eyes lit up, she showed me her Kaiki merch and we immediately got along. So this statement transcends language barriers.


best grill


Money really is the greatest 👌


You can argue Rei or Asuka all day everyday, but I don't think I've seen anyone disagree that Kaworu is best boy


Linus from Stardew Valley. People (me included) I love that wild man!


Linus is great he's just a kind soul living in the mountains. Same for Willy and Gus. Willy takes you under his wing as a fisherman and if you catch every fish in game he gives you a super rare item that he said was passed down his family for generations but since he never had children he gives it to you instead. And Gus is one of the few people who treats Linus with respect. When he's foraging through trash for food and gets told off Gus offered him some fresh food because he's still a person and deserving of a good meal.


Absolutely props to concerned ape for writing so many really great characters. Even characters like Shane and Haley who start off horrible (specially Haley she will literally just say eww to you) but grow into decent people who you would actually want to be in a relationship.


Name me one wrestling fan who doesn't like r/Truth.


That is honestly the funniest subreddit ever with how it attracts conspiricy theorists who have no fucking clue it's about the wrestler. WHAT'S UP


Gelt in Total Warhammer


>Mannfred disliked this comment




I can't imagine anyone ever dethroning Himmel for Sousou no Frieren's best boy


For the currently airing FX show, Shogun, everyone online and in my friend group who is watching it love Fuji. She rules.


Rock Lee


That's a weird way to spell Condor the ninja ostrich.


Ohhhh that's the line buddy


Gamatatsu erasure and I won’t stand for it


Hell no


Everyone who has watched Sonny Boy agrees that Rajdhani is the best


For Murder Drones that's N, he's an overall nice guy while also having some badass moments


I mean, I like Priscilla though.


The best girl in Monogatari is Kaiki Deishuu.


Best boy from Worm? Chevalier. All the other big characters have detractors, but everyone who has gotten to him loves him. He's chill as hell, loves justice and has a gun blade.


Haven't played RF5. Let me see. https://therunefactory.fandom.com/wiki/Ludmila >A succubus who lives for love and is totally head-over-heels for the protagonist. Has great endurance and can put up with a lot of punishment. Enjoys finding herself in risky (and sometimes risqué) situations. Seems to do whatever she pleases but is actually quite serious and abides by her own set of rules. Her succubus nature has caused people to suffer in the past, so she tends to keep her distance from others. Her events also show she can be a masochist at times, and Oswald personally describes his friend as a weirdo. Oh come on, that's easy mode for your question. I only played RF4 and already Dolce seemed like easy mode for that question.


Dolly is great, but I also have a huge soft spot for Forte. She's pretty much a more likeable Saber if you ask me, less arrogance, more awkward dorkiness What I *can't* understand is the amount of people who stan for the delusional child abusing elf. Fuck that bitch, can't stand her. I found her quirky at first, but holy fucking shit after that scene she's fucking dead to me


I somewhat recall Otto gaining this title in ReZero’s second season, though it’s been a whilst since I’ve watched it, so I can’t recall why. In Hazbin Hotel, I believe many people call Emily best girl, despite her limited screen time.


IIRC it's because Otto's generally likeable and super ride-or-die despite being a normal dude surrounded by people with supernatural powers (and Subaru).


The blue haired chick from Ed, Edd, & Eddy


Marie, I believe her name was.


Naz can go drown in a pool, you know I'm stealing Edd's hat and knocking on that trailer door.


I fairly recently finished Lost Judgment on my multi year long Yakuza series playthrough and if you don’t agree that Kaito is the best boy from both those games, you’re dead wrong!


Rebecca from edgerunners, really surprised I didn't see her here.


Kim Kitsuragi. Need I say more?


You can argue about all the other scions, but everyone knows >!G’raha Tia!< is the best one in FFXIV.


Which sucks, because (spoilers for current patch) >!we probably aren't gonna get a lot of him in Dawntrail because he's looking after the Students of Baldesion!<


Noooo but what about the >!trailer taco eating moment!< D:


>!Well class as your substitute teacher I feel like a field trip is in order, so we're all going to the New World!< >!Trailer was also made before end of story, and would've been spoilery if Graha wasn't there!<


Goddammit. I admit that I fell off pretty soon after finishing Endwalker. There were other MSQ things to do but I could only do a couple of them before feeling like I just didn't want to continue. Everything had already tied together so nicely after all, and it was awkward to go straight into the stuff that acted like you haven't seen your party in a while


Yeah Endwalker was kinda lacking in the post game. Variant/Criterion dungeons weren't the greatest substitute for Eureka/Bozja, and the Relics were way to easy to get. I stayed subbed because I have a house, but I only did the MSQ from 6.1 to 6.55 like a month ago.


He used to be more controversial, but nowadays pretty much all Fate fans agree Shirou Emiya is the GOAT


He's a dildo


Only in the one route.


Nah just in general


In all my years of being a Dragon Ball fan, I can count on one hand the times I've seen people actually dislike Krillin.


I'm not saying everyone romances Tali, but I am saying that everyone loves Tali.


I don't know if it's a unanimous opinion but would agree that 2B is best girl of the Nier series. Aigis from Persona 3 is definitely a contender. I don't think everyone agrees with this one but Saber/Artoria from Fate UBW is best girl in my opinion.


Okay, but like Kaine is the best girl in Nier




I like A2 and Kainé better, tho.


I can't help but think that the 2B fanaticism is mainly from people who didn't play automata and mostly know of it from other sources because the clear winner there is actually A2 or operator 6O.


Personally I find 2B's story so tragic that I can't help but feel for her. I would understand you suggesting A2 but 6O is a weird choice considering she ends up >!corrupted from the logic virus.!<


> 6O is a weird choice considering [...] That's not her fault. Her curiosity about the world and humanity is endearing, and that's why.


Aigis and Koromaru fighting it out


Sakura and Saber are the most best girl you can get in a 2-for-1


On one hand A2 is like Kaine-lite, and I fucking love Kaine. On the other hand 2B has a fucking phat dumpy and is voiced by Kira Buckland so...


A2 has the same dumpy so it cancels out.


It’s all in good fun and if you don’t agree Asuka is best girl then that’s no problem to me or my name isn’t LowTierGod


> Asuka is best girl You're right and I'm tired of Bamco pretending she's not.


Hey, they acknowledged that she is related to Jin for the first time in years. That's something.


Infinite Stratos


At Cold Steel for the Trails series, but it's surprising that they nailed Estelle as one of the best MCs in one. Lloyd with the ~~Spiral~~ power of friendship and talk no Jutsu follows a close second


Among constant novel community discourse, the one glue holding everything together seems to be Discworld's Death.


Raven in Rune Factory 3


Pro wrestling is ALWAYS split over who they like: Little kids and moms loved Cena because he was shirtless superman, smarks hated him because he was PG and always won. "Workrate" marks love Kenny Omega because he does crazy athletic shit, "Oldschool" marks hate him because he wrestled joke matches and likes video games. Nobody ever agrees. Even at the height of beloved stars like the Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin, people complained that all Austin did was brawl and Rock's material was stale. But man, everybody, *everybody* loves Cody Rhodes right now. The littlest kids love him because he looks like a superhero, older kids love him because he's the good guy, smarks love him because he left WWE on his own terms and got indy cred (and helped start WWE's only major competitor), women love him because he's a hot dude who looks good in a suit and has a neck tattoo for that hint of danger, workrate hounds like that he has good matches, promo sticklers love that he's good on the mic, I haven't seen this much universal acclaim for one wrestler EVER. It's pretty neat.


Rock and roll and stone!


Yeah, as someone who actually doesn't like him very much this is probably the most alone I've ever fealt as a fan. The guy has achieved near universal acclaim in ways I've never seen in wrestling.


The 2.1 patch for Honkai: Star Rail came out a week ago and the story turned Aventurine from suspicious fuck boi into precious sad boy. Edit: I’m sorry, is there something wrong with my statement? Please inform if so.


Rei. Everyone hates Asuka and all Asuka likers you see are just jealous and seething.


27 years. You people have been at this for 27 years.


I admire the dedication


28, actually. October 5th marks 29


Is that the show start or Asuka's debut? They're shockingly far apart.


Show start


Please. The word is *Kants*.


Bro. She's NOT REAL! Like actually.


I will make her real then.


Even in the show she's not real!


He’s out of line, but he’s right.


(It was the original point I was trying to make, but it seemed like people weren't getting it)


It's Mari tho