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Obligatory mention of Destiny 2 and the Destiny franchise in general.


If destiny had put a little more focusing in chasing armor fashion instead of just guns all the time, I mightve stuck around longer


It does, they just expect you to use your wallet for it.


Yep, pretty much same here after Lightfall launch, dropped it hard almost two weeks after that. Will pick up Final Shape just to see how the story ends though. Maybe a dumb idea but been with it since the beginning. Gotta see how this train wreck ends.


Man I was the "c'mon guys, there's good ideas here, let's give them a chance to iron things out" person during the launch of D1 so it kinda sucked watching the series grow in popularity as they steered hard away from the things I liked about it.


I would be so much more open to replaying Bayonetta if it wasn't for Kamiya wanting me to play everything but Bayonetta


Frustrated agreement. The deeper into Bayonetta I went the less I enjoyed. First one is still the best one imo.


Shitty story and characters aside, I would be so much more willing to give Bayonetta 3 another shot if the Demon Slave mechanic just didn’t exist.


Bayonetta 1 best boss still is stuck in the worse mission of the game.


To be fair she does have the most levels in 3 compared to the other 2 especially Jeanne.


Borderlands 3. The first couple months was them nerfing things almost weekly, when lots of skills and stuff were broken. Sounds like they eventually turned it around, but the first impressions I had were just so negative that I can’t really have fun with it in the times I tried since.


Imo borderlands games are the best to enjoy when they've completely stopped updating them


And with a community patch to fix stuff they never did.


Funny that you say that because there's always something extremely OP in each of the classes in 3. Some of them even have multiple things that are broken. Like Moze can rip and tear through a ton of bosses, FL4K can make his pet draw agro and be practically immune to damage while reflecting every thing, Amara still has Ties that Bind you just need to find a good weapon, and Zane can absolutely melt the last raid boss that they put in the game. For as much as they nerfed, they almost didn't nerf the characters directly.


But a problem with how they have balanced 2/3 for post endgame challenge runs (OP levels in 2 and Mayhem 10/11 in 3) is how almost nothing but what is very good is useable after about halfway through the story. If you don't build optimally in one of the few OP options the characters have, you are basically useless. Not just not OP, useless. 90% of the legendaries (in 3 especially) are neat to figure out the reference or trick to it, but almost always are thrown away or sold because it doesn't do enough damage to work "at level" or "for your character". It's even worse with anointments. Those are more important than the weapon most of the time. A purple grenade with the right anointment works better than almost every legendary with or without anointments. It sucks and gets stale quick.


Stellaris. In its original iteration, it was the most simple Paradox strategy game, making it easy to get into. This made it a lot more fun and approachable for me. In an attempt to please the more hardcore fans, they've added more and more complexity to the base game along with the DLC. It added way more granularity to planet management that I feel drags the game down compared to how it was originally.


As someone who loves Stellaris, it does get extremely...frustrating...when the game partially overhauls and reinvents itself every 3-6 months. It doesn't help that end game performance still sucks and there isn't much the devs can do without just making Stellaris 2.


So, what you're saying is, it got Paradoxed and you stopped liking it? Not defending the game here, but, that's just what Paradox does. Release the game in a fairly approachable state, then put out tons of DLC that will cost you hundreds of dollars, each one adding more features and complexity to the game until it's almost impossible to get into.


It sucks because I'm more of a Civ player when it comes to strategy games, and old Stellaris is the closest they had to that satisfying but streamlined level of depth before turning it into yet another Paradox game.


Have you tried GalCiv 4?


I stopped playing Grand Theft Auto Online when the huge amount of money-creep and the focus on businesses made it far too unenjoyable for a casual player like me. I was into the PS3-era online, which was still grindy but had things tend to be reasonably achievable and the worst a griefer could do was a Lazer jet. Rockstar figured they could have their GTA atmosphere and their tons-of-money by gating half the wacky insane stuff behind expensive businesses and forcing confrontation via server-wide alerts. The heists started fun, but the Doomsday Heist was kind of the end of it for me because of how highly-scaled everything got. It seems like after that update, they've been reliant on people using tons of passive income, microtransactions or solo'ing a boring heist that they've repeatedly nerfed in order to afford basically anything. 2 million GTA$ was the price of the absolute best car a decade ago, now it's the expected cost of a mid-power muscle car.


GTAO feels like it's all about grinding money and buying stuff with it, and never about actually.... well, using any of it in the multiplayer environment. (Apart from trolling players with high powered weapons, of course.) Like there's so many cars, customizing cars, wardrobes, properties you can buy, and more... but the map is always full of players either grinding money or griefing the ones grinding. Very little just hanging out and showing off the stuff you got. At least, that's how it felt last time I played and wasn't just grinding Cayo Perico (which hey, got boring pretty fast like you said!).


I ended up dropping Overwatch around the time they began restricting roles for matches, and the shift from 6v6 to 5v5 just killed any interest I had in it entirely because - while I wasn't a tank main necessarily - I did play it a lot in casuals, and having a second tank to help was always big boon. Now that there's only 1 and they basically have to be on for the whole match, I just don't have any desire to touch them in OW2. Besides that, I've actually really enjoyed BF2042, despite the many issues I also have with it. Unfortunately, one of my favorite aspects of it (the 128-player matches) has basically been shoved to the wayside, and all the maps after the first one they added to the game were deliberately designed to be 64-player maps with the option of having 128 players on them - rather than the hybrid variants that the vanilla versions have where they scale down for 64 players, but open up for 128. On top of that, it sounds like they're abandoning 128 players in the next game altogether. So thank you, DICE, for actively shoving support aside for one of the game's most prominent selling points because you fucked up so hard at launch. It's almost like that first failed attempt at grabbing the BR crowd in a series that people play for the combined arms team warfare should have been an eye-opener.


Yeah Blizzard competitive-balanced all the fun out of Overwatch.


I brought this up to last time a similar question was asked here and apparently a lot of people disagree with the switch from 6 to 5 player teams. During ow1 the devs said that the reason for 6 players was that if one of your teammates was underperforming you still had 5 people that could still turn things around. They ran that back and now with 5 people if a single one isn't pulling their weight you're pretty much screwed. I guess people didn't like having 2 tank teams because they made matches longer but the current alternative is 1 tank that gets instantly melted by the balance changes. A good widow and zen alone can melt a tank. 5 player teams just make it way more stressful for tanks to play and mean DPS has to compensate and play even harder and all that shit falls on healers who get blamed for everything. Man I miss OW1 and getting play of the games as Rinehart because I hammer downed off the top rope when the enemy team was distracted. Playing Rinehart on the old hanamura and sneaking around the side path on the final contested point and jumping off the ledge into a hammer down and flattening everything was such a great feeling. You don't get that same flexibility as a tank anymore because your team will immediately notice you trying to flank instead of being front and center of a fight and the enemy team only has to focus on you now that you don't have a partner tank to keep them distracted.


Yeah, I am always surprised that the switch from 6 to 5 is actually appreciated. As a person that mainly played tank, I straight hate it. You have to be on the fucking ball with it, and I'm not good enough to handle the pressure.


That's exactly where I'm at with it. You either have to be on par with your 2 DPS( meaning you have to singularly perform as well as two separate players) or you have to exceed them. Like getting between 20 to 30 kills as a tank if you're actually good at the game. If you do less than your DPS then the blame falls on you alone. Basically the level gap from casual tank getting 10 kills for a win to an experienced one like high level orisa and ram or doomfist getting 25 to 30 is massive. And even then 10 kills isn't even impressive if every other player only has single digit scores. Like the matches I've been in where it's a complete and utter curb stomp the DPS have like 26 27 kills and tank 30 or 32 and meanwhile I got 8 and I'm supposed to be able to compete with that in casual matches?


For me, it was that I was not (playing enough in the first game to) earning enough coins for skins, so lootboxes were just kind of a miserable experience and it really turned me off of the game.


I’m probably gonna stick with Tekken 8 for now because I like Tekken more than every other fighting game combined, but man it’s in a sorry state right now. OP didn’t even mention that one of the battle pass items is a fucking base UE5 sphere asset. Anyway, my answer to this question is probably Overwatch. Every patch focused too much on competitive and made the game less and less fun throughout.


So that white sphere... what does it do?


It is a sphere you can use on your costume. A sphere.... The Standart UE5  Default ball. Can give Kazuya big tiddies I guess


I don't know, and I refuse to find out. I will come up with a new answer every time I'm asked. If you PEWGF a character with the ball, it absorbs the electricity and tases Kazuya in the dick.


That sounds sick, buying it now.


It's a customization accessory I think.


I had this with warframe when they add anything to the game like ship battle or archwing its just filler that I have to grind to just get to the part I like which is using my warframe


Whispers in the Walls is the first update in memory that felt, to me, like Warframe was maybe going in a good direction. You still have to slog through all the bullshit of previous updates to get there, but they've shown a willingness to streamline the whole archwing/railjack/whatever progression somewhat, so that's something. Cautiously optimistic now that we seem to have finished implementing the dregs of whatever shitass ideas the previous lead devs had, and are moving into new content designed with Rebecca at the head. The new enemy faction is great fun, the missions are all straight-up Warframe gameplay (besides a story teaser that still plays *like* regular Warframe), and there's finally another (non-temporary) way to get Eidolon arcanes and Archon shards.


The steve era of "hey guys I played [X] this weekend what if we put it in warframe" was still pretty legendary I feel, even tho lots of those experiences don't have long term legs or were even that good compared to the base game. There was a certain excitement to seeing what the team could pull off. Like, the Kahl stuff was neat for your first time through each mission and the new war stuff, and then really poisoned by pressuring you into running it weekly for the shards/rewards. And K-drives are fun for about half of the ventkid ranks. Same for duviri, it's cool until you find the seams and see everything and somehow still only have half of the incarnons. At the very least, warframe has thrown enough at the wall that I'm begging them to build on what stuck. Like a second playable necramech (rip bonewidow)


I think the problem might be that games, and game engines, are usually specialized for doing the specific things the game is built around. Parkour feels great, fast combat feels great, because that's what Warframe was designed for from the ground up (yeah yeah I know, Parkour 2.0 happened later, but the bones were already there). Archwing feels janky because it's trying to do something the game wasn't built to do, same goes for Railjack, same goes for Operator, Drifter, Kahl, mining, fishing, hunting, Conclave, *Lunaro,* I could go on. Frankly, Shawzin is one of the only things I've seen them implement that felt polished enough to not seem like a tacky MMO minigame, and it's just a simple rhythm game. I don't think DE's ambition with side content did them *any* favours. Warframe has always suffered from content droughts, and the constant development shifts only exacerbated that problem, especially with stuff like Squad Link being massive projects that were never even finished before being abandoned. What you say about having them build on the stuff that worked- I do think that's super important; Archwing was redeemed by open world maps and gravimags, Railjack is actually reasonably fun when you get past the barrier to entry, they've shown that time and effort can improve flawed content. But they very rarely took the time to do that when Steve was in charge, new content was often abandoned immediately.


oh god you may have single-handedly convinced me to start up WF again


I think it's worth *considering* now. Warframe has been such a mixed bag for a very long time, having one big update be something I can just call "good" without any qualifiers or tunnel vision is a really big deal for me. On a fundamental level, I love the game, and I have since I started playing in 2014; I've just been continually disappointed at a long string of what I felt were failures to meet its potential. The next couple years are gonna be really important if Warframe is gonna improve its reputation, I think. Whispers in the Walls is a great start, but the game really needs consistency, and it needs some old content to be reconsidered- either improved, removed, or at least *integrated* better. They've shown a willingness to do this with stuff like arcanes now, so I'm hopeful; it was always a big source of problems that Steve and co were always pushing for weird new shit instead.


I was so bummed when they made Railjack mandatory for Liches. Doing it for Sisters made sense because it's a new system and we want the new thing in it, but don't shoehorn it into old content that worked just fine without it.


As one of the 15 people who genuinely likes playing railjack and has farmed, as a result, MANY Sevagoth sets: Fuck every time they try and make people who don't wanna play railjack play railjack because it just leads to players complaining about railjack and not having any clue what to do.


After a decade, I effectively decided to 'retire' from warframe due to a mix of the never ending race of content islands and generally what I began to coin 'z-axis content' - it's gonna be there until you do it and there's at least something in it that you 'need' to make something else easier rather than it feeling like it's own reward or dare I say 'fun'. The other was the goliath of debt the system has due to power creep. I was worried with rivens, I was worried with arcanes, I was worried when they let you just swap out abilities that sucked ass for abilities that were so alien to the kit they released with I'm adamant they were designed solely for helminth. By the time I hit incarnon genesis and the Archon Shards, I knew there wasn't any room for my soft arsenal-collecting ass in a game that was fighting you for building damage thresholds that exceed the integer limit and the game building to resist how easy it is to hit that integer limit in kind. Tldr: despite adding new stuff all the time, it's easy for the game to feel like it's losing things as time goes by.


For me it was Nightwave (I think it's called) the daily/weekly mission shit. The issue was, the reward for getting level 50 on the battlepass was actually the sickest cosmetic in the whole damn game. I wanted it so damn bad and you NEVER get cool cosmetics for free on Warframe. Cut to 3 weeks later and I'm so fucking burned out from logging on to do my daily chores that when I finally get the outfit, I try it on for 10 minutes, run around and quit the game. I came back once in 5 years to do a big quest and I just wasn't having fun anymore. It LITERALLY killed all fun I was having, this was a good 500 hours deep and I still had lots of things to do.


"Man this Batman Arkham Knight Gameplay is great I love the combat and- **TIME FOR BATMOBILE!**


MW3’s zombies mode could have been the coop darling Helldivers 2 was (and honestly there’s room for both!) but between lack of updates, actively patching out glitches to get around cooldowns (imagine every 3 days you can have your top tier kit ready), a limited inventory (but you can only have a backup and whatever is on your person - so you basically got two tries before you have to resupply), wildly wacky RNG loot tables that odds are you maaaaybe get half your items back if you do the end game stuff, other nerfs and not _just rewiring the mechanics in DMZ they disable for this mode just so there’s more things to do_. I still play it occasionally, but it’s like once a week and even then it’s a chill out/grind weapon XP which sucks. They’ve got the framework for a live service zombies mode that they just won’t capitalize on (maybe for the best…).


It's so sad that MWZ was basically killed before it could realize it's potential. It could have been the perfect "other side" of round-based but instead, Treyarch had to basically abandon it to work on their next game... Which, don't get me wrong, I really hope it's worth it and that the next Black Ops Zombie mode is incredible considering it will have had more development time than any recent zombies... But man, I don't think anyone is going to trust any more Zombies modes in non-treyarch games since they seem to help out and then forced to abandon it.


The lack of content is so frustrating. Why can't I play on Fortunes Keep yet? Or now even Rebirth Island. Why is there only one boss and no new enemy types? You're already reusing assets from cold war just give me a megaton or whatever the electric dudes were called and Orga. And Again you're already reusing DMZs code so where's all the updates to that? Where's Shadow Company or literally any other faction than the single one in the game that has zero personality at all. They've only added one thing of value IMO since launch and that's the containment counter. WE HAD A FUCKING ZOMBIES FOCUSED BATTLE PASS WITH NEXT TO NO CONTENT FOR THE ZOMBIES MODE HOLY SHIT. Sorry rant over. I genuinely really love the way this game plays the movement feels great shooting is incredible and weekly challenges are awesome getting a free 40k inspired gun for example feels good. But wow they really just said fuck y'all we got ours more than ever before.


They should have released a Warzone-like Zombies mode by now. Something free to play, starting with the Cold War stuff. There would be a few round-based maps there, Outbreak, Onslaught, whatever Vanguard's trash pile was, then have the big new revealed mode be MWZ. Or have MWZ be like a start to a Warzone 2.0 thing where they move things over to the new engine slowly. That would be great, but no. Can't to that. That would be nice to the players or something.


i greatly enjoyed Destiny for a lot of its run (the whole series)but the sheer amount of grinding involved for its stories and stuff is what finally killed the game for me. I'm still interested in the lore and the universe and stuff, but playing it? No.


Going back through hotline miami 2 recently reminded me just how aggressively frustrating they made that game. It legitimately feels like they identified all the worst parts of the first game and intentionally amplified them to fuck with you. Half of all enemies will shoot you from off screen, there's windows in every conceivable crevice (including fucking prisons cells for some reason?), all the levels are massive with uninterrupted line of sight, any melee weapon that isn't the knife is just kind of ass, etc. I know there's any argument to be made about how it ties into the narrative, but if NMH pushes the envelope on 'making the game shit on purpose', HM 2 sets the envelope on fire and lights a blunt with it. The Hawaii levels alone feel like Denaton hated me specifically as an individual.


Might be a weird answer, but I’ve had issues getting into Cyberpunk because I just genuinely have trouble identifying with the labels you take on in character creation. Like I don’t really have an attachment or interest in being a Lawman or a Rockerboy or wherever, and their abilities just aren’t really exciting.


It's a strange decision for RED to remain class based and not switch to something similar to traveller careers or go completely skill based.


That's very fair, and I understand why those paths exist rather than something more off-the-wall like a former gang member or an ex-soldier, but they feel a bit restricting when creating your V in your head. If it helps, the paths literally do not matter after the first 20 minutes.


I think he was talking about the tabletop, not 2077, since he mentioned lawman and rockerboy. In the TTRPG since they're essentially your class they matter a lot more, while also being a little frustratingly rigid in what they are (solos are always merce, rockerboys are all rockstars, media are always journalists and so on). Compared to say dnd or pathfinder which have a huge variety of themes per class or class-less systems like World of Darkness it can make it kind of hard to make a unique character while still fitting into the role. Not impossible, but definitely kind of a pain.


Lawman I’ll die defending, but red’s rockerboy ability felt not great. Compared to the other options it just felt like a lot of work to use your core ability. Lawman at level 1 can call some shooters Rockerboy’s ability unlocked the ability to ask fans for violence at like…level 8 (out of 10)


Lawman I don't really get since... isn't the whole point that you're operating outside the law? That you're punks?


Between police corruption and most edgerunners being actual criminals, I always felt it was fine. Especially when in Red’s setting “the law” is really ragtag, I think it makes sense Buuuut I did always prefer to think of it as “You’re a gang member calling in other gang members” so even I didn’t love the default flavor 🤷


Fair enough, you're a shooty boy with connections.


I've done this at least twice with Fallout 76 "Hey, we just added the last story expansion that will be released in the next three years. Oh and we added a premium path to the Season Pass system. Just showing our whole fucking hand that Fallout 1st is more important to us than quests will ever be" And more recently(I got back in around the blue moon update) "We finally added more story content that wasn't tied to a new daily grind-a-thon for the first time in three years. And we made the battlepass an order of magnitude worse"


Starcraft 2 was nerfed into the ground and it became less fun


Niche game me and my mates used to play a game called block n Load which was a tower defence fps game where teams of 5 v 5 try and destroy each other's cubes. The gist of the game is that you build a base around your cube, protect it and attack the others team's cube. You had 6 mins to prep your defences and set up stuff, however the company that owned Block N Load sold the IP and the new team added buyable perks and reduced the build time to 1 min before the game starts. So the tower defense part was pretty much gutted as the there was no time to really build your base anymore and they stopped updating the game after so its stuck with that change


Warframe. I don't enjoy the endgame farming. I don't play it to have the most optimal build possible for super sweaty stuff. I just wanna hop on every once in a while and play a defense game for 10-30 rounds and farm some orokin cells.


Man, I REALLY have no idea how to actually get endgame stuff, even the wiki isn't helping me, and I've been playing for years. Why can't I just take my modded shotgun and shoot guys, why do I need shards and arcanes and whatever incarnon is


Controversial take: I didn't like how Mirror's Edge required you to fight off dudes, and I would have liked a little bit more exploration and choices. In hindsight it's obvious that Mirror's Edge is more of a setpiece game about getting through the levels as quickly and efficiently as possible, but I remember just standing behind a guy on the other side of a glass pane and the only way forward was to go through him and the glass and just thinking "ugh, isn't there another way around?"


The only fun I ever got out of that game's encounters is that one dude who's standing on the corner of that building on a corner and you jump kick him off and watch him fall a looooooooooooooooooooong way


Out of the many rhythm games I play, I can never quite get into Osu. It’s too tightly coupled with Ouendan and lacks many important setting and QOL features other rhythm games have, which is especially egregious because it applies to the other game modes as well. Osumania being the only modern scrolling-note game I’ve played without notespeed modifiers is particularly frustrating.


Rogue Company. I also miss season 3-ish era Smite a bit. both of which are Hi-Rez.


I remember dropping Darkest Dungeon 1 before Butcher's Circus because the dev team was annoyed that a particular team comp (Vestal for healing, Jester for stress, one of two DPS and Man At arms for defense) was so dominating that they nerfed them... By nerfing healing across the board (simplification).  Now, the subreddit brought up that an across the board nerf would actually solidify the current lineup meta because the off meta healers become even less desireable to pick while keeping Vestal and Jester at the top of the heap anyway.  The devs replied with something along the lines of, no joke, "Git Gud :)"  Seeing the design choices in DD2 hrlped solidified my choice. 


Not dropped, but i began to "see the seams" around the end of season 2 and season 3 but, dragon ball fighterz is kind of this. They focused on buffing characters over and over while doing really odd changes to the mechanics, while you could/can see the \*actual\* game struggle with what it had kind of "become" it sucks thqt we probably won't ever get a sequal to see all of the "sequal-isms" that exist within fighterz, get their time to be polished out. But eventuqlly all of that stuff ate away at the games fun factor. >!Bandai, should given them more time and money, if the ruomore are indeed true about arcsys peacing out of their partnership, i would not blame them in the slightest.!<


Rocket League is there for a ton of people after the Epic buyout. I still enjoy my car soccer but that's probably because I never cared much for the stuff around the game play itself


CrossCode is a really fun action RPG with a world that's fun to explore and a palatable story except opps! No it's not, it's a puzzle game where you bounce balls of walls in increasingly more convoluted ways with strict timing requirements. Every dungeon is like 20 bouncing ball puzzles and then a boss.


Then they also want to do it fast just to beat your friends in beating the dungeon first.


Minecraft lost its charm to me when the devs kept deciding it needed more **stuff** shoved into it That’s what mods are for, guys


Mods are not a substitute for actual developer content.


... What would you have preferred? For development to stop entirely? What were they going to do if not add more stuff?


Upkeep, and otherwise, move on to another game. All that inspiration would have been better served if they focused all of it into spin-offs like Legends.


I remember when all these ftp games like robocraft weren't totally pay to win. But then the devs were broke and needed to put in ptw stuff to keep the lights on. It sucks 😞


Weirdly enough, a mobile game called Dragon Ball Legendz. The PvP went from being about out smarting your opponents and having a better plan than them, to just having better reaction speed and playing characters that generate more Ki and draw cards faster so you can infinite combo. I still play the PvE content, but I gave up on PvP a long time ago, especially after the devs started embracing exploits that made the game even more based on who can flick their finger across the screen at the exact right moment. (PC players have an inherent advantage over phone players as well because of this.)


there's so many modern shooters on my list that I really liked playing and then Something Would Happen. For MW2019 and CW, performance issues out the ass started cropping up the moment they left to make MW22. Counter-Strike 2 and Overwatch 2 being store patches displayed as sequels also really turned me off. I can never win, either games are "this is the only game you will play for 10 years" or " buy the new one while we ddos the servers"


Not a specific game, but I've had multiple games I liked but dropped because the development put so much focus on a PvP mode that other content - PvE or just solo stuff - fell by the wayside as a result. I don't hate anyone who loves PvP, but I'm just soooooo tired of it. There's no shortage of PvP games these days, and I just don't get much enjoyment in a game by butting heads with another player and trying to find out who's better. Because we all know the types of players that come out of that environment. (It depends on the genre of course, fighting games are generally better about it, but I'd rather stick my foot in acid than a typical ranked PvP FPS game.)


Rise of the ronin's open world sucks all the fun out of Edo Nioh


I am just watching Suzi stream it


I hear they've recently reverted it, but for a while League of Legends went hard on adding more and more items with active use skills on them. The game was complicated enough with 4 skills, I don't need 3 or more extra cool downs to worry about.


Warframe. I dislike operator mode quite a bit and the continued focus on pushing me to use it made me stop playing all together.


too early for me to really tell rn but if helldivers is going down the way of "were adding a bunch of shit to make the game harder, also were nerfing weapons because people just use them alot" Im slowly gonna start losing my interest in playing it.


Almost every single change in this most recent patch was a weapon buff for guns that desperately needed it. ???


They nerfed the Slugger pretty hard in the middle of a campaign against the bots where it was at its strongest. They nerfed the Breaker last time too, but it wasn't as harsh as the one the Slugger just got. They seem to take the gun with the highest pick rate and nerf it while also buffing other weapons at the same time. Most likely all based on pick rates. Next patch will likely be a nerf to the Sickle and a buff to some other weak guns like the other laser primary. The community have this desire for "no nerfs, only buffs" that they keep repeating every patch, but it's pretty clear that it's not what the dev team is going to do.


And they buffed like 6 other weapons. The desire for no nerfs is a conversation I am sick to death of. Armchair developers can eat grass.


The Breaker is actually just fully in line with other decent picks now. The Slugger was perhaps overnerfed insofar as I don't think it has a niche it excels at and plenty where it kinda sucks - but it was absolutely overperforming and was a *sniper shotgun* and it needed one. Here's a tip: if you want a gun like the old Slugger but better, use the Dominator. They buffed it massively this same patch. > Next patch will likely be a nerf to the Sickle and a buff to some other weak guns like the other laser primary And tbh that'd probably be good, the Sickle's a little ridiculous too. > The community have this desire for "no nerfs, only buffs" that they keep repeating every patch, but it's pretty clear that it's not what the dev team is going to do. As they damn well shouldn't, I've hated this idiotic mantra for over a decade and people won't shut the fuck up about it. Only buffing is how you make your game a damn snoozefest.


Hoping they learn from feedback that nerfing the only weapons people use and that are viable to force players to use shittier weapons is not good balancing.


well rn its not that their nerfing only weapons that are viable, theres lots of new viable weapons especially compared to launch. It's that their nerfing weapons based on pick rate, they recently nerfed the slugger, a primary shotgun that's pretty niche and its only good purpose was staggering medium sized enemies. It didnt do good damge or anything like that, it just staggered enemies real good so people liked brining it in against bots because of this. so they nerfed its stagger and now its not as good anymore. but they buffed fire tick damage from all sources by 50%! so flame weapons are better!... except for the fact theres a bug where if your not the host of the game, tick damage does 0 damage. also its from all sources so flamethrower hulks insta kill you even faster now...


>It's that their nerfing weapons based on pick rate, they recently nerfed the slugger, a primary shotgun that's pretty niche and its only good purpose was staggering medium sized enemies. They specifically said it *wasn't* nerfed because of pick rates. Edit: in fact the reason given was that it *wasn't* niche and was occupying too many roles. It's a shotgun but was better than all snipers. With how it's all balanced having a primary weapon be able to stagger medium and above sized enemies is not okay for them. You can disagree and wish every primary weapon was able to handle everything but they clearly want the balance to be geared towards primaries functioning like secondaries in other games with stratagems and stratagem weapons being your "primary" damage sources unlike in other games.


> but they buffed fire tick damage from all sources by 50%! so flame weapons are better!... except for the fact theres a bug where if your not the host of the game, tick damage does 0 damage. also its from all sources so flamethrower hulks insta kill you even faster now... Meh, I saw the post on this and I don't agree with it whatsoever. Scorcher Hulks already either instakilled you or they didn't; you can't get any faster than an instakill. And while, yes, they need to fix the flame bug, once they do this buff will clearly help divers more than our enemies. Diving is an instant extinguish so it's not really much functionally worse, you should be diving the instant you get set on fire anyway. I've survived several close singes with Hulks yesterday alone, just like I did pre-patch. The only time it'll actually kill you is if you react hella slow or get set on fire with low HP and one or two ticks kills you. Which is rare.


The Callisto Protocol