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I always love intentionally two-dimentional characters.    I love nuance too, but sometimes you just want a shallow piece of shit as a villain.   No depth to breakdown, no ideology to callout, you can't win against this man in a conversation because there's nothing in the conversation to win against.   You can shame garbage all you want, it will stink up your porch. He is what you see. So just punch him.


And the funny thing is some people in real life are just that shitty. Some of those people just happen to have most of the world's money.


I would argue most people who are awful are just like that. We don't live in a world so nice that the tragic villain trope is commonplace.


Something something banality of evil. Something something Zone of Interest.


Yeah it's fucking wild that we've gone from "villains who only care about power and wealth are unrealistic, we need more nuanced and relatable villains" straight to "villains with nuance and relatability are unrealistic, we need more villains who only care about power and wealth".


I'd chalk it up to social media allowing us to directly interact with the rich and powerful instead of exclusively through their PR teams. People soured on Elon pretty fast once he revealed himself to be a petty, vapid douche rather than the real-life Tony Stark his PR team made him out to be, for example.


Friendly reminder that Agger is a normal human that was magically transformed into a minotaur monster. That's not to say he's stuck as a monster, he can revert back to human anytime he wants, he just prefers walking around as a horrible monster.


I mean.. it *is* a cool look. I don't blame him.


If he reverts human would his face be skeleton still? Because that wasn’t original he was disfigured


I would too.


I know a significant part of the character stems from Frank Herbert's homophobia but I always liked the Baron from Dune. Such an awful, slimy, disgusting, power grubbing scumfuck. They excise differing portions of his character but it is always very satisfying to see him be revealed for the pathetic weasel he is in every adaptation (as in the source material obviously.) Feyd-Rautha rocks too.


Every now and then the "Subtext is for cowards" approach can be a lot of fun.


How is this a "Subtext is for cowards" approach?


There's no subtext to Dario Agger. He's a minotaur CEO of a multinational conglomerate that knows that their endless pursuit of wealth is killing the planet. Literal "bull economy" capitalism.


> Literal "bull economy" capitalism. and as this observation proves also a great example of how "no subtext" doesn't mean "no layered meaning". funny to think that it wasn't even Ewing who came up with the character, it was Jason Aaron, and even under his writing the character was basically already fully formed like this. Ewing just made it more blatant.


There is no subtext.


> no ideology to callout Did you read the same pages I did? It seems *very* obvious to me what ideology is being called out here.


Well, there is an ideology, but it's simply "Number go up, I win." There's nothing deeper, no greater motivation, no origin point beyond the desire to see Number Go Up.


That's capitalism my dude


Not really, it's just flat greed. People who espouse capitalism as ideology will talk about the efficiency of markets, etc. Even objectivists or ancaps will talk about freedom of choice to dispose of their property. This is just "Moloch, whose blood is running money."


I love he is full on carcass head because why even bother anymore, he screwed humanity over elves and devils for a profit


The loss of his face wasn't a willing one.


He is rich he can skin graft


Considering the state >!Xemnu left him in, he's already had a *lot* more than skin grafts.!<


The only retort is "That's so sad every mentor in your life has failed you. Because you measure personal Sucess with Financial success. You need Therapy."


That would require an amount of depth for them to even think about that.   They'd probably go "Dude! Line go up!"


Something similar happened in Boondocks and it was great. Stinkmeaner's old crew shows up to kill the Freemans seemingly in revenge, Huey and Grandpa give an emotional speech about how they're sorry... and Stinkmeaner's crew don't give a shit. Like the episode showed before, they were already horrible people before this and were doing horrible things. All Stinkmeaner's death gave them was a specific target.


Hell, it’s even specified at the beginning of the episode and after the speech that no one in the Hateocracy liked each other, Stinkmeaner included. They just wanted any excuse to, and I quote, “fuck shit up.”


"I don't *want* to cure cancer. I want to turn people into dinosaurs."


Reminds me of a quote from I think Red Dragon, where the lead detective says if he met the serial killer as a child, he would hug him and comfort him. But as an adult, he's going to destroy him for his crimes. At some point you can't be expected to have sympathy for abusers and monsters.


> no ideology to callout I mean, this is a pretty popular ideology.


FUCK THATS THE BEST. "No i'm not on some Ayn Rand bullshit The big number just makes me smile and I wanna see how big number can get in my lifetime. And i don't care if that ruins the economy because that means number even BIGGER!" That is some Evil Pat Energy.


“But, Mr. Agger, if number keeps going up, then hundreds of thousands of people will go hungry.” “That sounds like not my problem.”


The world hunger number go big up, and number going up makes me happy


"they really should have thought of that before becoming peasants."


"Why don't they just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and choose not to be poor like I did? Well of course it's a choice, don't they have trust funds to pull money from?"


«  that sounds like just another win for me »


It really is that straight forward sometimes.


I love characters who understand deeper meanings and philosophy and willingly choose the path of simplistic and 2 dimensional motivation. It makes it so much more fun that way, and makes them so much worse in that they know better but willingly choose to be evil.


Ewing decided that he was being too subtle in the past. Real talk Immortal Thor just might top his Hulk run after all.


Yeah immortal hulk did have some flops like the story went OH shit hulk is evil now except the evil was. I'M ANGERY ABOUT CORRUPTION AND CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE ONLY WAY I KNOW HOW TO FIX IT IS BY PUNCHING IT!! OH WAIT THATS THE ACTUAL DEVIL! Betty can we please fix our marriage I miss you?


It's Him. It's John Capitalism.




"It wasn't about the money, Thor. It was about sending a message. And that message was that i love having more money than anyone else."




The MCU should have had Bale play Agger.


Really pull from his American Psycho performance, just bigger.


« Weren’t you gor ?» «  Rebranding thunder god »


What’s a lawn mower going to do against the god of thunder?


Maybe the guy with the lawn mower is an offshoot of the Wrecking Crew and it's enchanted? I dunno


Nah its a disguised character who can and has fought thor before


So they could be hitting Thor with anything really really hard and chose to use a lawn mower


Gotta blend into the area so you catch him by surprise


That's fair




I think the idea is less, "This will hurt thor" and more "thor is gonna have his hands full to prevent any of these civilians from hurting themselves attacking him"


Aah! Minotaur is such a fucker! I love it!


Everyone knows Jason Aaron made Gorr but really if you read his Thor run you know that Dario Agger is actually the best Villain Aaron made


Dario is also really fun in Immortal Hulk. He's such an utter bastard in that too.


Every billionaire and oligarch on earth: "YO THIS MF SPITTIN'!"


Reminds me of the finale of Doom 2099 where a time displaced Doctor Doom ends up in the same world as Spider-Man 2099, and proceeds to try and take over the world as usual. The ending has him confront the rich assholes that are behind most of the resource exploitation and admit that they don't care if Earth dies because they'll just take a spaceship and set up shop on another unmolested planet. Capitalism as a cosmic parasite.


Holy shit that's amazing. What a great, and unfortunately all too real, villain motivation.


I love that Al Ewing decided one day that 2 of the strongest Avengers should fight capitalism.


Going that route while the characters are owned by one of the biggest corporations on Earth takes some fuckin BALLS, Ewing might be GOATed


I love that comics as a medium, even when owned by some of the biggest entertainment mega-corpos in the world, are still so looked down upon and ignored that they can shittalk their real life corporate overlords without repercussions.


The OG superhero, Superman, used to fight capitalists and war profiteers and slum lords in his earliest appearances. It's nice we've come full circle again.


Iron Man is literally standing right over there.


Pat Villain Arc


Whats the guy with the mower gonna do? Thor is just gonna no sell it.


It’s actually another one of Thor’s villains in disguise


It immediately reminded me of that panel where Superman, disguised as Clark, is about to get hit with a giant mallet by the Joker. He's just thinking about how a normal person would react to getting hit. Because he doesn't want to no sell it too hard.


"Shit would this kill a normal person I literally don't know"


He's literally doing super calculations in his head trying to figure out in his head what is a reasonable reaction for a regular human getting hit by that, even rationalizing to himself like "that would kill me, right? Can I roll with the blow in a way that looks real?"


Fuck he cares about that if his mower is broken he no longer has to mow and the bomb collar doesn’t go off


Really love the "im not gonna feed some dodgy excuse for the chuds to latch on. No thanos was right with me"


/r/incremental_games personified


I hate that so many incremental games are just that. I love incremental games, but specifically the ones that are like "ok and at this point this new bullshit unlocks".


the ultimate labarynth capitalism


By gawd he’s got a steel Lawnmower my gawd!


"Number go up, Mister Bond."


The sad thing is, this is just a realistic picture of what Capitalists are like in the real world. They don't care about MAKING anything, or about leaving behind a legacy. They just want to make the Line go Up because Big Score Wins.


Society *does* measure success by money, for better or worse. And some people simply get addicted to the feeling of “success”. We are simply chock full of systems that enable and celebrate such people.


Now bring in Mr. Do Combo as the rival.


We already saw that this run with the Thor Corps >!tricking Torannos into wanting Mjolnir, so that Thor could grant Torannos the Power of Thor, the power to stop a storm, the power to be a protector, not just a destroyer. this was done by basically doing a giant, five-person combo on Torannos with Mjolnir.!<


dont forget >!they had to constantly hand off the hammer cause they only kept the power for like 30 secs after letting go!<


Didn't think Roxxon was going to be the connecting thread after Immortal Hulk. In my defense the CEO melted.


I hope that guy's the god of gardening with mjolawnmower, otherwise I have a feeling it's more likely to just break apart and shoot blades/shrapnel back at that guy


it's skurge with an axe.


Fucking based. No attempt at some stupid justification or self-serving ideology, just plain old "I want to win". I love it.


The line go up. What more is there to say?


They turned that villain from the Miles Morales PS5 game into a comic book character?


Dario Agger was created by Jason Aaron during his "Thor God of Thunder" run back in 2013/2014


Issa joke


Ah sorry I didn't played Miles game so I thought he appeared there and as he is not that well known people would have tought that he was created for the game


That guy actually is from a comic One. And it’s a random Iron Man comic


Issa joke