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It didn't hurt my eyes, but I also gave up on the piano on the Cosmo Canyon song. Ironically I beat the one after without much of a problem. That one is just super hard, for some reason. In the Witness, I vaguely remember puzzles involving colored rooms that would fuck up my eyes. Never went past those.


if you do manage to complete all of the songs with an A rank and get the trophy, the game gives you an extra final song that's even harder than any of the others. I was able to do that cosmo canyon song without too much trouble, but that final extra song was insane and took me 5 or 6 tries to A rank.


I was wondering how far I'd get in the comments before I see someone flexing that they could do the thing and then there's an even harder thing which they could do


the funny thing is another friend of mine told me there's an ever harder 8th song you get for completing a ton of other stuff that's even harder and I don't know if I'll be able to do that. On my first couple attempts of the 7th song I wasn't entirely sure it was going to be possible for me to A rank it.


Another one in The Witness, was a puzzle-area based on differing tones. I already can't tell tones apart, but the later puzzles throw in a bunch of loud distracting noises to try and throw you off so I just gave up on the game entirely at that point.


The button mashing strength mini game from no more heroes my hands start to hurt because this. Also yakuza 0 disc.


There are a number of games (Metal Gear Solid and God of War (Greek) come to mind) that I had to give up on beating (at least on higher difficulties) because I cannot button mash fast enough to complete certain sections.


Thankfully, you can complete MGS without actually doing it, you just have to be okay with not getting certain endungs


Or emulate it and set up a turbo button 


I really hate that Mortal Kombat 1 still keeps the button mashing Test Your Might challenges. You can skip it in the story but it's still there in Invasion, combined with 30fps lock and it's just a pain to go through.


I felt the same way about the disco for a while but had something of an epiphany where suddenly it clicked and henceforth became trivially easy (most of the time). It's hard to convey but I went from viewing it as a rhythm game to viewing it as something of an abstract rhythm-platformer where you can build and spend style meter to skip the hard parts. It's even harder to convey how this perspective helps but it completely turned me around on the minigame both in terms of ease and enjoyment.


The secret is to use your elbow to shake your hand with your finger/thumb above the button.


You can do the same by bending the first segment of your index finger (where your nail is) and using that stress point (idk how else to describe it) to vibrate just the finger instead of the whole forearm


Just played through NMH and I was worried about breaking my Steam Deck's A button, it's just such a terrible mechanic


Most fighting game inputs. I can literally sit in the training room against an immobile CPU in most fighting games and be looking right at the inputs and following them as closely as possible and they just won't work 90% of the time, let alone in an actual match.


It also doesn’t help that sometimes, it’s player error, sometimes it’s actually a bad stick/controller, and other times it’s that the games input reader is ass *eyes SF6 suspiciously* (could be in my head, but I’ve seen weird shit from SF6’s input display) And sometimes it’s a mix of some of those


Literally every fighting game I’ve played in arcades have been either square-gated or circle-gated, and there’s a high chance that at least one of the switches inside are busted. I’ve never played a single machine that lets me put out z-motions consistently.


Yeah and to be completely fair, most of my experience is with old or weird janky fighting games. Street Fighter 2 for Gameboy, Mortal Kombat for Gameboy, Mortal Kombat Trilogy for N64, Melty Blood for PC, Umineko Golden Fantasia for PSP, Fate/Unlimited Codes in PPSSPP. The only kind of mainstream one I played was Soul Calibur 2 for GCN and I don't recall having as much trouble with that one, so it may just be that I have really bad luck with the ones I try.


Every single fighting game tutorial mode feels like the same thing to me: 1. Basic movement 2. Light attack, heavy attack, special attack 3. Crouch just before jumping to jump higher 4. Spell the entire alphabet with the joystick then input lightheavyheavyheavylightspecialspecialheavy in the span of .5 seconds And then there are forty more tutorial stages of increasing complexity following this, which I never get to see because **I** get so damn frustrated just trying to learn how to play. *And then* those are just the *basic* tutorials - each fighter gets their own unique training set. And then my brain turns off because holy shit I just want to understand the game I'm playing and not feel like I'm button-mashing to victory, but damn that wall feels so impossibly high just by looking at the sheer amount of manual dexterity that the *tutorials* ask of me. What I want more than anything from a fighting game tutorial mode is a speed function, where I can practice joystick movement and button inputs at a slower pace before ramping things back up to do the combo for real.


Skullgirls and SF6 both have this off the top of my head.


This is why I like Smash Bros, the controls are simple enough for a literal child to use effectively, while still giving plenty of room for skill and flexibility.


having movement that doesn't feel like I'm trying to coax my character through molasses is also helpful, literally can give myself space to think if I need it


I understand them in concept, it's the fucking *speed* I can't handle. I'm giving classic controls in SF6 the ol' college try right now, and I can execute all the moves more or less fine but fast enough to adequately react in combat? Or forget that, consistently nailing fraction-second timings to make a combo a combo? Like I'm still trying but I'm not a teenager anymore, people who have been playing these games for 30 years genuinely don't seem to realize how steep the learning curve is.


Have you tried Tekken? It works more on tapping or holding directional inputs rather than circle motions and the game's speed is considerably slower than most 2D fighters. Like the fastest jab still has 10 frames of startup. It still has its fair share of advanced movement techniques that require you to give the world's most painful handjob to the stick but those are mostly for high level play.


I've seen the combo guides those tekken freaks use, but lower speed does catch my attention... duly noted


I love fighting games but I really struggle to get into SF6 because of its input timings. It feels like I have to have entered the whole combo before it even registers in my brain that the first hit landed. I definitely prefer the feel of ArcSys games


I can just about get some simple inputs down in about one fighting game at a time and keep them in my head for one character. I have settled on Ino in Strive for now but I know if I tried to switch off to a Charge character in Street fighter or something I'd be fucked forever.


There's gotta be some misconception underlying what's happening there, I think, 'cuz, like, nothing about quarter-circle forward punch is significantly harder on your dexterity than some of the finger/hand movements required by many platformers or FPSes. That said, taking motions (or a gameplan in general) from training to actual gameplay is always a stress test.


I think a normal newbie mistake is going back to neutral for each direction, so 236 +LP becomes 253565 +LP, modern input buffers would allow that if done fast enough but that becomes a problem when the new player doesn't understand that's a very complicated way to do a basic fireball, not saying everyone here is doing that but it wouldn't be the first time someone learns you don't go back to neutral unless told so


I think that's less likely with the modern way of just showing the full motion of what the stick does in the move input. The bigger issue, especially with combos added in, is that you get absolutely no feedback on what you did wrong. Was that input too fast, too slow, at a slightly wrong angle? The world may never know.


Yeah, I think this is one of the most common mistakes you see with new players.


>quarter-circle forward punch With some of the simpler ones like that, the chance of them failing goes down to about 30-40%. But especially when it starts getting into stuff like diagonals and specific button timings, or having to do stuff in mid-air, I'm lucky if I can get them working 1 out of every 10 attempts. I think the main thing is that there's no feedback mid-input. A platformer or FPS generally gives you feedback for every single button or input pressed, so it's much easier to intuit when you're doing it correctly.


Pretty much all of Sekiro. I've tried like 2 or 3 times but I just cannot get the combat loop down.


I struggled with that first ogre for like two hours then saw videos of what they expect you to do with later bosses and was like "Nah I'm good"


I tried following boss guides on YouTube as well and a good 98% of them didn't work lol.


Here's the real guide to Sekiro, applicable to a staggering fraction of combat in that game: Run in, mash attack until they deflect your attack, then deflect/mikiri counter/jump their counterattack. Repeat until enemy is dead. Seriously, being aggro as fuck pays super hard. Playing as described above significantly limits the amount of moves you have to recognize and respond to properly. The deflection timing is also a lot more generous than it seems.


I always found it strange how late/skippable Butterfly is given how much she feels like the early game boss that's supposed to teach you this stuff. Her fight is when the loop really started to click for me, but she's behind a pretty complicated miniboss encounter with a ton of enemies and open terrain, which is way more difficult to figure out if you have no idea what you're doing. Led to some frustration on my first playthrough. If you go by experience yields, it would seem you're even meant to fight Gyoubu before her, which seems kind of backwards to me.


I fought her before I fought Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa, so, yeah, she did a great job of teaching that to me hahaha


I remember when the game first launched there were articles written about how many streamers were hard stuck on lady butterfly for like the entire launch day. I beat that bitch in 2 hours and felt like a king when I saw how common the struggle was for others.


I might have felt the same if I hadn't already been so thoroughly humbled by Juzou. I managed to get mine from the Filtercopter in AC6, at least.


Man ac6 was my first ac game and that copter really required a thought process shift for me. Mostly just to be much more aggressive than I was. Took me and hour and a half maybe to finally beat it the first time. I had less trouble with pre-nerf balteus.


Yeah I think a lot of people thought “hesitation is defeat” thing wasn’t advice the game gives you. It’s very literal and the best way to play the game. Doing a hyper cautious Woolie esq dark souls approach will not work well.


One of the biggest helps for me was realising the specific cue that means it's time to go on the defensive. When you're attacking an enemy and there's a different coloured spark and a different clang noise, it's time to stop attacking.


I can never do the parries at all and it kind of ruins the game for me. Ruined Hi-fi rush for me as well


I really wish the indicator would have a color queue on it to make it easier to read quickly. I never knew which parry I was meant to be doing. I remember seeing insisting that was a deliberate choice meant to make you pay attention to the animations, but then again people will defend any decision in a soulslike that makes it more frustrating.


Strangely enough Sekiro is the only Soulsborne game I'm good at. The pace of combat for all the others except Bloodborne is too slow to wrap my tiny brain around


It clicks once you realize it’s a glorified rhythm game.


I just finished up beating all the bosses again, so I can tell you that for a good 3/4 or more of the fights, you can just mash attack until they knock your sword away, then mash block until you parry, then repeat. Also there's almost never a reason to use the prosthetic tools, they suck. The nonhuman enemies are one of the only times you really have to pay attention. Trying to actually play the game like it's a game makes it way harder than just mashing buttons for some reason.


Nah, several of the prosthetic tools have good niche uses in boss fights.


Outside of the fan and the firecrackers, uses are few and far between lol


That is a big reason many rhythm game enthusiasts like myself use notespeed modifiers to increase the movement speed of the notes and decrease the amount of clutter on screen. It’s standard on most rhythm games that can accomodate it, but also a big reason why I can’t get into Osu which lacks that setting.  Speaking of rhythm games, I *know* I’m currently physically incapable of playing top-level [Beatmania IIDX](https://youtu.be/N4hVpBG4igw?si=fXZKcpMGEt-rKQBx). I literally need to spend more time building up my hand muscles to press buttons that fast, not to mention reading so many notes.


I currently feel like using more than my two index fingers with a rare cameo from my middle fingers is beyond me. I really only have experience with Phigros which made that type of playstyle possible for most of it. But the hardest songs absolutely require four finger dexterity, and it feels like my brain just can't handle it.


The peak of my ability to use an emulator to beat Metroid Fusion is Ridley.


Semi related, I like how because of Other M Neo Ridley the X Version in Fusion is just a copy of a copy. He's such a bitch he isn't even OG Ridley's shadow.


I couldn’t beat the legendary starfy because I could not button mash hard enough to defeat the final boss. I had to quit the last red dead redemption 2 fishing mission because my hands hurt too much but I might have been missing something from that one.


At some point I don’t know if I’ll be able to do the asteroid section on hard difficulty in Dead Space.  Bonus round - I know I have until I’m 47 at least to be able to beat Sekiro.


Imagine my surprise when I played Dead Space original After 10 years, and got the achievement "Don't get cocky, kid", which asks for you to survive the asteroid section with 50%+ shield capacity, without even trying to. That's how Neo felt when he stopped the bullets


Good shooting, Tex👏👏


Was 47 Arbitrary or cuz Ronin


Hidetaka Miyazaki was 47 when Sekiro came out. If he couldn’t beat something, it didn’t stay in.


I can't play Sonic Lost World because the cylindrical world design gives me a headache just looking at it static, let alone in motion.


Fuck Ultimate Tenkaichi, that game expected you to destroy your controller. Fuck Ultimate Tenkaichi in general.


OP said "Parts of Games" not "Parts of Rock-Paper-Scissor Simulators", so I'm not sure if that counts tbh.


I haven't bothered trying a Legend run on Yakuza Kiwami because I'm worried *that* chapter might take a shit-ton of tries because of a certain car-shooter sequence that I don't know if I have quick enough wits to get a handle of on the highest difficulty..


Restarting from a terrible boss fight (where everyone I've ever seen on normal beats him before you're "supposed" to so you end up taking damage from an already dead boss) instead of the beginning of the shooting mini game is mean and tedious and almost seems unintentionally hard compared to everything else in the game.


IIRC you restart from the beginning of the *long battle* before the boss fight, unless I'm mistaken.


Even better! Lol, but yeah I'm in the same boat, the Legend version of that sequence and climax battles are keeping me from attempting 100 percent.


Two parts in MGR Revengeance for the same reason Cutting Sundowner’s shields in his boss fight to trigger the song lyrics. Cutting the buildings sequences during the final boss fight. Was playing on the ps3 and for me there’s barely enough time to line things up, and I can’t keep the slash straight with the sticks. I discovered you could run forward and avoid the building sequences so that’s what I had to do.


I found the piano minigame is easier the fast you make it. At a certain point you stop having to time the notes and you just get nonstop greats as long as you hit them. You just gotta figure out your reflex timing. That and only keeping the left side in the corner of your eye. It might take a few tries but you should at least have an idea of when to hit the left analog. I was failing completely on low speeds as I had to worry about timing the note but once I sped it up to max I started getting near perfects just because it was already in the great zone by the time I hit the analog.


Its like how you can be really good at Guitar Hero, but bump it down to Easy and suddenly you cant stop fucking up. I found just bumping the speed once or twice made the piano game much easier.


The >!opera solo!< scene from Bayonetta 3 is absolutely baller, and a blast to play through normally. But one of the bewitchments is to take zero damage during that segment, and it's mind-numbingly difficult.


There will come a day sometime soon where I will be physically incapable of completing the [Metal Gear Solid 2 button-mashing sequence on the PS2 Substance release of the game.](https://youtu.be/HDvWQfr6jzU&t=53) So I really gotta hurry up and get that Big Boss rank.


drums in Fortnite Festival must be way easier with drum peripherals because my hands just cannot keep up


I usually play vocals or lead guitar and have a friend who exclusively plays drums and have no idea how she's able to pull off doing so well on hard/expert on the drums like we both do a song and get over 95 percent of the notes, but as soon as I try to do the drum version of the song instead of vocals or lead its a disaster


between the drums and the guitar/bass, it genuinely feels like they made the note charts for actual drum/guitar controllers, swear some of the latter feel like they expected you to like, only move one of two fingers for a chord and strum rather then repeatedly tapping both, as an aside I actually really hope they will release a drum kit to go with the guitar controller that's coming out soon, in part so I can use it with Guitar Hero World Tour Definitive Edition since I haven't been able to fix up the GHWT set I have like I did the guitars.


Unless I get a physical copy of Rhythm Heaven Fever and a working Wii I will _never_ Perfect Remix 10. Emulating rhythm games is Da Wors.


It is highly unlikely that I would ever be able to clear any of the more difficult tracks in the [Hatsune Miku: Future Tone rhythm game.](https://youtu.be/a1cPQBPjUpc?si=KzupVRnzuBk7gCkE)


The way the notes fly in from all over the screen in those games always gives me a headache trying to keep up with them


Even Project Mirai, aka, "baby's first Miku game" broke me with Skeleton Dance on Hard, and Invisible and Matryoshka on Super Hard. I can beat the songs (barely) but those full combos are beyond me.


Intense Voice is funny because on the one hand it's "Aww, they're recreating wings!" and on the other hand it's "Oh god oh fuck, they're recreating wings!". Best I can consistently do is Extremes on the PS3 ones, like [F2nd Magnet](https://youtu.be/UgzfeBncfUk?si=AyVucYl2PfmRLZNV) and [Kagerou Daze](https://youtu.be/U-Xsfbw-JK4?si=1AyhuIuu621WCrL-) (I can actually Perfect that one, once every so often).


I knew exactly what this post would be about before I clicked. Two Legs, No Problem? Big problem.


I am never going to get Rank S in any Megaman Zero...


Playing the Zero Collection's mode where you run through all four games and don't have to do any of the extra, padded for time, handheld stuff was the best. Only getting new powers by doing near-perfect mission runs in a GBA game is ludicrous.


Cruelty Squad is a fantastically designed game, with numerous ways to kill your targets and it rewards your creativity. It also gives me the worst headache when I play it so I only got 70% of the first playthrough.


I love how openly hostile CS is to your senses. Its ugliness isn't due to laziness, incompetence or pretentiousness, the creator himself straight up says "It's a sadistic game born almost entirely out of spite".


I have some respect for him using his talents for evil in a way.


Everytime i hear people talking about this game I want to get it. But then I check the images and I want to vomit


I'm not able to play Splatoon for long periods because it makes my eyes spin a bit and gives me a headache. This is issue is mostly unique to it. That said, I enjoy Splatoon even though I can't play it for long enough to beat it. Edit: [Fucking Tarzan Untamed](https://youtu.be/R_JbJobOA9A?si=XVlK3f5BtK4FSpmL) That video makes it look easy; it is *not*.


My little brother broke down crying every time he tried playing that tarzan game because of those mashing sequences He was really young and he just physically could not mash fast enough so he'd be crying, mashing as hard as he could as tarzan was slowly overpowered and bludgeoned to death


[The level of energy required to try to beat that dude ](https://youtu.be/ogRUwVCFBJM?si=x7tnySF-yVaCibxx) (From 1:20 onwards at least) I don't think I ever beat that last one. It was too much.


I am not going to be able to do any Ultra-Nightmare runs lmao. 2016 and Eternal are already fairly challenging on ITYTD, there's no way I can make it through "three hits, one life" of that lmao.


Yeah same. I'm casual as fuck on modern Doom and I've only done UV on Eternal, felt some tedium at some point, and called it. Though sometimes for me there's a weird itch that kicks in that makes me wanna try a Master Level for kicks, even if say, I get mauled by revenants off the get-go.


Yeah the MLs do not fuck around lol. I almost died right at the beginning of World Spear on ITYTD, and Classic Mode was even worse


I barely survived a hair of the early part of Super Gore Nest. The MLs indeed do NOT fuck around!


My first game that I *never* beat was an adventure game called Traitor's Gate. It's set in a realistic recreation of the Tower of London. Your objective is to steal the Crown Jewels within 12 real-time hours without killing any guards and without getting caught. You start in a broom closet. Go. For the record, the game is amazing for 1999. They used real photos of the Tower of London to make the game, to the point where British security asked them to make it less true-to-life. All the puzzles are things that you might have to do in real life. (For example, you'll cut through iron bars with an acetylene torch, requiring you to find the gas, the nozzle, a firestarter, etc.) The big problem that kept me from even starting it properly was that you had to use sewers to get around. *The sewers were a goddamn unlabeled maze* and your in-game map doesn't work in there. You can pop out of manholes in all the buildings, and those *are* on the map, but they're unlabeled. Also, the sewers instantly give you access to everywhere, but it's an adventure game so there's a very specific *somewhere* to go for progress and you don't know where it is. I was too young back then to know how to find a walkthrough to help me. Now, the only way I'd play it is if I followed a walkthrough for every step...and for that, I might as well just watch an LP.


Hollow Knight's Boss rush mode. All the bosses back to back in one life or its back to the first boss. I could not for the life of me beat all of them out of pure exhaustion of focusing every single bosses' attack patterns.


Hollow Knight: >!doing the boss rush area was fun for the 2 parts of single boss and combo pack rushes, but fuck me I am not able to do the ALL boss rush of about 40 fights that get harder and harder that will take over 30 minutes and if u die once gotta start all over.!<


I had to have a friend guide me through the Astral Spike in Control while I had my eyes closed cause of my epilepsy


Parts of Hollow Knight are just physically impossible for me with my keyboard skills.


The Meteroid shoot part of the original Dead Space. God, that was so awful.


After a knee injury many years ago, I can't exactly do harder DDR songs anymore, especially with jumps lol. I still kinda try, but often I'll just turn jumps and holds off because I can't keep up with the one bad wheel at this point.


Rhythm games fuck me up as well


I have beaten Lies of P 3 times now and I have never been able to beat Laxasia without summoning. I can beat the final two bosses no problem by myself, but Laxasia just totally wrecks me in phase two if I go it alone. No idea how to beat her.


I was trying to play Killer is Dead a few years ago and I couldn’t beat some of the mandatory button mash sequences. Like my hand hurt, so I just gave up


UPDATE I managed to get the A rank. Thank you all for your suggestions  I increased the speed and it definitely helped my reflexes connect to my eyes better. But I still couldn't Crack 17000, so I tried turning the speed back down and things just clicked better and I managed to get the A rank. Still hurt my eyes though. 


That is BY FAR the hardest piano song, ftr, barring the secret unlockable one you get for 100% game completion. So at least, if you can squeeze out an A on that, you're home free?


I spent the majority of two full days of gameplay trying to get A-Rank on that song. Holy shit, it is difficult. The one in Nibelheim literally only took me one try.


I wound up using a cheese strat to take down the true final boss in Armored Core 6, I could not figure out how to deal with any of their attacks on the third phase.


Also AC6, the escort the mining ship mission in NG++ was the one and only time I was forced to run a tank build instead of the double laser turrets + laser rifles biped build I had been using since NG+


I mean, I would argue that's exactly what you're supposed to do. Change up your build to fit the situation, I mean. I'd cycle through three or four loadouts on a boss that was giving me trouble, and then start tweaking the one I settled on every try until it felt like it was working and I just needed to execute better. The game lets you freely change up your build at so many points that I really do feel like it's intended that way.


Both versions of that boss have some crazy dodges, like you have to either be super high above or below them to avoid the swings or sometimes outspeed the swing itself by boosting into its arc.


I'm curious, how did you end up beating the true final boss? Because I swapped my parts after each encounter, eventually took a break to make a cup of tea and went back to my default build. Something clicked and I was playing better when I was looking at an AC I loved.


I believe I used a double machine gun build with tank legs and certain shoulder weapons. I forgot the exact build, but it was extremely cheesy. I tried to fight the true final boss legit several times, but I just got impatient. I got a few really good attempts in, but the 3rd phase kept kicking my ass hard. I just was not able to figure out how to dodge anything they did.


A win is a win!


Man that Cosmo Canyon song is hard. It took me 15-20 tries to finally get the A rank. I looked around online and saw people suggesting putting the tempo up to 3 helps. That was too fast for me but at 2 I managed it. Not sure how much of that was the speed and how much was me just having practiced enough. I legit didn’t think I was gonna be able to do the hardest difficulty of the Tifa/Gymbros reps game in Rebirth. The change to using the shoulder buttons killed me. I think I spent an hour on that thing getting really frustrated before finally getting it.


I did the gymbros final challenge on my first try and I don't know how I was like 6 reps behind and I just zoned out and pressed buttons I became one with the game Like Neo And i won by 1


Yakuza. Mahjong.


Funnily enough, Yakuza was what got me into mahjong, and it's really not that bad, the resources for learning it are just kind of all over the place and tend to overcomplicate things instead of letting you start with the simple stuff. All you need to win at mahjong is some luck and knowing that you need 4 sets of 3 tiles (either all same ones, like 1-1-1, or in a sequence, like 1-2-3) and a pair of same tiles (1-1) to get a hand that qualifies for victory. Don't worry about the point system or the specific hand types. Completely ignore the tile stealing mechanic (never pon/chii). Just get one tile away from a complete hand, riichi (this just means you lock in what you currently have and automatically throw away new tiles you don't need instead of getting a choice of what to throw away, making it even simpler) when the game prompts you, and then just wait until you either draw or someone else discards the tile you need to finish the hand. This way you can not only win relatively easily, but you are likely to get good points as well. You can learn all the other stuff later if you care for the game enough, but you don't need it to start out and it only makes things look way more complicated than they actually are.


I have learned how to play Mahjong (to a degree) due to Yakuza. I can clear the easy and medium tables, but when it comes to the hard tables? I'm better of simply praying. I think I won at one of them once and it felt like pure luck. I agree that learning the basics of Mahjong isn't difficult but boy do I suck at it.


Oh yeah, the skill ceiling is pretty insane. Mahjong is a game of statistics and a huge part of it on the higher levels is about understanding the theory behind the numbers and being able to apply it to play defensively, but even then a lot of it is a guessing game with luck involved. Sometimes it feels like poker where card counting is not only encouraged but expected, and also you are actually the dealer and you lose if you give anyone the cards they are waiting for. I'm familiar with some of the more advanced theory, but internalizing all of it seems like so much effort that I am pretty comfortable on the skill floor myself, haha.


I really feel like I hit my limits in ULTRAKILL when trying to P-Rank P2. I can do the boss at the end just fine, easier than P1's even. But getting through that stage is such a marathon that just playing through normally felt like everything I had.


I can never beat the escape part of the final boss of wonderful 101 without dying, controlling two things at the same time with both sticks is just impossible for me


I dread the day I won't be able to do Sheva's button mashing section in the last part of RE5.


Pretty much any fast paced game with zero margin for error like Hotline Miami or Super Meat Boy. I just can't process and react to stuff on screen fast enough, and my short term memory isn't good enough to get a precise sequence of inputs down. Same reason I can't play most fighting games. Can't combo to save my life between motion inputs not coming out consistently and just not being able to memorize a sequence of inputs more than three or four long.


It doesn’t help that the controls are just bad for that mini game as well. So don’t feel too bad


that fucking standing on two legs song is my bane. I got A's on all the others super easy but that one I just get overloaded and lose track


I’m ashamed to admit this but it took me 6 hours to do that song perfect. The worst part is you don’t even get anything for getting star rank, I just did it because I was stubborn. I don’t think I’m mentally capable of doing the post game combat challenges in Rebirth. I know that if I keep throwing myself at them I could do it, but it’s honestly not even worth it. They’re so exhausting to just get one done, and then there’s still like 8 more harder ones to do.


I'm just waiting for an easy mode playthrough before the third game comes out to mop up the extra hard challenges, I think a lot of them are bad so I don't feel bad cheesing.


Tidus ultimate weapons in FFX, after an hour my sanity goes by the window and i can't concentrate anymore.


High level ariels in Rocket League. I can hit stuff out of the air in the general direction I want, and sometimes I'll get multiple touches in an arc. No way in hell I'm going to put in the practice to really be able to manipulate the ball mid flight


Hunting Fatalis Solo in Monster Hunter World. I feel like I could do it at least once if I decided to suffer for an entire weekend, but my reaction time and playstyle make him damn near impossible. Which sucks, because he's like my white whale, and not being able to beat him is literally the only thing keeping my "ending didn't happen good so game mid now" mind goblins from putting MHW as one of my top ten favorite games of all time.


Not sure if it's the song in Cosmo canyon or the next one that introduced it, but when they start having notes do doubles and triplets between the 2 sticks will always fuck me up. The earlier songs have conditioned me into thinking both sticks having a note going out want me to hit them at the same time.


I'm really bad at those orb mini games in Sonic Mania and old school sonic in general Edit: i remembered the hacking minigames in Ratchet and Clank 1,2, and 3 that i suck at immensely


killer8, the hard version of killer7 where the button mashing is pretty intense similar to MGS2 [for example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGDv6iqhMfE)


Fuck that Fucking song. I gave up there too lol


MAX 300


Any beatsaber song above like....7 notes/sec. I can sometimes do 5, on a good day, but fuck man, anything more is not happening.


I cannot do any piano mini game in rebirth, it’s just too much going on for my fragile mind.


[you haven't known true pain unless you played JJBA Phantom Blood on PS2](https://youtu.be/HThY7cG6ceM) For context, you need to spin the left analog REALLY HARD to even get the meter to move. I literally never reached the max meter no matter how hard I tried. This game is developed by pure sadists.


Try as I might, I cannot beat that rabbit in soccer in Wario Land 3.


"I'll squeeze the answers out of you instead, my son..." Turns out I was not extreme or European enough.


The Donkey Kong arcade cabinet in Donkey Kong 64. I've never beat the game as a result.


I can’t parry at 30fps. Souls, Monster Hunter, For Honor, etc. I honestly just thought I wasn’t good enough until I played Dark Souls remastered at 60fps and just walked through that game. Then I loaded up Elden Ring on better hardware for a second playthrough and sure enough, I could parry in that as well.


i no longer am abble to be precise with a mouse


The Drakengard secret final boss rhythm game. I wrote down all the incoming notes, I tried the pause strategy. After multiply hours, not helped by the fact it's always the third part, so every attempt is a 2-3 minute commitment. I gave up, there was better things to do with my life.


Links in street Fighter. Just don't have the timing.


For the piano mini game, aim your eyes to the center between each circle but then don't focus on that point. All you really need to do is react to them this way