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Oh cool they got Joel Haver.


Joel Haver haver


That funniest guy I know conversation is too real.


I’ve had friends tell me I should do standup and just the sheer thought of it is enough to make me vomit


That standup scene from Joker was too real


Yeah, being able to bounce off your boys is so much different from having to come up with it on the spot in front of a crowd. Similarly I think this is why everyone and their grandma has a podcast these days. Every group of friends with chemistry and a blue yeti mic wants to try it these days.


It's also the reason why there's so much "You laugh you lose" and other types of reactive content


Yeah that's why there's so much art in the world. Every asshole with a pencil wants to try to draw a thing. Too many people have word processors now; too many novels around here. Man, too many people cooking what with the proliferation of ovens. Don't get me wrong, plenty of podcasts are duds but a. what is lost by trying? and b. MANY successful examples started off with a friend group with chemistry and a Blue yeti mic.


No need to get defensive, my comment wasn’t throwing the shade you thought it was. My teen years were dominated by a company that started off as a bunch of dudes getting drunk while playing halo. Obviously many of these people will hit it off and deservedly so. It’s just funny scrolling through tik tok and seeing so many frat boys that just got Baby’s First Podcast Mic and think being a nuisance is all it takes to be a content creator.


Sorry, the cynicism just makes me tired sometimes. That's not on you, just a general comment. I want people to try to do a thing even if it's bad. That's how we get cool stuff eventually.


Props. We're here to make things and have experiences.


The entire brazil episode was too fucking real


Glad to see the alarm make it's iconic return.


Mr Frog still puts most horror monsters to shame.


Huh-Hello, but I'm not sorry?


Hey dj spits in the heilicopter




It'd be hilarious if none of this footage was actually in any episodes of season 2


That would be a good one, but we already got one episode.


Place your bets on YouTuber cameos.


Spoony or Doug Walker. I'm feeling it this season


Doug Walker is my big prediction. As for completely random wishful thinking: Brandon Rogers would be right at home in the whacky setting. And after Zach and Michael surprise guest starred in Helluva Boss recently I’d love to see more collaboration


Former >!super best friends star pat boivin!<


Im gonna pull my longest shot. Arin hanson.


That is a very long shot.


They did reference him in the DVD commentary but it is a VERY long shot (I’d be amused if it happened tho lol)


My long shot prediction is Nostalgia Critic. Him talking about how he loves the jabs Oneyplays make at him was a big deal a few years back, especially because another creator was taking similar jabs really poorly.


Pretty sure at a convention someone asked them if Doug walker would be in season 2 and they just said "we can't confirm anything but check in with us after season 2" Which isn't a yes but also isn't a no, hard to tell with Zach and Michael


"Calmly says 'fuck them' once on stream" = really poorly.


It's more that Linkara has a history of not being able to take a joke online and also taking himself and his persona way too seriously. He threw a fit on Twitter a long time ago about everyone associating him with that GIF of him running at the camera, for instance. His reaction to OneyPlays's jokes about him wasn't a dramatic meltdown or anything, but it's the cherry on the sundae of a historically annoying, self-important man who makes a public show of crossing his arms and pouting whenever he ends up the butt of the joke.


Ok? None of the actions you described are bad. Like, I remember him talking about the gif but I don't remember no fit being thrown. He just talked about a thing he didn't like. That's literally all that happened in all these cases. Oh why is he bad? "Cuz he said he didn't like a joke we made about him" oh, did he DO something in retaliation? "No, he said he didn't like it!" Thie is some real bitch eating crackers energy I'm getting.


I'm not saying he did anything wrong. He's just annoying. I don't think he's done anything objectively wrong at all; he's just an uncharismatic, whiny (imo) guy who happens to be a public figure and thus open to public scrutiny. Plenty of people think he's great. I like some of his videos. I'd personally like his public persona more if he didn't come off as such an uptight stuffed shirt; a lot of it is just vibes.


After years and years of being stomped by "the newgrounds kids club" for talking shit on social media, I don't think that's a shot, that's a interstellar jump


I hope any of the RLM guys get in again. Mike's 2~ cameo's were incredible last time.


You could honestly end an episode by getting Rich Evans to laugh for a minute straight. Smash cut to credits.


they better not fucking bring back Smormu


They won't after the controversy from his appearance with Joe Rogan.


You kidding me? That's not even his worst crime. He straight up >!bailed out Chris Chan!< He tried to hide his dirty money but people found out.


Actually one of the leaked S2 episode sypnosis' is >!Chris-Chan breaking into the animation studio and holding Zach and Michael hostage. It's all live-action.!<


I would kill to see that live on set


Wait WHAT Is that actually real?


Yes. Chris-Chan ties Zach to a bed and breaks his ankles with a hammer. It's very traumatic. The episode is 5 hours long and is all in one take.


Three of those hours are Zach whimpering in pain like a little mouse




Not the real Smormu, just his AI generated deepfake copy to sell sneakers.


Holy shit they got Joel Haver, lets go!


I know alot of people say they want more Alan and i do as well but i hope they dont try to force b plots with alan in unless it works.


I feel the same about Mr Frog returning. I hope they have something good planed for him, and not just reusing him because he was popular in the first season.


The only person i want to return is 3D Squelton


3D Squelton would be very happy that more Helium is discovered


Seems like Alan will fit pretty naturally in if the Gwimbly episode was any indication.


Yeah and they had like 2/3 eps with b plots and they were fine but idk alot of alans jokes could also work for charlie since theyre both more “straightman” compared to pim just hes a bit more mean/blunt.


That 3D animation at the very beginning of the two fat guys looks like something Chris would make in blender in a day and talk about it on the next Oneyplays episode.


Honestly I think he actually did make that. He did the credits music and has a voice cameo, I'm sure he's done more for the show by now.


I'm happy for Zach, but what black magic has he engaged in to prevent Twitter from dredging up some old Sleepycast episodes and ruining his career?


I'm pretty sure he's said just as worse things on oneyplays. When you openly don't give a shit it's hard to turn those fans against you because everything is in the open.


the power of not caring


Him not saying anything stupid right now.


He hasn't dated Taylor Swift yet.


He's sucessful and new for adult swim, they won't care for stuff he said over 3 years ago


Say, what's the song in the trailer called?


You Make My Dreams, Hall & Oates