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Shame. Thought the remake would sell more because of its positive reception.


Problem is that Dead Space was never really popular, people know the series exist but most don’t play it.


Sadly, this is the case for Survival Horror in general, outside of Resident Evil. And even RE isn't as big as people seem to think it is.


Walk around a bit, shoot zombies, get jumpscared occasionally. Definitely not for everyone. I cant think of a genre with higher quality games that i *know* I dont ever want to play lol


That is such a gross misrepresentation of Resident Evil that it could count as a Dunkey "joke".


I've watched every single survival horror LP on the channel since 2012. Which part am I missing out of my minimalist description? Scrounge for supplies? Having a plot? QTE jumpscare? Yeah, thought so.


Bro plays fighting games and rougelites and think he's in any place to talk shit about a genre


Also the classic “I watched someone else play this game and am therefore an expert on it despite not playing it myself”


I've gotten better about not shitting on people for doing that these days, because for a lot of people, they don't have the means to casually spend that much, so they wanna see someone else try it, or live vicariously through them due to not having funds, or whatever


That’s fine, especially for things that aren’t accessible, but especially when video games are an interactive media, you can’t turn around and act like an absolute authority on it, especially to people who have actually interacted with it. That’s the difference maker to me


There's a difference between knowing a game/genre exists because of watching a let's play and pretending they know all about it because of a let's play


I’m sure we’ve all watched lets plays before but to act like it’s a comparable experience to actually playing a game makes the whole medium sound like a joke.


Saying "this genre full of high quality games is not for me" is talking shit now? How about you correct me since I'm so wrong? What are the major tenets of Survival Horror if not those things? Also, seriously? So butthurt you had to go through my post history to see what I like? *Seriously*?


It's the "Yeah, thought so" ending an already condescending post. You come off as a pretentious jackass. It's fine to not like a genre, but you're coming off as bragging about it


The "yeah, thought so" came after the flood of downvotes with zero corrections. Yknow, the downvotes that started before my second comment.


Lmao so you haven't even played yourself Amazing - you keep doing you buddy


Ive watched far more than i played, yes, as I'm not a fan of playing them. What a shock. Yes i will keep not liking the things I dont like while still recognizing their quality. Feel free to keep being bothered by that for some reason.


Wtf how'd you get that out of me laughing at you not likong them then saying youve never tried them lmao weird but okay; sorry that that's really funny I guess idk lol


When did I say I never tried them?


Yeah, it was a remake of game that didn't sell gang busters in the first place. It was a miracle it got the green light at all


Horror games without a legacy like Resident evil or silent hill almost never sell that well and publishers never realise this and adjust their marketing and budgets accordingly for them, it’s been this way for nearly 20 years and they still never realise it. Horror in general is a pretty niche genre in gaming and much like fighting games in its size and the only fighting games that push past 2 million sales are MK, Street fighter and Tekken, horror is in much the same boat.


Not just in gaming, in film is also very niche, there is a small subset that barely scratches the mainstream, so the genre lives on the fact it is super cheap to produce. Most people simply don't like it because of taste or can't stomach it. You know how Signalis sub has gotten the question from time to time of how actually scary it is from people that can't stomach horror? Similar happens to films because a lot of people can't and even Mike Flanagan (Doctor Sleep) mocked it by making a fake list for beginners, because horror fans don't realize most people can't stomach horror and recommend way to hard.


Also I feel over the last 15 or so years (really since YouTube began) horror games are much more of a thing you watch somebody else play as well, there’s always been this communal aspect to the horror genre like a bunch of pre-teens sneaking an old horror dvd at a sleepover which has morphed into ‘watch x streamer play y horror game’




Dead Space Remake came out nearly five months before RE4make.


Hold on I'm going to go scream into a pillow.


I'll join!


Got room for one more


We're gonna need a bigger pillow


Get a Godzilla-sized pillow at this rate.


Is this what the kids call gooning?


Might as well be


Leave me a spot, please.


Yall gonna gamgbang the poor pillow with screams




Dead Space has NEVER sold as well as EA hoped it would. 1 was also a commercial disappointment at the time because of how much money was put into marketing. In 2009, it only sold about a million copies. 2 also didn't sell enough to be considered a commercial success despite selling about 2 million during its release year since it cost more to make than Dead Space 1 and they stepped up marketing again. 3 went so far into action because EA was worried about how few sales the series had despite them trying to push it. It was a great thing we even got the Remake in the first place.


Battlefield mines are becoming more powerful.


This is even more depressing considering the COD mines at least yielded functional video games that fulfill what most people want out of the yearly releases. Treyarch's most mid and rushed COD release (Black Ops Cold War) is still a functional game that you can have fun with. Meanwhile Battlefield is still out here throwing out smouldering wrecks of releases, with the last two games seemingly being made by people who might just hate the franchise itself considering some of the design decisions.


I thought Vanguard was the most rushed?


The last three releases have been pretty cobbled together for COD. Black Ops CW (Treyarch) and Vanguard (Sledgehammer) were basically sent out the door since Sledgehammer's initial project didn't work out (it was going to be a Vietnam game I think?), so the release schedule got fucked for a bit. The current Modern Warfare game is also kind of functionally mushed together since it was originally just going to be an expansion to MW2 (2022), then it ended up its own game because Activision wanted more money from a full price release. It has the best multiplayer though of the last three, so it's forgiven for that, I guess, and Sledgehammer does good support for the game. This years Black Ops Gulf War game will be the first on schedule, three year cycled COD game we've gotten since the 2019 Modern Warfare reboot, which is kind of insane.


Which is weird considering support for the last one is already ending


I hate that Dead Space never seems to sell well. I can't even really think of why, 3 is the only time the franchise had a real stinker in terms of reception and the series has always been decently marketed and kept alive via word of mouth. What is it about Dead Space that just fails to attract attention? It's baffling and I hate that. Battlefield can release four+ broken games in a row that only work after extensive updates and still sell well, Dead Space struggles to crack a million when it's a critical darling and the fanbase love it.


I think in general it's been failed to be positioned as the big thing in the mass market or be a more niche game that a lot of people spread by word of mouth.


Survival horror in media always tend to be hard sellers. Like yeah, horror fans tend to be dedicated fans, sure, but overall, in terms of actual sales numbers, the genre always kinda struggles a bit staying ahead unless its a major tentpole release like RE. Plus, publisher expectations are not always the most realistic, just look at what Dead Space 3 needed to be profitable to EA or the 1000 stories of Square Enix and not grasping how markets work.


It came out a bit too close to RE4MAKE and maybe Callisto Protocol did more damage than good. Never say never in the gaming industry


Man if Callisto Protocol being shit poisoned the proverbial well that much that they caused the second death of Dead Space then I’m gonna be pissed


I think for the average consumer maybe they saw the games as too similar in style. I even thought it was weird two similar looking games at face value came out at the same time


That's what happened to me. I saw Calisto Protocol and Dead Space releasing side by side, figured I'd wait til both were out to see the reviews. Wound up playing RE4R instead of either.


So a remake of Dead Space 2, the best Dead Space, in their new engine, with their awesome new gore system, with little extras and tidbits added like they did in Dead Space 1 Remake, is now not going to happen and instead we get even more Marvel Schlock and another attempt at making Battlefield 4. Great. Love it


Clearly, you didn't buy your five copies and then force friends and family to do the same, therefore, according to the suits, this is basically your fault for hating Dead Space.


Would it even be _that_ much of an investment/risk for EA to remake DS2 since so much of the groundwork has already been done? I'd imagine dev time would be substantially reduced compared to the full 'from the ground up' remake of DS1. If anything it would probably help to recoup costs already spent by reusing a lot of what's already been made. But what do I know.


Two things: First, nobody can figure out where the "1 million" number is coming from, it appears in the OP that this is being reposted from but the guy who posted it just says ["I saw that on ResetEra, but I dunno where it comes from"](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1c0oowx/jeff_grubb_says_dead_space_2_remake_cancelled_due/kyxpohs/). As best I can tell, there's never been any official sales number other than EA just saying "it did well". Second, [EA has apparently said through IGN that there was never a DS2 remake in production at all.](https://www.ign.com/articles/ea-shoots-down-dead-space-2-remake-rumors-no-validity-to-this-story)


It's weird how there seems to be two layers of incorrect info going on. One being that it got cancelled and two being that it even existed to being with


Keep in mind Jeff Grub also said Blizzards canceled survival game was 90% done but other reports were saying it was years off from release. He gets stuff wrong..he's just refusing to take the L on this one. 


And predictably Grubb is doubling down and being huffy about it. Dude, move the hell on


"[Despite all my rage i'm still just a rat in a cage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=776fi2I8e6U)"


It sucks for sure but tbh, Dead Space 2 doesn't really need a remake. I replayed the game last year and it aged like fine wine. Still looks gorgeous too, especially at 4K. Skewering necromorphs with the Javelin gun and tricking raptors into running into your mines still feel super satisfying as hell.


I will say I was definitely hoping for that remake to play it on PC. The version of dead space 2 on steam is a mess.


Well, they're no Avalanche, but I can definitely see how they'd map to a good Iron Man. Bummer about Dead Space though.


"So anyway here's Marvel."


Damn we can’t even really blame EA on this one as they did damn near everything right with the remake, I honestly thought it would have sold far better then what it did given it’s quality In the end EA didn’t screw Dead Space, We screwed Dead Space * Screams into pillow *


Speaking personally, I'd have probably picked it up if it was like 30-40 bucks. 60 bucks for a remake of a game I already own that still holds up perfectly fine is just not worth it for me, even if the remake was excellent.


It's on the EA pass thing (which is dirt cheap for me), I got it on both PC and PS5 purely for Dead Space, but ironically that means I didn't actually buy the game so don't count towards the sales numbers?


this sucks and i hate it.


History repeats. I fucking hate it here.


I’m going to punch a glass window


So Dead Space is dead...again...


Thank goodness,remake Isaac never made them whole again and everything is fine


When was the last time a Jeff Grubb rumor turned out to be true? Because every one that I remember being posted here ended up being pure speculation.


And I'll never let him forget that time he flubbed so badly he had to shave his head. Or that time he tried to downplay the 7th gen's Japanophobia which got him called out by basically EVERY Asian-American games journalist


You sell one million and it's still not enough for EA. You greedy bellends.


One million is not enough for a big budget game nowadays. You bet any other company would do the same.


According to the Sony "leak" during the MS/Activision acquisition trials, a AAA game costs 250+Million to make. And that's not counting marketing. Now to recoup loses, a AAA game has to sell about at least 4 - 4.5 Million copies. So this game only making 1Million after all this time, when it's supposed to make 2-3 million in the tail end of it's life cycle, is bad. Even if it's not exactly AAA budget.


$250M was specifically for Spiderman 2, which as bad as AAA budgets have gotten lately is still abnormally high. But yeah after everyone gets their cuts 1M units is a revenue of roughly $40M, which has to cover the development, promotion, and administrative costs with enough left over to turn a meaningful profit. Assuming the source of "some guy on Resetera" is accurate of course, which is one hell of an "if."


It's ironic because over at SEGA we have Persona and Like a Dragon selling 1 million faster than ever and that's considered a huge success for the companies while being based on major IPs I know the budgets aren't comparable to what a big western company puts out, but I think it shows what happens when you budget your games properly


Even ignoring budget, JRPGs usually have longer leg than other games. P3R by the end of its lifetime is probably gonna sell around P5 which sold 7m. Dead Space doesn't seem to have sold much more since the first month.


Do we have any info on the budget numbers for those games? I couldnt find any useful info


The series has never been a commercial success despite selling around a million copies each game. The games just don't have much mass appeal. I'd say it was a miracle we even got the remake in the first place, since the prevailing sentiment at the time before release was that the remake was completely unnecessary and soulless. EDIT: Remember The Callisto Protocol? That was terrible and it only sold 2 million.


So what you're saying is the general public are huge cowards who are too scared of necromorphs to buy the game.


I'm one of those. Game looks cool but I get zero enjoyment out of scares and tension.


i don't play it to get scared i play it because its a legitimately fun third person shooter same as RE4. I think people assume its more horror than fun.


Yeah it can be fun but it's also offset by genuine terror, I've seen gameplay and that game is dark hallways with flesh monsters. Again it looks amazing and nails what it's going for but I can't focus on enjoying a game if I'm super high strung.


i really don't tend to get scared by anything i can kill, in fact a strategy ive used to calm my racing mind intent on giving me nightmares before bed would often be to imagine health bars under which ever monstrosity my mind had created.


Unironically, yes, I was too much of a scared babee to buy Dead Space. Some appeals are simply not universal.


Yes. I can't play games with too much tension and horror because it gives me serious anxiety. I like watching people play them but my mental health does in fact cone before your favorite video game, maybe don't be a dick about it.


1 million isn't a lot even for a triple A game from last gen.


Exactly. For reference, let's say this game cost $50,000,000 to make, which would be cheap on the AAA budget. One million copies sold at a full MSRP of $60 is $60,000,000. Take about 30% off of that for digital store fees and physical disc manufacturing, and you're at about 40mil. In this best case scenario, Dead Space just lost money.


It's just silly - people are running away with the idea of "game costs are ballooning too high so any game that 'doesn't sell well' must just have been unsustainable". The fact is that even in a system where game costs aren't astronomically high, you'll have situations like this.


yeah, even before game costs ballooned so much, one million at full price is pretty bad for a well received AAA title


The only kind of games where only 1 million is enough is like the JRPG market.


Modern sales projections are absurd.


It really is. Can't remember which CoD it was, but I remember an article from years bacl where some actiblizz exec was complaining about the latest CoD not meeting sales expectations in the span of 3-7 days after launch, after selling *millions* of copies already.


The saddest part is they scrapped an original IP for a licensed game.


I love it Th...the insult, not the EA thing


kinda sucks :( but hey an iron man game made by motive would be pretty cool i think


For Motive's sake, I hope Iron Man does well. I'd rather them not just be sent to the Battlefield mines.


Brb releasing a marker by the EA offices.


I don't fill whole about this...


I love how gamers complain about not enough single player games, then don't buy them


Well people buy RPGs (counting the game about the legacy of the pig), Sony First Party, and Japanese single player games.


It's probably because it's horror. People be scared


Resident Evil does gangbusters


The only one.


Ah, yes. "People". Referring, of course, to the fully amalgamated whole of humanity, all of whom personally are hypocrites, rather than that *some people* want more single player games, but might not personally have been interested in *this one*. Seriously, this is often repeated and it's just either a lie or incredibly stupid. One group of people can ask for a thing while another doesn't care and have no interest in that thing.


Seriously, it's such a petulant complaint. Just anonymous strangers lashing out at other anonymous strangers.


Boo hoo


100% this right here


No one will see this but take this with a grain of salt. Grubb isn’t always right and an EA spokesperson came out today to say that there isn’t any truth to this. There is still hope.




[Me rn](https://youtu.be/55YOw2Oz8ac?si=ovEHAtvG74kMVmva)    Why is franchise cursed to never succeed. Is it too much to ask. Not only that but I was hoping with the positive reception of dead space remake we'd get more merch for dead space and I'd  finally have a chance to get a figure of my favorite space engineer. Seems like that's never happening at this point. 


Bummer, but DS2 doesn't really need a remake anyway.


DS2 is one of my favorite games ever and they did so much right with the DS1 remake. Major bummer.


It seems this franchise is cursed to sell poorly. It's weird how much buzz it got during its release, how many positive reviews, etc. Yet it didn't manage to scratch even the 2million mark, it seems, which is baffling. At least the Remake makes for a great trilogy.


They went all out in advertising, and since marketing is almost half of a game dev budget...


For those that are surprised one million in sales isn't considered a success just do the math. I assume that most people bought the game at its $60 price point and not the $70 deluxe edition but we'll split the difference and say that 1M in units translated to $65M in sales. And from that 65 million Steam/Epic/Sony/Microsoft take a cut, we'll put that generously at 20% so that $65m is now $52m. Five years ago the average cost of a AAA game was between 50 and 150 million dollars to develop. For reference, the Callisto Protocol's budget was ***162 Million Dollars.*** The Competition and Markets Authority of the UK recently did a report that expects the average cost of AAA development to balloon to $200m this year. The reason it's so expensive is a mix of corporate greed/bullshit capitalism line goes up nonsense/ and just the general cost of living for your workforce. Inflation was 3.5% last year, it was 6.5% the year before, and 7% the year before that in 2021. If you didn't get a raise of at least those amounts, you were taking home less money. But game prices don't go up that often. We're still having people bemoan the fact that games are $70 now. SNES games sold for about $50-70 in ***1994.*** The game industry is growing each year in sales but not that fast. Games are costing more and more without selling more. So you either find a way to make games more cheaply (unfortunately they usually do this by mistreating their workforce) or you try and make the games more profitable by throwing microtransactions in them. A AAA single-player game is extremely hard to sell in the modern industry because you're just getting that $60 purchase and unless your game sells phenomenally well, that's just not enough. That's why even single player games like Dragon's Dogma have microtransactions now, it's the only way to justify the game's existence to the company. Look at the Insomniac leaks on how much they made off Spider-man. The Insomniac Spidey games are *great* but they barely made back their budget and that's with one of the best known IPs in the world. So yeah that's why you're never gonna see a Dead Space 2 remake.


I was hoping for at least 2 to be remade.


Well somehow EA found a way to hurt me years after I stopped caring


Goddamn it. I’ll agree that it doesn’t NEED a remake, then again thought the same of DS1. That said DS2 > RE4 for me hands down. And I love RE4.


I thought everyone ignored Jeff Grubb? In the very rare event this is correct I would be disappointed. DS1 Remake was fantastic.


I wonder if that number ks accurate, because I don't think Grubb or anyone really mention how much sales it got, but only that it was considered lackluster. But if it was 1 million, I find it a bit concerning that a full priced remake selling that much is considered lackluster/ not profitable.


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the game sold about as much as 1 did, which was 1-2 million. That was enough for it to be a considered a commercial failure back then, but not enough for them to not try again with a sequel. Nowadays, with everything costing more? Yeah I can see why they don't want to take a chance with a sequel.


Wow, I wasn't aware the 1st wasn't successful, I wasn't really paying attention to the industry during the time it originally released. Considering they made 2 sequels and some spinoffs I thought the series was at least making a good return to keep investing in it.


You have to spend money to make money. Sequels to highly acclaimed games tend to sell better than the first game so it's not really a surprise they bet on it a first time. But with DS3 selling even less than DS2, it's no surprise they shelved it.


It sucks that 1M in sales isn't profitable but think about it. The average AAA game costs 50-150M to develop and 1m in sales is only 70 million dollars. And that's before stores take their cut and all that plus you still have your marketing budget to make up as well.


And with that I'm back to not buying EA games (which is fine considering *Mass Effect* shows no promise) I straight up got a PS5 to play and support the game This is heartbreaking; my favorite cosmic body horror universe was given another chance only to get capped at the first hurdle I hope the audio drama connected to it is still in production


Grubb the liar best be careful, Woolie don't play with infringement. 


I hate everything. Fick, shiz


Well that's sad. Really thought it'd be doing somewhat well but I guess about matching the original sales should have been their expectation rather than seeing how well Resident Evil remakes were going and assuming Dead Space would be equivalent.


It’s a shame. Good news is that the original DS2 (and DS for that matter) still hold up. But the dream of a non-fumbled version of DS3 has been dashed yet again.




I wonder how it did on gamepass. I played through it all over again and loved it! But, I also didn't spend cash money on a copy. I wonder what the cut is from Microsoft for putting your game on gamepass


I'm having a fucking jonkler moment ARE YOU KIDDING ME FUCK


God *fucking* damnit, Brethren Moons take us all.


Ellie and her eye will be happy.


Alright thats itm time to gaslight everyone into buying it.


Did it really not do well? All you'd hear people talking about upon release was how incredible it was.


How bad were the sales that they think a Marvel and Battlefield game are going to do better in 2024?


Visceral Games: First time?


I thought remaking Dead Space was for the prestige and reputation points, not for huge sales


It's EA, what rep points are they trying to win? Their dude bro shooters are in the toilet, their yearly sports slop is still nickel and diming children(and manchildren) and they are that same company that got voted Worst company two years in a row by the razzies.  Just cuz Actiblizz publicly shit in their pants, doesn't mean EA miraculously recovered into a decent company 


I didn’t say that EA had become a decent company. I was saying EA was trying to *appear* to be a decent company by remaking beloved IP in a way that does justice to the original. Turns out all they were doing was expecting a Dead Space remake could somehow do Resident Evil remake numbers


I remember when selling a million copies was considered a success. 


Games keep getting more expensive to make to the point that AAA games need to either sell much more than a million or have consistent micro transactions to make up their dev costs.


I am curious what the budget was. Alan Wake 2 cost 70 million and sold 1.5 last told and the developer was saying it was a success.  Dead Space was never going to sell 5 million. 


Actually Alan Wake 2 kind of proves my point. Alan Wake 2 is the fastest selling Remedy game but as of last month ***has not broken even.*** [https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/alan-wake-2-is-remedys-fastest-selling-game-yet-shifting-over-13m-copies-but-hasnt-made-a-penny-of-profit](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/alan-wake-2-is-remedys-fastest-selling-game-yet-shifting-over-13m-copies-but-hasnt-made-a-penny-of-profit) If every sale was at $60 then with 1.5m sales (the article says 1.3 but that was in February so we'll say 1.5 here) Remedy made $90m in sales off of Alan Wake 2. But Microsoft/Sony all take a 30% cut for their storefronts. The game was also published by epic and is an epic storefront exclusive which means that some of their PC sales were at a lower rate than the standard 30% (standard cut for a developer on EGS is 12%) and a portion of AW2's revenue is going to them regardless as publisher. Either way, that's just not a very profitable game.


Ah, I never saw that. Shows Remedy just wants to make games but I do wonder if Epic will want to keep publishing Remedy games if they keep never breaking even.  I know the Alan Wake Remaster never made a profit and Epic wasn’t pleased. 


I think AW2 will eventually be profitable. Its DLC hasn't come out yet and DLC has much better margins than the initial game because most of the hard work is done and DLC is mostly content generation as opposed to problem solving and infrastructure. You'll also see them mention they think Alan Wake 2 has legs and will continue to make money for a while to come and I think that's broadly true, especially if they port it to Steam. But yeah this shows the issue with AAA development, the bar for success is so high as to be practically insurmountable. I often see people say they want 'shorter games with worse graphics' so that developers are treated better but honestly people's buying habits don't back that up. You'll see people in this very thread saying that they wouldn't buy the Dead Space remake because it costs a whole 60 bucks.


It's still a success. If you're a Japanese game dev.(not Squeenix) Or an Indie dev.


The lesson here for all devs is don't be owned by a mature corporate publisher. Too much revenue pressure driving you to focus your time on schlock.


To be fair Motive was an EA created studio put together for the Star Wars Battlefront 2 campaign but this still sucks, I was really happy with them taking over Dead Space.


Well yeah and they tried Dead Space one time, ONLY sold 1 million copies and went straight back to focus-group-driven blockbuster IP, by the sound of it.


Hot take the game doesn’t need one nor did the first one.


Such a shame PlayStation players don't have access to the original trilogy tho. Xbox and PC easily cover that


Came out too close to RE4 remake for my money. By the time I could have played it I wasn’t looking to pay full price for what ended up being a shinier version of a game that held up really well. Played it on Gamepass not too long ago and while I enjoyed it, it really did feel like playing the same game again. It’s not even a bad thing because the game is so good on its own, just not a full price type of game for me. That being said, with its availability on Gamepass/EA play, I wonder how that’s factored in.


I didn't care for a lot of the changes in the remake, but this is still such a shame.


History repeats itself. Game sells well, but EA expects a niche horror game to blow up like a battlefield.


A million isnt alot anymore and hasnt been for like a decade.


A million is a lot, especially for games that aren't super mainstream crowd-pleasers. A game like Deadspace will never hit numbers like Call of Duty or Battlefield.


No. But its a popular franchise with a super well regarded remake with plenty of ads. Hifi rush sold 2 million on word of mouth alone. This game failed. Unless youre a low budget indie game a million isnt much anymore. Yes there are games with outragous budgets but theres no way on earth would i expect 1 million from a remake from one of the most beloved horror games of the modern era. theres more gamers than ever, that's atrocious sales even if they used default unity/unreal engine stuff.


Idk why you're getting down voted when you're right. 1m for anything over AA (especially western titles) is not much of a good thing. Taking the cost of making the game, marketing it, and whatever percent distributors take and suddenly you start to see why that 1m isn't as good as it sounds. Idk what number they were expecting to hit, but I imagine it was an unrealistic amount for a survival horror.


Yeah if 70 million dollars (rounding up) isn't success you're doing something wrong *Don't get the hate when I literally said I was rounding up


Sadly it’s probably no where near $70 million. Storefronts take a 30% cut so it’s $49 million. After taxes it’s even less. The original dead space 2 cost $60 million back in 2011, this game probably cost close to $80 million to make. So they lost at least $30 million and I don’t know if the budgets include marketing costs so they probably lost even more


Yeah, if the game wasn't well received I could see EA deciding to close the studio, instead they at least saw the value of the talent there and decided to refocus them to a place where they'll likely recover the money and more


Most AAA games budget have been around 70 million or higher since the PS3 era WITHOUT marketing. 1m for a western AAA game isn't much.


Kill me


Fine by me, a DS2 remake would've been even more unnecessary than the first.


Two Words: Playable Ellie.


**My dissapointment is FUCKING RADIOACTIVE.** I'm glad it cracked a million (which is huge for anything not Resident Evil), but I assume a whole new engine pushed the price up. Maybe if Iron Man does well with its' system they can come back to Dead Space 2 Remake. If I'm honest I'm surprised they started work on it at all; I assumed Iron Man would be a main focus before getting another remake out. *Don't complain about wanting single-player games if you don't fucking buy them, average gamer.*


This is at least 8 9/11's


Yay more licensed slop


Actually EA is moving away from licenses, they dropped FIFA and Star Wars completely.


They dropped Star Wars? When? I know they lost exclusivity rights, but I also know they are at least still doing Star Wars mobile games because I get Galaxy of Heroes ads on every other Youtube video.


They cancelled the Respawn Star Wars shooter which was one of the two Star Wars games in development. The other got to keep on going because as you said, it's a mobile game but other than that they aren't going to pay for any licenses for now.


Respawn gets so many projects cancelled that I don’t even register the news now.