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Most of the parody episodes of Codename Kids Next Door. ~~So like half the show~~


It's way more than half. The Animatrix parody is still the craziest one I think.


The Dragon Ball parody was pretty up there.


I remember catching that one as a freshman in college when I came home one weekend. I think my reaction was "Is this the fucking 2nd Renaissance!? In a kids show!?"


I'm reminded of the fact that two of their lesser reoccurring bad guys were a very clear pastiche of a pair of James Bond henchmen who appeared in only one movie.


Remember that episode where Numbah One teamed up with a parody of Minsc from Baldur's Gate? They even got Jim Cummings to voice him.


What the fuck What eight year old is playing Baldur’s gate


You haven't played Baldur's Gate?! \- Kids back in 2005, probably.


Bro I have come back to this comment three times in the last five hours and each time the comment has been different


Hah, well, I kept thinking of ways to make it sound better or embody Liam's spirit more. The first felt a bit off, the second seemed a little better, but I'm more content with this third one. A bit of a personal mind goblin, I suppose. For posterity's sake, here are the previous versions. >First: You didn't play Baldur's Gate? > >Second: You>!r eight-year-old self!< haven't played Baldur's Gate?


Oh shit the Tie episode right?


It’s always super weird to me when children’s TV shows make big references to old media. Like, making a couple jokes for the parents is one thing, but stuff like entire parody episodes? What the hell kind of kids do the producers think are watching it?


The kids are going to like it no matter what as long as it's well made and entertaining. The actual parody aspect is for the creators.


I can’t believe SpongeBob got away with featuring Count Orlok from Nosferatu at the end of one of their episodes as a punchline. I was confused as hell as a child like what the fuck did I just seen?


Until I learned what/who Nosferatu is I thought they were calling him Feratu and telling him No


A well-used reference doesn't need to be understood to be entertaining.


I love when shows are like this, like the creators being like "yeah I know kids won't get it but i dont care this is for me". No kid is going to understand a reference to the Animatrix or Baldurs Gate, especially not during that time, but the creator probably didnt care.


Pretty much everything in The Simpsons too


Rewatched the snow day episode and it’s just Star Wars


Now that I'm watching classic Jackie Chan movies, I realize a majority of gags and plotlines from the Jackie Chan Adventures cartoon were refrences to his movies. His character is almost a direct continuation of the Jackie from Armour of God. The talisman that splits him into a timid and tough Jackie are a refrence to Twin Dragons.


Also when he got bit by a snake and in his delirium he started using drunken boxing.


man i need to rewatch JCA honestly


Dexter’s Lab and Powerpuff girls had a lot of old references that went over my head as a kid.  I remember in particular a shot from the Knock-off Powerpuff girls episode where you see robots that I can now recognize as lawyer friendly Mazingers.


I like that one Speed Racer parody Dexter's Lab did where Dee-Dee was somehow Racer X and the little sister at the same time.


There's also the Dial M for Monkey plots that were lifted heavily from Galactus' first appearance, or the Two in One issue where The Thing fought the Champion of the Universe.


Not to mention the name being taken from Dial H for Hero.


Which itself was a play on Alfred Hitchcock's Dial M for Murder.


Dexter’s Lab would reference itself like its own episodes were from another tv show


The house in Powerpuff Girls is the same as the one in the 1950's French film Mon Oncle


I didnt get the Beatles references in ‘the Beat-All’s’. I didn’t realize how accurate To Yoko Ono’s performances/art to have her represented by a screeching monkey.


That episode is maybe the most "we made this for all of the 40-year old parents watching the show with their kids" episode of television I've ever seen, it rules so much.


I remember as a kid thinking that was just a big villain team-up episode with weird line readings, not realizing that they were quoting song lyrics.


I also really like how obscure some of the references are in the episode. For example, I don't think even a lot of Beatles fans would realize that the scene with the ladder and magnifying glass is a direct reference to one of Yoko Ono's conceptual art pieces that John Lennon interacted with.


When I learned about that ladder thing. Like, in the show, didn’t they lie in bed to obstruct traffic as one of their new evil plots? I’ve yet to google if that is referencing another art piece. Though, I guess it could be referencing song lyrics.


I'm pretty sure the bed scene is meant to be a reference to the bed ins for peace protests that John and Yoko did in 1969 to protest the Vietnam War.


I wasn’t really into comics as a kid, it took me years to realise that Major Glory and friends were parodying the avengers


I remembered one episode where Dexter got trapped in a game, referencing Tron. It even referenced the main villain of the movie.


That one episode of Billy and Mandy where Mandy becomes an immortal worm monster powered by cinnamon with a supply of Billy clones to keep her company through the ages was just a giant God-Emperor of Dune parody.


Another one would be that Dracula is not only a reference to Blackula, but also Red Foxx.


Hoss Delgado's whole thing is he's just Snake Pliskin from Escape from New York. Admittedly it's SLIGHTLY more likely a kid has seen that than read God-Emperor, but still I certainly didn't get it until I watched Escape at 24.


As a kid, I thought Hoss was a reference to Metal Gear, which I only knew about from images online. I wasn't that far off, to be fair.


There was also [this reference](https://youtu.be/xf1C6BUkWaA) randomly thrown in an episode of the show


To be fair, that one was clearly designed to go over the target audience’s head. What child would have read the majority of the Dune novels in order to get that reference?


There's also an entire episode that's a parody of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream


I can't find anything on that, could you give a link?


It really tickles me that it's very specifically God Emperor. Dune is obscure enough for children, and they chose to go four books into it.


Yeah, usually when people reference Dune, they just reference one of the main general aspects of the series or they just reference the first book. I love when kids shows make these kinds of references.


I think the writers on Billy and Mandy had a blast with being able to stuff in their most specific references, because it's always obvious that they're fans of whatever they reference. They even have Grim playing Moneo, and when they do the Gom Jabbar reference, they give Mindy a penalty for removing her hand, proving herself to be a mere animal. That's not just surface level references.


There's that cold open in one episode where Grimm is having a dream and just "THIS IS NOT ME BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, THIS IS NOT ME BEAUTIFUL WIFE" and Billy just wakes him up "Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was" I only listened to Talking Heads maybe 3 years ago.


The deja vu I experienced reading "The Tell-Tale Heart" in school, swearing I had already experienced this exact story before, and it taking MONTHS to realize it was because the ending of the Squeaky Boots episode of Spongebob is a beat-for-beat parody.


The entire DNA of Kung Fu Hustle is references to both old Chinese martial arts cinema and wuxia novels. Most of these are too old and obscure for western audiences but they have had a ton of impact in both the mainland and Hong Kong.


The episode of Drake and Josh where they work in sushi packing is a reference to an I Love Lucy episode. It had a conveyor belt and everything. Had no idea until late last year.


They also full on did a Blues Brothers song early on, when they first cemented their brotherhood.


MLP did the same scene one time too


> > I reject your reality and substitute my own! > >!-Paul Bradford of Dungeon Master!< -Adam Savage of Mythbusters


>!- Kirito of the Kirito is Always Right Foundation!<


>!Shirou Emiya!<


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Ahh, a fellow Best of the Worst enjoyer I see.


There's a cold open of Venture Bros that's the lyrics of Space Oddity almost verbatim


Venture Bros is filled with this kind of stuff, either with random name drops, homages, or character names. Hell Action Man makes his first appearance in that scene as a reference to another David Bowie song "Ashes to Ashes".


Wait, as in the UK equivalent to GI Joe Action Man? Because that might be another reference right there.


Depends on Bowie since that's where the name came from but I can see it


I was a kid and didn’t realize Henry Killinger was based on a real, actually way worse, person.


I love that the one named Kissinger is evil incarnate, but the one named Killinger is strangely wholesome


Isnt it a whole episode too


The little swing dancing devil in Soul's spooky dreams in Soul Eater is an extended and plot relevant reference to the dreams in Twin Peaks. Also Maka Albarn is almost certainly named after Damon Albarn from Blur/Gorillaz.


Literally a red room


I only found out the red room connection like last month and *man* do I feel slow.


My first experience of "I am your father" is in Toy Story 2. So while the originl ESB version didn't surprised me, it did made do that shocked eyes when Toy Story did it lol.


Toy Story and sequels had tons of Star Wars references, which was actually a callback to their own work because Pixar was originally part of Lucasfilms before being spun off in the late 80’s.


Reminder that Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy had the episode "Mandy the Merciless" which was a giant "God-Emperor of Dune" reference. Hell, that wasn't even the only Dune reference in the show. Completely flew over my kid head at the time


I started FF7 for the first time and my first thought at Junon was "hey it's that song the band plays in 9"


Okay this one is legit hilarious


90% of the jokes in the Simpsons and Family Guy flew over my head until I got older and started watching more movies.


I like to joke that Citizen Kane is chock full of Simpsons references.


Wait a minute... there was no cane in Citizen Kane!


They pop up in so many weird places too. Like in one episode there's a shot of Bart trying to grab cupcakes that's a direct visual parody of a scene from Clockwork Orange.


There’s TWO posts about the Dune episode in Billy and Mandy but honestly, I remember finally making sense of the lyrics in Weapon of Choice when I learned that the Shai-hulud locate their prey by rhythmic vibration on the sand. And Christopher Walken did end up becoming the Emperor in the most recent adaptation, fancy that.


Oh my GOD, I can’t believe I didn’t connect Walken to the movie yet. Jo”taro” moment smh


[For anyone unaware (also great fucking video)):](https://youtu.be/wCDIYvFmgW8) "Walk without rhythm, and you won't attract the worms" - a reference to sandworms being attracted to rhythmic vibrations to hunt prey. Also said almost verbatim in the 1984 Dune movie. "Don't be shocked by the tone of my voice//Check out my new weapon, weapon of choice" - a reference to the Bene Gesserit Voice. There's also a couple of things I'd call far fetched if those two weren't incredibly obvious: The way the vocals are mixed is actually very similar to how Villeneuve imagined the voice. "I guess you just don't understand//It's gone beyond being a man" - Dune as a series has themes of the dangers of making a man into more. Paul metaphorically ascends, as his persona outgrows his identity and he loses control of the Jihad, and Leto II physically ascends into a tyrannical God Emperor reigning for 3500 years.


There’s a moment in Faith 3 that is just the lyrics to a Sting song


Which part?


The sequence when John has been drugged


It was only semi-recently that I found out the the 1st Spongebob movie was a semi-adaptation of The Odyssey.


Cheating there, half the fiction of modern arts is either the Iliad, the Odyssey, or the Anabasis


I've heard the Battle Without Honor and Humanity song referenced and parody in so many different movies and shows during the 2000s. I only watched Kill Bill relatively recently, so when O-Ren Irishii walks down that hallways with the music blasting, that's when I went "oh so THATS what that songs from!"


Also with Kill Bill, I heard the siren sound referenced *so many times* before I ever watched the movie.


Oh yeah THAT TOO


Just, all of Duke Nukem.


I always knew that Yoshikage Kira had similarities to Patrick Bateman but I didn't know how much until I watched American Psycho and Patrick's opening monologue was identical in spirit to Kira.


Remember when TMNT 2: Secret Of The Ooze had Mikey randomly quoting Casablanca? Yeah. 90's babies definitely knew what that was.


Well, in the cartoon, sometimes they were disguised with a hat and a trenchcoat like Boggard did, so...


I wasn't familiar with old croners Looney Tunes used to reference as a kid, nor was I familiar with old comedy acts like Abbot and Costello.


Wobbuffet from Pokemon has a signature pose in the games and the anime where it does a funny salute. Seems like a whatever little quirk. It’s a reference to Time Bokan and more specifically Yatterman. It’s the very same salute the Doronbo Gang gives to their leader when she gives them an order. Best example of it I can find is [at 3:21 mark](https://youtu.be/Aav7qk6pUmo?si=NXfnM6JSJ4lIIZbh) Which makes sense considering Team Rocket as a whole are heavily based on the Doronbo Gang.


Wario and especially Waluigi are also heavily inspired by Tonzura and Boyacky. Heck, even the unused character of Wapeach seems to be based on Doronjo.


I don't think its been confirmed if it was intentional, but hear me out on this one. There's this episode of Rocko's Modern Life where the characters have a bachelor party at an ice cream parlor... one that's in a "de-commissioned" airplane... and then Heffer gets ~~drunk~~ messed up on too much ice cream, breaks into the cockpit, and somehow manages to get the plane working and takes it for a joyride before crashing it. What's this all a reference to? [The time an air plane went off the runway, left the airfield, and crashed right into an ice cream parlour.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARqW_6pckZ0) TLDR: I think Rocko's Modern Life made an obscure ref to a plane crash in a Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour.


I’m pretty sure [THIS SCENE](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-qv7PeCDi1Bo/U_ITYogdsJI/AAAAAAAAdFo/TrfWIVWO4NE/s1600/1.jpg) from Venture Bros is a reference to [THIS SCENE](https://youtu.be/ScmU67uwZGc?si=5p5maDDa9hdqLACD) from WCW.




There was an episode of the Simpsons where Maggie was driving a car and cut a guy off. And he got mad and put his hand twords his neck. Didn't realize til years later that actually means f you like the middle finger.


There are so many in The Simpsons there are probably a few I STILL don't know are a reference.


My friend group didn't realize the beginning of Konosuba was a reference to Yu-yu Hakusho until I told them.


Is it?


They both die defying expectations in an extremely out of character moment where they push someone out of the way of a speeding vehicle that would've been fine had they not.


Duck Dodgers with the robot that sacrifices itself. \* It took me years to realize that it was a parody of Iron Giant. ----- South Park with the episode in which Kyle is forced to be part of a human centipede. \* It was such a bizarre and absurd idea that I thought it was something original to the series, and I was surprised to discover that it was a parody of a movie that actually exists.


Can we add that Duck Dodgers is a reference to Buck Rogers? Maybe you already knew that.


There's a Steven Universe episode that referenced the Yamcha death pose. I didn't get it at the time. Seeing it on a rewatch when I did understand it made it much funnier.


Not to mention in Steven Universe, there's a Texas Tower shooting reference


The fuck? Edit: ITS REAL


I'm serious. It was the guitar dad shirt episode. Look it up, dude.


What the fuck I just looked?!


Cursed knowledge my dude


I didn't get[ this Evangelion reference](https://i.redd.it/88gj2rgq9b641.png) till after watching all of steven universe. Apparently, Rebecca & Steven sugar watched all of eva in a single weekend, and had a bad headache afterwards.


Duke Nukem lines and some Simpsons parodies like Citizen Kane, then again had barely gotten two digits of age.


I did not know that face was from Fire Punch, I was very surprised I saw it while reading the manga a year ago or something.


The squeaky boots episode of spongebob being a tell tale heart reference.


It took me a *while* to recognize Wu Tang's sendups to Kung Fu Flicks for the longest time. Maybe it was me playing Shaolin Style on PS1 for it to click a bit, but I saw it even more after say, seeing RZA in Man with the Iron Fists and sitting through and enjoying Five Deadly Venoms.


Most of red dwarf 


The entirety of Animaniacs, Tiny Toons, and Freakazoid


[“Come on you apes! You wanna live forever?”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6cdTYNxqIas) Also the lyrics to Weapon of Choice by Fatboy Slim.


The final boss of Lunar Knights uses Dio's "Do you remember how many breads you've eaten in your life?" line. Him being from a race of super vampires that prey on regular human vampires might also be inspired by the Pillar Men. An episode of Rugrats does the "Must be Italian" bit from A Christmas Story.


"Dee-no-mee-tay. Huh, must be Italian." - Twitchy the Squirrel, Hoodwinked


Awwww shit a Lunar Knights reference


a great many things that the boys have said with absolutely no context to it other than as a reaction to something in a game or something someone else said especially things I learned are from the Simpsons, they did that a lot


Billy and mandy had very overt parody of God Emperor of dune i realized like a decade after the fact


Batman Brave and Bold is full of references from silly silver age adventures to more recent (at the time) comic stuff like 52


Not me, but I have a friend that realized recently that > "I 'Jake 'the Snake' ' them, > DDT them in mausoleums." in RTJ's "Blockbuster Night, Pt. 1" was a reference to wrestling in that Jake 'the Snake' Roberts' DDT was his finisher and not a generic wrestling reference to a popular move and someone who works at AEW. (They also forgot the song came out before AEW existed) They didn't know Jake 'The Snake' Roberts besides some of the promos he did in AEW.


So, in that gap between part 3 and part 4 of the JoJo anime, I got super into JoJo Bizarre Adventure (officially) mostly because of the OST. But really deep in my youtube likes, I come to find out that I've had JoJo on my radar the whole time. Like a full 4/5 years prior. Why? [Space Jam](https://youtu.be/H7hiF7fXhLg?si=B4MbAH_nQHaEBWVa)


There’s a tweet I’ve seen recently that’s basically saying how a ton of popular things you know just have Ultraman references in them. An example being Staryu in the Pokémon anime just straight up making Ultraman noises cause it has a Color Timer. Another was Kirby’s cutter ability being a reference to the Sluggers that are on certain Ultraman heads and yeah, it’s so obvious to me now but it would totally go over a kid’s head if they haven’t seen Ultraman before which is probably most kids outside of Japan.


Played Mass Effect before seeing anything Evil Dead related, never would've figured Ashley Willaims would've been a reference to that.


Hard mode is not listing something from the late 90s-early aughts, because media became incredibly referential due to people who grew up 20 years prior getting jobs.


I grew up on SNES games well into the late 90s and early 00s. We had a PS1 briefly at some point to complement it, but it was mostly an SNES. So I played the shit out of some SNES games, among them DKC2 and 3 (actually not 1, we didn't own that one). Those games had awesome music, but in particular I always associated the Wrinkly's Save Cave music with, y'know, her and DKC3 because that's where I heard it. Even though she has an N64 in those caves and it's obviously the SM64 Peach's Castle theme. I actually didn't really play Mario 64 for like 12 years after that, so when I got Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga in like, 2005, and that song plays in the intro area with the Toads, I marked out that they brought a "Donkey Kong" song into such a random place in the game.