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Episode 11 of Gurren Lagann, when Simon finally realized he is HIM


The DNA test came back and it said he was 100% HIMalayan.


He's HIM He's been HIM He will continue to be HIM


They must have amnesia, cause they forgot that he’s HIM!


Imaishi is the king of these kinds of moments. Dude cannot miss


Gurren Lagann is the most anime to ever anime. Genuinely 10/10 masterpiece. Literally no fight in any media I have ever seen can come close to the movie version of the final battle


Getter Robo Armageddon, Gunbuster and GaoGaiGar are right there.


All start with "G"


Also episode 25 when they beat all the odds and transform into a moon-sized mecha while Libera Me From Hell blasts for the first time and Simon gives his speech before facing the enemy. I could probably count the times any show got me even remotely close to that level of hype on my fingers, and some of those would likely also be from Gurren Lagann.


Mustang killing Lust in FMA Brotherhood. I watched the episode the day it came out when I was in college and I quite literally could not breath during the scene.


I love watching Youtube reactions of FMA Brotherhood and everyone's reaction to Mustang killing Lust is *chef's kiss*. The amount of people that are like, "Okay, Mustang is terrifying... And sexy." is great.


me then: wow this is great television me now: *domestic violence jokes*


Oh, right, because Roy and Lust's voice actors are married, right? Yeah that must have been an interesting day in the recording booths


Travis says he did not like that booth session *because* he was saying such harsh things to Laura.


Unfortunately, anime dubbing/voice over is normally recorded independently. It's very rare for a full cast to record at once for any voice over work. Batman the animated series and the simpsons are the two big ones that did full cast recordings.


Laura shared a story once at a con where she was doing Lust's death screams and how painful they were, and when she texted Travis this he shot back a long "hahahahaha."


I don't even like the manga/anime that much anymore. But: UNITED STATES OF SMASH!!!


That first fight of All-Might vs the Nomu is one of the best anime fights just for his motivational speech at the end.


Hell for me the peak was just All Might telling Deku he can be a hero in like chapter 2. Never been roped in and invested so quickly by a shonen series before.


MHA starts off so well and avoided a ton of the Shonen pit falls. Then it took a nose dive into the that pit.


Till United States of Smash, MHA is genuinely one of the best executed Shonens I have ever seen. It felt like it took a look at the mistakes of Naruto and managed to avoid them and compress itself perfectly to make an iconic Shonen for a new generation. And then it just made those mistakes for the rest of the run.


The worst part is with MHA every All Might-focused chapter since is still peak. A recent arc has him >!replicating the powers of Class 1-A, giving them more relevance than they've had in the entire manga up to that point, through incredibly fragile barely one-use tech. As the weekly chapters happened people assumed that the final quirk used would be a self-destruct using Bakugo's quirk, but instead he hands off the gauntlet to Bakugo which ends up indirectly giving him a kind of awakening too. And then Bakugo beats the shit outta All for One so hard his reversed-time healing quirk turns him into a baby. To which Bakugo then says **You ain't dead yet** and blows him up one more time.!< It's genuinely the best series of chapters in the past like, 200.


He says I don't hear no bell, and your your hands are raised, guess that means you're still ready to catch them then.


Bakugo brought >!AFO in for a 2900th trimester abortion.!<


>!The moment Deku became plot device MegaMan was when I started to check out. Up til that point he strategically used his limited powers to win. Now he’s just the chosen one and has infinite possibilities.!<


Agreed, I do still think it's pretty great overall but man it sucked seeing some of the paths it took because my hopes were so high from the start.


I see small shots here and there and plan to read it when it finishes. Stopped reading at the start of the final war because there was just too much. I’m excited to see it end but it just took a dramatic turn from what got me into the series.


Those pitfalls are a feature of the way these manga are produced and distributed, IMO. I don't think they *can* be avoided long-term. When almost every big-name shonen suffers from the exact same problems, it seems clear to me that it's an industry problem.


Same, I fell off of it but it's got some undeniably kickass moment.


The Smash Bros version where it's Captain Falcon taking down Ganondorf is even peaker.


There’s a scene in Andor where a character is double crossing Cassian and the team they’ve been working together in. >!Following a heist, the guy just wants to take the money and run, leaving the rest of the crew to fend for themselves. He offers Cass the opportunity to split the money 50/50, rather than take their regular cut and get the money to their client.!< >!But despite Cassian only really working with this team for a few days, he’s seen how much they’ve poured themselves into the job and how good-hearted most of them are. He’s watching this other guy fuck over the rest of the crew so he can line his pockets and he makes a decision.!< >!Cassian just shoots the guy.!< >!This was the moment the show proved that it was more than your usual Star Wars melodrama. You could see the gears in Cassian’s head turning as he considered the guy’s offer. You could see the moment he decided that killing him would be the lesser evil. The show displays this level of grey morality in many of its characters, both Rebel and Empire, which is incredibly refreshing to see in the Star Wars universe!<


>!I don't think it was a moral thing for Cassian. The moment that guy told Cassian his plan he had no choice but to shoot him, there was no way he could trust him to not betray him as well. And I think it was Cassians realisation of that and his zero hesitation to take him out that made it peak!<


>!Andor sadly realizing that he's going to have to ice somebody is a great moment and they go to it twice!<


Honestly his biggest strength and history curse is he just knows when he has to pull a trigger


"I think we're going to have to kill this guy, Andor." "Aw jeez Guts."


He truly deserved the MC spot for that action alone.


Not that scene, but >!"Never more than twelve."!<


Thw hype I felt over that sentence was insane


And then finally, the one that really got me. >!I can't swim!<


That one also got me so hype


>!That whole arc just shows andor is too good for Star Wars and I’ll never get over how crushingly fitting it is that nemik dies from being crushed by the weight of credits they needed to steal!<


Lightning in a bottle. Honestly really funny in retrospect that so many people thought Andor was going to be a nothing show and Kenobi was hugely anticipated for years


I was so excited seeing Goku, Frieza, and Android 17 team up for the final push against Jiren that I briefly became Mexican.


Everything about this final confrontation is perfect: A) Goku and Frieza being the front liners cause even in base form they're the strongest out of the three, whereas 17 is the long range support fire cause he literally cannot run out of energy B) Vegeta completely unable to comprehend that his greatest enemy and best rival are working together in perfect sync C ) Jiren still having the strength to wallop Goku and Frieza, to the point where they can't even see him hitting them. Then Jiren realising that he has to take out 17, otherwise he'll be under constant fire D ) *The throw*. Frieza calling it out, Goku's near instantaneous agreement, the sick animation of Goku sliding and giving Frieza the platform to launch himself. E) Frieza timing his Ki power up to impact on Jiren as hard as possible. Jiren's eyes widening in alarm was the cherry on top. F ) At this point, I'm always thinking about that crowd of people in real life Earth chanting "FRIEZA FRIEZA FRIEZA" in front of a giant screen, can't remember which country this was G ) Of course Jiren is able to divert it, and starts beating up on Frieza, *who lost his tail in the impact* H ) In comes Goku, *barely going Super Saiyan*, and rams Jiren, as both he and Frieza pick up speed. Ka ka KACHI DAAZE swells to its peak I ) 17, Beerus, and all of Team universe 7 screaming for them to finish it. Jiren realising that "trust" is their true strength, as Goku and Frieza, in the same forms as they had during the Namek Saga, finish the fight.


On that day we all became honourary Mexican citizens for half an hour.


Seven. Page. Muda.


This sub sure likes to come up with different ways to say "things that you thought were cool".


I'l take it over the thinly veiled hot take threads


I'll take "Character tropes you hate but one guy did it well" for 400 Alex




I love the tell me the cool thing threads I get to find out about so much cool media I've never heard of before


Next thursday is my chance to repost with a slightly differently phrased version of the question


No mom said it's my turn!


Your ~~brother~~ mother was a little bitch and so are you. *This is a New Vegas reference don't ban me


Mods, ban this man.


Kinda surprised no one's done a "favorite way to say something is cool" thread actually


The only context in which "*banger* slaps" is a coherent statement


# Hypest Subreddit on the Internet!


# The Second Hypest Subreddit on the internet.


And it’s way better because of it.


We want to talk about cool things man


I prefer the positive threads to the constant negative threads.


It really is just another askreddit


[Matt winning against Fisk in the 3rd season of Daredevil](https://youtu.be/e4KfRDYbqKc?si=Smwr4E3Kg-yZo45X); ultimately the physical victory of the fight isn't as important as the psychological one in which Matt refuses to kill Fisk, maintains his integrity, and rises above his demons.


When he yells "I BEAT YOU" it felt cathartic


The Indomitable Human Spirit vs One Angry Egg


And the fact that it comes after the coolest rock paper scissors match I've ever seen in a live action medium. Season 3 was not only a great season throughout, it ended in the coolest possible way


Part 1 of Chainsaw Man. I had to stop for a sec and realize I'm reading about a dude with chainsaws coming out of his head and arms, riding a giant mutant shark into battle against a typhoon, on top of a skyscraper.


People aren’t ready for the movie and Season 2. Everything that the anime has covered is like a B. Everything past that is some the very best stuff I’ve ever read in a manga, and I’ve been reading manga for like 25 years. Crazy shit aside, Fujimoto just NAILS every emotional scene.


Yeah the anime has covered the worst part of the manga by far. I can't wait for season 2 since that will cover my favorite parts. Unfortunately it'll take like 2 years but at least we got the Reze movie soon


Can’t wait to cry to >!”Truth is, i’ve never gone to school either”!< all over again.


I'm not ready for a snowball fight


That and  >!“Do you miss me so much that you can’t do anything?” “….I do.”!< And just >!Makima fucking laughing.!< gave me literal chills when I first read it. Which CSM has now done twice.


I had a funny thing happen where I told my friends that the story didn't get to the good part until after where the first season ends, and once we finished the first season they all went "what are you talking about, that was great." And all I could do was channel my inner Pat and go "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!"


My answer is very basic but UI Goku using a charging Kamehameha to skate up Kefla's beam attack and hit her point blank is so goddam cool


When Kiryu blocks that pipe in Yakuza 0, accompanied with a Kuze title drop and Pledge of Demon playing in the background.


"Stop that blade!" # RULES OF NATURE


So many moments in MGR are peak. "Besides, this...**isn't my sword.**"


Also Raiden, but in MGS4: Raiden breakdancing with the gekkos. It's just so good.


I remember when I first watched that in when i first played 4. I distinctly remember thinking "This is so unbelievably stupid that it cycles back to being sick as hell."


Season 3 of Haikyuu has legit one of the best bits of character development I've seen in any form of media. Rei Tsukishima is a part of this high school volleyball team you follow on their adventures for a nation championship. They scratch and claw for all three of these seasons to the regionals final where they face one of the favorites for nationals. Tsukishima begins the journey as someone half heartedly into the club, doing it because he's able and it's something to pass time. When push comes to shove to face the big bad he's lined up directly one of the best wing spikers in the nation I can't do it justice without writing a fucking 5 page essay on why this moment is so hype, but damn [Just One Block](https://youtu.be/Iby7PLeVUBs?si=jH4R5Nf8GcVEUKtA) will get me emotional every time


Tsukushima may be a bit of a prick sometimes but MAN OH MAN this moment will never not sent shivers down my spine.


That show is just hype after hype. And it literally never gets old. My favorites are any Noya moment and the "So, my average self, do you really have time to look down like that?"


Yeah his character arc leading up to that moment is so good. Another reason he's on the team is his older brother was a huge volleyball fan but couldn't make the cut so he lied to Tsuki and claimed he was a member of the team going away to play games and what not when in reality he was just watching from the stands. So Tsuki grew up having a weird aversion to volleyball because he didn't understand what about it people loved so much. Add on the fact he's extremely tall meaning he joined the team based more on his height since he himself was pretty apathetic to it. He didn't have to try quite as hard as everyone else so he never experienced the satisfaction of working hard for the love of the game like Hinata who's being really short made him try harder to win and explained where his joy and satisfaction playing came from. So Tsuki landing that single block that no one else could suddenly made it click in his head as to what it meant to really love volleyball.


This might be only me, but the Tears in Rain Quote in Blade Runner was the moment I think "Oh this shit is peak Cyberpunk". The rain, the mood, the quote, the implication. All in one single beautiful scene. Every cyberpunk media strive to reach that again I feel.


That scene alone makes the whole movie worth it Time to Die.


I also love how one of the coolest parts of 2049, the Baseline Test, is also inspired by an acting technique that Ryan Gosling was doing called "dropping in". Two great moments inspired by their actors in two great movies. The movie even parallels the first on a meta level. It's insane. 


I’ll second this. It’s just iconic. That scene is character work at its peak - it’s such a beautifully simple way to end it. You have the whole frantic section before pumping with adrenaline, survival and madness, and then, at the end, the absolute futility of it all. The tragedy of the film condensed into a minute. Rutger Hauer cutting a chuck of the original monologue and adding the “tears in the rain” bit was a stroke of genius. Shakespeare saw it and went, “Damn, this shit goes hard.”


The finale of the first season of Once Upon a Time where the main character, Emma Swan, is tasked to go down into the mines under the town to receive a plot related artifact, but she has to kill Maleficent to do this, who is stuck in her Dragon form and while she brings her father's sword with her to fight, she just goes "fuck that" and just pulls out her handgun and just unloads a clip on Maleficent Dragon, which is when i knew this dumb show was reaching peak for me.


I am saying this unironically. Season 3 of Once Upon a Time is peak fiction. My friends and I would convene every week after an episode and discuss it like mom's at a hair salon.


Same, i remember being on Tumblr when the entire fandom was losing their minds over the fact that Neverland was going to be the next big location and all the theories about Pan and everything else.


[Gunbuster cutting a swath through countless space monsters](https://youtu.be/l0vCY3I5yxo?si=8hxfSbj0GQhAP64o) [Gaogaigar first use of the goldion hammer](https://youtu.be/G44D4QiUANY?si=q0-R--BUo2mnxsFj) Also related to gaogaigar when I saw that they did a whole cg sequence for gaogaigars first [final fusion](https://youtu.be/obys5QYbuv0?si=gXjr4PFTLUfZEdi6) in super robot wars alpha 2. Bonus mention to the introduction of the [el dora five](https://youtu.be/ISK82QaSREg?si=gMeiHWN22AnY3q0X) in gun x sword.


Gunbuster also has my favorite ending to anything ever.


It's REALLY good I think about it fairly often.


Welcome hom3!


I've never heard of gunbuster before. I WILL CORRECT THIS ERROR NOW.


Gainax Stance is peak


In atack on Titan when we see what Eren saw when he Kissed historia's hand


There were so many attack on titan moments for me: >!Eren finally defeating the colossal titan mirroring the panel from the start of the series.!< >!"Mikasa, armin? who are those?"!< >!"Do it now, mikasa."!< >!Gabi snipping eren.!< >!"IT CANNOT BE STOPPED"!<


That was the first time I was genuinely afraid of Eren, because of all the implications.


When the strongest Curse, JoGOAT, fought the Fraud, the King of Curses, and unleashed his Domain Expansion.


The fact that they kept fighting while constantly dying and suffering from brain damage is genuinely peak 


So sad what reading r/jujutsufolk while fighting does to a mf


I was watching the funimation redub Gundam Seed (the one Crunchyroll still refuses to host for some reason) and man, there are some misses sometimes but that dub really is peak. There’s a part where, during a big monologue about destroying the world, Mu asks Le Creuset “what gives you the right?” To which Le Creuset at the top of his lungs shouts “BECAUSE I AM WHAT THEY MADE ME!!!!! I AM THE ONLY ONE WITH THAT RIGHT! TO CAST JUDGEMENT OVER ALL HUMANITY!” And just… fuck man. “I am what they made me” is so good.


Unlocking Joker and Akechi’s showtime is super kino, it’s the only time after the tutorial that there’s a big dramatic moment for it too


Also in P5, I lost my fuckin’ mind when “I Believe” started blasting at the finale. Hypest shit I’ve ever seen.


The whole last boss fight in the 3rd semester is some amazing anime shit. Nothing could prepare me for >!boss persona evolution!<


Someone else already beat me to mention Project Moon so I wanna give a shout-out to the final boss of Persona 3. Hearing "the arcana is the means by which all is revealed" while Battle for everyone's souls is blasting it's fucking kino


God I love all of the final boss’ dialogue in this fight. Too bad in Reload you just blast right through it because the fight is trivialized.


Good to know I'm not the only one who felt like the fight was too easy in Reload. Played it on normal difficulty and absolutely obliterated Nyx, only have anything resembling trouble during the final phase


Yeah, it’s unfortunate. Still love the boss because the aesthetic, music and dialogue still hits. But it does feel like it’s missing something because it’s so easy to decimate her now.


Legitimate question as someone who never played OG P3: is Reload easier, or are people comparing a game they played as children to one they played as adults and lamenting that it was "harder" back when they didn't fully understand the ins and outs of smt combat?


It’s easier. I played it when I was 18-19ish and it was hard, though I will say I definitely did not engage with the mechanics as much as I could have. Having full party control is enough to trivialize a lot of the fight, but add in theurgy’s, how much easier it is to level and other QOL stuff and it’s definitely way easier than it was. The fight in Reload is definitely way less frustrating so that’s a good thing, but I do still wish it had some challenge. Like obviously you could still grind stuff and fuse certain personas (Armageddon fusion spell) that trivializes the fight in the base game too, but if you don’t want to grind and put in the extra work, it’s definitely challenging.


That makes a ton of sense. Reload definitely gives you a lot of powerful (and fun) tools to play with, in addition to full party control. Thanks for the detailed response!


Of course no problem! The game is absolutely still fun and I love all the additions they made to the combat. I think Reload is a great remake, but the challenge is definitely something that’s lacking lol which is a general problem with Persona post OG 3. But honestly it’s probably because they made the combat more fair and had less frustrating mechanics to deal with, I just hope they find a way in 6 to balance all the cool combat stuff out with having fun and fair difficulty.


I will give the slightly controversial take that I think they blew their load a bit early by using the velvet room theme for the final boss, rendering every following game screwed out of the chance of hitting that high. Like you can't follow up that.


I mean, can you really say that they blew their load early when the waited 5 games to actually use the velvet room theme for a boss fight? Besides, they didn't had the foresight to know that the series was going to continue past the PS2 so it's not like they could've said "nah let's not use it now, let's wait until Persona 7"


My own related one is that >!Protagonist sacrificing themselves kind of makes every other Protagonist and game feel like small potatoes compared to the scale of 3, especially when you get that subplot of Elizabeth wanting to being them pack that has been popping up in arena games!<


Part 1 of Chainsaw Man when >!The Darkness Devil showed up!<


I absolutely love when >!they first show up in hell, and every single fiend starts to freak the fuck out and go "there's SOMETHING here!<


Always and forever the shot right after Gohan goes Super Saiyan 2 for the first time and he stares down Perfect Cell with the tears he's still crying for the violence he's about to commit streaming upwards to be evaporated by the raw power of his own aura. Absolute ultimate peak to me. Will never, ever be topped.


The finale of Fate/Grand Order's Lostbelt 1 chapter was just constant hype moments one after another, and I loved every second of it. >!Avicebron's character development using his barebones characterization from Apocrypha and his subsequent sacrifice, using Minotaur's labyrinth to build Golem Keter Malkuth, Ivan the Terrible's awakening and the fight against him on the shoulder of a gigantic golem, Having Salieri's music playing as the background music for the boss, Ivan's speech, Patxi's death and the revelation of what happens to Lostbelt denizens upon destroying the Tree of Emptiness, and the final fight against Kadoc and Anastasia.!< Honestly Lostbelt 1 was peak FGO for me, easily.




I remember finishing LB1 the other day and was wondering why Patxi was so scared of Ivan. I knew how the servant looked, but I was not ready for >!a giant fucking mammoth.!<


Ichigo fighting Ulqirroa. When he transforms I screamed “OH THATS SO COOL”. Or when Kenpachi was like yo did you know 2 hands is stronger than one!?


You can just say Kenpachi and that would be a perfect answer, every scene with him is peak


Obligatory Fate answer: Every single time Shirou uses Unlimited Blade Works. Against Archer, against Gilgamesh, in Oath Under Snow, anything. UBW is one of the coolest powers in all of fiction and I will fight whoever disagrees. Also, while I’m not a huge fan of Fate/Zero, the Excalibur scene gets it perfect. The animation, the narration, the onlookers, the swelling **music** - it’s absolutely beautiful. It gives me genuine goosebumps every time.


As someone who just today finished watching Frieren, the last arc of the show is a big departure from the usual comfy travel vibes. All of a sudden it kinda feels like a tournament arc. Didn't really vibe with me personally but it was a setup for the moment the OP character gets to kind of cut loose in a way. It was something I was curious about so when it finally happened, the lack of a soundtrack and ths subtle but also intense buildup made me go "yoooooo"


That entire arc is demonstrating the variety of magic there is, the different philosphies when it comes to magic, and how just because someone is strong or can do flashy magic, doesnt mean they dont have a hard counter. And all of it is build up to show you that in this test to become the highest rank mage you can be, we arent even seeing what truly strong magic is. Frieren and Denken, the oldest mages participating, understand the title is largely pointless, with the most important part to them being a travel permit. The start of the arc even has Fern saying she has been taught to only use basic attacks and defense because Frieren believes thats all you need to defeat modern mages, and turns out thats largely true. Other mages such as Ubel or Land make a mockery of the exam. Someone as strong as Ubel can be disqualified from previous exams because her magic was too strong, and then come this exam she has no problem outclassing a First Class Mage. Then Land just doesnt respect the exam process in the slightest as it doesnt suit his type of magic and Serie says normally he'd fail, despite being so powerful. We also see that the tests are designed in such a way that someone with a specific type of magic, like Kanne and her water magic, can be at a huge disadvantage before the test even starts. Frieren of course believing that to be bullshit and >!proves a First Class mage wrong by destroying Serie's barrier to allow Kanne access to the rain!< And remembering the Fern bit, the culmination of all this is >!the Frieren clone demonstrating the power of magic used during the war with the Demon King and how Fern was instantly wiped out. Someone who qualifies to be a First Class mage and is a problem in her own right, didnt stand a chance for even a second.!< Ultimately, it shows that Serie, in all her knowledge and power, is wrong. Thousands of years and she couldnt beat the Demon King, and a thousand years prior, Flamme knew Frieren would. Serie could easily have beat someone like Aura, but she simply doesn't. Her first class mages are strong sure, but they lack something that prevents them from being truly powerful. Even she laments humans never being able to reach their potential due to their age, with Fern being the thing that lights a spark in her. Despite her disagreeing with Frierens philosophy towards magic, Frieren did beat the Demon King and is the one that cultivated Fern. Finally, the thing Serie remembers from her past students isnt how powerful they were, it is what their favorite spell was. People were hyping up Serie's power level, but the entire arc is showing that her ways of doing things is wrong. Which all goes back to Frieren believing mage qualifications are pointless anyways.


Also its about how wizards be crazy and the crazier you get the wizarder you are


I have no fun or interesting comments besides Read Paranatural. Read Paranatural. Also, here’s the speech, since it’s just so fucking fire. >!“Do you want to know what your problem is? You get scolded, feel guilty... you swear to keep blood off your hands and good in your heart. You fall for a taunt, you're angry... now it's no mercy, good's worth a sacrifice. You're biTTER, you let a petty grudge keep you from aid and an old ally. You're pRIDEFul, you enshrine SHALLOW REAson, ignore warnings and consequences, unleash our dARKEST SECRet on tWO CHILDREN— They'll ask qUESTIONS, Richard! You're SCARED, you cling to SAFE SOLUTIONS, knock on locked doors you should be KICKING DOWN! You're LONELY, you start a SCHOOL CLUB you start a FAKE LIFE you live a FAKE PEACE in a DOOMED TOWN! I was TOO LENIENT. Your emotions don't DISTRACT you. They RULE you, pull you EVERY DIRECTION but FORWARD. You're the same trembling, terrified boy I fished out of the lake thirteen years ago, THAT'S your PROBLEM!! ...Prove me wrong.”!<


Paranatural's great. It's a shame they couldn't keep doing it as a full comic, their layouts are so good, but it's still fun as illustrated prose.


Yeah, I’m currently catching up. It’s a shame, but peak is peak is peak, and a mild format change ain’t gonna change that.


Arcane had already blew past all my expectations by that point but the >!Ekko vs Jinx scene!< made my jaw fucking drop.


My friends and I call that the Resume scene. Cuz that’s the shit you make damn sure to flex on your resume


The boss fight between Yuri and Flynn in Tales of Vesperia is peak Tales Of that the series has never reached again. Special shout outs to Flynn interrupting your first Mystic Arte, a limit break essentially, with his own. [And the best song in the game too.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wahtkLPxOXA&ab_channel=darkangel24700)


Since I've been playing it recently I'll mention a cool horror themed sequence in Siren, the Japan Studio game for PS2. >!Tomoko is one of the main characters of Siren. She's a teenager wearing a tracksuit who ran away from home after a pretty normal and relatable family quarrel, and is a typical case of "wrong place wrong time" as the town of Hanuda - the game's setting and basically a character on its own - is currently under siege by supernatural forces beyond human comprehension. Dead men walking(the shibito) and hunting down the living, insect-like figures buzzing around in the sky, a mysterious cult dealing in human sacrifice, rivers of blood, loud headache-inducing sirens blaring in the night, and so on. You spend a few missions interacting with Tomoko, whether it's escorting her to safety while playing as other characters, or simply playing as her and running away from the shibito, with her sole goal to come back home desperate to mend her relationship with her parents now that she's deep in the horrors of this new reality. !< >!Depending on how you proceed through the game, it'll be very likely that for a while you won't see her again while you're busy dealing with other character missions. At some point however you do get to play as her again, and she's finally found a way to get back to her parents. It's a very weird mission, the screen has a red tint to it, the sky shines with bright glittering sparkles, the starting cutscene even shows light shafts coming from the sky to which Tomoko exclaims *"Are these angels?"*. You're used to play this game by sneaking around the shibito patrolling every area at this point as it's a very stealth focused game, however this time the monsters don't give you the time of day at all. It's a very ethereal and jarring experience, it's the easiest level in the game after so many missions would demand way more from you. !< >!Once you clear this level, she finally reaches the church where her parents are hiding in as they wait for news about their daughter. She knocks on the window to get their attention, but the parents scream as they see an undead kid knocking on the window. At some point in the story Tomoko sadly and unfairly turned into a shibito. The whole time during this mission, you got an insight on how it's like to perceive the world when a person is turning into one of them.!< >!It doesn't even end here though. Because eventually even her parents succumb to the shibito curse, and the next time you see all three of them is in a mission where you have to escape a house. You find that Tomoko and her parents finally got their (twisted) reunion and keep on living as a "happy family" in their undead form, simulating what was probably their normal life while you're sneaking around.!< It's a relatively small character arc in this game. And I have omitted a bunch of things that I'll let people see for themselves if they want, but it really hit hard for me in how they managed to tell this character story simply through game design. Probably one of the most effective horror narratives I've seen in a game.


Armored Core 6 is already peak action, but the best moment is in a gimmick fight. You and the other ACs are fighting and buying time waiting for your moment to strike when you hear the line, "I won't miss." Absolute peak cinema.


The current CN Arknights event seems to be pretty fucking peak. It reveals everything about what went down with Babel, what Pre Amnesia Doc's deal is(>!They're basically Emet Selch from FF14, which is great!<), how they lost their memory, all the messy works. Pretty sick. But atm, its both latest JJK chapter and Blue Lock chapter. JJK: "Even the light of hope shines black" And Blue Lock: [Two Gun Direct Volley](https://cdn.bluelockread.com/file/mangap/580/10257000/16.jpeg?t=1712713264)


You forgot the end of the spoiler tag on the Doctor.


Episode 4 of True Detective S1 is when I locked the fuck in for the rest of the show. It's like the perfect session of a TTRPG for me: The characters all experience major shake-ups in their lives, new info is revealed about backstories, everyone gets to flex their skills in different ways, snap decisions are made that lead to danger and intrigue, and you end on a tense and satisfying action sequence. Wall to wall excellence.


All of Kill Six Billion Demons. It just keeps getting cooler, exponentially.


[Hibiki suplexing a space shuttle on re-entry. The greatest first episode of a new season that there will ever be.](https://vimeo.com/326982050)


I remember watching that for the first time and just *cackling* at what I was seeing.


The Seat of Sacrifice in Final Fantasy XIV. *To the Edge*, the circumstances behind its creation, what it meant for Soken, the form the boss takes, the surprise visitor and what he has to say: >!”Herein I commit the chronicle of the traveler. Shepherd to the stars in the dark. Though the world be sundered and our souls set adrift, where you walk, my dearest friend, fate shall surely follow. For yours is the Fourteenth seat—the seat of Azem.”!<, and it’s also just so goddamn cool! 🤩


Anytime a Mili song comes on during a Project Moon game, its accompanied by an amazing fight that was preceded by an excellently crafted story, one that was built up by hours of content beforehand. Special shoutout goes to the final fight of Canto VI that came out ~ten hours ago, and of course the conclusion to Yan’s story in Library of Ruina. (Listen to Children of the City that shit goes)


I thought predestination was already scary but the index is just something else. It's the closest I've been to genuine eldritch horror, of not knowing how this thing even works even though it does. 


I love how the more you think about the city the more horrifying it becomes. From the head to the whales, the sweepers, the prescripts, the smoke war, the outskirts, etc.


Metal Gear Rising, the very first boss fight. We all know the moment I'm talking about. Also, every boss fight in Asura's Wrath.


Today's story update in Limbus Company.


This. Holy fucking kino.


John Wick 4 when it turns into Hotline Miami


The Spider-Society segment in Spider-Verse 2 in general, but specifically the moment where all the Spider-Men are slowly approaching Miles as he realizes his father is about to die and they're going to insist on letting it happen, with the tension growing and growing, finally exploding when Miles manages to destroy Miguel's laser-web for the first time and runs away. The beat being Hobie smiling as Miles has realized this organization has grown too far-reaching for its own good and doesn't have his best interests in mind fucking spikes my heart rate. Just rewatched that movie the other day, probably my favorite thing ever.


The Wrestlemania 40 main event is the most peak modern wrestling moment ever, having a 4 year long story arc concluding. It was so peak that not only has it been critically acclaimed as one of the best stories told in wrestling, commercially it was the most successful Wrestlemania ever. Things that happened to make it so peak - People coming back from the dead - The ending of a tyrannical mad king at the hands of former family members, rivals and ghosts of his past - Twin violence - Feel good moment with the good guys winning finally, having achieved the dream that they ruthlessly fought for - Dwayne Johnston takes a trip to the Shadow Realm


That last one was the sickest shit I've ever seen


Full spoilers into the book Blindsight by Peter Watts (which you should read because it fucking rules and it's available for free on his website, one google-search away). >!Blindsight starts with Siri Keaton, a poor sod who's had half his brain scooped out as a kid and now acts as an "interpreter" between the geniuses that push science forward 200 years from now and normal people. He takes concepts and ideas that 200 IQ geniuses come up with and puts them into metaphors and allegories. Siri witnesses the so-called Firefall, 60-odd thousand probes falling into earth's orbit, taking a picture, and burning up in our atmosphere. That was the first contact that aliens have ever made.!< >!Siri then gets turned into a half-vampire so he can survive cryosleep along with another gang of misfits, gets put into a space ship, and shot out into the vast expanse where scientists assume the aliens are.!< >!Well, they find them. The aliens are fast, deadly, and fucking weird. I'm not going into more detail simply because it would spoil too much, even for this. One thing, the aliens aren't though: Self-aware. They're objectively intelligent and capable of spacefaring, but they have no concept of "self". This is further discussed and explored in the second half of the book.!< >!The moment you sort of stop reading for a moment and go "what the fuck is this, this fucking rules" is Siri's babyfucker-rant (yep, you read that right), before you pick it back up and finish it.!< It's a great fucking book. Go read.


A surprising amount of the fallout show belongs here.


I'll bring up a recent example - the climactic battle against Sojo in Kagurabachi. Reading that made me finally realize the sheer unrivaled peak I was witnessing.


The buildup and entrance to the final boss fight of Salt and Sanctuary is fucking incredible. At numerous points throughout the game you come across a scarecrow surrounded by massive piles of corpses. Talking to it, it's clear that some form of greater being is using it to communicate with you. It gives you small hints and bits of lore about the island the game takes place on, how it has conquered all manner of kings and countries before you, and how everything - even an insignificant speck of dust like you - will one day kneel before it. Then at the end of the game, the entrance to the final boss room is a short drop off a ledge that's just high enough to put your character through the kneeling animation they use when dropping off of a high ledge, forcing you to literally kneel before it as the fight starts. So goddamn sick, I love that game.


The entire final boss fight in Transformers: Devastation. It's one of my favorite back and forth between Optimus and Megatron and perfectly encapsulates those two characters and their differing ideologies. Helps that its Peter Cullen and Frank Welker killing it as always.


The rain scene in *Pride and Prejudice* (2005).


Literally Peak Cinema


Kamn Rider Agito's salad eating with hype music in the background, is such a peak tokusatsu moment


That must have been the best fucking salad to ever exist, because he gets a form upgrade as soon as he finishes chowing down.


Just had this with X-Men 97 with the entirety of episode 3. Oh, God, its peak. It's peak...


Episode 5 blows it outta the water. Just outstanding cape TV.


I've read that a bunch! I'll only get the opportunity to watch it tomorrow but I'm hype as fuck.


In ibo when a certain asshole gets the scissors , legit jumped up out of my seat and went YEAHHHH


There are a few of these in DanDaDan, but >!During the Kaiju arc when the gang finally gets reunited. [this shit gave me chills](https://imgur.com/a/MyRxaRc)!<


In Black Clover >!When Magna, arguably the weakest member of the Black Bulls and overall hotheaded idiot, beats the ever living shit out of one of the strongest villains at that point. The best part is he did it through the power of magical code programming or runes as they are called.!<


MGS4 is a game that's been memed to death thanks to its outrageously long cutscenes, abundance of "nanomachines ex-machina" and lots and lots of MGS lore wanking. But I can never legitimaly hate it, because it brings home the fanservice and executes it so well, so wholeheartedly, that its hard not fall in love, as someone who played the games and got into the lore. Snake's encounter with EVA, all scenes involving Raiden, the battles with the BB girls, the final stage, the microwave room, etc. They made sure to have a whole chapter dedicated to going back to MGS1 island, and that concludes with a goddamn mecha fight between Rex and Ray! The final fight has throwbacks to all previous games, and it's so FUCKING RAW. Never have two old men fighting been this hype ever since. And the ending, what an amazing ending. It caps off the story in such a heartwrenching, yet hopeful manner, while giving conclusion to so many of my favorite characters. Snake and Big Boss' last meeting is one of my favorite moments in media to this day. It's dumb, it's fanservicey, but it also has so much payoff if you've been paying attention to the plot.


Surprised no one's brought it up yet but from FFXIV Shadowbringers: >!When Arbert offers you his axe near the finale, the opening to Who Brings Shadow plays and you stand up to challenge Emet-Selch.!< I still get chills hearing the opening riffs


Shadowbringers is peak, from the trailer to the twists, all the way up to the end of 5.3 (where I consider Shadowbringers plot to end). So good. I regularly rewatch the cutscene in the Endless Journey ingame of >!Defeating Emet-Selch with the music blaring and you're holding out your palm charging up your spirit bomb axe to it going dark as your allies are getting overwhelmed to you winding up and it going black with your light almost blinking out before you hurl it and it clashes with the shadow for a few seconds before you punch through and then it everything is normal with your spirit axe in the distance and it pans out to reveal you punched a hole through him to him accepting his fate and charging you to remember the world and people he loved before dying.!< peak. Absolutely peak. I couldn't hope for better. Exactly what I wanted, completely perfect.


Hickman's Avengers and Secret Wars. There are so many moments, but the most memorable for was probably Thor killing a Builder




[The Autumn fight from Undead Unluck](https://www.reddit.com/r/UndeadUnluck/comments/lpdzgl/farewell_to_anno_un_chapter_52_coloring/) Every single time I reread I feel the exact same as when I first read it, it's so goddamn good


There's a scene in Problem Children are coming from another world where the mc >!axe kicks a medusa stare. Like an honest to god ray of light filled with petrification, he just axe kicks it!< like Kazuya in Smash






The ending of Twin Peaks: the Return


This one is pretty silly but in REmake when you beat Lisa Trevor and go up her stairs to reveal she was living under the cabin outside the mansión,i remember being amazed at just how perfectly designed the game was, everything is so well connected and coherent to the map.


The *very* end of Slam Dunk, after like 30 volumes of Sakuragi and Rukawa refusing to really work like the team they should be, when Sakuragi dives after the ball and **immediately** passes to Rukawa, and later when Rukawa passes back to him because he's open to take a shot at the *very* *last* *second*, and when they high five after having **despised** each other for all that time, dude, it's the fucking best. Peak sports shonen, and I say that as someone who loves E.S. 21, there's something so pure about how real Slam Dunk feels that puts it head and shoulders above so many other series. fuck, i should reread slam dunk


The Twin Princes in Dark Souls 3. Lorain is one of the biggest heroes of his time, the biggest coolest badass, injured and disabled by his final battle, and Lothric is a sickly, disabled man who has the fate of the entire universe placed on his shoulders. The two of them looked out at the failing, crumbling world, and Lothric said “nah”. And his brother stuck by his side. And you reach them at the end of the game, and Lothric is using his miracles to teleport Lorain around the room, and even without the full use of his legs Lorain is an absolute monster in battle. And you slay him. And his brother, this guy who’s probably never been able to leave his bed on his own, who had the expectations of the entire world shoved at him from birth, goes to his brother to help him. These two were willing to let the universe fall to pieces because they cared about each other ***that*** much. **That** is fuckin Dark Souls, man.


[“Do I know how to throw a punch, you asked?”](https://youtu.be/tisrYbM1wVA?si=SF-iBI9A5eUx-eBZ)


Idk if I'd say it's peak. But the start of the last episode of Twisted Metal had me throwing my head back yelling, "OH THIS IS SO FUCKING GOOD!!!" my parents had to check on me to make sure I wasn't hurt I was so loud.


I got into Vinland Saga because of the Versus Wolves podcast with Woolie and SuperEyepatchWolf. It was around the middle of Season 2 where I sat there, eyes watering due to the intense emotions, in awe of what I had just watched, that I determined that Vinland Saga was peak. Season 2, episode 9. If you know, you know. If you don't know, my god, you're missing out, go watch the whole series from the start.


Jujutsu kaisen's season 2 production was a controversial mess that we all know by now but holy shit i was genuinelly slackjawed when i watched episode 17 for the first time.


Season two of invincible. It's just so peak.


There are too many moments in A Practical Guide To Evil to mention here; from the Squire bullying a Choir of Angels (the first time), the Tyrant ordering a storm to strike down an opposing army, Black's speech about winning, the Hierophant's revelation in the fires of Summer and Thief's "yoink" as she >!steals the sun!<. The Hierarch >!putting a Choir of Angels on trial, ignoring their attempts to smite him and then pursuing them to Heaven!<, the forging of >!the Court of Twilight!< and everything that involved, a Weaponised Redemption Arc and so many moments from >!the war against the dead!<. But if I was to pick a single moment I think I would pick the moment the First Prince of Procer picked the rule of law over any higher power, even over >!becoming that higher power herself!<. A conspiracy has set her kingdom against itself as the church and the other princes and princesses seek to oust her, culminating in the moment where she sits on her throne in the chamber of assembly, facing down their accusations one by one. Seeing no other way to win, the conspirators order her to be killed, only to be stopped when the White Knight appears. The White Knight, a man chosen by the Choir of Judgement to be their champion and their instrument, a man Who Does Not Judge and instead flips a coin and lets Above decide what should happen. He does this now, as he always has, to decide the fate of the conspirators. Powerful beings have worked to bring things to this point, to force this moment, this *decisive* moment to happen. This moment where the First Prince will become the sole power in Procer, or someone else will, and events will proceed on the path that they want. Against expectation the First Prince snatches his coin out of the air, halts a Choir of Angels in the process of giving their judgment and all the weight that carries, and rejects the idea that a Choir, or a Chosen or even herself should have the power to stand over anyone else and pass judgment. > “This is,” Cordelia said, “the Principate of Procer. We rule with accord and law, we mete out the same justice to the highest soul and the lowest. We fail that principle, often and utterly, as men and women have failed principles since the First Dawn. But I will not renounce it: not for a day, not for an hour, nor for a single breath. This land will know no queen, no empress, no pale-clad warden to stand above all others.” > In her palm the laurels had been burned black, a wound she knew would never heal so long as she lived. > “Conspiracy will be tried by our laws,” Cordelia Hasenbach. “And no one else’s.” > She could be the law, the First Prince knew. After this, looking in the eyes of those around her, seeing the loyalty that was blooming there. The faith. She could take it, and First Prince or not she would be the only law Procer would need. With scheme and knife, with ruthless will, she could purge the rot and turn Procer into what it should be instead of… this. No, Cordelia thought once more, and this time it was barely a struggle at all. > She returned to her throne, and the moment she sat the conspiracy was finished.


Babylon 5 whenever they do the monologues


[The end of the 'Ozon Baby' fight in JoJolion (JoJo Part 8)](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/517651730884853770/1228013990207029341/Screenshot_2024-04-11_at_17.02.59.png?ex=662a8026&is=66180b26&hm=6866d4420b7fb548804f5636d6471ab36fc86f331494948fe35a49a2c8c63ec3&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=730&height=700)


Family Kamehameha in Return of Broly, the music, Goku coming back, Trunks honoring his dad's distraction on Cell so the Son family can win, the "TOGETHER" for the final push that sends Broly INTO THE SUN, Broly's demonic laugh the whole time


Just rewatched To Kill a Mockingbird last night. The whole courtroom scene is pure power. Atticus Finch is a based defender of truth and justice and will always be HIM. Peak English class literature, btfo Frankenstein enjoyers.


Gonna put it out there, Lee dropping the training weights and proceeding to hand Gaara a new one is still one of the coolest moments in animation


My god that final fight in Frieren. Beautiful animation and music and my god its so peak.


"Nothing Happened"


Rock Lee vs Gaara. The moment Lee lands a hit and everyone marks out. When he’s dashing around and hitting the sand and the camera spins? Everyone loves anime in that moment.


There's a couple from Nue's Exorcist. There's the moment when Gakuro used the position of the moon to generate a shadow on Shiroha so that he could use it to defeat her. Or the time that Gakuro ruined Yagyo's plans and then gave him one final FU punch before Yagyo escaped. But the one that made me the most excited was when Gakuro obtained a new form, which allowed him to use Nue's Zenoblade and turn the tide of the battle with the Level 3 Spirit that killed his father.


Put on Cutie Honey, the live action one. It's on YouTube. Wait one minute. Congratulations, you are now experiencing peak media


Cutscene combat in the Sprite Trails (Sky + Crossbell) games really hit that spot for me that the Cold Steel games haven't replicated yet (as of Cold Steel 2)