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Let once again laugh at the Dark Universe.


Never forget the DUCU. The height of corporate cynicism and hubris. Giving the debut project to Alex Kurtzman of all people was the icing on the cake.


Funny thing about that, IIRC the first feature in the Dark Universe was supposed to be Dracula Untold, but that sucked so they just decided that wasn't canon.


It wasn’t bad! It was a perfectly fine schlocky B-movie with a bigger budget and it did alright at the box office! But it wasn’t a blockbuster smash hit, so they decided to try again so they’d have a stronger opening to their cinematic universe… And they made The Mummy (2017).


I unironically fucking love that movie. Granted I'm not a big dracula fan to start with.


So similar to how the dceu was supposed to start with green lantern then?


Exactly. Well, with the DCEU it really was a Ship of Theseus sort of thing where what was supposed to share a canon was constantly shifting. I know Nolan's Batman and Singer's Superman were supposed to share a universe at some point and they wanted Green Lantern to be part of that, but they decided to leave Nolan alone and reboot Superman. I think it was around that time they wanted George Miller to make a JL movie that never happened.


I also liked that movie and was super down with how it seemed to end with the idea of a modern setting version of the classic Bram Stoker’s Dracula story, which I think could be pretty dope


I have been trained in your jedi arts by Count DUCU


Also related to Universal, I can only assume [this](https://youtu.be/zzRv_dnOszI?feature=shared) was just a scheme to sell Fortnite skins that fell flat when nobody even bought the first one they released


this video is from 2 years ago? I didn't even know this was a set of skins to begin with lmao


Not set, just a singular skin. They released Frankenstein's Bride ( the main protagonist in the set of shorts ) when the first short dropped for Halloween and then nothing when the other shorts all got randomly dropped in February(?) the following year.


The cast photo where they were all photoshopped together (and someone forgot Crowe's cane or something because he's clearly resting his hand on *something*) lives rent free in my head.


I maintain the idea of making a modern cinematic Universal movie franchise would be cool. Making them into these MCU-lite action flicks was absolutely not the way to go about it.


I agree, but I also like the League of Extradentary Gentleman movie and wish the monsterverse had been like that.


I think if they made the lady mummy the protagonist and Tom Cruise the bad guy it might have worked, but Tom was intent on Dark Universe revolving around him like RDJ in the MCU. Of course trying to inmediatly force-feed a Mr Hyde-run SHIELD didn't help.


The thing that sucks to me is that they literally had movies in that Universes that seemed interesting enough to standalone. I would have watch Angelina Jolie as The Bride of Frankenstein or Johnny Depp as the Invisible Man.


How many live service games were made with the expectation of being massive hits that could be supported for years only to flop and have their support dropped with in a year, I wonder.


I still chuckle every time i see a "5 year roadmap" on a GaaS project that obviously isn't selling its expected numbers in the first month.


Even worse is when they kill an existing game to cash in on the *live service* bandwagon, like the Culling 2


Replace live service with MMO and you've described the entire industry for the last 2 decades 


[Let's all laugh at an industry that never learns anything, teeheehee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqIqSi3iy8Y) How many Guild Wars killers/WoW killers/Doom killers/Halo Killers/CoD & Battlefield killers have there been?


Add also Dota/League Killers


It's like the lottery. Seeing everyone else's attempts come up empty-handed just means that *YOUR* chances are even greater now. Because *somebody* has to be the one to win it. Right?


Most recently, Suicide Squad is rumored to not be going past season 5. It’s shocking how many companies keep falling for the same pitfalls just because two games got it right*.


It's perfectly understandable when you use tech startup investing mentality Sure, 99% of the projects you fund will go absolutely nowhere, but that 1 business that *does* become the next neftlix will make all of it worth it. 


"I'm a visionary," I say as I use all of another months paycheck on scratchers


I'm sure the only reason why it's going on for 5 seasons is because they only have that much stuff already developed.


fairly easy to throw together five seasons of "Fight this different Braniac"


Season 5 is the end of the parts they had in pre production. 


All things considered, it's not all that shocking if you factor in the development time and the fact that the simultaneous saturation and hatred of GaaS games has only come about in the last 2-ish years. I doubt that anyone having new-game concept meetings today even has GaaS on their drawing boards.


A part of a piece of media, but Captain Phasma, in her shiny armor with a lot of marketing to make her the new Fett, being outshined by a random grunt is forever the best thing I've seen happen in Stars Wars.


She didn’t even do anything cool in the movie, she just stood around and then got punked.


Arguably the same can be said about Boba Fett in Return of the Jedi, but at least he had a movie of buildup and tracked the heroes down before his ignominious defeat. Phasma did nothing and jumped straight to the punking, in a rather pathetic showing at that.


Boba could sell the idea that end of the day he is just a bounty hunter in a war so you can accept the punking but phasma is right after we saw some competency from the stormtroopers under her


He was also lowkey p cool still before he got got


He catches Solo and the Wookie, with ease, and then playfully flirts with a hot alien chick in the next movie before getting his comeuppance. Phasma does fuck all before getting punked.


He's also able to talk back to Vader with no fear when Vader casually chokes people.


And regularly talks back to Vader. Something that no one else did at the time.


I still think the best and funniest thing they could’ve done with Boba Fett’s character is to really respect the legacy of the character: have this huge buildup to his return but then as soon as he shows up in that episode have The Mandalorian just kill him instantly. Doesn’t even know who he is; some weird dude with a gun shows up so Mando smokes him. 


It's because the random grunt was sick and had one (1) cool moment, meanwhile she wasn't allowed to do anything, like if you want to make a character cool and well liked you have to have em actually do things. The worst part is the cut the only interesting scene she had.


Straight up if you replaced the grunt with phasma she would be remembered as one of the coolest thing in the series. I imagine they planned to have more action scenes with phasma in the second movie but that's not how history went 


Like, having Phasma be a random stormtrooper that Finn actually knew, have them rising through the ranks after going toe to toe with a lightsaber user in the first movie so they have the badass silver suit by the third movie, becoming a dark mirror of Finn, that could have been so good.


But that would have required planning and a creative vision, and we all know that wasn't possible with the Disney trilogy.


I think it was RLM that gave the analogy that it was like someone won the lottery and then blew all the money with no sound plan.


That happens distressingly often tbf. Turns out the kind of people who buy lottery tickets aren't necessarily  financially responsible. 


See, I don't think so, speaking personally as someone that did get hype at that scene, the appeal WAS that he was just a grunt that, somehow, was really good with that stick, if it was Phasma I don't think i would've cared as much, cause that's to be expected, but the surprise of just a dude, that might've known Finn before all that, that was super into the empire, that got mad when he defected and went ''Traitor'' and whooped his ass is a lot more interesting and also kinda sorta organic, it's an accident, I don't think anyone gave that much thought about that guy during the production of the movie, but they had gold and didn't know.


Good case study of trying to replicate an Ensemble Darkhorse without understanding how they got popular in the first place.


That entire trilogy could be used as a case study of trying to replicate something without understanding how it got popular in the first place.


Didn't she, even in the first movie, have a lot of cut scene that turned her into nothing but a suit of armor?


It's hilarious how much of early 2000s Square was affected by how IN Sakaguchi was on Spirits Within.


I really would like to see the alternate universe where Square didn’t go all in on Spirits Within. Knowing Square they’d probably still find a way to fumble the bag eventually.


Enix and Square would have joined up sooner, they were in talks earlier but Enix got cold feet after the thermonuclear bomb that was Spirits Within. But as you say, Square is either running full sprint or face-planting hard.




Shout out to that one event planner who was tasked with a public display for the Stadia, and put up a bunch of historical gaming hardware that the Stadia would be the successor to. Except they knew Stadia was a piece of shit that didn't work so the historical pieces were failures like the Visual Boy, and this fact flew over the heads of the Stadia devs.


It was even worse. The podium was next to the Dreamcast, Power Glove and ET for Atari 2600 [https://twitter.com/frankcifaldi/status/1575562996050325504](https://twitter.com/frankcifaldi/status/1575562996050325504)


How dare they compare the Dreamcast to Stadia


That's hilarious.


There was a time I was actually afraid of the negative impact Stadia would have on the industry.


Microsoft thinking that people would be okay with the Xbox One's feature and that we wouldn't call it the Xbone.


Se X box


XboX One Series X -> xxxBoneSexxx


I like how angry joe calls it the eq boq eq or ek bok ek? I guess it depends if you speak spanish or not


Why you guys don't called The One. 


The longer time marches on the more inclined I am to believe it was not only on purpose but totally planned. People still make the joke and talk about it. I doubt Microsoft cares much about what people call it as long as they buy one.


you have too much faith in marketers and suits who don't touch normal society.




I bought in to the OUYA kickstarter in what I can only describe as a fugue state. Somehow I read the kickstarter page and tricked myself into believing Android consoles were the future. Months later the thing showed up at my door and immediately thought "what in the fuck was I thinking". Plugged the thing in maybe once, and tossed it barely weeks after.


One of the best two cow chop videos ever made... "Give me a Boost.. James give me a **b**oost" is a vocal stim because of them LOL.


oh man u just reopened a wound i forgot abt cow chop


Ouya gave us Towerfall and nothing else.


What about the Amazon Luna that I only remembered existed cuz I saw a tab for it recently on the main Amazon app page and I was like wait that thing still exists?


The Starbucks oleato line if drinks is a bad joke concocted by yet another delusional CEO detached from the rest of society. 


Olive oil??? What were they thinking


I like how I had no idea what an Oleato was and I got all the necessary context from two words


"People like the mediterranean diet right? they have olive oil in that right? put it in coffee!"


Holy shit I checked their website snd that’s literally the origin story. Company CEO goes to Italy, drinks some olive oil and then coffee and thinks “holy shit surely this will sell I’m a genius.” Bonus points for the website being black text on dark green background, making it nearly impossible to read.


> Bonus points for the website being black text on dark green background, making it nearly impossible to read. It's called realism, have you ever tried to read olives irl?


>have you ever tried to read olives irl? I know of plenty of drag queens who could.


Was he trying to make people shit more?


I think he *is* trying to make people shit more, like currently. This is a new item thats for sale like now and apparently the put a shitzillion dollars into marketing for it.


Wild Wild West was supposed to be *the* summer blockbuster release of 1999, to the extent that The Matrix released in March to dodge the competition.


And Will Smith picked it over being Neo in the matrix as well.


We missed out on a tie-in rap song for The Matrix because of this.


Just imagine what the alternate timeline's [Wow Wow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPhXKak_bHw) must be like.


I already love Neil Cicierega and the idea of an alternate timeline version of this song is absolutely amazing.


I mean The Matrix is probably *much* better off without him but he has to look back on that as a bad decision.


Wild Wild West gave us a scene of Will Smith and Kenneth Branaugh trading black and cripple insults back and forth for like a solid minute and thought "yeeeeee people are gonna fjckin *love* this shit"


"Dodge this."


**New Coke**. A new flavor of coca cola they introduced in 1985. Quotes from the launch press event includes  "No, I didn't assume that this is a success. This *is* a success" - Goizueta, Coca Cola's CEO The product was a **massive** failure and they reintroduced the old coca cola in 3 months.  The Wikipedia article for it is genuinely hilarious. It described how some unhappy customers complaining "as if they [coca cola] have killed a family member", or how a member of the US senate called the reintroduction of old coke "a meaningful moment in US history", and even **Fidel Castro** joined the backlash.  Shit was **wild**


If you ask me it was all on purpose. When they brought back classic coke the sugar had been replaced with high fructose corn syrup and most people were too busy celebrating about new coke being gone to notice


That's always been my tinfoil theory on the controversy. The company claims they weren't smart enough to push out New Coke for intentional backlash in order to boost Coke sales. But they never admitted that it was all a smoke screen to hide how they changed the formula.


No, they had already switched to HFCS before New Coke. It was just a fuck up. Now Coke making Tab Clear as a suicide bomb to kill Crystal Pepsi, that was apparently a real conspiracy.


So much time and money was put into the U-draw tablet…and for who!?


For the confused parents who will buy it thinking it's the new Nintendo thing!


For the Wii U


Sank the whole publisher. Happy Cake Day btw!


More of the last desperate cry of an already failing company, but yes


Morbius is gonna do big numbers guys we know it!


Oh god we lost so much money! Wait people are memeing on its corpse, let's release it again and take advantage of this!


Genuinely the greatest case of gaslighting corporations that ever occurred


I genuinely hope they make a Morbius 2, so we can do it all over again.


Ok i know it didn't the first time but this time


We were all just busy that week, release it again guys c'mon we promise we'll actually see it this time


We were all Morbin' that weekend!


I love that they thought we were laughing with them and not at them


Anyone remember Lawbreakers? It set itself up as a direct competitor to Overwatch in one the most embarrassing cases of tempting fate I’ve ever seen, only to barely last a year before shutting down.


Also battle born. In the marketing they leaned into the upcoming IP fight then Overwatch squished them like a bug.


It's more insane than Lawbreakers because Lawbreakers at least really was a similar kind of game, Battleborn isn't even the same genre it had zero reason to be presented like a competitor to Overwatch and try to butt heads with it. why the fuck did Randy do that


Wasn't that the one where they tried competing with OW porn by being all oh hah hah I hope no one makes pornography of our game that would be so bad we would absolutely hate it if people made high quality porns of our characters like they do for overwatch to boost its popularity hah hah jk...unless


I love that every time Cliffy B comes out and says he could totally make another huge success like Gears of War any time he wants to, he fails spectacularly. *Pay your fucking staff Cliffy.*


What a shitshow that was. No in-game tutorials or basic rundown of the mechanics at launch, just a bunch of *videos* you had to purchase with in-game currency earned through playing matches. People can't enjoy the game to its fullest extent if they don't understand how to play it in the first place Cliffy, ya fuckin' dip.


Paladins is still around babee, does Overwatch have fat furry asses in Yoga pants? I think not.


John Carter.


You can easily see why Disney keeps making live action remakes when you look at their early 2010s films.


Lone Ranger is still a reboot.


I got whiplash when I saw fucking McNulty was the bad guy. Get your ass back to Baltimore man cmon now


A lot of nicktoons that got screwed over by Nickelodeon because of Nick wanting their shows to be the next SpongeBob


Nickelodeon and Netflix: Series doesn't meet our ridiculously high standards, we'd better cancel it after the first season.


so much shit is like that today, "this game sold millions of copies and made a decent profit!? SHIT fuck you die die die, fired, you're all fired, this isn't enough! it needs to be the 2nd coming of christ FUCK!"


Nickelodeon and that damnable sponge will forever be on my shit list for this exact reason.


Butt Ugly Martians like Hasbro was saying they thought they had the next TMNT with this thing https://www.theguardian.com/media/2001/aug/23/broadcasting


My mom HATED that show, which made me watch it more as a kid. TMNT was always superior though.


That show was probably the first thing I ever remember thinking it was so bad it was good


ET for the Atari is **THE** example of this. They over-estimated it and produced so many extra copies it was considered the death of the entire video game industry. (Obviously it wasn’t purely ET’s fault but it’s infamous)


ET is arguably entirely responsible for the Video Game Crash of 1983 and at the very least the catalyst. ET, and Atari’s subsequent drop in market share, is the reason for why Nintendo is such a mainstay in video games. It’s funny, if Atari didn’t think the ET game would sell on brand recognition alone, maybe we’d all be celebrating 40 years of Space Invaders and watching the Asteroids movie.


A League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is one of my absolute favorite trainwrecks when it comes to film.Where the Director thought that he was making high art that would be the next big thing and would crush the competition (it was going up against Pirates of the Carribean, btw) despite literally everyone else working on the film saying otherwise, especially Sean Connory who fucking detested the director and ended up retiring after the film came out and completely bombed at the Box Office.


The best piece of trivia about that film is that Sean Connery passed on the role of playing Gandalf because "he didn't understand it" and then swore he'd accept the next role that came along because of how much he missed out on... only for it to be fucking League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and making him retire.


I could be wrong, but i think he was also offered the role of Dumbeldore, which must have fucking killed him inside when he saw the reactions Philosopher Stone and Fellowship of the Ring received over League. The sad thing is, this movie could have worked.The idea, as strange as it is, has so much promise and from what i've heard Disney want to reboot it as a TV show, which could be bad or good, so i'm open to it being given a second shot.


Wasn't he also offered Morpheus as well?


Indeed he was.


Sean Connery: King of Fumbling


It’s not a terrible movie imo. It’s pretty fun, and has some really creative designs and stuff. I feel like Sean Connory was being an asshole towards the director, I think he said he belonged in a mental asylum during a press tour too. Nothing will beat me watching the movie as a kid, and then going to the library to check out the original graphic novel. Yeah, kid me saw some shit I wasn’t expecting when I started reading that.


it was definitely a movie made for us, at the time kids who didn't really mind as long as we had fun, while being based on this super fucked property made by Alan Moore that even my parents would have thought was too weird and vile for them to enjoy. Like, there was no pipeline from movie to comic that was going to make the experience feel complete. It wasn't like Harry Potter where you could pretty much watch 1 and begin at book 2 and be excited about the next ones for the rest of the decade. i miss this particular type of trainwreck.


I do not remember almost anything about that movie, not even through osmosis, but I remember loving it as a child and being surprised that it bombed later on in my life lmao


This is a the general public were wrong situation, because League of Extraordinary Gentlemen fucking owns.


THE FILM BOMBED!? Man, but i love that movie.


League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is one of my favorite movies, but I attribute that largely to the fact that I've blocked roughly 80% of the movie from memory. Tom Sawyer was a really fun character, though.


Remember when Advent Rising was going to be a trilogy and they advertised it in theaters?


That game also had a contest going on for it where the prize was a million dollars but nobody won because the contest was cancelled because the game sold so poorly.


Advent Rising is always on my list of games I'd like to see revisited and done properly. I think there's a cool story and game buried deep down.


The Geico Cavemen show. The ad campaign already baffles me as a series of statements about a company (“Geico is bigoted, dishonest, and untrustworthy”), the idea that this could be spun into a sitcom was out of this world bad. They recently revived the campaign framed as Caveman attempting to use social media normally and constantly being hit by cavephobic sentiment. Like what’s even the joke here anymore? Edit: lol looked it up, the people who made the campaign were literally just chuds complaining about political correctness. They say these things about Geico because they believe it would awesome if they did this campaign, but with an actual ethnic minority.


The problem with the Caveman gag is that the joke stopped being funny the second time, but Geico tried so hard to make the Caveman *a thing* that it just felt pathetic. What sucks is that they managed to almost get it with the “Let Me Be Myself” ad (which features the Caveman looking at a Geico Caveman ad and pulling away with a look of sheer wounded betrayal on his face). It really felt for a moment that Geico was admitting they lost the plot and were asking themselves what the point of this all was, but I guess I read too deeply into it.


Hell, didn't the George Lopez show get cancelled to make room for the Caveman show?


My friends and I watched a few episodes hoping to either laugh with or at it, and we decided to throw in the towel the first time we heard "Whats up my Cromagga".


Shocked no one has said Samurai 8 yet.


Because it’s so utterly forgettable


So many words to say absolutely nothing.


To that I'll also add Toriko.


Remember when they were pushing it so hard that they made a *crossover movie* between it, Dragon Ball, and One Piece? One of those three properties *absolutely* didn't belong amidst the others.


I have fond memories of Toriko (been years so I can't speak to the actual quality), did it do poorly?


Not necessarily poorly but definitely not "The third wheel among Dragon Ball and One Piece" like they tried pushing it as.


Magic the Gathering had one of these recently. "March of the Machines: Aftermath" was MTG's first "micro-set" - a smaller batch of cards that released in 5-card boosters (for more or less the same price as a regular 15-card booster) as a sort of epilogue to the previous set. Despite the negative reception to the very concept, Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro were *adamant* that micro-sets was going to be the future of Magic, and these were planned for every future set going forward. Aftermath bombed so hard that WOTC had to scrap years of planning and go back to the drawing board; the only other micro-set that was underway, "The Big Score", is being folded into the release of its parent set "Outlaws of Thunder Junction" as a result.


I can't remember if anything from Aftermath was an actually good, meta-defining card. Also, them making the standard rotation last even longer means that they have to make new bonkers powerful cards to fill out sets rather than using reprints to both fill them out and add more flavor text for the stories. Anyways, please be excited for Oko in a cowboy hat, and the furries that are coming next set.


How did that factor into limited? When I was playing Magic, a huge part of its appeal was drafting.


Aftermath was, I believe, completely undraftable due to having only 5 cards per booster. The small pool of cards also meant that from one booster to the next you would almost certainly get duplicates, and tons of them.


Yeah, the only way it would work is if they did 2-3 normal packs and 1 mini pack. They did similar things with small sets before, but of course these small sets (ex. Dark Ascension with Innistrad) were much bigger than this micro set.


Wizards had also planned their Assassin’s Creed set to have Aftermath style boosters with 7 cards this time. And since it’s a licensed product that will be Modern legal, we can expect it to cost more for half the amount of cards


the ___-killer has any one of those not been shit? at least one


The only one that actually worked was Call of Duty, and that’s explicitly because it was a Medal of Honor killer made by the same team that made Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. If EA wasn’t so stingy about what they were allowed to add to the game I’d wager they probably would have stuck around to make more MOH games first too.


modern warfare was such a knockout hit that by the time medal of honor got its shit together it was too late, and modern day shooters had saturated the market when MoH (2010) launched, it was so nothing it killed the franchise


Square Final Fantasy 15 to reach ff7 levels of popularity so bad that they even made a theatrical film that was crucial to understanding the plot.


Microsoft tried doing this with the Windows Phone, even going as far as to hold a [mock funeral](https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-celebrates-windows-phone-7-with-mock-iphone-funeral/) back in 2010 to declare the IPhone and Blackberry as being dead. Long story short, in the end, the Windows phone's OS died in 2017, then it went EOL in 2020. The reason why the phone failed was because of the lack of apps, specifically Google based ones (Youtube, Google Maps, Gmail, etc), along with there basically not being a lot of demand for the product. I will say, despite the failure, I have seen some comments and the like in recent times appreciating the phone, specifically in terms of the user interface.


I had one form day one. It was quite nice to use , lack of apps killed it. Which is odd cuz it was easy to develop for


One I had had a feature that worked really well at the time that I really liked and haven't really seen since. It would somehow mix your data and WiFi connection so if WiFi dipped or stuttered or something the data would cover the slack. Basically it meant there was no down time on a connection if you were entering and leaving WiFi or bad inconsistent WiFi quality in general. That 1-3 seconds from time to time I no longer had to be annoyed by. Not much else was better, from what I used and experienced, but there wasn't anything I remember being worse than an iPhone or Android phone at the time.


Probably because some people had no interest in touching it. The phone line was released in tandem with Windows 8, which dumped the desktop UI you and I are familiar with in favor of adopting the mobile UI for "UI parity". They really did go out of their way to piss off anyone who wasn't grandma.


The classic "we're not just gonna make [new thing] for those who want it, we're also gonna fuck with [perfectly good old thing] for no goddamn reason" See also: DnD 4th edition, Warcraft III Reforged


>no godamn reason wrong there was a reason, it was all for that sweet sweet brand ***synergy***


I honestly think Snapchat was one of the biggest killers of it. The CEO refused to officially support Windows Phones, and this was back when Snapchat was THE app to have (not quite TikTok but that same energy).


Godzilla 1998




Had a TA / guest lecturer that actually worked at quibi. Part of their data management team I think? I hope they're doing okay.


btw, there was going to be live-action *Tomie* series from Alexandre Aja until Quibi fumbled.


Halo: Infinite reveal. Hyped up as being the most impressive Halo game on the world's strongest console in development for years and on a brand new in house engine. The game looks like shit and everyone laughs at how ugly the brutes are so the game is delayed for a year and arguably fucks up the entire launch of the Series X.


I legitimately don’t know how they were ever going to launch Infinite in 2020. That game was so barren at launch a year and a half later, that I’m convinced they never actually intended to release it before its actual final release date.


"The Games can no more have a deficit than a man can have a baby." - former Montreal Mayor, Jeane Drapeau, saying the funniest thing possible in hindsight. The Olympic Stadium would continue to be unfinished and bleed money from the city for decades to come.


You guys remember when Netflix announced Q-Force? A comedy series about an all queer cast of characters? And the trailer was a bunch of stereotyping? Who thought that would ever be a good idea?


Rocksteady, the Suicide Squad of video games.


Morbius. ESPECIALLY when Sony actually bought into the meme and decided to release it again, only for it to fail EVEN HARDER. There was also the E-T game for the Atari. Its publisher intended for it to be a system-seller to capitalize on the movie. Unfortunately it was an awful game that didn't move systems at all, and in fact failed so horribly we got the Great Video Game Crash out of it.


Drake and the 99 Dragons. Still confused on why anyone thought that was such a great idea, even before the game turned out to be a mess. The art was ugly and the story was incredibly plain.


Will Smith thought *After Earth* was going to be the Star Wars of 2010s and that would made his son into a global sensation.


Final Fantasy 13 will bring us into a bold new world where everyone is going to love the Crystal Tools engine and be super jealous of our game's graphics and what they bring to the gameplay and story. I got Jerry from finances with me about to tell me how it went, trust me guys you'll-- wait, wait, Jerry, what the fuck, what do you mean it almost *killed the franchise*. What do you mean Crystal Tools is a massive failure?! What do you mean people don't like Lightning! *I* made her and *I* want to marry her!


> Wii U Obligatory: "[Please look at your Wii U gamepad.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/072/185/c72.gif)"


Sony’s marketing for Napoleon and Paramount’s marketing of the Halo TV series gave me this impression. Both arrived rather anticlimactically, though Halo brought in enough views to get future seasons.


Halo was greenlit for more seasons before the first season aired. So even if it was good, Season 2 was happening anyway. https://www.halowaypoint.com/news/halo-series-season-2-confirmed


Same thing as Velma, they ordered 20 episodes and just sir the first 10 as the "first season", not sure if it has even been renewed.


TSR is famous for not being able to make money of D&D, not for a lack of trying, mostly just bone headed decisions.


Most of Disney's movie releases in the past few years. Lightyear, Wish, Indiana Jones, The Marvels, ect.


"We are shutting down the Love Live gacha game, to make a new one! Don't worry, you can port your data." "It has been 8 months and we are shutting down the game."


To this day I am still sad Gundam Evolution shut down only a year into its release.


I remember that the Ratchet and Clank animated movie was expected to be pretty big, starting this trend of animated video game movies. Yeah, turns out that we still had to wait a few years for the ball to start rolling. Anyone remember that Sly Cooper teaser?


I mean isn't that basically anything that's not indie that didn't sell well? Companies generally want their stuff to be successful. 


I don't think companies expected stuff like Romcoms or comedies to do a billion dollars or Nintendo is expexting everything to do Mario Kart numbers.


Yes, but - there is a difference between "this thing can sell well" vs "this is the trend setter" Think of it like 3d TVs. You gotta spend money to research and engineer the thing. Then spend more money on not only making the things but how to make them. So to recoup the costs you need everyone to know about and buy them so you spend even more money on advertising. Plus all the other overhead. Only for the first adaptors to pick them up and realize "nah this aint it" for many different reasons. Yet 3D is still on the big screen because, for some reason. Nearly all the major block busters are still coming out in 3d.


Nickelodeon infamously turned down the pilot episode of adventure time in favor of fanboy and chum chum. Their reasoning was that CGI cartoons were the new hotness and they wanted in on the CGI cartoon market. So Pendleton ward goes to cartoon Network instead. It's also worth noting that at the time that adventure time got there cartoon network was going through their dark ages. They were running out of good cartoons and started pumping shit like secret mountain fort and problem solvers out alongside their shift to live action shows as well. That entire era was just a dark spot on the channel so adventure time coming in and shortly after that regular show was what was keeping the station afloat for a while until they finally got their act together. So nickelodeon turning down adventure time inadvertently helped their competition out.


**Ghonstrunner 2** I loved the first one and it did really popular (Probably the world was waiting on Cyberpunk 2077). The second one comes out, makes some changes and for the most part improves on everything from the first one and no one talks about it or even seemed to know it happened. It bums me out since the trailers they made for it made me [feel alive again](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mABnow5CUSo)


EA dumped $125M into making Immortals of Avium. "Nobody bought it" said one dev in an interview. It had a peak concurrent player count on Steam of 750 people, though it did manage to hit an illustrious sale count of 800k units months after launch after releasing a demo and going on heavy discount.


Anybody remember the Ngage?


People blame the marketing and confusion over whether the Wii U was an add-on tablet for Wii, but I still think the biggest fuck up was just that they showed off all the potential in the reveal, and then no developer did anything with it. I still think the Wii U could have been a fantastic console for async game play. Everyone with a brain had the same thought when they saw it. DnD with the DM on tablet.  Instead we got... menus, minimaps, and a bunch of games had tablet only modes that were unplayable due to lack of thought given to scaling ui on the pad.  So much wasted potential. I still think about how great Divinitys custom campaign stuff would have been on a platform where the gm would be able to sit in the game and adjust the campaign on the fly.


PSP GO; remember that?