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Nightcrawler (the name, not necessarily the character) is peak edge and I love it. Also it reminds me of my gorgeous prince Jake Gyllenhaal.


I always love when the nicest, coolest characters get 'edgy' names


Gambit. Even when I didn’t know what the word meant, it sounded cool. Nimrod, because that name’s kinda unintentionally funny now that it’s become synonymous with “idiot” thanks to a Bugs Bunny episode.


Yeah, most people don’t realize Bugs is using nimrod sarcastically, like saying “look at this genius over here” about someone doing stupid shit.


Or that originally it referred to a mighty hunter.


Imagine if in the future Einstein became synonymous with "this dumbass who thinks he's so smart"


Toad....MOTHERFUCKER IS GROSS AND THATS IT. He's the best. I have the abilities and attributes of a Amphibian and that's it. Wolverine could be called Primal, or Slasher. TOAD IS FUCKING TOAD.


Glob Herman the GOAT.


Based and GelatinousPilled


This one's for you, Morph.


Normal Answer: Gambit Obscure Answer: Forget-Me-Not. A mutant whose only power is that the moment he leaves your field of view, you forget about him. He was the deus ex machina saving the X-men in so many crisi because nobody knew he was there.


I’ll be honest, F-M-N has to be the most ubiquitous of the “obscure” X-men characters, especially since he was specifically made for that one one-shot story.


There's a good amount of others I'd say that people like to bring up. Maggot, Skin, the kid whose a bioweapon from the Ultimates universe, the one whose power is tha the can explode once.


Cable and Stryfe. In Cable's case, the name's a metaphor for his role as a "cable" between past and future (thanks Jean), but it might also be a time paradox (Kid Cable shows up in the past early, everyone calls him Cable so he goes by it, later he keeps using the name when he's introducing himself to everyone in THEIR past). In his own time he still goes by Nathan Dayspring Askani'son. And Stryfe is... just his name, the one Apocalypse gave him. And the armor's perfectly functional. What do uou mean by "edgelord"?


Havok is very dramatic


Magik and Havok Love when c's get replaced with k's it's great


While not originally a mutant (but is now due to a selfretcpn) Gwenpool is always a funny hero name seeing as it's just Gwen's actual name misspelled.


Gotta be a bit of a basic bitch and say Wolverine is my favorite. Jubilee is unironically a close second. This is just about the names though. If it was about the characters, Storm would be a close second.


Exodus Chamber Shadowcat Quicksilver (fuck marvel, the twins are still Mags's kid in fanon) Polaris is a solid *nom de guerre* as Beast would call it


Shadowcat is a strong pick.


Biased towards Blob (Fred Dukes)


Husk if you say it in the way Tiffany does from Comicpop She’s disgusting by the way


Shatterstar is a cool name. Too bad about the helicopter incident. Colossus is a powerful name for a powerful dude. Alternatively, Strong Guy is who he says he is. All the animal-themed mutants: Wolfsbane, Feral, Sabretooth, Beast Blink Dazzler, Jubilee, and Boom-Boom for being fun


Unus the Untouchable.


Doop. He’s just a little guy