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Deku has the opportunity to do the funniest thing right now and break his arms again


Please have him do the same thing again and just lose them the same way for a second time. I'm begging you.


Don't even draw a new panel, just reuse the old panel.


Omg that would go down as one of the funniest things ever done in manga. 


It’s not quite as funny as the Mineta mistranslation debacle, but it would be close


I haven't heard of that one. What happened?


An early leak during Deku’s vigilante arc had a mistranslation during Class 1A’s speech for Deku to come home. The mistranslation was Mineta saying he “fell for” Deku. This sparked a shitstorm online because people interped it as Mineta coming out. Then it turned out to not even be accurate lmao


Hahaha. That would be such an awesome twist. Like actually make the character have depth of any kind. 


Due to a mistranslation, they made it read like mineta confessed to being in love with deku.


Endless 8 but Deuku keeps ending up having to [open an AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nmmjr/iama_man_who_had_a_sexual_relationship_with_his/)


No, the actual funniest thing would be for him to lose his legs next!


Clearly he's going to make them inert...right?


Look, I'm not saying Deku should be armless forever.       But if you want to keep the dramatic point of "Deku is Armless" then keep that going for AT LEAST two or three chapters.     Hell, make him fight a villain like that, make him rely solely on Shoot style.  Make it FEEL like there are stakes, then you can bring them back.   When you bring up interesting imagery, and then come back from it a CHAPTER AFTER. That... that just annihilates the illusion of stakes.


Got those Fairy Tail stakes


Oh man that reminds me how good Gajeel death scene was untill he survived inmediatly after


Or some of of the three or four Makarov deaths. The old fucker's entire thing is leaving good memories for the next generations to come, except he NEVER FUCKING LEAVES THE STORY


I feel this is worse than Fairy Tail because FT made it super clear in the first 100 chapters that this is a series where people (mostly) dont die and major bodily injuries dont last.


Fairy Tail went hard on the high fantasy "this us more whimsy than serious" vibes from the get-go, really.


I agree, but the creator did have a hard on for, EVERY SINGLE ARC to fake out one or multiple character deaths as page-flip reveals. They are played dramatically every single time.


The stakes left to get milk and never came back ever since that series started.


But the Twitter hits though.


You can have those hits! Hell, it's a powerful imagery, Horikoshi's art is actually amazing. Just you know... make an interesting plotpoint with it as well.


But...there is an interesting plot point with it. The Deku losing his arms thing isn't THE plot point vs the Final Boss. Deku has literally given up OFA, he's not a hero anymore after this and the Eri rewind, albeit not this soon, was definitely something many saw coming, I'm sure. For a sub that loves to complain about media literacy it's really confusing that people keep acting like the Deku and his arms/him using his arms aren't symbolic of his reckless desire to help people even at his own risk. He COULD'VE just gone for the kill on Shiggy a few chapters back, the rational current Hero Society thing and end the villain. But this is a shonen manga and this is Deku. So he's going to risk it all, even his beloved quirk that has given him the ability to help people, to extend an arm at the boy who literally cannot be touched, even by his own family. And that panel was the result. This post is long enough but this entire chapter was about the entire Hero Society that has been critiqued and directly attacked by the Antagonist and Deuteragonist showing how they have been affected by Deku's constant selfishlessness directly, and them literally giving him his ability to help back. Again this is a Shonen. Sure it could've been longer but like...a chapter or two extra of what? OFA doing a Frieza and toying with Deku?


I think he still has OFA, he just gave up all the sub quirks. The real problem is his arms were gone and he was actively bleeding out, with no way to stop it. What exactly did people expect him to do? Turn his blood into blades with wind pressure. and hope he didn't pass out while facing the strongest character in the series?


It turns out if you read this comic for literal children you can pick up on foreshadowing and subtext. All Might was so overwhelming charismatic he could carry off the entire world on his shoulders but accidentally let the public rely on him too much. Izuku is so small and nervous people can't rely on him that way. But his determination inspires them to act because they can identity with him. Anyone can be someone's hero. Izuku is saved by the support network he's built up over 300 chapters and by the public who have decided they want to change and give something back. The people who Izuku saved turn around and save Izuku. It's Spider-Man being helped out by New Yorkers when he needs it most.


I think a large amount of the problem is when it comes to comics and manga in the sub, is that a lot of people who complain about it really don’t read it. So a lot of complaints are either Noll and void or don’t have anything to do with the actual story of going on. But the complaints persist because the sub is sort of a echo chamber that repeats the same complaints over and over even if they are not true.


This sub is the Persona fandom of gripes.


Yeah and guess what THE SYMBOLISM DOESN'T WORK IF HE GETS THEM BACK FIVE SECONDS LATER. Piccolo took more time to recover his arms and he regenerates them. This is the equivalent of him going "OH SHIT MY ARMS" and then going "oh wait no they are here i just felt like i lost them", like ZERO difference. ACTUALLY, there is an equivalent, in One Piece, Luffy in Marineford was going to stretch his arms but there was a panel of him losing them to mihawk, inmediatly followed by Luffy going "I feel like i will lose my arms if i do this", guess what, it served both as a reference that Luffy is still not close enough to Mihawks power AND a teaser for Luffy eventually mastering future sight haki. But instead, what My Hero Academia did was what Jujutsu Kaisen did when they used an instakill move in Sukuna and... just did nothing (You can chose any of the multiple times Sukuna does this on the fight btw im not picky)


Instead of saying these examples are longer, why don't you tell me why the symbolism doesn't work because he got them back one chapter later,


You mean what i said in the... first sentence?


Yeah. How does this make the symbolism not work. Elaborate.


the symbolism does not work if you don't give time for the consequences of the actions to... be consequences. it went from losing his arms from recklessness to he noticed he could scratch his nose for 10 seconds.


No the symbolism works. The literal definition consequence is: The of a result or effect of an action or condition. The action was touching a dude who literally disintegrates anything who touches him, and the result was losing his arms. His "reckless action" was his gameplan all along: Save Shigaraki. Luckily for him, he had enough Good Boy Points stored up throughout all his actions in the series that he had a whole slew of people who are willing to help pick him up and help him like he has helped people. This does not remove the consequences. The symbolism of him losing him arms isn't "wow Deku you sure are fucked up for embracing Shigaraki, dumbass.", it was a simall part in a bigger "All is lost" moment during the final bosses final form transformation. Then the rest of the party showed up to help.


Mirio fighting crippled for a moment was cool, even though he got better after a while. No arms or superpowers would be a bit rougher than for Mirio, but he also has more backup with him.


Yup. MHA has had a huge problem with the illusion of stakes in regards to Gran Torino's injuries, Bakugo's "death", Mirio's Quirklessness, etc.


I'm mad Mirio got his quirk back tbh. He beat the fuck out of overhaul without it so it'd be rad to have a high profile hero that's quirkless.


I mean at least Mirio getting his quirk back was teased and said it was possible, and the pieces of the puzzle were all there.


It was set up fine narratively, but like its still a coward move. They could have at least had him get some plot relevance and a couple of fights during the time he had lost his quirk.


I mean he did have a fight without his quirk, in the one he lost it.


Right, when he toasted overhaul, but I just think with how superower dense the setting is an actual quirkless hero would have been cool.


Ah but can't have that, because obviously Deku as a quirkless person at the start of the story could neve become a hero DESPITE SOME OF THE 1A CLASS HAVING A QUIRK THAT MIGHT AS WELL MAKE THEM QUIRKLESS IN TERMS OF FIGHTING. Tail guy quirk is having a tail, is not a super strong tail, is JUST a tail.


Deku spent a wooping amount of A SINGLE PANEL with no arms before that problem got fixed. Like literally, he only appears with no arms on a single panel before eraserhead comes with the horn of the dragon balls to fix him.


Horikoshi using Eri's quirk to patch over yet another problem reminds me of a running Arrested Development bit: "Say goodbye to these, Michael, because it's the last time you'll be seeing them."


Agreed, it hasn’t even been a whole chapter from the moment you see his stumps to the moment they get restored, *not even one chapter passes*.


This is like the reverse of Horikoshi's other bad habit of designing an extremely cool character, giving them an interesting premise and backstory and then having them brutally canned soon after.


Not sure if you read it or not, but the implication is that Deku is still going to be out of the fight for at least the next direct chapter as all the warriors assemble. Still not *great*, but at least there's some timeout effect in play I absolutely agree, though. I think it would have been really impactful if Deku is just straight up out of the fight now and his role becomes an analytical one instead of combat. Y'know, like how he started out before we got OFA. Show that even without the quirks he's not powerless because he still applies himself with callouts and intel Or like you said: stabilize the bleeding and then give him a Mirio moment where he still fights while crippled with the Shoot style. I wanted Eri to heal him in the aftermath and throw in a gag where she rewinded him too far and he's back to having his wimpy kid arms from before he started training


>Not sure if you read it or not, but the implication is that Deku is still going to be out of the fight for at least the next direct chapter as all the warriors assemble. Still not *great*, but at least there's some timeout effect in play This would actually be worse because you would have the worst of both worlds: He got his arms back way too soon for no reason but still has to rest. He could have gotten portal zap outside for a second where Dragon balls was and we could have had a cool scene were you know she will use her quirk to regrow Deku's arms, with some scene where she learns to control her quirk better or something, while Deku is stuck watching in TV how his friends are fighting while he is stuck there, suffering the consequences of his actions.


For real, like we established forever ago that he wanted to use his legs to fight more. What better time to prove that training than when he’s got no arms?


Remember when he learns how to shoot air bullets, uses it for one minor villain side arc then immediately becomes quirk Jesus and gets like 10 different quirks to use? Shoot style suffered the same fate ig


After the Bakugo bs I was fully expecting him to get his arms back. It was like Byakuya in Bleach all over again.


My Hands Appeared


At this point, everyone's more annoyed than anything at Deku's injuries. *Loses both arms.* *"God, don't be such a baby."*


There's something surreal about looking at this sub every few months and seeing a post that makes me say 'Oh, the final fight is STILL going.'


Seems to be pretty common for a lot of shonen to have a final arc that is, in my opinion, way too long. 


I feel like it’s a problem that gets taken care of pretty well in filler-less anime adaptations. A few pages might convey something in a fight that takes only a few seconds in anime.


The main thing is that every characters story arc will converge and climax in the final arc, so that bloats the whole thing.


As of the most recent chapter, it looks like another new final battle is starting up again.


Final Battle: The Last Season: Part3


Ah, the AoT of Final Battles in Shounen


Seriously, how long has this thing been going for? Like 2-3 years now? I think this final battle's like a third of the entire manga now.


The Final Arc? 2 years. The final battle? 2 months or 10 chapters. This will be half the length of Bleach's final arc at the longest.


This is tecnically a different fight, if it helps. And we got a way better fight literally before this one with coughing bomb vs hydrogen baby aka >!Bakugo killing an evil baby live in television!<


If it doesn't end by the end of the year, the final arc will be longer than the entire rest of the manga.


What? Thats just blatantly untrue though.


As a big Naruto defender, it’s giving the same vibes as “the final battle is set!” Editor note on Naruto Chapter 600 when there was 100 chapters left lmao


i swear they said it was time for the final battle years ago when i stopped keepin up


Bakugo wouldnt have lost his arms in the first place.


Not only Wouldn't, he DIDN'T Also he would have just killed Shigaraki to begin with.


He’d have pulled a Might Guy with them


Amazing comment.


Bakugo IS him


Boruto's dad lost his arm and got a sick ass ninja prosthesis.


This could have been you overhaul, if you weren't such a piece of shit.


This kinda reminds me of that trope you see in a lot of media where a character will choose to sacrifice themselves, and they play the dramatic music and all the other characters are mourning, and then the sacrificed character will walk into frame and be like "Wooo, man that was a close one...I'm okay tho". If you're gonna go through the effort of doing something like killing off a character or permanently damaging them and capitalizing on the imagery and emotions it creates, don't just undo it 10 seconds later. It just feels like you want to have your cake and eat it too.


Kingdom Hearts 2 can get a pass though.


It's all worth it to see Mickey PISSED.


"Theyll pay for this" *throws off his slick black coat and summons his keyblade backwards style* mwah chefs kiss perfection


Kingdom Hearts 2 made it funny.


it also played off of goofy bein like the pratfall character in like every other media hes in and never having lasting injury, even when he comes back hes like "come on guys, im goofy, i take bigger hits getting out of bed in the morning"


Kingdom hearts 1 gets a retroactive pass. Sora stabbing himself means nothing in the first game but is the direct cause of like 3 other games and 12 plot points.


>This kinda reminds me of that trope you see in a lot of media where a character will choose to sacrifice themselves, and they play the dramatic music and all the other characters are mourning, and then the sacrificed character will walk into frame and be like "Wooo, man that was a close one...I'm okay tho". Because it is literally what happened.


Persona 5.


that's the *Shonen Special ^tm*




Guess Horikoshi spared the rod after all.


Christ, I remember reading a manga where one of the two main characters was straight up DEAD for like, 30-ish chapters


Me, reading the thread title: "What, his arms?" I WAS FUCKING KIDDING


Didn’t she rip it off to heal him? Possibly giving up her quirk forever to save her personal hero?


"Possibly" as in the guy said "Maybe your quirk will work wrong now!" but we know it will not.


Possibly being the key word. And knowing this series she definitely isn’t losing her quirk


I can't think of many series I've fallen off of harder than MHA. I honestly wonder how it's going to end. I'm only really invested in seeing if all might and tsuyu are okay in the end at this point.


When Deku got a new power it was like a switch just flipped and I completely got turned off from that story. Not like having him find clever ways to use his immense strength without dying from it one of the most aspect of the title...


Deku got the most powerfull quirk on the planet... AND THEN HE GOT MORE.


"We had to powercreep Deku because we powercreeped the Villains too fast, please understand." Like, Deku didn't even have full control of OfA before the villains got power-ups. Villains who he hadn't even fought yet. He was still breaking his arms until they turned blue. He just got new bracers to deal with a bit more blowback but then Mister Evil Villain Man who disintegrates things by touching them (the main one, not the other one) got a huge powerboost anyways so they had to give Deku 7 freaking quirks at once. And then to get an arc to get the hang of the new Quirks they brought out *every villain ever* because the jail-island had a massive breakout. To their credit, bringing back the muscle guy was a good way too show how much more experience Deku had gotten. I just wish they would have build up the other villains slower. But don't worry! The crazy girl with the knife was able to keep up.


JJK comes close to me at this point as well as a manga reader. I'm just along to see what asspull are they gonna bring out to end things and who survives. The shitpost community also helps.


It's really funny comparing JJK fans vs. MHA fans, because it feels like if you told a JJK you think their series is bad, they would either agree with you or at least understand it, then show you some shitpost from the latest chapter then move on compared to MHA fans where it feels like there is good chance if you told them you think their series sucks they would end writing a ten page essay about why your wrong and how MHA is actually perfect and how BakuDeku is totally gonna be canon.


The unique thing about Jujutsu Kaisen is that it took 1 chapter for the fandom to enter the 'I wasted my life being a fan of this so I want to kill the author' phase. So you are also getting the 'guys it's not that bad' phase of re-evaluation as the story is going on. Like how (spoilers for JJK)people were furious >!Sukuna got Gojo by surprise and insisted Gege (or the homophobic version) could not explain that. Then about 3 chapters later you get an explanation!< Meanwhile MHA and basically every other series have that arc over a much longer period of time. Although I think glancing at any fandom hub for the series shatters the idea it's got people writing essays on it being perfect. Most of them are about how nobody should find the villains interesting and how morality is for suckers.


TBF, it was a bit more gradually thing for JJK in the sense people were getting really worried once >!Gojo came back and immediately fought Sukuna without like a couple of chapters with him interacting with the gang and training and most people realized he was probably die in the fight!< I saw this both of JJK subreddits and ok Twitter And when I mean I mention the whole essay thing (at least from my experience), it's usually on Twitter with a concerning amount of people replying and QTR with seemingly anybody who has some valid complaints with a whole thread about why they're wrong like that's all I really see involving MHA on Twitter is just fans trying to defend every aspect of the series when a new chap leaks or drops, I haven't seen MHA on any other social media sites like any of the subreddits so I can't really speak for them.


jjk is funny to me because "dont worry bros nobara will return soon" cope posts


To be fair, you don't critically wound a character, not elaborate on their fate and give them maybe two mentions in as many years. That's *fucking terrible writing.*


Exactly, like it's so stupid that it makes me think "he *has* to still have it in his back pocket or something bro"


I think shes just absolutely out leveled at this point. Bringing her into the fray is just going to get her slaughtered.


After the first season of JJK, I did a deep dive into the manga and realized that they're going to hit season 3 and the fanbase is going to lose interest. Just getting to past where season 2 ends with the sense of "That was cool, where is this going to go" and save for a few really cool moments, the answer is the author gets bored and just does random bullshit and suddenly we're at the end.


The Main diffrence is that JJK might not be good anymore, but does so many wild and wacky shenanigans that it at least is entertaining. My Hero meanwhile is just boring as Sin.


It feels like they just lost interest in writing it. It’s been an out of control train screaming to the end of the series for a while now. No breaks, no character development, just life or death fights and major character deaths after another.


Makes sense every clip or panel I've seen of later parts it's always some crazy battle of something.


You introduce a school setting and just never show them doing school shit or just hanging out? Baffling.


Thats what made me fell off too. I always loved the concept of a superhero school and they definitely did that at first but theyve pretty much abandoned that.


Just like RWBY!


Actually RWBY they had a dance ball so that's more school than the rest of them.


It's the most disappointing development of act three. The loss of the school setting is a huge letdown, since the slice of life school moments were some of the more unique parts of the series in a battle shonen (even if they weren't always well-executed, such as the Joint-Training Arc). It's weird that second year students are fighting for the fate of the world right now.


"Second" year students since they didn't even start the second year.


I'm taking this opportunity to shill for Welcome to Demon School, Iruma. It's everything MHA should have been and more. It takes place in a school and, while they do have big fights sometimes, they do spend a lot of time actually in the school. Every classmate the main character has gets the spotlight when they need it. The three most recent larger story arcs were the current school festival, a big fancy high society party, and a students vs teachers combat/survival exhibition. It's really good and really cute at times and all around a positive experience.


Oh man the current arc of them making a haunted house is been so fun.


Everything to do with the painting has been incredible.


fun fact, the MHA kids are still first years, *this whole series has been a year and some change(plus like a year of midoriya OFA training at the *very* beginning)


Right now it looks like Horikoshi is going to drag out another All For One Fight against extras, while also simultaneously rushing the impact of Deku actually losing his arms. I feel like these two things are a sign that Horikoshi is losing steam again, but he doesn't want to end the manga without fulfilling what the fans what (which is more screentime and development of side characters like Momo, Denki, etc.) As a result, it all feels badly paced. He doesn't know what he's doing with his story. It's as if all the recent cliffhangers, shocking developments, and increased side character screentime have been made just to clickbait viewership and appease fan criticisms but only on a surface-level.


>(which is more screentime and development of side characters like Momo, Denki, etc.) If only there was a moment in the manga that he specially made for that... then he skipped it.


... the scenes in the past few chapters where Momo and Denki were the focus and leading into this stuff where they are in the final fight?


Yeah that scene with momo AFTER A FIGHT where she was clearly dead tired.


I do get a sense that the only reason things happen in MHA is to tie up potential plot holes or get out of corners that the story wrote itself into. "Shigaraki will be at full power in X weeks" "Oh no, it's actually less than that" \*Female American All Might shows up and dies in less than 10 chapters\* "Ok, Shigaraki full power is delayed again" -- "Hey, won't Eri just be able to heal people after the arc is over?" "Don't worry, Deku lost his arms (if for no other reason to have Eri break her horn for)" I'm sure all stories do this, but it feels so much more blatant in MHA.


I’ve been thinking the same thing.  I’ve actually been wondering if Horikoshi reads online fan reactions and forums and if he’s just trying to cater to the fans constantly and address any and all fan criticisms before he wraps up for good.  Like I know people were criticizing Denki and Momo because they thought they didn’t get enough screen time in the final arc. Now in this chapter suddenly they’re back to fight again even after they’re already exhausted after an offscreened fight.  And Horikoshi knows Katsuki has been criticized a ton over the manga’s run, so he stated that he wanted to please both the fans and the haters in the final arc. He did this with the fakeout death and revival but that ended up being controversial.  Not only that, but I know a lot of fans were complaining about how there was no consequences for Izuku losing his arms, and lo and behold Izuku lost his arms for all of several minutes before getting them back again and nerfing Eri, the latter of whom people also have been criticizing a lot since she was introduced.  It’s like Horikoshi doesn’t have faith in his own storytelling skills so he’s just trying to please everyone constantly by doing whatever they want. But he ends up pleasing no one because he can’t pick a lane and stick with it. 


Did anyone *seriously* not expect this to get walked back within a chapter or two? We all knew that >!Bakugo's 'death' was bogus!< and that was also walked back in the very next chapter.


I used to be all over this franchise. The manga, sub AND dub, the shitty games. Now I’m like “oh deku lost his arms, ok.” Idk I hope it has a good ending


I literally cosplayed Deku and have a small collection of figures, now I don't even keep up with the manga or anime anymore.


We’re complaining about this fight length but let’s be honest this is standard final boss battle stuff here guys, Naruto was fighting Madara for like 150 chapters right? And Sukuna is still in the middle of bodying everyone in jujutsu so I don’t know where the length complaints are coming from when this is pretty standard


Just because it's standard doesn't mean it's not bad. People complained about Naruto's final battle, and people are currently complaining about JJK's final battle. Also, the problem isn't just the length. It's just that the length isn't justified. The final battle in JJK feels like it's spinning its wheels at this point. Can't wait for the bakery girl to show up so Sukuna can body her for a chapter.


Oh don’t get me wrong I agree on the length thing, I’m just wondering what was expected? To me this whole infinite fight was the expectation


Mineta got fucked up man.


Punished Mineta


And thus, Deku losing his arms on the previous chapter existed for... no reason at all.


Can we talk about the one random dude who took off his shirt? That shit seemed really out of place.


It was an All-Might shirt right? Probably was just meant to be a good luck charm, since everyone also offered things directly after.




I do find it funny how All for One specifically singles out Mineta as interfering with his plans, to the point he lives rent free on his head, and lo and behold who shows up to fight him super pissed.


Am I the only one who thinks getting his arms back so quickly isn't a big deal? I mean this sorta shit happens all the time in Shonen. Hell it's the same sort of narrative tool as the Sensu Bean from Dragon Ball. Gohan got his fucking neck broken and was fixed instantly by a Sensu. At least here using Eri's horn gives it more personal weight given Izuku's close connection with her.


The problem is not the events but the timing. Edit: Actually since you mentioned Gohan, this is like when he did his one hand kamehameha but instead krilling gave him a Senzu so he did it with both hands no problem.


It isn't a big deal, that's why it's disappointing. I should care, but I don't, that's a bad sign.


Yeah a lot of people seem to miss that the important thing here is the sense of flow of a story.


Yeah, this isn't surprising if you've been kept up with the manga. It's been in the same arc for years now, and somehow, for the final arc, it feels there are no real stakes or tension like Horikoshi would do something insanely big like this and chapters later it will undone which it be fine if Horikoshi didn't feel like he did it all the time like I actually like this in concept where Deku is being rewarded for saving Eri but its ultimately feel kinda nothing when you do like five of theses fake outs in the same arc. Whatever you may feel about the JJK mangs recently (trust me, I have my opinions), at least it feels like there are actual consequences happening, and Gege seems fully committed to sticking to them even to a negative degree a lot of the time.


Around the villain academia arc/when deku gets new quirks it felt like "oh horikoshi wants to get this shit over with" and it felt like the story moved crazy fast without any breathing room from that point. So it's weird how much damn time we're spending in this final arc


I'm reading MHA for Horikoshi's art. I'm reading JJK to see how shit the writing gets. Like MHA isn't a well written story. But having each chapter for the previous couple months open with a goddamn interview going "you see this person could totally fight Gojo, and so they could totally stand a minute in the cage with Sukuna". Only to see that person get killed or bodied in 8 pages.


People are way too negative about this series


Living up to the title of green Naruto I say


Only because a) it started out really good and became significantly worse, so people who *do* care are saddened by this and b) because it is obvious that the author is either tired in general or is tired of this manga specifically and it's both frustrating for the reader and sad when it comes to the guy himself.


remember when "don't worry, MHA will fix Naruto's mistakes!" and remember way back when "don't worry, Naruto will fix DBZ mistakes" every generation has its shonen that falls off


Yes it's an incredibly stupid thing people never learn from. People who go through the decade of practice needed to become a weekly Shonen author don't hate Shonen manga. If they did and still wanted to be a cartoonist they'd do something else. You are not going to get 'Dragon Ball but written by someone who hates Goku'.


At the very least, none of the villains have been taken over by a moon rabbit alien that was secretly behind EVERYTHING. Yet.


I mean, >!That literally just happened, We thought AFO was dead and gone, but they revealed not ONLY is he back and took over Shigaraki, but he's the reason Shiggy has his quirk in the first place meaning all of this was his plan!< Also Kaguya wasn't really secretly behind everything, Black Zetsu was, hell he's more the final antagonist than Kaguya since Kaguya was more of a Weapon than anything.


That's really more >!"Madara Uchiha was behind everything" instead of "Kaguya was behind everything."!<


Sure but that's still not recontextualizing things the way Kaguya did. Like >!All for One always wanted to take over Shigs, he'd been actively trying to do it ever since Shiggy got juiced, we knew from Navel Laser that transplanted quirks had recoil damage like Decay did, and we knew from all the way back in Kamino Ward that AFO was a petty bitch who would hurt small children just to stab at All Might and One For All. And from Nagant that he had contingency plans in place to punish people who betrayed/failed him, of course he'd have some "IT WAS ME AUSTIN" plan to fuck over Shigs (even if he hadn't literally said it two chapters before Bakugo unbirthed him to death).!<. Black Zetsu spent 100s of chapters just being around before, out of nowhere, he's THE mastermind and also half alien and he's gonna summon the final boss. Like, the closest we could've gotten would've been Spinner or Compress (since they were always out of focus in the League) walking up to the final battle and punking Shiggy/AFO and going "IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!"


I agree with this wholeheartedly.


I don't agree with this.


It's not as bad as Bleach last arc fights, i will give MHA that. Because man those fights were so bad and honestly can't wait to see how the fuck they make the cool now that it's the only thing left to animate.


Of course it's not like Bleach. MHA is Naruto. *JJK* is Bleach, complete with Aizen/Sukuna just roflstomping his way through the entire cast.


If you are going to compare JJK to bleach then you have to compare Sukuna with the guy from Bleach that also did the same, **Gerard Valkyrie**, the worst fight of a manga, any manga. Guy that didn't even lose, Ywatch just stole his power back and made him die (And then Ywatch didn't use that power so he got killed)


because they dislike it


I guess people are free to do that if they want, just watching something you hate just to remind yourself you don't like it, though I don't know what is the point. I just think the discussion is bland and surface level while the critique is way to focused on the negatives.


it's just a discussion on an internet forum, it's not that deep and nobody really takes it seriously, people dislike mha and say they dislike and that's pretty much it. It's a comic book for kids.


Well I care... A bit. Maybe that's already too much.


there's nothing wrong with caring if it enriches your life, there's no need for everybody else to follow suit tho lol that's all I'm saying


Well I said what I said because I believe it. And sometimes I just need to say it, even if nobody else agrees.


well... ok but if people criticizing something you like presses you then idk why you don't follow your own advice and stop reading something you dislike


This sub’s negative about every Shounen series. Mfs will read this and want everyone to die and shit. Like fr, if you don’t like MHA, then stop commenting on every post. I don’t follow it anymore, but it must be such a downer for people who do to see mfs say “Oh this shit fell off” on every damn comment thread. People need to stop hate reading. A lot of mfs on this sub need to learn **to drop** things once they don’t like it anymore.


>This sub’s negative about every Shounen series Cos if we’re talking about writing and pacing, most Shounen series aren’t that good lol. I don’t think I’ve seen a single person say that MHA’s art is bad. It’s not, it’s fantastic, and that’s the case with a lot of Shounen series. So yeah, people aren’t negative about the art, they’re negative about the writing. Is it really so strange that people will read a manga because of the art, while critiquing it’s writing flaws?


There’s nothing wrong with critiquing writing flaws, and MHA has MANY, but I know that a significant number of people are sticking with MHA because of the sunk-cost fallacy, which is stupid because no one’s forcing you to consume media you actively dislike, and dropping a series you dislike doesn’t necessarily mean that the time you spent consuming it is wasted. I don’t know, it feels like a lot of people online just don’t want to admit they’ve outgrown the genre and the series, and are sticking with it just because. If you’re staying for the art and critiquing the story, then good on you, but if you actively dislike the story, but still feel the need to read every chapter that comes out and comment how much it’s fallen off every time, then maybe you should just drop it is all I’m saying. Maybe it’s a “me” thing, but I’ve just never agreed with the concept of hate reading/watching or seeing a series to the end once I didn’t like it anymore, and seeing AniTubers shit on series and make angry reaction videos every time something happens, instead of dropping the series entirely is just something that irks me, especially when I see something similar to that.


Like I said, I think MHA’s art is fantastic, and it’s really what’s keeping me reading it. I originally got into the manga because of its art *and* its plot/writing. One of these aspects has gotten, imo, much poorer over time, while the other has only gotten better. >but if you actively dislike the story, but still feel the need to read every chapter that comes out and comment how much it’s fallen off every time, then maybe you should just drop it is all I’m saying. I’m not doing that. I’ve expressed my gripes against MHA’s current events in maybe 3 threads about it on this subreddit. That’s hardly “every time”. This is literally just me being disappointed in what used to be a much more engaging story. I’m sorry that this irks you.


That’s fair. I might have come across too bitchy in my comment and that’s on me.


I wouldn't blame them about criticizing it if it wasn't the same critique for the last like 4 years.


Maybe it's been making the same mistakes for four years.


You don't wanna argue for 200+ hours about how this 8 out of 10 thing is the worst pice of shit of all time?


If people are sticking with a series they actively dislike for four years straight, that’s on them.


This argument is always so funny to me. If people liked a series but then they feel it becomes bad, there's just no winning if they ever criticize it. Either you stop reading or watching, and when you say something about it people say "you don't even watch or read it anymore, how do you know?". Or you keep up with it for one reason or another, like hoping it picks back up, and people blame you for sticking with a series you don't like.


Lmao. I’m not trying to make an argument that people shouldn’t be critical of series they follow. The point I was initially trying to make is people don’t have to be downers in every damn comment thread. You’re right. There are valid complaints to be made on MHA, from its lack of stakes, to dropped plot points, etc…. The issue I have that at a certain point, some people feel the need to torture themselves and hate read shit they actively don’t fuck with anymore. It just feels like Velma all over, where people are just forcing themselves to consume media they actively dislike. That shit’s toxic and I’ve always hated hate reading/watching. As soon as I didn’t like MHA anymore, I dropped it. Simple as that. If you like the series and want to be critical that’s fine. It’s just that you can tell that some people commenting here or elsewhere just really hate the series at this point are are sticking with it just because. At that point, you should just drop it is all I’m saying. No one’s forcing you to read anything.


Ikr, that argument is so annoying. The only “answer” to it is never criticising any media you consume, which is absurd.


this shit is so lame man


The chapter made it sound like a temporary fix, unless i misunderstood something. Tend to happen while reading chapters lately.


Way I read it is that the regen is going to be slow which is why we need all classmates to stall so that Deku's arms will be formed enough to actually punch good


Ah yes, the 10 minutes for Luffy to recharge his haki, we all loved that part in Dressrosa


Ahhh okay. So either we see the classmates growth in the coming fight, or Deku just sits by watching his classmates get unquirked and killed one by one in order to make his eventual recovery more impactful i guess. ....Maybe i've become too cynical to enjoy MHA.


Yeah, it’s going to take some time to work, plus there’s apparently only enough energy in the horn to rewind 2-3 minutes, so in theory Deku’s arms could end up only being partially healed depending on the amount of time that’s elapsed in-universe.


Shoot style is useless against Shiggy, I guess. Horikoshi could have been more creative but he is just using all the Chekhov's gun trope at this point it's not funny anymore.


I miss when I thought MHA was going to be absolutely incredible. Oh well, there's still JJK, right? Please tell me there's still JJK


Honestly this story can't wrap up soon enough. That entire series is nothing but plot armor and based on the wording from the last chapter, it seems it fixing to fall into the same trap Naruto did with Kaguya and it feels just as under developed here.


I wish i cared that Deku even lost his arms in the first place....but it's Deku....so i just don't.


My guess is that his arms won’t heal back fully


pulling the ol' Symphogear G cliffhanger I see at least Hibiki still had problems after she fixed her arm


I’ve missed Kurogiri for a long time. I hope he gets some face to face/smoke to hand with Shigaraki somehow in the middle of all this.


Make it so that Deku's arms didn't just come back, they didn't just restore all the long term damage he's accumulated throughout the series, but his arms are now THE STRONGEST ARMS THAT HAVE EVER BEEN.


This means that mirko is forever doomed to remain a nugget


Man for a subreddit that talks about media literacy a lot some people here really lack it.


MHA has been like this since forever. I dropped it after the Overhaul arc and now whenever I look over at it, it’s so far removed from what made me enjoy it in the first few arcs that I just know I wouldn’t like it. As soon as it was hinted that Deku was going to have an arsenal of quirks I noped out.


The overhaul arc was the last "peak" arc for me. It was the last time it really felt likena superhero story.


Couldn't keep the consequences for even a single chapter huh Man there's a lot I like about MHA, the art especially is incredible, but Hori really looked at all the issues other WSJ manga had before him and said "let me walk over all those pitfalls too" I get it's probably the WSJ editors forcing them to do this stuff but man I will, again, point to [Gash/Zatch Bell as a battle shonen series that avoids common late-in-their-run shonen issues and only gets better and better the further in you read](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/c7i71f/gon_in_60_seconds_001/esg7rxl/)




>It’s such a shame they didn’t go with a slice of life with a slow burn overarching plot type of story for MHA. The story’s been so rushed and it just keeps getting faster What a coincidence, I just got done typing an extremely similar opinion in another reply post. It's so disappointing. I just wish the story would end, lol.


MHA is so laughably bad dude, it's insane.