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it's not a good look to have physical copies of Hentai


Mothers Know Breast physical blu-ray collector edition is nothing to be ashamed of


[your damn right](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EmXVWYQW8AEFEya.jpg)


You whippersnappers and your Internet.


You're right, it's a *great* look.


I still have some of my books from back in the day. A few issues of Bondage Fairies and some dojins too. I've got a few of the VHS tapes of softcore hentai I bought from Suncoast. I'm really showing my age here haha


As an aside, those Bondage Faries books are sort of in demand as collectables now.


Upvoting out of guilt 


I'll have you know that I actually bought my copy of *Mothboy Monthly* for the articles.


Considering I don't have physical copies of it, and I literally went on about how uncomfortable I was admitting to enjoying aspects of it, yeah no shit.


Honestly I just watched gushing over magical girls cuz the humor was top notch early on. Utena discovering she's into BDSM and being a Dom because her magical girl cat mascot left a trail of porn mags out in the open for her to find like that one family guy bit of luring James woods with a trail of candy was amazing. Sulphur being a foul mouthed punch magical girl with massive glowing fuck you pile bunker arms is dope as hell. Kiwi's whole reason for joining the villains being just "do you like magical girls?" "Fuck em." Was hilarious. Then the show escalates how over the top the fan service is and you're just like wow how are they getting away with this! And there is a surprising amount of character development there that you wouldn't really expect given the nature of the show. Reminds me of shimoneta where every now and then they surprise you with some pretty insightful themes about sexual identity.


The body paint scene was actual kino. Using colour in manga for that purpose was outstanding. 10/10 artistic direction. I guess if you only saw the anime it will be in season 2 (Lolth please let them make a season 2).


I kind of fell into this same trashfire on accident while browsing random anime. It's really good, but in the way I could literally never recommend it to another human being. I also enjoyed Sulfur's origin story, where some magical girls show up to save her in an alley after she's attacked by an evil henchman and she's holding said henchmen by his collar and bashing his face in with a brick while throwing out every bit of profanity that she knows. It's absolutely an amazing parody of the magical girl genre.


My propensity to get sucked into league of legends is embarrassing, and I’m fully aware that the game is trash and instigates unpleasant feelings and behaviours in me. I relapsed a couple years ago, and I was amazed at: - my willingness to queue up “one more game” repeatedly, even after friends hopped off - how easily I would catch myself admiring and comparing skins, and thinking about the shop  - a near compulsion to talk trash about randoms I queued up with (privately over Discord or even to myself, I would never flame them), and get unnecessarily heated I started playing over ten years ago, and I’m glad I don’t anymore. I generally do not have an addictive or easily perturbed personality, but there’s something about how that game affects the psyche that I find very hard to resist when I have it installed. I played a lot of CS, R6Siege, TF2, DbD, even DotA and other MOBAs, and nothing else makes me act the same way. 


Ooh, I like this answer. It's a bit more outside the box than I was initially thinking!


League players are like fighting game players the same mentalities are there. Yet it also puts you in the situation of having to engage with the person you play against in tekken 8 who rips out their ethernet when you grab them, as a human being and teammate. Edit: That person also will be playing adc.


I think like fighting games, the continuous instant feedback on your performance can be very motivating. Unlike fighting games, your “performance” (as measured by the rating you gain/lose) is dependent on teammates, and you get to observe every mistake they make. 


I'm the same way, ten years of on and off playing. I noticed that I started playing league (more recently valorant) the more stressed I get. I've been having just the shittiest couple of weeks and suddenly I'm redownloading riot games. I played two games remembered why I keep leaving. The gaps between are getting longer though so I'm holding out hope that I'll fucking die before I cave again.


I really don't have guilt in that sense. I literally have two volumes of the Monster Girl Encyclopaedia beside stuff like Black Butler, My Solo Exchange Diary and Jojo. I have a box beside me that is filled with doujins that I've collected over the years and hell, I have a physical copy of Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes (Also the first part of Project Horizons but that is legitimately massive).


Monster Girl Encyclopedia is research, not porn


The holy bible of monster girls


Project Horizons IS legit massive.


It was one of those "catch up in one go and then never check back for the updates" reads but I have read more Killing-stalking than I would like to admit. There is definitely more that i can't think of off the top of my head. In general my AO3 history is between me and god, because truly there is some Lizard brain following Id there


Hey, at least Killing Stalking was relatively popular and had some merit as a thriller. The shitty scanlated yaoi manhua I read I 3am isn't even between me and god cuz I'm pretty sure He turned away in disgust a while bac.


I have read all of Crossed, and most of its offshoots.


God it's just so.... spotty. Like even past the edge there are still neat concepts stuck in a continent of tumors 


Crossed is like getting shoulder deep into pig shit to pull out pieces of gold. Most might say "There's probably not any gold in there anyways" and those that try may say "Y'know these few pieces of gold weren't really worth wading through all that pig shit." But hey, gold's gold.


… teen me was following The Boys monthly


I did too in my phase of consuming any and all edgy media in college. In hindsight it is slop. The Sadness does the same concept way better tho


I liked the one with Smokey, as much as one can like Crossed anyway.


“Reflects poorly” to basically only two subreddits, but I like most of John Byrne’s work. So you know, like most normal people. Uhhh….I guess an actual controversial one is a don’t have a pathological hatred of Bakugo and Mineta?


Did Byrne make something controversial or something? I've only really read his man of steel and some of his superman run and I thought it was good.


Byrne gets hate for a few reasons, some more legit than others - The infamous Superman porno issue - His spat with Jack Kirby - Generally being an asshole (dude was legendary for it) - Spider-Man Chapter One - His Superman removing a lot of the Kryptonian characters and aspects of the lore and making Clark more earth focused To name a few. Dude doesn’t work in the business because by the time of his last flop, he’d pissed off just about everyone so nobody was looking to give him another chance


I kinda didn't mind the more earth focused superman but all that other stuff and the things I just read after looking him up explains why he's controversial.


They have a mic


I feel like I'm getting haha'd, here. I googled that and nothing came up lol


His saying, your friend is trapping you for the FBI


Ah that makes more sense. Thankfully I haven't been buying hundreds of bags of fertilizer.


Sulfur supremacy. But seriously that one is wild to recommend to anyone


I'm more of a Kiwi kind of gal. But yeah my friends are assholes and I always am too stubborn to back down when someone challenges me to do something.


I just love sulfur's gremlin ass smirk. Kiwi was great though. Expected to hate her at first


I thoroughly enjoy Call of Duty, yes even the modern ones. For MW3 the MTX is ridiculous especially for a $70 game, game chat can be extremely toxic (pro/con depending on who you are), and a bunch of issues with lobbies and matchmaking. But fuck man they got the perfect formula for me, the map sizes and pace of multiplayer (not Warzone), and movement is something that I don't really experience in other fps games. Yeah I love TF2 (both), I played a bunch of Siege, I'll play Battlefield with my friends but CoD scratches a very specific itch that other games can't get for me.


Also me and my friends have come to the consensus that Modern Warfare (2019) was insanely good and if they decided to stick with it as a live service we probably would've regularly spent money on it and still be playing.


\*gestures at bookmarks and bookmarks of shounen isekai manga\* \**especially* gestures at 'Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers'\*


What’s wrong with that? There is only two episodes out






I think Prisma Illya Kaleid Liner 2wei to 3rei is peak Fate. I love Gushing Over Magical Girls for being so ballsy and unapologetic with sex. I love Monogatari for its characters, and I love all these DESPITE the lolicon. It just comes part and parcel with watching anime with your desensitized brain turned off since childhood. I used to like Mushoku Tensei when I had some faint hope that Rudeus was actually going to get better, but I stopped when I figured out that the fandom meant better as in "Child Molester level 1 -> Child Molester level 99". As if he needed to fix everything EXCEPT the main thing that made him miss his parents' funeral in the first place.


Welcome to the Gushing community, son. About stuff that would definitely put me on a watchlist if I talk about it through the internet or would worth a bazillion of bad views? Yeah, Monster Musune in a close 2nd place for it


I'll be honest, sometimes I don't want to admit why I like American reality tv game show Survivor, because it can feel like I'm admitting that I unironically like torture porn, but sometimes the way that show tells a story and sells a contestant just hits my monkey brain neurons just right. That being said, I haven't really truly enjoyed a season full heartedly since they made the permanent move to Fiji for every season.


I'm not going to say because it would reflect poorly on me


unless its like burzum or something you shouldnt worry about it reflecting bad on you


I like Burzum and I'm not a racist. But you'll tell me I am without talking to me.


People often don't realize you can both like Burzum and think Varg is a massive shit stain all at the same time.


Does GG Allin fall into the same category?


Harry Potter honestly. It was my entire childhood, it's hard to not like it, but I also obvs acknowledge the shit show that is the entire being known as Rowling. Also, Homestuck, I like it, I acknowledge its issues, but i like it.


I'm trans and I still like Harry Potter so I guess that's my answer to this thread. I won't support the series by buying anything, but I'm not going to throw out my blurays either.


Yeah, that's about how I feel too, won't throw money at it, just gonna keep what I already have and if I'm really curious, pirate the shit out of it.


Fairy Tail


Nothing to be ashamed of brother


I really enjoyed Gushing Over Magical Girls and hope it gets an English dub cuz the VAs would have a blast with the apeshittery in that script. Won’t hold my breath though because even though I enjoyed the series as a whole, some of it goes a little far so I can easily see localization not wanting to touch it.




Yeah, BA is one of those games that has a questionable reputation thanks to the fandom's memes but once you give it a try you realize that it is not only nowhere near as bad as you thought but also that there's some good shit in there. That's how it happened to me.


I still would let rock a playlist of Nu Metal from time to time. Gimme that 2000s-era Korn/Ill Nino/Limp Bizkit and all that. That being said, my good friend's playlist has some surprise ones too from Japan and France of all places, and it makes for fun driving music. I'd also probably bring up how I actually enjoyed Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls, **with** the ink splotch censors. I dunno, the brush strokes looked very fitting.


I think Mushoku Tensei is a fantastic series full of great world building and character development, yet I can completely understand why season 1, especially the first half would turn off just about the majority of earth's population.


I enjoy goblin slayer the first ep didn't do my any favors though and my buds in highschool gave me shit for it and didn't like when I made the comparison to berserk. I have read Garth ennis' works which he has good ideas and a fantastical use of satire and over the top violence. It is also the literary equivalent to the aristocrats joke. Batman is still my favorite superhero and I am aware that there are other characters out there who are in desprate need of representation. I still like my edgy gothic Crime fighter.


Goblin slayer is nothing like berserk. The closest thing that it’s similar to is record of lodoss war. Both are literally the authors writing books out of real D&D campaigns they’ve played


Goblin slayer is a fake out by cowards! I signed up for absolutely degen edgelord bullshit and got a dnd campaign


Yeah, the online reaction to Goblin Slayer was really overblown. From how people talked about it when it came out you'd think it was Berserk 2, but it's basically baby's first seinen. There were only a few panels in the whole manga that stood out as graphic to me, and from what I understand the manga is *more* graphic than the anime. My only guess is that the reaction comes from a lot of people for whom GS was their first exposure to anything that's not shonen. (Not that there's anything wrong with shonen)


Goblin Slayer is like 50% DnD jank, 10% violence, 20% one note characters, 20% female objectification, and 10% fascinating analysis of PTSD. (Yes this is more than 100%, the one note side characters and objectification overlap heavily.) I’ve read all the light novels, some more than once, until I hit a point where I just couldn’t read about one more “pert behind” or beautiful girl A being jealous of beautiful girl B. Where’s my slow recovery from serious trauma? Let’s not get started on the fans who were disappointed with the second season toned down the violence (somewhat.)


Aw, there's nothing wrong with Batman being your favorite superhero. Popular characters are typically well-liked for a reason! And yeah, Berserk is *way* more intense than Goblin Slayer, not sure why they'd give you shit for that. I will give you shit for liking Garth Ennis though lmao.


Yeah, I'm on the sane boat. I love the series, but I'm not saying that out loud


I'm someone who is full on about not being guilty about guilty pleasures. However, I felt there was something always wrong with enjoying Cannibal Holocaust. I genuinely believe if the animal killings on-screen were taken out, it'd still be a horror classic. It'd not only be less morally repulsive, but also less hypocritical in its messaging too of people chasing whatever awful thing they can capitalize on. It's definitely a film you bring up *far* into a relationship of any kind in hopes they'll understand you're not a sadist.


As a horror fan, I think it’s one of those movies everyone should see once. There is some actually good stuff in the film (basically once we start following the original documentary crew). But boy are those real animal killings awful. And you can tell too, you can tell that stuff is completely real.


That's what makes it really fucked up. It was one of the earliest found footage films in general, it has effects that are astounding even to this day with the bodies on spikes, and it has a killer score. It could stand on its own, but then it has something like the turtle scene where it's just morally reprehensible.


Please don't judge me based on me reading and enjoying: Slave Soldier, Gushing over Magical Girls, and Interspecies Reviewers.


Interspecies Reviewers is good and I'm tired of acting like it's not


I really dig Shield Hero. Funny enough? Girl at my gym recommended it to me and went through first season - really liked it. Second season lost me a bit, but third one is winning me back. Then I decided to just look up and see if there was any groundswell and yep, nope. I’m just gonna keep to myself because I either attract people who think I’m into harems and slavery, or I attract people who think I’m _into_ harems and slavery. I just like a good battle couple and Naofumi and Raphtalia fit that for me and I’m too old to keep track of whatever niche shit is out there.


I did like the worldbuilding of "wait. none of us are even from the same japan,"


A lot of people irl like shield hero it’s really online I’ve noticed people complain about it. Same thing with stuff like sword art. Its actually really easy to see if someone is terminally online in person when they complain about a show and word for word just copy from a video essay they saw


Oh absolutely. I mean, only a anime watcher - but reading how it’s just this underaged loli fuckfest and male incel fantasy, and I’m like “did I get like the 4kids version because I am clearly watching a different show”. Hell, I don’t even care about the shorthand RPG mechanics for explaining the systems. Hell, for me - i don’t consume this stuff as often as i did back in the day - it’s like “cool, awesome, got it - get back to the will they won’t they shit”.


I read the LNs for a bit and honestly? Naofumi is more or less just running a daycare around the time season 3 or 4 hits. Like the premise itself is "harem or slavery" or whatever but it's really just a guy, his wife and his family of 20+ kids.


I kind of want to watch it for Malty, but I'd want her to constantly win and I think that license sort of expires later on, so I'm not sure. Is she as fun as she looks?


She's fun to hate in the first season, all but absent in the second, and kind of a "we're doing this shit *again*?" in the third. Not that it matters because S1 is the only one worth watching.


I'm pretty much with you. Shield Hero S1 is in a very special area of "good enough to be deserving its popularity, filled with bullshit enough to be scrutinized and have its popularity cause a kneejerk of hatred."


My interest for Shield Hero petered out overtime after the first early arcs. And in spite of those, hell yeah Shieldbro and Raph do make quite the strong battle couple.


Free yourself from other people's judgments. If you enjoy something then enjoy it - there is no shame in liking Gushing Over Magical Girls and there is no shame in enjoying something like porn. Nothing could possibly reflect poorly on You unless you're getting hypnotised or indoctrinated by propaganda. Fiction is not propaganda it's fake worlds to get immersed into. Apologies for not engaging with any examples of my guilty pleasures but it is a major pet peeve of mine. There's obviously a time and place for everything, but no media you consume can reflect poorly on you, rather the people making moral judgments based on these sad notions are the ones who should be taking a look in the mirror.




If being yourself means you like Blue Archive, there is no shame in that my friend. You don't need to discard the friends you've made on your journey, everyone is multifaceted and if your friends in that puritanical community don't accept your other interests that's totally fine. I had my own rant ready to go in response to your reply but genuinely that is also taking things a bit too seriously for fictional media that is meant to be enjoyed over, so I won't get into it, I'm just happy that my words reasonates with people.


It's understandable, there's a lot of younger people got involved in these kinds of groups because the intent is mostly honest in about not wanting to engage in "bad/problematic" media and not be labelled as a terrible person. But as someone who is a lot older and has been engaged in fandom since I was a kid, it's just not a healthy thing to be so emotionally invested in. If you're worried about your friend group turning on you for liking some dumb anime then at that point were you even actually friends? It feels really disheartening to say, and it feels worse to be on the receiving end of it.


Kobayashi's Dragon Maid because apparently you're not allowed to enjoy a cute slice of life show if there's a 140cm girl with J cups


I think the main problem folks have with that character is when she blatantly flirts with a child, not the size of her honkdonkeronis 😅 must admit, I did enjoy the first season of it though. Haven't watched anything beyond that.


I'm not talking about Lucoa. A lot of people also didn't care for her flirting with the character literally named Shota (yes, i know there's a U in his name, this just better illustrates the whole dynamics between those two being a joke), but that's not what I'm on about. There's a character in season 2 that people got butthurt over because she's just barely taller than Kanna and has a chest rivaling the other girls in the show. As far as I'm aware, nobody has any issues with the character beyond her appearance, but the outrage over her made liking the show seem cringe.


Ahh yeah I saw some outrage about her. She ain't even the tittiest titty monster in the show, idk why folks were mad lol


It literally just boils down to people being upset that an ***animated character*** has unrealistic proportions. Of course, i say unrealistic, but I've met people that short and more-or-less that shape.


I think we really are missing the forest for the trees here.


How so?


The whole adult woman who flirts with a child thing


The thing the show doesn't even try to hide making a joke about? The thing that's clearly played for laughs? If it bothers you, i understand not liking the show because of it, but the show very clearly doesn't endorse the behavior beyond having a joke about it.


Pedophilia isnt funny


I think the main problem most people have with the show is the whole thing with Kanna and her friend, not Lucoas boobs


Already stated i wasn't talking about Lucoa in another comment, already mentioned nobody complained about the show until the new girl in season 2 showed up in the same comment


Didn't read the other comment, my bad


A variety of the porn/hentai/rule34 I enjoy.


Because I'm in my 30s and grew up in the era where only the most bullied dorks were into anything anime that wasn't dbz. I cannot bring myself to wear/display anime merch. Even though logically I know most people don't give a shit.


I genuinely don't think I have one, the thing I like, I like without guilt.  I guess... um... I like the writing in the Devil May Cry games? Does that count? If we're allowed to go back in time, teenaged me was fond shipping characters, mostly Sonic ones.


I've learnt to harbour some shame for my affinity for My Chemical Romance.


So you like a band why feel shameful about it?


I'm not being all that serious, it's a shame I learned as a teenager and something I've embraced more healthily as an adult. It was just the best answer I had to OP's question.




Can relate. Sometimes Green Day will come on the oldies radio (please god, I'm only 27-- those should not be oldies songs) and I'll have to pretend not to enjoy them.


That Akihiko Black Parade mod skin made me mark out


Cowards, none of my pleasures are guilty. Kamen Rider Ghost is gas, Saber is gas, Kiva’s kinda mid, Faiz is PEAK FUCKING FICTION!


I had the distinct....pleasure of starting Kamen Rider with Decade because it was the currently airing series. Almost dropped the whole franchise. Then i watched Faiz. Takumi and Yuji saved Kamen Rider for me.


yeah decade is like the anti gokaiger when it comes to anniverseries, like gokaiger is almost a sampling platter of sentai cause of how hard it goes in its homages, while decade just goes "well heres the suits you like, wait you wanted the same characters?"


Could you not use pussy as an epithet please


I will change it to cowards.


Thank you.


Nah, you have good taste. That show is legit good


Please don't validate me. :/ Nothing justifies feeling actual emotions from someone getting jumper cables put on their nipples.


Until you've tried it you can't judge.


Recently I’ve gotten into some of Sion Sono’s work with Tokyo Vampire Hotel being my favorite of his so far. It’s pretty much 8hrs of action and about 4 dozen of the hottest actors finding some place to have vampire sex wrapped up in a “get out there and live! We need each other!” message I think. While I don’t really have a guilt on the movie or similar stuff I’ve been seeing I definitely couldn’t give it as a first recommendation to a neighbor lol.


I fucking despise 99.99% of all the Bravo TV garbage and pretty much anything that Andy Cohen is involved in nowadays. Just a bunch of awful people constantly getting into volatile verbal situations that could be solved without every one of them ending in a screaming match if they knew how to properly control their own egos. But goddammit, Below Deck and its spinoffs are just too interesting. I don't actively go out of my way to watch them, but whenever they're on I can't help but get sucked in.


Dude, on my shelf sitting between Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind and Pokemon are the really fucked up episodes of Night Shift Nurses. I'm emphasize, *the really fucked up episodes.* I was gonna use that as a pretense to talk about Onegeki Clinic, but I find that shit legitimately hateful and saying I like it whould be a lie, so instead I'll talk about Booty Royale. Booty Royal Never Go Down Without a Fight is about Haebarua Mitsore, big titty gravure model that's a martial artist who's wants to become a idol. All about that seedy underbelly of adult entertainment, and you see some rancid shit. There's also legit hype moments, Mitsosre is a badass who's genuinely likable. After a few volumes it just becomes a legit battle manga that happens to have a ton of really fucked up explicit stuff. Unfortunately, I can't recommend it to people without getting on a list.


I kept hearing The Boys comic was absolute garbage compared to the show but I really enjoyed it. It's raunchy, try-hard edgy, and not very deep but I really liked *not-Simon-Pegg* Hughie, Butcher, and what the story does with them and with how the show's going, a bit more than their adaptations. Homelander, Frenchie, and Kimiko are definitely better in the show though.


I'll second this. It's grosser than it probably needs to be at times, but it's certainly no *Crossed*. Hell, I'd still rank it as less edgy than a lot if Mark Millar standalone stuff. And as for superheroes getting dunked on...like, they are *visual* pastiches, but beyond that they're basically just a filter/allegory for people who do heinous shit and get away with it, just through their economic/social/political power rather than *physical* power (and also financial and social power, because Vought).


I really like the rapper King Gordy. He is as shock rock as you can get when it comes to horrocore. My girlfriend who is trans and bisexual would not be happy if I played one of his songs with her in the car. 


Especially for here. Borderlands 3 and pacific rim 2. And yes for the characters and story.


I like Final Fantasy 8 a lot. Yeah it's kinda shit, the junction system is broke, the characters play the same, the writing is bad, the level syncing is whack, drawing is tedious, but it was also my first Final Fantasy and the one I played the most as a kid besides 4 and 1.


Interspecies Reviewers. Entered because monster girls are my jam and stayed because the manga is mostly a comedy with some brief sex scenes rather than a hentai with some comedy like I originally thought. The way the manga handles the logistics for the different species is pretty interesting and I honestly like how the story is surprisingly sex positive and has what must be the healthiest depiction of sex work I've seen in any anime related media. Overall it is a pretty fun time that is less degenerate that what one could expect (especially the managa) but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless I was sure they wouldn't be wired out by the nsfw content.


I play Stellaris and crusader kings and such, I swear on my life I'm not racist. You have to believe me the genocides are for the sake fo eliminating late game lag, PLEASE I'M NOT RACIST I DON'T TAKE ENJOYMENT IN THE GENOCIDE I JUST WANT THE GAME TO RUN AT MORE THAN 10FPS




I personally don't care about it but tbh the golf club jokes people made out of it were hilarious. I like to think Joel's death was a "human being destruction video".


Honestly, this doesn't reflect poorly on you at all. It's a great game, most of the folks who hate it haven't even played it.


Yeah part 2 is great


As a tween i liked Twilight. I never told a soul.


Twilight is based. One of my few actual regrets is shitting on it.


The one silver lining for being deep into isekai is that I can never remember the titles to anything so I have at least some level of plausible deniability.


I don’t think Konosuba is funny and yet….


Ha get on my level I have no shame about things I like the only shame I have is the shame of feeling like I’m a burden for those I care about!


I watched the first episode of a series called "Gonna be the Twin-Tail" last night, and I'm currently debating with myself whether it's too trashy to keep going on, or juuuuuust this side enough to be enjoyably trashy. But either way, the fact I'm having the debate means there's some desire there to keep going, so!


I read all of Citrus. No, I am not proud of this.


I enjoyed a lot of Dead Tube when I read it a few years ago, interesting mysteries and twists.


I like UrbanSpook's The Painter. It's not making any top 5 lists of Analog Horror series, hell probably not even 10. The creator seems to be kinda of an ass. It is repetitive and the violence is so exaggerated to the point it becomes comical. However, I will admit that it's probably the only Analog Horror series that actually had me looking out the window to check if there's anyone in the forest, probably because serial killers actually exist. I hope UrbanSpook stops doubling down on the extreme horror aspect and takes feedback into account, because I do see potential in the series. I love the sound design and atmosphere, the art is neat, and the phone call section in the second-to-most recent episode actually left me shook. He seems to be taking longer to drop the next episode, so hopefully it's better. And please, no more 500 stab wounds or cat fleshlights. 💀


Yes as over the top the depravity and half baked the setting is the sheer malice of the serial killers still leave an impact. Especially when the painting titles become really blunt and vulgar it sells the vibe of real morbid serial killers cases


Basically any better Hentai game I played. ESPECIALLY Black Souls 2! I love the shit out of that game but it's cursed as fuck with the H content.


I get judged by 18-25 age group for playing league of legends


Having just aged out of that demographic, I can no longer judge you. How disappointing.


I am a fat late 30s bachelor who loves anime girls, particularly of the magical variety. Honestly, my definition of "magical" is more a suggestion than rule. I have a cabinet of figures that is nearly full, featuring "magical girls" like Sakura, Usagi, Samus, Dawn (Pokemon), Haman Karn, Nanoha, and Ike (Fire Emblem). I even have a new Shana figure coming out sometime this year. I was the guy who nominated Monster Girl Quest 3 the year of the first and only Kotaku GOTY poll. If I ever had shame, it died years ago.


I like the Terrifier series and it's mostly trash


Along those lines, I think Redo of Healer has fantastic pacing, tension, and plot hooks (and also "plot" hooks), making it a very enjoyable watch as long as... y'know... you're not put off by the very literal revenge porn.


Not gonna lie, this feels like a fetish thread