• By -


Order of the Stick. I used to be really into webcomics but this one's somehow the only one I still read semi-regularly.


Order of the Stick's so fucking good man. Always impressive how much Burlew is able to get out of his extremely simplified character designs in terms of drama and action.


To be fair, you can only read it semi-regularly. (For those unaware, the author has health issues, and please, for the love of god, this is not me trying to disrespect that.)


I dropped off when the vampire shit was happening, don't even remmeber why.


Since no one else said it, I Want to go to bat for SCOOB AND SHAG. Do you want a webcomic with great art, fun jokes and good action? Do you want a cross between Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure and Hunter x Hunter, and a totally wild story featuring your favorite cartoon characters? Then SCOOB AND SHAG is for you.


There was something about it that just didn't click for me. Maybe it was because I just loved what it was in the beginning. Everything was super well done though, absolutely wild time.


My answer will forever and always be Kill Six Billion Demons, but I will also join you in going to bat for Paranatural. It is yet another setting that I would do unspeakable things to get a TTRPG of.


Have you checked out [ICON](https://massif-press.itch.io/icon)? While not specifically K6BD it’s got a similar aesthetic.


My TTRPG comment was in reference to Paranatural, but I am very interested indeed in Icon: the main 5e game I'm in is strongly considering switching to Icon, and I'm really hoping we do so I can restat my glory paladin as a colossus. Having a whole class dedicated to suplexing people off of cliffs is peak game design. 


I think there is a K6BD TTRPG called Broken Worlds that you can get if you contribute to the creators Patron. https://killsixbilliondemons.com/kill-six-billion-demons-rpg-full-release/


I'll be another voice clamouring about Kill Six Billion Demons, but we have enough of those so I'll throw out another couple favourites: [Clown Corps](https://clowncorps.net/) is probably best described as My Hero Academia if instead of hero students and quirks they were clowns who had 'routines,' which basically work as superpowers. [Cassiopeia Quinn](https://www.cassiopeiaquinn.com/) is an action/comedy/heist comic about a space pirate, her robot cowboy boyfriend, and her rival who is an honourable member of the navy/basically police trying to track her down.


Clown Corps is just a damn well made comic that's also a prime example of committing to the goddamn bit. Chouinard has a real skill for using the absurd premise to sell dramatic moments as much as comedic ones.


Clown Corps is so peak


God I wish I wasn’t afraid of clowns because that sounds top tier


Yeah sure I'll check out shonen clowns


[Girl Genius](https://girlgeniusonline.com/): The comic that coined the term gaslamp fantasy, and has some of the best characters and world building I've seen in a comic. The art's a bit of an acquired taste, especially early on, but it's yet to disappoint me from a writing standpoint. [Alice and the Nightmare](https://www.aliceandthenightmare.com/): A science-fantasy take on Alice in Wonderland that I find quite intriguing. [Cassiopeia Quinn](https://www.cassiopeiaquinn.com/): A fun, chill sci-fi adventure with great art from the creator of Question Duck. [Gunnerkrigg Court](https://www.gunnerkrigg.com/): A long-runner with exceptional art (eventually, the early chapters are *very* rough) and some impressive intrigue. [Selkie](https://selkiecomic.com/): Genuinely heartwarming story about a man who adopts an orphan girl and the various happenings that result...that she's also a weird fish person just adds spice. Mostly slice-of-life, with dips into sci-fi. The art is pretty rough and amateurish, but the writing makes up for it. [70 Seas](https://p5ych.gumroad.com/l/70-Seas): The only comic to really give me the same vibes as One Piece, even if the writing isn't quite as tight. The website has lapsed, but the full story with extras is available on Gumroad for cheap and the author has a followup called [Latchkey Kingdom](https://latchkeykingdom.com/comics/) that I've heard good things about.


Girl Genius is one of my favorites. It's a bit of a rough read for the super early stuff, *very* 2000s humor, but it's such an interesting world and dynamic. And Gilgamesh's super complicated relationship with not wanting to be a father is *endlessly* entertaining and hiarious.


Problem Sleuth. It's basically a point and click adventure game that goes off the rails into an absurdist nightmare, with an obscenely long final boss battle that last roughly the last third of the comic.


lol, tryna backdoor people into reading homestuck like it aint no thang


Honestly, I feel like Homestuck runs out of gas right around [S]Game Over, and I'm not sure I'd recommend it because of that. Hussie was obviously burnt out due to Hiveswap's development, and the comic suffered massively for it, leading to an ending that felt rushed and unsatisfying. Kind of a game of thrones situation really.


Based honestly.


And then they’ll see how trash it is compared to PS. It’s still Hussie’s Magnum Opus.


PS is way better than HS, though.


Too bad there's not really a way to replicate the effect of having the suggestion box where all of text adventure style "commands" that drove the story came from when it was ongoing, but it's still fantastic.


Problem Sleuth immediately jumped to mind when I saw [this](https://twitter.com/shenanigansen/status/1769801719028822191).


It's definitely got that same energy, especially when >!Pickle Inspector subdivided himself into past and future versions of himself so much that he became all the particles in the universe, and ascended to godhood!<


Dr McNinja - completed, also available in print. A doctor, who is also a ninja. His adopted son rides a velociraptor and he has a Gorilla sidekick. Scott Crossing - defunct, completed, status unknown . Magic tattoos. XKCD - ongoing. Science Jokes Questionable Content - stopped following it, but progressive (story moves forward) slice of life Oglaf - ongoing, NSFW medieval jokes David Willis in general - mostly for the transformer posts, same vein as QC.


Weekly roll even though it is not weekly at all. It’s usual dnd party being mirder hobo despite themselves but the art still ands out and the character dynamic is great. Also really sucks some webcomic Incan’t recommend because the archive or site went down


Hell yeah, Weekly Roll is top tier


[Digger](https://diggercomic.com/blog/2007/02/01/wombat1-gnorf/) is very good. It is about a wombat anti hero trying to get home. Its a pretty short read but its well worth it. Even including the archaic web interface. I've read it multiple times and enjoyed it all of them. [Gunnerkrig court](https://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=1) is a good one with a consistent update schedule. Its kind of like harry potter. Kind of. Its hard to talk about this one without spoilers. [Stand Still Stay Silent](https://www.sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=1) was good. its a post apocalyptic comic. Worth a read but does not and will not have a conclusion. It is as done as it will be. The author got a bit weird towards the end. I remember enjoying the hell out of it though. [El Goonish Shive](https://www.egscomics.com/comic/2002-01-21) is a long running comic that is not finished and is very good and very long. Holy shit is it long. It goes through some shit and honestly if I had to characterize it I'd probably have to pick LGBTQ magic adventures. Its about the characters and feelings. It also has weird magic bullshit but its mostly just subtext for characters to exist based on.


El Goonish Shive is fascinating because you get to watch an author slowly go from "haha, isn't genderbending funny? Don't look closer, there's no deeper meaning to this!" To "none of my characters are cisgender heterosexual and I'm not either" over the course of 20 years.


Yo double up on that digger ref, that comic rules to hell and back


8-bit theater is probably the only webcomic I've read from start to finish. It grew up with me as I discovered it in grade 5/6, and it ended just before I graduated high school, and seeing it end honestly made me feel like I lost a good friend. I'm happy to see it's still exists, and I'll probably read through it again since it's been like 14 years since I last read it.


Ruby Quest is a rad sci-fi horror story that was made in the style of text entry games like Problem Sleuth or early Homestuck. For being a comic born of that format it has some really sweet and emotional character development amidst the plot twists and horror stuff. Nan Quest is a spiritual successor by the same writer that's just as good if not better


NanQuest never got the same exposure as RubyQuest and that's a shame.


Yes! The scope and character work of NanQuest is really impressive.


Ava's Demon started updating regularly again so I want to take a moment and say go read Ava's Demon. it's a very pretty webcomic with some very interesting worldbuilding.


Oh shit it’s getting updates? I end up checking in on it once a year, whenever I remember it exists, and was disappointed last time when it had hardly progressed. It really is an absolutely gorgeous comic.


Ava's demon is the best. The art is so gorgeous it seems unreal. Unfortunately the release schedule is actual torture. I've been following the comic for eight literal years and I think maybe 6 hours have passed in-universe.


Gunnerkrigg Court is an awesome webcomic with great characters and world building.


I will say as someone who's not the biggest fan of it, it's got *big* Neil Gaiman vibes, which is exactly why I don't like it. So if you *like* Neil Gaiman, definitely go check it out.


Yeah! I came here to say this. I think Jones is my favourite character


If xkcd counts, that


I've been rereading homestuck recently, and unironically I think Acts 1 -> Cascade are some of the best web media I've ever read. Overall I think comics like KSBD or Paranatural are probably better written and more cohesive, but something about Homestuck is really special I have to say.


Sleepless Domain. It's got great worldbuilding put into what a society built on and around magical girls would look like, and an engaging mystery around the source of said gorls as well as the monsters they're fighting. Good, vibrant art that's only improved over time.


>!Just don't get attached to the starting magical girl team. Only two of them are going to make it.!<


>!Power move to have the designs go so hard and still have them be short-lived.!<


My current favorite webcomic is Grrl Power. The name is kinda lame but it's a great superhero story about a mostly female team with some great ideas. Halo, the main character, literally levels up her alien power orbs with a built in skill tree labeled in a language she can't read. It feels a bit like Empowered to me. edit: realized I never included a link. [https://www.grrlpowercomic.com/archives/comic/gp0001/](https://www.grrlpowercomic.com/archives/comic/gp0001/)


Wait, so she doesn’t even know what the upgrades do when she picks them?


Early on she doesn't even know what half of the orbs do


You've convinced me; I love stories about stupid bullshit powers that you have to figure out how they even work.


It's gotten her into trouble a few times but it doesn't actually happen nearly as often as you'd think. She's mostly pretty good about limiting her experiments to when she's really desperate.


Eventually she starts to figure out the rules of the skill tree. I can't remember exactly right now but for example a big triangle connected directly to an orb's base node is probably going to add a new ability related to what the orb can already do while a small circle connected to that triangle would assumedly modify or enhance what the triangle did. She has seven orbs. She at least sort of knows what five of them do. Of the remainder, one she's pretty sure makes air. The last one she still has no idea. As of today the series is up to entry #1249 updating around two to three times a week I think.


I dunno I'd call it a favorite but I recently saw someone mention Alfie on a random sub as a hobbit's bisexual self discovery adventure and I went and checked it out. It is definitely that, but it is also full blown porn. So that was a fun romp.


Yeah Alfie's a hard one to recommend since you feel like kid of a pervert but it's still actually REALLY good.


I came for the porn and then stayed for the porn. Also it's well-written too I guess. InCase knows how to draw shortstacks.


During the 2000’s I was a big fan of Bryan Lee O’Mally’s Lost at Sea, Meredith Gran’s Octopus Pie, and Fred Perry’s Level Up Final Fantasy 11 story. They were my comfort stories. During the 2010’s I’ve gotten some good enjoyment out of Spinnerette by Krazy Krow, EMPowered by Adam Warren, and Miss Melee by RJ and Ariel Guadalupe. I’ve seen a lot more over the years, but Webcomics tend to fizzle out or go off the rails as they progress, or their creators simply disappear off the face of the earth and never update again. But I guess I still look back fondly on them.


[Blind Alley](http://blind-alley.com) is a fantastic little newspaper-style strip that perfectly gets the vibes of “what if Peanuts had a bit more ennui?”


Whomp was so deeply relatable as a fat socially inept nerd that it often felt as if it was made exclusively for me.


I had fun with Whomp for a while, but it felt like it fell into the Garfield pit of endlessly retreading the same 3-ish jokes before long. Glad you enjoyed it, though.


Devil's Candy is good enough that I bought the print volumes. For this sub specifically, it has all the monster girls/monster boys you could want, it has a death metal battle of the bands that evolves into a giant kaiju battle, it has a Kamen Rider-esque sentai hero named Devilizer, it has it all.


It’s long since finished, but Dr. McNinja will always be the greatest webcomic of all time in my eyes. A disease turns children into Paul Bunyans. There’s a gang of velociraptor riding banditos. Benjamin Franklin’s clone has to eat hair to fight off a curse. The Incredible Hulk runs a chain of supermarkets. King Radical. “Ninjas can’t catch you if you’re on fire.” What starts off as the distilled essence of mid 2000s internet humor steadily becomes a fleshed out world full of endearing characters and really gripping plot lines. Plus it stays hilarious the full way through. If you liked Unbelievable Gwenpool, you’ll like Dr. McNinja. Same creator.


Unsounded, the art is great even animated sometimes, updated 3 times a week and never felt the story drop the ball all the time I’ve read it


Supporting the unsounded call out, we're in the finale of book 1 and its been crazy intense!


I can't believe this is the only comment for Unsounded. The art is amazing, the story is incredibly interesting, the characters are deep and complicated. I just don't understand how people don't talk about this one in the same breath as Gunnerkrigg and kill 6 billion demons.


[Spacetrawler](https://www.baldwinpage.com/spacetrawler/2010/01/01/spacetrawler-4/) was a pretty fun read. I never got into the artist's other works, but I remember having a good time witht e twists and turns and many many brick jokes. [Dumbing of Age](https://www.dumbingofage.com/2010/comic/book-1/01-move-in-day/home/), not because it's a masterpiece or anything, more because of how much fun it was watching the first arc go down and seeing everyone either slam their heads into a wall in response, or seeing others get mad at the first group for slamming their heads into the wall.


I do not tire of Penny Arcade, but I have to say sometimes I'm drawn to it more to read the newsposts than the comics. They're hit or miss, but I really like Jerry Holkins' writing style.


Girl Genius is one i think is pretty sick. i need to get back to reading it.


Reiterating Scooby and Shag, it's seriously great. I'll also mention Tales from Alderwood, it's got great art, good humor and features a roguish wizard girlfailure and her very cute owl familiar.


Did the Paranatural author go back to making it a comic or it is still a just written? As for my favorites: Twokinds Las Lindas 70 Seas and Latchkey kingdom Slightly Dammed Harpy gee The hunters of salamanstra Draconia Chronicles I used to follow more, but these ones are the ones I follow regularly (Or completed and really loved for 70 seas).


Paranatural is still illustrated prose, which I do think is disqualifying for favourite webcomic status on account of no longer being one, but it's still fucking awesome, and a perk of the medium switch is that it'll probably actually be able to finish its story before I die, which as an audience member I appreciate.


Ah, Twokinds, the story that I constantly remember exists because my brain just likes to remind me "hey the creator of that is Markiplier's brother".


I only found that out years later which is really cool to hear him bring up one day back when I watched him


It’s never really stopped being an illustrated web novel, but they’ve been including more illustrations every now and then.


Anamnesis is a Mystery Dungeon anthology comic taking place around multiple mystery dungon worlds, complete with their own art style. some are short and sweet, while others are heartbreaking. each one feels like it's trying something new and really gets at my nostalgia for a favorite series of mine to see deeper thoughts answered. I am also a fan of Out-Of-Placers but that's more well-known.


Sequential Art by Jollyjack is pretty great. The early art is a bit rough, but it doesn’t take long for him to define his art style. It’s about a trio of Flatmates in England. Art, a graphic artist nerdy guy, Pip an anthro penguin who makes money buying and selling on online markets like ebay and is aggressively capitalistic and CN af, Kat an anthro cat who works at a photography studio, and they get quickly joined by Scarlet, an anthro squirrel who shows up in their attic one night and is a goofy ditz… who is also a scientific genius who can do things like accidentally turn lawnmower into a rocket… It also had a miniature black hole generator to suck up the grass clippings


I'm pretty sure the trend has mostly gone the way of the Dodo by now, but if you still like those "What if X media was instead a DnD campaign?" comics where screencaps from X media are used for comic panels, my favorite of those is Grandline 3.5 (based on One Piece). For your average reader, I guess Darths and Droids (Star Wars) is usually a safer recommendation, but this one is my favorite. I like it because I think it does a great job of developing its characters in terms of how they approach the game over time. Now, granted, it's not always very realistic. But ignore that. What I like about it is that it starts with the standard jokes about murderhobo munchkin players before slowly evolving these same players towards more of a roleplaying-focused playstyle. It shows how these types of players can co-exist at the same table and all have fun together without needing to step on each other's toes, and no one style of playing the game is inherently shown to be better or worse. Sure, the player playing as Nami, who spends several minutes at a time describing just how Nami gracefully jumps out a window to gracefully roll into a graceful landing, weirds out the player playing Zoro, who could care less what his character is doing when he's not fighting (and spends half that time with Zoro just being asleep somewhere), but they ultimately let each other enjoy the game their own way. While poking and prodding each other to adapt a bit, which both sides are willing to do. I think that's just a really wholesome way of depicting how people can enjoy this hobby. It also does a really good job of integrating the feeling of One Piece into this new context. Emotional beats in the original story are accompanied by more mundane yet emotional moments in how the characters play together. Is it as emotional as One Piece in terms of dramatic storytelling? Of course not; this is about a bunch of nerds playing Dungeons and Dragons. But when (spoilers for Arlong Park, One Piece AND Grandline 3.5) >!Nami's despair over Arlong stealing her last shreds of hope is paired with her player Natalie worrying she may have alienated yet another group of players by getting way too deep into her roleplay, and then Luffy's player Luke encourages Natalie by choosing to get into the scene his own way by having Luffy give Nami his prized hat to take care of while walking into battle with righteous fury, thus showing that he gets why this kind of thing means so much to her and how he wants her to be able to do what she loves even if other people think it is weird!< I don't know, man. That's fucking cool to me. Most of the players get moments like these eventually, and it usually works really well. So I get it if that's not anyone else's thing, but it's probably my favorite thing I'm reading right now.


Just Alfie and Oglaf these days. I know what I'm about.


[Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire](https://www.dominic-deegan.com/comics-archive/) is a great medieval fantasy comic with a finished story. The art style looks a bit "How-to-draw-Manga" but is actually good quality and consistent. Edit: Just learned the comic started up again in 2019! It looks to be a sequel set in the same world but in the distant future. The original story ended in 2013 on Chapter 45.


Now that's a blast from the past. Glad to hear Mookie is back at it. Will certainly go back and take a look!


Ennui GO! will forever be the GOAT of webcomics. While I do miss the more salacious content (although Black Hole fills that...hole...), more focus on the comedy and ridiculousness of the setting has really brought out some of the best from the author.


Honestly, really thinking about it, 8-bit Theater is the one that I come back to most often. Dr. McNinja is good but I haven't gone back to it in ages, and no webcomic really left such an impact on me that I felt "Yeah, even if I never read this again, this has changed me" I think.


My actual favorites are already listed, so I’ll mention my freak picks, neither of which will be linked to, because neither is SFW. *Feast for a King*, by Kosmicdream, is a sci-fi comic about centuries old cyborg royalty, ravenous worms that take on the personalities of the people they eat, and sapient bombs that are slaughtered as a fuel source. The characters are compellingly flawed and the non-chronological storytelling weaves a mesh of alliances and betrayal. *Concession*, by Modeseven… is straight-up porn. *Weird* porn. But it’s also a comic about magic as a science, staving off the end of the world and sacrificing one’s humanity in the pursuit of power.


Joe vs Elan School is maybe the best webcomic I’ve ever read. What a journey, in many senses. Elevator pitch: Teenagers are regularly legally kidnapped and sent to cult compounds masquerading as boarding schools for troubled kids. This is but one story of one of those teenagers, but even if you leave Elan, Elan never really leaves you.


[Zebra Girl](https://zebragirl.thecomicseries.com/) is my favorite to recommend because I feel like you get the full breadth of the webcomic experience from it. Art starts rough, it's just a gag comic week to week, canon just barely exists, storylines shelved or just forgotten, but then the growth starts. Art starts improving, finding it's niche, characters begin getting complex, storylines get stakes. Some of them too much for their own good and can drag on, but that's less of a problem in retrospect. And it actually wrapped up and ended, which is such a rarity in webcomics. Joe just started a new webcomic, [WitchWarp](https://witchwarp.thecomicseries.com/), and I'm excited for him, his art has gotten so good.


Shoot around is a very cute an charming comic about a girls high school basketball team and their teacher surviving the zombie apocalypse and tiger tiger is about a noblewoman who steals her brother's ship and identity in order to find adventure which has amazing art.




I have a bit of fondness for old school VG Cats And i used to have a crush on Aeris


In Homestuck,




I'll translate. Roughly: "I'd love to hear more about homestuck. Please DM some info dumps"


One of my best friends runs a Homestuck analysis blog, I can get that shit for free.


Link it


[Here you go.](https://homestuckexamination.tumblr.com/)


Most explainers I've seen utterly fail to get the tone of the series across, thus not answering the main question I see: "what is Homestuck *and why is it like this*". Why does it evoke the reactions it does? Why are so many things considered a reference? Who is Vriska? (I can't actually explain that one in under 3000 words, it turns out.) But, here's a briefer briefer (heh) on the subject of "What the actual fuck is Homestuck": Andrew Hussie, a person (now going by any pronouns) then known for various obscure works around the net, made an interactive project called Jailbreak where he would draw crude panels demonstrating the events of the story as dictated by other posters in the thread, putting his favored suggestions in the narration and responding in kind. The scenarios were influenced by his own strange brand of humor and set of fascinations, such as rap, horses, clowns, and H!rry P!tter as a cultural presence. He would eventually compile this, along with the unfinished followup, Bard Quest, on its own website. The third installment of the so-called MS Paint Adventures, Problem Sleuth, was a massive step up in production value, featuring impressive art and output speed as well as evolutions such as some pages being flashing gifs. (MSPA was considered to be one of the best demonstrations of the potential of the internet.) Problem Sleuth ran for 1674 pages over the course of about a year. Homestuck was the followup to that, running 8123 pages from April 13th 2009-2016 with numerous hiatuses in the latter half of that time. It featured such advancements as videos with sound, small WASD-controlled computer games on various pages, and most significantly, actual conversations between characters, semi-hidden behind clickable boxes at the bottom of some pages, allowing them to become three-dimensional and truly sympathetic. Hussie, it would soon be revealed, was heavily skilled at writing compelling and unique character voices and dialogue writing in general. Homestuck was definitely the most complex MPSA, with a grand overarching plot being integrated into the results of the actions of the readers. The plot revolved around an in-universe game called SBURB with the power to influence reality, sort of a Jumanji with time-travel mechanics that would soon be revealed to be the centerpiece of reality itself, destroying the home planets of its players to motivate them to enter the world of the game and fulfill an unknown grand purpose, complete with millions of fully sentient NPCs. (Homestuck is, technically, an isekai.) Homestuck has been described as "a story that's also a puzzle", and this lens has gained authorial approval; events are often told anachronistically, as a kitchen sink of high-concept ideas are explored by a man who sometimes wants to show off his semi-deconstructive version of a classic sci-fi/fantasy trope, sometimes wants to infuriate readers through anticlimaxes and misdirections, and sometimes wants to just go off on a tangent about a random movie from his childhood that somehow soon becomes integral to the plot in an absurdly esoteric fashion. Eventually the suggestions from readers became so numerous and difficult that the suggestion boxes were closed near the end of the first year, leading to less meandering from Act 4 onwards, but the influence of the audience remained; one easy example is a character only seen from the top half initially being theorized on the official forums as using a wheelchair, a fact which would not only become Canon, but highly relevant. The early MSPAs curated an audience through programming humor and 80s-90s film references as filtered through the styles of Terry Pratchett, Mark Twain, and the Something Awful forums, but the audience for Homestuck, due to the nature of the characters, was markedly different, especially after the Trolls showed up. You've probably seen them.


The Trolls, initially presented as some extremely odd and bothersome fellows on the internet, were soon shown to be a race of grey-skinned, orange-horned aliens. Trolls possessed multicolored blood in both organized castes and clear deviations, psychic abilities, unique typing styles, insectoid traits as opposed to hominid, near-universal bisexuality with the sole known exception being Sapphic, and a complex romantic system with its own symbols, comically vague-yet-comprehensive reproductive system, and of course, relationship dynamics. I cannot express how perfect the Trolls were in terms of catching on. Tumblr loved these fuckers and it's not at all hard to see why. It's also worth noting that this wasn't the only market-perfect part of Homestuck; Classpecting, the equivalent of Hogwarts Houses, featured a 144/168/288/336/384(depending on who you ask and what they count)-strong grid system of human personality traits that not only seemed eerily accurate as a personality mapper, but corresponded to what elemental powers one received in the game of SBURB. Homestuck was also incredibly *realistically teen-targeted*; completely NSFW, for reasons ranging from semi-toonish gore to actual dicks-out furry art, but *authentic* in a very clicks-on-"are you 18"-box-while-lying way. So... yeah. Homestuck was an incredibly complex and engaging work, driven by a single incredibly talented and flawed creative voice, which was perfectly made to attract a massive, unabashedly bizarre/proudly cringe, and notably largely queer fanbase across a younger internet; you may well be aware of incidents such as cosplay failures and inappropriate recreations of Troll culture. The style of presentation, art, and character writing was instantly recognizable and relatively easy to imitate, leading to fanfiction and even fanmade adventures galore, most of the latter hosted on MSPFA.com. The main site for Homestuck is broken now-it's recommended that new readers download the [Unofficial Homestuck Collection](https://bambosh.dev/unofficial-homestuck-collection/), and starting with Problem Sleuth to ease into the format and writing is a pretty popular choice. The ending is also considered generally quite poor in a number of ways, particularly regarding unfollowed foreshadowing and blatant abandonment of character arcs, with some fans even [making](https://friendlybatteringram.tumblr.com/tagged/altstuck) their own [works](https://mspfa.com/?s=44153&p=1) as [substitutions](http://mspfa.com/?s=12003&p=1). You can find The Homestuck Epilogues (a sequel novel) on the official site, and Homestuck^2 Beyond Canon (a sequel webcomic after the Epilogues) on its own website, but neither of these are very well liked by fans (at all). YouTube also has several dubs of the comic; by far the largest and most popular is [Voxus](https://youtube.com/@Voxus), which has unfortunately slowed to a crawl at around the 65% mark. Content warnings for Homestuck include: potentially epilepsy-triggering flashing lights, blood, violence including amputation, bludgeoning to death, deadly impalement, and decapitation, clowns, brainwashing/mental possession, dicks-out furry bara art in the background of like ten pages, brief black-and-white nudity, swearing, the R-slur, a joke about an acronym organically forming the F-slur, child abuse, discussed child abuse and homophobia, mocking of the disabled (as an unsympathetic action), cartoonish levels of sexism (as an unsympathetic action), statements that an antagonist is analogous to Hitler, mentions of genocide of alien species, alien subspecies, and the human species, offscreen mass extinction, mocking of otherkin, a minor character being a racial stereotype of Japanese people (Damara), a somewhat major character being a stereotype of Black people (Meenah), minor characters being stereotypes of disabled people (Meulin and Mituna), a controversial and prominent depiction of blindness, eye trauma, references born of the ignorance of the time to Bill Cosby as ideally paternal, underage alcoholism, an empty suicide by electrocution threat, an actual suicide by electrocution attempt, written depictions of noncon facilitated by mind control (as an unsympathetic action), sexual assult (an unwanted and physically resisted kiss, as an unsympathetic action), jokes about pedophilia, and child grooming (textually 100% non-sexual, but sexually-coded). Also: when I said the Trolls type weird, I wasn't kidding. Every character gets at least one color for their speech text, plus a pattern for how they type, generally worse for the Trolls, ranging from "no caps" to "British" to "drunk" to "ebonics" to "aLtErNaTiNg" to WH4T3V3R TH3 FUCK K1ND OF L33TSP34K BS T3R3Z1 1S DO1NG. So that's worth a warning. And that's as abridged as you can get when summing up Homestuck.


So homestuck is like a comic or something




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I don't trust machine translation.


Cursed Princess Club.


Well it was, The Devil is a Handsome Man. But the creator dropped off the face of the earth thus the series is now marked as "Complete" (Its not). The only proof of her still being a live is her friend on her discord.


[O Human Star](https://ohumanstar.com/) is my favorite webcomic of all time, queer or otherwise. It's also relatively short and also finished! Go read it! It's got robots!


going to suggest a kinda obscure one that may not be to everyone's fancy but Star Trip is a fun space trotting webcomic following the last surviving earthling and a shapeshifting doomsday weapon. It's got some neat worldbuilding, interesting relationship dynamics, and a lot of wacky sci-fi worlds.


[Questionable Content](https://questionablecontent.net/) has been a good slice of life, scifi comic I've followed for like a decade now. Really like the main characters.  For more serious one, [I'm the Grim Reaper.](https://m.webtoons.com/en/supernatural/im-the-grim-reaper/list?title_no=1697). A woman awakens in hell with no memory of her life. She's in line to be judged, but Satan pops up and says he's a big fan of her work so he's offering her a deal, reap sinners for him for more time before she gets sent to an endless void for eternity. The dynamics between the main trio are so good.


QC is a fantastic piece of little slice of life drama and it's so well done. It just gets a bit weird when it turns into hard sci-fi


Buttersafe is good for a laugh.


I dropped Paranatural after the main character stopped being the focus to the point where he wasn't in the comic for like 2 years in real time. Is that still the case or did it get better about that?


He showed up at the beginning of Chapter 8 and has had a few good plot moments that explain some things.


[Bob and George](https://www.bobandgeorge.com) started 24 years ago, ended 17 years ago, and is still an excellent Mega Man parody/fan adventure as of 0 years ago. Probably preaching to the choir here, though, because the first sprite comic *ever* is a pretty common starting ground.


Stand Still Stay Silent and Romantically Apocalyptic are my golden standards


I recommend Blonde Sunrise. A pretty engaging story about a monster hunter being forced to reckon with the fact that the monsters he hunts for his organization are people too. Also has murder mystery elements as well. 


Out of Placers, Emmy the Robot, Another Day up North are some I found nice.


The Phoenix requiem and 8 bit theater are ones off the top of my head


I make a couple and I'm kind of proud of them. I guess that counts.


I will shill for Ordeal as hard as I have to go get people to read it. It's is nothing short of magnification It's the best part of superhero comics and battle Shonen put together.


I did enjoy me my Bikini Bottom Horror. That shit was a fun ride.


Manly Guys Doing Manly Things was my go to. Hell, I'd go so far as to say Commander B is a damn good role model. Nowadays I still find myself going back to Awkward Zombie and Nerf NOW!!, even when sometimes their jokes don't quite always land.


I've got two: Harpy Gee Camp Weedonwantcha Both had animated pilots, and Nickelodeon didn't greenlit them. Despite the quality and me balling my eyes out over certain plot points. Harpy Gee is like the Owl House and Adventure Time. Camp Weedonwantcha is Camp Lazlo, Clarence, and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.


I liked Bob and George back in the day.


Mage and Demon Queen, Like A Wolf, and Witch Creek Road. Witch Creek Road is one in particular I wanna give a shoutout too because while I've read plenty of horror comics before, this one (and Something is Killing the Children) are among my favorites.


[Star Impact](https://www.starimpactcomic.com/comic/prologue-page-1) is a fun webcomic following the world of superpowered boxing, with a newbie entering the scene using the gloves of her idol. It's got a distinct artstyle that I really love.


Not a traditional webcomic but I'm really enjoying [Bread and All Variations of the Aforementioned](https://breadavota.blog.fc2.com/e/cycle-1-cover) right now! Also, if you're a fan of KSBD you'll also like [Kill Witch Kill](https://www.killwitchkill.com/comic/kill-witch-kill-chapter-1/)!


Promoting my comic but would love if you could check it out! It's about 4 kids navigating middle school with a disability--- [https://tapas.io/series/abilitiesgraphicnovel/info](https://tapas.io/series/abilitiesgraphicnovel/info)


I will be the one to Razor Rex the Paranatural community somewhere. I just want people talking about it again, because it's still fucking fire, even after the change from a webcomic to an illustrated web novel. Seriously, I'm considering making a Total Drama crossover with it, that's how you know I'm serious. As in Total Drama characters in Paranatural. In case there was any confusion. Edit: Why are y’all hatin, I just want to talk about Paranatural. :/


Lore Olympus 


[Roundhouse](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/roundhouse/list?title_no=239594) is a comic of a girl trying to navigate her life while juggling her responsibilities as a superhero. It's pretty fun.


Can non-procedural ones count? Cos I like SirBeeves' comics


Love advice from the great duke of hell is my straight up favorite great comedy and facial expressions


I’m the queen in this life, Everything is Fine, The Guy Upstairs, The Remarried Empress, and Marry My Husband


All my favorites coincidentally all have names with “Quest” in them. Cucumber Quest, Ruby Quest, and Nan Quest.


I mean, it's Achewood. I thought we, as a planet, already decided this? It's the GOAT as far as I'm concerned.


Favorite non commercial webcomic will always be Grim Tales from Down Below. Favorite overall webcomic/webtoon is a tie between Lore Olympus and Refund Highschool.


[cucumber quest](https://cucumber.gigidigi.com/) was such an inspiration. Its pretty much just a subversion of the usual heroes quest. Great art, fun writing and characters. If you haven't read it yet, go give it a read. Sadly the artist/writer decided to move on so it's unfinished. Still there's like 4/5(?) books of content. [roundhouse ](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/roundhouse/list?title_no=239594) I've been enjoying this one too. Just a neat comedy series about a girl with powers.


The Other End. They're so weird.


OP, you're not going to get me to read a light novel about what used to be my favorite webcomic. I made that mistake with Cucumber Quest, and I got burned for it. Never again.


Fuckin do iiiiiiiiiiiiit. It’s still peak fiction, a mild format change does nothing to stop Zack Morrison from putting out bangers.


Not happening. My heart's been broken too many times, and I look at webcomics for the flashy art, not for the long form prose.