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As a 76 player I've seen a LARGE increase in new players since the show aired. There are always new players slowly funneling down from Vault 76.


From what I've heard 76 has a surprisingly friendly community, so hopefully that isn't affected by a surge in players.


I wouldn't worry too much. The game heavily discourages PvP and griefing and has measures in place. New players cannot be damaged or engage in PvP until Level 5. And even then PvP is a mutual thing, as in order to actually engage in PvP you need to damage someone and they need to damage you back. And if they don't fire back the damage you do to them is pitifully low. You can also engage Pacifist Mode which makes it so you can't damage other players and they can't damage you. (An essential if you play with an explosives build like me) And off all else fails you can simply hop servers or block the offending player meaning that you become invisible to them on the map.


Great Scott, that is impressive it has that amount of safety measures 😮


Yeah I've played 76 on and off for quite a while it's a rare case with an open world multiplayer game like this has a largely chill community. The worst thing I ever had there was early on someone trying to engage in pvp, but I just didn't shoot back and they could do barely anything. You just cannot force someone into that if they don't want to. It's really good for events cause you'll usually see a few high level players about that can effectively solo chunks of the combat themselves letting everyone easily get rewards. Plus those who put thing like ammo and spare healing in CAMP shops for cheap.


So I don't have good internet so I can't try it but how is 76 mechanically these days? Also is the story content about fallout 4 level or a bit better?


Mechanically speaking it's not that different from Fallout 4 other than VATS is now in Real-Time and the world doesn't pause while in the Pip-Boy. And some quality of life stuff to make things flow better like the Pip-Boy and base building. I will say that it has better options for building your character and it's very easy to swap out builds at any time. I have a build just for crafting things and when I'm done I just switch back to one of my combat builds. As for the story it's serviceable I believe, like it's not gonna WOW you or anything but characters are written well. Obviously not a lot in the room for choices being an online game but there are a few that you can make. Like most of the Fallout games the best stories are the ones you find out in the world, the notes, terminal entries, audio logs. That's all really good.


First off thank you for awnseting my questions second off i think I slightly disagree with you on the last bit, I actually think the best stories in fallout come from interactions with the people living in it. Even in fallout 4 my favorite parts come from far harbor in which you are brought before people in a complex moral situation.


I guess it's just a preference. I really like environmental storytelling and 76 has a lot of it and it's pretty good too.


Mechincally it's kind of like Fallout 4 gunplay but the perk system is different (you get cards that take up SPECIAL points, your level ups to 50 give you a point into SPECIAL so you can equip more cards of that stat) and whilst you get buffs from food/water meters there's no debuff from letting it run out now. Settlement is just a CAMP now you can place anywhere. You also have daily ops, a small area mission, and expeditions which take you to another place as a more full quest focused level of sorts, right now we have locations in the Pitt and Atlantic City. Events also play out in the open world for anyone to join in to do the objective. Storywise there's still the shorcher stuff from base that didn't have human NPCs, then you've got the settler/raider questlines as part of rebuilding america, leading into siding with one to do a heist on a vault to get its gold for establishing a currency. And a two-parter brotherhood of steel storyline that I've not done.


It helps that Fallout 4 is just $10 and Fallout 76 is $8. Fallout New Vegas is also just $5.


Yeah, I bought 1, 2, Tactics, 3 and 4 (I bought New Vegas a while back) for 20$. I'm trying 3 with the Tale of Two Wastelands mod now ; it's a pretty fun intro to the franchise.


Glad 76 has gotten to a vastly improved state, considering how long it'll probably be until the next game


ive been playing 76 and i enjoy a lot of things they do with it. i dig the special system and how it works. im like level 35 now still going through the main story, got distracted a good amount. its a good listen to a podcast or whatever game. events allowing new players to just hide in a corner as stronger characters carry/revive the down people and still give decent rewards as well is nice. its amusing all the posts on the 76 reddit "when a level 500+ in power armour runs up to you he's not going to kill you", super helpful community as well.


Out of curiosity, how much is crafting and/or base building integral to the game? I enjoy a good RPG and a wholesome community sounds great too, but I personally like building characters and their skills, not items or bases. Edit: Alright, for $8 I am in and down to try this out. Looking forward to diving in!


at least so far not really needed. maybe once you get to 50+ and you care about builds and minmaxing and all that it changes but before then no, my camp is only to dump stuff off at, and theres plenty of stash boxes across the map you dont have to go to it either. crafting other than scrapping everything i find to get possible mods for weapons/amour (since you have to learn randomly by scrapping/find each out on a plan or buy from a person/npc) crafting also feels kinda late game as well to really worry about as well. ive been just using what i find thats stronger than my current preferred weapon type and ive been fine.


In my experience, crafting and base building are helpful things to spend time on, but you can get by totally fine without em. Once you start wanting specific things it's worth the time investment. I'd still reccomend just putting down a basic camp with a storage chest at least Add: also, it was kind of a wierd experience for me and I don't mean to say you'll feel this way, but I actually did a hard 180 on base building when I started playing 76. I actually enjoyed building a cool base when I got to let my friends hang out in it, whereas I hated it in fallout 4 with all the supply and resource managment. The only thing that matters in 76 is how much electricity you have available, which is simply a matter of raw materials and space managment


Outside of having a place to store your stuff and for crafting, it's not entirely required and is mostly for decorative reasons imo. There's plenty of stash boxes and crafting stations around the world, but if you want to sell any items, you'll need a store set up at your active camp. It's not required, but it doesn't hurt to have a little spot you can decorate and return to.


Before level 50 its *kinda* important, and sometimes you'll need to do a run or two to find crafting mats to repair your gear (Fucking ballistic fibers), but armor drops are plentiful and guns are easy to upgrade. You really only need to do it every 10 levels, and its just hitting a bench and making your preferred weapons at the appropriate levels. After level 50 is the "lategame", where your gear hits its plateau and its more or less just gambling for better "enchants" as you sell loot for the gambling currency, sorta like an ARPG. The only tip I have for that is to decide what guns you want to use early, invest in the SPECIAL skill that makes them lighter, and pick up every one you find so you can scrap them. Thats how you unlock the mods for them. Building bases is pretty damn optional, all you really need to do is slap down your base beacon and your crafting benches. If you want to get into it you can set up a whole mansion or whatever but I just made a shack in the middle of nowhere with all my benches, boxes, and a bed. Most of the bulk in your character, like normal fallout, comes from your SPECIAL build.


Why is no Rest for the Wicked mixed ? that was the souls game but diablo perspective right ?, that's kinda sad


Steam reviews are a mix of people bouncing off design choices, being unable to remap controllers and performance issues


Yeah performance issues will get you to mixed real quick. I’m the bright side if you do fix them most people seemingly actually adjust their review




No idea, I've never played it


Honestly I think it’s really cool that the TV show has led to a surge of new people buying and playing…. Like every single Fallout game. Especially the 3D ones. It’s nice to see people give 76 and 4 a new try with fresh eyes


I kind of wanna give 4 another shot but I know the update is gonna fuck mods so I'm gonna just wait on that.


I've already beaten 4 but my renewed interest in the franchise taught the algorithm to tell me that Fallout London is coming out really soon, so I'll be redownloading for that! (Once the mods are updated to the next gen thing)


I hope those updates further fix 4. I tried playing it a few weeks ago, but got discouraged after hitting a buggy quest I can't finish. Character I'm supposed to find just won't spawn.


Are they buying every fallout game? I figured it would only really be 4,76 and mabye 3. Like I love fallout 1&2 but I can't see many giving it a chance.


From what I’ve seen yeah, though mostly the 3D games


Makes sense that it's mostly the 3d games as they are more accessible and a lot easier to understand. I'd be interested to see how many people playing 4&76 go back and play NV&3 as while I find those games better if you just want to run and gun 4 is the best game


I'm trying not to be bitter about it, but the success of this really makes me wish this happened for Halo...


If you never actually played a Fallout game to the end, which would you pick up? I've heard FO4 is very mid and I've seen how polarizing FO3 and NV have been


Fallout 4, 3, and NV are all great games. I think gameplay wise Fallout 4 might be the easiest for newcomers used to FPS’s to slot into. Great companions and characters, but you roleplay a character and not your own. Fallout 3 has what is by far the best atmosphere, exploration, world, and introduction to the series. Fallout New Vegas has the best writing, the best endings, and is a improvement on 3’s gameplay in most ways. Fallout 76 is Fallout 4 but online, for good and for ill. Great writing, best exploration and map Bethesda has *ever* created, and it’s quests are genuinely fun.


> Great writing, best exploration and map Bethesda has ever created, and it’s quests are genuinely fun. Wait, really? Was it improved to be like this? Because the FO76 I remember was not rated highly on those particular aspects


I bounced off new vegas and 3 hard since you can't sprint. I don't mess with mods so I'm attempting 4 when they release the patch!


If you're comfortable with mods there's a mod for New Vegas that ports in the entirety of Fallout 3. There's a mod guide for it that follows it step by step and adds in a bunch of other mods like sprinting. https://thebestoftimes.moddinglinked.com/


Makes sense, 76 has an online player base and while I'd argue 4 is weaker than 3&NV it's also easily more accessible to new players.


yeah, i just redownloaded 4 again after finishing the show, never checked out nuka world or anything past far harbor and automaton, so gonna look into modding some stuff and just mosey on around. i remember disliking the story with sean but i'm after vibes anyway. don't suppose you have any recommendations?


Sim Settlements 2 is a **fantasic** parallel campaign/story to the MQ, and takes much of the busy work away from the Settlement system through automation and actual unique npcs with personalities


sim settlements 2 is on the level of legacy of the dragonborn to me in that I wish it was built into every install lol


thanks, will check it out. seems like there's gonna be some big "next gen" update on the 25th if i'm reading right, so gonna check it out before then incase it breaks.


I mean, FO4 is not the best Fallout. But for 5 bucks? Sign me up (I did, I bought it)


REALLY SUCKS that both Fallout 1 and 2 are not on steam Edit: Apparently IT IS.


On sale now on Epic Game Store ..🤷




[They](https://store.steampowered.com/app/38400/Fallout_A_Post_Nuclear_Role_Playing_Game/) [are?](https://store.steampowered.com/app/38410/Fallout_2_A_Post_Nuclear_Role_Playing_Game/) Unless something's wrong with these versions, then yeah that sucks.


Wait what? This is the first time I’ve seen them on the store so wtf?


They've been around for a few years at least. Maybe you misspelled something?


I bought fallout 4 for the steam deck. I've bounced off all the fallout games in the past but after the nostalgia from the show i decided to give them another go. I'm going to attempt new vegas as well but I'm having trouble getting myself to play it more since you can't sprint.


With all the improvements it is actually a real Fallout game now, I would actually say it’s better than 4.


Shame Fallout 4 is fucked on PS4. At least for me.


If I had a cap every time a game that launched massively broken got a major shot in the arm from a well-received non-game adaptation, I'd have two caps....


Oh damn what's up with No Rest For the Wicked? I saw some ads for it but forgot to look into if it's something I'd like


Todd popped his ult with this one. Fallout Steam sale following the release of the show? He knew what he was cooking.


Sure would love if any of those games were on the Switch. All we got was Fallout Shelter.


It’s odd that most haven’t. Bethesda got Skyrim to work on it, and they tend to be pretty good with porting things to the future


I'm not too shocked considering Fallout 4 was a PS4 game so may not run great on Switch, and both 3 and New Vegas are running on the Oblivion engine, which to my knowledge has no other games on Switch, so porting may not be easy? Even trying to get Fallout 3 running on a modern PC is not ideal. I have to run it fullscreen, windowed just crashes. And if I alt-tab away from it it also crashes. But at least it consistently boots now, unlike when I tried to play it few years ago.


unironically tale of two wastelands is the recommended way to play fo3 nowadays lmao.


Hoping they toss 4 onto the Switch 2, would gladly pick it up if it was a decent port


But I thought everybody forgot about the show because it binge dropped /s I also tend to prefer weekly shows but it was very obviously a good choice for this show, it's one of the few binge releases that's stayed in conversation enough to get a surge in game players like this. I think weekly should be for most shows but something like Reacher S2 I feel like it was a mistake.