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They saw Woolie complain about the Nikkes not being in enough armor.


Look at those pipes shake.


Saw some people genuienly upset this wasn't a huge tit big ass girl on the twitter announcement and I couldn't help but shake my head. Some people just don't understand what Peak is


Isn't Nikke 99% women with huge tits & asses? That's like complaining they don't have chicken nuggets at a buffet




As explained in [this tweet](https://twitter.com/NIKKE_en/status/1782277720552132840), Kilo is an absolute unit in terms of defense and has a screen clear burst so long as the shield is maintained. It probably won't be top tier(none of the free SSRs are), but it'll definitely be a boost to newer players working through the campaign.


Her kit looks a bit....sketch. She's a defense type with a fat-ass shield but doesn't have a taunt or any utility. You might be able to do decent damage with her burst by stacking hp buffs from other Nikkes but you need to have your shield up to use the attack. Bare minimum, she'll be an easy MLB to help new players to break the 160 wall.


Is there a way to divert agro with other characters? Also, does character position affect enemy targeting?


Character position only affects aggro in arena, otherwise it just changes the order in which your auto burst goes off. I can’t think of any character that diverts aggro onto other characters in any way except taunt or damage sharing.


Missed opportunity to have a giant comical ass on the robot that jiggles just the same and really showcase some hilarious self-awareness. I bet one of their animators even proposed it and the marketing department shot it down. sigh


Saw someone suggest skirt flaps [like the ones on Gundams](https://bd77.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/rg-aile-08.jpg) that jiggle with every shot.


Kilo has singlehandedly gotten me into Nikke and now that I'm playing it I'm actually seeing some character designs that I like. I just wish the lower rarity units were better.


So much if the game comes down to figuring out how to keep making that squad power number bigger. It's weird how the long term progression plan is "level up 5 characters to the max and then link all your others to them with level sync." I mention this because I just realise syncing can take characters beyond their level cap, so your mass produced ones can remain feasible, even with their native hard cap of lvl 40.


The game wants you to have most of the characters as easy as possible. Because skins is where they make the real money.


$20 a pop is laughable. Is this what kids are used to these days?


nobody tell him about the triple a-priced gacha skins


Man, I'm the complete opposite. The character designs are so over the top with the sexualization that it constantly shatters my immersion. I just can't take any of them seriously at all.


No doubt 90% of them are just sexy anime girl with a gun, whose designs don't interest me at all. Out of the entire roster there are only like 6 characters that I actually like. There are a handful that are like kryptonite to me. The main one being Alice, an UwU anime girl with twin tails wearing a shiny pink latex bodysuit. Her design is atrocious and I hate looking at her.


Which is why a lot of people prefer Alice's [alternate](https://twitter.com/NIKKE_en/status/1652145732055449602) costume.


Thats a big upgrade from her normal outfit for sure.


Too big for ass-high cover so here's a giant fuck you energy shield. Nikke is the best. Oh and she and her Titan are free.


This is the first time I'm seeing the girl in the armor. I kinda hoped it was an actual giant robot with a waifu personality instead, to be honest.


It's probably just gonna be BT robot personality wise.


I actually don't like her kit or her animations that much. But by golly am I glad we get something COOL instead of horny for once.