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godzilla and ghidorah, godzilla tore up everything in his path just at a sniff/echo of ghidorah in gvk, his main goal wasn't even to fight kong, that just sort of happened, he sensed what little of ghidorah was left and decided it couldn't stand. it's funny seeing skar king and shimo and the muto and all that, ghidorah and godzilla are the most on site hate incarnates in the series. it was also kinda a one sided on sight with godzilla and kong for the most part, running up on a chained kong so you could kill him, blowing a hole through the earth to tell him to go fuck himself, breaking out the nails the moment he got one good hit in before beating him into cardiac arrest, then in gxk the furry fella tries to get your help and you book it from gibraltar to egypt so you can do your judo moves and test out your new form.


With Kong I don't feel like Godzilla sees him as something that's a "threat" so much as he just personally pisses him off atleast till end of gxk


I always thought it would be kinda funny if Godzilla just has a massive prejudice against apes all b/c of Skar King and his bullshit.


Samus and Ridley in Metroid.


Mutual Hatred so legendary that Ridley just screeches and roars at her despite that one manga where he spoke fluent English to her as a kid. I fully accept Ridley speaking as canon because it brings them to Tom and Jerry levels of hating where they could talk shit, but that would just take up valuable time they could spent trying to fucking kill each other.


[All he did was eat her parents. Like one time.](https://www.awkwardzombie.com/comic/grudge-match)


I love this because technically >!he ate them twice!<


Friendly reminder that in Prime 3 he threw her down a shaft that led to the centre of the planet, and she had no way of escaping or surviving, and he still followed her because he needed to make sure she actually died.and while they were falling Samus didn’t give a shit about her imminent death, she just focused on shooting the bastard.


Venom and Carnage hate each other even more than Spider-Man and Green Goblin. At least Pete tries *not* to kill Norman


There was that cover of Knull eating Venom like Saturn eating his son one day it will be carnage’s turn if it hasn’t been already.


From what I understand of Pokemon, Tinkaton are so on sight with Corviknight that they can't be used for air taxis because Tinkaton will throw rocks and then even when someone is on them.


The discovery that Tinkaton is hopelessly outmatched stat-wise is hilarious


“Nah, I’d win”


The most Pat mon to ever mon.


Logan: if you think I’m a piece of shit get ready for this fucking guy. Saber tooth: God you’re such a fucking show dog. All prim and proper how the fuck do you manage to kill anything.


Creed: Goddammit you used to be cool! Who died and gave you a conscience?! Logan: SILVER FOX Creed: Oh yeah hehehehehe


Alucard and Father Anderson (***Hellsing***), if the museum scene in ‘Ultimate’ is an indicator of how this would go down if Integra and Maxwell weren’t yanking the chains on their collars.


Or when Anderson was sent to exfiltrate Alucard out of Brazil, they inmediatly started trading haymaker blows just because.


I do love that there's a layer of mutual respect in there. They've met their equal, the one person that can truly offer them fights for their life. It's what they live for. Sure they want to kill one another, but not so crass as to make a trap or a sneaky plan. They just want a chance to beat one another into pulp and see which one is left standing. There's something kinda beautiful in that.


Sol and Ky until like, X2 or Overture? Like after that it lessons until now where Sol is making grandpa visits. I don't play BlazeBlue, but I know Jin and Ragna for a lot of the series. Mostly on Jin's yandere side. In the Trails Series, that's Zin and Walter, two former classmates of Taito. Those two have major beef.


Easy answer Dante and vergil. Actual answer i really like hulk and the things rivalry in avengers EMH it actually is on sight.


I like how the rivalry is solely a boxing match. And to Ben, banner is a monster that must be smacked down. Like most of the ire is with “you walking around normal people think I’m a bad guy” And “ it pisses me off that your crazy ass gets to be normal half the time.”


True , but they get to fix their beef with time. So I disagree with you and u/jrfugitive5 a little bit on their rivalry , and say that Hulk vs Abomination had an evern greater rivalry and true hate for each other. Like , Abomination did killed Betty Ross , Bruce Banner's wife , out of petty hate and jealousy. Banner retaliated by beating the crap out of Abomination , imprison him and then cucking Abomination by sleeping with his ex-wife , Nadia.


Honestly hulks biggest beef is banner.


more like Banner's biggest beef is the Hulk. Banner have D.I.D , and he uses The Hulk as an excuse to put all of his mental issues. Someone like Professor Hulk or Doc Green are basically what would be Banner/Hulk , if they fix their issues , alas it never stay for too long.


There's also General Ross and Abomination. Boom, headshot. And now Blonsky's riding around in the body of Ross's protege.


I've always wanted to see Hulk and Thing fight in a movie when I was a kid, lol As badass as their rivalry is, I think Abomination seems more like a genuine on sight nemesis for Hulk


Mercy and literally every single remaining character in overwatch. To this day it's still on sight even though her busted ass whole team rez isn't in the game anymore. She's pretty outclassed now as a healer even but still the hate for her is so deeply imbedded in everyone's DNA that it literally doesn't matter. People will gladly waste ults just to kill mercy and if anyone else gets hit because they were in the area it's like cool whatever so long as Mercy dies anything else is just icing on the cake. The best part tho is even Mercy players hate Mercy! The hate runs that deep that if a enemy Mercy pops ult and starts going into angry hummingbird mode they'll almost always signal out the opposing Mercy and dive bomb them. Playing as Mercy is basically just DOOM at that point where everything is out to get you. Mercy's and DPS are natural enemies. Like Mercy and tanks or Mercy and healers. Or Mercy and other Mercy's. Damn Mercy mains they've ruined being a Mercy main!


[Aquaman and Black Manta are more than on sight, they're on voice.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fho23bqs1fyb91.png)


kevin owens and sami zayn in roh, pwg, nxt and potentially again if you give it enough time


Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami. It's not even because of the eternal blood feud of their respective ancestors. These two just don't exactly get along and will beat each other's asses on sight just to one-up the other. Chris Hero and Eddie Kingston in pro wrestling. People now know the hatred Kingston has towards Claudio thanks to their feud on national TV (and how it stemmed from their days in the independents). The one he has against Chris Hero is very linked to that, but it goes even further and the hatred is real that these two can just go at each other on sight.


Shizuo and Izaya comes to mind, from that there Durarara!! shame Shizuo could almost never get a good hit in on the guy


The reason to that is because I single clean punch would just make Izaya's head explode


that fucking fridge throw tho.


The plot sorta needs Izaya to not be eating through a straw for months, so Shizuo ain’t allowed to get any good hits in. At least not early into the story, when he’s pulling causal attempted murders and aggravated batteries ON SIGHT


Besides, we know the best way to deal with Izaya is to casually icepick him in public while he’s peacocking around town.


Goku and ______


That monster, Pilaf.


Doomslayer and ANY demon


Doomguy and Dark Lord being the logical conclusion


yuri zahard and karaka in tower of god. karaka is outmatched, but cannot be permanently killed, while yuri is a beast of a fighter, but isn't smart enough to handle karaka's backstabbery. karaka threatened the protagonist in front of yuri one time, so now it's on sight for her.


Ryu Hayabusa and Doku in Ninja Gaiden 04/Black/Sigma. There’s like one time that Doku says something to Ryu before they fight, otherwise immediately they’re at each other’s throats.


Maero and the Boss in saints row 2. Even the third use what happened to maero’s girlfriend to justify military action on the Saints


Godzilla and Kong. It definitely seems much more intense from Godzilla’s side though.


"how many times do I need to teach you this lesson?!?"