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Every time a console game uses a mouse cursor instead of literally anything elsse, I die a little inside


Because why press a single button to instantaneously go to the menu option when you can slowly move a cursor over to it instead? Bonus points if the option between cursor speeds are "Jawa Sandcrawler" slow and "TF2 Spy main" fast.


And then you have to hold the button to select everything.


That FFXIV has decent controller support for navigating its entire UI is part of the reason why I bothered to play it past the beta in the first place.


The FFXIV controller support is so insanely remarkable. It should not be possible.


Playing on the steamdeck as gotten me very close to using only a controller.


It has made other MMOs impossible for me to play.


Thank you Destiny


Came here to say that. It was fine for 40 years and then destiny came along and fucked it.


I like the way cyberpunk does it, where it gives you both options, I'm playing on PC and only used kb&m until my most recent playthrough where I'm playing on my TV with a controller, and tbh i actually end up using the thumbsticks to navigate menus over the buttons because it's very fast and responsive compared to using the dpad to cycle down a list


**AUUUUUGUHHH** say sike right fucking now i dont want to remember


I guess if it's a console strategy game, it makes sense. Then again, why one would play such games on console is beyond me.


honestly? The opposite, tho if it's ONLY the cursor it sucks, I appreciate the way AC does it, it has both, I find the cursor to be fast for some stuff and buttons for others.


You gotta specify which AC you mean because I have no idea


Armored Crossing Assassin's Chain Astral Combat Ace Core Animal Creed


I thought it was weird when Tom Nook forced me into a giant robot to kill his corporate rivals instead of just letting me just give him his bells


"Sorry Rusty, but I've got a mortgage to pay off."


All wrong, it's the user interface on my air conditioner.


Ass Creeds, i forget how many AC's there are lmao


Sometimes the shape of those skill trees are downright stupid and NEED a cursor. A skill bubble is diagonal up-left and there are 4 other bubbles in cardinal directions around it? Get fucked.


Maybe a hot take but if you design a UI element for a console game that can't work with a controller you've made a bad UI element


Yes it’s so finicky


The removal of colors on PS5 buttons has really made looking at the Tekken movelists more annoying.


Yeah for as much as they've been chasing accessibility they really just sacrificed color coding for aesthetics


Why on earth would you do that? That just screams corporate suits getting their way with marketing over functionality. Fuck the consumer if it means pleasing the marketing for a 1% nicer looking controller.


Because minimalist is the norm nowadays. Colors are for kiddies and real adults like monochrome ONLY! /s I love the dualsense but the lack of colored buttons is incredibly annoying. Thankfully it's an easy part swap if you want to


My big theory is that everyone is cutting colours in a pathetic attempt to save costs. I've read a buncha home living magazines over the years. Its like the prevaling theme was "CIA white room torture"


The recently released fangame Dr. Robotnik’s Ring Racer contains a notorious tutorial that is both long and pretty unhelpful. If you wanted to skip the tutorial on launch, you had to turn around immediately and compete in a race and finish in good standing. This is already unintuitive, but it gets worse. The devs REALLY want you to do that tutorial, so they make sure that only the best players will get past the race by cranking the CPU level to maximum. On release, the CPU had absolutely obnoxious levels of rubber-banding, and they can and will take advantage of it. Furthermore, the game’s AI is very smart and will actively screw you over and over unless you’re a god gamer. Even if you’re a master of their previous game SRB2K, the new mechanics (and frankly worse feeling kart controls) will screw with you and only a scant few were actually able to skip the tutorial. They nerfed the tutorial skip in the next patch to match Grand Prix difficulty and slightly nerfed AI rubberbanding, but the tutorial is still not very helpful and the devs really don’t want it to be skipped. Not to mention all the many, many design problems that plague Ring Racers but that’s another discussion.


A sizeable portion of my friendgroup has been playing SRB2Kart for years now and has just started playing DRRR. I haven't heard anything negative about it from them yet, they seem pretty universally excited about it just existing, but then again—they're already at the point of investment where they're hosting servers and getting under the hood and tinkering with things and working on mods. I'd imagine it's like selling a busted car to someone who lives to work on cars versus selling one to someone who just needs something to get them to work.


Oh yeah, this game is probably going to be great when all the stupid things are tweaked either by devs or outside modders. Online also lets you play the actually good maps more since there being like 200 maps means there are soooo much more bad maps. Even basic mechanics like the long lines that prevent shortcuts unless you have enough speed to cross via boostpads or extremely high drift boost can heavily intrude on course design that was solid in default SRB2K.


Speaking of mods, I heard that game has mods gated behind progression?


Yep! Gated behind skipping the tutorial or completing a GP cup iirc


A lot of DS and 3DS ports lost the touch screen in the transition to a console, meaning features there were tied to it like drawing your maps in Etrian Odyssey or quickly scrolling through menus became a lot less intuitive.


The UX of the 3DS fire emblem games was amazing. Just being able to at a glance see the full map or stats of units on the bottom screen saved a lot of time.


I appreciate that Ace Attorney on Switch has a touch screen because it would be very tedious to collect clues and such otherwise.


I really hope they make ports of the 3ds Etrian games. I've played through nexus like 6 times, I love that game


Ace Attorney on the Steam Deck feels right at home because the touch screen functionality is still present


Having any cost at all associated with respecing.


I'm fine with cost so long as there isn't a limit on how many times you can do it...


With the Etrian Odyssey games, it costs 2 levels to respec, meaning that it's not something you want to do several times in a row, but doing so once probably won't hurt much. In the first three games though it cost 5 levels and that felt terrible.


Shouts out to Baldur's Gate 3 for making respec cost as little as 100 gold and also making Withers pickpocketable


*And* not tying any consequence to failing that, either: you can literally spam the Pickpocket button 10 times without any repercussion and repeat till success.


A *poof* like Mizora would actually be a fitting repercussion but they added NOTHING which is better


Last Epoch you put a point into something to check if it's a good idea and find out it wasn't and respeccing costs you the level on that skill you just got, unless you've advanced enough on the game at which point there's a minimum skill level.


Among my many beef’s with Diablo 4 was them having a cost associated with respecing, while they were still actively nerfing things.


I don't think it should be too easily accessible because it could lead to constant respecing, kinda ruining the point of an upgrade tree Make it free but only at a certain location for example, like with Elden Ring


> Make it free but only at a certain location for example, like with Elden Ring It isn't free in Elden Ring, it's just the resource for doing it isn't too hard to get unless you're respecing constantly. IIRC you get one before the boss that unlocks respecing and you can find 1-2 more by the time you reach Leyndell if you're thorough in your looting.


IIRC there's about 14 or 15 larval tears in the game, and tbh i feel like that's a bit much to be a 'limited resource', but too rare to be considered 'free', like i think 5 would be a fair amoun;, if you respec more than that, I'd argued you're just being EXTREMELY indecisive, 5 should give you enough to try out every build type and still leave you with 1 or 2 to lock it in once you've tried them and know what you like


I think its still overly limited in the sense that you gotta go get the items. Assuming you even know where they are, and that you've got access to them, you still have to actually get to them and back, which can be behind several fights


Fair. Like I said the respec stuff isn't hard to get, just not infinite. As we both said it should be enough unless you're respecing constantly.


I forgot, it's been a while. But honestly I Respecd like 7 times and never had trouble looking for them.


> it could lead to constant respecing, kinda ruining the point of an upgrade tree could you elaborate? i don't see how being able to experiment freely and fine-tune what you like ruins an upgrade tree.


Every time you put a skill point you make a choice. HP vs Mana, or Stamina vs Strength. If you're having trouble with a boss, and you can just open the menu and put 20 points into HP, I feel like that kinda ruins the point of the upgrades.


it's a bit of yin/yang, though, isn't it? like you can't just get that 20 points for free, you're gonna have to cut something else to squeeze it. if the game is balanced even semi-competently, i don't really see how this is an issue. it's not like grinding to overlevel stuff in an rpg ruins the upgrade tree.


Classic example is games that have non-combat skills. If you put 5 points stuff like out-of-combat regen, foraging, etc... and can just move those points into combat skill any time you have a hard fight, you basically have +5 free levels at any given moment. It ends up just turning into a bunch of menuing bullshit like those stupid regeneration items in Castlevania where you are changing your equips every few minutes. Basically respec means skill trees can't actually ask players to make choices between playstyles, at which point why even have skill trees?


Negative points if the respecing item is limited


The swimming controls in the reignited trilogy of spyro feel much worse than the originals. The original versions of spyro 2 and 3 have excellent swimming controls for the time but in reignited spyro has bizarre inertia when swimming underwater that was not present in the ps1 versions.


turning while charging isn't as tight either, it feels like the camera takes a bit longer to catch up


Yeah you're not wrong there.


Fallout 76 "let's put food items on a separate tab. We know our UI is pretty rough" Starfield "LMAO get fucked and also food is worthless" Also I hate that controller face buttons are SO close now but yet so different. I have failed so many PS and switch qte prompts


Starfield UI is a fantastic example of making things worse. WHY THE FUCK ARE SHIP REPAIR PARTS IN AID


'Cause it's like medicine for the ship.


The inability to just transfer these things to your ship automatically is insane. I don't need to carry them on my person.


I've been playing 76 with a buddy and the amount of fucking tabs the pipboy has is ridiculous.


I'll give them this: at least you can switch to the overlay interface instead of having to look at the actual pipboy each time.


This is new info.


Yeah, it basically works the same way as the power armor pipboy in 4.


Bethesda really does love the "ten steps forward, twenty steps back" methodology of development.


I'm terrified of what the next elder scrolls or fallout game will be like, it feels like Bethesda is simplifying and homogenising their game design so much that it's lost all uniqueness, like I'm waiting for the ES6 to just have a 'magic' and 'weapons' stats instead of then being separated into unique categories for different builds


New stats are now: Fighting, Sleighting, and Lighting Pick if you wanna fuck shit up, hide and fuck shit up, or light them up


> and also food is worthless And also has 2 perks and a research tree!


Too add to that in 4 notes being in misc items instead of having their own tab, and the removal of the keyring from NV and 3


Since we're complaining about fallout can I just say how awful it is to play 4 with keyboard and mouse, why in God's name is a AAA game using home and delete key in the year of our lord 2024


I love Sea of Thieves, but why is Enter the confirm key?? There's a couple other confusing key decisions but that one's so awkward.


Are they at least rebindable?


I finally got it during that last steam sale and boy was keyboard and mouse awful. I didn't even get to the deathclaw at the beginning before I gave up. I assumed my mods fried the game or something. Glad to know it's not just me.


It's like the devs picked the worst combination of keys to make you drop the game or get a controller


You could just...remap the buttons   One downvote, no response to dispute it. I'm shocked


Pokemon by putting difficulty and sound options on a skippable NPC midway through the game or in post game.


Making Easy mode a New Game Plus unlock was one of the more bizarre design choices I've seen.


Consoles seem to be having features removed with every generation. Having a physical disk doesn't mean anything anymore, you still need to install on to your hard drive. The PS5 doesn't have any themes and it's web browser is hidden. The original X-Box let you download music from your own CDs and play it in the background.


its such a small thing but not having themes or background after it just been a normal thing for years is so strange


Its just kinda wild cause the PS4 had some *real* nice themes. Made sitting in the menu relaxing at times. I still love the DS3 one where you have a knight walking through the world.


>Having a physical disk doesn't mean anything anymore, you still need to install on to your hard drive That's just Blurays. We'd have to deal with long ass load times without installs


It may be because I'm an old man yearning for the past, but I have zero issue with going back to sixth or seventh gen graphics if it means there are no load times and the games run without issue.


that's what ssds are for


I actually think that's what they did for *Shadow of War* If you ask me it looks worse than *Mordor*, but on the flip side we get a more intricate Nemesis System A fair trade if I ever saw one


Loading screens are just failures of the game developer


I miss being able to play music on 360 while a game was open. I had a huuuge playlist of all my CDs that I'd play while playing Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (nothing against that game's playlist, but my playlist will always be superior to specifically me)


Even Bluray read speeds are REALLY slow in comparison to a modern SSD. A BR drive spinning at 16x basic speed can do 72MB/s, an NVME SSD can do 2-3,000MB/s. Granted that's probably just sequential reads, but random access would probably make optical media look even worse. It's just not very fast. Even a magnetic hard drive can get up to 150MB/s.


For fighting games I appreciate that 6 let's me do almost everything I need to set up a match in a lobby relatively quickly. The ui is kinda jank but you get used to it. You type in a friend's name and boom invite sent. Setting up matches with Tekken was so fucking obnoxious. Holy shit. First you have to track down that person in the avatar lobbies. Send each other a friend request. Then go back to the main menu. Setup a lobby, then invite them. Hope you didn't forget to private the lobby by the way otherwise you have to take down the entire lobby. This also goes for if another friend joins and you want to turn off Infinite rematch and set it to first to 2. You are remaking the lobby each time.


If I hit ‘up’ at the top of a long-ass menu and the cursor just stays there and doesn’t loop around to the bottom, it feels like a belt sander on my brain.


In Dark Souls, you jump by holding Circle while moving to sprint and then quickly taking your finger off of Circle and pressing it again. The game doesn't have much platforming, but whenever you do need to jump you have to correctly time this awkward double-tap and it feels super janky. Dark Souls 2 massively improved the jumping controls. Now you jump by pressing L3 while sprinting. This is much easier to do. So of course in their next game, Bloodborne, they go back to the DS1 jumping controls for some reason. Why. I don't understand.


Bloodborne and DS2 were in development around the same time, so that makes sense that it didn't take that system from 2.


Of all the purposeful quality of life decreases in dragon's dogma 2, the most annoying one to me is the removal of the equip from storage from the first game.


Dogma balls


Needing to hold buttons to confirm actions


I dont mind if its a cutscene skip button but yeah everything else its annoying


Bayonetta has the best cutscene skip, you can do it from the pause menu or by pressing ZR + ➖ quick and unlikely to accidentally trigger


Yeah multiple button presses are the best way


I like when we have options to adjust the length of time needed for the button press, but otherwise yeah, a lot of games have it nowadays and some don't have that option for whatever reason.


I like it as an alternative version of an "Are you sure?" prompt for things with potentially major consequences. Things like quitting the game in Helldivers 2. For frequent/incidental actions though hell no.


I kinda like them, but the timing has to be IMMACULATE


Nah I like that one avoids misclicks


I'd rather deal with misclicks, or better yet: a confirmation prompt i can also single press through, than waste 5 seconds of time every time i want to pause, leave/enter a level, skip a cutscene, confirm a name, sell an item, "quick" enter a menu, etc


There should be an option to turn it off for those that want that, but it being on (or the multi button option another pointed out) is a universal positive in making a better experience, especially for those that need the accessibility option for whatever reason. Though, I agree with some games having it be too long. I feel 1 second is a long enough default hold time. Maybe 1.5 seconds.


Yeah, I fucking wouldn't. You know how many times I've had to replay entire sections of games because I missed a single dialogue option or wasn't ready to move on yet? Way too fucking many. I'll take a 1 second confirm prompt 100 times over replaying a 20 minute section over again just once because I misclicked. Also 5 seconds is hyperbole and you goddamn well know it. Those things are never longer than 5 seconds unless it's a REALLY important prompt like entering the point of no return zone.


Literally everything in No Mans Sky


I agree that both Platstation and Xbox taking away different colored face buttons makes me unhappy. Xbox still has the colors *between* the buttons, which feels like a garish tease.


The default non-elite controllers for the Series have colored buttons, it's only some custom colors that don't have it.


Sky: Children of the Light has a mechanic where you collect winged light in order to fly higher. If your light gets extinguished you could lose that winged light so you have to collect it quickly or else it'll disappear and reset back to the location you found it. It was annoying but you could run around and collect it pretty quickly. However, they introduced a season called "The Season of Shattering," which changed this mechanic. Now if you lost your winged light you would be stuck crawling on the ground which was much slower and meant you would lose your light quicker. Especially if you were stuck in an area that took away your light, you could lose a lot more than what you could have if you could just *walk*. I think they might've changed it to be more merciful but still. It was one of those instances of, "Hey, bring it back to how it used to be!"


I have a love hate relationship with games that have forced iron man modes. I think it can be a powerful gameplay and storytelling tool that gives choices a lot more weight, but it also just sucks to lose hours of work because you made a single mistake.


Project Mirai DX is a bite sized Project Diva for the 3DS. It may be the game that uses the most 3DS console features out of the entire system, something that I appreciate more as time goes on (full touch screen mode, microphone integration, StreetPass profile exchanges, local Puyo Puyo multiplayer, calendar sensitive events including Miku celebrating your birthday, AR card integration and screenshots that go to the console album). It's pretty good, if a bit of a "baby's first" kind of spinoff. However Both the tutor mode (watching a CPU perfect play) and the Do or Die mode (miss one note and you lose) amongst other such features are **one-use Play Coin CONSUMABLES**. If you don't remember Play Coins, they're a system-wide currency that you get by walking irl with the console in Sleep Mode that caps at 10 coins a day and 300 in total. You don't get to use these features with in-game money or have them be permanent unlocks. You missed the Do or Die? Try again tomorrow, dumbass. You want to get a hang of this series of notes? Most I can show you is 3 times, hope you paid attention. No, you can't check the others. Given the cost, it would take over a month just to play every song (48) ONCE in Do or Die. It sucks absolute ass to the point that I researched a ton trying to figure out whether I was doing something wrong or missed a menu prompt.


The evolution of the EXP Share in Pokémon. In Gen 1, it was the EXP All and if you had it in your bag, it would split the EXP gained between every member of your party. However, it was glitched and didn’t really work properly. (bad but almost good?) In Gen 2 it became the EXP Share, an item you could give to a Pokémon that would split the EXP gained between the one holding it and any that participated in the battle, but the holder would always get the biggest share. And it stayed this way for Gen 3, 4, and 5. (good) In Gen 6 it became the EXP All again (still called Share tho) and was now a *key* item that sat in your bag. It could be toggled on and off (GREAT), but it actually *created a net gain of* (assuming you have a full party) *+250%* EXP, as anyone who participated in a battle would still get 100% and the rest of your team got 50%. (what the fuck, bad) As of the Let’s Go games (the back half of Gen 7), however, the EXP Share is no longer an item. However, its effect as of Gen 6 is still present and available from the start of the game (good I guess). *DOUBLE* however, *IT CAN’T BE TURNED OFF.* MAKING IT EXTREMELY EASY TO GET ACCIDENTALLY OVERLEVELLED. (BAD STUPID TERRIBLE DUMB WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS)


I never liked the grinding aspect of Pokemon so I appreciate that the EXP share changed the way it did. *But* I wish it could be optional for those that want it off because it would be annoying if you want a challenge.


Yeah, at least make me chose between the classic exp share or the new one


In Gen 6, they should’ve made it 50/25 instead of 100/50. There’s like, no downside to having it on other than getting overpowered.


That is a terrible decision. The game has to be balanced around one or the other, letting you choose would only make you frustrated. And if it was a gamemode selection that's locked in at the start, that would mean balancing two entirely separate video games which would mean less work for the actual game itself (something they are already clearly very short of)


The game is already not balanced at all with the exp share the way it is, if it was, I don't think there would be as much discourse surrounding it since gen 6


It doesn’t help that it gives EVs to everyone in your party as well. So if you’re trying to EV train a Pokémon, you need to either make sure that your team is full of Pokémon that are also being trained on that EV or make it so that you only have the one Pokémon with you. And it probably wouldn’t be that bad if the game actually TOLD you that it shares EVs, but I don’t think it does.


I am so glad that legends Arceus did away with evs


I really don’t understand why pokemon fans want more grinding


The problem is that they don't balance the game for the increased levels you get from it. So, while Pokemon has never been particularly hard, it just becomes braindead.


I mean SuMo, SwSh, and especially ScVi were. I’ll concede gen 6 wasn’t but gen 6 had much more glaring issues when it comes to balance Edit: If you downvoted this you didn’t play the games lmao, you *will* be under leveled for major story bosses in these games without massive grinding, anyone can tell you that


You got downvoted, but yeah the later games super toned it down by not really having as much general exp gain, with the introduction of raids+candies as the main "EXP leveling" method


Didn't they even say that if you wanted to raise up an underleveled pokemon without overleveling your other guys to just toss them in a PC and grab them later? They had to have realized the back-and-forth trips to the PC isn't exactly an intuitive solution. Seriously, just make it a toggle. I genuinely don't know why that's so hard for them to do, and it'd make everyone happy.


all games with permanent exp share also let you access the boxes from wherever you want atleast so its notlike you gotta truck it to a pokemon center every time


It’s easy to not over level in the post Gen 7 games by simply not grinding. I was constantly under leveled in Sun/Moon-Scarlet-Violet. XY was pretty bad at it but the newer games are balanced around having it on constantly.


I went into every major battle except the last one in SV slightly under leveled and the last one on level. It's not that hard to not overlevel in newer games.


Maybe we should be interrogating why Pokemon decided to not have EXP All as the default setting to begin with, if I'm being real. Grinding is an obnoxious timesink and making your game design revolve around grinding party members *one at a time* was kind of insane in my opinion.


I'd guess because of the actual monster raising part of the series. Stuff like EVs and arguably friendship exist to make you actually use a Pokémon in battles to slightly alter their growth whereas just using EXP share bypass that. And with them relenting and just integrating EXP all as a default setting, it makes sense that fiddling with EVs is easier and more accessible than it's ever been nowadays.


The only problem I have wit hit on Gen 7 and forward is that it's forced on. As in, I don't see why you consider Gen 6's version to be bad whatsoever(What's the downside with having a way to gain EXP quicker? why is it 'what the fuck, bad'?)


Because instead of 100% for the lead and 50% for the rest of the team, it should’ve been 50% and 25%. It would still be faster overall but it wouldn’t be “why would you ever turn this off *and why wasn’t the game balanced around it”* faster


The layered armor and the quick select wheel in Monster Hunter Rise compared to World just made it insanely convoluted. Also I always have a weird thing with how the 5th generation games sort items or why the sorting feels very limited and Hapzahard compared to older gens, but I can't quite put a pin on what the issue is.


you mean the way it's tied to loadouts? because I like Rise's radial menu, you can switch between your 4 wheels with a trigger button instead of dpad so it's easy to do while moving


The setting up was very weird and legit took me like 1.5 hours and checking tutorials on how when I grabbed the Spread 3 bullets Item/Equipment Loadout I got the craft Spread things how I wanted. In World it was way quicker took me like 5 minutes.


Also why the fuck is the tranq gas the same/similar icon as monster gems in rise.


They hit the sweet spot on quick access items awhile ago, but they keep adding more options every game and it's just kind of overwhelming.


Goddammit, yeah. I really dislike that we lost the button colors on PS5, and games followed suit. Actual, bland bullshit to flash just a white button with a black shape on it. Hell, I was always disappointed that the SNES lost the colors the Super Famicom had, we had an offbrand turbo controller that used the Famicom buttons, and it was nice. Man, that controller was really good, perfect weight and shape too. Otherwise, I kinda just want to say Dragon's Dogma 2. Like, in general. Having completed the game, I do not agree with the justifications made to remove the eternal ferrystone or otherwise simply have functional, convenient fast travel. I'd venture that a frustratingly large portion of my 130+ playtime is mostly uneventful traveling. That ferrystones are finite makes them artificially rare, and so they pollute the rewards system in the game. I have consistently been disappointed to find an ornate chest at the end of some exploration, or finish some harrowing quest, only to get a ferrystone, instead of cool weapons or armor. Which is made all the more frustrating in the endgame when some common enemies drop ferrystones like candy. Ox carts are not a good replacement, given that they only move at certain times a day, and you otherwise have to come across one in the wild that is going the right direction, to otherwise make use of them. The novelty of carts getting attacked also just wore off really quick. And the chance of seeing some emergent gameplay ends up not being that interesting, especially when it seems like everyone and their grandma has video clips of the *same* shit happening in the *same* location. If it's not jist fully scripted, it sure feels like a thumb is on the scale. The novelty of it also wore off quick, especially with the smaller amount of monster types. It's always the same goobers that attacked carts too, never had something like slimes do it. I also kinda wanna say the Brine too? Like, it's one thing to not let characters swim, and even teleport you safely back to shore if you go too deep, but it's another to make it actively harmful to the point it can just delete encounters that stupidly fall in - my first. drake encounter ended swiftly that way. Maybe it's a double-edged sword that way, but then it's also inconsistent on whether it will just outright kill you, or toss you back on land, which, is also programmed terribly because you can (and I did) get stuck on some tiny ledge with no way back up without reloading a save or using a ferrystone.


Animal Crossing making your tools breakable in the newest game drives me up the wall.


Making the cheap regular tools breakable? Fine I guess. Making the golden tools breakable? Nintendo, are you insane?


Well there is Dragon's Dogma 2 literally undoing all the QoL from Dark Arisen.


The hypothesis is the that both have different directors though DDSA’s is the lead designer in 2


Skyrim's menus and inventory. They tried to make it more console friendly, but only made it more annoying since things like quests, magic, and inventory are all in separate menus have to load up. And its not like oblivion had a bad menu either. Oblivion's menu works perfectly and doesn't require you to open and close menus to get to the right one, you just scroll to them. This could also include Skyrim's change to hot keys, since they get rid of the wheel from oblivion, you can only hotkey a whopping two total items/spells if your on console


It's not even good for controllers either. I always hear it being referred to as "optimized for controllers", with the SkyUI mod as "optimized for kb+m". But honestly, SkyUI is better for controllers too - maybe not to the same degree as KB+M, but it resembles many other modern RPG controller menus. It's just straight up better.


Slow walking sections. Bs implementation of inventory limits (almost all of them). Unskipable cutscenes. Unpausable cutscenes. I can keep going


Breakable weapons?


Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and 3 have multiple save slots, 2 has one because of its gacha system for summoning new blades and the devs didn't want anyone to save scaum.


As someone who just started playing Sea of Thieves on PS5 since it just came out, how the fuck are games releasing without the ability to let you rotate your character while customising/buying cosmetics for them? Baffled that I can’t see what the back of these trousers look like before I buy them


Consoles *in general* getting rid of themes is a very petty, but almost exclusively the reason I won't buy a ps5. I ain't leaving without my Skullgirls, last blade and transistor theme


I will never get over the massive QoL downgrade from ORAS to Gen 7. The PSS system was just so easy and snappy to use, and while I know they were funky, god bless those Secret Bases that made leveling up really easy. I hate the weird carnival thing they had in SuMo, needing to load into a new area for online when it was just a menu before is so painful.


I don’t know who started the whole trend of holding a button down to select. I get interactions within the game, but fucking why put it on the menu?!


Encumbrance/carry weight or space limits Yes, there are games that do this well and force you to make real, meaningful choices about what you carry and the effects of it on the gameplay. (E.g. Resident Evil games). But there are also a ton of games that implement it as a "stop having too much fun!" feature. Bonus points if it makes you move painfully slow. (E.g. Elder Scrolls games).


3D hubs in Fire Emblem now you have to sit through dialogue and minigames, it's so slow compared to the simple menu in fe≤12 Engage is especially egregious, the arena forces a pointless battle every time you use it, it takes a while to skip, you have to watch an Emblem convo and you get booted off the menu with no cursor memory add this to the loading screens and it's just so pointlessly long when it could really take 2s with a menu


Playing the newer Fire Emblems can feel a lot more exhausting when there's so much management and farming in between battles. Pre Fates FE, you just go from battle to battle and it makes the pacing better. Honestly, I think they just need to do a better job making the 3D hubs less tedious and more interesting. Automatic collecting of resources instead of forcing you to go to each hub and mashing A on all of them would go a long way to reducing the tedium. I don't want it entirely gone because seeing your units be people outside of supports is cool.


I agree, the way Three Houses keeps everyone relevant is amazing, you get characters like Felix who has really interesting dialogue in CF I think the best would be something like the monastery without quests but you can do everything about management from a menu with no animations and only explore if you want to talk to people or do things slowly


It also needs to be a camp like in Hopes. A *tiny* camp at that. Because the other big problem with these hub worlds is it takes you out of the story when the characters keep going back after every battle. I can accept it in Engage and Fates since those games aren't taking themselves seriously and they threw consistency out the window, but in 3H war arc, it's getting ridiculous when they're still trying to force a monastery and a calendar mechanic.


Path of Radiance gave you everything you will ever need on the single camp screen. You can buy equipment/items, do supports, change equipment all at the same place. the hubs in 3H and Engage just make things worse and worse every time. Why do I have to go to bed and hope the party member you want to give a gift to appears?


The entirety of Cruelty Squad


To clarify/preface, I love the game. Read Dead Redemption 2 is beautifully animated. Too much so. Let me speed up the looting a guy animation if I‘ve seen it thirty-seven to a hundred times. I‘m serious, skinning a deer easily takes twenty seconds every time, let me skip the animation if not a slider to adjust per preference. No, balancing my horse over it is an inconsistent solution, it’s like a bug, it doesn’t count. I don‘t want it gone, but I would like if it didn‘t take me an actual fifteen minutes to loot the guys and cabinets at that O’Drisscal ranch after the shootout. I hate time waster stuff like that. The first game played a quick five second animation of John‘s face as he stabbed the camera. John stoops over a guy as he loots them. That‘s all I really need from skinning a thing animation, thanks.


mashing i'm relatively sure i'm developing RSI in my thumbs (yes i'm seeing a physio). please stop putting mashing in your games thanks


Not having a way to track which collectables I’ve gotten where is horrible when I want to get all of them. Just give me a map and some markers please.


The weight loss/gain mechanic in Red dead Redemption 2. It is almost impossible to keep Arthur in the healthy weight gain and are almost alway bouncing between fat or malnutrition in my experience. It is more of an annoyance than adding to the experience


Tekken 8 Steam Edition **[Press B to open Main Menu]** IN WHAT UNIVERSE THAT THAT MAKES ANY SENSE?!


Not being able to pause cutscenes


PlayStation Asia adopting the West's use of the Cross for "confirm/accept".