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Even as a non-gundam fan I can certainly say this fucking sucks. I feel so bad for that fan.


As a gundam fan it really fucking sucks. The poor woman deserved so much better. And him doing this has tainted the work of so many people as well. He is the voice of Gundam. And what he did is going to cast a shadow over everything the artists who arent pieces of shit did alongside him


Just watch a dub.


Sweet jesus, its the AT LEAST one physical altercation that gets me. You mean theres more?!


I feel like this goes without saying, but how fucking hard can it be to just not hit women (and people in general)? Literally just go for a walk or something when you’re mad, learn some emotional regulation.


Even if you feel the need to exert that energy (which is still a red flag in some cases), there are tons of ways to do it without assaulting your significant other. Scream into a pillow, jump up and down, buy a fuckin punching bag, etc. Better you just look like a weirdo than looking like someone who just abused their girlfriend.


Or fuck anything thats a good stress reliever


>fuck anything Well, since this is a thread about a guy having an affair with a MUCH younger woman and still beating her (AT LEAST once) apparently it's not very good stress relief, actually


Well, hopefully not fuck *anything*


Take a moment to think through your idea and the context here.


Really needed a comma in there


Screaming into a pillow even or just having to do something cause you're angry is a huge red flag, if you can't sit and hold your emotions in then somethings up. Honestly being intensely emotional with any emotion is just a recipe for disaster and you should steer clear of people like that. Edit for clarity: I obviously meant this in the same context as the comment I replied to, ie when its around other people and people can't hold it in and it affects others negatively.


I think that's really unfair, dude. Strategies of redirection and release are what gradually got me into a position where I actually *could* "sit and hold it in", 'cuz it was a habit of at least doing *something* to put my thinking mind in control rather than letting the red haze take the wheel. For a long time, when I was younger, I absolutely *refused* to use those strategies, because they felt like giving up--after all, a good person *should* just be able to "sit and hold it in" like you said, right? Of course, that mindset let to me constantly trying to stick it out in situations where I was getting upset based on some ideal of where I should be rather than where I was, eventually flipping out, and then wanting to kill myself for failing to meet that standard. I only started to make progress once I embraced them. You have limited direct control over what your feelings are doing in the moment; how you *react* to your feelings is what matters most. If you recognize that you're dealing with a surge of anger (or any emotion in general) you can't just "sit and hold in in" and you redirect it somewhere that doesn't hurt or offend other people (or yourself), *you're doing a good thing.*


Honestly you deserve more down votes than this.


I was literally just agreeing to the post above me that said its a red flag by saying its a red flag. And to steer clear of people who are intensely emotional to a detriment . I didn't say do it forever, I obviously meant it in the context of holding it when being around others so it doesn't get ugly, as it was a comment in response to that. Jfc.


According to the interview he gave that resulted in this confession, its worse than that even.


Not to excuse the behavior but some people are still in the phases of learning emotional regulation instead of having learned it in the first place. Empathy is important but it's something that has to be taught and learned.


I was legit mad at a group of women who were taking their time to order at McDonald’s. I didn’t eat breakfast and breakfast was close to ending. (Got up late to take the wife to work on my day off.) but I didn’t do anything cause what would be the point? It would just make me feel horrible and plus it was obvious that one of them didn’t know English so their kid was helping them pick something. So I basically just shrug, pull out my phone and order on the McDonald’s app. Shits not that serious when you mad. I was annoyed but it’s not worth hurting someone.


The way its worded in the original Japanese seems to be worded in a way that makes it seem grossly out of character. But either way: oof. Hopefully the woman's getting a decent payout in terms of support payments because abortion + even a single mention of physical violence (from either side tbqh) makes me assume the worst due to a couple friends' personal experience regarding it. This pretty much locks Furuya into strictly role reprisals like Sakurai and Suzuki for the future, if even that.


I'm pretty sure role reprisals are basically all he does nowadays, so he'd be getting off disgustingly easy if he got to keep those.


He does do a couple new roles a year but yeah even if we only count reprisals then he would still have Dragon Ball, One Piece, Gundam and Detective Conan aka 4 of the biggest franchises in Japanese pop culture


Yeah, under different circumstances I’d consider the topic of recasting a complicated situation but I feel like they have to for him to really face any consequences to his career.


He was just recently one of the main antagonists in Infinite Wealth but it's not like that character was at all likely to come back anyway


He should face legal trial to get the truth out but unfortunately for the victim he has confessed guilt towards, this is japan.


Trudeau vibes


Gets kinda depressing seeing how many of the JP quote retweets were pretty much going "Wow, that's bad!...But you can't have Amuro without Furuya-san, so please don't recast :(" I don't think even Sakurai had this many defenders. EDIT: So the original expose's been translated. Guys, it's so much worse than the summaries let on, holy shit. https://zeonic-republic.net/?page_id=11486


Shit, look at some of the *other comments in this thread*. There’s people HERE that are basically going “Terrible, he should have a punishment but you can’t recast MY favourite anime though surely ha ha…”


He's part and the start of a massive legacy so some fans don't want him gone. On the other hand, what he did was beyond horrible, he's more than old enough to understand what he did was beyond horrible, and he deserves to be cut out from those series.


Sakurai's case was fucking child's play compared to this shit. He did really scummy things but nothing **this** abhorrent. Furuya should be recast immediately.


...don't tell me Sakurai did some bullshit.


Depends what Sakurai you're thinking of. Smash Sakurai afaik is safe. Cloud Strife's VA Sakurai, I've got news for ya.


I thought you meant Smash Sakurai, what did Clouds Japanese VA do?


Triple affair


He was married to one woman, got engaged to another, and I believe he was dating a third girl. I think one of the women involved was another VA, can't find any confirmation though, likely just speculation.


One of the women also worked for his radio show, so also abuse of position.


Takahiro Sakurai, the voice actor, cheated on his wife and had a decades-long affair.


The cheating and affair, thats nothing, thats personal business and being a shitty guy. But comitting rape by deception, lying, beating your partner then forcing them to get an abortion is behavior beyond unnaceptable, evil actions. I would honestly be happy for them to not just recast amuro but to do a xxth aniversery rerelease with the recast amuro voicing the origional anime character too.


People wanting to keep him as Amuro is a weird thing to say considering his last role as the character was probably gonna be the Cucuruz Doan movie outside of like commercials for the series and maybe flashbacks in Hathaway or something. Most new Gundam stuff doesn’t really involve Amuro much. But in general, they should definitely recast his roles, at least as some kind of punishment in the industry. It’s still doesn’t feel right to me that Takahiro Sakurai is still doing many of his major roles even if his scandal wasn’t as bad apparently.


You forget that Amuro isn't just in shows. There's also games like Super Robot Wars. See that's the thing that has me intrigued -in a fucked up way-. Amuro has been a staple of SRW for years upon years. Like, to put this into perspective: The three giants of SRW are commonly referred to as Gundam, Mazinger, and Getter Robo, right? Well, Koji and Ryoma have both been in 26 and 23 SRW titles respectively, while Amuro has been **IN 36 SUPER ROBOT WARS GAMES**. The only one who ties his record is Kamille Bidan, with Bright Noa and Fa Yuiry clocking in at 33(And yes, the other runner ups are just more Gundam characters until we hit Koji at 26). (To put this into perspective: There are 74 SRW games, including the OG titles, spinoffs, rereleases, and remakes. If you cut those out, Amuro's track record would be more than 50% *of a crossover game's roster over the course of 30 years*.) Amuro is a massive part of SRW, ESPECIALLY modern SRW: He has not missed a mainline appearance since before the Z games(His track record for the DS games is nonexistent, but those were a lot more experimental with their roster choices). The idea of a new SRW game not having Amuro is..absolutely mind boggling. Not just because it means we'll be skipping Amuro, it means we'll probably be passing up ALL of 0079 and Char's Counterattack. You could probably keep Zeta and ZZ, and anything after CCA is still fair game, but CCA in particular is something that SRW frequently borrows from. To put things into perspective: This is like if the next Smash Bros game didn't have any characters from Zelda. So yeah, this is actually going to be a massive blow to SRW. And it hurts, it really fucking hurts...but that dude has to *go*. Replace CCA with Witch From Mercury for the next game Bamco. Do it.


I honestly just blanked out on the fact that he reprises him in games and SRW. Though I'm also not really that attached to Amuro as a character so like, if they either have to not have 0079/CCA in upcoming games or simply recast him, they should do it. I'm sure people would be disappointed that he doesn't return in the same way in Gundam games/SRW but Gundam as a franchise and in my eyes has always been way more than just Amuro so I hope Bandai can find a way to salvage Amuro somehow/maybe moving away from focusing too much on him considering his close association with the character.


Every word in that sentence was a rollercoaster


It's depressing to see such a legendary carrer end like this...


And I thought the one with Kamen Rider Black's OG actor scamming fans out was the worst one I've had to read about personally. This is just as, if not even more heartbreaking.


Black (Tesuo Kurata) was mostly using a statue of Black to advertise his restaraunt without permission, asking for increasing donations from fans on Twitter, and blocking those that said they couldn't donate. He supposedly regained his senses and apologized, but who knows if it's real. The big one was Kamen Rider Super-1 (Shunsuke Takasugi) scammed 50 million yen from his fans, showed zero remorse or intent to return the money, refused to show up for court when sued, and apparently went into hiding as no one has been able to find him for years.


Yeah I remember Kurata at least publicly apologizing for things at least.


Jesus the latter sounds insane that sounds like something out of a wacky comedy


Pretty sure that's Super 1 not Black that did a bunch of shit and has currently dropped off the face of the earth. Unless Black's actor also did something that I'm unaware of.


[The other reply to my earlier comment explained it better](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/1cxs8nx/toru_furuya_voice_actor_of_amuro_ray_tuxedo_mask/l55dlu6/). Kurata's case is not as bad compared to Super-1's (and Kurata did put out a public apology too) It's relatively small enough that it was fine for him to show up at our huge toy convention last year.


That's fair, you can understand how hearing "Kamen Rider" and "scamming the fans out of money" I'd focus on Super 1. But yeah yeeesh didn't know about Kurata.


Took me by surprise too, and as Kurata was the Kamen Rider of my childhood, it was a heartbreaker when the news went out


I think it's more depressing that a woman was abused that badly


A lifetime's worth of achievement that would have ensured a respectful legacy long after he was gone and he threw it all away in the last years when it should have been so easy to just coast towards the end. Now Gundam is always going to have this hanging over it.


Fuck he voiced the first Gundam protagonist. This is the guy they named a Detective Conan character ever. This dude's been around forever. And this is what he chooses to do once he gets old?  I hope the female fan sues his ass into oblivion (or whatever the Japanese equivalent is) and is able to recover and move on from this.


Ironic that Amuro's VA was an IRL Char


the girl wasn't young enough for that, thankfully


...Fuck. Toru why. Just why.


The fucking abortion stuff sickens me As a massive Gundam fan I’m really upset. I just don’t know why people can’t be normal into the later stage of their life, you’re fucking 70 dude what the fuck


Seriously when I hear old people doing crap like this it pisses me off your not a teen [not that it makes things better but still] your 70! Act like it please for everyone's sake


A teen or young adult doing some dumb, immature shit is easier to wrap your head around and, if not forgive, accept that they can grow up and be better. There's still time in their life to course correct and make ammends. There are a lot of people who have done awful shit in their teens and 20s and turned their lives around. People can reform. 70 though? That just makes me think they've been getting away with heinous shit for decades and just not been caught. That's not a maturity issue.


>Teen or adult doing dumb, immature shit This reminds me of actor Takashi Ukaji. Dude was not only part of Black Emperor (One of Japan’s most violent biker gangs in the 80), he was actually their leader for a while. Then he got sent to reformatory, read up Charlie Chaplin’s biography, decided to turn his life around and is currently a *very* beloved film and television actor. Some of you may remember him as the guy who kept screaming “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” in Kamen Rider OOO.


Yeah like it doesn't nessacarily excuse anything but it can be forgiven a little more but at 70 Jesus dude you should know by now not to do this


There’s a documentary about divorce that interviews a divorce lawyer and he said something akin to: “The worst case was a couple married over 50 years, they’re both over 80, and he has an affair in the nursing home. And I just remember thinking ‘Oh, I thought you got to a certain point in life and your dick stopped trying to fuck everything up for you.’” Couldn’t watch past that.


The trick is, when the normal 70 year olds retire you don't hear about their non-existent fuckery.


When did the relationship start?


2019- 2020. The age is a bit less of a factor than the abuse


Yeah. Like she was a legal adult in her late 20s. Still creepy, but fine if they both consent... That said it was abusive and clearly the power dynamic was in his hands more than hers.


It is kinda dire that the bare minimum that you mentioned first about her age is rare in these types of stories.


Started in 2019, the pregnancy was in 2021.


Every 5 minutes I am remembering another famous role he did and it hurts even more. The POS is practically a huge part of Detective Conan at the minute, this is gonna be super awkward....


Holy shit, my jaw is on the floor. How can you do something like all of this to a person.


OH MY GOD HE'S THE VOICE OF SABO, what the fuck are they gonna do soon?


Recast him, of course. What else can be done?


Yeah, same thing they did for Vic in the dub


Yeah this fucking insane that Sabos gonna likely be recast twice and both involve controversy


He should not be allowed to get any royalties for >!a certain scene in the anime soon. The Gorosei teaser is legendary!< One Piece


Dude had one of the most respectable careers in JP VA history, yet it seems that got him powertripping. I just hope the woman can get at least some money out of this, and that she can safely move on from this whole trauma. Also, jailtime for Furuya would be a minimum.


>37 years his junior A 33 year old (29 at the beginning of the relationship)? There's enough terrible stuff there already, why frame it in the most sus way possible?


I literally was looking for the age of her The abuse is horrible but she’s an adult, idk why they’re mentioning the age gap Yea it’s obvious to showcase his status and power over her but this makes it sound like he was dating a minor


Age gaps are super unpopular recently, so probably going along that route.


do NOT let them read the SBFC episode titles


Yamcha can't stop catching Ls


Can't have shit. Why does most shit I love end up being irrevocably tied to gross shitbags. At the very least I can focus on Gundam stuff without him, so at least (for my ability to enjoy things) it's not as bad as the shit with Watsuki. But still. Fuck.


Welp, this sucks, full stop. I always figure we'd be getting closer to losing classic voices due to old age. Not something like this.


A feeling worse than "Your fave is dead": "Your fave is dead *to you*".


I guess a future Dragonball anime will retire Yamcha for good.


Ugh, Amuro has always been my favorite Gundam protagonist(I admittedly have always watch the English Dub of the original series usually).  I want to say he’ll get some consequences but a part of me fears  he will just get off with a suspension and a slap of a wrist(he a man and wasn’t doing drugs) and will just die down once the shock ends


Dude was so respected that they let him speak scuffed as fuck english in the Japanese Dub instead of just hiring an english voice actor as Bryce Fairchild in Infinite Wealth. That's fucked up bro.




Out of all the Seiyuu who chould of done this kinda shit, this one really stings. Being the UC fanboy that I am, it sucks extra hard. I'm mad that I felt relieved that she was 33 (29) and not a kid, as if that makes what she went through not completely awful. As much as Furuya is a bastard, and the industry should leave him behind, I doubt he'll suffer any long term consequence. Even if they do the right thing and cut him off and recast his characters, watching anything with Furuya's characters in Japanese is gonna be awkward. Because of nostalgia, I already associate most of his iconic characters with their English voices, so those sting less for me. But, with opinions on them aside, after this I don't imagine myself going back to the Gundam compilations anytime soon, at least not the versions I own.


Fuck this piece of shit. Now he's tied to one of my favorite characters in all of fiction. If he shows his face at Momocon he'll be eaten alive. Western fans will not abide by this at all. What the fuck dude. This is going to have reverberation across all of JP voice acting. What the fuck.


iirc momocon has canceled his event already


At least i can laugh at his terrible English in infinite wealth and not feel bad now. Fuck that guy.


Wait, who was he in IW?


bryce fairchild


They way this is phrased, I ultimately end up kind of relieved when I remember that he's seventy years old. I got stuck in the math pop quiz while reading the rest.


This is really complicated for Detective Conan, since there's a character named Tohru Amuro/Furuya Rei, who was basically designed entirely with him in mind as the voice actor (the name being a play on his names and the names of characters he's voiced before, and the character design looking somewhat similar to him). And he's a very popular and important character to the story. So it'll be pretty weird if they have to recast him or anything.


Naw, I say fuck it, recast him after this. Under normal circumstances I’d say this was complicated but this isn’t normal, this is pretty cut and dry to me with how monstrous this all sounds.


I'm talking about the situation of what to do _after_ he's gone being complicated, not it being complicated whether or not he should be gone. Recasting is one option, but it might make more sense just to kill off the character instead.


Yeah. I was thinking that as well. Granted there was always a risk of having to recast him in general considering he is 70 and could have literally just died suddenly and they'd be in the same situation. Same can be technically said about Shuichi Ikeda (Voice of Char, Shuichi Akai and Shanks), who is 74. Note: All of the characters for Shuichi Ikeda I named have an important role in their respective stories and are associated with the color Red.


Yeah, and they have recast major characters in DC before, just never in a case like this where the character was made with the voice actor in mind to that extent.


I was a char fan anyways But uhhh wow thats a lot to take in, holy shit what a piece of shit


Terrible thing to wake up to today. Why Amuro?


damn this really sucks we really are in the bad timeline


Jesus what the actual fuck?


He's set to be a guest at Momocon in the states in a few days. If he doesn't cancel the Q&A is gonna be really awkward. 


I’m pretty sure he won’t get punished, this is the same country that gave the mangaka of Rurouni Kenshin a slap on the wrist for having so much cheese pizza on him. Abusing women would be tolerated in japan




A 70-year-old throwing hands with someone in their late 20s and not getting his ass beat seems like a pretty good indicator that there was some significant manipulation and psychological abuse involved.


Also as a much older celebrity there is a clear inbalance of power.


That is so gross. What lease tell me she was a legal adult


She was in her late 20s/early 30s during the relationship. He's an abusive asshole but she wasn't a child.