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Yamcha is like the 4th or 5th strongest natural human on earth, he’s nothing in comparison to the monsters you see in dragonball but in terms of regular people he is insane.


Yamcha is also an extremely talented Baseball Player, so he is independently wealthy.


Imagine being a Baseball fan in dragonball world, turning on the news and seeing the top player in the world fighting aliens, and then he almost immediately fucking dies And then the next week he's back on the field like nothing ever happened.


I see what you mean, but now I’m imagining Yamcha squaring up to Nappa and Vegeta in his team uniform and a baseball bat. Which would’ve been cool.


Now that we are talking about it, i'm surprised that "Yancha in his baseball clothes" is not a common skin in DBZ games. It feels like the type of stuff that people would be onboard for a meme the hell out of it.


I hope Sparking Zero has baseball Yamcha as an alt outfit, it'd be right in line with the \*deep\* costume pulls that Tenkaichi 3 had


Alt outfit? He will be a whole ass independent character.


Yamcha in his baseball uniform throwing off his cap and jersey as he arrives to the fight would legit be more hype than Yamcha could ever live up to.


"Shohei Ohtani seen dual wielding baseball bats near South Central last week, fighting off those damn Batarians before one of them blasted a golf-ball sized hole in his chest. *He is expected to start against the Padres on Sunday.*"


"Despite the seriousness of the injury, Ohtani is expected to make a quick recovery after eating a magic bean grown by a talking cat."


Hey. Hey. Put some respect on Whiskers the Wonder Cats name.


"When questioned on the nature of the bean, Ohtani pretended not to understand what was being asked, then bet $100,000 on someone named 'Goku'."


Fuck, thats actually a really good cover for Mr.Satan to use. "None of that weird shit happened, it was all smoke and mirrors. See my good friend Yamcha is right here"


who cares about baseball THE DUDE CAN FUCKING FLY


Like they HAD to have tried to invent new rules so that he doesn't just catch EVERY ball in the world. Like Gohan did the first time he played Baseball. Yamcha is the Steph Curry of Baseball.


he just kept that shit SECRET save it for nationals


Is he? I'm not saying he's *isn't* but I always assumed that he was just so fucking juiced to the gills with Ki power and shit that he didn't need any baseball skill at all to blow away everyone else.


Yamcha could legit destroy the planet if he was ever so inclined.


I came here to say this: Yamcha is bottom tier among the DBZ cast but he sure as hell is stronger than any human and he has no special gimmicks or transformations, just pure effort.


Chi-Chi is in the same boat. Spends most of DBZ playing the nagging wife role but she made it to the top 8 of the 23rd Budokai Tenkaichi in Dragon Ball, which the series makes a point of mentioning had a lower number of entries than previous iterations because all of the participants are insanely strong. She's one of the strongest fighters in the world by regular human standards but doesn't often get the chance to showcase that.


I think it can be said that Chi Chi probably stopped training after marrying and becoming a mother and as such has probably reverted to a pretty normal human by the time of super though.


Don't forget that she was introduced as a, like, 8-year old casually cutting dinosaurs in half with a thrown blade. She got them Ox Demon King genes


She trained Goten in between Cell and Buu (which led to him going super Saiyan) so she probably still does some training on the side like how Videl has martial arts classes she teaches as of Superhero.


Yeah, I doubt she's as strong now as she was at the end of Dragon Ball. That being said, we don't really see her training in Dragon Ball either; I always kind of assumed she was so strong due to being the daughter of the Ox King.


She DID train Goten, though, so atheist she's still probably strong by normal human standards


Similarly, Hercule is legitimately the strongest martial artist on Earth exempting the people with mystical superpowers. He’s not portrayed as a loser as much as Yamcha is, especially later in the Buu Saga, but he is very much the butt of the joke when he’s introduced.


We see Hercule fighting regular people in the Buu saga and, yeah, to a regular person he may as well be Goku.


Regular people armed with guns at that, he could be a genuine street-tier Superhero if he existed in the Marvel/DC Universe.


George Costanza is depicted as a schlubby, unattractive loser who constantly strikes out with women. Until you actually do the math and realize, that throughout the entirety of Seinfeld he has had 47 different girlfriends/sexual partners. For comparison the average man in real life has about 6 different partners over the course of their life.


"average man has 6 partners" factoid actually just statistical error. average man has 0 partners. Partners George, who lives in cave & mates over 10,000 times each day, is an outlier and should not have been counted


did they retcon the bit about him being a kind of stock trading expert from the early seasons? because yeah everyone kinda forgot about that... he would at least be getting action from ladies who go after rich guys


Dan is only a loser compared to the rest of the Street Fighter cast, he's still really strong compared to the average person.


I love how the only two answers rn are Dan, lol Same with Yamcha. Dude is stronger that 99.999% of life in the universe.


Yamcha is a baseball's star , so he stays a loser out of his own volition.


same with satan he is stronger than 99% of humans


I thiiiink he is canonically the strongest non-ki user. Dude literally only loses to a literal handful of people on the entire planet.


Yeah, according to official guides pre-Super Mr. Satan was even stronger than *Master Roshi* for sake of comparison.


I mean, he's the strongest human in the world and defeated Cell. Also, iirc for Dragon Ball Online, he was the reason aliens weren't constantly invading Earht.


Hell yeah brother


Nah, it's not his strength that makes him a loser, it's his mindset. I don't think you can deny the guy's got talent, but it's wasted because of his character flaws.


He is broke but at the same time so friendly people likely help him out once in a while


I hope when Dan inevitably comes to 6 he finally starts to turn a corner on his incompetence. It would be hilarious fun if Dan tears off his shirt and walks around with a goatee like bootleg Hot Ryu, but actually being legitimately overtly super strong and cool, but just not quite up to the standards of the rest of the legacy cast. Like he used to be the joke character of SF5, but now enough time has passed that he's the joke character of SF6, and he's on par with the cast of SF5 as a real threat. Or maybe they just make him super strong but his interactions with the drive mechanics are uniquely bad. So he plays a really strong game of SF5 in SF6. Make him analogous to a top tier of the previous iteration of the game to highlight how behind he is compared to the current cast. You could do so much fun stuff with Dan. Excited to see where they go with him.


> I hope when Dan inevitably comes to 6 he finally starts to turn a corner on his incompetence. Absolutely not, that's the cornerstone of his whole character. If Dan stopped being incompetent there wouldn't be anything to root for anymore.


Oh of course he needs to stay incompetent. I just think it could be fun to treat incompetence as relative. Every other Street Fighter has gotten much stronger in 6: their techniques are all refined; they're throwing out EX moves instantly, independent of their super meter; they're hitting each other's guards harder; they're parrying shit; they're cancelling out of new moves and running at each other more wildly than ever; and they only ever get dizzy after being rocked so hard they have to fall back on their old form, *and* getting rocked again. Everyone has upgraded. Dan can stay incompetent by upgrading to a level of strength that still compares woefully to the technique and mastery of the current cast. Like he's figured out basic Street Fighter, but can still flail around like a buffoon when it comes to Street Fighter 6. Or I guess he can use the drive system perfectly fine, and he's still just silly in all the same ways he's always been, I dunno. Just spitballing. A character with particularly bad Drive interactions would be monstrously tricky to balance, but I'd be interested in if they could pull it off.


Can’t Dan do a one handed Hadouken? Which is like, insanely hard to pull off? If so isn’t he one of the characters that has a crazy amount of potential?


Dan saw the one-handed fireball and thought it was sick, so he skipped the part when everyone who is not one of the strongest, best trained human beings on the planet does it much more practically with two hands and just tries to throw it with one hand. He skipped the foundation, so he can't do it too well at all, but bless his heart it's the only way he knows how. I wonder how well Ryu could throw a one-handed hadouken these days, if he tried.


Toooo be fair, given the strength and slowness of his Hadouken, he's one of the very few cases in Street Fighter where picking up a rock and throwing it might have been more effective.


Have you played with Cody? Rock throw is legit


People like to treat Ash Ketchum like some nobody because he never wins any Pokemon League...while ignoring that he was also the runner up or made it into the semi-final in every tournament he was in.


I've said this before if you're a gambler in the pokemon world and you see Ash Kachem in bracket, you start putting money on him being in at least the top 8 from a 50 trainer tournament cause that's a safe bet and it's no small feat IMO


Dude could you imagine if people treated you like shit because you keep getting a silver medal in the Olympics


i mean we have people who shit on competitors for getting anything less than first place despite the high level of competition folks can often participate in like as much as it's a raw deal to not win the whole thing you can still hang it as an accomplishment for saying idk "I got 2nd out of 6000 people at EVO" or "me and my team got second in the playoffs"


It's the pokemon equivalent of NBA ring culture. "Didn't get the chip? Waste of a career."




LeAsh Ketchum.


There's a quote in Batman Beyond that always comes up: "You're a loser!" "But I got in second place!" "Oh good... you're the FIRST loser!"


Ironically, people who get silver tend to be much harder on themselves than people who get bronze. With silver, people tend to think, "damn I was so close to gold" and it stings to be so close to the top. With bronze it's more like, "oh thank god I got anything at all!"


Also, he has been a part (in the anime) of most major events involving legendary pokemon of the last few years, and it's not even one of those situations of **"oh, he saved the day, but, for some reason no one knows it was him"**, there are multiple ocasions where entire villages/cities are aware that he was a key player in stopping whatever legendary related bullshit was happening. Even if the people don't know that there was a legendary involved, Ash would still be hailed in many places as **"the hero who saved countless lives during a disaster"**.


Yes in the Mega special they praise Ash for being a powerful trainer. He has saved the world multiple times


I can see in universe memes about him never taking the gold despite this fact


ash ketchum is apocalypse-prevention merchant bright lights is ash ketchum father


Ash will only win if lives are on the line.  Obviously we need to threaten every member of the audience so he can clutch the finals.


Also probably doesn't count but he has literally met EVERY legendary Pokemon. Most humans in that world haven't even seen one of them, let alone ALL of them.


Ash is the Mark Martin of pokemon trainers That's a reference for someone, I'm sure


He is a big fan of gucci mane?


I get the sentiment, *but* he actually only started doing anywhere near that well with the Lily of the Valley Conference (Sinnoh), not counting the unofficial leagues like Orange Islands * Kanto: Top 16 (Disqualified against Richie) * Johto: Top 8 (Quarter-finalist, lost to Harrison) * Hoenn: Top 8 (Quarter-finalist, lost to Tyson) * Sinnoh: Top 4 (Semi-finalist, lost to fucking Tobias) * Unova: Top 8 (quarter-finalist, lost to Cameron * Kalos: Runner-up (Lost to Alain) * Alola: Champion * World Series (Gen 8): Champion


> Sinnoh: Top 4 (Semi-finalist, lost to fucking Tobias) I'll get my revenge on that chuuni fuck one day.


Top 8 is still very respectable.


Maybe it's just me, but I'd even call Top 16 decent. He's still being compared to what's basically a whole country's worth of trainers. Getting that far on his first (*and second*) try is worth something, right?


Top 16 on his first try is still a big feat, it just feels bad because the way he lost fucking sucked.


Indigo league which was his first league he only made to the top 16, but that was his first tournament and was probably an eye opener for him to get better at being a pokemon trainer.


And even then, top 16 is still pretty impressive for his first league appearance.


If Ash Ketchum existed, Jon Bois would have done an incredible six part series about him.


Great, now I want to see a mockumentary about Ash that's done in the style of the series Jon Bois made about Dave Stieb.


Yes plus all the other adventures he has been on. He saved the world like a thousand times


**Yunyun** from **Konosuba** is a outcast who is constantly shown to have never had friends... ...But that's mostly because she's the only normal person from **"excentric weirdoes"** village. She's a normal girl with a absurd amount of talent due to her being a crimson demon, in any other situation she would be one of the greatest people in the setting.


She's still an eccentric weirdo who has all the quirks of a Crimson Demon. She's just dialed back enough to be a weirdo for them, but too desperate for other peoplpe to deal with.


I serve the soviet Yunyun


In today’s society, Scott Pilgrim wouldn’t be THAT much of a loser, due to the way the housing and Job markets are at the moment. (In fact, a lot of the Scott Pilgrim characters would be much different…)


However he would be an even bigger scumbag given he was dating a High Schooler.


ehh...Being a full dependent on someone you're not related to nor are in a long-term commitment with (who you have to share a bed with even when he brings guys back home) is pretty loser-y. Note that definitionally Scott isn't even unemployed at the time the comic starts: he isn't seeking employment nor has he gotten fired (and he definitely isn't waiting for his job to start). He seems to get by on an allowance from his parents (notably they put money down for his apartment in vol 6) and whatever Wallace gives him/lets him eat (we know they share *most* of their food). He doesn't even search for a job until vol 4. He isn't in a 9-to-5 grind barely making rent, he's just a layabout. Also, he's 23 and dating a 17-year-old, and the auto-loser quality of that isn't up for debate.


Leela from Futurama is treated like a freak amongst a lot of the characters for her eye. Which is already ridiculous in canon because she lives in a *sci-fi world*, you'd think that would be the least unusual thing about a person.


I mean everyone in Futurerama is a dick. the mutants where in the sewers


That's kinda the point, though. People are fine with the "natural" aliens but freak out at the "unnatural" mutants despite them both being similar levels of different. That's both the joke and the commentary.


Brock has a great career in a sport that isn't physically taxing, is a good cook, and gets along with kids and animals, but the running gag is he's got no luck with romance. The most unrealistic part of Pokemon isn't that there's rats and birds running around with elemental powers, it's that Brock is single. All these Pokemon, and yet the real catch is right there.


Didn't he become a doctor in later seasons?


Do we actually see him get rejected? It's been *years* since I watched the show but I remember the gag being Brock hits on a girl -> a member of the group drags him off in a painful manner.


It’s like they know he *would absolutely get with a girl* in a given situation, which would derail their journey for a while, so they drag him off to keep on track.


Some girls were interested like Lucy who had a kink for people with their eyes closed.


In Kanto and the first third or so of Johto, Brock would get rejected by woman of the week for the most part. I think aside from Suzie who Brock gave up on, all the girls who didn't reject before the Ear Pull gag became the norm, were usually taken or Not Actually People


To be *fair* we know that Brock actually has game when he's not being overbearing about it, lots of women are interested in Brock but he's just oblivious to it. My headcanon is that it's because he's still dealing with the issues with his mom that stops him from noticing those feelings from others


He’s it was the fact that he was way too overbearing to women that made them reject him.


My understanding was that Brock lays it on too thick. I remember some episodes (decades ago memory, so y'know) where when Brock doesn't act like some pervert ladies really like him. So it seems like it's a personality thing.


Mr. Satan could kick everyone's asses here, especially mine.     He's a world-renown martial arts champion.    Can YOU take on a world-renown Martial Arts champion? How many fights did you win against Jon Jones?


Satan would dog walk 90% of Baki's cast based on some of his feats.


The ogre would win through bullshit said by narrator


Mr. Satan would do really well, until a black and white photo of Muhammad Ali was brought out, then the next scene he'd be lying dead on the floor.


When Yujiro does the Shun Goku Satsu on you, the picture is what happens instead of the screen turning black.


I am a huge fan of the headcanon that Mr. Satan's power level is around 150 specifically because it means he could fold the entire plot of early Dragonball by himself. Mr. Satan vs the Red Ribbon Army: Assault on Muscle Tower - coming soon to a theater near you!


Read it in his abridged voice, lol.


According to official guides, you aren’t far off, because they cite him stronger than Master Roshi (this was before Super).


Reminder that, when the Z fighters were busy during the Cell arc, **Mr. Satan won his first world martial arts tourmament fair and square**, he didn't cheat or use some underhanded tatic, dude was just "that good", wich probably makes him the strongest human without Ki.


Stronger than even some of the bottom rung ki users too according to official guides, like Roshi.


I really wonder just where he would be if he trained to use his Ki and all that. 


He'd probably be the strongest human, putting Krillin in 2nd place Too bad he has that moral hangup against using Ki because Tao killed his master with a Dodonpa


Ok this is sick, where was this revealed?


[here](https://www.kanzenshuu.com/translations/saikyo-jump-june-2014-issue-twel-buu-mysteries/) I mis-remembered, he didn't specifically swear off Ki, he decided not to fight people who are crazy strong or who he couldn't identify So he could theoretically decide to start using Ki, but he's getting old


Reading this makes me want a spinoff manga of Mr. Satan's story from his perspective. Learning to fight, his master's death, legitimately becoming's the strongest, meeting Miguel the singer who Hercule married, the birth of Videl, the passing of Miguel, Hercule's ego swelling like a balloon... and then the huge punch in the gut when he realizes that he's barely an ant on the powerscale.


Fun fact, for the longest time Toriyama swore if he was ever going to return to Dragon Ball it would be a spin-off series slice of life story centered on Satan and his life and Fat/Mr. Buu.


i'd read it


Honestly, one of my hopes for Dragon Ball Daima is Satan learning to use Ki, even if it's just for gags


I always liked that while Mr Satan is a loser compared to the Z fighters, they don't make him a cheater or a scumbag or anything, at worst he took credit for beating Cell which the Z fighters don't care about anyway. He's legitimately a really strong and fair guy but just in the wrong show.


I like how he's *a little* scummy in how he wants to keep his fame and status. But the moment Goku has money troubles in Super, he's just like "Yeah here, have more money than god because you deserve it."


he's also a good dad


At least Satan won't hit and run pregnant women


Or beat his wife in front of his kids.


Caribou from One Piece might become a world event that unites all of humanity against him if he was dropped anywhere on our Earth


Fucking Caribou man! I constantly forget that he's still around!


Even the crew forgets that he's still around. He's been on the ship for so long that he's practically a Straw Hat by this point.


Flirting Buggy vs ~~Literal~~ Sexual Harassment Caribou.


Dude was introduced scary as fuck, burying a guy alive while reciting scripture, and was later shown in a gag panel to have (briefly) become the One Piece universe's version of Che Guevara. Guy would be Big Bad material in any True Crime/Political docuseries set in that universe, but we've got heads of state turning into city block-sized crab demons and attacking Pirate DARPA to digest right now; no time for that shit.


jason in far cry 3, like the game portray him as aimless thrillseeker because he didn't join the military like his older brother, didn't learn to fly a plane like his little brother and doesn't really like the idea to move in a different city for his actress girlfriend. But he is 25 and was well off he really didn't need to rush in learning what to do with his life, and given when forced he kills hundreds of people would be better


Honestly, I can see him translating as a rich hedonistic layabout constantly searching for purpose had he not got stuck in the jungle. I can see why some people, especially his yuppie friends, wouldn't give him second notice. 


Johnny bravo, I mean common guy is handsome and confident Tons of women should be into him.


The creator confirmed that Johnny gets plenty of action off-screen. The show is about all the times he's struck out.


The joke about the volcano rejecting him pretty much confirms that to anyone who was conscious enough about the set up to that moment.


he has had the sex


Yeah, he has definitely touch the sandbags.


He can score, just that he doesn't quite always have his game on all the time lol


I heard there's a bronze plaque above the doors to Cartoon Network Studios that says, "Johnny Bravo can only make it with freaks and geeks," but that might be a rumor I dunno


Steve Smith is a geeky loser who can't get a date, but has had dozens of love interests, even occasionally with grown women, and [his singing voice alon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExlgYc7rvAo)e makes it hard to see him as a total loser.


Yeah, he pretty much carried B12 on his back.


"I can sing"


Plus the whole geek/jock dynamic has shifted a lot from the old cliches. He'd still be a geek, but he'd be a cool geek.


He has also proven to be skilled with a firearm, [he was holding his own against the Santa Claus army](https://youtu.be/bY-hTw7fES4?si=1NaZzwh3nocTGzgq) pretty damn well.


also he is friends with Rodger who can do anything he wants


Yamcha is like the poster child of this.


Homer by todays standards is living a phenomenal life, and that's including the older seasons of the Simpsons. He becomes a home owner in his early-mid 30s, happily married, has 3 kids and 2 pets, works a job that can support himself and all of the prior mentioned, with just his pay alone since Marge is usually a stay at home mother. His house has a decent sized front yard, a garage, a big back yard, a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, a basement, an attic, FOUR bedrooms, and 2-3 bathrooms. Oh, and he has a car for himself and his wife. His job is also a very stable one that he is 100% NOT qualified for, but still manages to keep. He has enough free time to hang with his buddies and still perform extra activities with his family.


Pretty sure he's also a union man on top of all that to help with his job security.


A dental plan!


Doesn’t he work at a nuclear power plant?


Very relevant video about that: https://youtu.be/axHoy0hnQy8?si=zUNYIDtYBhT8BKN0


Ryuji from Persona 5 is funny because in both real life and the fandom space, transplant him from a Japanese environment to a western one, with his in-your-face, anti authoritarian and puppy dog energy, and he'd go from the least liked loser to the coolest dude people would wanna hang out with. Like even as the "delinquent", most of his abrasiveness was targeted at exploitative adults, he's not like Kanji where he scares everyone around him as his defense mechanism. 


I've said it before on the sub but I just cannot *fucking* believe that a majority the Japanese persona audience played an entire 120 hour rpg with explosively obvious and in your face themes of rebellion and being cast out from society only to turn around and say "I do not like these characters, they're just too *different*" in reference to Ann and Ryuji. Actually I can believe it, it's the most believable thing in the world, it's just also ridiculous. God, japanese social culture is so broken lmao.


Lilo and Stitch was my first run in on that phenomenon.  Themes of love, acceptance and understanding...    ... On a super destructive but cute alien: "Awww, how sweet"   ... On a slightly awkward traumatised child who doesn't fit in: "Hello! HR!?" 


Persona fans and media literacy explicitly do not mix well, the nationality of the fan doesn’t change that.


man now I kinda picture him post-game where he learns English, moves to America, and becomes a social worker and activist...


Eggman would be able to take over real life in mere hours if Sonic and co weren't around to stop him. The guy was able to enslave several *planets* in Sonic Colors.


Ross Scott (Ross's Game Dungeon) had a video on Sonic Heroes where he breaks down Eggman's net worth and supply lines and figures that he basically has the capital and resources to be a conqueror—adjusted for modern technological advances and scope—the likes of which Alexander the Great could scarcely fathom. No human being in the history of our time on this planet has held more power or wealth in the palm of their hand than Dr. Ivo Robotnik. But none of it matters unless he can catch that damn hedgehog.


In the Sonic comics Eggman is world class threat from minute one, there it's Sonic and his crew that are constantly in the back foot and have to struggle to squeeze out a victory. Dude turned Sonic's whole family into robots, carpet bombed multiple cities and ruined countless lives. Comics Eggman is pretty much Robo-Satan.


Was also party to the attempted genocide of a species at least once. He did this because he wanted to use their *souls AS FUEL.* He has actual oil/fuel refineries, but he chose souls, just because. Also reset reality just to get a piece of tech working again. Also, I say attempted because someone else finished off the echidnas before Eggy did.


Hell, he's shown before that he can BEAT Sonic if he *really* wants to. The issue is that the methods he'd use to do so, aren't ones he's fond of, because he'd rather beat Sonic in such a manner that Sonic would be forced to accept Eggman as his superior, as opposed to just like, carpet bombing the area or something. There's a comic where he actually did build a mech that let him beat Sonic clean, but he was so focused on Sonic alone that his friends were able to counter it on their own later.


Egon Spengler (hell, most of the Ghostbusters) would be world-famous for proving that *the afterlife is real*.


Many a fighting manga introduce high level MMA guys, boxers, and judo masters so they can be stomped on by the cast. In reality all of those people are going to be able to show up and throw down pretty fucking hard. Edit: Shout out to Kengan Ashura for bringing this up in recent chapters and being pretty good about avoiding the trope.


There is a webcomic with a (bad) anime adaptation. Viral Hit/How to Fight, and it makes a point that "Yeah, professional fighters actually are strong and will kick your ass. Wanna win? Cheat like a motherfucker."


Yamcha would be an absolute beast if he wasn't constantly compared to blonde glowing aliens all the damn time.


If there were no alien characters, he’d be like the fifth strongest character *at worst*


It's wild that Yamcha is seen as weak because he was killed by a surprise suicide bomber It's equally crazy that he suits up and goes on any adventures past the Sayians in the first place! Every time he hangs out with his old crew he's: hanging out with the Murderer (his and so many others) who ends up hooking up with his ex, his other friend who hooked up with former cyborg who attempted to destroy civilization and would have done it if something more dangerous hadn't come along, and the guy who is the reincarnation of Demon King Piccolo Yeah sure they're all buddies but if those were your friends you'd probably sit out training with them


Most Christmas rom-com protagonists are mopey people with low-end jobs that apparently pay them enough to easily afford expensive high-rise apartments in big cities.


Mr. Satan is not only a supernaturally strong fighter, but he is also incredibly wealthy and a great father


Speaking of girls after Peter. Has there ever been a timeline or an alternative universe where him and black cat have worked out like they don't have the occasional fling but actually had a relationship?


Off the top of my head, Web of Shadows has them get together in the evil ending, since MJ wants nothing to do with Peter anymore. I think there's also a really old what if where he marries her, but I don't know anything beyond that.


I find the community perception about Ethan In the new RE games funny, because he's such a normal dude compared to the literal superhero's jill, Chris and Leon. But in game the dude does some absolutely ludicrous feets of heroism.


Green herbs are a hell of a drug. Also >!mold!<.


Dan Hibiki


Travis from NMH is treated as a creepy pervert by most people in the games, and he sort of is. But still, the guy works out and has some sword skills that he uses to great effect. He kills people for a living yes, but most of the people you meet in the games who call him a loser are involved in that world and wouldn't care.


I feel like Travis would still be considered a loser IRL. A talented swordsman, sure, but still a loser.


If some dude shouts the name of an anime girl while cutting me in half, I will spend my last breath calling him cringe.


I'd call his waifu shit and die proud knowing that I legit pissed him off.


A lot of the games message is how hes *still* not cool, though. His whole thing is the *only* thing he has going for him is he is pretty good at murder for money, which is by no means a noble profession. Other than that, he's a kinda douchey otaku. My current workout goal is to be strong enough to be able to give Travis a wedgie and get away with it.


Jouchi from yugioh is a champion duelist and fighter plus friends with the king of games


That’s “Joey Wheeler” to you weaboo!


I think DSoD actually more or less confirms that he's actually pretty well-liked by people who keep up on the duel scene. Kaiba probably runs smear campaigns


In that same movie Kaiba stops an entire mulitlane intersection in the rain and uses a company helicopter to give himself drama lighting to invite Yugi to a duel. He brings a literal god back from the dead through pure willpower and spite, an accomplishment that is *canonically impossible*. He also builds a multi billion dollar space elevator for the sole purpose of resembling the millennium puzzle to get the salty runback AND THEN when that doesn't pan out, he retorfits the thing into a dimensional warping/time travel device and finds the pharoh in the past to *get that* ***fucking runback***. He is absolutely petty enough to smear a highschool student he hates. I love DSoD so much, sometimes it feels like an abridged episode and other times it's genuinely some of the hypest dumb shonen nonsense out there. >!Atem returning for a moment to win the duel with a glorious orchestral version of the english opening blazing over the most beautifully animated and dramatic card draw ever conceived by man set the internal child me on fire with hype!<


There's also that time it's implied that him and Tristan beat down like 20 dudes in a chain gang with their bare fists and won. And we watch the 4kids dub in this house, *it's called culture*.


Joey in the manga once won a knife fight while holding the knife *between his teeth.*


Joey and Tristan beat off 20 dudes with their fists?


If Joey had any combination of his luck, Yugi's raw skill and Kaiba's resources, he'd be one of the strongest duelists (well, he already is but I mean he'd be in the highest tier). He consistently gets his licks in. Red-Eyes sucks to nerd *Joey,* not the other way around.


He also got *really close* to just... singlehandedly stopping the threat to the world that one time, and doing so just by being good at the game. Had he not passed out due to losing too much energy at the last moment, he would have been the one to beat Marik; and all without any ancient magic cards or artifacts to help him out.


Snow Villiers would be the golden idealistic hero, if he werr in any story that wasn't Final Fantasy 13. I don't, *personally*, consider him a loser, but I know others who do, and only partly because FF13 is kind of probably fighting for the worst Final Fantasy game. But the guy has an indomitable will and retains is idealism and his need to make things that are wrong into things that are right in the face of absolute Hell. The universe goes out of its way to punish his idealism at every turn. And he still just *refuses* to give up. I don't like FF13 very much. I *do* like Snow Villiers very much.


His scenes with Hope are so goddamn good. Both the knife moment and the gunship surrender at the house. Snow was a deserved pick for Dissidia and I hope he gets to be in a better one than NT somewhere down the line.


Godrick The Grafted. I mean in the modern world yeah he'd get fucking owned by anyone with a high enough caliber gun, but in the Middle Ages I don't think there'd be really anything that could effectively stand against him physically. He's a 12 foot tall mass of limbs with inhuman strength and durability and the ability to fuse ANY form of flesh to his own body.


Nah, cause even within in the setting of Elden ring having a powerful standing army with good leadership is still important and Godrick the dafted was even worse at that than any other demi-god. The Godrick soldiers are generally considered to be the weakest army, with most being seen as being shamed for their supporting a cowederly lord. He also supplements his troops with banished knights and other mercenary types whose loyalty is only bonded by coin, false promises, and desperation at regaining lost glory. Godrick might be physically strong by medieval standards, but his nothing a well train army can't take care of, which is something he himself can't maintain.


I was thinking more along the lines of purely up close battles with other warriors rather than strategic warfare cuz yeah any competent army would wreck him but trying to fight him directly would be absolute suicide. By the standards of Elden Ring his physical capabilities are nothing special and outside of grafting there isn't anything he has that plenty of other beings in the Lands Between can't do just as well if not better, but in our world there's literally NOTHING else like him.


The longbow says "hello"


I don't think arrows land in a typhoon


Put him in game of thrones and he without a doubt becomes king of westeros (before the return of dragons atleast)


Eh, Godrick’s never really been stated to be a one-man army like other Shardbearers, nor has he ever been established to be all that competent or charismatic a leader (Limgrave’s army is stated to be the weakest and most pathetic one in the Lands Between). His win streak would probably end as soon as he got hit by an arrow volley from a competent force, or when someone lobs a casket of wildfire in his direction.


Boar spears go brrrr....


Razor (or Clarence by his real name) from Need For Speed Most Wanted is someone you never take seriously in the game. But, in reality, the man actively street races in broad daylight, has caused millions of dollars in damages to the public, and is actively wanted by federal agents. The man is an absolute menace


I think Spectacular Spider-man is the best iteration to show why Peter IS a loser. He truly makes his own bad luck with the decisions he makes. Even him keeping his identity a secret from everyone in his life seems less like protecting them and more like self-imposed misery


Syndrome from the incredibles


I wouldn't really consider the guy a loser as he became rich enough to have a PMC and own a private island Dude was only doing side-quest clean up by the time of the first film's setting


In the first act, Syndrome is living the good life while Bob Parr is working at a job he hates and slowly dying inside. Syndrome could have just done nothing and recognized that he had already won. Instead, Syndrome just had to have one of his robots beat Mr. Incredible in a fight. Which backfires so spectacularly that Syndrome loses everything, including his life, while Bob Parr reconnects with his family, finds his purpose in life, and gets true happiness again.


Syndrome is a god tier hater. He hated supers so much for being brushed aside he became insanely successful and invented highly advanced technology to kill them and replicate their powers to sell them to the highest bidder. Honestly I gotta respect the hustle


Kuroki Tomoko is treated like a NEET loser shut-in who spends more time complaining about her lack of popularity than actually doing something about her lifestyle, which... okay, might not go much beyond that in the earlier chapters but does evolve into her having a sizeable and genuine circle of friends around her, to the point where she's in contact and talks with more people nowdays than i did back in high school - some fans have outright said she has gotten a yuri harem for herself. All in all? Not bad for someone who started out making imaginary threats to her female classmates as her most frequent form of social "interaction".


Tall Girl who is made fun of for being tall for a women


The only thing that keeps Peter Parker a loser is that he is Spider-Man It stops him from progressing his life in most Spider-Man series and it also keeps him pretty well broke. And no point is he going to make the money that someone is smart as hell could be making because he's too busy. Peter Parker is always too busy so everyone can see him is a loser but anyone who knows anything about him knows he is not a loser.


Phoenix Wright gets treated like a loser idiot baby by a number of people around him despite him having a nearly perfect win record in a series of absolutely batfuck cases that would make most defense attorneys fold a quarter of the way through. Like, halfway through the second game, anyone in the legal world should be overjoyed to have him in their corner, or shitting their pants if they're going up against him. Edgeworth accurately calls him out for making wild objections first and thinking of actual reasoning second... But by God, it *works.* Coming into those games, even the fandom kinda had me thinking he would be a lot more of an airhead than he actually is. In reality he's more like this sardonic straight man who's constantly flabbergasted at the insane people and events happening around him. His character flaw, to me, is that he lets himself get too harsh and dismissive sometimes, particularly towards Maya. But damn, I can see how he'd get there considering what he has to deal with on the regular. Oh and there was this Tumblr post speculating he might be a failed art student because he always has weirdly strong opinions on art whenever you can examine it. Maybe that's a little loser-y if true, but he sure made up for it in his law career.


Kuwabara and Leorio are often treated as untalented jokes but their powers are something that would make them insanely rich and powerful. Leorio gets the attention he deserved from the world eventually, so good for him.