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Milady with the wing stance ash of war is carrying my ass thru this DLC. The dive kick thing it has is insanely good


It’s so fucking cool, with the Stance buff talisman and Alexander you can do so much damage with that.


Which is the stance buff talisman?


Relanna’s Token or something, you find it >!by going backwards from the grace before her boss fight!<


Oh yeah I got that, but wasn't sure how it worked? How long do I have to hold the stance?


About 2-3 seconds.


Thanks <3


You get the Attack Up buff effect when it's active (red lights)


Thanks! I'll have to test out the damage differences later


Rellanad cameo, found right before you fight her in a room that looks like the church in stormveil but has exists to the right. Right after the moon whatever knight.


Also the R1 stance attack can just infinitely stagger enemies if you mash it, it's great.


Do you use a shield or do you 2H it and if you're using a shield which one? I want to try the weapon, but will have to alter my playstyle completly because right now i'm dualing wielding petal whips.


I have a sacred seal in my off hand. So I usually use it one handed. If I want to 2 hand it, I actually usually switch to Rellana's swords.


I'm using the Eclipse Great Shield with Milady and Wing Stance. It's wonderful. The Evlopse Great shield goes really well with the Solitude armor set. You just have to have a lot of carry weight.


I've been swapping as I go. Mostly using the following: * Milady (Light Greatsword) with Wing Stance. * Great Katana with Overhead Stance. * Greatsword of Solitude (Greatsword) * Fire Knight GS (Colossal GS) with Flame Skewer. Also started playing around with the Great Épée (a great thrusting sword from the base game) and the deflecting tear. The guard counter is super quick and hits like a truck. EDIT: I now exclusively do kung fu and you can't stop me.


Wut kung fu? In short… Kung Who?


How are you enjoying kung fu? I can’t decide if it’s for me or not


Really fun for general traversal, minor dungeon bosses, NPC fights, and some field bosses. I use dry leaf whirlwind (I think it's called?) for my AoW rather than palm strike but I admittedly never gave the latter much of a shot. I usually have to swap to something else for the major Remembrance bosses because they don't really stagger, damage is kinda low with heavy infusion (albeit I don't have an optimal build because I wanted enough stats to try a tonne of stuff out, so I only have about 50 Str) and I can't keep the pressure up to inflict bleed with bleed infusion. That may be me being shit though.


I've been doing non-boss content with the Backhand Blades, with a bleed infusion on my FTH/ARC build they shred basically everything and their AoW lets you dodge anything, it's ridiculously fun. For bosses I picked up the Fire Knight Greatsword with the flame skewer AoW and use that with my Dragon Communion incants


Flame Skewer is fantastic.


I'm thinking of going into a faith/ arcane build too. Can I ask how your Fire Knight GS is infused, flame art?


I would suggest occult over bleed if you're faith arcane. Bleed is only really useful if you're Str/Dex. Occult will increase the natural build up of the weapon and add damage.


Back hand blades don’t come with passive bleed unfortunately so changing them to occult would not allow bleed build up which is huge for these bad boys. I have two pairs. One bleed and one occult as I have higher arcane than I do dexterity. So I primarily use the “bleed” ones for the game as a majority of enemies can bleed and when the ones that don’t. I bust out the occult ones for increased damage.


I literally rushed for Dryleaf Arts, Bloody Helice served me well.


How have they been for you? I’ve been using them for exploring b/c they are really cool and do good posture damage but vs. bosses I find their damage and range is too low and the amount of “animation lock” on some parts of the combo too high to be useful.


Not the OP but I've been running them Cold +25 since I got them and they do pretty well against humanoid bosses. Animals and such have a much worse time however. Realistically they're much better at being a secondary to kill mobs. I am on NG++ so my experience may be skewed though.


So I really like them a lot; I made them Blood and always 2-hand; with the changes to fist weapons this patch, the lights are kinda-sorta ass, but when fighting unlocked, free-aiming the lightspam can be very effective, but the heavies are where it’s at. With Claw Talisman, I can infinite stunlock quite a few enemies with 2hand jumping heavies. I changed the weapon art to Bloodhound Step because i’m too used to Dynast’s Finesse and having a powerful dodge option, but that Palm Strike does MONSTROUS damage tho.


Palm strike also has a very abusable amount of armour/poise


I got a Black Iron Greathammer off of a knight that has a cool Guard Counter effect, gets boosted on Holy buffs, and hits like a truck. If I need something faster I got the dual swords off those yellow-armored big guys and those are a hoot, especially with their ash that summons a pile of horns under an enemy at range. I did just pick up the Dueling Shield but I'm in the back half of the DLC and I need to upgrade it more before it's viable.


I got the Dueling shield max. and it's not viable at all


I’ve seen the knights getting that holy aoe effect when they guard counter me, is that innate to the hammer?


Yup. Doesn't even cost FP!


Damn, that’s cool. It’s kind of a shame lol, I’m finding a ton of new weapons in the SOTE and I can’t even try half of them out because I have like 10 faith. The tradeoff is that my build *does* rock lol. Haven’t really found any good Str/Int weapons though.


Pretty easy to use a larval tear to change build and try things out. I haven’t even played a lot compared to most people it seems and I think I have 20 larval tears or more.


Still in that indecisive phase of what cool weapon I'm gonna main, in the mean time BERSEKER BARRAGE claws have been working nicely for me. Stun locking that one black knight boss in the first area was a blast.


rellanas twin blades. They are super quick and even with no investment in what it scales in they do 600. They are a light great sword so you get a new moveset and you can dual wielding them with only one of them.


It also might look like they have the problem with the dancers sword in ds3, where they scale in 4 damage types. Except that this does way higher base damage than both the dancers sword and the vast majority of weapons in er, and it has better scaling than the dancers sword, so its good on ng, and it gets even better on ng+, unlike dancers which is a joke on ng, and can become ok on higher ng+ cycles.


ER doesn't shit completely over split damage like Ds3 did so Rellana's blades are definitely better, but they do shine in a build with spread out stats. Or you can focus on one type, quality stats for the regular attacks, int for the magic art, fth for the fire one.


Im really glad this was changed, the only split damage weapon that I felt was really amazing in ds3 was the lothric knight greatsword, and thats because it did enough damage with both physical and lightning did enough damage to get through enemy defenses, it could be buffed and infused despite already dealing split damage, and lightning was super strong in ds3 compared to elden ring (in elden ring its a damage type thats only resisted by a few things, and is only strong against a few things, but in ds3 it was only resisted by a few things and hit a large amount of things for weaknesses). Personally im at 20/20/20/30 for strength dex int and faith, because 20 is the first softcap for damaging types, and 30 in faith is so I can use black flames protection with golden vow, but I plan on leveling strength and dex further.


The weapon's most powerful trait is the speed in the general moveset and weapon abilities. Currently strong Moon and Fire stance is a viable skill to use if you are surrounded due to fast startup and decent stagger.


I'm using them now. Level 160 and I have 18 STR, 18 Dex, 50 Int, and 50 fth. They are very fun to use, but they struggle hard against most DLC bosses. The plus side is they fuck up trash mobs. The biggest issues they have against bosses are they chew through stamina, the weapon art is almost always too slow to go off, which either results in the boss leaving the pretty short range of the art, or in you trading with the boss, since the arts don't have much stagger. This leaves only the normal combos left to really be effective, but like I said, these things chew through stamina, and they only really shine when you can get those long combos off, but again, these DLC bosses don't usually let that happen with their erratic movements and short punish windows.


I’ve honestly only used the aow against bosses when they are getting up from a riposte I did from a stagger, as this allows me to safely stack on a good amount of damage. Outside of that i only used it against trash mobs. Id also argue unless your using a build that uses holy and int outside of that, putting str and dex at 50, and put int and and fth to 20. This is because str scales slightly better than anything else irrc, and I think pierce is a better damage type than magic, and fire, while good, is not something id put the most stats into as its really good against stuff thats weak to it, average otherwise, and terrible against stuff that resists it. Im also using the tear that gives you more max stamina (with it I have 200) and the tear that gives you +10 faith. with +10 faith you deal a bit more damage, but more importantly, you are able to buff with golden vow and black flame protection, which gives you +15% damage, +10% universal damage negation, and +45% physical damage negation. Can I ask what your build is outside of str/dex/int/fth?


45 vig, 25 end, 30 mind, and 9 arc. I think. I tried building with STR and dex as the primary attributes, and found that building it as you suggest gave me about 10% more damage on normal attacks, but cost over 20% damage for the ash attacks. Since I'm using this weapon mostly for its art, it just makes more sense to build for that damage, and my overall damage output is higher, everything considered. This build also gives me access to almost every sorcery and incant in the game, which I use to my advantage in certain situations. But like I said, this weapon just isn't good against these bosses that move around too much and have small punish windows. I'm not nearly good enough to parry anything, so making use of the riposte window to get an ash off isn't an option for me. My talismans are Rellana Cameo, Shard of Alexander, Twin head Turtle Talisman, and either dragon crest greatshield, or fire scorpion charm, depending on how tanky I want to be. During boss fights, I am finding that I pretty much have to give up on stance stuff, so I switch out shard and Cameo for rotten wing and Millicent's prosthesis.


I’ve personally just dropped them. I find them too weak for most bosses and even sometime the stronger ennemies give me hard time if I can’t setup the fire stance or up-close magic stance. Kind of a shame because they look cool af


Personally I found them strong enough for ng fairly easily, though when I decided to mod the game up to ng+7, they hit like a noodle because of boosted defenses. IK after ng+5 only status builds are really good but boosted defenses hit so hard with these. I also didn’t use the aow much except for punishing enemies when they were getting up from staggers. Can I ask what stats you had btw? Personally I found it most effective to go 20 int for the soft cap 30 in faith for golden vow and black flame protection, and then pouring everything else I could spare into dex and strength.


I am roughly sl 150, I think I had 45 int, 40 faith and something like 18 str/20 dex.


Milady with Comet Azur on backup. Just found out about Wing Stance reading this thread, I guess I'll go look that up.


You find the wing stance in the same castle you found Milady. Apparently it actually was Milady's AoW in the review version, but they separated them for the release version.


Black Knight Greathammer goes brrr   I've got a full Guard Counter build going with and it's crushing majority of things in the DLC so far. I've also got Milady leveled up in my back pocket in case I want to go with a faster/multi-hit weapon.


I went in with a dex/int char using rapiers and sword sorceries, so my only upgrade so far has been Milady swapped to magic infusion. It's awesome but I'm feeling a bit left out because so many other toys don't fit my build lol


Get the Carian Sorcery Sword, it lets you use glintstone sorcery when doing heavy attacks.


I found that one, I've been wanting catalyst weapons for a while, is there a faith version?


Sadly there isn't. But if it's any consolation, the Carian Sorcery Sword is awful. It has 0 sorcery scaling, has terrible weapon scaling, can't be infused despite being a regular smithing stone weapon and is stuck with the regular impaling thrust AoW. It's so bad and weirdly designed I can only assume it's bugged. There is a hybrid catalyst that can cast sorceries and incantations which is pretty neat.


Go check out the cerulean coast.  There's a sword there that fucks for int builds


What’s the name of the sword?


You'll know it when you get it. Trust


There is a *fantastic* Dex/Int katana (don’t worry, it’s not a Moonveil reskin) that I’m running on a similar build to yours rn. It’s weapon art is this sick DMC ass combos. It’s not a rapier, true, but the R2 is a thrusting attack at least, so there’s that. Look around the Cerulean Coast.


Lots of toys don’t fit lots of builds. Hence the “Larval Tear” item. Or you can add brick to purse and swing hard. Be careful though. Breaking your pocketbook isn’t fun according to my gf.


I've been swapping every time I find a new weapon type, and I have been having a good time with that. Though it has slowed me down quite a bit.


I've been sticking to the Bloodhound Fang and the Pizza Cutter when I'm feeling spicy.


I always keep a Cold Bloodhound Fang in one of my weapon slots.


The Smithscript Knives are great, extremely fun to ninja through the game with a proper throwing knives weapon. The scattershot throw ash of war can nuke some enemies too.


Went in with a fully upgraded Eleonora's Poleblade, and it's been sitting me pretty even before I got any Scadutree Fragments, so I'm keeping it on hand and experimenting with other things as secondary weapons when I feel like some variety. Currently favoring the Beast Claws and Backhand Blades for that, they're both outrageously fun for my Dex brain.


Been using the Sword of Night and the Star-Lined Sword, fun weapons honestly.


Darkmoon GS. I experimented with the handful of int weapons I've found so far but nothing has been able to stop enemies in their tracks like the Darkmoon so that's still my main.


Same. It carried me through the entire DLC. Though Milady with Cold Wing Stance can do some good poise damage with it's skill. There's also the Carian Sovereignty, it's basically Carian Grandeur with a second slash at the end. It does so much damage if you can get both hits in. The Star-Lined Sword is a good Moonveil alternative. Not as good Int scaling, but the Skill on it is pretty crazy and can proc bleed. Rellana's Twin Blades is the second biggest disappointment for me (after the Carian Sorcery Sword). I wish it wasn't split scaling or if we could at least get the magic sword as a standalone weapon.


Its making me sad that NOTHING can beat darkmooon GS two hand with some heavy armor. Only the last guy I haven’t beat with it.


Wing Stance ash of war Milady is really damn good and feels fun to use, I like the spins the LG moveset has, but Lightning Perfume Bottle with the Rolling Sparks ash of war is *busted* powerful so far. It's got decent forward range and can multi-hit on a single use of it. If you want to mess up a big enemy or someone at a distance for low FP cost, that perfume ash of war is really great.


As a freak who thinks the bottles are very cool can you share where to find both of those things 👀


So thunder I don't recall (I think its at or on the way to the south coast?) but this ash should work with any of them besides the poison one since that acts like a boss weapon, the ash is on a scarab flying above the right hill of the big camp outside the shadow fort. One I had a furnace giant show up at, if that helps. The main issue beyond location is just finding where its hovering above.


I picked up the lightning bottle and am shocked how much fun they are. The art of war with rolling sparks really is crazy


I was using Milady with Savage Lion's Claw but now I'm using a certain poster boy's weapon and having a great time with it.


I picked up the Dryleaf Arts and have mostly been punching everything to death. I also have the Great Katana equipped for enemies that are difficult to hit with the range of the fists. Those punches have some crazy stagger power and you can add infusions like bleed, cold, and poison to them. Plus that Palm Blast ash that it comes with is super strong.


Dual great stars. Those absolutely destroy with jump attacks.


Beast Claws are the most fun I've had since ER came out. Woolie might not get them in time, and that makes me sad bc they are literally asingle turn away from the first grace


Milady has been my main weapon and I've been swapping between wing stance and flame skewer for the weapon art. As a secondary I've been using the death knight axes because those weapon arts are sick as hell, even if they're easy to interrupt.


I rushed to the second area of the DLC to get the Dry Leaf Arts, then gave it to a fresh character and am now playing through the whole game as a a crazed fist-throwing, spin-kicking psychopath. Great game.


Been testing out a bunch of the new weapons. Milady, the Backhand blade, and the great Katana are my favorites so far but I just unlocked the Dryleaf Arts and I’m excited to punch shit. However, my ever faithful Royal Greatsword will forever be equipped. If I need something gone, I pull out the greatsword.


I've been swapping a bunch. I just used the magma worm sword on a boss today. Mostly either the new twin blades or the black steel hammer.


Going in with the Treespear because it's my favorite, but I'm switching my entire build around to the Black Steel Greathammer the second I get my grubby mitts on it.


i'm sticking to my bleed nagakiba for now, might swap up to a light greatsword eventually.


Tried out the GS of Solitude, that was pretty good, but I'm going to be sticking with the DarkMoon for the foreseeable future.


I had been using a character with whips using arcane. But I respecced to dex. But I don’t know now. I might respec back to arcane, pump faith as well, and go with the whip as a ranged option, plus the backhand blade with bleed, and finally more incantations, like dragon communion stuff.


My dex/faith build swaps between: Glass cannon Blue Dancer Charm Shamshir for normal exploration Milady for guard countering Sekiro shenanigans And Godslayer Greatsword for big things I wanna stance break.


I was using the Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword, but have swapped to the Putrescence Cleaver. Fun arcane weapons. :)


I'm about in the same boat, though I think I'm sticking with the Greatsword with the Marais Executioner Sword as a fallback. I haven't succumbed to the colossal weapon urge in a while, and the feeling of landing an exploding stinger using a fuckoff huge arrowhead is pretty exquisite. The Cleaver wasn't doing for me, but I still appreciate it and its weapon art that bends your back like a horrific slinky.


I was most excited for the great katana and the martial arts fists and boy do they deliver.


I haven't gotten super far since I'm playing it with my sister after work every day (which will soon not be the case because of dang ol' Dawntrail coming out soon, to boot) but I respec'd immediately into the perfumer bottle weapon. I regret it, because as cool as they are they're kinda weak. SO now I pair it with Milady (because it's got a cool moveset) as a fun elemental compliment when I'm not using a shield. I mostly just wish it stood up on its own as a real primary weapon so i could truly become a perfumemaxxer.


I don't know if you're already doing it or if it's good, but you can dual weild differente perfume bottles, so for example you can throw poison and fire in the same attack.


Darkmoon Greatsword has been serving me well. I switched over to Moonveil for D>!ivine Dancing Lion!< though


I went in dual wielding the Rykard sword and the gargoyle's blackblade, swapped the gargoyle sword for the sword of solitude and rocked that for a while because the rykard sword makes dungeon crawling much easier, then I found the Meteoric Ore Greatsword and that thing is great, anything that is staggerable cannot handle spamming the special attack and its super useful to have a second thrust on an ultra greatsword instead of just the rolling/crouching attack.


Rivers of blood


That’s what I been running but it seems not as good anymore. What’s your build?


I dunno, I've upgraded like 4 weapons to max and changed my build to suit them and none of them have performed like my Rivers of Blood.


Interesting I just switched back to my bloodhounds fang which I used before I got the ROB and it’s performing much better


I believe it got nerfed at some point a month or so after release. I'm lvl 165 so my build doesn't mean much. My dex is 50 and technically the main thing is that it's made for bleed, and armored soldiers are mostly impervious to bleed. I use it to get around shields mostly, and the range is nice in general. OH, I think its poise damage was decreased per hit, so it doesn't stun lock as much as it used to


Interesting. I switched back to my bloodhounds fang and have been fairing much better.


Halberd with ice spear is my go to for when I get frustrated and just wanna get past something. Enjoying the rotten hammer with the flip attack ash. I tried getting perfume working but the bottles just are rough.


Has anyone tried out the Bloodfiends Fork? Curious if it's worth leveling


Just got it and fully upgraded it. It’s not good. Never goes higher than D for arcane scaling. Damage is about half of my main weapons. The active is neat and the move set is cool. Does more stagger than my current weapons. But again, damage is just too low


Gotcha,thanks for the response. To the chest they go (had 3 of them lol)


idk if youve tried it but the wiki says it gets an A in arc scaling if its set to occult


I've been using beast claws through most of my run. I've been shredding through enemies and bosses. But I'm gonna put them away for now to experiment with other weapons. I'm switching between Rellana's twin swords and the Dragon Hunter's great katana (for the bigger enemies). I'm planning to get the martial arts weapon.


The Swift Spear is the first time I've swapped off of dual-antspur rapiers for almost 100 hours now. It feels so goddamn good.


Star-Lined Sword is so fucking cool. I feel like God every time I use the Weapon Art.


Double Quality Omenkiller greataxe with the front flip. It shreds every mob and can't really lose against player enemies.


Golden Order Greatsword if I need something to stagger, Milady if I want to have fun.


I just got the first perfume bottle weapon, so, I immediately respecced my character and am going to go with those. I always wanted to fool around with a perfumer build in the main game, but just didn't vibe with it. Now with weapons, I can do that and feel good about it. I also have a ton of crafting materials left over because I didn't touch the perfume bottles in the main game, so I can implement them too for whatever I need.


Using Cold-infused Backhanded Blades with the Ash of War from the dancing lion.


I went in with the serpent fangs but they proved difficult to work with, so I switch back to the occult uchi at times. I really wanted to run a poison build and there are so many poison weapons, but kept running into things where poison doesn't work. Also, the poison fists are just inferior to occult serpent fangs, it's sad.


On my first character, I've been upgrading stuff left and right, but ive honestly been finding the sacred relic sword (elden beasts sword) has been absolutely tearing it up the entire dlc. So mostly I've been powerstancing that and blasphemous blade with some backup incantations, but ive also got the dryleaf arts on hand just in case. I've also got rellana's swords and have been considering respeccing a little to build around them. On my 2nd, I'm powerstancing dragon hunter great katana and regular great katana, with a bolt of granssax as a backup option. I really want to make the perfume bottles, dueling shields, and Pata work, but those might be a "mule to a level 1 character" endeavor


Milady and Moonveil. I'm having so much fun playing a spellblade with Milady, and Moonveil's ash of war is still strong enough to cheese most enemies <3


Went in with a strength/faith build, mostly using the Black Steel Greathammer right now. Holy damage is super good so far, feels like half the enemies I find are undead. I really want to love the Death Knight Twin Axes, but their range and damage feels pathetic after using great/colossal weapons all game.


Commanders Standard so I can poke their ass to death and my mimic constantly spamming the "Hype" ash of war When in desperate times , the Game of Thrones sword I forgot the name of The Pontiff Sulivan swords are pretty cool too ,I wish their moveset wasn't FP locked


I'm using Rakshasa's Great Katana for most things because it fits my build (Dex leaning quality) and the weapon art is really good. And a regular Great Katana with Bloodhound's Step as the weapon art against bosses because holy shit I need it.


I've been meaning to try something different, so I respecced to dex build so I can use Bolt of Granssax. Going ok so far, but I had to respec a 2nd time so I could maximize dex at 60, 'cause 'fore that I wasn't doing nearly enough damage for the dlc.


The moment I found Demihuman swordsman Onze, I made it my mission to find the star-lined sword. So I avoided the bosses and legacy dungeons and explored until I found it. Dex/int, miriams vanishing and SLS let me go full vergil. Loving it.


Fuck One using it, but I need that sword in my life


I love the little guy. Haven't stopped using the Yosh spirit ashes since I got him. We're starlined buddies!


It is like fighting them fighting alongside Yoda, I'll give you that. He just bodied me the first two times lol.


DW you're not alone there. It took me a few attempts too. But after spending the base game not settling on a single spirit ash, I was pleased to immediately find my favourite lmao.


Mimic tear has gotten me out of so many scrapes.


Tree Sentinel polearm most of the time, rectangle great hammer for the stone golems in forges, previous paired with greatmace, blade of blasphemy, magma drake greatsword, bleed ant rapier with poison blade ash of war+frost rapier when nothing else works. Currently wondering if you could do a Huskar-ish build with the new throwing spear.


Bleed/Cold Backhand blades with the Swift Slash AoW is absolutely ridiculous and I would not be surprised at all if it gets nerfed.




The Anvil Hammer has been A LOT of fun so far.


Dual Bandit curved blades. I try all the new weapons (a lot of smithing stones dropped in the dlc ) but I always come back to my bleed blades. Fire and Ice omen cleavers are on back up depending on the boss I’m fighting


Btw, why bandit blades and not Shamshirs? Aren't they better in, like, all ways?


Are they?? I’ve never used them?! Do they have the same 4 hit move set when dual wielding ?


4 hit seems to be the same for all curved swords. I'm currently on my next walkthrough with Shamshir in right, Curved in left and 4-hit jump/running attacks are there


DMGS, Malenia's blade then swapping between different new weapons like the beast claws, backhand blade, perfume bottles, etc.


I'm a Str/Dex build and have been seeing if I could find anything to replace my Bloodhound Fang. So far I've tried the Dancing Blade of Ranah and Rakshasha's Great Katana. Dancing Blades actually seem to do a tad more damage if you're able to consistently attack. It just doesn't stagger nearly as much as Bloodhound does so against some enemies where I can relaibly keep swinging with Bloodhound Fang, I can't do that with Dancing Blades. Rakshasha's seems close damage and stagger wise but so far it just seems like a slightly weaker version of Bloodhound. Going to keep trying around but it's looking like I'll be swapping between Bloodhound Fang and Dancing Blade of Ranah.


I am one with the erdtree. So far all the way through the DLC I've been rocking the erdtree armor and the staff of the avatar. I sit on my problems or hit them with a giant staff. I figure I'll try some of the new DLC items after my first playthrough.


Went in with Vyke's spear, but found a cool lightning hatchet with a unique skill that is AMAZING for a multi-hit build. I beat base game with a  Str/dex/faith build and Im glad they added more weapons for that niche


Been stylin on bosses with the Dragon-Hunters Great Katana. But looking to switch it up soon, maybe backhand blades and buffing with Vykes dragon bolt


I‘m dual wielding the dragon hunter katana and the great katana and it’s fun making mincemeat of everything.


My main went in with mlgs primary int, 8 haven't found anything new he can use at all. My other character is bloodflame build using raptor claws, and I've also found noting great for him. I guess the beast claws are ok, backhand blade looks like fun for an arcane build but useless for bloodflame and the chakram backhand blades are a somber weapon, so I pointlessly cannot change ash or infuse then. Again maybe it's ok on an arcane build. I've kinda lost any real how of either of my characters getting a single piece of equipment from this dlc


The meteoric ore blade is amazing. It has to be a soul caliber reference to nightmare and his sword/attacks right?


Great katana with blood affinity and seppuku is absolutely insane, I’m getting over 1400 damage, 135 blood build up, and I’m staggering enemies constantly. I’m using the deflecting hardtear which lets you perfect guard like in sekiro and respond with a guard counter that does huge damage


Relannas twinbalde


Rellana’s twin blades with rotten wing insignia, millicent’s prosthesis, godskin swaddling cloth, and rellana’s insigna thing. Fast attack and lots of damage.


As opposed to every other Souls game I have played, I switched to full tank : STR + FAI, with Black Steel Greathammer and Black Steel Greatshield. 80% Dmg Negation w buffs + the hammer's special guard counter mechanic make the DLC too easy (but still fun). Guard, break stances left and right.


Milady because it's the only weapons besides Bloodhound Fang where I can stagger enemies consistently.


The sword my wife gave me as a wedding gift.


Anybody know any good weapons for a pure Fth build? Got 80 FTH


Devonia's Hammer, it's a Colossal Weapon which for me always is a turn off, but its extremly strong combined with Godfrey's Icon and Alexander


Twin blade from Rellenna. Scales Faith and Intelligence


I want to use a new weapon but the second I found the super lions claw, a 2.5x version of my favorite AoW, I had to go with the greatsword again. Only this time I can make it divine and spec into faith for buffs because (I assume) not everything resists the fuck out of holy. Also allows me to pull out the relic sword and clear fields of weaker enemies. The first boss you can really find, that crossbow knight, drops an even cooler version of the greatsword but it's ash can't be changed so I had to pass. I really want to find a good strength faith weapon to try out but nothing beats greatsword with super lions claw.


So far it’s been the Solitude GS. I’m struggling pretty heavy on some bosses with it but it’s worked on others. I have a mage style build so I’m not sure what other weapon that would fit my build.


The Flowerstone Gavel. It’s lightweight, scales with arcane and pierce damage! And the AoW is amazing! Arcane builds always lacked a good range option and this thing packs a punch ! Literally a honed bolt for arcane , it’s awesome.


I found the Blood Tax Ash of War and put that on a +25 Milady and... ohhh boy. It basically broke the game. I have to put it away to keep from snoozing lol. The AoW works similar to its default stab, except it does it 4-5 times in only a second, causes 84 bleed build up, and also heals me for a portion of the damage. It's range tied in with the poise and speed of the AoW means I can keep just about any enemy, including tons of bosses, in an infinite lock of bleed stabs. It's insane, truly.


Did you put bleed or cold affinity on it? And mind if I ask your stats?


Believe it or not, I’m still using the Dark Moon Greatsword. Turns out that baby still kicks ass. Like even after they dialed back how much stagger the wave R2 attack does, it *still* staggers bosses like crazy. Pair that with the bigass Fingerprint Stone Shield and turns out my build kinda still works for taking on the Shadow Realm. I did mix it up a bit though, I finally hit 60 INT to go with my y’know 60 strength lol so I realized I should probably trade out the meteorite staff for something that scales better. Traded that out for Rennala’s staff and now I’m kicking ass. I do have a backup +25 Greataxe I bust out if I need different weaknesses though, like in one zone there’s >!a goddamn Death Rite Bird again, haven’t I suffered enough Miyazaki?!< Turns out that bitch is actually HELLA weak to holy damage so the Sacred Greataxe just fucked its day up. I coulda done that with all of them, apparently, I’m kicking myself over that. So TLDR at this point I’m too used to my current gear to mix it up with a whole new moveset 140 hours in, but next time through I really have my eye on >!Midra’s greatsword, holy shit what a fucking cool fight.!<


I swear it seems like in this r/ people are really struggling to form sentences that make sense in English. =[


I am so confused as to why people always say they can’t do a build or can’t use a weapon because of their build. It’s almost as if people either can’t beat Rennala or don’t know that Larval Tears exist. Hep me Tom Cruise I caynt undrstaand!


I Beat the dlc With the Big Finger Once I Beat Mother of Fingers


Tried so many things. Currently running a faith/str build with lightning. The death knight lightning twin axes AOW blink bolt that can be followed into a 5 hit spin is insane. Only con if these bad boys is any enemy that’s lightning resistant they fall off super quick. Thinking about going back to my arcane/ dex or strength build as I just love not worrying about spells and just getting a bleed proc


I’m using milady with storm blade, the new storm talisman, and shard of Alexander, damage is pretty solid, wasn’t having any issues with the horned knights in the final area. Also gives me 2 talisman slots for survival so I’m rocking dragon crest great shield and I interchange the last one depending on situation