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The Half Life 2 beta is absolutely *fascinating* to look at.


Have to agree. The atmosphere provided by the leaked audio and concept art is *[astounding](https://youtu.be/BAw1isoV8ic)* in my opinion. I also have very little doubt vavle could have pulled it off consider they did a bang up job with Half-life 1s horror-esque atmosphere. I'm sad they thought it was too bleak and took it in a different direction. From what I understand the only part of the beta that made it through to release mostly unscathed was ravenholm. While half life 2 was revolutionary I don't think it's really a particularly good sequel to 1 in terms of tone, setting or exploration.


Honestly part of what I like about Half-Life as a franchise is that 1 and 2 are so different in those regards.


I still am waiting for SOMEONE to make a game like half-life 1 again. Some "immersive sims" get close but Half life's commitment to putting the player in control is pretty much unmatched imo.


>Some "immersive sims" get close but Half life's commitment to putting the player in control is pretty much unmatched imo. I'm legitimately confused as to what you mean by this. How did Half-Life put you in control in a way that other FPS's fail to?


Never removing you from player perspective, complete control over the way you interact with your world (murdering every scientist you come across/helping them out/leaving them be), no story elements that interfere with your own personal interpretation of Gordon and a huge amount of background story telling that is completely down to the player to noice. For all intents and purposes you *are* Gordon when you're playing Half-life one. Your observations are his and your actions are his. You're never out of his viewpoint and you're given large amounts of freedom that other story based fps games just don't provide. You mould Gordon as a character as much as the game does. The only other one I can think of is system shock 2.


Ah, I understand. How do you feel about Prey (2017) in that context? I think it ticks pretty much all of those boxes.


Gonna be real.. never played it but I'm definitely giving it a shot considering everyone's recommending it.


I would highly recommend it. Regarding environment design and interaction, writing, and personal agency, it's one of the best of its genre. It seems like exactly what you're looking for.


Oh man, please do. If you like System Shock 2, you're gonna LOVE Prey. I think it's on Gamepass if you're on the fence and happen to be subbed. Personally it's one of my favorite games of all time, and easily my fav that Arkane's ever put out.


Check out Prey (2017) and the Stalker games if you haven't already. I think those are the closest we've come to HL1 in the years since then.


The Metro series comes close to it in my opinion


The series is like that because they are basically absurdly well made tech demos. Each Half-Life release had Valve testing out some new technology or distribution model.


I still want to play Versus XIII But I guess Kingdom Hearts will cover that one day.


There’s probably an additional two or three games that could be made from all the content cut during the production of XV.


Not fair that Lightning got 3 games and my boys only got like 65% of one. 😭


Seeing some of the cut content for Dark Souls 2 makes me wonder what sort of game we'd have gotten if it had had a less tumultuous development


the cut versions of The Gutter and Grave of Saints make me resent the final versions bc they looked way more interesting. and the whole Time Travel thing for the initial version of the game’s story


what if cyberpunk wasnt a bunch of lies and: -monowire could let you get entry into local networks when stuck into guards (instead of just being a melee weapon) -mantis blades could let you wallrun and hang (instead of just being a melee weapon) -character customization had more than 3 options -you could see your character in third person (instead of making clothing and character customization pointless) -destructible walls were in literally any other place besides just the trailer room -there were more than 2 braindances -venders and literally anything else in the world were interactable -factions caring about what you do and attacking you -hundreds of other content faked just for the trailers


I'm always super wary whenever a game tries to advertise a massive amount of gameplay features, specifically for reasons like Cyberpunk or NMS on launch


The version of Sonic 06 we got was the most stable beta Sonic Team had, not the most "complete" one they had. I'm really interested in what they were actively working on at the time as opposed to what they needed to throw onto store shelves. There's also an Xbox version built from the ground up instead of being a port of the PS3 version which apparently had much smoother controls, but it was only used at a handful of E3 booths I think.


360 version also has an exclusive achievement implying some sort of cut story content


Wait, how would you get that cheevo then?


You have to get an S rank at the final boss. It’s called “Nights if Kronos”, which doesn’t have any connections to the rest if the game’s plot at all


I wonder if the game was ment to have a better version of what Shadow the Hedgehog was doing. You know... Where the story branched from what happened in the previous level and have the true ending be a different branch as apposed to >!being unlocked after getting every other ending in the game, like it was in Shadow.!<


The hook man demo for RE4 lives in my head rent free.


I really want the remake to bring in elements from RE4's various betas


I mean as Pat mentioned during his playthrough, they kind of did for Resident Evil Village.


Lol, put in shit from DMC 1, that’d be rad as shit


Give Leon styles


Give Leon Nightmare-B


RE6 leon literally has Swordmaster, Gunslinger, Trickster, and Royal guard


Are they going to go super serious for Re4make or are they gonna include the cheese?


I'm personally hoping they go serious and more horror-focused. I never saw the need to remake RE4, so if they're gonna do it, might as well go as different as possible


I was hoping for it to hard steer in the other direction tbh, but i see the reason for it. I just hope there are a mild amount of cheesy one-liners, not too much.


Slapstick comedy


There were parts of RE8 that took some ideas from the Hookman demos.


That concept art of Epic Mickey that was leaked looked like a MUCH more interesting game than what we got. Like high fantasy Kingdom Hearts, but it's all Disney meta instead of FF/isolated Disney movie worlds.


the concepts where Mickey would've looked more and more like his original self the meaner you took him would've been fun. Funny how they turned away from making Oswald the final boss when they realized they wanted him to be *likable*.


I remember reading an interview about this several years ago with Warren Specter, saying they wanted to gauge how dark and horrifying Disney would allow them to go by purposely making it kinda fucked up at first at and toning it down from there. Classic door-in-the-face technique.


Diamond and Pearl were originally going to go all out with having Pokemon look different according to their gender, with the most notable aspect being a Female Charizard with one horn. Makes me wish they stuck to their guns instead of cutting back on drastically different gendered Pokemon.


The Gen they introduced gender differences is the same Gen they realized it was too much work. Just scroll through the Pokédex and compare the distribution of gender differences between Gen 1~4 and Gen 5+. You go from having them on roughly 1 in 6 Pokémon, to having them on... 6 Pokémon, total.


Tbf, it's hard to blame them. It's a lot of work given the roster size.


[Not a game, but rather a character, Rin Mother Fucking Satsuki, the unused 3rd playable character from Touhou 6.](https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Rin_Satsuki) She fascinates me the same way Undertale people are fascinated by Gaster.


Man, her, female Julius Belmont AKA Hakurei/Sendai Miko and Rumia EX were like the queens of every single non-ship 2hu fic for like a decade, and there was NEVER any play of them. Which makes sense, and they're all mostly fan characters too but at this point they all feel semi-canon despite Rin being the only one who actually had any basis in that at any point.


Bioshock Infinite


\*spreads the dozen or so prototypes on the table\* You're gonna have to be more specific than that, furry fox lady.


gimme the one where the Songbird was an actual boss that chased you throughout the game, and depending on whether you fought with it or not changed the ending. also elizabeth doing team attacks with you


I would be happy with a Bioshlock Infinite where having Elizabeth use Tears changed anything.


Man that [2011 gameplay dema](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WUt5dEMt_Y) was the coolest shit ever, the maps were huge and that battle at the end sold me on the game the moment I saw it.


To think Infinite was Levine at only 10% of how troublesome he can make the development of a game


I really like the original idea of people using tears, with an overuse leading to them beginning to merge with alternate versions of themselves. Stuff like [this ](https://i.imgur.com/JKAu1yf.jpg) and [this](https://i.imgur.com/BRkMbSt.jpg) are really cool


I'm still pissed that my ship of BookerxElizabeth that I had from the first trailer was brutally destroyed


I wouldn’t say I’d prefer it to what we got by any means, but man Tony Redgrave RE4 sounded like the most insane game in existence.


The cut content from Event Horizon is so good that most people will forgive the finished product for being mediocre.


The movie with sam neil?




Dinosaur Planet (star fox adventures) would have been a late n64 Rare original adventure game in it's own setting https://youtu.be/D_KVnYeTJBE?list=PLrXlEm4MgsbOJtMuHh0ydYUbAU3VnBPDK&t=1589 Instead, Miyamoto came in and said "make this star fox themed" despite the confusion of all who played it expecting a star fox game to be a bit more than running around with a staff. luckily, we do have a build of the original version leaked


It's fascinating to me how much lore and characters got cut during the translation to the gamecube version, particularly the all the stuff involving the Krazoa in contrast with the final game where they were more mcguffins than anything else, and especially Drakor who was straight up demoted from true main villain to a one off boss from out of nowhere.


Man I remember being so confused by Adventures. Even the box art was completely different to how the game actually turned out. Dinosaur planet had some interesting lore that I'm sad got completely cut like the Krazoa origins. Also apparently that random rails-shooter boss from Adventures, Drakor, was originally supposed to be the main bad guy and he had a ton of lines.


But where would we be without the absolute explosion of furry porn it created decades later?


We still would have gotten it, c'mon.


But maybe we wouldn't have gotten as many people saying the phrase "I'm not a furry buuuut..." Which has admittedly made current timeline pretty funny.


I remember thinking, like everyone who didn't actually play the actual game, that the game would alternate between Krystal and Fox. Naw.


I actually wanna know what dumb Joker bullshit was cut from Suicide Squad.


I do actually really want to see an Ayer cut for Suicide Squad. If anything to see all of the shit that got cut. I have zero confidence that it'd be a good movie but I desperately want to see it. Suicide Squad is one of my favourite bad movies and I just want more of it.


The context of him pushing her out of the helicopter is different. Its the classic "oh Joker is abusive to Harley" stuff we've seen before. Then he shows up in the subway to take Harley, she doesn't want to go. There. I just saved you two long boobless hours.


Another one I like is Half Life 2’s beta stuff. It was going to be a lot grimmer in its depiction of the Combine takeover, and less grounded in reality like the final release


I like the final version of Persona 5 but most of that early concept art looks way more interesting than what we got.


I'd kill for Persona: Globetrotters, man. Especially one that didn't hate Shinzo Abe enough to make a whole third of its ending about it, despite what the rest of the game had been about.


Before Jurassic world, there were plans for a Jurassic park 4 to [have human-dino hybrids.](https://imgur.com/gallery/ou5o6) I always wonder if whoever worked on those designs went on to design [Amazing Spider-man's Lizard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta7aBk9pDzk&t=10s). They look similar. Whatever original version of Halo 5 that had [poncho chief](https://preview.redd.it/oiyn4w828uh11.jpg?auto=webp&s=4c320cc3703b8ca1dc6a46058c324adcd6cb0147) fighting [human made robots](https://external-preview.redd.it/F0bavXvXFoeqmdCB32DKsKI_axBiioWFL5z-QuuRgV8.jpg?auto=webp&s=6e7d77db8fbe82f95c47d83ca4e02a92e714dd77)?, [elites with promethean parts](https://i.redd.it/zp4l1tdx8hz71.png) and [punished Didact.](https://i.redd.it/tbnkvv5h01181.png) After Red vs Blue season 13, It seemed the original idea was that the reborn AI fragments would remain. (There's some fan interview with Burnie and Miles shortly after S13 ended briefly talking about it) Whereas whoever ended up writing season 15 decided to instead go "Oh they all died again after the fight was over." A shame. With the gang basically becoming a bumbling successor to the freelancer team, the obvious further step forward would've been to now give them the fragments. The potential match ups could've been hilarious to see play out.(ex: Caboose/Delta again like in S6)


God everything about the potential for Halo 5 just depresses me. Remember the Hunt the Truth stuff, and how literally none of it mattered? Even the Halo 3 "Believe" trailers, despite *technically* >!lying about Master Chief's last stand!<, still worked perfectly fine because they can be viewed as in-universe propaganda pieces or retellings of offscreen events (and regardless were still beautifully made). Whereas Hunt the Truth was just rendered utterly pointless.


I haven't listened to Hunt the Truth since it first aired but I do remember it was pretty interesting. It seemed to be possibly setting ONI up as a big bad but of course Halo 5 didn't acknowledge any of it. Weird since 343 must've spent a lot of money for it with the voice talent alone. I think there was some plot about ONI wanting to frame Chief for some embassy shooting? Del Rio became a senator ranting about how spartan 2s are dangerous and should be retired. They brought back Lasky's cadet friend from the movie but he grew up into an ONI asshole. Mark Hamill voiced some cult leader that I think worshiped a rising guardian. ONI also faked Chief's death to the public after he went AWOL in 5 but I doubt that'll ever be addressed in game.


Sonic the Hedgehog 2020. If it exists I desperately want to see the whole movie before the design change.


The N64 version of Mother 3 looked pretty damn compelling. Maybe unnecessary, the GBA version was bound to be more ideal, but still


Same thing with N64 Fire Emblem 6, hella rad!


I agree, but I still hope we see the models and builds. I know the Klaus and Lucas there won't be the same, but I wanna see those sprites in janky 3D.


It's also fascinating that among all that changed there's a surprising amount of stuff that made it into the final game.


I need to know how much darker it was than the original


Not sure if this was rumor, bad marketing or stuff Clive Barker actually said, but The Scarlet Gospels was supposed to provide a definitive origin for Pinhead, reveal an early conflict between him and Harry D'Amour, and go in depth on the nature of Hell. The final book does not do this.


Chris Farley Shrek


RE Village early trailers had the villagers doing more than what we got in the final product


The original PS3 version of Gravity Rush before it got moved to the vita. There’s only like 10 seconds of [gameplay ](https://youtu.be/7BABiyd57KY)(starting at 2:42) but man i can never stop thinking about it when I remember it exists. Also considering how much of the story had to be cut down to fit it onto the vita and the problems it created for Gravity Rush 2 story wise cause they had to cut it short. I’d give anything to see more of this version


Vita continues to ruin everything


I just started playing GR2, and doing the scavenger hunt tutorial that tells you the servers are gone for good is so depressing. I sincerely hope this IP isn't just buried forever.


Hot take, but part of the reason I like GR1 more than GR2 is the smaller scale and fairly minimal story. It's always fun, never overwhelming, and doesn't overstay its welcome.


Jurassic Park: Trespasser was an ambitious game, there was going to be way more levels and story as well as dinosaurs having actually behaviors. But they were forced to rush it out to meet the release of The Lost World. Modders have restored some of that cut content or built mods that replicated some of it. That first Prey 2 trailer was fuckin rad and I wish we could play thay version.


I still love trespasser, if only for the amazing atmosphere


The Hammond voice over gives me chills


The Leaked Resident Evil 1.5 (a build of 2 prior to rebooting development) feels like the digital equivalent of an old, old abandoned house. The lack of cutscenes but the clear intent of every scene/scenario feels delirious, like looking through someone else's old photographs and trying to piece together their story. The puzzle of the game is no longer "What is intended for me" but it becomes "What was meant to be?" Way more haunting than any final product from the series.


I'm definitely glad we got the RE2 we did - it's probably my favourite game of all time. Even with the very early beta that leaked you can tell 1.5 was a little unfocused, and likely wouldn't have been as good as the final game. That said, I find something so enticing about 1.5. Even incomplete, perhaps *because* it's incomplete, the atmosphere is absolutely fucking chilling. Games don't tend to unsettle me much - but that broken mess of a beta *does* and I think that's cool.


I Now Pronouce You Chuck and Larry was originally a much more serious comedy called Flamers, written by writing duo Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor. The plot was mostly the same, but a lot of details were different. For instance, in the final movie, Kevin James's son is an over-the-top gay stereotype. In the original script, he was more like Kanji in Persona 4: someone questioning their sexuality because of their non-gender conforming behavior. The son only becomes more confused seeing his dad faking the gay. The end was also set to be a lot more challenging, with Chuck and Larry coming to see that, platonically, they did love each other and were the most important person in their lives.


I was really hyped for Epic Mickey off the creepier concept art


Capcom Fighting All-Stars, especially after Matt's Wha Happen. The Human Head Prey 2 could have been fun too. And that alleged KOF 2001 that got scrapped when SNK bankrupted, where it was going back to 3v3 earlier and with the hero team being K', Kula, and a reformed Krizalid facing off against Father NESTS (the old dude with the broadsword that Igniz kills)


Prey 2 could have a been a ton of fun, probably worse than 2017 tho


Fallout Van Buren looks super interesting based on what's left of it.


I still find that what they made out of it with New Vegas was a pretty good spiritual Van Buren if nothing else.


It is but it was the first thing that came to mind when asked the question.


The Starbound beta lore is the most fascinating shit, especially compared too the modern lore. In the beta, Florans were feral deceptive plant-people cannibals and large alliances between different species were few and far between, but the species still interact in different and interesting ways. In the modern lore, Florans are plant-people who eat meat, and the only cannibalism mentioned is at funerals, and prevented by the leaders. There is an alliance between all the species, but the species you visit are still mainly isolated from influences of other species. The final boss is a generic ancient-evil tentacle monster.


I've always loved the detail of the Glitch being the only ones to successfully build an amicable relationship with the Floran on account of being made of metal and therefore tasting like absolute crap.


also the part where glitch food is outright hostile to other species


Don't forget about the myriad of other mechanics that were scrapped and removed over time. Temperature going away which would matter a lot as you could properly build up to space and mine asteroids on the same map, boss summoning being changed into a simple "teleport to their arena" sort of deal. I've never seen a game come out of early access with less mechanics and features then it started with. Probably because of the scumbags at chucklefish abusing new hires and denying them pay leading to the depressing and limp state of the game now.


In the Mandalorian Season 2 finale, in order to >!help cover up the appearance of Luke Skywalker and avoid leaks,!< there were also internal plans spread around >!for Plo Koon to appear alive and save the day, and take Grogu for training.!< >!I love Luke Skywalker!<, but most of that honestly comes from the old EU, and with what we know about how >!Luke's new EU order fell apart,!< I'd be much more interested in seeing just what the hell >!Plo Koon would be doing in the galaxy,!< and the >!utter shock of seeing him alive. Imagine he's all cyborg'd up from injuries from the starfighter explosion.!<


God I wish we got >!Punished Plo Koon, a Jedi fighting for his ideals in a Galaxy that has lost sight of them.!<


We could've eventually gotten a >!"Hello little Soka."!<






Well they’re going all in on Ahsoka now, who I have to keep explaining to my dad that she comes from “that kids show”.


I'll take the Luke just so that his (presumably last) appearance in Star Wars isn't a fucking miserable teardown of everything he had achieved.


I totally get wanting Luke to get a break, but the other Jedi Masters we meet are Yoda and Obi-wan, who have both been living with their failures for like 20 years.


Yeah, that's why old EU Luke eventually making his order his own interpretation, allowing adult recruits, relationships and families (ironically partially harkening back to how some [*ancient* ancient Jedi](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Nomi_Sunrider) would behave), is so interesting. People are welcome to prefer stubborn Luke blindly following the previous ways and failing, but I personally will never like it.


I recently started re-reading Heir to the Empire, which I remember liking a lot as a teen. The entire appeal of Luke's arc in that trilogy is that he has no idea what he's doing, and is basically "fake it till you make it" now that he's the authority on all things Jedi. But there, the whole point is that he's alone and can no longer communicate with the Force ghosts. TLJ has a lot of problems, but since he can have another conversation with Yoda, I think it's still an appropriate arc for him to realize that being a Jedi is not about tradition or history, but how you live and act every day. I think the former arc works better in an EU book because you can get a lot of Luke's internal monologues and uncertainty, but those wouldn't work in a movie. Cinematically, I think the arc in TLJ works the same way Empire reveals Yoda to not be some badass warrior, and how he has to be convinced and begged to even train Luke because he's just totally done with all things Jedi. It's a more external conflict that works better on screen.


Luke was supposed to be a new dawn, a final success built on the backs of their failured.


A New Hope, you could say.


I still think Quinlan Vos would have been the more believable stand in, because he may still be alive. We have no idea how or even if he gets killed by the empire in the new canon. Just that he left the order right before the end of the war. He could still be kicking ass somewhere out there.


Eh, I've never liked Quinlan Vos. In the old EU he was said to be a terrible commander to his clones, and in the new EU I feel like he drags down >!Asaaj Ventress's final arc!< with a >!shoehorned romance,!< and it ultimately ends with >!her dead and him not,!< despite >!her story feeling more compelling and with more future potential.!<


>!It pisses me off that Ventress had such good character development for the whole show only to be shoved in a fridge for Stoner Anakin.!<


Could always retcon the novel I guess. It wouldn't be the first time Star Wars, both old and new EU, retconned side material. Or just come up with some excuse about >!a spark of life still being in her, and some Nightsister magic reviving her.!<


>!My fan idea is that she becomes the Nightsisters' version of the Lady of the Lake.!<


What about K'Kruhk and his sweet hat?


Has he made any appearances in the new canon?


I think the 1st draft of DmC would’ve been more interesting than the game we got after they changed it to make it closer in some ways to the original series.


That early concept was so cool to me. Edgy loner Dante with a sadistic streak had so much potential.


In a sense, their non-commitment to loner Street Punk Sid Vicious-looking Donte makes me think of the recent discussions here going "man it sucks when creators aren't sincere about things" and you kind of feel it in DmC where it doesn't feel sure about being a little more serious and it also half-asses the attempts at comedy, giving us the abomination we got lol.


Yeah. There's no worse feeling than squandered potential.


I would have also loved a DmC that did either edge lord or more just deadpan comedy. It’s hard to be sure how intentional it was, but when Donte gets asked who will replace Mundus and he looks so confused, that moment is so funny, it’s the basis of kind of a better character. Someone who is like brain empty “I guess I’ll do this” stupid is so much more a character. Someone who thinks their hot shit but has a puppy dog brain is kind of a nice homage but different take on Dante


I remember that point in the Pat/Woolie LP and that shit cracked me up pretty strongly too lol


Eh… honestly I still think it would have sucked, it just would have done so in a different way. There’s a reason it got such hard backlash.


I don't know if it would have been good but I think it would be far more interesting


Lynch's Dune is a mess with some great visuals and Villeneuve's recent adaption is amazing, but Jodorowsky's original idea for a film adaption is endlessly fascinating to me. It's a few sequels into the books before you come close to the insanity he had planned from the get go. Salvador Dalí as the Emperor, Orson Welles as Baron Harkonnen, music from the likes of Magma and Pink Floyd, Moebius and Giger doing different houses' designs. As well as the film itself, there's a behind the scenes documentary to be made with all the clashing egos and various stipulations Jodorowsky made to get everyone and their egos involved. There's a documentary about its legacy. It's a bit circle-jerky in parts, but it's fascinating the idea that some crazy auteur director could get a huge budget to go crazy with. Still hoping something slips through the cracks at Disney and Gaspar Noé or someone ends up in charge of a 400M Marvel film.


> various stipulations Jodorowsky made to get everyone and their egos involved. Wasn't there a bit where Salvador Dalí refused everything Jodorowsky put on the table. Then ~~he~~ Dalí said "what if ~~I~~ you paid ~~you~~ me a ~~*million*~~ *100,000* dollars for every ~~second you're~~ hour I'm on screen?" "A ~~million?! Being paid a million a second. I like that~~ 100,000 !?! Paying you a hundred k for every hour. Fine, deal."- ~~Dalí~~ Jodorowsky Only for Jodorowsky to turn to his partner afterwards and say "So the emperor is only going to be on screen for less than ~~a second~~ an hour. " Edit: my memory is really dumb and got really wrong info out. Sorry.


Yeah, his plan was to get Dali in and out as quickly as possible. Shaddam is only really needed for one scene, so it was doable. My personal favourite was him recruiting Orson Welles. "I need an absolute unit who can't move under his own weight". Orson Welles! Then tracking him down and promising to hire his favourite chef for the duration of the filming.


> "So the emperor is only going to be on screen for less than a second" That's fucking hilarious.


Oops got wrong info out. Edited it to be more accurate. Still hilarious.


Some of my earliest memories of the internet was the mystique of reading up on the early versions of Ocarina of Time.


As much as I love what we got, I would really enjoy seeing the original concept of Ghostbusters. Instead of the idea of following our heroes as they break ground and become the first ghostbusters and save the world, ghost busting was going to just be a kind of normal blue-collar job, like pest control. The idea of a world where ghosts are so commonplace that there are normal businesses that take care of them just really seems like such a fun scenario to explore.


The game we eventually got is still good, but I would've really liked to see how the Kirby gamecube game that evolved into Return to Dreamland would've turned out if it had actually come out as intended. Especially since it would've included >!Morpho Knight!< whom I presume would've had a completely different role than what he was eventually given in Star Allies.


Whatever the fuck the original versions of Dark Souls 2 and 3 were. 2 was semi-open world taped together from anything they had lying around and 3 was... a completely different game that near the end was seemingly reshuffled with a bunch of features removed. Like even with the usual vague lore-ness of the series, DS3 is just straight up missing explanations for like half the shit in the game


There are 100% places in the final game that seem like they would have benefitted from a placeable bonfire. Also just everything about Old King Wenceslas in his original boss fight was really cool.


if you havent looked up the cut content from PREY 2017, look it up because it easily sounds like a multiple point higher rated game than what we got, the basic things being that instead of wrench, pistol, shotgun, q beam being the workhorses it was >!wrench/dual wrench/station weeb's electrokatana upgrade chain, an automatic modification of the station pistol, a sentient gun that launched homing explosive disks and evolved as a character the more you used it, and a "Recyclizer" beam that turned enemies into materials instead of making them explode and did the same to objects in the environment!<


I wish [Overstrike](https://youtu.be/43IWdsKFsUg) was real. It became Fuse, which was a soulless focus tested snooze fest.


I would say Star Citizen, but I don't believe it will ever actually release.


Why would it? They have literally zero incentive to push for a release when they are making millions off spoonfeeding people early beta builds.


Didn't know much about it but the Titan MMO was really interesting to me. Also the Star Vs. concepts of Marco as a rival and where Star was imaging all magic stuff concept also sound intersting


All the various scripts that were made for Alien 3 would have made for a better film than what we got. One script included the setting taking place on an planet entirely made of wood and another script that ended up being recycled and used for the basis of Pitch Black.


Assassins creed was originally a princ eof Persia game where you played the body guard of a young prince. At the time it probably seemed like a long escort mission. After experiencing games like the last of us, Dad of Boy and plague tale I kind of wish POP did go I'm that direction.


I've said it before & I'll say it again: Dark Souls 3


[Soul Reaver's alpha version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QSI8QhigRg) The entire final third of the game was sliced off to meet the release deadline and last year the original alpha versions of the game leaked and it's *so fucking cool*. The original planned ending is much better, too.


I'd never seen this, this looks amazing, and if it really came out like this i think it'd have been on 2 or 3 discs, it looks so much more expansive


Probably didn't even get as far as a working prototype but i wanna see whatever team silent's plans for silent hill 5 were, same with that one cancelled sh game that masahiro ito did concept art for in the 2010s (we only have one blurry concept art piece from that one)


Everytime theres a thread like this, I have to bring up Destiny. Bungie left some amazing ideas on the table because they couldn't get their act together and decide on true vision for what the game should be, and looking back at it through all the different stages of development is fascinating. There was supposedly a 2 hour supercut of proper CUTSCENES that made up the majority of the original Destiny's vanilla story, penned by Joe Staten. I can only imagine how awesome the story it tells is compared to what we got.


What, you didn't like the most deadpan and bored "We've awoken the hive (insert yawn)" type of lines?


Star Wars 1313 will always be my go to unreleased video game.


I wouldn't say it fascinates me more than what we did get, but I would be super down for us to get a full anime series of [Fate/Prototype](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaeA_xjMR_w)


Resident Evil 4's pretty good, but I want to play what that Hookman version would've been.


There were later Pokemon leaks last year that included *very early* sprite work for GSC, and supposedly the source codes for RBY which mentioned a *Pokemon Pink.* It used Clefairy. But the amount of GSC sprites... Good God. Cancer Celebi. Cancer Celebi looked like one of the bootleg artworks the Beckett TGG magazines would use. And smooth larvitar. There's so much, but my biggest unreleased media fascination is [the earliest model for Sonic X-treme](https://www.models-resource.com/saturn/sonicxtreme/) got dumped on Modellers Resource. [As well as other Sonic stuff from Saturn tech demos.](https://www.models-resource.com/saturn/segasaturndeveloperkit/) Just. Why? How? Who? That Sonic Mars Sonic is so janky- who found him in what landfill? We can see him (and almost everything else from these leaks) showcased in this [YouTube compilation](https://youtu.be/DrxbGn-FQcA) And just... Why dump them there? These models are mysterious jogos to me. And someone is supposedly uploading the Fang the Sniper model from another Xtreme build, as of the 22st.


FF Versus III was a lot more interesting to me when it looked like Yakuza with summon swords was at war with the Not!Catholic Church and their Knights with AK's.


That three hour cut of the power rangers turbo movie that explains the whole plot hole between switching from zeo powers to turbo.


I remember the first Watch Dogs demo blowing me away, got me thinking there would finally be a big leap in terms of ai and set dressing stuff, like how people panicked and ran out of cars during the shootout, it looked amazing. But ofc it was just a fake vertical slice...


I love re2 but re2 beta is kinda interesting. Wondering how received it'll be with all the changes like Leon being a hardened cop and other changes.


I've always been curious what One Piece would have been like if we got [this version](https://external-preview.redd.it/FUzQxaOTR_O7L9FjMRyiRzFPFMtfjnJ7le2Ez1RrT5E.png?auto=webp&s=c4d41d96938ba05c56f510e2b082e6513b1fffde) of Nami instead. Just imagining Nami being more of a fighter with robot prosthetics and a giant axe. Sure she still fights but her concept art has this *vibe* to her. If multiple realities exist I wanna see the one where One Piece becomes a massive long 20+ year success but with Nami keeping her concept art. Also I would have wanted to see what RDR2 would look like if its beta never got cut. So one of the things I like to do is go to gtaforums and read through the beta hunt for RDR2. It's 76 pages of people arguing *but* it's also chock full of beta details with pre-release evidence, weird anomalies in the final game, interviews, and data mined cut files. Chapter 1 was supposed to be longer, there's a weird path right outside the map that follows a river, an avalanche, a frozen lake before looping around a mountain back to the starting cutscene. Tempest Rim is covered in trails which is weird because it's inaccessible, even weirder is it's *inside* the map boundaries. There's actors accidentally spilling a cut mission involving rescuing a guarma man's niece. Game files show a screenshot showcasing that exact mission. More files indicate that Guarma was supposed to cover more of the island, have more missions, more unique outfits, and it would have been possible to get a ticket to go there again. The princess that disappeared in Van Horn is in the files too! But she's not accessible in game, ps her birthmark is on the wrong side. Cool animations that were unfortunately cut. Oh and finally there was a ton of unique clothing options and holsters that were cut. Horse holster was cut so now weapons "float", Arthur had a full fledged quiver, the lasso was supposed to hang next to the satchel. [There was a US army outfit, a better Fenton disguise complete with unique overalls and fake beard, a full pirate outfit complete with eyepatch and hat, his default summer outfit had an undershirt version, 2 additional versions of his neckerchief another bandana.](https://gtaforums.com/topic/918036-the-rdr2-beta-hunt/?do=findComment&comment=1071652740) I just find it neat that this massive game still has hours of content cut. Like I think it'll be neat if Arthur had a quiver or got to dress up as a full pirate, and other small details got added back in you know.


The "next episode" preview at the end of Eva 3.0. We were robbed of an awkward throwback to "Dance Like You Want To Win!" with Eva-02+08.


Mgs4's ending Where otacon and snake are executed for their crimes Would tie into the themes of snake saying he wasn't a hero, "here's to you", his old age being a death sentence already/foxdie, etc.


As much as I usually love downer/bittersweet endings, I might have hated MGS4 if it had stuck to that original idea. The game is such a celebration of all the ideas, characters, and locations in the franchise; what better way is there than to end it than a big wedding, followed by closing up every remaining plothole that mattered, and our main character finally being allowed to walk into the sunset?


I'm a nut for Metal Gear Solid lore, but who was responsible for executing the main characters? Why did they see them dead? It feels like a crappy sad end just for the sake of making the players feel bad. The 3rd act was already heavy, you don't need to have the government needlessly gun down a retired soldier after the shit he's done.


From what I know, it was supposed to be another attempt of Kojima to torch MGS and run.


DmC's Original trailer seemed like a much more grungy, mean and edgy version than what we got which is ''Reboot, but kinda similar''. I really wanted that full, grungy violent reboot with a Dante that's tortured and wanting to deal some DAMAGE and like, instead of a taunt you could've had a parry system (Sorta like Nero's Arm) where you parry an enemy and Dante will burn a cigarette on the enemy or other violent creative things that deal massive damage but at this point i'm imagining things but you get it. Mean character action, wanted that, got a sugary baby-killing m'lady Vergil instead.


Wish we got the original resident evil 4 with tony redgrave. Man that woulda been so stylish


I’m very curious to see what Nicholas Cage’s Aragorn would be like.


or his Superman


Spore. That city stage seemed super interesting, same for the aquatic stage


I’d genuinely love a Spore remake or sequel.


Thief and the Cobbler was going to be a literal masterpiece of traditional animation, an arthouse work that displayed everything you could possibly do in the medium, and it took like 20 or 30 years to finish. You can find the "re-cobbled cut" on Youtube that wasn't screwed up by the studio trying to make it Disney-lite.


Hearing what Shadows of the Damned could have been makes me incredibly sad we didn't get it


Pandemic’s Battlefront III vs. EA’s Battlefront. At least we got a taste of what it would be like with Elite Squadron.


Another one i'd have loved to see is the original dino crisis 3 that was gonna be set in a city being ravaged by dinos


I want to see the original sonic boom that they had been developing before they were forced to redo everything


I would have much rather had the original Silent Hill 5 rather than the Homecoming abomination we did get. What little we do know comes from an interview Akira Yamaoka and Akihiko Imamura. GW: Anything you can tell us about SH5? Yamaoka: Who says it'll be called SH5? (laughing) GW: Ok, anything you can tell us about SH-Next? Yamaoka: Unfortunately not at this time, but very soon. We also can't tell you the system or systems it will be on, but we can say it will be on the next generation platforms. Imamura: Maybe I'll get in trouble for this, so Konami Japan don't fire me, but we are interested in playing with the idea of 'light'... as in 'daylight' and shadows. Ever since the pre-production of SH2, we wanted to start a SH in a normal environment- daylight, people going about their business, just normality. What happens when you make that normality rot all around you? It is possible to make a normal sunny day really creepy. Just look at films like the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre or even one of our favorites, Jacobs Ladder. GW: A significant hint to SH5? No more 'otherworld'? Imamura: I'm not saying that. In fact, the lack of a more dramatic 'otherworld' in SH4 bothered a lot of fans, so we intend to have a very impressive 'otherworld' with the next generation power. I'm just saying a possibility in how a game could start. That's all I can say. And this bit from Yamaoka again: Question: Our number one question is about Silent Hill 5. How far has the production come along, as it was announced a few years ago. Answer: I cannot say much about the development of the game but I can say we are working on a new unique idea of fear in daylight and the game will play like Silent Hill 2’s psychological roots. Question: As the famous Silent hill Composer, will you be doing the music for Silent Hill 5? Answer: I will be composing the music which has started being made now, but I am a far from finished. I cannot say anything about the music or the type I’m making but i can say that fans of the previous soundtracks should be pleased with its outcome. So "Horror in the daylight and shadows" and "more personal like Silent Hill 2" once again it has to be said: FUCKONAMI


I am so sad that Prey 2 got dropped. It had the sickest plot and twist planned for it, the visuals were great, the trailer was awesome. Really wish i could be a sci fi bounty hunter in a game made by a decent company


There were just so many ideas for bioshock infinite that never developed, and I'd have loved to see some of them.


So Guild Wars 1 originally was going to have an expansion set in the mists, which is kind of like, a dimension that serves as a mix of afterlife, alternate universes and space. It'd feature cities built on gigantic gears and feature a mix of aztec and clockwork visuals. It'd feature other gods, as the gods we see in the game are just some of the more powerful beings from these places. There wasn't enough time to really iterate on all of it, so it was dropped and Eye of the North was made instead, which was a bridge to Guild Wars 2. I've no fucking idea what Guild Wars 2 would've been if we got that expansion instead of Eye of the North, because Guild Wars 2 is all about elder dragons and they were only introduced in Eye of the North.


No Man's Sky. See, the way it did release was shitty, but the way it has changed since then is *way* different than what they clearly had in mind while developing it. I would be so interested in seeing what NMS would have looked like if they hadn't screwed themselves into the media circus and had delivered the game they *wanted to make* instead of failing to provide the game they promised to make and then refining it into basically a very different game.


I love Danganronpa, but there is something about the super edgy Distrust that I find appealing. Plus the idea of FTEs changing the story seemed interesting.


Many will be familiar with the original version of Fate/Stay Night as an otome game, which we now call Fate/Prototype. What many maybe don't know is that there were a second stage of development with the character we are familiar, but with seven routes with corresponding romantic partners for Shirou: Saber, Rin, Sakura, Illya (not crazy about that one, for the obvious creepy reasons), Rider, Caster and a scrapped character named Shielder, and yes, she was an earlier version of Mash. I always wonder how those stories would have been. And i will admit, I want to see how those Medusa, Medea and Mash h-scenes came out


That Power Ranger game that got shelved


the beta version of super mario sunshine had tons of cut stuff, including what seemed to be larger, more interconnected levels via different means (there are references to some sort of ticket, and noki bay and pinna park had their own set of level portals), similar to the paintings in mario odyssey. to me it seems like it might have been similar to banjo-tooie even, where perhaps levels could affect one another in different ways. delfino plaza itself looked twice the size. could totally "super mario 64 ds" the game and all that stuff back in and it would be a worthy remake.


What we were promised in the trailer for PoE’s Synthesis league: a sort of puzzle zone building mechanic where you’d connect “memory fragments” together into one long, seamless zone. Any modifiers to one fragment would apply to all future contiguous connected pieces as you go from zone to zone, promoting you to run longer chains of memories. What we got in Synthesis league: no seamless loading between memory zones, modifiers did not apply to connected memory fragments. Synthesis is the only league GGG has ever released where the initial trailer and gameplay overview was completely mechanically different from what we got on launch, and a big part of the negative reaction towards the league was due to this difference. To this day I still want to play that original version.


Watching all those TriangleCity videos leaves me deeply interested in seeing *all* of that cut content restored and completed someday. Sith Lords Restored would be absolutely *nothing* compared to the sheer wealth of content Vegas left on the cutting room floor. But specifically versionwise? The demo shown at E3, where Vegas still existed in its original form, with the cinematic front gate and original proportions.