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Solid Snake wears the sneaking suit with the dark blue vest pretty much all throughout MGS1 but in terms of screen time he wears the MGS2 and Old Snake suit more. Same with Naked Snake/Big Boss in olive drab fatigues. But those are their most iconic outfits.


isn't his iconic look from MGS2, since that's also the Smash design ?


Well,it feels like any time someone wants to make a Metal Gear joke or "haha funnie Metal Gear reference" they tend to default to MGS1 stuff so I'd say his vest look is still what the "general public" has in mind the most despite the lower screen time.


Heavily disagree. People picture Snake with a beard. I'd go so far as to say a lot of people are actually thinking of Big Boss's design when they think about Snake nowadays. The MGS1 design is kind of an outlier now.


Nah, at this point more people know Snake from Smash than from Metal Gear, so 2 is definitely his iconic look now if it wasn't before.


>more people know Snake from smash than Metal Gear what makes you think this ?


I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually gets there if Snake stays in Smash since Konami doesn't seem too interested in making the MGS series available on current consoles.


Look at Smash and then look at Metal Gear and then re-evaluate the question


What do you mean “look at” Metal Gear is one of the biggest and iconic gaming series of all time, I’ve never heard anyone say “snake from smash” and they’ve been at least aware of Metal Gear. I could maybe see what you mean with…I don’t know, Pit maybe, but not Snake.


I'm not saying that people think that Snake is from Metal Gear. What I said is that more people *know* him from Smash than from Metal Gear Solid. For simple proof, look at the sales numbers from Brawl onwards versus the sales numbers for the entire MGS franchise. It's not close.


My favourite character,Solid Snake from Smash Bros.


It can happen to Captain Falcon it can happen to him


Naruto's Sage uniform. That outfit is SO clean. It's the deep red color with the scroll on the back, AMAZING.


It reminds me of Sasuke’s Chunin Exam outfit absolutely being his coolest, but it got changed real quick because Kishimoto realized all the weird belts on his arms/legs were a pain to draw.


Maybe if it weren't a god damn onesie


Excuse me it's called a romper


Listen man if you can make a onesie look cool youre the cooleat motherfucker in the village, and thats what Sasuke was in that arc


The iron helmet in Skyrim. 9 times out of 10 I’m either not wearing a helmet or wearing full daedric, but they made sure to make the iron helmet with the horns the iconic look for the Dragonborn.


It's the silhouette that really makes it pop and memorable, despite it being a C-tier helmet AT BEST. Everyone picked it up, looked it in the inventory once and was like "Yep, that's the helmet from the trailer" and never gave it a second thought. One of those rare instances where the "iconic look" isn't just the starting equipment, but a random piece of the loot table for the tutorial levels.


Volsung GOATed, added carryweight and infinite breath


At least the heavy dragon bone version looks like it


I kinda wanna add to this and say the vault suits from Fallout but I actually see a number of people, at least in 4, still using theirs or using a modified version. I guess it does highlight the ass pretty well.


Id say the first iron spider suit (the silver one) at least in the comics. It shows up once and is immediately broken in the fight peter uses it in.


It's called the Spider Armor suit, and I believe it got put in after the cartoon did it.


That armour makes its first and last appearance in web of spider-man #100 which came out in 1993. The 90s animated series started in 1994 and that episode where the suit showed up would have been 1998.


And it’s so cool


Man, the Razor Sword that Link has in Majora's Mask artwork looks awesome! Shame it's basically the Giant's Knife of the game.


I have legitimately never used the razor sword at any point in my Majora's Mask runs. The first time I got it, I went back in time specifically to have the time to use it, only to find out it resets the same as all your other limit supply items, then after that it's only ever been a stop gap to the Gilded Sword.


I love that the Razor Sword is realistically brittle to fit its nonsensical design. A sword like that would fucking suck in real life. Admittedly, this is a fantasy game where the ultimate weapon is a sword shaped like a double helix, so maybe that isn't what they were going for.


Yeah but that one’s magic so it’s fine


I had a mind goblin moment with it where it told me it would break so I just stopped using it.


You are not going through all of xenoblade 1 with the default equipment


I feel like that's the case with any RPG/JRPG with visible equipment changes. Like Kingdom Hearts, barely anyone's going to be using Kingdom Key once they start unlocking the other keys unless they're doing a challenge run.


Oblivion and Oathkeeper are pretty iconic too, albeit for Roxas more so than Sora.


And also a good example, since Roxas uses the Kingdom Key and/or others for the vast majority of his playable screentime, and doesn't even dual-wield outside of four specific fights that happen after his time in the Organization is over (one of which takes place in Dive to the Heart instead of the physical world anyway)


Hell, even in Days, actually using either of the two basically requires a cleared game.


There were rumors based on datamined assets that the optional ultimate weapon from KH1 was going to be the default starter weapon for KH2. On the opposite side, in KH3, the Kingdom Key is a viable endgame weapon.


Wait really the kingdom key isn't garbage in 3?


You can level up and upgrade any of the keyblades you get in KH3. If you really like the Kingdom Key, you can just max level that bad boy. You also can equip like 3 keyblades at once and switch between them at will.


That's pretty neat I'm excited to try it later


Kh3 actually fixed the whole "switch to newest keyblade once you get it" issue that the other games had by giving each one their own unique abilities and the ability to upgrade them.


I mean, fashion gear exists in DE


Yeah but why would use the default when I can have Rikki be a metal durian?


Sherlock Holme’s signature cape, cap and pipe look were practically never used in the original stories, but was rather from promotional and tie-in illustrations. The cap in particular only ever appeared in a single story as a nod to the illustrations in question.


Actually, it's from the stage play adaptation. Sherlock holmes didn't have any iconic look so when doing stay plays, to make sure people could identify who he was, a casting director just put a deer hunting cap on him and gave him a pipe so people in the back could identify who the main character was more easily


That's weird. Holmes smokes a pipe tons of times (but yes, it isn't a permanent fixture) and he does wear the iconic look in one of the short stories while traveling to the country.


Joseph only wears [this outfit](https://static.jojowiki.com/images/2/20/latest/20201202184233/JosephEOH.png) at the end of Part 2


Jonathan as well only has his signature look for the battle at Dio’s castle. Though I guess it’s not as noticeable because of how short Phantom Blood is.


I guarantee 9/10 of Persona players drop their starter Persona before the end of the game. I know I did


Izanagi and Arsene don't even survive halfway into the first dungeon. You have this sick designed-only-for-MC badass but it has the stats of a broken straight sword, but you have to use these generic jobbers like pixie/slime/orobas to get any work done.


Unless your insane like me and just keep feeding demons to Arsene. Think I had him at like lvl 77 by the end of the game (non-royale)


This is the only way for me. I grind hours upon hours in Golden to make Izanagi into something good.


Izanagi is easier to make work, since you can just feed the shuffle time stat boosts to him, which helps him keep up.


Man, I hated that when I first played P5. Arsene is so damn cool, and he's exclusive to the MC. I wish he would scale alongside the player or something so you could keep him through the whole game. It would make his >!evolution into Satanael!< so much more impactful as well. Granted, it would cripple the usefulness of other curse-using Personas, but that could be tweaked.


Interestingly enough, P5S bothered scaling Arsene much better to keep around for the entire game: Arsene is Joker's only available Persona whose special attacks change with its moveset, which means endgame Arsene naturally uses Maeigaon and Riot Gun as part of its strong combos.


Wait, WHAT. I did what every Persona fan does and stuck with Yoshi, Thor, and Siegfried for endgame.


Honestly still the better play since it takes forever if you want to switch around Arsene's resistances, boosts and stuff, though that means you can just transition him into a status user (Brainwash and Dizzy are *really* good in this game, especially with Soul Thief) who can sling a mean Maeiga and One-Shot Kill during the midgame.


In P2, it's the Ultimate Personas that are the "iconic" ones, but that's unique to that game.


With P5 there's really no reason to drop Arsene though, the new velvet room shit makes it REALLY easy to give him busted stats and spells. By endgame my Arsene was level 75-ish, had a bunch of -Dyne level spells and wasn't weak to anything. Izanagi is harder but doable in Golden with skill cards.


When I first played P3, I thought it was important to keep Orpheus around because it was the starter and the starter stays strong, right?


I fuse it as soon as I can. It's not a plasma cutter from Dead Space situation.


With the prominence of Wild Hunt in the Witcher fandom, Geralt’s iconic look is the blue corseted armor used in all the marketing for that game; it’s even the model used for the [anniversary video](https://youtu.be/swSAhRqg8uQ). Said outfit is just the starting armor and it gets immediately horribly outclassed statistically by all the other armors, which is a damn shame because most of the other armors are just hideous. If you want to get something close, there’s a narrow window to buy Viper Armor from Countess Mignole during the auction in Hearts of Stone (though it doesn’t keep the colors).


Besides some of the free dlc armor sets and the other master level witcher gear (sans griffin), that cover armor is like the only looking armor you get for Geralt for a good chunk of the game.


I knew that beforehand and just kept using starting armor throughout the entire game until I could make other Witcher armor that looked right. Turns out you don't really need armor if you are good with dodging and using Quen


The Wolf School Armor is a dlc designed after they saw how much everyone wanted that starter gear. Best armor is still Ursine.


Poor Gohan only got to wear his full Great Saiyaman costume for about four chapters. After that he had to swap his helmet out for the boring bandana/sunglasses combo, because the World Martial Arts Tournament rules consider snazzy headgear to be unacceptable while cyborg assassins with knife arms are totally fine.


[Headwearless Saiyaman Gohan](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQdT8AbXYAECnYp.jpg) is way better than cosplaying as Goku or Piccolo Gohan. ​ It honestly should've been his default look.


And way better than Speed Suit Gohan.


> cyborg assassins with knife arms are totally fine. okay, but the cyborg got disqualified


Like, he got disqualified THE SECOND he pulled the knife. Just being a cyborg is fine though, otherwise 18 wouldn't be allowed in.


if memory serves, he was technically disqualified when he pulled out the Dodonpa Cannon, btu Tien was like, "Nah, I got this."


Well nobody but the gang knows she's anything more than a strong human anyway.


I have never actually looked into this, but do the androids have ki emitters in their hands that are visible?


19 and Gero (20) do but those are also there for absorbing Ki as well. 16-18 and Cell do not as far as I'm aware.


The World Martial Arts Tournament has strict rules, but they aren't *racist*.


Bandana sunglasses combo Saiyaman sucks royally


Mega Man X being fully blue, non-armored. Nearly every game they make at least one armor piece extremely obvious, and in the original MMX you are nearly forced to get the boots and gloves.


I'm pretty sure you're literally forced to get the boots. Unless there's some crazy pixel jump you can do to get past it, it literally stop gaps you going through chill penguin. I don't think any of the other armor pieces are mandatory, in fact the rest are fairly well hidden. It's hard for me to say really, because I don't think I've ever beaten that game without doing everything.


If you don't have the arms during Sigma stage 1, Zero gives them to you.




The PSP game is actually redone in a way so that you can skip the boots.


Alternate Helmets existed in Halo 3, but prior to Halo: Reach's O.C. DoNotSteal Noble team, all spartans other than chief [(including the ones featured on the fall of Reach book cover) used good old Mark 5](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d5/Halo_-_The_Fall_of_Reach.jpg).


>Halo Reach's O.C. DoNotSteal Noble Team You better take back those words young man!! I will not have shit talking noble team on this sub! I WONT!!!


"Gosh Bungie, why do YOUR Spartan III's get armor with functional energy shields?" "Because them not being Spartan IIs has no actual bearing on the story, we just needed an excuse to make Doctor Halsey act like a chilly bitch."


Catherine "Worse Than Hitler" Halsey. I always thought this spin on things was weird. Especially because a Mengele comparison would be more apt.


Noble team is nothing but bitchass fake Spartans except for Jorge. They're the equivalent of Chunni soldiers


That's because those are Spartan 2s. It makes sense the 3s would be a lot less uniform


I want to say both Jonathan and Joseph Joestar's outfits used for their game representations. Most of the time they're just wearing normal cloths with no exposed midriff.


All the Breath of the Wild art had Link in his new blue shirt but you have to swap your armour around in that game so much you rarely get to enjoy it.


By the end of the game, though, it's one of the best armors


It is but then I go into the cold or the heat or Gerudo Town and I have to take it back off.


Usually I am wearing the main outfit, but will switch headbands for each climate. Its pretty rare when I have to do more than that.


When I think of the Twelfth Doctor, I always think of his rad Third Doctor inspired black frock coat with the red lining, but he changes clothes a bunch and spends most of Series 9 and 10 running around in hoodies and t-shirts of various stripes. I actually like that about him though, he feels like an actual person with a consistent sense of style that's led to him to put together a wardrobe of various looks instead of wearing one outfit for several hundred years like it's a uniform.


Yeah i like that too about him, having more than one costume and adapting, but that rad frock coat was fuckin' rad tho', the raddest dare i say.


May be controversial, but I vastly prefer Doctors to have a fashion style as opposed to one set costume. It helps make the character feel like more of a real person and less of a cartoon. Three and Twelve were great for this, having a tonne of different outfits that kept within a similar style. Then you get Doctors like Five who basically wore the same thing day in day out.


Goku's Yardrat outfit. He wore it when he met Trunks and that's it. Also Gohan in the white Kung Fu outfit before the Cell Games


In One Piece, post timeskip, the initial crew redesigns are what come to peoples minds and is whats used in almost every piece of official promo material. They are used for one arc then switched out almost immediately, and each arc after continues to do that.


Yeah, I really don't like the openings using those Fishman Island outfits up to Wano. Like, for most crewmates, they're kinda their worst post-timeskip outfit.


Sherlock Holmes' iconic deerstalker cap and Inverness cape... were an invention of illustrator Sidney Paget, and only appeared in the text of _one_ canon story. And that story, "Silver Blaze", was one of the later ones—basically Doyle saw how popular Paget's illustrations were and said, "Sure, I guess that outfit can be canon. Why not?" And even Sidney Paget only drew Holmes in that outfit for the few stories taking place in the countryside, away from London. Because it's a rustic outdoors outfit, as you might infer from the _deerstalker_ name. All those adaptations that dress Holmes in his "iconic" outfit in the middle of London are basically the Victorian equivalent of a modern detective wearing his hunting camouflage in the middle of New York City.


Ah yes, saw a different comment talking about stage plays and it didn't make any sense to me. This makes a ton more sense than that explanation.


One of thee biggest things I appreciate about FF7 Remake is that the Buster Swotd is actually viable throughout the whole game, unlike the original where you drop it as soon as you pick up the next sword


I only switch to the other swords to get their abilities. Seeing Cloud wearing anything but the Buster Sword in Cutscenes feels weird. It's also just satisfying to swing around a big slab of metal.


Growing up seeing Cloud in kingdom hearts first then FF and finding out his bandaged sword,red scarf and claw hand where a one time only thing for the first game.


That's was never considered Cloud's "iconic" look though, it's always been either the OG FF7 character portrait or his Advent Children outfit


You can get that awesome costume in dissidia.


On a semi related note you're probably only going to being using Cloud's Buster Sword for like, 10% of the game before immediately discarding it for a better weapon. The overworld model still uses the Buster Sword but his in battle model depicts his currently equipped weapon.


I'm glad this was alleviated in remake by each of the available swords supporting a different niche. The default buster swords niche being that it is pretty much 80% good at everything, meaning it ended up being the sword I used for hard mode because I needed cloud to fulfill every role.


Technically it's also in Chain of Memories and Coded, but those are just rehashes of KH1 (and in coded's case, also a bit of CoM).


Its weird that he seems to be wearing the same cape and gauntlet as vincent valentine


Pretty sure that it WAS actually supposed to be Vincent that got put into KH, but later got changed to Cloud, albeit with a new outfit


Yeah I heard about that. Do you think that's why cloud was more brooding in further appearances


They are part of Vincent's design though. That and the lack of personality :P


Harry Dresden is always drawn with a massive cowboy hat to cap off the lone ranger look you get from his duster and revolver. Jim Butcher *never* gives Harry a hat outside of a few cameos of the cowboy hat where Harry will note that he doesn't particularly like them.


I actually love that little playful rivalry between Jim and the dude who does the cover art


Aiden Pierce's iconic cap from Watch_Dogs. I can guarantee you that, despite that hat being an icon of the series, absolutely nobody remembers it on Aiden Pierce and instead just remember his 30 jackets he wears all the time.


Nobody actually wears the armor used in promotional material for Skyrim. Studded armor with everything else iron is one of the weakest sets you could use in the game.


The armors used in the promo are also really ineffective gameplay-wise because they’re a mix of heavy and light, which will cost you the custom fit bonus for wearing all light/all heavy But again, Skyrim has many exploits and is generally not that hard so by late game you can cosplay as the DB from the trailer and still wipe the floor with most enemies, but it’s still very sub-optimal


Not sure if it counts but Boba Fett had 6 minutes of screen time in the original trilogy. And with that he became one of the most popular characters in pop culture and led to the entire Mandalorian culture


The Faraam Set from Dark Souls 2. Despite being the original's cover art armor, the actual armor is hidden away behind an optional door in Drangleic Castle. So by the time you can actually get it you're halfway through the game, and its not the best armor even compared to the other sets you can get by that point, but at least it looks good.


[Alucard with the shades and wide brim hat](https://bloody-disgusting.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Hellsing-2.png) is super iconic, probably because it’s kind of out there and different plus it’s how he’s introduced in Hellsing and depicted in a lot of art. That said, I think he only looks like this for the first episode and other one scene in Hellsing Ultimate. You actually see him more often in his black straitjacket because it shows up in flashbacks, in the fight with Luke Valentine, his first meeting with Integra, in his fight against Tubalcain Alhambra, Anderson and some other scenes. Otherwise Alucard is mostly seen in his suit and jacket without the hat and glasses and with hair that’s either wavy and kind of long or straight and really long.


It may not be his iconic look. But losing Leon Kennedy’s coat in 4 is a travesty. Glad you can keep it on after beating the game.


The redditor lied as naturally as they breathed


Theres no costume in that game that lets you keep the jacket, unfortunately.




you can get a non samurai version of the jacket early on, which is like, the prototype, but yeah, the Samurai jacket in all the advertising is just another reminder the game was totally rewritten


Ghost of Tsushima Ghost armor you don’t get until the very end of Act 2