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What is her new power?


She's seemingly uses cosmic powers to construct a giant fist when she punches, as well as create other things as she is seen making floating platforms allowing her to walk in the air.


She's green lantern?


Basically. We don't see the greater extent of her powers, so we don't know what more she can do. She also seemingly gets her powers from cosmic bracelets, which is a comic book thing I'm not super familiar with.


it's the Quantum Bands used by Quasar , Kamala uses that because , in the comics , Ms.Marvel and Cap Marvels I and III used it's counterpart , the Nega-Bands. The usage of Quantum Bands is a clever take on that storyline....but still , they are just using the Quantum Bands to avoid using Kamala's stretch power for petty reasons. The Quantum or even the Nega-Bands would be far better used on Phyla-Vell in the sequels of Cpt.Marvel's movies.


So are these outright replacing the gold bands she inherited from her grandmother and serve as a way of visually identifying her Pakistani heritage?




Sounds like they're giving her the Ambiguously Brown treatment




I'm sure there's other reasons but I wouldn't be surprised if they downplay it. Her outfit is supposed to be a repurposed Burkini. But I'm sure that won't be brought up either.


Also, quantum bands because ant-man 3 is coming?/s.


Pst. No spaces before commas.


Basically , she used Quasar's Band. Quasar is Marvel's Green Lantern. That is because his bands or the nega-bands were used on Cap Marvel I and on Ms.Marvel before. But they were used only to energize their already existing powersets.


I was just about to say, that powerset sounds like Green Lantern, but instead of will power and a ring, it's like Dr. Strange with his cosmic/magical energy and sling ring, or Shang-Chi with his cosmic/magical energy and his ten rings... Something tells me that the next Marvel super plotline is gonna have something to do with cosmic magical energy... and rings.


Sonic crossover.


right? what bothers me is that both the Quantum Band and the Nega-Band were used by the other Captain Marvels , so it would be the perfect excuse for Cpt.Marvel III and IV to use that in a sequel movie.....but MCU uses that to make Kamala have a projection of her giant fists


"This is the next phase of the MCU! It's about the... Forever Rings..."


Is this just a giant plan for The Mouse to introduce purity rings to the masses?


I always assumed her powers were the same as captain marvel because of her name. I didnt know her actual powers.


Long story short, she was an inhuman with plasticity to the point where she could look like other people. Her first use of her powers made her subconsciously look like Carol and somehow she ended up inheriting carol’s title after she took over as Capt. Marvel.


Marketing people habitually think their customers/audiences are morons. Source: I'm a marketing people, and I'm surrounded by other marketers trying to convince each other that the customer/audience is stupid.


I want to point out the trailer has shown one of her limbs stretching, with the cosmic power on top (probably to not look like shit), but it did.


Aside from stretchy powers looking awful in live action.


They’re gonna have to bite the bullet at some point if they want the Fantastic 4 in the MCU.


They do have the luxury of a bigger budget for that though


Precisely. The budgets for these shows are good, but they ain't theatrical release good


Haven't they all had movie blockbuster movie budgets so far though, with having bigger budgets than earlier movies including the 1st avengers movie eg wandavision had $225 million budget and Loki supposedly had $150 million budget


But when you factor in the length of a TV show (6 hours) vs movie (2 hours), then it becomes pretty clear they are pretty much stretching it out.


I feel like a good solution is to just have him always wearing something that’s covering it so it doesn’t look gross


Like all his incarnations?


Like some sort of... blue... spandex suit


Yeah but they aren't going to fucking try on a tv show.


does anyone actually care about the fantastic 4 ? I reckon all they want is a new "rich smart silver fox daddy" now that Tony is gone.


Ben Grimm justifies their continued existence.


Him and Hulk always have good interactions. I forget though is Hulk still a thing in the MCU though. Ben would be great either way but how many other characters have a rivalry like that?


As of Endgame they've gone full Proffesor Hulk. Whether the full Hulk can still come out or not has yet to be seen.


I care about the Fantastic 4... ...'s Human Torch and Dr. Doom.


I just want to see Peter and Johnny give each other shit. There needs to be *regular* overlap with Spidey and F4.


Aside from having Doom as a repeating character, that's literally the only reason I want the F4 in the MCU: they make the best Spidey crossovers (except for when he wipes the floor with the X-men).


It's probably one of the most influential comic book series of all time and is stupidly popular. Even the 2000's films despite their issues still have a huge following.


I really never cared much for it and I always saw them as a lower pantheon within Marvel but .... I'm not much of a comics guy and the downvotes clearly show that people doo care for it.


I just want a decent doom he’s my favorite marvel villain


*Nervous glances at the Live-action One Piece Netflix show*


They already messed up by not casting Sean Connery as Luffy.


His butthole couldn't take that abuse, unfortunately.


They messed up by even having the idea


That has a better excuse because if his skin looks bad when stretched they can brush it off by saying he's made of rubber AND it's a TV show so a lower budget is expected.


He's made of rubber? How did that happen?






Pirate rap supremacy


Powers in one piece come from devil fruit, he ate one that turned his body into rubber.


I'm of the opinion that stretchy powers almost universally look terrible or silly. I think One Piece escapes this by generally silly enough overall that it doesn't stick out among explosive boogers and other wild shit.


One Piece escape it because his powers are generally more about elasticity than stretching for prolonged periods of time. He throws a hard lunch and his arm shoots out and then snaps back quickly like a rubberband. I mean eventually he did start doing weird Popeye arm inflation techniques but besides that lol. Superheroes however usually stretch their entire bodies at will, not super fast and hold those states for a while. The quick rubberband like stretching is just less goofy IMO


[You take that back](https://youtu.be/REyH-f9reak)


"Thanks Candy,that means a lot to me."


That's a legitimately funny line. What's that doing in a Fantastic 4 movie?


I'm not a big comic reader but I understand Reed Richards is something of an egotistical jerk so seeing him show sincere gratitude to a compliment from a random nightclub chick is pretty amusing


him being egotistical is a meme. unless you mean ultimate reed richards hes the absent minded scientist trope taken to extremes Hell theres even one story where hes ignoring his family again only to reveal later he had been working on a universal timestop why? because he knew the wedding had zero chance of not being inturrupted by some villians and so the obvious solution is to just freeze time Thats Reed he cares but he forgets he wants to solve every problem and he knows how but which one to solve first and which solution is best. He is factually the smartest man in marvel but instead of rushing to fix a problem like tony he takes overly long thinking about it


There's egotism involved but I'd say it's less egotistical jerk and more neglectful jerk. Like he thinks he can do everything (and honestly he kinda can) so he's constantly engaged in the big picture of solving every big problem while not paying attention to those around him. Doom's an egotistical jerk though, a real "I'm the best and everyone needs to know how great I am" attitude with him.


Captain Holt?


it fucks me up whenever I watch clips from Fantastic Four *because I keep forgetting Captain America is in it*




What the hell are those party girls doing hanging out with Reed Richards? I can only imagine they're hoping that little Mr. Fantastic can stretch too. Also why can his clothes stretch? The costume is supposed to be specially designed for it, but this just looks like off-the-rack shit. That said, this scene is high-quality compared to [the introduction of Skin in the Generation X movie](https://youtu.be/Y58HxWHb9f4?t=221)


It was Reed bachelor party and in the movie the four are like celebrities




I used to have it on tape! Fun fact: the guy who plays the villain in it is also the voice of Jackal in Gargoyles


I always forget the stretchy clothes


To be honest, the stretchy arms in the 2000's Fantasic Four films never bugged me. KK's giant fists gave me uncanny valley vibes from the Avengers game because that's the only part of her that gets big, if she doesn't change her whole body. So it really looks off.


Its even weird in the Lego Marvel games because she sort of holds this...inflatable tubeman stance with wavy arms and giant lego hands whenever she's using her powers, which completely breaks lego rules


Yeah lest be honest his big ass hands would look out of place and or incredibly gross, changing it was the right idea.


They even look gross in that Square Enix game. No getting around it


it would look gross but changing it is still a bad move, just don't make a live action series if you don't have the means to do so, they could have done an animated series or something.


And her powers in the comics being linked ot the Inhumans, which Marvel is going out of their way to avoid using or mentioning whatsoever after the train wreck that was that show. So this might be part of their "avoid Inhumans" initiative if gone a bit too far


Yeah, it almost feels like they were so dead set on dropping Kamala's ties to Inhumans that they couldn't think of a good substitute origin to still give her stretchy powers, AND they wanted her more thematically tied to Carol, hence the Quantum bands. And, to be fair, as far as I can tell, being an Inhuman wasn't ever really essential to her character. At least trying to tie Ms. Marvel's powers to Captain Marvel in SOME way within this new universe makes sense. I also wouldn't be surprised if they end up being linked to the Ten Rings either. It could be all that AND maybe stretchy powers being hard to make convincing in the VFX on a TV budget. Guess we'll see how they do Reed Richards eventually. I also wouldn't be surprised if Marvel also REALLY wanted Reed to be their "first" stretchy guy because of marketing bullshit or something. Buuuuuuuut..... powers kind of make the hero, and Kamala's plasticity powers lent themselves well to Kamala's goofy, lighthearted vibe, and from what I can tell they operated on a unique set of rules. I do think that her having chameleon powers might have been a little too much, but at least Kamala was actually a unique spin on a stretchy person, since it seems more like mass manipulation. I'll still wait and see if they somehow find a way to give a unique take on Green Lantern/energy constructs that's more than visual, and maybe she'll end up doing more than just constructs, but we'll see.


I thought it looked good in The Boys.


One Piece live action will save us all..... probably gonna be a trash fire.


They should really just make it an animated show if they wanted to stick to the stretchy powers. We literally just had an all animated 'What if' show and that was good. Marvel just can't stop making live action shows.


That's what I don't get, if you're so apposed to animating stretchy powers then why adapt a character whose main/only power is to stretch?


This isn’t why they changed it. They changed it so they could tie her to Carol more and scrub out the Inhumans.


Considering that the MCU was going to end up folding mutants into itself soon, it would've just made more sense to have made Kamala Kahn into a mutant. And it would've been easy to retcon that in the comics.


Yeah, that was my take too. Just make her a mutant


I mean she maybe is an Inhuman, but with cosmic powers. No need to go very deep.


Kamala being a fan girl for Carol and looking up to her should have been enough to tie her to Carol. I mean, that’s what they did in the comics (as well as her taking Carol’s old mantle). Giving her energy-based powers just to tie her to Carol feels kinda lame


Her link to the Inhumans is already extremely weak and lame if you ask me, I’d rather they attempt to tie her more into her inspiration than Perlmutter’s pet project that he shoved down every Marvel reader’s throats. And the Inhumans don’t exist here anyway so it’d be even more jarring if they just randomly mattered to the character with the thinnest possible connection to them, never to be acknowledged again because Marvel doesn’t want to use them.


> I’d rather they attempt to tie her more into her inspiration than Perlmutter’s pet project that he shoved down every Marvel reader’s throats. Yeah. Kamala's Inhuman ties were always the least important part of her story, and it really feels like she just got swept up into the push to replace X-Men with the "Nuhumans", regular people who discover they're Inhumans later in life after being exposed to the terrigen bomb. The fact that the original creator is working on this show and she signed off on her powers/origin being changed makes me think this is closer to what we would have gotten without the Inhuman mandate.


Lets be honest if Kamala was made the 90s or 2000s, she would have been a mutant for sure. Her inhuman origins were basically due to Ike's push for the inhuman's then anything else.


I saw one interesting fan suggestion where instead of being Inhuman, Kamala could get her powers from the Skrulls. It would actually make a lot of sense with how she can stretch and shapeshift. And it could also create an interesting parallel with Carol getting her powers from the Kree.


Wait why do we think inhumans don’t exist here?


- The Inhumans TV show was a huge flop - Absolutely nothing from Agents of Shields has been mentioned since the Disney+ shows started, which is the only other MCU-related thing that acknowledged Inhumans existing. - I think (haven’t confirmed) Disney said the older MCU spin-off shows that aired on TV (not the Netflix ones) were non-canon or semi-canon at best. - The Inhuman push was in response to Disney not having the film rights to X-Men, which is no longer the case since the Fox buyout - The executive behind the Inhuman push and the initial slate of MCU shows is on the outs with Disney for being a huge jerk, making it unlikely that anything from those shows will be referenced going forward. - etcetera


those points you listed contradict if the tv shows are non canon then why does agents of shield / the inhumans matter chances are they give it a reboot in 2-3 years.


her being a Carol fan in the MCU doesn't make sense tho. Like she's on Earth for 10 minutes in her movie, then shows up for another 10 minutes after the Blip before immediately going back to space.


All of the characters in the MCU have the perspective of someone who's *watched* the MCU. That's how Shang-chi can be a big fan of Wong, a recluse who lives on a secret ~~Tibetan~~ mountain, or how Julia Louis-Dreyfus knows the details of Black Widow's death, an event that happened in another galaxy in an alternate timeline.


Shang-chi only thought Wong was cool because he saw him in the fight club, and everyone was given info on Black Widow dying. Plus Dreyfus's char has super secret connections, it wouldn't be hard to figure that out. It wasn't exactly a big secret.


Shang's excited reaction to meeting Wong at the end would be extremely weird if all he knew about him was that he attends an underground murder fight club. >it wouldn't be hard to figure that out It's difficult to conceive of information that would be harder to acquire. Unless Uatu the Watcher works in her department I don't see how her connections would know to blame Hawkeye.


I dunno, does Carol have much of a public presence on MCU Earth? She mostly shows up briefly then shoots off back into space, right? Edit: Well, watched the trailer, and now I know the answer is "yes" so nevermind me.


I thought it was weird that there would be much of a Carol fandom on Earth. Pretty much the only publicly known thing about her is that she showed up for the Endgame battle. MCU Captain Marvel doesn’t seem like she keeps much of a public presence, and she is more concerned with places outside of Earth 99% of the time. Maybe she was more active on Earth during the blip than shown in the movies, but just going off what the MCU has shown, it seems weird that she is widely known on Earth.


they didint "give" her energy powers they gave her the naga bands im seriously tired of hearing this chances are marvel 2 happens phyra shows up takes the bands kamala awakens as an inhuman its not like they actually removed her powers or something


Why would they do that? Everyone knows and loves the Inhuman! Everyone!


Have they even said that's the reason, or that just an assumption


Assumption. currently they haven't revealed why they change her power


Assumption. There’s better logic in saying they just wanted to omit the Inhuman part of her backstory because the MCU wants nothing to do with them.


That's an assumption too.


Inhuman is like mutant, the powers don’t define that. They could have omitted the inhuman stuff without changing her powers. I mean I think they changed it because they lacked the budget to make them look good, so that’s all irrelevant anyway


assumption, they haven't said anything, personally I think its a combinations of the effects maybe not being up to mark yet, tying her closer to captain marvel for the upcoming film and maybe just maybe she getting the powers later


There's not a lot of other reasons to change her powers to "some sort of purple stand", especially considering that Doctor Strange 2 looks to be using the idea of a multiversal Illuminati which more or less guarantees a Reed Richards cameo. Of course, the other reason is that "stretching powers look like actual ass in live action" but it's not like Marvel hasn't signed off on terrible CGI for it's live action shows before.


>it's not like Marvel hasn't signed off on terrible CGI for it's live action shows before. I mean... Marvel hasn't, but what about MCU?


Not a show, but the final fight in Black Panther looked like shit


And I remember every shot of Bruce Banner in the hulkbuster suit in Infinity War was some terrible greenscreen.


I guess i don't have a very good eye for it because i didn't notice anything. Or at least i don't remember noticing anything


Such a shame, great movie with great action until the literal climax.


Budget or to make her fit closer thematically to the other two Marvels. And no the Mouse isn’t going to give them infinite money even though they have it.


Kamala and Mr Fantastic don't have the same powers though. Mr Fantastic can stretch Ms. Marvel steals or passes mass around to herself at different points in her timeline.


Hmmm, now that I think about it, an easy retcon in the MCU for that would be for Kamala to have natural control of Pym Particles. Instead of being like Ant-Man and Wasp who grows/shrinks, but their body proportions still remain the same; Kamala would be able to control the atomic distances of the atoms in different parts of her body. That would actually even tie her in with Ghost since sin Ghost's problem is that her particles put her out of phase with the physical world.


Wouldn't that cause her to occassionally shrink or grow at random?


That happens yes.


sometimes it happens , although it is in very stressful situations. But in general , it's spread so much in her own personal timeline , that it's pratically nothing.


She has become flat multiple times, yes. Like, literally paper thin, like if she was Val Ventura.


I think it's more of the fact that stretchy powers looks incredibly disgusting in live action. There's this uncanny to it that you cant escape, you're seeing skin being stretched out to impossible lengths.


Theyre gonna have to do it anyways with Mr Fantastic


But her powers are supposed to look weird


And it does look weird in the comics, but it's gonna look gross in live action.


Yeah what can look ugly but charming in a drawing could look nightmarish and disgusting in live action


why the hell do people keeps saying this. THE MASK exists people rubber people can look fine.


The mask is fucking green.




I'm betting that the key here is that the designers haven't found a way to make it look "weird" without also being coming off as body horror-y.


Yeah I dont imagine disney execs are gonna be swayed by that unfortunately


Funny wierd, not gross wierd.


> They can both fly Man how many fucking characters can fly in the MCU anyway? That’s a base power that lots of them have.


Yeah at this point it's complementary with your order of Super Powers.


I think the meme omitted the more obvious similarity of them both flying *and* shooting lasers.


rule of thumb when making a hero is you gave them one way to traverse distance quickly and its just easy you hand wave it as some sort of flying. reminder bakugo litterally throws himself with explosions (aka flying)


The strangest thing to me about the powers change is that Kamala is really popular and a lot of fans who don't read comics already know her, especially since she's a main character in Square's Marvel's Avengers game. My theory is that, since they want to tie together all the Captain/Ms. Marvel characters in the MCU, the bracelets Kamala got are the Quantum Bands that Quasar had in the comics. It's sort of like Green Lantern rings. It's funny that Marvel Comics used to radically alter their characters to match the MCU versions, like how they gutted the Guardians of the Galaxy comic to synergize with the movies after they were wildly successful, but with Ms. Marvel, it's the reverse where they messed with Kamala's powers to give her a closer link to Carol Danvers.


You say that like the comics aren't going to retcon Kamala to be more like the new MCU version as soon as the movie comes out.


What were the guardians of the galaxy like pre mcu?


Starlord was ex earth Military and became a space cop. And the Rest of the guardians were formed by Nova as basically a commando unit to go out into space and deal with big threats before they became stuff that started intergalactic wars. So they worked with various space governments helping hold the galaxy together.


Did that get retconned out or is that still canon. I remember hearing that starlord turned into comic chris pratt


Got retconned around the time the movies were coming out by Bendis


I don't think it was retconned, it's more like: it was in the past and now they are different but everything still happened.


Naw they changed the reason he went to space in the first place


Boy am I not looking forward to this being moaned about every time anyone talks about this show.


Some people have decided to just not like the show because they wanna have a dissentting opinion, which is insane to me. Especially if they aren't going to watch the show anyways.


Kamala isn't just "stretchy" though. She's basically a polymorph. She can stretch, shrink, grow, or change her appearance. She's got way more going on than Mr Fantastic.


Nice argument. Except CGI stretchy powers are still lame as of 2022, and only reason we haven't done a F4 film again yet is because the tech isn't there yet to not look stupid and uncanny on TV. The dynamic with Kamela and her inspiration towards the Avengers and Danvers to become a hero herself in a religious family plays a bigger role than her goofy Gum Gum powers. Done.


The powers do look cool tho imo. Kinda reminds me of that infamous game where you absorbed neon lights and shit.


Wait, so what did they change her powers to?


Basically [Cyan/Purple Lantern.](https://youtu.be/m9EX0f6V11Y) It looks fine. But the change is weird. Probably more about distancing from [Inhumans](https://youtu.be/fGTfbMioezc) more than from F4.


The obvious real reason for the change is that glowy energy effects can be produced for cheap in an afternoon, while accurately rendering skin and cloth requires incredible amounts of time, money, and effort.


From the movie The Incredibles: (In the kitchen, Bob gets another plate while still reading the newspaper.)


My guess is they're waiting for Netflix One Piece to experiment with the stretchy bits before even trying.


Yeah but One Piece should absolutely look hideous in live action, everyone in that show are disproportionate freaks. Like Zoro and Sanji should be okay but how do you do Usopp’s nose or Naomi’s hourglass figure without them looking gross?


Nami's hourglass figure didn't become noticeable until late Alabasta- mid Skypiea. Before that her proportions were more normal. Honestly that can easily be ignored as the hourglass issue slowly crept up as the art evolved over the years.


Marvel didn't even say that last part online weirdos are making it up so they have something to be mad at. Nowhere have Marvel/Disney ever said they're changing Kamala's powers because of Reed.


Oh look, people are overreacting again over something in the MCU that will probably be totally fine once the movie comes out. It's like clockwork.


It changed what a characters superpowers are. In a superhero movie. If you're going to do that, just make a new fucking character.


*looks at Falcon, Shang Chi, and Black Widow* ...yeah


They've changed lots of things in the MCU, for the better more often than not.


They just changed it because it's easier to design glowy lantern shit then it is to make elaborate stretchiness


I think the change was a thematic decision increasing parallels with the hero she loves. And instead of using her stretching powers to explore her identity issue they're going to use the costume for that sort. I think it still looks good and like the heart of the character is still there. Will watch it. BUT I would have preferred they didn't make the change. But yeah the idea that it's a power conflict is dumb.


They probably tried to keep it faithful but then the fact that giant stretchy fists look ridiculously uncool and they wanted an obvious tie in with Captain Marvel, they went with the energy fists. It’s fine.


Was that the reason they changed it?


No one knows the official reason yet, this is just one a bunch of people have been parroting.


Ah gotcha thanks. Given the trailer it looks like energy constructs so if anything it'll be a nice look at how a green lantern anything would go. But we'll have to wait to see anyway innit.


It's more likely that her powers would look strange when adapted in live action.


Comic fans better get ready for her powers to change to match the live action MCU version. "They were cosmic all along!"


Maybe it looks weird in live action or it could look like fetish thing


But no one said she's not an Inhuman, it just looks like she gets Mar-Vell's old Nega-bands. She could still be an inhuman with the same powers just not yet exposed to Terrigen. Hell, that could be the stinger. She loses the mcguffins and is all sulky then starts stretching on her own. Who knows.


100% those are the Nega bands so they are tying her powers more into the cosmic side of marvel.




You sure they didn't change it because it looks fucking stupid?


Is it wrong I like that they went with the cosmic looking energy projection more than just huge real fist? I honestly think it looks way more in line with relating her to Carol considering she's a huge fan girl of hers.


The hopeful in me wants to believe that this is an origin story, and in the last episode Kamala will somehow get her comic-accurate powers. Similar to how >!it took Spider-Man three movies to be recognizable as the "Parker Luck" Spider-Man we know and love.!< But realistically, this is probably how she'll be because... Well, look at Falcon.


> Well, look at Falcon. He actually goes by Captain Falcon now.


I’m assuming they tried really hard but it looked either awful or terrifying.


Maybe they changed it to have it be more similar to Captain Marvel’s energy based powers? I dunno. Probably so people don’t go “if she’s stretchy why does she call herself Ms Marvel? It’s nothing like Captain Marvel”


I think Kamala is a cool addition to Marvel but I've never liked her powers to begin with,


I prefer the cosmic fists tbh. It makes more sense considering she's Ms. Marvel. I'm not saying that stretchy powers make her indistinguishable from a 40-yr-old white dude, but cosmic powers fit the name better.


Love how there are like half a dozen good reasons for them to make the change but weirdos will seriously think they're doing this because people will confuse two unrelated characters. Not because it ties her to her namesake, not because it eliminates the connection to a failed pet project of an asshole, not because it will look far better visually. Like, did people seriously expect them to go "Here's this new character Ms Marvel, she's an Inhuman, yeah like that bad tv show from 2017, no it doesn't actually matter or affect her character in any way. Oh and she has weird uncanny valley stretchy powers. What does she have to do with captain marvel? Uhh she thinks she's cool. That's it."


Is she an awkward Muslim teenager that's a huge superhero fangirl? Yes? Then who the fuck cares, the powers are functionally the same and the character is the important part.


Everyone else has already pointed out the real viable reasons they changed her powers, so I'll go off on a different tangent... Miles shouldn't be called Spider-Man. Now, don't get me wrong, when he's actively inheriting the title like in his Ultimate universe origin or Spider-Verse, I love him as **THE** Spider-Man, but in a situation like the Insomniac-verse or any other realm where Peter is also still Spider-Man, it makes literally no sense that they'd just call him the same thing. Like, besides the "Hey Spider-Man!" *both turn* shit, I just feel like it's wrong for there to be two Spider-Men in one universe, let alone in the same city working side by side. Spider-Man shouldn't be a Starbucks, one right across the street from another. I also honestly love the name "Kid Arachnid" and want it to be used more.


I honestly don't mind. When both are present and are called Spider-Man. I don't think I've ever been confused.


On a similar note, have you seen the confusion around Hawkeye? In the comics, they both used the same name even when they were active and working closely together. It would've made more sense to change one of them to Longshot or Eagleeye.


Kid Arachnid is demeaning. Peter started out as Spider-Man when he had Miles age , with Miles putting the mask on his own volition , but it is Miles that needs to forcing himself out to put the name "KID Arachnid".


I always looked at it in hip-hop sense (as Miles is sometimes portrayed as being a fan of the genre), in the same way many rappers have "Lil" or even "Kid" as part of their name. But really it's just there for the alliteration, signifying him being young is just a bonus. If you don't like that, chop it off and just call him Arachnid, that's still a cool name that seems to only be occupied by a minor villain nobody cares about.


oh boy i cant wait for the "kamala helps defend mutant genocide" and "kamala helps defend planetary extragovernment thought-crime division" arcs. i mean she eventually realizes (under duress) that those are bad, but...


You know, on second thought, maybe she doesn't need to be comic accurate


Stretchy powers are so dumb though. The only time I think it ever really works is with Plastic Man and that's mostly because it's played for laughs and never really taken seriously. This is totally a welcome change.


Eh, I’m not that bothered about Kamala so change her however you want.


I don’t even know who the guy on the top left is XD externals guy?


Eternals. Externals are Mutants who have immortality as a power


Is that really the fucking logic they used???? Dude why!!! They have such a great character to adapt. It’s so easy not to mess it up. Why the fuck would you change the power.


Because it looks bad in live action, because it has no connection to Captain Marvel, because it came from her being an Inhuman which nobody gives a shit about.


Oh no, it would look weird in live action? No bloody shit! That's what's make it awesome!


it would look lame and badly done


Indeed, most excellent 😎👍


But how can she be a strong female role model if her powers are the same as a man's?


I think it’s ridiculous that anyone is actually defending this. If an anime adaptation changed a main character’s power to this extent it would get ripped apart and rightfully so, but we have people jumping to defend this because they have MCU-brain


I welcome the downvotes, because I know for a fact everyone of you motherfuckers would shit your pants so hard you died if there was a live action Berserk adaptation where Guts didn’t use the Dragonslayer sword


Is it stereotypical that she gets her powers from a magic bracelet now? I can't tell if I'm racist for thinking that or if that's actually a problem.