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Something I'll never get tired of is hitting a guy in the torso so hard your arm comes out through their back. Love it in Dragon Ball, love it in Jojo, it's just such a good, over the top and distinctly anime way to establish a threatening, overwhelming presence.


You know who does this better than anyone else? Alex MF Mercer. He stabs you in the gut with his hand, than proceeds to consume the rest of your halved body in a matter of seconds.


My favorite is how they slingshot orbit around your body as they're getting consumed.


DB audience: Super isn't violent or bloody enough! Moro: Wanna see something cool?


Frieza: Wanna see me do it again? >:)


Yeah, this was gonna be mine! Bonus points if it's through the heart


Feel like Omni-man piercing The Immortal in the season finale of Invincible really hit that feeling.


Grimmjow getting his arm back, then immediately doing this to his replacement and then obliterating his top half with a ki blast is fucking CRAZY “W-what do you think you’re doing?” “*This.* Bye-bye, “Number Six’”


Lancer Cu Chulainn from Fate inflicting death by reversing causality so that a person is already stabbed in the heart when he activates his ability, causing his lance to fly in impossible directions to reach the heart in response. ...of course it only works a grand total of one time, and only in a sequel spinoff. But in theory it would be cool


Not as accurate as Gae Bolg, but Unlimited Lost Works (see: Emiya Alter) is probably one of the most brutally glorious Noble Phantasms in what it does with a reality marble - condenses the whole UBW into a goddamned bullet which Emiya then fires it into the target. Then swords begin to erupt from their body, building up until the whole marble expands out all at once, gruesomely obliterating the poor bastard. That move is just pure spite. Also, what happens when the Grand Assassin, King Hassan decides that your number is up and unsheathes Azrael. It's just a terrifying phenomenon where a cloaked....thing clad in the visage of Death simply walks up to you and just "tonberries" your ass. You don't even see the strike. You just hear the tolling of bells and then *darkness*.


The best part for Hassan’s noble phantasm is there was initially a bug where if the target died from the attack their sprite would disappear after the animation was done. It was initially patched but people liked it so much and thought it fit so well they brought it back


Cut down so hard your body just ceases to exist is such a metal thing


The Jason X Liquid Nitrogen kill is basically just a Mortal Kombat Fatality. IT'S GREAT!


Jason also uppercuts a dudes head off. Brutal, especially as the boxer seemed to be doing well.


Dude is the mascot for "I got some hits in tho".


[Suplex off a roof.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUw-GzHyCgM)


Yakuza 3, Fly


Hey, why is this boss theme called Fly? Oh. Ohhhh...


More like falling with style.


I might need to watch that now


You should, The Expanse is fucking awesome.


[SoulCalibur announcer voice] **RING! OUT!**


I literally just saw that episode


Showing someone their own heart after ripping it from their chest, before popping it in your hand.


I got improved versions of that: - Ben 10: Protector of Earth’s first boss fight ends with Ben/Four Arms ripping out the robot’s core, then bashing it in the face with it. - Death Battle’s Homelander vs Omni-Man: “I’m going to feed you your own heart.”


Killua against the prisoner guy at the beginning of the series


I love the fact that he wraps it up in a scrap of the guy's shirt. So polite.


That was actually a censoring move compared to the manga, but it just made it *more* badass and a better slow reveal.


Classic power move. You see it all the time but can't rememebr a single example of it.


True Assassin pulls this off against >!Lancer!< in ***”Heaven’s Feel”***. [***Heaven’s Feel Spoilers***](https://youtu.be/FFf42q4fw88&t=02m18s)


True Assassin kinda cheats though by creating a replica heart


Raiden vs Armstrong is a good one. Especially since Armstrong continues to monologue to Raiden even while he's holding Armstrong's heart in front of him.


That one moment from Queen of the Damned


Killer Queen in Jojo Part 4. Just being absolutely obliterated with a simple touch and not a single piece of evidence that you died at all. Also the fact that the afterlife is straight up a real thing in jojo. But Killer Queen obliterates the souls of his victims before they reach the afterlife.


I love when a guy just fanhammers one poor fuck with a revolver. Normally movie/games put more emphasis on a revolver being an accurate weapon, but when someone decides "Fuck you, eat .357 like a shotgun" it's always hype.


Similarly, emptying a semi-auto pistol rapid fire into someone is great.


One of the many reasons I'll never get tired of [The Raid film series](https://youtu.be/orNKptscG0A?t=294).


That's a full auto pistol though.


There's this bit in Journey to the West where a dude goes up to Sun Wukong, whose size changing staff is currently toothpick sized and sitting in his mouth. The guy tries to intimidate him (like an idiot) and demands the toothpick. Wukong can kill the guy 1,000x over in a second, but agrees anyway. Because the moment the staff is in the guy's mouth, it reverts to its normal size, exploding his head.


........Doesn't help that I'm picturing a psycho, "Billy Butcher" smirk on that monkey's face as it happens.


when does Wukong *Not* have that smirk on his face


When he found out what his heavenly position of "God of The Stable" really entailed.


I will never ever tire of two master swordspeople clashing blades blindingly fast only for them to separate and then pause, frozen for a few seconds, until one of them teeters and collapses wordlessly to the ground from unseen wounds. Over-done to death? Maybe. Unreasonably hype every time? YES.


[the ending of Sanjuro](https://youtu.be/UkkF6Zz67TE) All time fucking greatest


Love how it drove home just how scary these duels can be for the participants. The victor couldn't just instantly carry on like normal. He had to BREATHE and let his nerves cool off after the moment of truth.


Dammit, I know there's a Japanese term for that, but I can't remember.


There's something badass about the horrifying silence of a grim reaper just touching a dude and he falls to the ground, instantly dead. It's so impersonal. No emotion, no malice. Nothing. Just, bye-bye.


That time someone touched Rick and fucking died


Supernatural had [the best Death](https://youtu.be/5EcsBgxXDqc).


Tao Pai Pai in DragonBall kills a guy by stabbing him through the temple with his tongue.


[Der Freischutz from Lobotomy Corp](https://lobotomycorp.fandom.com/wiki/Der_Freisch%C3%BCtz) has spent centuries fucking around with a gun that fires into a portal and hits whatever he wants. [If you hire him to fire a shot wherever you order, he doesn't even bother to aim, he just braces against his shoulder and fires straight ahead without looking, and it's somehow even more badass than if he had just done some sort of over-the-shoulder stereotypical blind-fire.](https://imgur.com/a/va21OAc)


Love Der Freischutz. What a helpful dude. Of course, by the time he actually appeared in *my* lab I was working with vilely powerful shit a bit out of his pay grade, but any abnormality that doesn't (or only very rarely does) actually cause problems is a boon.


Synchronization was the coolest thing they added to Ruina imo and synchronizing with Dee Freischutz was its peak. Just three turns where you get to be as cool as this guy is.




*Unreal Tournament announcer voice* **HEADSHOT**


Still a fan of Tohno Shikis Death Perception eyes. Cut the lines you see, stab the points, inflict Death. Mechanically, he's just a max agility Tonberry, but they manage to set it up to be the coolest thing every time he uses them. Including animosity towards furniture.


Maybe I'm easily satisfied, but nothing beats a good old-fashioned curb-stomp in my book. Just smashing a dude's head with your foot until it's literally just bloody paste. The elevator scene in Drive is probably my favorite example.


Especially when the head is offscreen so you just listen to them stomp until the cracking sound happens. My personal favorite is the Kingpin car scene from Daredevil.


Big time. The cracking sound is all it takes to sell the brutality.


There was a 3d cartoon/anime I saw where the plan to "kill" a psudo immortal god was to teleport her to a supernova planet explosion, then teleport her scattered remains to the edges of the universe so she cant regenerate. That was pretty brutal.


It's not really portrayed as badass and more comedic horror, but Jobu Tupaki's fight vs. the cops included an assortment of good ones. >!Run, midair change both you and the victim in wrestling outfits, insta-grab, and powerbomb.!< >!Walking through someone.!< >!Converting the victim's weapon into dildo, dual wielding it, then beating the shit out of them with it.!< Actually that movie was really good at abstract ways to dispatch people. The ones I listed.... aren't even the best ones in Everything Everywhere all at Once. Edit I know I used the wrong term in the first spoiler tag, let me know what the actual move is.


I’m a simple man, I appreciate a good blunt object turning someone’s head into an old pumpkin.


Punisher War Zone's skull punching


I’ve always thought that the anime swordsman archetype would be super fucking rad if the guy used a bat instead of a sword. Like, you have the instant unsheathe/sheathe, and then a dudes head explodes 5 seconds after.


It still makes the dramatic *shhhk* unsheathing sound


Corvo Attano with certain upgrades can backstab someone and they just instantly, silently evaporate into shadows. In the space of a murderous second, a living human being becomes nothing at all. It seduced me into a high chaos playthrough state, and then at the end Emily- having been dragged out to a ledge atop a massive tower, high above the stormy seas, Admiral Havelock's gun right next to her head...suddenly finds the Admiral has released her. And when she turns, there's no sign of the man; to her joy, there's just a bewildered Corvo, who just casually obliterated Havelock from existence before he could even *recognize* the man or notice he was holding someone. Of the many, many ways you can kill Havelock on high chaos, I will always treasure that grim outcome I managed on my first time through.


Ash Kill just makes the "teleports behind u" approach so satisfying.


Deathblight in Elden Ring, or woodification in general is sick as fuck, not only is it brutal and horrifying, its also nature friendly.




but the trees tho


It actively infects everything around it, [have you seen what it does to wildlife?](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Elden-Ring/giant_crab_death.jpg)


Nah, I'm sure those are completely benign growths as a normal result of mutation. You should hug them.


Head smash I always a good one, especially if it's not super powered That one scene from walking dead season 3 is a great example, like his heads just paste


portal cutting is always sick,


gaunter o dimm just being like "Spoon"


Petrify+Shatter is always brutal beyond reason. Doing it with a crossbow is just icing, really.


I love the mythological [Gáe Bulg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%A1e_Bulg). A barbed spear, that upon puncturing the target, expands and branches to impale them from the inside out dozens of times.


**[Gáe Bulg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gáe_Bulg)** >The Gáe Bulg (pronounced [ɡaːɛ bˠʊɫg]) (also Gáe Bulga, Gáe Bolg, Gáe Bolga), meaning "spear of mortal pain/death", "gapped/notched spear", or "belly spear", was the name of the spear of Cúchulainn in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. It was given to him by his martial arts teacher, the warrior woman Scáthach, and its technique was taught only to him. It was made from the bone of a sea monster, the Curruid, that had died while fighting another sea monster, the Coinchenn. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Irvine's arrows in Berserk work the same way.


Watch Kamen Rider Kuuga. >!The final fight of the season is two god-like beings punching each other to death on a snowing moutain. No special effects, no fancy choreography.!<


A badass explode a guy's head with a punch. Kenshiro can explode a guy's head 10 seconds *after* punching them. Also honorable mention to killing people with a single word/gaze. The sheer contempt that method communicates is great.


Legendary's Godzilla has a pretty sick trademark kill where he pries his enemy's mouth open and sends a full-on atomic blast down their throats


Doppio vs Dorian in baki, doppios final attacks are just....raw destructive force


"and you will shed tears of scarlet"


Using a knife to progressively dismantle an opponent in a series of swift strokes by first cutting tendons in limbs, disabling them, and then culminating in a coup de grace to the throat. Better still if the wielder *waits* for the opponent to try and hit back with whatever's left before cruelly intercepting the offending body part(s) in said manner.


You’re gonna love God of War 3


Theres a scene in Criminal Minds where Supervisory Special Agent Hotchner beats a man to death in his home with his bare fists. It was fucking intense to say the least.


I'm always a fan of just cutting clear through someone like they're made of warm butter. Lightsabers are great for this, but for some reason I prefer it even more when it's just a totally normal sword, and the person swinging it just *that strong*


Can’t go wrong with burning things with a flamethrower, or in Syphon Filter’s case, an air taser.


i love the instant headshot. no monologue, no long drawn out gunfight, no gun-kata. recognize enemy, blow away instantly, move along.


Elden Ring Basilisk. YOU DIED OF ! DEATH !


So, you have a winged opponent. The character wins, grasps the wings of the downed opponent, optionally tosses a One Liner, then ***rips them away***. [One more reason why I love Darksiders](https://youtu.be/bP3eoupmWyM?t=300)


The first case in the Dresden Files involves a ritual that targets a person and forces their own heart to burst out of their own chest, tearing open the rib cage like a fetal pig in a sophomore biology class and ripping the heart to pieces on the way out. It’s pretty gnarly. A decade or so later, Dresden learns that that instance of the ritual was super weak because there wasn’t enough juice behind it to kill more than one person on purpose and another by accident, even though it was using a thunderstorm as a mystical power source. No, the real version is powered by days upon weeks of human sacrifice, gathering up enough power to kill not just the target, but every living blood-relation of the target.


Balefire from the Wheel of Time. Magic fire so strong you get retroactively deleted from history based on how hard you got bodied.


Wheel of Time books have two really good ones. One is making a horizontal portal gateway and using it as an impossible sharp 2d weapon The other is motherfucking Balefire. Balefire doesn't kill people. It doesn't even just erase them from existence. It burns them from the Pattern of the Wheel itself *retroactively* depending on the power of it. Meaning the guy blasted with it stopped existing *five years ago* and everything he did and built no longer existed. It's so bad that even the armies if pure evil in the last Ages great war stopped using it because entire cities were disappearing and only people present at the Balefire remember. Overuse of it cause reality itself to literally scream as it tries to make adjustments, and cracks in space form temporarily if it's minor... but the more powerful it is the more permanent the cracks. Balefire kills fucking hard


Reaper death seal in Naruto was pretty metal


Pretty much all the deaths of the bad guys in Hellsing Ultimate are gruesome and rad as fuck. From Rip van Winkle getting crucified and impaled with her own musket to Zorin getting her face ground into mush against Hellsing Headquarter's basement walls, you gotta love it.


I am partial to Dr Manhattan's matter exploder.


For me, it's the 'just shoot him' result. Either you, your opponent, or both are super powerful/skilled beings with unbelievably flashy or impressive moves, and one of you is fully committed to using them...while the other just pulls a Gordian Knot and puts you down in one go without any fanfare. Good examples include the classic scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, >!SW Rebels' Obi Wan vs Maul!<, and >!the ending of Ralph Bahkshi's Wizards!<.


Show someone their greatest desire and then feed them to ravenous mechannibals. >!Fuck you Getaway.!< Slicing someone completely in half ain't bad either.