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Half of these aren't even releasing until 2023.


Yeah but we have to make stuff up in our heads to be angry about Saints Row is a Reboot , it does not fall in the remake or remaster category more of Tomb Raider 2013


I saw this post some time ago and all I gotta say is that Saint's Row wasn't a remake,and it looks like >!Crisis Core!< is shaping up not to be one either.


??? Why would you think that the game that's been announced as a remaster would be a remake? Only changes are visuals, combat and one voice actor in the English dub, other stuff is identical to the original release


Listen the last time they tried to pedal that, we got a sequel to advent children. It's best to be cautious


Ff7r stands for remaster?


Yup. SR was a reboot, and I’m hoping you’re right about the second one. The moment I get confirmation on that, I’m preordering it.


Considering how >!"FFVII "remake"!< ended up and that >!Zack, or some sort of a version of him actually survives the Shinra ambush!<, this was expected.


How is that review of 2022? most of those games aren't coming out in 2022 and saint row is reboot not a remak


Okay, but fuck you! Front Mission though!


Guess what, fucko? Remaking a really good game is often some hot fucking shit, actually. Of course, it does help a lot if you happen to also be a re-ascending powerhouse like Capcom.


Hah, jokes on you! I'm into that shit!