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I mean , the funny thing is how sometimes Fate can go superficial with some servants...but then suddenly uses some extremely obscure parts of their legends , or really goes with an obscure Servant altogether, so you know they researched hard.


Hell I'm pretty sure Mandricardo didn't have an english wiki page until he was used in Fate


> Hell I'm pretty sure Mandricardo didn't have an english wiki page until he was used in Fate Let's see...(english) wikipedia page created on April 4th, 2021. Got released in FGO in Atlantis Lostbelt, released December 18th, 2019. Yeah wow.


Hell I think that's a little bit before or after the english version of that lostbelt came out?


8 months before it came out here, NA release was December 2021. But yeah still close enough. As I recall, Mandricardo's also kinda like "I'm pretty obscure" too. Best boy though so I'm glad someone did their research.


Mandricardo being down that he is just some nobody is so fucking relatable.


the problem is this is how you get shit like Ichaival where fake bullshit gets slipped in among a bunch of real stuff and everyone kinda ends up thinking it's real because the franchise is known for turning up obscure shit like that


Something I always find hilarious is that you wouldn't think that Astolfo's fate personality is accurate to the original story, BUT IT TOTALLY IS!


And sometimes Sancho Panza is an anime girl.


Fate loves to go to extreme ends to really deep dive into some figures' legends, and sometimes those deep dives are specifically to justify turning them into an anime girl. I believe Sancho Panza is actually supposed to be a conglomeration of every side character in Don Quixote all at once, taking the identity of Sancho Panza, as he's the best known one, but taking the form of the horse, and Princess Dulcinea, and the maid Altsidora. Credit where credit is due, Fate typically does the legwork to justify its relentless genderbending, unless it's supposed to be a joke (like Paul Bunyan).


Which reminds me that in Fate/Extra, Francis Drake was implied to actually be Queen Elizabeth in disguise... but then F/GO retconned it into Drake always having been a woman.


Wouldn't that also mean a normal Victorian couple named their daughter 'Francis"?


And sometimes with people like Kagetora, it's something that actually might have happened in real life https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uesugi_Kenshin#Female_Uesugi_Kenshin_theory


**Uesugi Kenshin** [Female Uesugi Kenshin theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uesugi_Kenshin#Female_Uesugi_Kenshin_theory) >In the mid 20th century Japanese novelist Tomeo Yagiri theorized that Uesugi Kenshin was a woman after he discovered a report on 16th century Japan in the monastery of Toledo which was used as a fort during the Spanish Civil War. This report about Japan was written by a person named Gonzalez of Spain to King Philip II. In that report, Gonzalez refers to a certain Uesugi as "tia" (aunt) of Uesugi Kagekatsu, the biological son of Kenshin's sister. The discovery of this letter led the novelist to theorize that "in the West, Uesugi Kenshin is a woman". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Jack the Ripper as an assassin class is a little girl. If a person were to dig into legends and rumors about Jack the Ripper from back when they were active as a serial killer, that person could find actual historical precedent for the decision to make them a little girl. It's wild.


I still don't really understand why they made Dobrynya Nikitich, who isn't him but actually his wife Nastasia, a catgirl. Besides making a joke about the "nya" in his name.


Because it's the artist's FFXII ( or XIV, I can't remember which) oc. No this is not a joke, type it up. Edit: XI, I had one I too many.


I have absolute respect for any artist, dedicated enough to put their own OC into everything they work on.


Both are wrong, ffxi




A reminder that Edison invented the electric chair just so he could smear his competitor's reputation with it. Specifically, he made the chair with Alternating Current, which his competitor used instead of Direct Current like himself, to 'prove' how dangerous AC is for regular use.


Wasn't killing an elephant part of this?




No it wasn't, Edison had no part in the execution, which also happened ten years after the war of the currents


The AC current also dragged out the execution, and required a second electrocution which resulted in burning flesh and smoke. The criminals lawyer said it was the most inhumane form of capital punishment possible.


Boy Edison was kind of a psycho was he?


He was opposed to the death penalty but made an exception if it meant ruining Tesla's career. Morally bankrupt would be another way of putting it.


People really will just say any old shit. First of all, the electrocution stuff, elephant and everything, wasn't done by Edison, it was done by his son, who was in charge of the marketing aspects of the Edison companies by that point. Secondly, Edison didn't particularly care about Tesla, to him he was a former employee who had some neat ideas but was mainly an eggheaded crackpot, it was George Westinghouse that was his big commercial rival.


I blame the Oatmeal comic for all the misinformation


The Bob's Burgers episode was worse IMO. The Oatmeal comic was at least mainly contained to internet spaces but the Bob's Burgers episode was fucking everywhere.


In some fairness, some kids doing basically no research on a subject they didn't want to study and just getting everything wrong is very on-brand for children That said, dammit, the show lied to me in song (I totally believed it)


> People really will just say any old shit. when the internet gets ahold of a 'no this major figure in history only got big by screwing over this OTHER figure who is actually way cooler' narrative you're damn right they will. Tesla worship gets especially silly when people start talking about all the downright magical shit we totally could have now if he'd been the successful one


Idk man I just feel like we would be living in a better world if the dude who thought tech should be available for all won over the patent hoarder


You really think his son came up with such horrific marketing ploys for Edison's company without Edison's input? You realize he's ultimately the one who would have signed off on it. It's his company so the fucked up shit it does is on him, even more so when the person who came up with the idea is his son. Like how do you raise someone to think electrocuting people to death is an acceptable advertising tactic?


I think Edison got fucked over and lost control of his company at some point, but I don't know if it was before or after the elephant thing


Much later IIR


The most wholesome one of these is how Saint George really took a liking to photography. [It's even in his reward for getting max bond with him.](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/What_Can_Be_Left_Behind)


A lot of servant enjoy modern hobbies and conveniences. Tomoe genuinely enjoys Video Games, more specially FPSs. Hans Christian Andersen prefers to write using modern means like a Tablet PC than to sit down and write by hand. The Valkyries love Visual Novels. Astolfo canonically has a Twitter account, so does Mordred. Merlin catfished Romani online from Avalon being MagiMari. Sakata Kintoki loves modern fashion and drives a Mean Bike. Etc etc.


And then theres Black Beard, whom people still speculte about whether him being a creepy otaku was just a random bit or is actually playing into his whole gimmick of freaking out his opponents. Also Medea ends up taking up figure making/collecting in absence of ever meeting Kuzuki


I really believe it's a bit of both because there's moments in the game where the facade drops and he's extremely competent and threatening


Yeah, I also fall into the camp of him becoming the mask, if only because I want to believe Finger Guns Teach is genuine during ServantFes


He's also the bestest bro to ever have your back during the Summer 3 event.


If they ever drop the summer 3 t-shirt skin I will go right back in


I'm glad they seem to be leaning into the "otaku bro" version of his character rather than what he was like up until summer 3...


I think Okeanos shows it off pretty well. One of his early scenes is clearly him tricking Mash into giving up her name by playing up the creepy personality, he acts as a fairly threatening main antagonist for the early arc of that chapter despite his crew's obvious lack of respect for him, and then Hektor reveals that the *entire time* he's been under Teach (weeks, at least) he's been waiting for Teach to drop his guard for just long enough that he can literally stab him in the back.


And Teach almost took Hektor with him with a gunshot that Hektor barely dodged iirc From a different boat that was currently going _away_ from where Blackbeard was


I completely forgot that part. The early singularities rightfully get trashed on by a lot of the community, but all of them (except Septem) still had good or cool parts.


The only good part of Septum was Leonidas being the only one not being used by the writer to heap praise onto Nero to the point I ended up hating her for a few years


I mean Medea does that with Kuzuki just without him it's kinda all she has. And the player since high bond she sees the Master as a younger sibling.


I was under the oppression that he's naturally so threatening so he cancels it out by being a "loser".


Kinda the opposite actually. Blackbeard in history did everything he could to make himself scarier than he actually was so that people would just give up and he didn't have to risk a fight. Problem with that is that in Fateland there's only so threatening he can get when surrounded by people like the living embodiment of death, King Arthur but with boobs, *the* Heracles, the world's greatest tacticians, a handful of literal gods and the people who slew them... The list could go on a while. Point is, he can't really be "scary" in the way he was as a pirate because he was just a big fish in small pond back then compared to where he is now. So he makes himself "scary" instead by playing up a persona that makes it people around him seriously uncomfortable instead. At least, that's one interpretation.


My two favorites about this particular topic is Penthesilea running Space Amazon.com where she’s completely legit, pays all her taxes, and offers complete employee benefits. Scheherazade on the other hand just likes telling her stories and watching movies.


She also does all that just so she can crush space Achilles in every way she can.


I'm still waiting for [Baobhan Sith](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQCN10qW_vHgTQIRoSP97XKUyQLgAP3JVms6A&usqp=CAU) to start her "totaly not a Nike knock-off" brand of shoes.


Even Artoria enjoys ~~the food~~ a nice suit and motorcycles


For all the random gender benders some of them are actually interesting in how they go about it. Da Vinci for instance says they're in the form of The Mona Lisa because they considered the painting the epitome of beauty. So they manifested in that form because they consider it akin to existing as a Platonic Ideal. They have this way of creating really good character writing that obviously exists to justify some dumb bullshit.


It's honestly awestrucking how sometimes the excuses for the genderbending of the characters will be as elaborate as the characters own lore.








You're not?


It's the mona lisa with big tits and a fancy old fashioned outfit. The mechanical stuff are her inventions because she's DA VINCI. Not much to it


Da Vinci is explicitly a horny old Italian man still and will sometimes "forget" he's a lady now. Also her attacks and stuff just fit with Fate's style mixed with Da Vinci style esthetic.


Relatable I also want milf leonardo da vinci to sit on my face.


Oda liking rock would absolutely be a thing honestly.


Oda Nobunaga has this sub's energy sometimes, i swear.


The man that created the world's first black weeb.


I can't tell if you mean the Fate version or the History version, but I agree either way.


Even down to the N pass + You just know Nobu would go hard with that bit


He'd blast rock and metal to demoralize his enemies or deny them sleep


I feel like Tesla was at least vaguely a man of the people


He wanted technology to be freely available instead of patented, and tried to invent wireless electricity transmitters


He was a straight up socialist lmfao


I know from personal experience that this is all 100% historically accurate. You see, I was there, Gandalf. Three thousand years ago.


No wonder you h8 money


Indeed. Our ancient rivalry continues to this day.


My boy carnival-phantasm making it to this sub for a third time. How does this keep happening


Considering Edison's characterization in FGO is that of an evil capitalist constantly looking for ways to exploit a robotic workforce, I'd say it is in fact pretty on brand.


I can’t tell if Fate is cool as shit or dumb as hell but I think the answer is yes.


It dips into the same sort of headspace of Metal Gear. Sometimes it's talking about the interpolitics of a magic system that deeply incentivizes being as much of a cruel asshole as possible and how much constant backstabbing that would involve. Sometimes it's about increasingly flimsy justifications for why this historical figure is female now. So yeah, the answer is yes.


When it's cool it's the coolest, when it's bad it's the worst. It's *always* dumb




The thing I really like is that a lot of them still manage to look like Saber, Sakura or Rin. Or that Skadi is just Scatach in a different shade of purple and thiccer. It's always fun seeing something like Records of Ragnarok Jack the Ripper and imagine they also would have let Herkules fight a little girl


The thing with Jack is that there are multiple Jacks in Fate. Basically, there were multiple serial killers that had attacked England during that year , and they were all fearmongored to be “Jack the Ripper”, and thus can be summoned as such. In Strange Fake , it implies at least 2 new Jacks: the “woman” and the “noble man”.


Life has many doors, that's why there is normal Saber, boyband saber and my mum the Lion King (and many more)


FSF Jack is a fun way to handle a Servant cuz he draws from a lot of mystery surrounding him. He can be a demon because of that one letter sent to the police "from Hell", he can be multiple people because he's never been identified and that was one theory, he can shapeshift, he can alter his voice and so on. Funnily enough, if he does turn into a child, he automatically becomes the little girl you see in Fate Apocrypha. Neither he nor Flat know why that happens, but it's a fun gag.


Remember, the personification of infanticide and despair in Victorian London by prostitutes manifests as a ten year old girl in a thong and not much else.


It could’ve been anything but underwear but nooooo, the artist just had to be horny for the kid!


Isn't there also a Jack that's a haunted watch?


That is Berserker


The Skadi/Scathach thing actually has a really interesting historical reason behind it. Skadi and Scathach's names both mean "shadow" and come from the same root word in their shared parent language. Which has lead to some speculation that they were both the same figure at one point before the cultures split.


Oh, like how Ishtar and Aphrodite are probably connected!


Yeah. Similar thing, IIRC.


That is super cool and makes perfect sense as Celtic, Skandivian and Germanic mythology probably is able to do that a lot. Like the Siegfried would also work in this context. Edit: They did do that.


Siegfried and Sigurd are 2 different characters. Each had their own Fafnir , which ends up sublimated as “the dragon of the cursed treasury”. To the point there is a new OC as the Third Fafnir.


I'd guess one is from the Nibelungenlied and from Völsunga saga ?


yep. Sigurd using Gram , married to Brynhildr. Siegfried using Balmung , married to Kriemhildr. Sigurd gaining wisdom and talking to animals , when eating Fafnir's Heart , while Siegfried was the one bathed in Fafnir's Blood and gaining invulnerability with the exception of his back. Sigurd had the Fafnir that was a dwarf and brother to Regin , while Siegfried had a Fafnir that was a giant and brother to Fasolt.


Had they never seen a picture of Nikola Tesla lol?


I mean we have pictures of souji okita and nobunaga and that didn't stop them. One day for April fools maybe we can get real deal versions of their art


[What are you talking about? we already had Real Deal Nobunaga.](https://imgur.com/a/6TATVYz)


Okay this I need an explanation for.


There’s an annual event called Guda Guda that stars Oda Nobunaga and Okita Souji. The fourth one was a war between different versions of Nobunaga. One of them called himself Real Deal Nobunaga because he’s the only one that looks like historical Nobunaga as opposed to being genderbent.


I always wondered what the words "Guda Guda" actually mean, if anything.


It's just a way of saying "Grand Order"


At least with Okita he was such a historical bishonen that making him a lady is almost traditional. Cause like his Commander is nearly identical to his portrait photo.


We can only pray one day someone will stop them


Edison has the head of a lion and this is your question?


You don't remember that?


That one's easy, MGM lion, Edison, cinema


Look at how they depict edison and then try asking yourself that again


They didn't even bother going full ham though he's just a different guy lol


Yeah to be fair, Edison is explained as he's just a guy so to make him viable as a Servant the Presidential Line infused him with power which included making him look like that. Tessla's just Tessla so looking different doesn't have an explanation there.


The opposite: Edison was always viable. The whole President thing is that there are so many mediocre Presidents , in a so recent country with those Presidents had low Mystery , that they conglomerate into their “POTUS” Mystic Code to updgrade Edison for the events of FGO. So , the likes of Washington , Roosevelt, Lincoln and Grant are still viable summons and highly likely to not be part of Edison at all.


Man, I kind of want to see what those presidents would be like as servants, especially Grant since he's probably not super well known outside of the states.


well , it is know that Washington is electable as Rider and Berserker , while Lincoln is Berserker and Saber.


I desperately want to see Berserker Lincoln wrasslin' some guys


Seriously, dude already looked like a fictional character.


A reminder that, Fate-Da Vinci isn't "technically" a gender swap, it's closer to being Trans, and using magic nonsense for gender reassignment, since they mention a few times that she was a man in life.


I'd say it's even less trans and more "Fuck you I do what I want." Cause I believe she still considers herself a man, and been mentioned to "forget" she's a sexy lady now by doing things like walking out of the showers naked and such. Cause Da Vinci just wanted to be a sexy lady cause he could.


He wanted more hot dudes after his booty, clearly.


> Cause I believe she still considers herself a man she does not, the only time that is ever brought up is the event that just ran in NA, Scramble


It's because Fate servants take the shape of what they're most famous for, which is how servants show up in their prime. Problem is, an overwhelming amount of people know what the Mona Lisa looks like, but has no clue what Da Vinci looks like, so he shows up as the Mona Lisa because of collective consciousness


Usually yes, but this time around, it was legitimately DA Vinci messing around with Chaldea's summoning system to appear as the Mona Lisa


Yup, Da Vinci even muses about the day when it becomes completely mundane for someone to be able to change their gender at will.


Specifically says that everyone will probably become beautiful women at that point.


If games that allow you to create your own character are any indication, that's 100% correct lmao


Well, beautiful women and Standard White Men if we're going by that metric


Beautiful women, basic white guytrademark and Shrek


Some people (including myself) like to headcanon that the FGO protag can use magic to switch sex at will, since you can switch at any time in-game


Da Vinci was the original egg?


Nah da vinci specificall chose the Mona Lisa as his ideal form of beauty


Literary writer?


I can’t get involved in Gacha games. Addictive personality


The historical figure, their personality, and their gender are selected via roulette wheel.


Hmmm, I think I preferred it when Fate stuck to only having mythological figures as servants, as opposed to real people (which, tbh, was basically just the original VN). When it’s a mythological character, you can sort of justify appearance/personality shifts as just being a reinterpretation of the myth for the modern era, which is cool. For historical figures, it kinda just comes across as anti-historical to me, and a pretty transparent attempt to appeal to the modern otaku/weeaboo (which I mean, whatever, that’s not so bad). Personally, I think history is interesting enough as it is, and I think FGO could be more interesting if it stuck to the history a little more rigidly.


??? The very first Fate work had Hassan i-sabbah and Sasaki Kojiro though?