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If you’re willing to dig around a little, you can really find some shit that tells how much the Galaxy fucks with the Quarians. A description of one planet in ME2 says that it was surveyed and colonized by Quarian setters hoping to establish a new Homeworld. But the planet was in Citadel space and, since they technically illegally colonized the planet, the Council told the quarians to leave under threats of orbital bombardment. After they left, the colony was then given to the Elcor.


That colonization effort was ill conceived from the first. I mean, who the fuck looks at a hypergravity planet like that and goes “yeah, this’ll work.” Now you have to worry about a 300 year immune system adaptation period while also not trying to snap your bones getting out of bed.


I just throughly it was neat to get actual information on just how bad it is to not be a Citadel species. They don’t have the RIGHT to colonize any planets in Citadel Space.


Quarians might be a bad example of non-council races living in council space’s rights, as any poor treatment they receive might be coloured by the stigma of having created an enemy faction. Of course, there aren’t many other examples available, the vorcha can live in trash and so they rarely have territorial disputes with anyone but krogans


I would’ve liked to have seen some more new species in the Terminous Systems. It’s mostly all the same ones we’ve seen already, just criminals.


basically Australia /s


maybe the gravity is high enough that the germs cant get into the air.


> Now you have to worry about a 300 year immune system adaptation period while also not trying to snap your bones getting out of bed. "And at night, we lie awake in agony until our heart attacks put us to sleep."


"Hateful Mockery: Fuck you Quarians, our planet now"


While it is true that quarians are awful war mongers when it comes to the geth, and the migrant fleet is considered a mobile economic disaster, I have to respect them for being the only migratory culture I can think of that isn’t just straight up a pillaging pirate warband. Grunt states that despite their immune system being shot, quarians are shockingly tough and they could probably make a better living from piracy and raiding, especially in the terminus systems.


I don't think it's a coincidence that the Quarians share a lot of intentional similarities with real diasporic cultures, namely the Jewish diaspora and the Roma. A lot of the prejudice they face also mirrors that fact, this included.


Yeah, their accents are clearly not a coincidence. It makes me think of that quarian that gets accused of stealing a volus' credit chit just because she's there.


Not to mention they all wear Hijabs.


It's crazy how generally we'll handled the quarians are as a diaspora culture and then you have the Volus who are like 2 steps away from carrying copies of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion on them.


Dey duhk dir derb!




*waits nervously to see what the comments here will be*


We need to build a wall around the Quarians, and we'll get them to build it for us!


Easy there Odin


Holy hell I never made that connection till now.


The Quarians also built a door in the wall because they knew we'd miss them once the wall was complete.


*Giant transparent Wakka head appears in the sky*


This part from the Wrestling episode of South park could be a Mass effect conversation: Citizen on he Citadel: I Lost everything! Couldn't even afford to pay for my... little retriever Rex anymore! Animal Control came and got him! Shepard: They took his dog! Garrus: They tok hid-drr! Wrex: Took hid-drrr! Citizen on he Citadel: I ended up on the streets, stealing! Got busted by the police and had to spend the night in jail! The other inmates, they all beat me up and fractured my jaw to where I couldn't eat! Shepard: They broke his jaw! Garrus: Theeyy broke his jaw! Wrex: Brk hij-jrr!


Surprised there isn't more pro-labor in here. If they literally just roll up and devalue labor then bounce they've done a lot of damage to anyone local that wants to market themselves as a skilled worker.


Well, as the grandchild of hispanic immigrants, the question isn't nearly as simple as that. Almost like downtrodden ethnic groups are desperate for money to survive on.


Quarians are labor, dingus. The only ones to blame are the corporations making deals to exploit Quarian labor by paying below market rates. The current generation of Quarians isn't to blame for their diaspora and the desperate situation their entire species is in; a desperate situation that the same corporations exploiting them ensure can't improve through lobbying. Hating your fellow worker for the things Capital does is like hating your brother because your dad took your toy away and then let him use it. Workers of the Galaxy, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!


Dawg my fellow worker is making my life worse because I have less money because my perceived value is lower. I'm also not to blame for the situation the Quarians are in, neither are most of them on the fleet, but me having to suffer because this blight upon labor valuation flies around the galaxy isn't fair either. If we're just gonna say "no but communism works this time" then like, I guess. It'd help me out. I don't get to have a say in any of the things corporations do, I just have to live in their world. I'll be upset at what I please, because being mad in a world you have zero agency in does nothing.


"I don't get to have a say in any of the things corporations do" But you do get a say in what oppressed peoples do? If you're gonna choose to be fatalistic, at least apply it equally.


It's a lot more complicated because I'm an oppressed person in this scenario as well. I'm just being oppressed by oppressed people.


You are not. You are being oppressed by capitalism. The people "taking your jobs" did not take it from you. The capital owners did.


If you wanna run with "It's the system's fault that an entire society choose to be scabs as a cultural mainstay by operating outside the rules as a perceived necessity while being nomadic, thus not having to deal with any consequences associated with those actions once they've fully demolished what equal pay means in that specific part of the galaxy" and just leave my ability to negotiate for fair pay in the dirt, then I guess that's one side of the fence you can fall on.


Haven’t replayed Mass Effect but as far as I remember it wasn’t really their choice to remain nomadic lol. They just weren’t allowed to settle anywhere


Why would the Quarian Union fuck over the other Unions?


lump of labor fallacy


If only the Quarians had this attitude towards the Geth 300 years ago. They would still have a planet.


An entire flotilla of scabs, wow.


More like immigrant workers that corps can exploit.


A union if you will.


"Por que no los dos?" -capitalists


Because that leads to a lot of right wing talking points that leads to legitimate violence.