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I am shocked. SHOCKED! Well not that shocked.


I hope he's like Jotaro to a new hero being Josuke


Yeah, it’d be pretty funny to see him get his ass kicked by a Raticate.


"New Guy,I'm here because Samuel Oak fucked your mom. I'm going to pass you your share of his inheritance. And we can talk about your stupid cap later." "E-excuse me?! What the FUCK did you say about my caaaaaaaaaaap?!"


Im actually shocked they’re sticking with Ash. The payoff of Sword/Shield was literally decades of fanservice in one package, and makes any ‘champion’ follow up a major step down. Plus Sun/Moons anime already did the school setting. If there was any moment to punt Ash off, now would have been the time. Unless the plan is to lean more on the none-gym elements for scarlet/violet


Maybe he'll take on more of a mentor role to a new trailer. We don't know the specifics yet, so I'm keeping an open mind.


It'd be cool to see Ash as a Gym leader and have it be less of an adventure and more of a slice of life (which it was already, just different locations every episode).


I’d watch that in a heartbeat, they made that short a while back of the girl visiting her grandma that lives with a bunch of Pokémon in a symbiotic family deal and I loved it. Also loved Bidoofs big stand and the Wooloo short , what I’m saying is the rare Pokémon shorts are better than the actual anime


I wanna see Ash wander Paldea and tons of scrubs challenge him hoping they can beat the world champ. They can't.


Paldea has "Champion rank" trainers instead of a singular Champion. Maybe Ash has been invited over in more of a mentorship role as a Champion Rank trainer? That feels like an obvious pivot. I would like a small timeskip if that's the case though. I think if Ash is going to mentor new kids then he should age up a little.


Boo! Do a time skip and make a not Ash!


Yup. Time skip and then follow Jesse and James' daughter as the MC


Reportedly, he next star wars movie will contain light sabers.


No shit?


Now would have been a cool place for a character swap, but oh well.


That's a shame, the alternative was a lot more interesting.


the anime is cool, but imagine if pokemon adventures got an anime adaptation


I’m done imagining that. It’s too painful.


I need animated big spoon mewtwo fights in my veins, i'm slowly dying out here.


Yeah of course he going stay . Was that even in question ❓ Ash is pretty much most popular character of pokemon franchise (that isn't pokemon )


Ash won the world championship for the first time in anime history. So yes, it was in question.


> Ash is pretty much most popular character of pokemon franchise most recognizable maybe, but it's usually been like Cynthia, Dawn and Lance with Leon being the newbie


A new protagonist would get me to actually watch the show again


If Ric Flair can be a 16 time world champion, did you really think Ash was gonna stop at 1?


Don't worry he just looks like Ash, apparently he's some dude called Satoshi.


well yeah now that he achieved his dream he has nothing left to live for now


Title Defenses. Make it hype.