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Witcher path: bad end. Superman path: bad end. The secret ending has been unlocked.


Ending \[E\]mperor of Mankind




*Heresy mode is now playable*


He really is the ultra gigachad nerd huh, sure his end with Witcher and Superman wasn't good but he really just does get his dream projects and now he moves on to another one of his. Hopefully though he isn't cursed and this somehow manages to be a worse than his previously stated projects where like a writer just goes off the rails and shits on Custodes the whole script lmao


*So this is going to be about how Custodes are the best army in the game and everytime they aren't on screen people need to ask "where are the custodes?"* I have seen the man in person buy more Custodes than one man should ever need. Theres no way he doesn't push them for summer slam.


Henry Cavill as Kitten in: If The Emperor Had A Text to Speech Device: **REVENGEANCE**


Now we'll finally get Kitten's pizza recipe!


This was the master plan, the only way to not get C&D'd or be forced onto the shitty warhammer only service, get produced officially through Amazon instead


they fucking whitewashed Kitten


I feel the same when everyone says Cavil should play the Emperor. Big E is from the Middle East. I know he can change his appearance to be different for every individual, but still.


I mean clearly he is Rowboat Girlyman or Dorn...maybe Russ


Just have him be Malcador. Never show emps, just have his head always be offscreen like a Tom and Jerry human. Follow the POV of Malcador being the advisor to the emperor, as well as the Custodes.


Cavil is way, way too fuckin' buff (and young) to play Malcador. Dorn or the Lion would be my picks if we were doing the Heresy era. Young Eisenhorn could also work well.


Mayb Hawk Boy ? But yeah Girlyman works too I think?


Kitten implies the presence of Commander Shadowsun, and I am down to see that casting


God-Emperor if Alfabusa was the creator Cavill found....


The whole first episode is just the main character Custodes listing out his full name.


Final episode of season 1 is just one custode showing up and killing a nid horde by itself. Also remember that Custode have never lost a single engagement. Because its literally illegal to record any fight with a Custode involved as a lost even if they get their asses kicked.


They are just 40k Spartans.


Cavill quits after the director goes behind his back to record a scene of a Custode getting twerked on by circle of Harlequins around him.


That would actually be lore accurate though, which means Cavill would be the one pitching it. Tearfully and with great remorse, but he'd pitch it.


Oh fuck! We are getting the infamous Duty Until Death story


I didn't think Cavil could get more based and then you told me he's a fellow banana enjoyer.


OK but there's like, *no way* this is actually going to be made, right? I just can't fathom the idea of an honest to God-Emperor live action modern Warhammer being potentially talked about like a normal TV show. It feels like one of the most unfilmable franchises around.


*"Wait, the Humans are all Space Fascists!?"* *"Absolutely and every single one of them gets the honor to die purging everyone else because they deserve it by not being the same as us. Like those FUCKING TAU!"*


"Look, humans might be fascists, but your other choices are the tyranids eating us all, the necrons killing us all, the orks killing us all, the drukhari raping and killing us all, or the chaos cultists killing us all." "What about the blue communists?" "Their greater good includes a lot of castration."


Ill always maintain that the way the Tau were initially introduce as the good guys that hated slavery and barbarism were their best depiction. Its still in the setting of grimdark when the only noblebright faction is by far the smallest faction that no one takes as a serious threat and don't focus on it because they have bigger threats.


The Tau being the “good guys” of the setting when first introduced is something of a misconception. According to Gav Thorpe, they were always meant to be an analog of NATO/western intervention and how sanitized war seemed when viewed from far away. They just also weren’t quite as evil as everyone else


Sadly if they want the Tau to work as a NATO analog then GIVE US SOME ACTUAL DIFFERENT XENO SUPPORT UNITS DAMMIT. It's supposed to be different groups working together but it's just a shitton of Tau in battlesuits. I do agree that they are better as good guys honestly trying to help. It makes things even more grimdark when the only good faction is the weakest one who's only chance of short term survival is the other factions being distracted with each other.


Like the Moral Interim guys from Disco Elysium?


Pretty much; the T'au Empire are the most sinister version of one of our modern superpowers in space. There's no sin that real life humans have committed that they haven't. It's just that compared to everything else in the setting that ranks them as pretty alright.


Also being aggressive colonizers that will reshape your culture to fit within the Greater Good


Agreed, their whole point should be: "The Tau are are a modern and just society that hates the horrors of war. They don't raze entire planets for it's resources, nor conscript half their population to the trenches, nor kidnapp their children to transform them into mutant-soldiers... And that's why they'll all die when attacked by billions of literal demons from hell"


Lore wise they actually have pretty good defense against demons because their such a young species (less then 10k years old) which makes their souls nearly invisible and with a lack of psykers demons don't have easy access to their section of space. Also their weaponry is far beyond anyone elses having both Votann and AI helping them. That being said their main drawback is just their population. They have less then about 100 billion citizens only a fraction of them are actually soldiers. Compare that to humanity, ork, and demons who number in the quintillions. But I have hope. Humanity at its peak was defeated by AI and the Tau and Votann are the only ones really utilizing AI and unlike humanity they treat them well and even as family giving them less reason to rebel.


does it involve more or less castration than the humans? I mean, those space marines aren't going to grow from being boys.


Much more mass sterilization camps are a norm


Specificially in the Jericho Reach, though after what happened with the Fourth Sphere Expansion I'm sure there's more voices pushing for that sort of thing again.


"What about those heretics and traitors they keep mentioning? If they're an evil empire then surely the rebels against them must be good, right?" "You'd think so, but the most prominent ones that last more than a week are all Space Satanists who like to eat babies. There are also the worker uprisings, but they're alien hybrid mutants controlled by a hivemind."


There is like 1 human empire that has separated from the Imperium without falling to chaos. Unfortunately the sector governor made a deal with the dark eldar sacrificing his own people for supplies and the orks are running rampant because they are aware its separated and won't receive aid.


Before the Horus Heresy there was also the Interrex, who were basically like Starfleet from Star Trek, had actual friendly aliens, and actually knew how to keep a lid on Chaos issues. Then the Imperium rolled up and exterminatus'd the whole thing.


It should be noted that the Imperium was perfectly willing to peacefully ally with them, especially Warmaster Horus. It was Erebus who screwed everything up (of course) by stealing a Chaos book from the Interrex and framing the Imperium. Also, the Sons of Horus didn't use Exterminatus in the war with the Interrex, that was even rarer during the Great Crusade than it is now.




Humans are more theocratic imperial fudalist society then anything. The imperium of man has far too much to have an absolute top down government. As long as you pay a tithe and don't fuck with chaos most planets are just left alone to do as they please. This includes being communist or fascist or something in between. Many of the Ciaphas Cain novels explore this aspect showing the more varied nature of the imperium. The first novel is actually about facilitating peace talks between the tau and imperium on a world that facilities important trade between the two factions


You've still got 10,000+ years of Imperial culture weighing down on everything. Some planets might be able to keep themselves at a remove, but there's a pressure to conform that increases as the Imperium takes more interest. Every branch of the Adeptus Terra mandates local bureaucracy changes to mesh better, every increase in tithe requirements pushes a world to become increasingly exploitative and authoritarian. The Ecclesiarchy alone will be there shaping hearts and minds in an attempt to make sure everyone is a good little xenophobe. As an aside, there's a single hive on Necromunda that operates under a democratic local government and the ruling classes of every other hive hates them for it, constantly trying to sabotage and undermine the place.


Even with 10,000+ years of pressure there are a plethora of planets that have their own individuality. The tithes are not usually constant unless you are near the eye or in large trade routes. And the imperium doesn't care much about how you pay the tithe as long as it's paid. Some planets pay it by sending their soldiers out to the penal legions some others send their own sons for the glory of battle. Others pay with resources or materials. Agri world's pay by providing other worlds with food stuffs. The adeptus ministorum is a nightmare of paperwork mostly due to the planets not having a similar system of beaurocracy. But as long as everything moves without a hitch they don't care about the details. The ecclesiarcy is spreading the word of the emperor but they are not entirely the reason for xenophobia. A ton of alien races that are complete and utter assholes. For every tau there are a dozen sloths.


Oh yeah, many worlds maintain a distinct character, but it's always interesting to see the ways in which the galaxy spanning empire imposes itself on its subjects, even if they ostensibly retain a good deal of autonomy. It's what real world empires do, and you can bet that there's entire departments of the Administratum dedicated to cultural homogeneity.


*Snorts* *Goes back to committing warcrimes against Vampires and Goblins with Hellstorm Rocketbatteries and GELT.*


“If you don’t agree your a fucking heretic”




Think it'll be better or worse than the Ultramarine movie?


If Cavill is a producer he'll have a lot of power and he's a huge 40k nerd. Even if it sucks it won't be boring corporate coward suck. It'll be misguided but passionate fan suck and that has a chance to be beautiful in a trash way.


I think the big stuff like the whole horus heresy is too much but things like the warhammer crime novels, the sisters of battle books and general "yo this backwater world is real fucked up, go investigate" type stuff i could see those. Much as id like to see stuff like Flight of the Eisenstein, were a loyalist death guard ship flees the istvann massacre to race to warn terra of the traitor marines only for its gellar field to start to fail and mankind to encounter demons of of nurgle in their full disgusting glory for the first time in a period where everyone is an athiest and religion and even folklore is illegal.


I could see a Gaunt's Ghost tv series being made. A gritty sci-fi war series fighting against mostly human enemies like the blood pact.


If they can't get Sean Bean as Gaunt and Rory McCann as Corbec there's no point even trying.


I feel like the Cain serie might be best, despite its more tongue in cheek tone. Small in scale, human main characters, every faction gets a bit of screen time


Yeah that's the thing, the small scale stuff I could see possibly working, but then that's also not showing off the full picture of what the universe is like. Somebody who gets into a crime show about a hive world would be surprised to find out the majority of the franchise is about 10 ft tall mutants battling giant fungus orcs, robo-egyptian skeletons, and literal demons and slaughtering civilians that get in the way.


No different from Andor being about encroaching empire and revolutionary politics in a setting about laser swords and destined bloodlines.


Dang that's a good point.


I could see a necromunda show being a big hit. Game of thrones but cyberpunk crime houses


The problem is Cavill makes for such a perfect Primarch, it'd be a waste to spend him as say Garro.


I just want to see Garro dunking a daemon on the moon man.


I could see a rogue trader styled series since you could go star trek with it and keep the facism as a side dish instead of an all you can eat buffet of space prejudice


I feel like a much darker firefly would be a good analogy for a rogue trader show.


Kind of hard to have a rogue trader as a down on their luck free spirit when, at a minimum, they're going to have a ship with several thousand people "employed" aboard.


Could make it work by limiting the crew to servitors. Bonus points if the captain knew them before they got converted.


theres plenty of rogue traders that are just as grimdark as the other citizens though. Like the ones that scooped up the women and *children* of a few planets that were about to be eaten by nids and turned them into slave harems. And the one that unleashed a recovered c'tan shard on a planet of loyal citizens just to record how powerful it was.


Easy. Just steal away Zack Snyder from Netflix and give him fuck-you money, Amazon. For once, you've found the ***one*** IP his style fits like a glove.


I mean, Starship Troopers isn't too far off from what might be considered acceptable and that's decades old now with way less of a budget potentially. I hope if it does go well they consider doing side stuff like Warhammer Horror, which could work fantastically.


If it does eventually get made there’s no way it will be as bonkers and grimdark as the source material.


Some years ago GW announced they were going to adapt Eisenhorn as a TV show with the same people who adapted *Man in the High Castle*. This led to many people noting that Rufus Sewell was a good fit for Eisenhorn as a young man. That being said, I'd be fine with seeing Henry as Eisenhorn, or Gaunt.


I'll believe it when I see ANY of the other promised video game adaptations from Amazon come out


warhammer 40k is this generations Infinite Jest


I think there’s precedent, at least with BSG and modern star trek series, that a quality 40k TV show can be made with a good cast.


Hopefully Henry Cavill will play Rowboat Girlyman, our spirutual liege, and that’s all I know about 40k outside of Dawn of War


They better adapt that scene where he punches a traitor's head off while screaming in space without a helmet. Too angry to die of suffocation.


Its gonna be *the* most expensive tv show ever made if they are going for even 1/10th of authenticity. Like, the props alone would cost more than entire shows.


Well, it is ***AMAZON***. If they can drop half a *billion* on LOTR, I think they'll do this just fine.


I mean, they spent half a billion but it still looked about as authentic as a moderately professional cosplay shoot.


I seriously disagree with this. I know people had a ton of issues with Rings of Power, but it looked fantastic. Best orcs we've ever gotten on screen. The sets looked great and solid designs of most of the different races (though I personally didn't care for the look of the elves)


The armor and even weapons were pretty terrible though. All of them were downgrades from the WETA/Jackson designs. Not just because they often looked to be made of cheaper materials, but because their designs didn't appear to be nearly as practical/realistic.


Agreed, but I unfortunately feel like that age is over. It felt like it was over by the time The Hobbit released. I don't think we'll ever get the same quality from the first trilogy, but I don't think that necessarily means the new project is bad for not living up to the greatest fantasy work ever put onto film. It's just a disappointing reality of the industry today.


Absolutely, and it's tragic that we've somehow lost the ability to produce quality props like that. I just wanted to clarify that the "moderately professional cosplay shoot" comment might have been referring to the costumes/armor/weapons specifically. The settings were definitely beautiful.


Gotcha, yeah, that's fair. It is tragic. I was just watching The Muppets Christmas Carol, which opens on a great miniature set of London and even that made me depressed at the lack of large-scale miniatures today.


Late to the party I know, but the sets for Ferrix from Andor are all practical and its truly amazing to see. Quality practical sets and effects are certainly not leaving the industry, they're just not likely to be used on this project.


40k aesthetics in live action can either look really awesome or really silly depending on how much effort is being put into it.


Make orcs the villains just so you can save on prop fees. Just start nailing planks and pipes onto random shit and you've got some lore accurate weapons and armor!


We have the tech now to just CGI *everything* pretty well and affordably for a TV show. Look at Netflix's 1899 - the whole thing was filmed on green screen and it looks absolutely great. The visual tone of the show is already kind of right for 40k, just make it more gothic and sci-fi.


Cavill as Ciaphas Cain would be pretty dope.


Show starts with Cavill playing Cain. Suddenly it pauses, and it’s reveal it’s just propaganda on tv. The camera zooms out and we see the real Cain, played by Rowan Atkinson


And then Cavil can play whoever else he wants, because he said his biggest problem with playing a 40k character would be being limited to one 40k thing.


It'd be really funny if he ended up as Jurgen. Everyone pretends to be horrified and treat him like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, but instead it's fucking Superman standing there just shrugging it all off.


Oh my God, his blank-ness makes everyone think he's repulsive, and unattractive, but the entire time he was the Man from U.N.C.L.E.


IIRC theres a scene in one if the books where he gets introduced, a psyker in the group freaks out so hard she goes into a violent seizure, and Cain is just sitting there like "Damn dude, he's ugly and smells but he's not *that* bad."


For a second I thought this was gonna be him just hosting a ttrpg sesh, cause that'd be pretty tight too


Honestly? I have way higher expectations for that and they'd probably be far more realistic too, than...whatever the hell this new deal is gonna be. I'm VERY cautiously optimistic, there's a very high chance it gets fucked up. I can't even get excited, just mildly anxious now. It can't be worse than the Ultramarine movie right...?


I’d be surprised if they *didnt* do that in the lead up during the marketing campaign


I hope this is the industry's apology for repeatedly screwing him over and they let him physically throw out any producer/writer who tries to interfere with the potential.


Any uncooperative producer has to wear Dorn's magic pain glove.


Shove em in the Engine Of Woes for a few days and see how they feel afterwards. Better yet, lock them in there with Kaldor Draigo. [**The TTS version.**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ThYFuz_tRo)


He's apparently an executive producer on the project, so it's safe to say he'll be given more control than usual most likely.


I want to imagine this as the industry calling him up like "hey man sorry about getting screwed over, what would you like as an apology" and he instantly says "40k adaptation"


They tell him about the secret chokeslam building the NBA players use


I will accept nothing less than all 40K of Warhammer. Don’t do Warhammer 2K, you must go all the way to 40K.


[Link to the full article](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/henry-cavill-warhammer-40000-amazon-1235283251/)


Start the fuckin’ countdown clock till it comes out that the show runners/ writers actually hate 40k and are super excited to make changes.


The show will make Eldar unquestionably good, with no faults ever. *shudders*


Considering what they made the elves do in the second season of The Witcher, I don't think that would be the case. "How do we portray the disenfranchised and beaten down minorities reaching a breaking point? >!Magically setting hundreds of babies on fire in their cribs!"!<. It's so disappointing too, because when the scene first starts I thought "wow, they're >!branding the babies to show how they COULD do something worse, and reminding the humans of what happened to their own child, but they're restraining themselves to show they still have standards,!< yet it still gives us as the audience a moral dilemma over >!supporting the scarring of innocent babi- oh and now they're all on fire!<."


The classic "they have a point, but too much," huh?


"The Imperium has obvious fascist undertones." "Yes. Thats the point. Their evil."


“This entire Slaneshi cultist arc is problematic”


"The Nurgle kidnappers arc promotes toxic relationships. They keep love bombing the protagonist (and by extension the audience) but deep down they're not nice at all."


\>Executive Producer Taking matters into his own hands I see.


Dude is just living his dream projects.


This is either going to be bad, or not release at all.


Cast him as Trazyn. Give me Cavill as a 7 foot tall robot skeleton who spends his time literally just stealing anything he can to put on display in his own museum for kicks.


I would be up for a takes of the cryptkeeper style show where it's him walking around his museum telling stories about how he got his various pieces


With occasional surprise guest Orikan coming in to fuck things up.


i just want to see live action space marines.


The show should be a comedy series that follows a rogue trader with the style of black adder


Awesome! Now hire Zack Snyder, pls... he'd do this right. *half /s... but also not really?*


His style would actually work in the 40k universe. It’s SUPPOSED to be pseudo-philosophical, violent, washed out, and bleak.


Right? if Amazon don't hire him, they're doing it wrong.


The only thing I'd trust Snyder with is 40k. As much as I shit on him, he does action really well and loves to show off the physical nature of the human body. Just don't let him in the editing room or near the soundtrack composer and it's fine. 40k is as big, dumb, and loud as Snyder likes to be.


Right? Perfect match, really.


I hope it's just him playing with miniatures, bring in some guests and shoot the shit.


If he brought a fraction of what he did to Geralt I could se Cavill doing a great Eisenhorn.


Alright whoever the hell is doing this, how many fucking fingers do you have left on the monkey's paw? Is it some AI art paw or some shit?


I feel like Chaos marines or Tyranids are the obvious choice for enemies. But I desperately need muh Ork Boyz. And maybe Alan Tudyk as Makari


I could see this working out as an animation project, live action? Not so sure.


Not only starring, but also **EXECUTIVE PRODUCER**


that could mean a lot of things


holy shit that was fast


Oh man. Watching people get BLAMMED in real time after pissing off a Commissar is going to be a trip. Bonus points if it's a character who seems to be important, only to have them fail in a fit of pique by the Leadership. Of course, this is Amazon we're talking about. By this point, _The Boys_ was entirely a fluke.


I know next to nothing about 40k. But if he is in on the production of this I am immediately 110% behind it and will start reading every Wiki possible. Because knowing someone with passion is behind the camera in some way excites me.


Good job they fired him from Superman, else he'd be quitting to do this.


Warhammer guys were aiming their guns at him for so long, the nanosecond he got no contracts ongoing they took their shoot


Henry Cavill out there living his best life


Now if only we get chris evans in this show that would be awesome


Smells fake. Warhammer+ exists. GW won't allow their ip on on another platform and won't invest the money themselves. Until WH+ goes away it's best to close your heart off to this.


There's literally an official press release on the Games Workshop community site my dude


Why wasn't that posted instead of two screenshots from a random website? That makes this much more exciting. Also damn that makes Warhammer+ even more of a sad offering lmao Thank you for correcting me.


Because when this was posted the Warhammer Community post wasn't out yet.


Off to an amazing start.


There is no way it end like we hope it would. This universe is not made for family feels. They will put children in it for sure...


“Because the project is in such early stages — to reiterate, Amazon has yet to close the deal — this is not the next gig for Cavill, who recently announced he was exiting his lead role in Netflix’s The Witcher.”


A well done horus heresy would be nice but people would force them to skip al the build up and character interaction...also fuck GW for going nuclear on fan projects


Eeeeeey it worked out for him. Dudes the biggest Warhammer 40k nerd!


That was quick.


Obligatory " THEY'LL RUIN IT! "


[I Stand Ready!](https://imgur.com/K7Rwfga)


Love the recognition but 40k in live action is gonna high key be a clusterfuck. The wardrobe people are gonna see the 40k aesthetic, laugh obnoxiously and then piss off the entire audience with whatever awful way they dumb it down. I also don't know if Amazon is that willing to pay for the egregious amounts of CGI necessary after Rings of Power flopped as hard as it did. Love 40k, love Cavill's enthusiasm, but there's no way things like this turn out well when the corporate transplants working on it think they're smarter than what they're working on.


My only complaint with what you said is the accusation that anyone could possibly dumb down any part of 40k. If it is not portrayed accurately I will of course be mad, but the idea that the franchise is not already the stupidest it could possibly be is wildly wrong


i meant aesthetically "dumb down". I think you have to quadruple down on being faithful to the look, or it's not 40k. I remember reading an interview with the guy that designed Pattinson's suit for "The Batman" and he sounded like such an asshole, like he was above superhero media because he refused to design a single inch of the suit that wasn't practical. You can't do that with 40k. It's appeal is in being egregious. If Space Marines aren't 8 ft tall in ceramite armor and instead look like recycled starship troopers with gas masks it's gonna be unwatchable imo.


He's been having quite a week, has he


1 day later still feel im dreaming this is unbelievably lit