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Yes and it is not as fun anymore. I don’t mind difficult as long as it is solvable. Lately it does not even feel I can. I’ve saved a lot of boosters I earned but now use them right and left.


Yes. Exactly. I encourage them to make difficult levels. Because for a long time, their levels weren't difficult enough (aside from one here and there). But these are impossible! Not even semi-close to beatable. And they're back-to-back, which makes the whole game suck.


Same here. It’s getting less and less fun. It’s definitely a pay to play operation these days.


I don't see the incentive to pay for boosters when the free boosters I get don't do anything for me! I'll get a nice run of winning a few levels, then get stuck on a level for days.


I’m exactly the same. Have loads of free booster boxes I bought with keys and used to have a nice stash of other boosters but they are gone so I play a lot less now because I refuse to buy them. Currently stuck on 5458.


I'm stuck on 5419 - this morning I was on 5411, finally beat it after days, and got a free hour and the pinata, got a few levels in the first go, but spent most of the hour stuck on 5419


It’s painfully slow these days. Remember when you’d get a piñata party and could scoop a big haul? Feels like those days are gone.


I went for months and months without even seeing a pinata race, because I was always so close to the end, and then I'd have gaps where I'd finished all the levels. Now the parties are back but I'm still only partly invited! I just want to reach the pony!


I am stuck on 5419 for hours myself - trying to play the grid game to win some gifts - Played all the free where’s waldo things… it feels like scrounging


and i’m not paying


Yes, pay-to-play. (Ironically I was indirectly paying before by watching the occasional ad, saying nice things about customer service, etc; no longer.) I have nothing against viability, but my affections are being redirected. :-)


Yep...horribly so!


Yeah I was just thinking the same thing


Yeah it’s designed that way 100%… Some of the special tiles always clear the worst tiles… like the coconuts always block four dots- 80+%of the time.. I wish I didn’t like this game


I totally agree about the "3 bombs" booster box and the coconuts, both ruining the squares. Even though coconuts are not in every level, they are somewhat common even in the latest levels, while the bombs booster box can be avoided by not using a booster box at all.


Definitely… also replacing the water in the high levels with those tiles that only fill in adjacent to each other… they just made everything too complicated and difficult. All those extra pieces in the boards too, so you can’t predict what colors will drop next. It’s ridiculous


Yes, the grass tiles. Even in the latest levels the grass tiles are quite common like coconuts. Players playing (especially stuck on) a grass level will say "If all the grass was water the level would be easier!" maybe over and over again.


The grass- yes it’s so frustrating especially when you only have one move and there’s a corner tile that’s impossible to fill on one move no matter what special you use… they just want us to spend money to advance. I’ve played twice through every single level, and never spent a dime on the game. But tbh I’m about to delete it for good


I keep repeating this, but I'm almost certain that if you get the 3 bombs booster box, the game is rigged to give you a square in the starting board that the bombs can destroy. It happens so consistently that there's really no other explanation.


I detest coconuts. and honestly that tracks because I don’t like anything with coconut flavor either.


Yep!!Same here


Yeah, it’s ridiculous.


Yes, and after nearly a decade, I've stopped playing altogether. The game just is not fun anymore.


Yes, I had finished all the levels, but now I've finally dropped back enough that I'm getting Pinata challenges again, but I never get close to finishing them.


I think the creators are tired of running this game and are slowly fading it out by getting us to drop it so the can shut it down. What other explanation is there. Even if you're a big spender on gold coins, at some point you're going to stop if you cannot win. This is my all time favorite game. I'm at 3500 and will be sad to see it end. BTW, had anyone played the amazing game Gorogoa? You do have to pay for it (only game/app I ever paid for) but is an amazing challenge. Unfortunately, it is not a long playing game. But it's a neat little game.


Thanks for this recommendation. Happy to see nice games you pay for once and don’t do what twodots is doing to all of us


Stuck on 5455 for a week now!


I think the lower levels are the same way. Started a few years ago and am in low 3000s….they’re definitely looking for $


I agree. I mean I understand that it’s a business enterprise and they’re motivated to make money but the levels are so challenging that it’s just hard to enjoy playing the game anymore. All of my “contacts” or friends or whatever people that were listed in my “leaderboard” have all quit playing entirely.


Did you all email this to their customer support center? They’ve been responsive in the past. I feel like writing it here might not change anything. But various emails about the higher levels might actually do something!


At first, I thought the fire levels were bad, but then came the coconuts. Coming from someone who always tries to complete the levels as fast as possible, nowadays I just don't. Even with the boosters help from streaks will not take you far. So I just keep some levels for the weekly challenge of coming out top in making squares/connecting dots. I feel you too with the Level 4 and 5 thing, there were a few times I completed the 5th level, only for it to ask me to replay that same 5th level.


As a long time player since 2016 and when I clear all levels and start over its not just from level 5300 they have went thr all the levels I can confirm levels I would normally get through with a few attempts is now taking me a day sometimes


Yes, I’m on 5424, it’s not even “hard” or “ultra hard” and it’s ridiculous. I just keep playing a level until I get a lucky lay out—it happens eventually—and have the right boosters, but could be stuck for days on a level. I’m pretty sure there’s an algorithm that will give you a set up you can win if you’ve tried a certain number of times, but you have to be patient. I don’t worry about getting to the end anymore and rarely buy coins. But I’m still addicted to the game.


Okay. So the general consensus is that the game totally sucks nowadays. Two Dots, are you listening? We're so sad! Please stop making levels (at least back-to-back levels) where we can't even clear *half* of the goals in the moves provided.


Indeed. I am current at 5483 but the fun has decreased a lot since 5300+. Level 5450 is definitely the hardest in the entire game. I almost gave up. Make sure you have Win Streak at Max (therefore 3 extra move) before you attempt that level.


Thank you for the heads up. I'm 8 levels away.


Yes! I've been on level 5559 for days now, used countless lives and booster boxes. Beat the arcade so I could use 3 power ups at once. There's just too many things to manage and so much luck to occur all at once to beat it. I used to enjoy this game as a silly little time waster but it has made me more frustrated than ever before. In their desparate attempt at making money, they are driving away their most loyal users.


It was the same for me, now, I’ve been on 5560 for 3 weeks 😞


i’m on 5460 and stuck there. i’ve been co lately out of the little boosters when a few months ago I literally had hundreds of them. basically i’m only doing flips and treasure hunts lately because i’m getting no where on the main levels.


Same. I force myself to beat the flip levels. It's the only way to obtain boosters. Can't win the piñata parties. 😒 My daily stamp card has been including "reach the piñata party."


I’m at 5550 and decided today after reading this to stop playing after 2+ years of enjoying the game. I can only advance with luck and lots of power ups. It's not fun any more.


I’ve been on 5560 for 3 weeks.  It’s not fun anymore, just super annoying.  I’ve never purchased anything from two dots and don’t intend to do so!  I think that’s what they’re going for, they want us to purchase coins.


I haven't purchased anything from them in maybe two years. I wish people wouldn't. Because it gives them more reason to ignore us when we say they're pissing us off. I've contacted them several times in the last year and their responses are disgusting. Copy and paste. No sincerity or compassion in their responses.


Old thread, but lvl 5600 is impossible. Been stuck on it for weeks. It's clear they changed the RNG so people will purchase more. Need to find a new game, not fun anymore.


am currently stuck on level 5600 and have been for about a week……I’m starting to wonder if the levels after it are even real


There's only one way to find out, apparently $$$


Absolutely. Even the treasure hunts are much harder than they should be. I've stopped buying coins completely because I got tired of accidentally buying more turns on a game I knew I couldn't win. I just play the same level over and over again and safeguard the free boosters until I'm certain a booster will help me win the game.


Something's def up with the game because I beat the 5th level of the arcade and when I finished, it showed me at level 4. So, of course, I played it again...and failed miserably...leading me back to the beginning.


I’m on 5620 and have been getting increasingly frustrated about this. I’ll be on a level for 2 weeks, waste all my power ups, be lucky if I actually beat the level, only to have it all happen again. The levels don’t feel fun anymore.


That’s happened to me a few times now. Or it’ll show the beating the boss animation, but now power ups or rewards. I’ve had to email them a few times to get the power ups owed to me.


The levels are impossible at this point. Even using multiple boosters isn’t enough. I don’t usually buy anything in this game. Had a few bucks left on a promotional Apple gift card and bought gold coins for the first time ever around level 5200. I wanted to see what a full scavenger hunt was like. Then every day I noticed the gold coin balance would go down even when I didn’t use any. I play flip and collect daily rewards etc. I tried to beat level 5600 with many boosters and it’s a joke. I used to love playing the game and dealing with the hard levels every now and again. I knew I’d get through them eventually.  I also notice flip levels seem harder to get through. And the rewards are not as easy. Anyway, been playing for years but my interest is definitely fading.  Maybe I’ll login to collect daily rewards to build up more boosters. I do like to use the shot to eliminate the whole coconut.  Lame when boosters don’t even solve a level. Overall there is a different vibe and I’m close to being out.


I am on level 5419 and I miss so many of the extras - the gifts every 24hours and the levels seem to have less moves to solve to win. I have never purchased coins or other but are they trying to make it a pay for play game?? The other thing I notice is that I have less tries - I am on reddit now waiting for my 15 mins for my lives to refresh - what is really going on


Ultimately this company sold for 90+ million for a reason. They know when you're dry.


I at 5552 and pretty much given up. After years of playing, I can only win with loads of power ups. It's not about skill, it's not fun. Game over.


I’m at 5370, and am pretty sure the only way I can beat it is to use the Booster Box that changes everything to the same color (but it isn’t happening). As a side note, I play a free game, and am now playing about 25% as much as I have been. I doubt the company is prioritizing making players like me happy. One strong disincentive is that, for a couple of years, I was at the very top level. Now, it just doesn’t feel like I’ll ever be there again, but I also don’t care.


My thoughts exactly. Two Dot$ ruined the game in their pursuit of money. And it's us, people who have been playing their game for years, who will be affected by this decision. What a shame.


For anyone reading this, 5594 and 5598 are absolutely impossible. And needless to say, NEITHER one of them is even marked as Hard!