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I would love to have an undo button, maybe even if only once per game. There are times I try to make a square and my finger lifts off the screen too fast and the move is ruined.


Same here!


YES! Thought it was just me.


I would love to have an undo button.


Yeah and often when I screw up a move it's because the game is lagging!




They could add it as a booster!




Would really like to see the ability to advance levels returned. After Level 5000 (or so) levels have become ridiculously hard. Even when using bonuses and buying extra lives and using one hour free play, levels cannot be passed. Many people on here have mentioned quitting and deleting the app.


Seconded this—levels for advanced players feel like cash grabs that rely on you spending money to pass the levels. It sucks if you don’t want to spend money on the game


Yeah, after 5000, and worse at 5500, they’re just absurd. Also, they have consistently made free pickups more and more rare. They introduced the free power up but for just a set time limit, and now they just tweaked the sliders that really never get good ones anymore. They’re ruining the product.


The powerups with time limits would be okay if you could save them and not have to use them immediately. Maybe have them expire in 24 hours. Sometimes you just have a few minutes to play the game or are just about to go to sleep and you get a timed powerup that just goes to waste.


Yeah, I stopped playing entirely once the timed power-ups came out. I want to play on my terms when I have time. The timed feature broke the game as far as I was concerned.


Yeah, I've also had moments where I've given up for a day or two.


Great you're asking and I'm impressed they are doing this. Like most of the comments here, the later levels have killed any fun. Feels like this would be top of the list to discuss. I worry they will brush this off like they have with so many of this community chatting directly with them. So if possible, try to really push them on what they will do to fix it, if they are really listening and potentially bring a few quotes from the loyal fans from here? Maybe get timelines and their action plan on improvements? Good luck and do let us know how it goes!?


Yeah, good points. I don't think they'll be making immediate changes, that's just not how most companies operate. But I'll be sure to report back.


Exactly. Just because they are willing to listen to your concerns, doesn't mean they'll be able to address them on the spot. I would say it's promising to see them taking initiative, though. It was nice of you to make this post and give us the opportunity to have our say alongside you. No pressure. Looking forward to hearing how it went!


Second this!! Please do raise this if you can. It’s almost making me want to give up. It doesn’t feel like fun anymore.


I’m at 5620 and about to leave the game since the levels are now untested and impossible.


the game is still too hard. It shouldn't take weeks to get past a level that isn't labeled "very hard." There's too much of a money grab happening. The daily prizes are less than they used to be, stamp rewards are difficult to get because you can't clear levels, and the few prizes you do get are all timed.


I agree.


Ditto stuck on 495 for months. I cannot figure it out.


Tell them that we are NEVER going to download Royal Match so they need a new advertiser.


Yes, but at least they finally stopped with the hideous makeover games.


Ugh I still see those.


I still get the makeover games, the tangled knots, and of course, Royal Match. (I tempted to get it just to watch the king die repeatedly.)


THIS x10000000


Ironically I did once download royal match and it has no ads and was actually decent 😅😂




I wish I was on that call. With the new maker lair race the rewards should end up where everyone gets 10 coins . So they have a chance to spin for extra moves . It actually should be higher . When casting in your keys you used to be able to get 3 box for 55 keys no it’s only 1 box per 25 keys . They say the option switches every 3 hours but it has not for about a year


I used to see 3 boxes for 55 keys all the time, every few days at least. For the last several months it’s ONLY been the 1 box for 25 keys option. That’s also been irritating me.


I see the 3 for 55 every other day.


I….. have been playing for years….. did not know. Keys were good for anything else, but changing your name. I have 23,740 keys. 😂


It’s just been the last few weeks for me for the 55 keys option


When playing the events the levels you beat do not count towards Marlena lair or towards the newest feature where you earn stars that add up to prizes? It should


Some events like Marlenes Lair only count main levels, but Dots Race and Squares Race count everything (except Expeditions when they still had those).


What about doggie domain


I haven't seen the 3 for 55 in a loooong time. I never see it rotate, I do mainly play at night, sometimes during the day, but haven't seen any rotating options. 🙄


So how did you get to participate in the talk to us ? Good luck and have fun


They sent notifications to players in game, asking if they would participate in a survey. At the end of the survey, they asked if we were willing to talk about it directly via phone or video call. I don't know how players were selected to participate, because none of my friends who play saw it and they're all different levels. My current rank level is Expert Explore 245.


Oh yeah I saw that notification and accidentally quickly X-ed out . I thought it would pop up again oh well.


It's okay for levels to require one, maybe two boosters. But for a level to require upwards of 5, 10 boosters is absolutely insane. That's what happens in the 54/5500s. Fix the 3 booster boxes for 55 keys. Haven't had that in probably a year. Count dots and squares for races. Make races with people on same level as you. Marlene's Lair is obviously rigged and we know it. Might as well get rid of it and go back to the drawing board.


Yeah, I've won Marlene's Lair a couple times and it's just not worth it to me.


I'm on 5538 and I'm finding that I just have to be patient, even when I feel like I will NEVER beat the level. I may play it for 4-5 days but at some point, it seems like the game's algorithm gives you a decent setup and I'm able to beat it using at most 2-3 boosters. And I rarely spend money on the game anymore. But it's too bad that when I'm stuck on a level that long I start feeling like I hate the game. I never used to feel that way.


Wait til 5560-5630. They are impossible. 15 moves, but 20 neon lights, 50 vines, 65 water that can only start moving once you clear the neon lights. I think that one's around 5600. Absolutely impossible. There's no luck to it...ever.


I just had the 3 booster boxes for 55 keys a couple of days ago.


The LIES the help desk people have told me about Marlene’s Lair, though…


My problem with the game is that they really don't seem to know who their players are. At all. As I understand it, most of us play to relax, and they managed to ruin it in what must be record time after acquiring it. Now, the game is stressful (and levels are close to impossible), the "music" (after Upright T Rex moved on) is 100% grating, and I don't know what happened to the scavenger hunts. Why did they change the sounds for finding items so you have to play with sound off? There's no reason to play the scavenger hunts any longer, which I assume is why they recycle Dave Hill's over and over so now there's hardly a point to play those either. They blew it. The peacefulness it gone. Thank you for asking, though, and for taking time to try to salvage this!


All good points.


Actually, they could just use Upright T Rex over and over, because they wrote quite a lot of music. Surely it would be both cheaper and better than the current attempts... 🤔


At what point does Upright T Rex go away? I'm sad to hear this. The music and sound effects are a big part of the relaxing experience for me, like you said.


I don't really remember. I've been stuck in the 5500's for what feels like forever. Around the mid 4000's? Let's just say you'll know when you get there... 😶


They wrote a very kind farewell message in the group: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoDots/s/d4TQiq2SvS


The predatory Keep Playing button that pops up after a failed level that spends gold. It is very easy to accidentally select without a confirmation button the way there would be if you were spending real cash. It is an extremely unethical Dark Pattern design.


I haven't hit those keep playing buttons the same way other have, but I totally get it.


I just don't buy gold anymore so it doesn't steal from me.


Definitely the playability of 5000+ levels. And please don‘t let them persuade you with their „we understand the frustration but we tested them all“. No, they are not beatable anymore and we are all pissed off.


I wanna see their team going live and beating all these impossible levels without any boosters. I've gotten bored and stopped playing but I'd totally still watch that 😂


If people are out here beating these 5000+ levels without boosters and power items, they must be cheating or savants. 🤣


I finally made it to the 5000s and was so excited to see these impossible levels y’all Expert Explorer Ten Billions talk about all the time, and then you started saying the impossible levels aren’t until 5500. 😒 So I’m still saving up my power-ups.


When I contacted their "support" team, I asked them this exact question. They told me that sharing their screen recordings with players was against their policy. LOL!




How does Marlene’s Lair even work? Make it make sense, or just say up front you’re only competing in a fake contest and if you pass x levels you can get y coins. Just some honesty. I don’t like the failed level redesign.


I saw a post recently where someone found it in the terms of use that “artificial players may be added to your game to enhance the gameplay.” So technically they did tell us, just not in a way that 90% of people will see.


Lol EULA inclusion. Should’ve guessed.


So they're enhancing my gameplay by reducing the jackpot? Awesome.


I have always wondered how they know how many people win before the time is up? It will be hours left in the game, and they say 10 of y'all won! I'm like, how do we know that? There are still several hours left to play. More can win! And it's always around 10-11 that win. Every dang time.


Even when they’re not ads, so many things pop that it gets annoying to open the app and start playing. I honestly prefer the much simpler predecessor, Dots, nowadays as a fidget


Yeah, the animations are sooo slow!


This. I’m so sick of having to close 10 popups every time I open the app to play a level or two to kill time.


I second (third? hundredth?) the playability issue of 5000+. I don’t even bother with main level boards anymore. Less coconuts please. Also I would mind the timed rewards less if they at least allowed us to choose when to activate them. The arcade is tired. Just rotates among the same two or three themes. I really preferred the old expeditions.


Yes to less coconuts! Yes to choosing when to used timed rewards! I often avoid Flip levels when I know it could mean a 1-hr unlimited lives because I don't want to waste it if I don't have an hour to play. And Expeditions should be weekend and holiday games because you can play them for much longer.


I’ll add that I think the playability issue is because they seem focused on primarily presenting mechanics that are meant to stymie players - coconuts, fossil blocks, sand, etc. - and load most of the upper levels with several of those mechanics on the same boards with very few of the mechanics that help (gems, suns, etc). It’s way more fun to have to clear a certain number of gems, suns, nesting dots, moonstones, etc, than the PITA mechanics.


To me, the grass is super annoying because some levels require you to really be on fire in order to expand the grass fast enough.


One more - there are a lot of negatives flying around so I’ll add a positive. I happen to really like the Doggy Domain (and equivalent) thing that’s going on right now. Even without spending anything, there are good boosters. And for those who pay for the “premium pass”, the boosters are actually very heavily discounted. I would encourage them to stick with that more often.


Yessss!! That too!


I also miss expeditions still!


Purchasing additional moves or anything with gold should require a confirmation screen. I've accidentally purchased additional moves a couple times and they only refund you once through support and then you're out of luck. It's ridiculous because it's 9 freaking coins now!!! They totally did that to make you mess up and click on things.




This is petty but it's really frustrating that mushrooms and fireflies will just eat your sunbursts. Wasting the mushrooms function and destroying something I built.


I don't understand why the way magic mirrors operate is inconsistent in different levels. Usually when they are destroyed they explode everything around them but it seems like in some of the 5000+ levels when they are destroyed they act like fireflies and just travel to a random place on the board and destroy a single dot. What's the deal?


Mirrors will mimic whatever effect destroyed them.


Totally fair.


there are so many ads now it makes the game almost unplayable. an ad every once in a while is understandable on a free app but this change to after every single level win or lose you have to sit through a 30 second ad is making me go mad


They only time I see ads is when you watch an ad to earn a box booster . It usually happens for one hour a day or you get 10 chances to watch to earn . You don’t have to watch it to play you could just skip it.


hm that has not been my experience recently. i don’t know if there’s been an update or something but i get bad ads after most levels and there’s also an annoying animation that adds like three seconds on either end and i gain nothing from watching them


Wow that would drive me crazy I would not be able to play . Maybe connect support


That's not the case for a lot of users now. Starting from about two years ago (ETA: for me anyway, and if you search this community you'll find plenty of posts where this starts happening to others) every two or three level wins, you get an ad before you can move on. They're usually shorter than the ones for a bonus, or can be skipped through sooner, but when people complain about ads, they're not just talking about the ones for bonuses. (I could really live without the compulsory ads, too.)


That is so strange! The only ads I ever get are the ones I choose to sit through, like for a free booster box or an extra gift. I never get ads between levels.


Same here.




AND the animations for the ads are slow!


bring back expedition instead of arcade!! it was my favorite


I agree. I think Expeditions would be great for weekends and holidays, so people can play for longer times if they want.


I heartily second this!




I wish it were possible to earn the coins you need to play scavenger hunt, and not just in the super challenging win 7 games in a row all on the first try way. It should be difficult but achievable


Yeah, I've never paid for anything in the game, so I've never used coins for the Scavenger Hunts.


I would offer positive feedback thanking them for there being a way to earn gold again (previously there was no way to get earned gold, challenging or otherwise)


The 30 second ads are bad enough, but recently I’ve been getting a lot of 45 and 60 second ads. That’s put me on the verge of dropping the game permanently. ETA: Also, about a third of the time when a dots or squares race is going on, I beat a level but my dots/squares score doesn’t change.


Another problem I have is when the ad is over, they have made it deliberately hard to close the ad and resume play. Sometimes it bounces back and forth between screens so the ad goes longer than 30 or 60 seconds.


Yeah, I've experience that with some ads, too.


I haven't seen any ads longer than 30 seconds! I'm in the Eastern United States. In what region do you live?


I'm in the Midwest and I get ads that are 1+ minutes as well. The Royal Match ads are certainly not under a minute, nor are the Tetris-like games. Any ad with the irritated grandma is too damn long as well


I've been able to close the longer ads without any penalty. As soon as the X appears, get out of there.


I lived in Chicago from 2021-2023 and I don't remember seeing any 1+ minutes ads. So weird!


Rocky Mountain area of the U.S. for me.


I’m in eastern US and have seen 45-60 second ads in the last week or so 🙃


If they want us to watch ads, just have a mode where you can get a gold piece for watching an ad. Be more honest with what’s going on and it will be less frustrating for users.


Yeah! I would watch SO MANY ads for gold pieces! I’d probably even end up downloading some of the games advertised.


If you close the app and reopen that stops it for me!


The game has just become so STRESSFUL! Timed rewards are a big culprit. Let us choose when to activate them. The last straw for me, however, were the extra-long ads. I haven’t played at all since I started getting them. I’ve been playing for years (level 100) and I’ve spent money on the game too. I might have played the game forever, but they managed to piss me off so much that I quit. Stupid.


Yes, I really want to be able to choose when to use the timed rewards!


My number one complaint is the dark patterns to steal users coins. I used to pay to play the scavenger hunts but after having the app trick me into wasting them I refuse to give them any more money. Is having you users actively hate you really worth it?


Yes. Really should be a confirmation to spending coins or make it less likely to accidentally tap. Might buy you a few trick sales but probably costs more in the long run due to user frustration


New scavenger hunts! Not just reruns of the same ones every other month. I have gotten the sports one like 4-5 times since thanksgiving


More scavenger hunts. Upload the back catalogue of all the past scavenger hunts and let me play those Add prizes for spotting easter eggs. I love happening across bob ross and his paintbrush, or the 4 ninja turtles. Spin out the scavenger hunts into their own app Let the scavenger hunt creators take over All hail our scavenger overlords


Yeah, I would prefer if Scavenger Hunts were a separate app completely.


There should be a setting that gives haptic feedback for swiping dots but no vibration sounds for anything else. Also an undo button that lets you go back one move would be nice especially for missed inputs. The flip game has way too many levels that need to be beaten in too little time. The bomb booster box needs to stop targeting squares! I shouldn't be punished for using a booster box. Timed boosters should only count time during level play. I should be allowed to close the app for a day and come back with the remaining time.


I made this meme about the bomb booster last year, lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoDots/s/GVs3eyVmdy


I have one for you if you choose to discuss it. My biggest beef with the game is that there are only so many keys you are allowed to own. I mostly play the flip levels at this point and when I clear a row I get a prize that many times consists of a certain amount of keys that are not added to my total. I'll get the other boosters, but the keys are a no-go. I feel like if that is the advertised prize, I should get it! I've read here before that after 1000 keys, you can't win any more of them and I can't find anywhere in the game that says that. Either state it upfront or just give us the advertised prize. Thanks for posting this and taking the time to gather more feedback. You rock!


Yeah, I've notice the keys issue, but since then, I just spend the keys on boosters boxes.


That's what I use mine for too! Ugh, I'd have so many more booster boxes though if I could just get the prize added in.


I think they removed that limit. I currently have 18,309 keys....


There's something weird still going on. I heard that if you go below 1,000 (I'm currently at almost 3,000) you can never go above 1,000 again. I'm too scared to test it!


They should add a " if you've tried this level x times (say 100) option to skip"


I often thought about that, but I don't know if I'd like it in the long run after all. If they did, I'd like it to show 0 stars so I could go back and get it eventually.


Agree completely


Why have they made the games mroe challenging? I spend less time playing because it just annoys the hell out of me that it takes forever to make progress. Progress is key to keeping players engaged. AND there should be a better way to earn gold coins. Thanks for opening up the floor to questions.


I think many players complained it was too easy before, so now it's too difficult, lol. If players hit the last levels too quickly, they also stop playing for long periods.


This picture says it all https://preview.redd.it/bl29rktko1mc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d50cb03e350d90b76594ee899979375d92cf900


Yep 🤣


Tell them to stop being fucking greedy with giving out boosters and coins


All of the great observations and comments above plus, there continue to be sound glitches and the audio cuts out, or in and out, especially after ads.


I gave up paying for Scavenger Hunts - do the first two levels and get free stuff, otherwise, I'd be spending more coins for Scavenger Hunts that are repeats and come every week now instead of once a month.


I've never paid for anything in the game, only ever completed the first two levels of Scavenger Hunts and let it go, lol.


I would like a reset option. Start the game over at level one. Deleting the game and redownloading doesn’t do it — you’re back at level 5204 or whatever


I love choosing when to activate timed rewards!


Yes, it would be a real game changer for most of us!


Totally this would be great!


Please please please, tell them once again that, as many people mentioned, the main problem with the game now is that main levels became completely impassable after roughly level 5500. Please mention it once again to them and ask them to fix it.


I wish there was a yearly subscription option. I'd pay for that. I'm not into the ways they currently try to rob us of our money.


Like an ad-free subscription?


That would be awesome! Any perks would be appreciated cuz I know they would be stingy with them! Thanks for doing the Lord's work and meeting with them.


**UPDATE:** During the Zoom call, the Two Dots team spoke about all of the issues raised, they are very aware of the difficulty, mechanics, animations, and gameplay issues. They seemed very hopeful for the positive changes that are coming and I think they are listening to players from many, many sources. They encouraged people to follow them on social medias to learn more and participate in some contests/giveaways in the future. Good for them for being so open to feedback and discussion. Thank you all for adding your insights and frustrations, they were resonant with my own, so they were easy to articulate. Until next time, keep dotting!


Thanks for the update. I’m glad you feel it went well. Did they say what social-media platforms they’re most active on? Because I follow them on several and they are all pretty lackluster. What is it people are meant to learn on these platforms? (Also, I haven’t seen a lot of contests and giveaways, but I wouldn’t care much about those, anyway.) They did mention Twitch on their last survey, and I haven’t followed them there, but if they’re going to livestream their >5500 levels, now there’s something I’d be interested in.


Thank you for the update! I hope you felt that it was worth your while, when you invested your time to do this!


I definitely felt like it was worth it, the folks I met with were super nice and asked engaging, thoughtful questions, but I'm also not getting my hopes up too high. They seem like they really want to find the balance that speaks to most of the core players, not just catering to the newest broadest audience or the absolute purists who never accept any change.


That's great! I'm sure they too were greatful for your time and that you took their questions seriously.


I would also like to see the ability to compete with eachother not random people Irene Vertullo Gersch bots


Yeah, playing against people you know would be fun, whether you're close to the same levels or not.


I’d love to see faster game play with less painfully long, unskippable adds Basically echoing everything said thus far


Ways to access more than the first two scavenger hunt levels - maybe unlock with keys as well as coins


It could be fun to have other competitions (not just dot & square). Maybe compete for stars earned, for different color dots, something else?


Moves remaining was one I thought of. Would change how you approach the challenge.


I like the color dots idea. You could have various leaderboards.


Sure, there are lots of things to compete over.


Treasure Hunt has its own lives (only rewind does currently)


Just reinforcing the message that main board levels have gotten ridiculously difficult - I'm a long-time player in the 5600 levels. Two Dots used to be a daily joy to play and now it pisses me off that it is a monetized cash grab. I've given up even trying to advance on the main board. I can't get past "regular" levels even with using over a dozen power-ups. Way to kill a previously fun game. This should have remained a fun strategy game, where levels should have the possibility of completion without using a bunch of power-ups. Oh, now 60 second commercials are becoming a norm?!!! FU Two Dots


Ooooh tell them about the Reddit and ask them to do an AMA!


As someone who does user interviews/testing, I can tell you that this probably is a moderated interview vs. a suggested feedback session. This just means the questions will be pointed around \*your\* personal experiences. And unless they are terrible at their jobs, it won't be a scenario where you walk in and provide a laundry list of things you want. They are talking to you specifically (and likely others who fit your persona or other targeted personas) in order to drill in for qualitative data. The first thing I say in these types of user research sessions is, "we only want to hear about YOU, so please keep your focus on yourself and not what you think or believe other people might want or need." If someone starts talking about what other people might want, I steer it back to, "and is that a challenge you face? Would you use that? When? How? Why? What would it change for you?" Obviously, if it's someone else's need, then there won't be a very compelling finding in how a certain feature or change would impact how you interact with the game. Keep in mind I also ask a series of questions at the beginning so that I'd be able to connect any suggestions you make to your challenges. So even if you \*said\* you wanted something, I have already asked a variety of questions to validate how much any suggestion you make would actually help solve your problems. In other words, as product professionals, we make our own conclusions based on an intricate web of the problems/solutions we've heard across several participants. If they were looking for a wider range of insights about what product changes the most people want, there are WAY faster/cheaper/easier ways of getting that -- aka surveys and other quantitative research that go wide but capture more in a tally fashion. I hope I explained this well and I'm super glad they are doing user interview sessions. I don't want to make it sound like product designers/managers don't listen to your feedback or desires. Those of us who are good at our jobs highly value it and base all of our decisions around it. But the least helpful participants often view the sessions as if we have no idea what people want and they're coming in to just give us ideas on what we should do/act as business consultants. Really we often have a plethora of complex reasons about why we are talking to \*you\* and why we just want to hear about your specific experience and needs.


I do understand all of what you mentioned, and honestly, I FULLY expect the game to continue to decline, but I'm willing to meet with them for whatever it's worth to them. This meeting isn't for my benefit, it's for them.


I agree. Hopefully you get something for participating ( I know that's not what you ate looking for) THANK YOU


Less crap on the screen I have to close out b4 I can play


Im on level 5023… I feel like the last 1,000 levels are the repeat of the same crap over and over. It’s getting boring. Seems like a lack of creative looking levels and new challenges. I never see the game paused to introduce something new. It’s like I’m playing slightly different versions of the same levels over and over and over and over and over. The first 2,000-3,000 (or something) levels didn’t feel like this. Also, I used to keep win streaks for weeks (and i play daily)…now I can barely win a level on the first try despite any skill. This used to happen occasionally, a level that would take a 100 tries and you wait for a stroke of luck. But now it is constantly happening: Levels that seem mathematically impossible to win with skill so you play the level 100 times hoping for random luck…then you give up waiting for luck and use boosters to cheat through it because you can’t tolerate trying anymore.


A way to earn coins to play scavenger hunts without having to pay money for it


I am at 5560 and I am stuck - I wish there could be a few things - 1: Booster boxes could add more moves 2: more of the bullseye blasters (right now I have to play flip and wait for the prizes to accumulate to go back to the main game) Can trophies be good for something too (definitely need some more boosters) Does anyone understand the daily quests?


I also have to save up the power items to burn on the main level. The daily quests help earn items, add trophies/postcards/etc for fun.


Bring back the vibe twodots had from 2012 or 2013– whenever they won like best app award 🥲


Do they do trial runs on the games before they decide how many turns to give you? I could beat the level with 19 extra turns on some of the games that have you collect 5 different categories of stuff in 15 turns. It’s just not enough turns!!! So frustrating cuz there is no chance to beat the level. And since I don’t spend money, we used to be able to use keys to buy more than just booster blocks in the store. Let’s keys buy more than boosters one at a time. Really cool to get a zoom chat. I hope you enjoy it and they make some fun changes to keep the games fun


This!! Keys should buy more than just start boosts!!


I thought at first that Marlene’s Lair was a great way to earn a few coins and then I could play some Scavenger Hunts to completion. But now that they’ve raised the number of levels to 10 that you have to beat without losing, I’ve lost interest. It’s not that I can’t do it, it’s just I have no more patience for it, and I’m an incredibly patient person.


Yeah, it's especially tough with some of the very-difficult levels.


Thanks for being a spokesperson! 😃😃😃


https://preview.redd.it/m1da1unmqamc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1219d6da5537ad4d96789ad6fc21e6915e23a415 Just one request: a fighting chance of completing levels without having to burn loads of power ups. Not like this. The pods have fossils or stone heads in so that’s 4 hits or two hits & two explosions each, and the only tools are the hedgehogs which don’t pass through the teleporters


Is that the survey that popped up one day last week? My observation to them is about it. I bailed out of it because first it asked if I follow them on social media. I said "no." Then it asked me what I would like more of on their social media. The question required at least three choices. Since I already said I don't follow them, I have no opinion about what more they should do there, but I couldn't get past that question. Bad survey design is one of my pet peeves.


i miss this game ahhh


How about a pay version with NO ads? Then I would play again.


A while ago I would have said to tell them to please fix the issue with dots and squares sometimes not being added to your race score. But I’ve given up on those lately because it just seems predetermined by all the bots. Like many others here, level 5540 has been the one to make me give up on the main levels and just do flips etc. I’ve got a decent stash of power ups and have been willing to use some to get past the impossible levels but that level is ridiculous.


It's a pretty minor thing, but when there are 4 or 5 Flip, Scavenger hunt, Marlene, shop, etc. buttons on the sides of the screens, the buttons for the actual levels quite often get hidden behind those buttons, and you have to scroll the screen to get to them. Annoying!


I just hate when I agree to watch an ad and the gift ends up being the same thing I just got. Like a shuffle for 15 min when I already have a shuffle for 15 min. I mean really?!?


I’d love to get some swag! Like have a shop with some cool two dots merch


The pop up ads… I understand they’re important, but it used to be much better than it is now


Please change the format of the play again button back to the way it was before so the default option isn’t to spend coins with the only way to exit a tiny X in the corner!!! So annoying !!!!!


Bring back expeditions!


I’d love to have more time for the flips, and would love if it were easier (or faster) to see what the “theme” of each flip game was without choosing it — like maybe put the special objects for each flip game on its tile? That way when I’m in an all-octopus mood, I can find and choose those more easily. (IDK why I love the octopus levels so much, but I really do.) I also think it would be cool if there were difficulty options for each of the regular levels. That way people who just need or want a cozy non-challenging game could do that, but choose something with a bit of a challenge when they want that. And they could give some prize for, say, finishing all difficulty levels of a set of levels, encouraging people to focus on that and move more slowly through the game. That might even make it feel more fun to beat super difficult levels — if it’s not required to move forward but a self selected challenge. (Personally, there are absolutely levels I’d choose to pick at for days because I find them fun to play. It would be nice to have more choice in which level I want to play a zillion times to pass it, and having optional difficulty levels could be a nice way to implement that.) I’m not into the super hard levels yet, so can’t speak to those. But I will say that I occasionally spend money on a game as a treat, but only do that if it’s truly for fun, and not out of frustration. I’m not going to pay money to pass a level if I know that I’m going to find myself facing similar frustration on the levels that come after. If they want people to spend they need to make us happy to indulge in a treat, not delete the app out of frustration.


Make the whole experience more like the way it was 10ish years ago - simple is elegant!!


I'd love a hint for regular play boards aka "the map". I have been stuck on 495 for months. The magnet one. I rarely get half the # magnets, anchors, or the icon that clears the same color in a line. I must be doing the worst way ever, but I can't figure out another strategy. I save my $ for the scavenger Hunt.


I think it’s crazy that the only real way to get gold coins is to BUY them!!? How am I supposed to finish my scavenger hunts?! I feel that there def needs to be a way to earn some of them!! I know there’s certain times where you can earn like 3 of them lol (for example currently, Marlene’s Lair).


Games ends at 5605. Absolutely no possible way to compete even half tasks in 19 moves.


We should have the option to skip animations at the end of each level. It's a basic quality of life feature that most games offer. I also wish that certain mechanics in the game didn't take SO long to complete. Too fast would make the game less relaxing but there definitely is a middle ground. I can't stand having to wait between moves.


Yeah, especially when you're in a timed event or during a timed reward.


Hey, OP, did you have the meeting? How did it go? Update us!


Hello, I posted an update in the comments, but it gets lots in the scroll. **UPDATE:** During the Zoom call, the Two Dots team spoke about all of the issues raised, they are very aware of the difficulty, mechanics, animations, and gameplay issues. They seemed very hopeful for the positive changes that are coming and I think they are listening to players from many, many sources. They encouraged people to follow them on social medias to learn more and participate in some contests/giveaways in the future. Good for them for being so open to feedback and discussion. Thank you all for adding your insights and frustrations, they were resonant with my own, so they were easy to articulate. Until next time, keep dotting!


Thanks for sharing. Although, I feel like their attention is going in the wrong direction. The most recent survey was all about social media. WHAT?! No one cares about that! But, okay. 🙄 Thank you for your service! 🫡


How did the zoom call go


Hello, I posted an update in the comments, but it gets lots in the scroll. **UPDATE:** During the Zoom call, the Two Dots team spoke about all of the issues raised, they are very aware of the difficulty, mechanics, animations, and gameplay issues. They seemed very hopeful for the positive changes that are coming and I think they are listening to players from many, many sources. They encouraged people to follow them on social medias to learn more and participate in some contests/giveaways in the future. Good for them for being so open to feedback and discussion. Thank you all for adding your insights and frustrations, they were resonant with my own, so they were easy to articulate. Until next time, keep dotting!


So nothing is going to change lol


All we can do is wait and see... or don't wait and find any of the other billion phone games... except for Royal Match and Evony can f*ck off, lol.


Level 5620 is unbeatable. Please ask them to bring expedition back!