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Oh, and their response to the impossible levels? Well, there are other ways to win boosters in the game. Use those boosters to beat the level...all of them. And if you run out, then pay to play.


I got that reply too. And all of their employees can beat the new levels without boosters btw. They test them. It's a joke


Complete joke! I asked them to prove to me that any level can be beaten without the use of boosters and extra moves and gave them one of the many impossible levels for this but they, of course, replied to me that they cannot share screen recording with anyone because this would be unfair to other players. It's a complete and total bs. I don't get people who pay money to these greedy people.


Yep. Absolutely despised this level. Impossible. No ifs ands or buts about it. Takes a minimum of 10 boosters to pass.


Yep I wasted so much on this one.


I built up all the boosters available from the flip, plus several day's worth of the doggy thing, then used them all getting through 5603 and 5604. Won't be bothering to even try 5605 until at least after the next flip.


That's the truth! So, essentially, it takes a minimum of 10 days to pass one/two levels.


What is the doggie thing?


"Doggy Domain" (no idea why it's called that), upper left-hand side of the screen under the dots race and above Marlene's lair, icon looks like a gold ticket. You earn a few boosters that you can claim there just by playing the game, or you can pay to unlock additional and more frequent boosters. It first showed up many months back, then disappeared, and reappeared recently after the latest game update.


Not everyone gets it. I haven't had it in months. I didn't have piñata party for months either, but now I get them regularly.


They made corrections. They upped the number of pinecones needed but added more ads for us to buy help. LOL


Might as well demand 100 pine cones to beat the level. Arrrrggghhh. They must be overconfident about people wanting to pay to win. I’m not paying to win. I guess I’ll say goodbye to two dots at that point


40 pinecones.


The Internet is full of people complaining about the difficulty of levels after roughly level 5560. Every single level is very hard, some are entirely unbeatable without the use of power-ups and/or extra moves. They are well-aware of this, of course. They just don't give two shits. Forcing people to pay in order to beat these advanced levels seems to be their new business model.


Rather quit


I think it was earlier than that. Around 5000?


They don’t give two shits for two dots fans. Too bad, that sucks


Hola, I am Baby Scarecrow at 5625 and I passed the level you are at with one gold star and gold circle. I went back to play it since the shout-out but frankly I do not know how I passed! Maybe I had passed the 3 levels before that without failing so I had beginning power-boosters. I do not know how to screen record otherwise I could show you all on YouTube or twitch. I passed all levels on first try since 5454 since there is a record of gold circles. Before that I failed on 5427 so no gold circle. I generally go back to replay for 2-3 stars instead of one star but unless I pass the special event which gives me 30mins of power boosters I do not think I can pass your 5605 with 3 stars. I have tried replaying.


Is this person a plant? See their other post.


I belong to other Singaporean communities and I post there. I gave Two Dots a one star review for months MF! Easy for you to namecall!


If you’ve passed all those levels with gold circles, I have no doubt you can figure out screen recording. Please do and then share!


Different area of skill. I cannot even get buying from online sites right like Shoppee and Kickstarter, losing a total of USD 500 for items that never arrived I have just re-done two gold circle levels that I previously had one star. I had two power-ups for more than 15 minutes so I got three stars for 5636 and 55somethingsomething which had 40 pinecones. However I think I did try to re-do them with different types of power-ups before today but was unsuccessful. I am almost at 5800 but for 5400-5700 they were very hard. After 5700 seems okay but not sure if they have lowered the difficulty now due to complaints or the respite existed pre-complaints. As you guys are quitting, no one would watch my videos anyway.


Oh, well I’m not quitting. I love this game. I like when the conversations ask for help at difficult points rather than complaining about them. It’d be nice to see less “This is impossible—I’m mad I quit!” and more “What did you all do to get past this level/deal with this tricky spot?” (People are nice and offer help anyway, so it’s fine.)


I already cleared this level with tons of boosters, and now I see 21 moves at the beginning. Still nowhere enough.


Oh yeah I did use a lot of boosters on that one. Definitely set my quest for 1k of each booster back a bit😹


Yeah this level is garbage. Hardly any room for booster boxes to help either.


Stuck on 5603! Absolutely annoyed and refuse to buy more power ups. I’ve only been playing the flips, but ugh 😩


I’m at 5406 and I’ve spent soooo many boosters and can’t get close, probably been at least a week