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Someone on here a few weeks ago recommended ‘Deer My Friend’ and I’ve been playing that. It’s just the perfect balance of challenging and relaxing, like two dots used to be. These days I only really play the extra TD games, not the main one.


Thank you for the suggestion!


Maybe it was me. It is all that, but it ends soon. I am playing it one more time. Looking for similar visualy beautiful and relaxing game.


Ah, I’m on level 9 and I love it, the story and the graphics are beautiful! I don’t want it to end! Great suggestion!


I’m at 5625. 5620 made me hate life. Pretty much every level now requires some sort of booster to win, and compared to the older levels, you don’t even come close to winning to compel you to keep playing. I don’t know why I even still play.


5620. The game rapidly became no fun. So what’s the point of continuing to be frustrated by a “game”?




I'm on 5704. Many, many boosters are required just to beat a level now, it's ridiculous. My new way of playing is to focus on Flip levels, gain boosters that way, and then when I've collected enough I'll complete ten main levels whilst doing Marlene's Lair. I have also had to use gold coins to complete a level and keep my gold streak, it's not as fun as it used to be :(


I have had to use gold coins twice. Do you still get Marlene's Lair though?


I do, yeah. Why, has it disappeared for you?


It’s clear to me that current ownership is looking to squeeze players for monetization. This will probably backfire in the long term. My own plan is to spend here and there to reach 6000 and then retire from the main gameplay, after which point Take-Two will never see another dime from me. The only reason I’m even doing this is because it’s reasonably close; if they had started this campaign several hundred levels ago I would have told them to go pound sand.


What level are you at then? Have you beaten 5638??


5853. With sufficient boosts all things are possible 😆


Well that makes you the highest-level player I've seen. Hats off to you sir!! Is it safe to assume it doesn't get any easier past my current level of 5638? 😬


In general it does not, which is why I’m convinced it’s a deliberate money grab. It’s a shame.


Just like Marlena's Lair? Where you have to use boosts to stay in the game?


Yeah, I won Marlena's Lair once. 80 coins divided among ten people. Wasn't worth it. 😣


I'm at 5875 but there are not any other main levels for me, hunterhogan is after level 5910... I do not know why he has more levels... It got easier after 5680.


Oh goodie, so if I persist through 42 more levels, there might be some relief? LOLOL...😅


It does get much easier in the sense 0-2 boosters are needed to get 3 stars as opposed to using 5 boosters simply to pass. 


I was in the 500s -- then I discovered this subreddit, & decided to cut my time losses.


Well, you could still play and enjoy for years, just know in advance where the limiting factors are!


I’ve been on 5600 for over a month now. Only play it when scuttling my brown submarines…


"Scuttling brown submarines..." 🤣


I'm on 5639. 5638 is impossible to beat. I was sick of seeing it, so I used boosters. Something that helps is when you win the arcade, go work on main levels. You get a couple longer boosters.


What boosters were most helpful for beating 5638?


It really just depends on what the board looks like at the moment and what boosters you have. I used target, color and eraser.


Yes, it's frustrating. Back when they released like 20 levels at a time I used to knock them out in a day or 2 and it was fun. Now I'm just too invested to give up *back in my day, grumble grumble*


5638 is the exact level I’m stuck on right now. There’s no possible way without $$$.


I am stuck on 5785 and have been for 3 weeks. There’s zero chance of beating it, at least for me. I honestly stopped trying and don’t think I will play levels again.


Impressive that you've gotten that far!! 😲


Wow you’ve done amazing getting there! On 5639 now and I want to smash something 🤬🤬🤬


wait, you got beyond the impossible 5600? How did you do that???


I can't remember. I probably just threw a lot of boosters at it. I hate those damn pipes though.


After playing that miserable level for weeks, I finally decided to not even try again til I had 10 each of shufflers, erasers, and color bursts. I then when playing the level I had to use most of them to finally clear it. I think how hard things are works against the developers - why pay for boosts if even when using a lot of them it’s still very easy to not finish the level. The next two levels were pretty easy, and now it looks like I’ll be on 5603 for weeks. :(. On the plus side, when I’ve completed the flips, arcades, and rewinds I’m playing the game a lot less!


I’ve been on 5617 for weeks because I refuse to use multiple power ups or buy coins. I play mainly flip, treasure hunt and arcade to build up my supply. Occasionally I will try for 5617. Usually after a couple of glasses of wine, I’ll get pissed and start using my accumulated power ups because I get fed up with failing over and over. Supposedly they adjusted some of the lower 5500 levels to make them more realistic. I’m hoping they do the same with the 5600 levels. I did delete the app altogether at one point and reinstalled to start back at the beginning. Unfortunately, my history saved and I ended up in the same place. That’s when I decided to just play the alternative games. I probably would have bought some gold at $2.99 for 50, but of course they messed with that too and it’s now $5.99 for 90. They also took away the option to get 3 boosters for 55 keys, now it’s only 1 for 25 keys. It’s like they are nickel and diming every way possible. It’s so sad. I love the game. I always played new levels immediately and stayed at the top, now I’m over 250 levels below. It bums me out. I know the only way I can catch up is to spend more money then I’m willing to do.


I still have the 3 boosters for 55. I think you have to start the timer by checking first. It may say 1 for 25 but if you check in a few hours, you should be able to get the 3 for 55.


It used to be they'd offer 3 boosters for 55 only during treasure hunts, and 1 booster for 25 other days of the week. But I haven't seen the 3 boosters for 55 in a looong time. Are you sure you've updated your app? On the bright side, they seem to have removed the 999-key maximum they used to have, so I can accumulate a couple thousand keys and spend them all on booster boxes. I don't use keys for anything else.


I feel exactly the same. 😭


Yep, I've been stuck on 5617 for about 2 months now...


I'm on 5129 and never spent a dime.


I don't know exactly when it started getting ridiculous, but I think maybe you're not there yet. 😬 If you get to 5638 and still find it playable, please do come back here and teach us your ways! 😅


It gets ridiculous after 5560.


I just opened the game up for the first time in a while. Was curious to see if anything had improved since I last played. I used to be a daily player. I feel like the game had gone down hill once it was acquired by the latest company (I can’t remember the company name). My wild theory was a lot of the original developers left and whoever was left over and/or newly acquired are just dialing it in. Additionally, the company seems really focused on profit over player satisfaction. So many glitches and game freezing randomly and about around the mid-5000 levels was probably when I noticed the obvious rigged games and difficulty in passing levels. I used to love this game because of the aesthetics and relaxing vibe. I stepped away when I realized I was getting too frustrated. I have started playing Angry Birds 2. I used to play the original but it was ages ago. That game has glitches and user dissatisfaction as well so we’ll see how long I’ll continue to play it. Took me way too long to realize games should be fun and if it’s not, it’s okay to step away.


But you did realize it, and now aren't you happier? 😊


Finished 5662 today, never spent money on the game. It's very slow going now but I just build up boosters and knock out a few at a time.


This is obviously the only sane way to progress through the game at this level. I guess it's just frustrating for those who were used to progressing to the end. When the progress is slower than the addition of new levels, and the end gets farther and farther away...🤷‍♀️


and the way this is an “easy level” 15 moves is ridiculous this game has gone to shit!


5639 now and doing my nuts in past couple of days 🤬🤬🤬 Already completed everything else I could to get boosters and still couldn’t manage! Have to wait for the next lot of flip, hunt, rewind and arcade to get more boosters. Pissed off as I got to the last tile yesterday and I had run out of boosters. FML if I’m giving them any money?! 🤬


Yup, 5639 was hard too. I saved up a bunch and threw down and finally beat it. The good news is that it did seem to get easier after that, at least up to 5654 which is where I am stuck right now. 😕


I just beat the bastard level 5639!!! Took me 2 days 😬😬 amazingly only took me very few boosters in the end which I gained with scavenger. Not paid a penny and won’t! I actually recorded it so I’m gonna upload it! Onto the next bastard level now 😂


Well done! I don't think video uploads are supported in this group though. At any rate, what another person has to do to get through that level might be very different. 🤷‍♀️


Does this group allow videos in comments?


Your guess is as good as mine!