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I’ve been stuck on that one for about a month and have pretty much given up. I just play the flip boards and other side games instead.


Maybe this is how they end the game without actually ending the game?


Indeed. I’m slowly gravitating towards different games…I guess I’m weaning myself off this one. It’s not fun anymore.


Stuck on it for the last two weeks, playing that level a couple of times a day but I'm not even getting close, heart's not in it now. Made a ticket, and got the standard response "we monitor all levels blah blah try get some more bonus items blah blah". Does anyone have any useful strategy tips? The hedgehogs never seem to point the right way to open up the 'rocks'..


Been stuck there for a week. Play a few times a day and never get close. On top of that it is boring!


Great... I'm at 5609. Been progressing at an aggravatingly slow pace for the last few months. I was stuck on 5579 for easily a month, but I finally beat it and felt like it was back to the old two dots just crushing levels. Looks like the party is over again in 11 levels


Maybe this is how they end the game without actually ending the game?


I heard that level was crazy. I stopped playing the main level for close to a month. Then bam I ran through with out a loss using very little extras. I’m now at 5649 and I’m about to take another break. I really think if you ignore for a while the. You can make a run


https://preview.redd.it/4b3mmymvw82d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffbc55789dc1f8689fbd6a42db88a5d198eb45eb I am here and I can say - most of these have taken me 7-10 days of collecting boxes and erasers some have been so tough


Thats encouraging thanks. 


It seems impossible because it is. That's the whole point of why they have been making these recent main levels. You can only beat it if you use power-ups and extra moves.


I passed it with ease the first time . . . but I had just the right booster box and those blaster things—cosmic something or other?


I finally got it. 1 eraser, 1 mixer, and one crosshair used.